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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1956)
Vagi 6 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAE Salem, Oregon", Monday, December 3, 1956 Democratic Leaders Head Reception Lineup rUcmo victory JJ Oregon Democrali thronged the Salem Armory Saturday night for a 910-a.plate victory dinner to rclebrale their victories In the November election. In the receiving line are Governor-elect I Thanksgiving Marks inner wcro being held at which "wo are drawing a blueprint towards get ting a belter Oregon." Pledges made during the campaign are being included in this blueprint, which, he said, would be imple mented by proper legislation, As a result of these conferences. the house of representatives is better organized right now than it has ever been in past years. He called on the Democrats to improve their organizations. "We must not view the 1958 cam paign as one which is two years away," Holmes said. "Rather, we should look upon it as being but two weeks away." "Nothing succeeds like success." Holmes said. "If we make this ad ministration a success the elections will take care of themselves. We must work for the benefit of the Republicans as well as the Demo crats. And we must remember that the Democratic party is the one party of all the people." With God's help we will do the job," he concluded. AH dinner speakers struck a serious note with the single excep tion ot longrcssman-clecl Charles Porter, who arose and looking at State Chairman Robert Boyer who was master of ceremonies, and at Holmes, he said: "Bob, Bob, my fellow big ihota ana voters. , The remainder of hli talk was In a light vein. A gold trophy was awarded to uscar Kendall, county chairman in Benton county, as the outstanding county chairman In tho state and a plaquo was handed to Howard Mor gan for his years of work as Demo cratic chairman which, Chairman Boyer said, wns the groundwork for tlio 1954 victory by Neubcrgor and tho 1956 Democrat c victory Just experienced. Robert Y. Thornton, attorney general, said Nov. 6 would be a historic day for Oregon Demo crats. "Tho 1957 legislature will be the test and the Democratic party will also be on the spot," Thornton said. "But so will the Republicans in tho legislature." Robert D. Holmes and Mrs, Holmes, at far left, Sen. Wayne Morse and Mrs. Morse (partially hidden) and Mrs. Richard Neuberger and Sen. Neuberger, at right. (Capital Journal Photo) ;700 Attend Event ' Held in Salem .; Armory ' By JAMES D. OLSON '' Capital Journal Writer V Thanksgiving and rejoicing piarked the statewide Democratic V victory dinner, attended by ap- proximately 700 men and women from all sections of the state, held ; at the Salem armory Saturday night. Leading successful Democratic candidates such as United States Senator Wayne Morse, Congresses-men-elect Charles Porter, . Fourth 1 Congressional district,' and Al Ml '' faian, second district, and Govern l. lor-elect Robert D. Holmes, thanked ?: their individual staffs, county com ' thitteemen and women and Demo , cratic workers in the grass roots. s Teamwork Cited i AU said that election of a Dcm ocratic governor in Oregon for the first time In 22 years, a Dcmo r cratic-controllcd house, first since . 1937, re-election of Morse, re-elcc- ; lion of Congrcsswoman Edith Green and wins by the two Dem- ;" ocratic congressmen, was all due '!. in teamwork on the part "of all .1 pemocratlc candidates. - . "Wo didn't have any Drlma don. 7 In this campaign," Sen. Morse declared. "Every candidate was " working in behalf ot the others, not i, lor himseit alone. U. S. Senator Richard L. Neu- 1 berger launched a boom for ;; Worse for a "position boyond the Senate of the United Mates, say Jng tho senior Oregon senator's 'l record qualifies him for tho first V or second spot on national Demo cratic ticket in i960. When an outburst of applause' f grcclcd that statement. Neuberger i said "Your enthusiasm is not alone. ; 1 mentioned the same things at ' meetings in the two largest cities ' In California and my statements ...... . ,.4 ...tit, h. , v reaction and enthusiasm as to 't night." Morse responded by declaring ' "The greatest treasure a man can : have Is a biased friend." 3' J Sees Further Victories 'J; j Out of tho 1956 victory, Morso ; aaid, tho Oregon Democrats would march on to further victories In .', 956, I960 and 1962. '.' "And 1 will work just as hard In these campaigns as I did in 1956," he said. 1' The victory being celebrated, he " (aid, was duo to the unified work of the party in Oregon, saying he .' had never witnessed such well- rounded organizations, both on the . state level and throughout the 36 - Munlinl nt ll.n etnlA . Prolonged applause greeted Gov .;' crnor-clect Holmes, the llnnl spenk- r on the evening program. After -. expressing his gratitude to nil who assisted him in the campaign, i Holmes pointed to a largo banner ; posted on the armory by the Nn- - tlonnl Guard nnd said 1 hope this ' great team will become the Ore -' ton National Guard'." ,. "We arc now the majority parly . -in fact," Holmes said, "and with that come- the responsibilities. '; .With humility wo accept this ! ' iponsibillly," ho said. Conferences Bring Held . . Holmes said that conferences v Vv, 1m m - rT t ,tM Commissioners' Court The following? 'Is the official nnhH. callon of the record of Claims before me narion uouniy commissioners Court for the October Term for 1956, with the amount allowed, bills con tlnued, etc., according to the records in we oince 01 me county Uierk. MlicelJaneoui Ralph D. Adams St Anna G. Adams, R-W. 1500.00: J. A. Son a J. Knn! hahn, R-W, 33.00; Portland General Electric Co., R-W, 100.00; Jerome C. Weigel & Dorothy P. Wefgel, R-W. 250.00: August Olfen. Adv. Pavmont Shop Property, 18,000.00; Union Title Ins. Co., Title Ins, do, 101.25; Ladd & Bush Salem Branch, U. S. Nat'l Bank of Portland, Withholding, 10. State Tax, 5.510.15; Public Employes neiremeni aa. aoc. sec. Kevolving Bd.. Soc. Sec. 3.S40.3O: Public P.m. ployes Retirement System, Retire ment, 4. 231. 14; State Industrial Ac cident Co., State Ind. Ace, 1,048.61: 113.75: Oregon State Tax Com mi union United Fund, United Fund, 8.00; H. L. Fisher, R-W, 25.00. Salary Paid Marion County I Employers H. F. Domoffalln 301. 32 T.n Oiiks. nel 364.51: Dalbert Jensen 2f5b.06: David A. Terbell 284.99; Henry Jung, tirth 111.64; J. L. Sievrmund 271.5?: Richard . Nicholson 278.57; Harvey r ruiiKum ii.a; r ran 1 . aione JUa.' Ida Ba 1 lie 226.58: Anhl Mnnn 245.09; Helen M. Danskey 207.62; Nancy T. Wilson 196.44; Dorothy Do mogalla 175.60; Barbara Snyder 228.- 7i; paui k. raves 298,57; it. Hughes 335.10; B.. D. Peyton 370.46: R. Howard 237.02; Dan Poling 204.57; A. A. Richards 331,40; L. M. John ston 204.25; Wallace S. Wharton 348.- 92; Muriel L. Pugh 202.80; H. C. Mittson 422.15; A. M. Roethlln 303- 62; M. Reznicsek 195 66: O. Hughes 23.69; H. P. Haley 232.06; G. Barry 1U3.13; Anna Tasto 185.30; E. Taves iw.ll; D. Gulned 109.08; H. Kleihcee 227.86; D. M. Chance 226.1,5 W. Glfford 220.70; F. Cummings 204.59; M. Oldenburg 224.60; Rex Hartley 390.55; Roy J, Rice 398.90: E. L. Rouen 404.18: M. Reznicsek 80.00: Joy B. LeCompte 220.01; T. O. Rick man 349.70; Ed. Booth 107.40; Ed. Kortzeborn .201.40: Richard Hoooer. 202.39; Jack Goldade 206.86; D. J. Jacobe 232.26; C. E. Walt man 202.39: R. L. Balr 196.43; A. Scott 162.12; Heinz Laetach 212.35: Cecil Johnson 78.00; M. J. Morrison 85.51; Ruth Hutchfns 183.98: Mnrie Sebem 181.68; Maggie La cher 166.98; Ruth Hickman 69.35; Kenneth E. Brown 103.62; Jo seph P. Meier 87.60; Thomas W. Hansen 395.70: George N. Gross 70. 00; Ddrls DeVall 224.60; Tina Thomas 166.66: E. O. Stadter 539.93: L. Beat 202.06: B. Anderson 208.82: N. Beck- ley 219.72; D. Pearson 196.30; Earl Adams Jbz.7z: Jonn u. L,acev zi j.4U: Barbara L. Smith 209.34: W. J. Stone 728,20; I, G. Lcrmon 320.70; John Ketchum 319.80: F. R. Co em an 310.. 30; W. ' G. Hcllle 305.86; Be mice Yenrv 331.62: Etta Mac Detcrlne .kju.w; vioia cisenoacn xuxx-'m; cine Cole 205.03; Ruth Ingram 264.83; H. Maira Fissel 252.18; Marion Baker 242.14; Elizabeth Wilder 244.62; Erna Berstecher 250.90; Muriel Swerin gen 200.04: Helen Poujade 122.69; Marjorie Wills 232.57; Vera Wood 250.71; Ethel Lermon 200.22; Agnes Henderson 183.71; Eleanore Broxson 193.80; Shirley Miller 41.56; Phvllis Leeper 140.40; Joann Stupfel 145.98; Blanche Storcr 296.90; Nora Wood - T f 11 1 1 How much should v a prescription cost ?".....; 1 Sennlor Wayne Morse had a warm greeting for his campaign manager, Mrs. Jean Lewis, as she came through the reception line Saturday. Mrs. Morse Is at right. (Capital Journal Photo) This is a fair ques tion, and one we arc always glad to discuss. Obviously, prescrip tions vary in cost. The price is determined primarily by two factors: the cost of ingredients and the time in volved in compounding. Usually, when a prescription "seems a little high priced," the reason may be found in the cost of an important ingredient. But such products, because of remarkable curative qualities, may prove a real econ omy. The medicine costs a little more; the illness costs a great deal less. And, of course, when illness strikes, you seek a quick and certain recovery. CAPITAL DRUG STORE. 405 Stitt Street 617 ChemekeU WE GIVE &9C GREEN STAMPS 26.63; Wade Carter 252.20; Leslie R Chandler 294.64; Russell G. Day 244.30; Harold Fox 252.69; David Nel son 247.44; Harry Kocker 234.30; El len Good 192.99; Elsie M. Spencer ziia.ju; luavoenc a. mcuonaia; Ethel O. Penrod 103.20; Marvin A. Hutching 244.30; Martha T. Hutch in gs 39.00; Geo. F. Armstrong 36.40; Joseph L. Faulhaber 19.20; Quintin B. Est-ll 190.13; Harley R. DePeel 95.43; Faith CuUhall 46.60; H. Elch steadt 312.00; Adeline Eichsteadt 87.60; Cecil I. Oman 46.60; James Delores Myers 254.28; Phillip Galla- her 261.12: Divld G. Handv 251.12; Craig Dudley 254.93; John Talmadge Ashbaugh 345.T6; Kirk Mulder 263.28; 138.96: Billyette Conklin 208.10; Da vid W. Baker 318.61; Herman Wm. Lanke 381.96; Irene Johnson 230.03: Phyllis Zeh 194.57; Doris Kubier 181.20: Janet Bates 165.60: Marilyn Coin 89.90; Irma Moon 51.90; Joan Gramm 91 18: Gladys White 237.02; Agnes C. Booth 337.31; Betty J. Par rctt 283.75; Grace Letnm 285.00; George A. CI,' Us 345.94; Guy E. Wal droop 276.90;. Christine V. Morley 1 ivt.vo; nina n.. rooie 03.44; uioria Jackson 1BU.07; Denver young 406.34 A. I. Malstrom 287.44; Amos Shaw 312.08; B. R. Smith 208.27; Richard Bochringer 294.64; Frank J. Papen- fus 233.58: John Zabinski 264.64: Herman Doney 235.92; Roy Lamb 200.17; U. Everett Hansen 253.28; J. wauace uutzier 204.25: Ernest Clark, Jr. 262.74; James D. Painter inarv c. airaver iz.uu h. T. Evans 299.40;. Raymond Kleen i7.ia pnitiip Jtunncr 214. eo: vio- lette West 144.60; Marian Maas 211.47: Patricia Savaee 209.28: Dolores Monroe 198.59; Bemlece Har- lan; bianey nelson 211.47; a, Graham 408.90: Martha Jean Mnr. rison; Sandra M. Graham 103. 95; S. J. Butler 3J4.1R; Audrey H Ewing 233.13: Charlotte Walker 214. 20: Rideley C. Miller 344.87: Char- lene L. Fouat 182.70; J. K. Neufeldt; Aine jveuieiai ca.H; u. N. Gross 196.50: C. A, Lewis 68.39: John A . Anderson 547.48; Teho Kuenzi .ioz.iv; a, Ai. fresnHii; Dana waitx ivo.aa; m. a. ward 260.50; w. H. Barlow .33: A. A. Geer 73 55- Cora P. Geer 74.88; Opha M. Gray 29.25; Patricia Toler 24.96: Irving juuii&uu oiu.iu; iiaai, nan Jii.uu; Adriano Artlano 233.96; Delbert J. Balr 304.81; Jas, M. Carson 264.62; Elmer T. Ideen 162.55; . Don Spel brlnk 226.65: Robt. V. Stoons 2.12 an- Clifford Vohland 287.70; S. K. Ely .iu.uii rum Arncy zj.zh; raui fll, Cody 227.28; Wm. Duchateau 217.04; Arthur Thayer 250.60; Kenneth Watts zjy.ih; u. l.. itoss tjzzs; Albert L. Canoy 237.26; L. R. Cooper 239.67; Wilmer Dahlberg 255.05; Francis B. Hecht 214.64: Calvin L. Louthan 218. 86; Robt. Martin 227.02; A. B. Ros tad 219.88: Willie Tempi in 224.94; Jack Weeks 104.74; Ralph Wickham 199.04; Robt. O. Bye 308.76; Jas. A. Robl 303.40; Jesse R, Carter 234.42; Menno Dalke 209.22: Lloyd Jarman 219.32; Arnold L. Kirk 216.94; Leo McCalllster 237.28: Henrv RasmusRim 225.48; Tom Ritchey 213.65; Earl E. Shade 239.25; Erwin Viergutz 204.08; Wm. Naftzgcr 302.25: Martin Baugh- man 1u3.11; i;narue tans ua.ue; vir Bil R. Fahev 202.78: P. C. Hunt 225.64: Leo Kleczynski 242.70; Mclvin Monnier 221.57; Albert K. Wengcn roth 216.49; Frank Woelke 324.22; D. P. Scharf 303.40: Kenneth Adams 210.33: John Anderson Jr. 246.53; Leo A. Andreas 210.34; Ronald O. Bart ruff 292.55; O. D. Binegar 248.73; Lawrence E. Bochsler 233.27; Karl W. Busch 185.11; Richard L. Bye w. uierrv ibb.ib: bi 1 cozad 121.48: Lawrence Fahey 237.17; Wm. H, Fick 124.82: John E. f niev 233.98: Robt. Fossholm 85.78: Willmar Fnss. holm 236.69: Harvev M. Glrod 280.44 John A. Hampton 205.11; Clair Har vey 228.37; Roy Hatfield 212.31; Robt. Li. ninKie itn.ii: uick noover Z4a.2H: Kammler 229.21: Larrv R Kcppinger 57.19; Jas. B. Kuenzi 20.94; Laurel Lamb 247.54; Virgil Long 286.76; Arthur R. Mack 246.12; H. A. Martin 274.01: W. R. Massey 304.45; John McAllister 271.50; Ralph McAllister 280.47; Ray McCalllster iu.os; crnesi a. i'age 210.7a; Peterson 255.83: Larry G. Peterson 195.11; Jas. Riggi 260.34; Glenn Robertson 230.11; W. Sheeley 225,80; Kenneth Slyter 242.34; Robt. Smith 246.73; Earl D. Standley 209.53; Ted H. Stolle 269.70; Lloyd E. Taylor 260.30; Willis J. Thayer 222.76; A. M. Thels 249.13; Gary Tokstad 52.36; Virgil Watson 200.30; Hugh Webb 2R0.67; Sam Weese 203.73; Lile L. Wilt 240.60; Tony Woeike 281.19; Lo mon C, Wright 133.78; Walter P. Wulff 304.70: John Gianfagna 247.70; Earl Viesko 211.44; Tom Bowden Williams 264.27; K. Austin 233.02: 395.71; Frank L. Hersha 228.61: L. T. Gary Barker 46.40; Robert Irving Jr. 93 88; Emmett O. Welling 262.61 : Herbert n. iouen Ktt.u: neu Bochmer 263.28; Esley J. Moon 273. 26: Oscar Lindahl 244.54: Harry W. Snell 263.26; Mark J. McCarty 278.57; Harvey Thurlwell 235.77; Dwight C. Parsons 228.24; William W. Goodwin 227.70; Charles Rogers 246.98; Ra- mona R. Needham 217.44; Caroline , J. Smith tRRAR- Ardvs Bomke 119.59: Kenneth W. Hampton 262.20; Carl Alleman 264.66: Harley L-iDoy 9.60; Kay Chambers 6.24; Lois Kel lor-ff 13.08; Esther Ward 57.04: Lcston W. Howell 52.80: Donald M. Orange 96.00; Eleanor Fisher 24.00: W. H. Bell 168.00; Gale Chrlstenscn 19.20; A. F. Aymong 28.80; Edwin H. Shaw 90.00; Myrtle Evans 32.76; Dorothy H. French 150.37; Katherine M. Jel derks 141.29; Clarice Jud.son 92.12: Bette L. Olson 50.40; A. M. Roethlin 67.81; Naoma Rehfuss 107.65; Gladys White 7.57; W. H. Barlow 3.47. Miscellaneous Burroughs Corp.. Off Exp., 129.80' H. G. Chickerlne. Jr.. Off Exd.. 13.35: H. F. Domogalla, T.E., 65.84; Harvey franitum, i.t., 71.13: rrmen calcu lating Machine Co., Off Exp., 35.00; Frank T. Stone. T.E.. 10.60: Dav Terbell. T.E.. 32.41; Neil Boehmer, T.E.. 18.48: Bowers. Davis & Hoff man. Re-Aonr Share. 2.000.00: Co- burn cameras. Re-ADor Share. 2.44 William W. Goodwin, T.E., 9.45: Dal bert J .Jepsen, T.E., 6.44; R. P, Kennedy. Re-Annr Share. 135.00: Os car Lindahl. T.E.. 10.01; Kfarrhnnt calculators, inc.. Ke-Appr Share. uw, main v. um.aiiy, i.C4,, io.ot, Bsley J. Moon, T.E., 14.00: Richard w cnoison. t.e.. 20.021 Dwtirht c. mnuus, i.r,., is, ia; cnas. ttogers.; j. u siegmund, T.E, I Why Not! i PIANO COMFANT Open. Man. & Krl. Til 9 1 1280 Stale SI. rh. 25211 Lenin-Stalin Tomb Closed MOSCOW 1 - The Lenin-Stalin tomb In Moscow's Red Square was closed Monday without tnv mediate official explanation. A tourist official sold he had been informed the tomb would remain closed until mid-January. Ever since Nlklta Khrustichcv, first secretary of the Communist Parly, launched the de-Stalinizn- tion campaign last Feb. 20 there has been speculation outside Rus sia that Stalin's embalmed body eventually would be moved from the tomb. CLEAR LAKE (Special) Cub Scouts in Den 12, receiving awards at Ihe pack meeting were, Wolf badges, James Lnndrith, David Bair and Victor Wilder. Bear budge, Stephen Smith. mm IK5 i m m Pay Only $1.25 Per Wk. VACUUM CLEANER NO MONEY DOWN S&H GREEN SUMPS OPEN MON 1 F Rl NITE TILL 9 t. M. MUSTEK J65 N. COMMERCIAL It's a Whiz at Eveiything a car should do I t tums out that the 1957 Buick Is far more than just a brand-new automobile. It tums out that this new '57 Buick is winning the raves with a new kind of going and a new kind of stopping a new kind of handling and a new kind of road sureness a new kind of safety and a new kind of comfort We'll be specific. When you press the pedal of a new '57 Buick, the response is literally instant . . . Because tht high-torque power of a new 364-cuhic-inch V8 engine is delivered in the sjilit of a second through a new full-range Variable Fitch Dynaflow that's immediate in its oil smooth action. When you brake to a stop, you and the car stay on a level plane . . . Because an ingenious new hall-joint suspen sion In every '57 Buick virtually ends the down-in-front dip that cars have on sudden stops. When you take a turn or swing into an "S curve, you still hug the road like a streamliner on rails Because under you is a massive wide-frams new chassis that "nests" the whole car inches closer to the road with the lowest center of gravity in'Buick history yet with no change in road clearance. And when you sit in the deep comfort of thos soft wide seats, you can drive with the pleasant. ease of a clear conscience, without watching the speedometer , . . Because only in Buick today can you have an ingenious new Safety-Minder that acts as a warning sentinel for the miles-per-hour you preset for yourself. There are many othpr new things that make this gorgeous Buick a car of limitless wonders from the bigger and more rakish windshield that makes seeing more relieving, to the extra roominess that's so surprising in this beauty with the sports-car lowness. But there's nothing like a firsthand sampling to know how modern the newest thing on wheels really is. Come in today for your meeting with the newest Buick yet. Stv Advanced Variable ritrh Dynatliv ii the cmly Dyna flmr Buick biddi today. It tt standard tm Rflodmatter, Super and Century optional at modest extra cost on the Special. Safety-Minder standard tm Roadmaster, optional ether Series. Newest Buick Yet WHM MTTtt AUTOMOIIIB Alt tUM MIICI WIU IUIU) THUS - flfl JJ. VAJSDsira -So. 388 N. Cmmercial St. Salem, Ore.. T.E. 13.60; Harry W. Snell. T.E.. 17.57; Paul Taves. T.E.. 15.19: Harvev jtiuiiweii, x.c-., m. it; nerrjen n. Totten, T.E.. 16.94; Emmett O, Well- ing, i., iz,u; naney iiooy, 2.60; Golden Pheasant, Jury Meals,; ueo. a. jones, Atty Mire, 15. ou Underwood Corooration. Eauin.. 'Js 75: Mildred Warrick. nnnrtfr Pooa 10.00; Wallace S. Wharton, T.E.. 19.09; State DeDartment of Acricul. ture. Cherry Fly. 67.47: Duplicating Products. Inc.. Clerk O S . 5 37: Hav. en uapitai city printers, O.E., 8.25; Moore Business Forms, Sups., 82.84; National Assoc. of Co. Officials. O.E., 4.00; Leston W. Howell, Mile age, 7.42; Salem Medical Laborator ies, auiodhv. au.uu: Allies hunniv tin. Sups., 129.94; Bowen Bros., Repairs, 59.54; Bureau of Labor, Exp., 18.00; Doughton Hardware, Exp., 4.46; Elec tnu i-uru neoairs. iasuc an Co.. Exp.. 2.40: Portland Gas tc Co Co., Fuel. 40.88; Portland Read Lum ber Yard, Exp.. 21.52; Oliver Rick- man, n-xp.. 4.30: Kodda Paint Co. Exp.. 67.20; Roen Typewriter Ex- cnanee, uit sups., s.oo: Fred Smith Lumber Yard. Suns.. 4.05: Stettler Supply Co.. Exp.. 3.00; Va cuum tjieaner unnic, Jxp,, 3.85 Westinehouse Electric Corn.. Exd. 125.00; County Clerk's Offica Coos uoumy, invesugauon. 2.00; Dicta pnone corporation. Off Eauio.. 20.00: Thomas w. Hansen, T.E.. 2.38; Ruby o. nugnea, rvrpariera j-ees, id.UU; Remington Rand Inc.. O.E.. 11.42: Earl Adams, T.E., 242.49; Dr. George murseu, cxam-r eeDie Minaea, .aw; ruramauni tresi v.oniroi service, uar bage Dlsp., 25.00; John Schmid, do, 100.00; Sllverton Sanitary Service, do. 50.00; American Medical Assn., Off sups., 5.00; Anit-TuDcrcuiosis League of King Co., Off Sups., 2.00; Dr. W. G. Burrows, Psy Serv.. 25.00; Capi tal v.iiy iaunary. vector eoni.,; Dr. Marearet Dowell. Med Serv.. 15.00; Dr. Lucille Former, Med Serv., ia.uv; n. or. &i. niuuon uaroon uo Off Sups., 27.75; Hendrl Medical La boratory, Laboratory, 210.75; Dr, Keith Lusted. Piv lerv.. 12B.OO- Masonic Temple Assoc., Rent, 345.00; Merck. Sham & Dohma. Md. Sunn.. 12.80; Mill City Enterprise. Off Sups. o.w; Xi. nurr miuer uu, vector L.on trol, 25.92: Perry Morrell Motors, Trans., 5.80: Parke, Davis Ac Co., Med Sups.. 01.30; Physicians & Hos- puai auppiy jo., Mea sups., HI. IB; Qulnsenberry Pharmacies. Med. Suns 7.20; Dr. Ian D. MacDonald, Med aerv., s.uu saiem uimic. Med. serv. 41.66; Salem Memorial Hospital, X Rays Lab., 25.50; School Dlst No. 4, Off Suns.. 1.15: Blanch Storer. Tmnx. 56.35; Surplus Property Section, State Dept. of Finance, Vector Control Off Sups., 60.05; Taylor Instrument Com panies, on sups., 15.59; Weathers' uusis. vector control, 627.00; wyn- Kuuu'DiHir riming oervice, rrimmi 10.15; Lewis B. Shepherd. Indemnity 8.00: Dr. Morris Crothers. Insane fcxam, 7.50: ur. wm, crothers. sane Exam, 37.50; Dr. D. E. Di- Iaconi, Isane Exam, 60.00; Dr. E. H. Downs, do, 7.50; John W. Evans, do, 15.00; Dr. Arthur Fisher, do, 7.50; Dr. Roscoe Wilson, do, 7.50; Dr. Paul Wolfe, do, 7.50; Capitol Office Equip ment Co., Sups., 19.40; Dr. C. A. Eldriedge, Drs. Jail, 3.00: Dr. Arthur W. Frisch, Drs do, 20.00: Sanitary service 1,0. inc.. aanuarv aerv.. j.uu: Stevens Equipment Co., Rnpalrs, 8.00; Austin W. Elvers, Herd Inspec tion, 169.00; John M. Hanrahan, do, 67.75: E. L. Henkel. do. 47.25: Glen E. Schwenke, do, 265.00; Denver Young, jaii tia 01 prisoners. i,4;t.9o; Marvin A. Hutchlns, Rent OE-Jeffer- son Justice (Jt. 44.45: uonaid m. Oranee. Rent-Mt. AnsM Justice Ct. 40.00; Quintin B. Estcll, Rent Off Exn-5iiverton Justice Ct. 43.72: W. H. Bell. Rent-Stavton Justice Ct. 30.00: John Becker, Rent-Woodburn Justice ct. as.ou; ii. tiicnsteaat, uti Exp, do, 7.15; Cecil I. Omans, TE-Woodburn constanie, x.7e; ur. James H. Ah- baush. Trans-Juvenile. 30.00: Dr. Crothers, Dpn ten tion-Juvenile, 26.00; v.raix uuaiey, inns, ao, i nu lla Gal ahcr. do. do. S.50: W. T. Grant Co.. Cloth tc Suds -Detention. G. Dave Handv. Trans. Juv. i.tai ur, nutn ticns, psy serv-juv, 25.00; Mrs. W. J. Marsh, Detention Juv. 144.18: Meier & Frank Co.. do, Cloth & Sups. 8.39: Kirk Mulder. Trans-Juv. 1.00; Delores Myers, do. 11.00: The Ore con an. Suns A Fvn. juv, o.iu; 01 an catter motors, irans Juv. 7.50: Mrs. Charles Wvnnt Juv. Detention, 53.00; Catholic Services for nuaren. inc.. ct. Lorn utiuaren, li.B4: Chi dren'i Farm Home. rin. 40.00; Christie School, do, 24.20; Louise Home, do. 10.00; St. Mary's Home for Boys, do, 14.68; St. Rose Industrial School, do, 30.00; The Gill Comnanv. Off Snn 4, Equlp-Planning Comih, 12.00; Crafts man tress, ttcg & e,iec sups, 51.60; Dorothy H. French, Reg & Elec Exp, 2.59; Hayden's Capital Citv Printers, Reg & Elec Ballots, 2.032.20; H. C. Mattson, dn. Postage, 25.00; Portland Prinlinff House. Inc.. Rpp Jb f.i Sups & Exp. 24.39: American School and University, School Supts-Inserv ice, 4.M; Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, do, 21.50; Agnes C. Booth. School Supl TE. 41.72: Department of Elemen tary School, do Inservlce, 5 00: Georee A. Otitis, do TE. 4.4ft- r.mcL iemm. do TE, 3.22; The Mount An ei News, do TE. 152.50; Northern chool Sunnlv Co.. itn flff .t 9. Oregon Assoc. for Supervision and Curriculum Development, School Supt Inscrvice, 8.00; Bettv J. Parrett do TE, 6.30; Rex Putnam. SuDt SUte Dept of Education, School Supt-Off Exp, 30.00: The School Executive, do In sen-ice. 4.00: Guv E. Wnlrirmn a TE. 4.20: Ernest E. Clark, Sheriff Trans, 1.50: McEwan Photo Shop, do Sups 33.26: Motorola, do Radio, 1.414.50: The Pacific T1 t.i n ' do. 13.75: Amos O. Shaw, do Trans' 2 50:State of Oregon -Dept. of Motor Vehicle, te tmt. 82.00: Publishing Co.. Sups, 33.45: Gene Teagup Chevrolet. Trans-Sheriff, R8.10: 12th Street Body & Paint Shop do, 39.50; John Zablnskl, Sups, 96 Singcr Brothers Radio & TV. Suds Exp, 12.30: Rtdglcy C. Milter. TE. 19.11; J. K. Neufeldt, TE Sup. 153 37: Adolnhson s. Suds. 4 M- Th MiUM Co.. Suds. 1.094.40: Ahrenn Hrn nrt Control Fund. 12.00; Norbert Annen. do. 22 no; Earl C. Bear, do, 12 00; John Mickey, do. 110.00; George 01- en. do. 3000: Buck Matn tin 1 on- E. A. Ward, do TE, 108.43: Marlon County Sheriff. Spec Investg. 42 20- ; Lloyd L. Beutler. Fair Fund-corn how. 150 00: Hrnrtflelrt Tumh' rA do. Co Fair, 82.51; Mel Circle, do. Pigeon Club. 25.00; Henry's Photo, I do Co Fair, 12.00; A. A. Geer. do TE. I 7.77; Mayflower Milk Products, dol F.xp. 31.32; Clifford F. Orev, do. Keijer Grange. 100 00: Bancroft Whit. ney Co.. Law Libr. 28.00: Bender! Moss Company. Law Libr, 9 no; Cal- j nsnan company, 00. 15 00; Law. prs cooperative Publishing Co.. do. 7 50: Secretary of Stat An 11 jv West Pubhshinf Co., do. 178 50: Ad vance Supply Co. Inc.. Jail Ct Hou.e Mips. 9.10; D. G. Alklre. Saws, dis allowed. None. Geo. E. Allen Hard-' 1 are, o t.p, 3.35- American As. phalt. 6,161.65; John A, Anderson, TE-OS, 9 97: A. Andrea. Trana 4 00; Asburv 'Transportation. Oiling ll Cost. TIM Rillm, a, w...r Mic, 47.11; Bttzer Machinery Co, Rental-Repf, 891.08; A. T. Earnhardt. Misc, 825.05; Bearing Specialty Co.. Reps, 116.36; Joe Bookshnls, Oiling Oil Cost, 284.54; E. H. Burrell, Misc. 186.77; Albert L. Canoy, Trans, 14.00; Captal Auto Parts, Misc. 166.88; Capitol Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc., mlsc, 1,719.93, Capitol Concrete Block Co., Im, 80.73: Capital Drug Store, Med Sups, 120.23; Capitol Lumber Co., Const, 744.03; Capitol Tractor Sc Equipment Co., Misc. 581.33: Central Paving Co.. Imp, 849. 2!i; City of Snlem, Trans-Radio, 74.86; City Water Dept. Ct House Watet. 204.90; T. V. Clark, Misc. 242.50; Clarkson Union Oil atauon. Lias, iuo.ih; uo lumbia Eauip Co.. Reps. 274.29; Columbia Transport, Inc., Oiling Oil Cost, 69.26: Colyer Motor Sales Co., Misc, 255.27; The Commercial Book Store. SuDS-Equip-Exp-Mlsc. 977.84: Commercial Sand & Gravel Co., Gravel, 278.85: Contractors Equip Corp., Reps, 61.98: Cooke Stationery Co., Sups & Exp Re-appr, 30.32; Cox it Bryant, Rent, 25.00; C. H. Coyle, Rem, 30.00; G. A. Downs Glass Shop, Reps, 117.17; Eoff Electric Co., Exp, 95.16; Fcenaughtv Machinery, Reps, 87,71; Folring General Tire Service, Inc., Tires-Trans, 234.27; Freres Lum ber Co., Inc., Std & Btr Rough, 251.34: A. C. Gragg, Postmaster, Postage, 30.00: A. C. Gragg, Post master, do, 9.90: A. C. Haag & Co., Reps, 10.62; Halton Tractor Co., Misc. 35.43; Hamman Stage Lines, TE. 10.00; Hank's Parking Lot, Parking-Trans, 87.50: J. .F.. HaseJtine & Jo., Misc, 91.58: Hayden's Capital City Printers, Clerk-Sup. 149.50; How ard Cooper, Repts, 207.13; F. G. Hubert, Rent, 10.00: Industrial Sup ply Co. of Salem, Tiros, 67.06; Inter national Business Machines Corp. Re-Appr-Sups, 739.61; Interstate Tractor & Equip Co., Reps, 41.92; Johnson & Slewert. Printing. 147.20; Ira Jorgen sen Co. Reps, 19.76; Kay Typewriter Co., Re-Appr. OS, 52.00; T. L. Kuhn Co., Misc. 31.03; Loggers & Contrac tors Machinery Co., Reps, 471.75; Vir gil Long, Trans. 20.00; Lytle's Tir Mart, Tiros. 1,122.88; Master Servlc Stations, Inc., Tires-Trans, 443.20; Robert L. Mather, Rock, 1.80; H. C. Mattson, Petty Cash, 28.03; Dick Meyer Lumber Co., Canst, 54.51; Mill Supply Corp, Rep, 17.17; Vincent C. Neal Excavating Co., Imp 4.835.70; Needhamn, Sups, 493.31; Norris Walker Paint Mfg. Co., Exp, 1,3B1.47; Cecil G. Omans, TE Sup-Woodburn Const, 4.21; Oregon Gravel Co., Misc, 791.60; Oregon Physicians Serv ice. OPS. 1.144.33: Parific Intermoun- tain Express Co., Oiling Oil Cost. 145.7C; Pacific Power & Light Co., Power & Light. 1.00: Pacific Power St Lieht Co.. do. 2.94: Pacific Tel & Tele Co.. Tele. 1.104.32; Phtlippl Motor Co.. ReDS. 11.05: Phlllonl Tlra 6c Serve, Tires, 51.68; Pope and Tal bot, Inc.. Const, 1,523.90; Portland General Electric Co.. I. St P. The Premier Autoware Co.. Misc, 29.90; Pumilite Block & Supply Co., .xp repairs, sz.ia; j. h. Rlgdon, Rock. SI. 00: Robertson Ktirtz. G ravel, 138.50; Saffron Supply Co., Misc, 116.36; Salem Auto Parts Co., Misc, 11.83; Salem Black Top Paving Co., Paving, 439.77: Salem Concerts Pipe St Products Co., Misc, 439.47; Salem Diesel Service, Misc, 28.94; Salem General HosDital. Psv sarv. 42.50; Salem Hardware Co.. Off Supi & Exp, 2.05; Salem Laundry Co. Suds. 31.19: Salem Printinc S Blue Print, Inc., Sups & Exp, 46.61; Salem Sand & Gravel Co., Misc, jut.iw; aaiem tteei et supply co., Misc, 977.49; Salem Welding Supply Oxvcen. 17.08: Sears. Roebuck it Co.. Signs Equip 120.25; Senter Tool Service, Inc., Misc, 42.70; Shell Oil Co., Gas, Oil Lub, 7,993.05; Silver Eagle Co., Oiling Oil Cost, 69.52; Square Deal Lumber Yard, Reg it Elec-Signs, 502.60; Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Oil Trans, 207.45; The Standard Register Co., OE-Re Appr Non Share, 8IU.0I: Statesman Jour- nal Newspaper, Gen Adv Off Sups & Exp, 260.52; Stevenson Rock Prod uct Co.. Hud. 12.177.71: Miles Sulak. OM, 750.45; Lloyd E. Taylor, use of t-ar, a.uu; nap water Associated Oil Gas-Oil Trans. 2.827.0B: Stat Finance Co.. R-W. 1.00: TransDort Clearings, Reps-Re-Appr. Misc. 156l; Truck Salem & Service Co., Reps, 35.69; Union OU Co. of Calif. Oil Trans, 320.70; Unnih-Knapp TTlntlng Co., Off Sups, 441.50; Valley Concret Co., OM, 228.00; Valley Motor Com pany, Repairs Trans, 581.01; Valley Welding Supply Co., Welding Sup- 32.41; Viesko Sand & Gravel Crushed Rock-Oll City of Ger- waning aana Be urajrei ia.vd; warren nonn- vais. 779.81: Co.. do oil. 1.202.0 west, inc., OM, 30.30: west coast Powder Co.. Imo. BO. fin WkI Pnh. lishlng. Exp. 30.00; Western Union, Tele-Sheriff, School Supt, 5.90; J. E. Whelan. GM, 1,032.32; Willametts Va ev Transfer Co.. Rn. a nn- How ard R. Williams, Oiling Oil Cost. 302.38: Llle Wilt. Trans. 1Q (VI- Wnorfl bury it Company, General, 41.40: !. C. Wrisf osworth. Whntlanrl Frrv Reps, 84.80; Denver Young, Jail Sups Postage 28.92; Zellerbach Paper Co., OS, 126.89; Walter H. Zosel Co., Tires Trans. 606.88: A. A- P. Sanrf A- nm.r.1 Co., GM, 464.40; Statesman-Journal, OE, fl.85. Proceedings: Ortnhfr 1. 1lSfl Final hearing on Indemnity claim. Lewis B. Shepherd; Permit to haul logs, Dittard Thomas; Order for transfer from Gen. fund Emergency to Treas urers approp. Oct. 2, Agreement with State Highway Commission In re: portions of Pacific Highway. Oct. 3, Order by Court accepting work corn Dieted on Peace Struct nnri Cirri setting hearing on proposed Assess ments; Order by Court accepting work completed on Vista Ave. and Order setting hearing on proposed Assessments: Petition for Vjirntfcn nt portion of Belle Vista Court; Order for Engineer to examine Street in re: proposed vacation of portion of Belle Vista Court. Oct. 4, Permit to haul loffl. tnn A Tarannff Cvmn & Olsen, Jack Smith; Pipe line per mit, P. H. Hostetler; pole line per mit, Portland General Electric Co.; urear accepting vista Ave. as County Road 819; Order accepting Peacs Street as County road No. 8228. Oct. u, nai vi Runn Acres; tiias on Chevrolet. Oct. 8, Aff. of Pub. of Order for election In re: proposed formation of Kelzer Water District: Map showing FAS 102 approved by County Court. Oct. 10, Petition to find Kelzer Water District Illegal and void for several reasons; Order appoint- unty road No. tft mnt hnlM. ing Butler Const. Co.; Indemnity ?rim,.OITom Webb- nal hearing 10-31-56. Oct. 15, Pipe line permit. Vista Helshta Wntw rtut TAPmt tni underground conduit, Pacific Tele. St Tele. Co.; Permit to haul logs. Rob ert Rickard; Papers concerning an nexation to city of Salem as of Oct. ?,th; P.ct,18' p'Pe "no Permit. Salem Heights Water Dlst; Pipe line per- m!;i SharI5s , c' MorKn: Order es tablishing Keizer Water District. OcL 18, Call for Bids. Crushed Ilnclr M. tprials Mobile Radio Equipment; Pole line permits (2) Portland Gen. Elec. Co.; Permit to haul logs, Keency Logging Co.. Wm. R. Keenev, David Strickland. Oct in nrH.r transfer of funds from Gen. fund to Juvenile Dept. Oct. 23, Sheriff's cor rectton dped. Oct. 25. Permit to haul loss, nenry Kieisen; Beer license, Benjamin Hirashl: O P n.rl to v.. nciu nnu Virginia mi to Irving V. Hedges; Q.C. Deed to Martin and Mary Schlles: Orrior to empty ballot boxes; Permit to Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. for buried cable: Hearing set on proposed vacation of portion of Belle Vista Court; Pipe line permit. City of Woodburn; Beer license. Frederick G. Hubert. Oct. 26. Order establishing polling places for the General Ieftfnn- I lit nr dltional Judges and Clerks of elec tion. Oct. 29, Permit to hold 1 dance, Keizer Volunteer Fire Dept.; Beer license, Oscar and Bessie Auer; Or der certifying to Assessor the amount of assessments on Vista Ave., and Peace St. Oct. 30. Permit to haul logs, Bill Blckett, Gerold Wetherell, a. ainiDnar, uiarence H. West, Riley R. Smith, James LathroD. Mel. in wouer; iransier Uraer, Mocking Bird Addition. Plat of LEG A Li NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that have been iDootnted hv th cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon. Probata Department, as with the will annexed ol the estate of DOLLIE GAMBLE, deceased, and ave qualified as such administrator 1th the Will nnpvH All ntnnni having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly crmra. 10 me ai 411 pioneer Trust BU din. Slm rtr.ann In lii County, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 28th day of November, JIM HATFIELD. Administrator with the Will Anncxrd of the Estate of DOLL1E GAMBLE, deceased. RRl'CE W. win.tAva OTTO R. SKOPIL. JR. KEITH D. EVANS 411 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon. DJ,10TJU1.