- , T , e3 SsSPB - WORK ON GREENS SHOW SALEM Garden club members have planned their annual Christmas greens show for December 12 and 13 at Izaak Walton League club house. Working on one of the ornamental trees above are, left to right: Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, general chairman; Mrs. A. R. Tartar, club president; and Mrs. Clifford Taylor. Tea on Sunday Salem Federated Music Teachers are present ing their eighth annual Christmas musicale and tea on Sunday, from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Oregon State School for the Blind. The musicale is pre lented in three separate programs, with tea served at intermission. Students to be presented on the program are as follows: At two o'clock, Ann Haworth, Jacquiline Graber, Jean Haworth, Michele Wyatt, Janice Akerson, Robert Colton, Elaine Standish, Karen Lee, Barbara Mickenham, Patricia Stevenson, Roger Hughes, Crescendo club. At 3 o'clock: Joan Wasson, Patricia Aman, Evelyn Lowen, Linda Howe, Cathy Huntley, Karen Guidingcr, Carol Ann Carson, Richard McKiliop, Judith Seamster, Cecilians choir. At 4 o'clock: String choir with Diane Miller, aoloist, Carol Ann Stebner, Rosemary Myers, Sondra Kuper, Don Taylor, Carol George, Ann Lenhart, Nancy Calburn, Sue Zwicker, Joanne Cul bertson, Encore club madrigal singers. Counsellors are Wallace Graham, Nettie Lar son, Mrs. Victor Palmason, Lois P. Schmidt, Fred erick Wilson, Rozella Traviss, Doris G. Hale, Mrs. James Francis, Jean Hobson Rich, Feme Craven, Margaret Hogg, Genevieve Mickenham, Lorene Roberts, Marjorie Chumbley, Dalbcrt Jepscn, Mrs. Adeline Bradtl, Stanley Butler, Joseph Brye, Eliz abeth Jepsen, Ruth Robinson, Victor Palmason, Alice Arnold, Irene Byers, Lucille Wyatt, Shirley Etzell, Mrs. C. C. Gilbert, Miss Rulh Bedford. "Christmas Time" will be the theme of the meeting o( Woman's guild of the First Congrega tional church Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the May flower room of the church. Mrs. Hjalmar Anderson will conduct the devo tions. The program will be presented by Mrs. Charles Weeber, guest speaker, who has chosen "Lo, Christmas Is Near" as her subject. Circle 3 v.ith Mrs. E. A. Carleton as leader, will be the hostess group. The holiday theme will be carried out in decorations of the room and in the refreshments. Hi-Y Mothers club will meet for dessert at 11:45 a.m. at the YMCA next Tuesday. Charles Schmidt will be the guest speaker, tolinp of the new method of grading preparatory to college. Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United Spanish War Veterans, will meet in the Oregon room of Meier k Frank's-Salem store for dessert and social aft ernoon next Friday at 1:30 p.m. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Nina Thome and Mrs. Gertrude Wilson. Dr. G. Herbert Smith, president of Willamette university, spoke to members of Town and Gown Thursday, at the meeting in the Carrier room of the First Methodist church. His topic was "Our University and Problems Facing Colleges and Uni versities in General." For the musical program, the Willamette singers sang several madrigals and folk songs, and the Willamette choir presented Several numbers. Mrs. A. Freeman Holmer, president of the group, presented a committee for selecting Chr.st mas gifts for Lausanne hall. The committee in cludes Mrs. Howard Runkel, Mrs. Fred B. Keeler and Mrs. Virgil Hume. Invitations were read to the Mozart Requiem at Willamette university, next Wednesday, and to the tea to be given by the girls at Lausanne hall on Sunday, December 16. For the tea hour, the table was decorated with I holly green cloth and centered with a milk glass cpergne arranged with holly, and flanked by white candles in holders. Arrangements of holly and greens were about the rooms. Mrs. George Alexander and Mrs. Robert D. Gregg were tea chairmen. Assisting on the tea committee were Mrs. Homer Goulet, Mrs. Keith Powell Miss Kate Dickson. Mrs. Bryan Goode nough. Mrs. Earl T. Andresen, Mrs. Walter Keyes, Mrs. R. L. Porter, Mrs. J. J. Foster. Bazaars, Benefits, Greens Shows on Calendar . . . (JeEten-Miller studio picture) , HR1STMAS meeting for Salem Garden club will be next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Salem Woman's club house. Miss Edith Schryver will have charge of the program on carols, readings, legends and skits pertaining to the Christmas season. Following the program, Mrs. A. R. Tartar will conduct the busi ness meeting. Final plans from heads of all committees and the general chairman for the club's Christmas Greens Show will be given at this time. Mrs. How ard Hunsaker is general chairman for the show, set for December 12 and 13 at Izaak Walton league club house. Mrs. John Graham is to set the "table of the month." Mrs. J. J. Foster and Mrs. Frank Test will have charge of arrangements for compe tition. Mrs. Clifford Taylor is chairman of the tea commitlee, Mrs. Roy Smith as co-hostess. In charge of decorations will be Mrs. Edward Majek and her committee. Members will make their own taole arrange ments for Christmas at the class conducted by Mrs. Estill L. Brunk at 10 o'clock. Each member is to bring her jwn materials, cones, leaves, trim mings, bowls, etc. For the corsage class, the corsages for the greens show will be assembled. Materials will be furnished by Mrs. Charles Cole and Mrs. Bryan Goodcnough who conduct the class. Betilah Faber Wesleyan Service guild of the First Methodist church will meet for dinner and Christmas party in the Fellowsh'p room of the church next Wednesday at 7 p.m. Reservations may be made with Miss Shartell, 36492. Friendship night will be observed by Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Tuesday, at the Masonic temple. St. Mary's chapter, Corvallis; Barzallai chapter, Albany: Ada chapter. Independ ence: Euclid chapter, Jefferson; and Naomi chap ter, Dallas, have been invited. Initiatory work will be put on and refreshments will be served. American Gold Star Mothers will meet for busi ness session Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Mrs. Fred Birch, new presi dent, will conduct the meeting. Plans will be made for the Christmas holidays at the Veterans hospital. Special Events for YWCA Cook Book "Y's Cookin' " newest edition of the Salem YWCA's cook book, goes on sale next Wednesday. The booklet was compiled under the direction of Mrs. Francis E. Albada and Mrs. Douglas Cham bers, and Includes tested recipes from a large group of Salem women. Featuring the presentation of the cook book to the public will be the event set for next Wednes day afternoon between 3.30 and 5:30 m Meier k Frank's-Salem Oregon room. Decorated tables will be set up for such occa sions as luncheon, buffet, breakfast, coflee party, punch party, formal dinner and also n tea 'art. Displayed also with the cook books will be dishes prepared by authors of some of the recipes. Setting the tobies will be Mcsdamcs 0 F. Chambers. Kenneth Sherman. Scott Samscl, Rob ert Spracue. R. D. Blatchlord. Chester Loo. Stew art Johnson, H. G. Maison, Bjarne Ericksen, M. H. Sajfron and James Armpriest. Dishes from the cook book lo be displayed al the holiday trimmed tables will be the toflow -ig: Sour cream twists. Mrs. Thomas W. Churchill; spicy molasses muffins. Mrs. Ralph Ycater: prune bread. Mrs. Robert M. Fischer. Jr.; Martha's company casserole. Mrs. A. W. Loucks: yum .urn pineapple salad and dressing, Mrs. Marie S. Stick ney: tomato soup salad. Mrs. Robert E. Corey; devil's food cake, Mrs. Thomas D. Pomeroy, Jr.; Spanish bun cake, Miss Peggy Ann Hoffman; apri cot bread, Mrs. Ted Jenny; candied grapefruit peel. Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert: orange rolls, Mrs. Harmon Harvey; cheese ball, Mrs. Forrest Bod WORKING on plans tor a tea table setting are the three Garden club members above, left to right: Mrs. George Glisar, Mrs. Roy Smith 'and Mrs. Kerby Johnson. Many "new and different" features will mark the show this year, report the group arranging for the event. Christmas Colors Feature Wedding A bride this morning at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church was Miss Anita Bernadette Blecha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Blecha, who was wed to Stanley Dvorak, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dvorak. The wedding ceremony was at 11 o'clock, the Rev. John Reedy officiating. Arrangements of white chrysanthemums, ferns and holly decorated the church. The wedding mu sic was presented by Wayne Meuscry, organist, and Duanc Heubergcr, soloist. Altar boys were James Burke and Vincent Woods. The bride was escorted to the altar by her fa ther. She woro a beautiful princess style dress fash ioned with Chantilly lace bodice, long sleeves and Sabrina neckline, outlined with pearls and sequins. The empire waistline had a fold of peau de sole, forming a bow in back, with streamers extending to the end of the skirt. The bouffant skirt of peau de soie featured unpressed pleats, and terminated to a chapel length train. The headpiece of peau de soie was trimmed with lace and seed pearls and held the fingertip length veil. The bride's bouquet was of American Beauty roses, stirroundei by white net. Preceding the bride to the altar were six at tendants, five of them being her sisters. Miss Di anne Blecha was honor attendant, Miss Patricia Blecha and Miss Kay Lindsey were bridesmaids and Miss Carolyn Blecha, Miss Teresa Blecha and Miss Dolores Blecha were junior bridesmaids. They all wore identical white brocaded satin Unitarian Women's Alliance is sponsoring a Christmas gift bazaar next Saturday, December 8. The event will be in Hcider's, 363 North High, starting at 10 a.m. Candles, aprons, baked foods of all kinds, orna ments, and many other articles will be on sale. Mrs. Robert Leonard and Mrs. Gordon Gilbert son arc heading the committee in charge. Jason Lee Wesleyan Service guild will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Paul Silke, 170 Hansen. Mrs. Otto Yunker is program chairman. Mrs. Richard Bell Is to play a medley of Christ mas numbers on the piano, and a girls sextette from Willamette university will sing. Mary Kcefer will read the story of the Black Madonna for the worship service. Hostesses will be Mrs. Gail Jones, Mrs. George Hulctt, Mrr. M. W. Ready, Mrs. Robert Klempcl. a No-host supper for Delta Zcta alumnae will be Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Charles H. Derthick with Mrs. Albert Depenbrock assist ing. 1 Capital unit. No. 9, American legion auxiliary, will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the Legion hall on South Commercial street. The group will elect delegates to the Marion County Council. v:r.:f'v:.. mer; penuche, Mrs. Brace Knapp: pear amber, Mrs. B. F. Williams; cashew tuna casserole. Mrs. George Rhoten: pizza pie, Mrs. Alfred Tom: opera creams, Mrs. Oscar H. Specht: sour crenm pic, Mrs. Harland Brock; lemon cheese tarts, Mrs. Mcr ritt Truax. The cook book is dedicated to Miss Gertrude Acheson, e- ecutive director of the YWCA for many years. The cook book will be on sole at the YWCA and at the following stores: I'cnney's, Scars and Roebuck, all Krickson markets. Stevens and Son, Center and South Commercial Safeway stores, Allen's Hardware company. F.dword Williams greeting card store, Meier's, Lipman's. Need ham's. Cooke's, Commercial Book store. Meier k Frank's-Salem. and a! Gavchaus In Silverton The committee working on the cook book has Included 'rs. Oscar I. Paulson, Mrs. Ralph Ven ter. Mrs. William Crothers, Mrs. Robert B. F.ber sole. Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mrs. Max Flohrer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gangware. Mrs. Wallace Gilchrist. Mrs. Gilbert Grotf. Mrs. Harmon Har vey. Mrs. M. F. McFarland, Mrs. Thomas D. Pomeroy, Jr., Mrs. Donald Richardson. Mrs Scott Samsel. Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs, Glen Weaver, Mrs. Wayne L. Weeks. A coflee Is planned for December 13 at the YWCA lo feature a talk by Mrs. Elmer O. Berg on foreign cookery. Cookies from the cook book will be served. The public Is invited, the coffee lo he between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Donald Rich ardson is chairman, STUDY TEA TABLE ARRANGEMENTS , sheath dresses, made princess style, with cummer bunds and gathered panels in back. Their head pieces and shoes matched their dresses. They car ried arches of holly centered with red carnations and streamers. Raymond Dvorak was best man for his brother. Groomsmen were John Caughell and Robert Ste vens, and ushers were Robert Joseph, Robert Lyons and Charles Slemmons. Mrs. Blecha chose a cinnamon brown cashmere wool suit with matching accessories and corsage of yellow rosebuds for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Dvorak attended the wedding in a two piece wedgewood blue crepo dress with winter white ac cesories and corsage of yellow rosebuds. Following the ceremony, a reception was given at the Knights of Columbus hall. The bride's table was covered with a white cloth, and decorated with white chrysanthemums, fern and holly. Individual tables were decorated with red candles circled with holly. Cutting tho bride's cake were Mrs. John Bochm and Mrs. Charles Dvorak, aunts of the bridegroom. Pouring were Miss Carol Taggart and Mrs. Vilas Royse and Mrs. C. J. Stupfcl. As sisting were Miss Ann Lcnningcr, Miss Dolores Riley and Mrs. John Wagers. When the couple left on a trip north, the bride was wearing a cocoa brown wool fitted suit, matching acccsorics and corsage of yellow or chids. After December 9, the couple will be at home in Eugene. Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae plan their monthly meeting Thursday, December 6, at 8 p.m. For their program the group will attend the opend house at the Flower Box to sec some demonstrations of floral arrangements. Aflcr the program, Mrs. Stanley Rolfsncss has invited the group In her home for refreshments. 1 , ,.-ft v,Vi' , , r i J!,'( t.,:-: i i t-ss-Mi ibm r i, -i t iiftiiia.s--' i ': ."';.;'! I ' 'kto..ir rg rSa L i . Li SAI.KYI YWCA'S newest edition of the cook hook "Y's Cookin' " la to be presenled to the public next week at special etenl Wednesday afternoon In Meier ft Frank's Salem store Oregon room. The three above are active In the cook book presentation, left lo tight: Mrs. Donald Richardson, chairman for the coffee planned on December 13 to feature the rook book; Mrs. Douglas Chambers and Mrs. Francis Albada, co-chairmen in the group compiling the cook book. (Jesten-Mlller studio picture) -) ALEM club, Daughters of the Nile, will meet Monday. Sewing will be at 10:30 a.m., C3 followed by luncheon at noon at the Ma sonic temple. Members are asked to bring canned goods for the Christmas basket, Mrs. Lawrence Anderson is chairman for the committee, and assisting her are Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, Mrs. Donald Freel, Mrs. Robert T. Boals, Mrs. Carl Soos, Mrs. Al Lightner, Mrs. Ed ward E. Boring. A tea hostess next Saturday, December 8, will be Mrs. Ercel W. Kay. The party will be given in honor of Mrs. Kay's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Kay (Shirley Scolt). Friends have been invited to the.Salcin Go)f club between 2 and i o'clock. Annual bazaar of Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will be next Thursday, December 6, at tho church, starting at 10 a.m. . Cafeteria luncheon will bo served between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., and a Swiss slcak dinner is to be served between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Cooked foods, aprons, linens, Christmas decora tions, decorated candles, novelties, doll clothes, toys, children's apparel and other items made by the church women will be on sale. Tea and cookies will be served all day, Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck in charge of the "tea gardens." Plants and bulbs may be purchased in the tea corner. Mrs. Merlin Estep. Jr., is general chairman for the bazaar, Mrs. P. A. Fugatc and Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins, co-chairmen. Mrs. John Carr and Mrs. Stewart Miner, co-chairmen, and Mrs. Preston Doughton are In charge of the luncheon and dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Van Clcvc arc in charge of decorating the dining room and the 12 booths. A nursery for small children will be maintained throughout the day. YWCA COOK BOOK TO BE FEATURED Alpha Chi Omega V Greens Show Set Interesting event for next weekend, Saturday and Sunday, December 8 and 9, will be the annual , , Christmas greens show staged by Alpha Chi ., Omega alumnae of Salem. , . ;., The benefit affair will be presented between 1 '. and 6 p.m. each day at the Floyd Scott home at ' '. 2665 Alvnrado Terrace, Candalaria Heights. All the things a family would do in going all '". out in Christmas decorations will be featured. The ",: lamp post at the front will be decked, the fr-nt ' '" door will feature a special arrangement, and the 1 large bay window in the home will have an out' ' door arrangement. The entrance hall, the mantel in the living room, the end tables and other parts of the living room will feature arrangements. Also, . the family or keeping room will have its mantel decorations and other favors marking the holiday. Coffee is to be served throughout the show, in '-. -,.m the keeping room, a special tea table to be a.,.-..-, part of the greens show. . Mrs. Wallace Boncstccle, Jr. is general chair man for this year's show. Working with her are ' Mrs. Howard Madcr, co-chairman; Mrs. Ralph . . . Smither, who Is to deck the mantel in the keeping ' . room; Mrs. Rollin Haag, who is to decorate the living room mantel; Mrs. Richard Taw, Mrs. . . Gene Pilchcr, Miss Janis Hershe, who is to ar- - range the decorations, in the hall; Mrs. Paul Heath. Mrs. Forrest Bodmer, who is setting tha . keeping room table; Mrs. Don Lano, Mrs. William lv Hills, Mrs. Cornelius Lofgren, Mrs. Robert Strong. . : All friends of the sponsoring group and others -, Interested in holiday greens suggestions are invited , to attend. Calendared for next Thursday, December 6, is ' '' ' the annual bazaar of all the women's groups ol St. ' ' Paul's Episcopal church, in the church parish hall. ' Doors will open at 9 a.m. Lunch is to be served between 11 a.m. and ' 4 p.m. Doughnuts and coffee will be sold through out the day by the Canterbury club of Willamette university students. : ' . A new feature this year is the spaghetti supper ' to be served betwen 5:30 and 7:30 o'clock, by tha women of the new St, Paul's Mission church. i; At 7 p.m. there is to be an auction of articles ' left from the bazaar, Mr and Mrs. Reginald Wil- ... .. liams to serve as auctioneers. A great variety of gift articles as well as home baked foods and pastries will be on sale at various booths. Mrs. M. D. Fidler is general chairman for .. ., : the bazaar,. Mrs. Donald A. Young, co-chairman, with each guild having a chairman on the coordl naling group. December meetings of the Christian Women's , Fellowship of the First Christian church will be . . next week. , !, The night groups are meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. as follows: Eva Marie Johnson, with Mrs. Lester Morgan, 2640 Mountain View drive. Mary Lu Hall with Mrs. George Robards, 3348 ' Holiday drive. Helen Shorrock with Mrs. Jack Morrison, 625 ' North 15th street. i The day groups will meet Thursday at 10:39 ' a.m. as follows: Hattie Mitchell with Mrs. Lester Hagcn, 1278 Spears. Gertrude Shoemaker with Mrs. Mabel Hill, 2150 . Market. '. Barbara Farmer with Mrs. C. A. Jdhnson, 2880 Silverton road. , , ... Edna Gish at the church. ' , Hattie Menzles with Mrs. C. O. Gilming, 1094 Vinyard. Grace Hendricks with Mrs, Sidney Van Dyke, 4865 Sunnyslde road. , ' : 1 McKlnley school Parents club will meet Mon day, December 4, at 8 p.m. in the Coral room of the school with Ernest Savage presiding. Speaker for the evening will be Mrs. Marcns Maltby, recording secretary of the club, who will discuss "Family Fun." Hostesses are Mrs. Delbcrt Shipman and Mrs. Howard Brandvold, room moth ers from Mrs. Charles Stingley's room, and Mrs. M. G. Thomas and Mrs. O. H. Lunda, room moth- crs for Mrs. Joanna Clemcnson's room. Writers club Is to meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Otis Bradbury, 940 Park avenue. Additional Society on Pago B t ... (Jeilen-MUIer studio plcturtl