Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 1, 1956 Presbyterians Getting Ready For Holidays Christmas is already in the air at the First Presbyterian church. Following the six o'clock Supper club Sunday in the Social hall, the High School Fellowship will under take somo special projects and have pageant practice. The Jr-Hi group will be preparing a Christ mas project. The Congregational Presbyterian Student Fellowship meeting in the church parlor will have a talk by Dr. Paul Poling on "The Old Testament prophecies o( the coming Messiah." All college students are invited. The 36 young people preparing (or church membership will meet Sunday morning at 11 in the condit room, and will be received those making it their decision to join into full membership at an appro priate public service at 7 o'clock on Christmas eve. On Tuesday evening at 7:30 the new sound film strips, "The Living Church," will be shown in the Con dit room. Their purchase was made possible by the recent gift of the Women's association and are being shown at the request of Sixth grade parents. Rev.BossWl Sermon Sunday Preach First The Rev. Walter G. Boss, new pastor of St. John's Lutheran church, will deliver his inaugural sermon Sunday, December 2. lie will use John 12, 21, as his text and his topic will be "A Portrait of Jesus". Pastor Boss was installed at a snecial service held last Sunday alternoon and attended by 450 members and friends of St. John's. The Rev. It. H. Wieland of Albany officiated at the rite of installa tion with eight visiting pastors par ticipating. The Rev. E. H. Becker, Institutional Missionary of Salem, delivered the sermon using Chap ter 10 of the Book of Acts as his text, "The Calling of Peter by Cornelius". The St. John's Choir selection was "Send Out Thy Light". Every one greeted Pastor and Mrs. Boss at a reception held in their honor in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the service. Trinity Group To Shake Hands, Knock on Doors "Operation Handshake" will be observed this Sunday in the Trin ity Methodist church at Four Corners as members of the con gregation join with Methodists of many different local churches across America inviting people to attend church. Three groups will visit all during the day and will knock on the doors of the commu nity to extend the hand of Chris tian fellowship. The visitation will be primarily directed toward new people in the community and those who have shown an interest in the church cither through attendance or through the participation of their children in the church school. The visitation will be done in teams of two. Men will visit in the morning, couples will visit in the afternoon, there will be a visit ation by church school teachers of their pupils in the afternoon and youth will visit on Sunday eve ning. There will be two no-host meals served at the church, one Sunday at noon and one Sunday evening. Following each meal there will be a period of instruc tion and preparation as the visit ors leave to go out to welcome the people of the community into the Christian fellowship. Progress continues to be made on the church school building at Trinity Methodist. New classes arc organizing. This Sunday a new kindergarten class meets for the firl time. Since the building is already in use, the church is mak ing every effort to finish it as rapidly as possible. Bishop Eby Here For Meetings at First UB Church Bishop Lloyd Eby of Huntington, Ind.. will bring a series of mes sages on "Revival in this Ace of fhf Holy Spirit" at the First Church of the United Brethren in Christ H Mission Sl- slar,,n8 with the 11:00 a.m. worship serv ice Sunday. His messages wiU continue each evening at 7.30 through Friday. Dec. 7. Bishop Eby will be speaking from many years of varied ex perience as a spiritual leader. He pastorcd for 17 years in the De troit, Mich., area during which time he established 10 new churches. He also spent two terms on the Sierra lone. British West Alrica. mission field and is now completing his second quadrenni urn as bishop of the Western Dis trict of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Central Lutheran Holv Communion Holy Communion will be cele brated the First Sunday in Advent at the evening service at 7.30 p m. at Central Lutheran church. North Capitol and Games. Also included in the evening service will be the catechnation of the present senior confirmation claw and the recep tion of new members. jK the morning service at 11, Jv. Harald Grindal will preach i tkr theme. "The Kin of Love." he Senior Choir under the direc Ifttn of Raymond Dahlcn will ling. KNOW YOUR PASTOR Reading Favorite Pastime Of First Baptist Minister ywMwritf i i DR. LLOYD T. Reading Is the favorite hobby of Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson. Since Palm Sunday of 1946 he has been the pastor of First Baptist church in Salem. Upon the suggestion of one of his seminary teachers he adapted the policy of rending about some one tiling every year, but he likes to read about the American Indiuns. L While in the seminary he planned to go to the foreign missions and was destined for the African Mis sions. But Mrs. Anderson's health was such that she could not meet the physical requirements. Because ol this sudden change in their plans the opportunity to go to the church in Burns, Oregon was considered fortunate. Burns was as far away as any- Christ Church Advent Season Services preparatory to the Christmas season will be con ducted at Christ Lutheran church beginning Sunday morning with the Festival Holy Communions at both services, 8:30 and 11 a. m. and sermon by Rev. T. M. Geb hard. The lighting of the tradi tional Advent Wreath will be done by Roger Bolmeier and Roger Cook. Advent Vespers will be con ducted by the Senior and Junior Leagues on December 9; by the Women of the Church on Decem ber 16 and by the Children of the Sunday School on December 23. On Christmas Eve the Vespers will be conducted by the pastor and the Senior Choir. The public is cordially invited to attend the advent devotions and services of the church. Salem Heights lo Hear Missionary Riw. Kpnnpih Palmer, for ten nna a rniccinnnrv in Krnnch West Africa, will be the special guest speaker at both the morning ana evening services of the Salem Hniphis Bantist church, this Sun day. The Palmers were some of the first missionaries to go into this particular section of the Ivory Coast. In the morning services, Rev. Palmer will speak in the Primary Junior department of the Sunday School at 9:30 and again at the mnrnine Wnrshin service at 11:00, at which time his sermon will dral with the Biblical Basis of Missions. ai 7-.w n m. Rpv. Palmer will cWu hU nit-turps and curios of the field, and will lecture concerning the problems of missionary worn, and of our responsibility towards the Missionary, Family Festival Scheduled Sunday A "Christmas Family Festival will be held this Sunday afternoon and evening in the First Congre gational Church. 700 Marion St. Its purpose is to prepare Church School families to make the month preceding Christmas spiritually nroductive in family life. Whole family units will attend from 4 7:30 p.m. or from 5 - 8:45 p.m. with the dinner period and pro gram overlapping both groups. The newly organized Parents Club of the church is sponsoring this occasion. At the 11 o'clock service of wor ship in this first Sunday of Ad vent. Dr. Julian Keiser will preach on "Which Way To Christmas?" At 9:30 a.m. there will be a new 'member instruction class meeting in the Mayflower room to prepare those planning to unite with the thurch on Dec. lfi. WESTMINSTER United Presbyterian CHURCH 3737 liberty Road "What God Expecfs of Ui" 9:30 end 1 1 a. m. J. Dwight Russell, Minister r mi I .T.i V V'.. rw!'M m-nu vr x f V ill) ANDERSON thing which Africa offered in so far as knowledge of the country went, the busy Salem pastor admits with a chuckle now, as he recalls his first parish. After three years in the Harney county seal, he went to The Dalles and was there for six and a hair years. Last spring his Salem parishioners, in appreciation for ins 10 years of service gave him a trip to the Holy Land, the near East and Europe. He was in Den mark for a Baptist church meeting in 1947. , - Front page news these days is of special interest to Dr. Anderson who was in Cairo, Egypt last sum mer just after the British left. He recalls the large pictures of Nasser which were displayed and the jubi lation of the people with Nasser and about the Britains going. He returned lo, Salem in August. While he recalls vividly the troubled atmosphere in the near East, he has no pat opinions on the subject but speculates, "If it was our country wo might object to some stranger moving in next lo us," he offered philosophically as he pushed aside the troubled East. He attended Northwestern Col lege in Minneapolis and Western Baptist Theological seminary in Portland. He has been eiven two honorary doctorates, a doctor of divinity degree from Northwest college m Minneapolis before he came to Salem and a doctor of laws degree from Talbot seminary in Los Angeles since he came to balcm. Perhaps it is not entirely un expected to find that the man who wanted to go to the African mission is happy and proud to discuss the foreign and domestic mission work of his church. The First Baptist church supports 32 missionaries in full or in part and endeavors to add one each year. Six of this group of more than 30 are from the Salem parish. The First Baptist church was built in 1952 since Dr. Anderson came to Salem and its pastor looks forward to the time when the edu cational unit will occupy the corner lots on Liberty at Center street. The Andersons built their own home at 1038 Cascade Drive in West Salem. They have two chil dren, Elizabeth Ann, Stanton Dean, 16 years old. They attend Leslie and South Salem High school since they live in West Salem. Dr. Anderson admits he likes to play golf but has little lime for it but tries hard lo make time for it since his son, Stanton Dean likes to play. Mrs. Anderson goes back to Minnesota every year where she likes to fish for the middle west fish and incidently visit friends and relatives. Episcopal Men to Hold Dinner Meet The Men of St. Paul's Episcopal Church will hold its dinner meet ing on Monday, December 3rd at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall. The main attraction of the meeting will be the showing in cojnred film the motion picture of t h e ground breaking ceremonies and dedication pictures of the church, by Dr. A. D. Woodmansee. Dr. lU.bert T. Boals is president of the club. Foursquare Church 490 North 19th St. 9:45 . m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. "Purpose of Ills Coining" 1:45 p. m. "Fire Brandt" Rev. Roy E. Worlhlnglon A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU N. ilh and Ociaal 1st. t. K. lalchalar. Patlar 9 45 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m., Communion "FELLOWSHIP OF SAINTS" 7:30 p.m., Climax Rally "THE SEVENTH SEAL" ItYfUiiaft. I, 9 Mtot tt'fni 1HI ftlENOlT CHUICM Saiem Cliurcli Calvary Baptist Church S. Liberty at Miller St. V. Berkeley Ormond. pastor. y: a.m.. Bible school. 11:00. "Suddenly God Appears", broadcast over Station K-C.AY. HM Ke. 6:15 p.m., U.iptitt Youth Fellowship. tiiO, 'Out ol Experiences, Mus -Marion A. Bcebe. missionary from lnsein, Burma. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7; JO p.m. Christ Lutheran ChurchState St. at letii. Hev. T. M. Gebhard. pastor. Advent holy communion services: 8:30 and 11 a.m., dedication of Ad vent Wreath and sermon by the pas tor. Church school Bible classes. 9:45 a.m. Women of the church, Willam ette Group Convention al Cornelius, 3 p.m. Church council Tuesday. KeorcanUed Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 17th St Che meketa. Elder Reginald Clark, pas tor. 9:45 a.m.. church school, Supt. Elder Wm. N. Swain. 11:00. com munion service. 8:00 p.m., evening service by Zions League. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Columbia at Myrtle. Hev. John J. Reed, pastor. Sunday masses. 6. 7, 6. 11:15. 10:30. 11:45 a.m. Confessions, Saturday 4:30 to 5:30, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Church of the Spirit 1643 A St., W. G. Wilson, pastor. 2:30 p.m. church service, "What Is Spirit Com munication?" The Salvation Army 241 State St. Major Earl West, Carps olficer. 11:00 a.m., morning service topic. "Tne Spirit that tjuickeneth'. 7;30. p.m., evangelistic service topic, "Christ Our Liberator". Saint Paul's Episcopal Church S. Liberty St Hich at Mvers. Hv. George H. Swill, rector. Advent Sun day. Hoiy communion, 7:30 a.m. famny service fit cnurcn school, 8:30 second oiiice ol ins irur linn A- confirmation, 11:00 a.m. Nurserv, 9:30 St 11:00 a.m. Midweek holy com munion (Wed.). 7:30 a.m. Canterbury and Young Churchmen, 6:30 p.m. The Mis slnn of St. Paul'. Fnlrnni Church tt30 Hood Street. The Hev. George H. Swift, rector. The Rev. ,m. Rosenthal, curate. The Rev. M. Baxter. St. Paul'i Mission assistant,. Advent Sunday. Family acivjLe, p.m. me noiy cucnar- 1st. Fr. Baxter, celebrant. Visitation of Bishop Coadjutor, 4:1)0 p.m. Dec. First Church of Chrit. it.i.ct Chemekela and Liberty SI reels. Nun- morning service at 11 Sun eveiiiiiK at H u.m. Sub loot ,r lesson-sermon: "God the Onlv Cuuse and Creator". Sunday school tit 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meeting at a p.m. Llbkh Villa te Conimnnllv rhiireli B. M. Books, minister. moriuiiB urshii) starts at 10 a.m. with Sun day school lor all ages and preach- iuk luiiuwiiiK. evening services in two Darts, nravcr at 7-4.V Riiiix sinrlv at H:00. Wednesday, 8 p.m., knee 'drill Him swora practice. HalberL Memorial RanlUt rhiirrh 4290 Portland Road. Elmer O. Paul son. pastor. 9:45 a.m. Bible school. 11:00 a.m. worship service. Sermon subject "The Saviour's Solution to the froBiem m worry. h:30 n.m. Jim nr High and Senior Baptist Youth groups. 7 :30 p.m. Gospel service. Pastor's Gospel message. "Who Can e aaveii weanesaav i:m nm midweek service and choir rehearsal rriaav i to a Junior Kuw's unugiuciB uwi jewels. First Methodist Church rhnrr-1. X, State Sis. Brooks 11. Moore, D.D.. later. !::u and 11:00 h m -w,. lameite and the (Quadrennial Em phasis . Dr. G. Herbert Smith, guest speaker. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) 5th and Madi son Sts. Wm. T. Geurts, bishop. Priesthood service 9:00 a.m. Sunday school 11): 31) a.m. Evening service d:ju p.m. St. John's Lutheran Church (Mo, Synod) Court at J4th. Pastor W. G. Boss. 10:30 a.m. services. 9:15 Sun day school. 9:30, Bible classes. St. Josrph's Catholic Church Che meketa St Winter. Rev. Joseph E. Vanderbeck, pastor. Sunday masses, 0, 7, 8, 9:15. 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. Saturday confessions. 3:30-5:30 and 7:30-9:00 p.m. Unitarian Fellowship and Churrh School 10:30 a.m., YWCA. Rev. An thony Perrino SDenks of "Life s Greatest Tragedy". K in c wood Bible Church 1125 Kim Street. Frank Wiens, pastor. Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. 10:45 a.m.. mormii worship service. ti:16 p.m. .youth hour. 7:30 p.m., eve ning Gospel service. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Bible study and prayer meet ing. Bethel Haniist Church N, Cottnee and IJ Sts. Hev. Everett A. Barker, &astor, Sunday school 9:45 a.m. lorning worship 11 with sermon: "Ihe Power or .Stillness. Communion service to follow. Evening Gospel hour 7:30 with sermon: "What Is in Name? Midweek Dravcr meetlne and Bible study on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Thursday 6:00 p.m. Ladles Missionary Socletv with husbands in vited with the Salt Creek Baptist Church invited as well. Grace Lutheran Church fEI.fM Sunnyview and Lnnsing Avenues. Lowe W. Bo te, n.istor. 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. 11:00 a.m., divine worship with holy communion. 2:00 p.m., congregation fellowship dinner. 5:00 p.m. Luther League. Tuesdav, Dec. 4, Brotherhood annual meeting and election of officers. Oyster stew supper. St. Mark's Lutheran Thnrrh . John L. Cauhie. pastor. Divine wor ship 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.. holy corn- mn win be administered at both ices. Communion meditation hv the pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Pastor's information class for per sons interested in memberthin In ih church 4 p.m. First rongrfKailonal Church "00 ' Marion Street. Minitir nr It.i.n i . Kelser. H::Ki .m church school, it I a.m. wursmp service, sermon 1 Which Way to Christmas?" Central Lutheran Church N. Canh tnl St Gil in r. Snnriav n.- r- Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morninir W fir ShlT) 11 a m. Kxrmnn lh.m.. "Ti.-. King of Love." Evening service 7;.'W) v.iicwtij-iuinn oi ronnrmanrts and holv communion. Harald Grin ds), pastor. PfMrrnMal Church of fiiid-ftM N 16th. Paior, R. E. Vnuclalr. Sunday ,o1 m- Morning nervirp's 11:00. Evening services, 7:45 p.m. The Subject You Have Been Waiting Brin your family to our progressive Bible (radrd Sun day school. Last Sunday attendance 911. iated 6:15 Dr. Anderson will speak el 11:00 Sunday en "Seven Aspects of Ihe Believer's Justifica tion." A beautiful communion service will be heldl First Baptist Church THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Rev. Brown to Fill Former Pulpit Sunday The Rev. Wilmor N. Brown, executive director of the North west Region of the National As sociation of Evangelicals, and former pastor of the First Evan selical United Brethren Church on Marion and Summer, will be the Sliest speaker Sunday at 10:50 a.m. Rev. Brown will bring an up-to-date report of Ihe world wide min istry of NAE in serving all Bible believing Christians at the inter denominational level. Highlighting his message, t h e Evangelical Challenge, he will tell how the NAE has accomplished what no other inter-Church organi ration has been able to accom plish in bringing together conser vative ormoaox cnurenes ot vary ing theological belief, in a Bible centered statement of faith. Rev. Brown will draw from his experience as a pastor as well as from his world tour, to tell how the National Association of Evan gelicals is serving each individual Bible-believing Christian and local church, providing the means of co operation without compromise or regimentation. Missionary at Baptist Church Miss Marion A. Beebc, mission ary of the Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission Society at lnsein, Burma, will speak Sunday evening at 7:30 in the Sanctuary of the Calvary Baptist Church. Her subject will be "Out of Ex periences." Miss Beebe also serves Ihe mis sion field as an instructor al the Baptist Divinity School in lnsein. She is a member of the commit tee managing the magazine on Christian Home and Family Life, in cooperation with the Burma Baptist Convention and Burma Christian Council. Dr. W. Berkeley Ormond. pas tor of the church, will deliver the message at the 11 o'clock service. He will speak upon "Suddenly God Appears", a message which cen ters upon the thought that Chris tian discipleship begins at that point in life when God, through Christ, appears and personally confronts a life with the reality of His presence. The service is broadcast over Station K-GAY. mid-week l.m. lervlcei, Thursday, 7:45 Knight Memorial Coiigregaltonat Church 245 S. lDtll SI. LtmlH E. while, minister. 9:45 a.m., Sunday school. ll:0u a.m.. Tnorntnff worshlD. Sermon by Ihe minister. Preparing Ihe Way". 12:30 p.m. church dinner, served by Ihe young people of the tiiuiL-u, iur toe ucneiii ui me ounn Ing Fund. :30 p.m. Pilgrim Youth r eiiowznip, Jason Let Memorial Methodist l.hurcn l.rnest Freslon unulder, minister: 8:45 a.m. church school. Classes for all ages. 11:00 a.m., di vine worship, sermon "Prepare Ye the Way". 4:.10 p.m. Jr. High School Fellowship meeting, 6:30 p.m.. Sr. High School Fellowship meeting. 5:30 p.m. Friday, Woman'g Society Pub lie Turkey XHnner. U'esleyan Methodist 15th and Mill Sts. Lorin P. Miller, pastor. Sun day school, 8:45; Dudley Wells, Supt. worship, iu:30; sermon by l-.vangellst E. Iloker. Sa arnica. New York. Special music by Lyle Gucnthcr, scadc college. Portland. Weslevan Youth, 5:45. Kvening service, 7:45; sermon by Evangelist Baker. First nanliit Marlon and-I.iherly Sis. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Itcv. Hen Owen, assistant pastor, Hev. Stanton Irvine, director ot ed ucation. Sunday school, 8:45 a.m.. ises lor children and adults. Morning worship service. God'a Full Justification." Pastor Lloyd Ander son speaking. Youth meetings, A:15 p.m. Evening gospel service, 7:30 o'clock. 'Docs Palestine Belong to the Jews Or lo Ihe Arabs?", pnstor. Mid-week prayer service, Wednesday, mi p.m. Court Street Christian Court at 17th. W. Harold Lyman. O. Philip tlurd, ministers. Bible school begins al 8:45 a.m. Morning worship and communion service, 8:30 and 10:55 a.m. Sermon by Mr. Lyman, 'God's Call to Service." Adult discussion and Youth Fellowship hour, s:30 p.m. Kvening worship hour It 7:30 p.m. "Contracts." a sermon on hi-fidellly sound directed by G. Philip Hurd. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Down Town the Tall White Spire 9:30 and 1 1:00 a.m. Willamette Sunday Dr. C. Herbert Smith speaker Soloist, Dr. Paul (. Truehlnnd Broadcast KSI.M 11:30-12:00 Brooks H. Moore Minister To Hear Discussed! Hear Dr. Anderson Speak on Prophecy- "WHO OWNS PALESTINE, THE JEW OR ARABS!" At 7:30 on Sunday' Iln your ynunj people attend a lively, spirit ual youth jroup? Stan Irilnt, our youth direc tor invites all non-affil A treat jnm missionary conference will he held in First Baptist Ihe 2nd youth to attend at I week of March. p. m. Willamette Sunday to Be Observed at 1st Methodist Willamette University Sunday is being observed at the First Metho dist church, December 2nd with special services. Dr. G. Herbert Smith, president of Willamette university, will speak at both the 9:30 and 11 o'clock hour on the subject, "Willamette, and the Qua drennial Emphasis". Dr. Robert F. Anderson, lay leader of Ihe church will preside at the services. Music will oc pro vided by the Wesley choir singing, "Hide Not Thou Thy Face" by Farrant, at 0:30 a.m. and the Sanc tuary choir, singing, "Cherubic Hymn" by Gretchanlnoff, 11 o'clock. Dr. Paul G. Trucblood will Attendance at Sunday School Brings Award Salem First E. U. B. Sunday School at Marion and Summer was awarded first place at the conclu sion of a successful seven - week Conference - wide Sunday School Attendance Crusade. During the Sunday School opening last Sun day morning, Rev. Lloyd Uccker ol the Englcwood E. U. B. church, chairmaan of the Conference Con test, presented the award check in person. Competing with a group of churches of like site In Oregon and Washington, Salem First re ceived points awarded on the basis of increase in attendance over the average for last year. Mrs. John Ncuswangcr present ed prizes to the winners of the local contest. Pamela llankins and Steve Swink were awarded first prizes; Cnrol Wood and John Hil fiker were awarded second prizes, while Judy McDonald and Jerry Gaiser received third place awards. David Mischke, In the Junior and Senior Hi Division, won the Willys car "Evangeline U.B." Homecoming on November 18, a special feature this year, culmi nated the attendance drive with n record count of 410. 1 Greatest Tragedy Subject of Sermon "Life's Greatest Tragedy" Is the subject the Rev. Anthony Perrino will present to the Unitarian fel lowship this Sunday morning at iumu at tne iww. Mr. Perrino Is the Director on the Wesley Foundation at Oregon State college, in Corvnllis. Melvin Cleveland will lead the morning worship. The Woman's Alliance will spon sor a Christmas Gift Bazaar at Heidcr's, 363 N. High Street on December 8 at 10 a.m. A variety of hand made gifts and baked goods will be for sale. WHO OWNS PALESTINE? "Docs Palestine Belong To The Jews Or To The Arabs" will be Ihe theme of Pastor Lloyd T. Anderson's message at the 7:30 o'clock evening service on Sunday. The subject will bo treated from the Biblical aspect upon the pre sent and future statements from the Word of God. , FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH C1IKMF.KKTA and WINTER "The Servant of The Lord" By Dr. Poling Two Services: 9:45 and 11 a.m. KOCO 10:00 a.m. SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL S. Liberty & High l Myers Corporate Communion Hen ind Boys 7:30 l.M. Communion Breaklait following Service 9:30 fimlly Service 11:00 Conlirmalion Bishop Carman will be al all 3 Service! Rev. On, II, Swift, Rector Minion ol SI. Paul 6?0 Hood Slteet 9:30 Family Service 4:00 Bishop Carman Tunc In In our radio week hrnadrast. Eunday KOCO 11-12 Every Day, RSL.M--1:15 a. m. He Inspired! Salem, Oregon be Ihe soloist at both services singing, "The Voice in the Wilder ness py scot:. A special feature of Willamette University Sunday will hi the en tertaining of Willamette ttudents in the homes of the member, 0f the church. v "Which Way to Peace?" is film to be shown at a program on Sunday evening at 7:30 in the sanctuary of the church. This film presentation is a debate be tween Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam and Dr. Henry Hitt Crane, two of the great leaders of the Methodist church, expressing their views on world peace. Preceding the film showing, the three youth groups of the church, the Intermediate, M.Y.F. and Wes ley fellowships will lead in a song service, followed by a worship service led by Dave Mc Clard of Willamette university. Ervin W. Potter, who recently returned from a meeting of the World Peace Hoard or the Methodist church. will preside at the evening meet ing. The program is sponsored by the three youth groups and the Social Concerns Commission of Fust Methodist church. Services Observe Season of Advent The first Sunday in the Advent season will be observed by the St, Mark Lutheran church at both the 8:30 and U o'clock services Sun day morning. The usual Advent Holy Communion will be adminis tered at both services. A brief communion meditation will be de livered by the pastor, the Rev. John w caublc. Nearly 200 "callers" who have been preparing themselves for the every member stewardship visita tion beginning December 2nd. will be commissioned by the pastor at the services Sunday morning. TJie Lutneran intormation class w 1 1 meet at 4 p. m. Sunday. The Luther League meeting has been cancelled in tavor of tho congre gational Fellowship dinner. Bible Questions Here are five more questions suDmtuen ny tne Kev. D. J. Fer guson, whose answers, found in the Bible, will be published next week: Which king had a golden scepter? Which four men had a vegetar ian diet? Which palace was paved with red, white and blue marble? what earthquake opened the doors of n prison? When did 185,000 soldiers die in one night? Answers to last week s questions: Acts 23-12, 2 Kings 6 6, Deut. 14-21, 1 Kings 2-13, Jud. 16-19. The Lutheran Churches of Salem WELCOMES YOU ST. MARK'S (U. I,. C.) 343 North Church Services 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m, Sunday School 9:45 a.m. John L. Cauble, Pastor ST. JOHN'S (I,. C. Mo. Syn.) 14th and Court Sts. Service 10:30 a. m. Sunday School 9:15 a. m. Waller G. Boss, Pastor GH ACE (E. I,. C.) 3300 Sunnyview Avenue Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Service 11:00 a. m. Lowell Hollc, Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD (U. I. C.) 3720 South Commercial Service 11 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. O. W. KbrlRht, I). D., Pastor FAITH (U. I,. C.) 4505 North River Road Services 8:30 a. m. and 11 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a, m. Warren W. Pechman, Pastor CHRIST (A. L. C.) Stale at 18th Street Service II a. m. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. T. M, Gchliard, Pastor CENTRAL (I.. F. C.) North Capitol at Gaines Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday Srhonl 9:45 a. m. Harald Grindal, Pastor UNPARDONABLE SIN Hear A. 0. Sage Grand Theatre All StMark'sWill Reveal Plans New Building Members of Ihe St Mnrlr i n. theran church will Bather in th main dining hall at the Marion hotel Sunday afternoon at 5. .in for . - . line lourtn annual congregational Miuwsmp ainncr ana stewardship "miii. An aauit members of "jngrogalion are invited to atten Uie dinner. iitliiig feature of the m fh. b0 the Presentation hniMin. "rio'ion the completed building plan, lor ,he ne gt Mark church, by rir n i m..i stad, chairman ot "ia h',,ii,i; committee. The bi, Following Ihe plan's aeceD.anr(; they will be placed out lmS? ately for bids. The new church will be erected at tho corner ot Marion and Winter streets. An. other feature of the affair will be an address by the Rev. Walter J, Knutson, pastor of the St. Mark Lutheran church of Portland, which has just completed an ex tensive building program. ' The committee on arrangements for the fellowship banquet is chair mancd by Mrs. W. H. Engstrom. The decorations committee is com posed ot Mosdamcs Allan L. Fer lin, Leslie Davis and Maurice Brenncn. O. K. Nielsen, chairman of tho church's canvass program will act as master of ccremoines. SALEM TRUTH CENTER 114 COUtT Metaphysical Laeturai Youth Sunday Schoat Study Discussion Clascal Prayer Haaling Cllnlca Metaphysical tibrary Book Shop Phone 3-4010 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Marion and Cottage Streets - " MINISTERS Wayne Greene Don Ross Two Morning Hours of Worship end Communion ' 8:30 end 10:45 SERMON, "WHAT MAKES A WATCH TICK?" YOUTH Fellowship, Sneck, Worship, Study 5:00 Evening Worship end Communion 7:30 Sermon, "CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP" by Don Rose REVIVAL HEAR FRED SANDERS OF FLORIDA SATURDAY - SUNDAY The past two weeks we have eeen a (treat moving' of God in Revival Coming "Happy" Johnson of California THE PROPHET OF JOY Tuesday Thru Sunday 8 P. M. A Sunday School You Will Enjoy 9:45 A. M. "THE DAY OF VICTORY" Sunday 11 A. M, Worship Sermon by M. Wyalt FAITH TABERNACLE 1305 North Slh at Gaines The Place Where Faith Is Active i a Through tht Cafes of Timt . a a Info a Realm of lernol light To worthily mark the passing of e beloved spirit ,a funeral should express, as eloquently as poss ible, the heartening promise of the life eternal. Obstrvant of Ivtry Wish, Needful of I very Need 205 S. Church at Ferry The Sin God Never Forgives What Is It? Have You Committed It? SUN. DEC. 2 i Motion Picture at 7 P.M. Illustrated Lecture at 8 P.M. Follow the Crowds to YOKE OF PROPHECY LECTURES Section 2 Page 8 Corporate Comm Slated at St. Paujfg -uThie annual corPrte commu, w" be held at th. 7:30 a.m. Wice in St. Paul', Episcopal church Simd.u ..:.. The Right Reverend James w f Carman, coadjutor bishop of'thi Diocese of Oregon, will be the celebrant. The Bishop will also ad dress the men and boys at tha Communion hrOQbfnt i . . parish hall followinu tho e.,i. Bishon Carman will .1.. - ' - r- n,u aiau aauress the 9:30 a.m. Family Service A class of adults, to be presented by the rector, The Rev. George H Swift, will be confirmed by the Bishop at the 11 o'clock service at which time he will also deliver the sermon. At 4:00 p.m. Bishop Carman will preach al ih xri:r of St. Paul's church, in the V.F.W. noil, noo nnon st. What do you hold most dear? The values of an enduring ni- suu , , I," worth . . r fin X llfe ! for til, :45 i.m. Church School "Continuing In Th Faith 7:30 PtWtotai,,Und ' Duma I. Muth, Pateae Waslay Rocjara, Minister of Musta Firsf Church of the Nazarene Center it 13th fUNERAL HOME '.; 24-Hr. Phone: 3-9 li9 Seals Free i