Salem, Oregon, Friday, November 30,-1956 Page 8 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate K00 Real Estate 850 Automotive 852 Used Can For Sole 852 Used Con For Salt 806 Houses For Sale 806 Houses For Sole 806 Homes For Sol 806 Houses For Sole 806 Houses For Sole 806 Houses For Sale 810 Farms For Sale 851 New Cars NEVER TOO LATE A real doll house first one like this In Salem, built by Pederson not much time left to buy your home this year so HURRY and aee thli real ly different home in the Carl Addition paved streets and walks buy now and be in before Christmas Call flalph Maddy. Lee Ohmart VIEW SOUTH A lovely A bedroom home all on one floor large light rooms oversize lotbeautifully landscaped owner has purchased another home so here is your opportunity to el a verv well located, complete home at a 1 ACRE PLUS SMALL HOME Beautiful building site in Candalarla School District small house on property is livable or would make a good rental See Adrienne Sercombe and make offer on this close-In property with city water 15,000.00, INVESTMENT PROPERTY U acres North on DDE Ideal business or subdivision property. Will sell part or all Call Henry Torvend for full Information. LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 477 Court St. ' Phone 2-4115, 2-4118, 2-4117 Eve.: Ralph Maddv 2-341111, Louis Lorenz 3-5300, Adrienne Sercombe 40082, Henry Torvend 3-3C32. LUKWBEAL I ACRES Wallace Rd. frontage back to the River, fine soli well drained, goad 2-bdrm. home, small barn St garage. Value $10,000. Trade for East side Portland. I ACRES In Middle Grove Dlst., nice grove of fir trees, good rnmoiing ;i-rarm. nrme ineeas some nmsning, mil nvanie as is. Full price 1 10,500, terms cash, or will rent to reliable party at $55 month. S ACRES on Sunnyslde Rd., fine modern 3 hdrm. home with entry hall, large living room St fnmlly size dining room, dblc. garage, hiking f 17,900. Owner leaving state. Is anxious. Ifc ACRE In MORNINC.SIDK D1ST. uiui PHrnce at utility, fully value at f!,2Ii. Sell or trade li ACRE Inside City North In business zone, not a large home, but has 4 bdrms., bath A: hnlf, garage St utility house, paved St. City wrter St sewer. Priced at $8,900. Will take $1,800 down, bnl. $50 month or take small one or two bdrm. home in exchange, TAKE TRAILER HOUSE In pnrl trade for neat fully furn, 2 hdrm. & den home priced at $!,S0D. All clear, In Kolzer Dlst, H,950. For Lite built 3-bdrm. home on West Judson St., hat dining room., entry hall St large utility, $3,300 down, no financing charges. HOME PHONES: McNALL 3-7764, WOOTTEN 3-8008. ED 4-2895. MR. DAVIS 4-3917. 433 N. High Across St from Meier St Frank's Ph. 2-0680 ' Buy Real Value I 5 loam 5A I p With Confidence gjfjg Buying Building p 605 CHF.MEKTA S-bdrm. borne. Suburban etifit, 2 years old. 1.V1S sq. It. floor span, large living room wllh fireplace. Separate dining , room, nirch kitchen, bkfnt. nook, dblc.' gar-iRc Inrgt' lot with plenty gnrden apnea. Paved street. Clone to stores Si trans. Pricrri at only 114. flOO, To sac call Dale noyburn 46879 or Eve. and Sun, coll 2-2049. NEAT LITTLE HOME IN KEI ZER. Only 3 years old and Just like new. Has 2 bdrms., living room, dining mom, kitchen, tile both. Attached ffnrnir. Vfifv rilri vnrfl. I.n. cjiifd on a flood itircct near scnoni ann mm stop, uwner has bought another home. Will j sell ;on low down payment and easy mini my payments. To see call Dean Klarr 4-HB75 or Eve. & Sun. call 2-7090. fit. Vincent .V- Grant school dis trict. 4-bdrm. home. Nice 28(1 ACRES FOR only $IB,000. with terms, tn 90 small Barn, iim a, suimp mna, nu A. bottom land. 2 cabins. Family fruit. 2 poultry homes. SALE OR TRADE I-BEDROOM home smith. In sulated, fin rune and wnrk shop. Lot 78 x 270. $3,050. Terms. Wants 3 or 4-bdrm. home. ONLY $500 DOWN TOR this 3-brdroom home wllh 24x12 living room, nig kit chen. Haaement. Mush school arm. Close in. $6,000, RAMSEY, REALTOR ' 427 Fcn-v (Open Saturday) Office 4-3381 Ivc. Frank VMstc 4-2670; Jnmrs Oswalt 3-7735; Violet flic-hop 2-2085; Mnrlnn I.elimann 26Tilfl; Jim Ramsey 4-00611. C. V. KENT & CO. LLOYD KEENE, REALTOR ARE YOU SCARED to make an of ler mi this built, ne.irlv new very well j me with 2 large norms, tug- living room, fine hrlwri. ( loom, chnirfl of oil or elrc. gin lira). Atl. g,ir. Located rluxe to him At siiop, Asking iJAiH). $7500. 24 EAR INDEPKNIIKNCF., IhH fine split-levrl. 3-bdrm. AND family room on an acre AND an extra t bath AND a bcu ltful view AND a fine line of app)i.iiire at a bargain price of $13,500. 456 N. CHURCH KJREYHOl'ND HLD(J ) Cuihlng 2-.MM8; l.e.ivfm Kvt.' Krene 2-6078; 4-221)3; Kiggins 4-54D4. Fafrw.iv l.rk Add IIW CHI-SIKH AVE Cltv wad sewer, Adjacent tn 1 Smile anil !unnr hi n-onuU . bdrm. with family rm . tuuli. : In liven nntl mure, putln Price ' imiHi. $2,4 down. Out sn-. verltm Ri) In I. anting, south to ClieMer Ave. Drive nv ami look; door are open. It Inter-, etert. ph Owner - Builder, 4-6112 or 4-3632. i fWO DOWN tn qualified (II. or 1 les II pnyment can l"c ar- ' ranged. Nen 3 IvettrKtima uilh fireplace, plastered garage. paved M . 1074 Shnmiiiek St. only one block South f Mum. 1 Ingwide Schcol, Open hue I every day Ph. builder 4-6533 frr Infori iatiim. $lfin DOWN. B-lame I4.11S ! livable home ai5 Buy or Rent f-hdrm. house on i acre In four corners dut Garage fit workshop, chicken home & small green house C. W, Reeve, Realtor, lfO Mission St. Ph. 3-4500. Eve. 3-9536, rOR SALE or rent well kept redecorated 3 bdrm. home. Highland St Vincent Pit, comer lot. $f5O0 wllh terms. Ph. 2-3719. fifRE are 3 new homes. Earn ban 3 hednm, come out and f thm Can h hourht on ! easv terms. One has I4H quart fl. Ph. 4-1789 anytime. Rudy Calaba special price Call Louis Lorenz snick St span. 2-bdnn. home fenced ynrd, paved St., good for acreage. PHONE 4-6879 llvltiff room with tircnlare, Separate dining, kitchen, nice j party room in dry bstnt. Forc ed air nil hi-nt. This line home redecorated Inside and out, small corner lot, Full prico $13.(180 for appt. to see call Dulo Hnymirn 4-8875 or Eve. Ac Sun. call 2-2045. CHOICE BUILDING LOT. On Raved street, city water, on a ill with some view of moun tains. Near school fit bus stop. Suburban smith. DOx 1 inf). Price $1950. To see call Denn Klarr 4-8873, Eve. St Sun. call 2-70D0. Suburban Enst, ' P-year-old 2- norm, Hdwd. floors, large living room, scp.irnle ri In hi if room, nil heat. Com pletely rodrrnralcd. Located on Fisher Rd. Priced low at $7800. Call Henry Rund tn see. 4-6875. Eve. & Sun. call 4-1720, ALL ROOMS LARGE IN this fine home close tn on 7th street. Huge living room. Dining room 18x13. Fireplace. Basement. 2-car garage. $10,950. Trade. 4 HEDROOMS NORTH LIVING-DINING room com bined 30x13. Double plumbing. Garage. Flrepkire. $12,500. Terms. Wants south, SALE OR TRADE GOOD 3-year-old home. Lot has ISO-foot frontage (room for annthrr G Binge. sn.MV. wains larger. WANT TO TRADE for gasoline bulk plant, tank truck, service station, repair gar., paint shnp 3t equip, phu nice 3-hdrm. wiiii mat nice wmie inrkc irket fence? All for only all ilmvii or take home, sun or inriii, NEW LISTING of nice 10 acres plus, clnse to busy town with nice .i-Dftrm. modern home, garnge. Some fnill. Could be irrigated School bus at door. City bus. Caved high way. Priced at $6hW. Good tetms. THONE 4-22M' 3-t7.15. BUY from owner A save We have 3 new (mines, all have 3 heitioom. double gar's, floor pace ranee from t.VXl to l.lHtl Munre jeet Prices r.mge fioui tn,2iu to fil.uiv, Near school. iil 4 bhvk!.. Kat.y terms on all nf them. Ch. 4-17li!l. :i M1RM. LOW PAYMENTS A rritl sharp 3-Year-o!d home, l.lvtnp Kn mi. ilhtellr d.iniiv kitchen. Separate ulilltv, ill turn. hdwd. floors through out I ' , block to MorninK mle c luwtl. Monthly p.iv meolt onlv IVi total' Ap. emi 1 1 y net ween I JHW f I ,- Fves. Ph. REALTORS ju Court S. Ofl Ph. 4-4494 LOW down pvnvt . $9,500. Neat j 3 bdrm. home, close to Shop, center. Son. bus. 2 sets plumbing, fenced in vd . lawn, i ihrubi, Located al IM5 Wal I ler St. Ph. 4-82J1. HE R T7.- R ENT- ATR I'CK Ph. 2-WX12 FOR SALE: 1 bdrm. mod, hie Rr.lfc in At nut. May less 1515 Wallace Rd. FOR SALE NEW 3 BDRM. Special for werkend See at 375 l.lvlngfton Open Call 1-JST6 North, East. Peony ntdens. 3 BDRM. mod home with Mtra lot, W, Salem, $9,350. Ph.4-7756 GRACIOUS LIVING New modern 2-bdrm. home In a new neighborhood. Large living room. Oak floon. Oil furnace. Some appliances 11 dellred. $7(150. Rent term,. E. A. McGLAUFUN, BLTK. 339 N. High 2-8611. 3-M12 MUST SKI.L TO CLOSE ESTATE Very clean & neat 2 Br., dining rm.. sep. Utility, good cond. In Highland Dial. Joe Hutchison, Rltr. 1211 Edgewaler Ph. 4-5743 2710 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-7874 LEAVING STATE MUST SACRIFICE 2 bdrm, home on large lot, space to build large new home and use present house for rental. jieaucea 10 io,wu. i mu i air view Ave, Ph. 2-3319. IN C-3 Zone North, 00 x 100 cor ner 101 oc aoj. aw x iw tm. Each lot has a 3 bdrm. house with concrete bsm'l. Exc. ren tal record. Fine dbl. gar., suit able for shop on Corner. $12,000 Reas. dn. pymt. Ph. 4-2436 wk. ends or afier5:30 p.m. BYOWNER. Attractive 2 bdrm. home, large liv. rm. with fire pi., dining area, birch kitchen, utll. rm., hdwd. firs. Large closets. $12,500. $2,000 down. 3202 MayfieldFLPh. 45117. TAKK LOW PRICED AUTO as down payment. Small but neat home on large lot. So. Keizer. $50 a mo. K. A. U'iLAUblAM. RLTR.; 335 N. High 2-8611, 3-6812 Investment Buy $5500 to close estate. fi-room home, garage. workshop, poultry house. Lot 75x250. Property rented. Located within 2 blocks of new 'i mil lion dollar factory now under construction. A good buy. Call Ruth Morrison, Eve. 4-1644. Daylight Basement 1 year old, 3 bdrms., all on 1 floor, picture winnows, a fireplaces, FA oil heat, dble. plumb., all for $13, 500. Own er transferred. Would con sider taking smaller . home that he could rent out. Call Mr. Bourne Eve. 3-7217. Joe Bourne Realtor . 1140 N. Capitol Ph.J-8216 3 B.R. home, all on one floor, H.W. floors, large ioi, parage, Englcwnod dlst. Munt bo sold. Only $6250. Iow down pay ment. B. M. Mason. Rlt., 341 Chcmeketa. Ph. 3-8841, 3-3542, 2-6854. j TRADE OR- SELL; Beautiful view lot. This "uutle" is so., has an East front, lovely 3 bdrm., family rm.. dble. plas tered garage. 2 frpl's., 2 sets flumhlng, lots of bullt-lns. All or $16,000, Ph. 4-8272. MR UWNERI Glen vVoudrv will pay top price tor your rum nnnltmires Ph 3-SltO 4 CORNERS 2 bdrms.. carpet- Ing, nrcpi. r up app. rn, i-mrau TRADE FOR CAR Equity $1100 In good 2-bdrm. home with AVAILABLE UP STAIRS on V acre. Balance 1 like rent. Total price $6700. Call Al Watts 4-6081, eve, 3-7265. F.H.A. LOAN AVAILABLE Luxury home. 3 hdnns.. ffrcnl. Full bsmt., beautifully land scaped, centrally located to schools. See to appreciate, $15,750. Call Fred Head 4-6081, eve. 2-7B56. 4007 N. River Rd. Of. Ph. 4-6081 SUNDAY, DEC. 2ND, P.M. 819 Orchard Heights Rd. Beautiful Car nets 3 Br., double bath, family rm. with 2nd fireplace, built-in oven, range, Nat. Woods in kitchen. Ph. 4-5743 or 4-7874 for special showing. Joe Hutchison, Rlir, 1211 Edgewaler JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve rour nomt neeas To buy. sen or Kent - can I'h. 4-5743 1211 Edgewaler Ph 4-7874 2710 So Comm'l 5 BEDROOMS ' Lots of charm In this lovely 6 netiroom tainny noine. iinnms arc all over-sl?.cd for real fain tly enjoyment. Full basement with fireplace, FA oil furnace. Double garage. Hoover School District. K1IA appraised at $15,750. Any offer will be con sidered. You can move tn be fore Christmas. "$1,000 DOWN Out-of-town owner says SELLtl This fine home in gracious Knglewund. Three bedrooms, two complete baths, terrific storage space, Located on a lovely comer lot. FI1A ap praised for $13,000. Selling for $12,000, Vacant move right In. Be settlrd for Christmas. Salem Properties JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 387 N. HlRh St. Telephones 21533, 4-3482. Evrs. Raschko 2-7401, Mason 2-9581, rtraultch 4-3220 I DARLING new home. Familv 1 loitn. delletilful kitchen with: bullt-ln apph.mres 3 yna clous bdrms. P, Ivtths. Savri-1 flee in. 7.W. Will consider I tr.ide. fall Dim Itelhnger i 4-.l04. eve. 4-3WH. j If you Don't drive and want a ! line home near church anil j shoppiiiK district. THIS IS IT I 3 spitcUun bdrms, full base j mettt, separate din I in room. I Fine iirli'tiNtihood. I12.BM). ' ("nil nut Bowder, 4-3394. eve, , 3-B!.5B. WHY RKNT Own this comfort able 2-bdrm. home priced at only .i)M for quick sale i blocks to supermarket, I blk, to bus Terms to right buver. Call DON R E 1. 1. I N G E H. 4-3.I94, eve. 4-0412. wmm EU 1190 Fairgrounds Rd. FOR THE FAMILY SPACIOUS S bdrm. home 1uit 3 blocks from schon). Alt the hard work of landscaping al ready finished. Beautiful shrubs A- Uwn around thi 1 yr. old home. Thee cold eve nlnet reallv entovable In front of the fine fireplace At ran be yours easy with terms ar- raged M iii.soo. HAMILTON BLDR. Phone a -flow. SflfK BEST BUyS 322 NORTH CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PH. 4-3311 OR 3-7820 COST OF NEW CONSTRUCTION IS STILL GOING UP. Already It Is about & above a year ago. and predictions are that on January 1 it may be 2r to 4 higher thin It was this past mid-year. Labor, materials and Und Improvements ore all edging upward. So now is the time to buy, as there Is noth ing In the picture to indicate a halt to the upward trend. I From current publication "Ownership"; UNBELIEVABLE But it's true we have this brand ipankin' new home in Bush School Dist. with 3 bdrms.. FA oil heat, dble. garage, on paved St., sidewalks, city water and sewer and is priced at onlv $11,000. Brlnr your check hook and move In. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. 4-4020. SETTING A NEW High standard in luxury. In terlor colors coordinate beau tifully with modern living in this brand new home featur ing family room with attrac tive corner fireplace, separ ate dining room with sliding glass doors, Its baths with tile, beautifully arranged kit chen and located on nice lot. Price $13,500. Call Edna Mor gan, eve. ph. 4-6038. NEW & GORGEOUS Ranch home of brick and shake in fashionable area of Salem. I Family room with fireplace, 2 full baths with ceramic tile, ; a woman s dream kitchen with ceramic tile and built in range and oven, hdwd. floors, FA heat and equipped with alum, windows. A best value at $21,000. Call Mr, Sword, eve. ph. 2-8048. SUPERB LOCATION Owner ' has been transferred and must dispose of his home as soon as possible. Has nice living room, separate dining room, kitchen with nook, fireplace, big bdrms., and hath. Insulated and weather stripped. Only $10,500. Call Mr. Sword, eve. ph. 2-8018. GARAGE Over 700 sq. ft. of floor space. un auxiiu ioi. mgn iraitic location. Full list of equip. Included to operate auto re pair garage. Full price in cluding land, bldgs. and equip. Onlv $11,500. Terms. Call Al Isaak, eve, ph. 3-3558. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Eve. Ph. 4-5020. 2-0103, 4-6038, 2-8048, 2-7106, 3-3588 If no answer, dial 4-2248 Ik s U"u!i YOUR OWN BOSS Franchlsed Drive-In Ice Cream and Sand wiches,, finest Salem location, all new cnulnment. verv sood lease. Lei us give you all the details. CALL HON HUDKINS APARTMENT HOUSE 8 Units with private baths. Hot water on neat, uross income -sJJa. Near State Buildings. Price $26,000. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY RICHMOND DISTRICT 3 bdrm. well lighted home, Llv. rm., din. rm., comb, large kitchen nnd eating area. Dish washer and disposal, Has State G. I. Loan. Price $12 750. FOR TERMS CALL RALPH BRUCE CLOSE-IN 0 UNIT APART- MKNT HOUSE plus Barber Shop. Rentals mostly fur nished. A good Investment. In mine $210.50 per mo, Price $10,000. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, Jit. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1B0 S. LIRKRTY ST. PH. 2-2471 Evenings & Sundavs call Salesmen Ralph Bruce 2-fi!ifil. H. K. Laymon 4-5507. J. E. Law 3-5113. mrs. mcnarason -j-hihu. wan socojoiskv j-bb;i5 Hon HUd klns 3-R7I2, , ROY TODD $500 DOWN. Owner out of State. wiin nvinft rm., nrcaxiasi nook .v iota or new builtln, dble. sink Wired plumbed for automatic washer A- dryer. Gas, elec. or oil heat. Corner lot. Bus bv door. Shake construc tion. Car port. $4,500. I mm. poss. Call Mrs. Graham BUILDING SITE 1 acre with uooa location, $2,wo vvnn $?) ROOM FOR DUPLEX OR TRIPLEX. 2 tots around 22.000 sq. ft. In choice location. City water $3,200. Call Mr. Hicks. LARGE 2 Bdrm. South, completely furnished with modern fur niture, very good lot. iiaracn, in gooa location. All lor siz, 600, Call Mr. Hicks. NEW DUPLEX. East part of town. Each side has 2 Ige. bdrms. well num. Never uvea in. Call Mr. Hicks, OUTSTANDING LOCATION. This ping center. About 3i teei on nignway n norm, near a lem city limits with 400 feet on railroad in rear. Level. 5i ar. Properly now has tavern At goad home on It, Call Mr. Kill Tig. BOY TODD REAL ESTATE 3319 State St. Phone 2-8591 Eve.' Hick) 4-4030; Elling 4-8514; Mrs. Graham 4-474S; Van Meter 4 -9500 ; Allison 4-3214:Todd 2-1731. STATE FIN ANCE CO REALTORS 17 S. HIGH ST. F.H.A. ft G I. OR 3-YEAR ST. LOANS FOR BUYING $250 DOWN. HAL. 5 PER MONTH. Small acrraxe and muhII home. Located iN on Hollywood Drive. Paved roail. Largo garage ,V shop. Drilled well. Garden space. Call Stanley Ilrown, Realtor.! Eves. ph. 2-556L i $1000 DOWN 170 PER MO. buys this neat 2-bdrm. home on but eloe to stores Se hlh school. Full price f950. Va cant. Immrd. poss. W. H. Slevelev, Salesman, Eves. ph. 4-25111. OVH SERVICE IS TO HELP YOU HOMK UOOD LISTINGS WAN 1F.IJ HU KHS A V A llA nL.6. ATTENTION CITY EMPLOYEES IX CITY LIMITS 1 YEAR OLD 3 BDRM., ENTRY HALL, LARGE LIV. RM. WITH FIREPLACE PLASTERED GARAGE. F. A. FURNACE, BIRCH CABINETS. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. CALL OWNER 4-4912 IMPRESSIVE English style home In top con- ditiun with young st own kit chen, dble. plumbing, full Dsmt. witn auto, oil furnace, sprinkling system. 2-car ga rige, walking distance to Parrlsh and North High. $13. 750. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. 4-5020. EXCEPTIONALLY Fine offprint? In a hranri nrw ranch type home with 4-fam- j tly bdrms.. spacious living i room, 2 iirepjaces. family room, ni baths with tile, in- ula1r! went hvr.ct pin hHn-rf I floors, dhle. att. garage andjCompaiiy (KealtOl'S) bus. Price only $16,050, Call h. o. "uan" jsaak, eve. ph, 3-6297. CHARM YOUR BUDGET With this completely furnished 5-room home. It has every thing you need to set up housekeeping irom the TV down to the dishes In the cupboard. Located close to school and bus and it's a bargain at only $7950. Call N. G. "Dan" Isank, eve. ph. 3-6297, HERE IS A fine suburban home located on a lot 09x160. Home has living room, dining room, kit chen with nook, nice firepl., 2 bdrms., den, bath, hdwd. floors. Insulated. Nice chil dren's play house and fine garden space. Lots of fruit. A real good buy for $11,500. Call Edna Morgan, eve, ph. BUSINESS BLDG. Well located In good town. , bldg, occupied and renting at $75 per mo. Other half un occupied. New air base will boom area. Full price $M0n. Call Al Isaak, eve. ph. 3-35M. iBIG PRICE REDUCTION ON ALMOST NEW 4 BDRM HOME An excellent buy at S12.U50. L'lOSU in South baths, birch trim throughout, Swedish fireplace. Dble. ga rage. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON HIGHLAND ST. VINCENT Excellent 5 bdrm. famltv home convenient to schools and transportation. Llv. with fireplace, din. rm., kit chen and nook. Bath with extra shower in basement. new root ana paint last year. A 1 i ,uuu. ; CALL J. E. LAW USED CAR LOT LOCATION Large corner lot on South Coin'I. Street and Culver Lane. Fully equipped. Imme 1 diatc possession. CALL C. L. GRABENHORST for details. TRIPLEX! Ideal location. Two 2 bdrm. units and one 1 bdrm. unit. Partly furnished. This is n good retirement investment. For further Information j CALL H. K. LAYMON REALTOR ' Must sacrifice. Small 2 bdrm. trees in Auburn School district. down, uau Mr. rood. fit sewer. R-2 zone. Both for aiusi see 10 appreciate. n,ouu. Is an Ideal spot for a shop PHONE 3-3151 CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE OH CONSTRUCTION f UX DOWN. BAL. $23 PER MO. all home, Raratce on t acre. On pavement close to school. Good water svstom. Full price $2350. Needs some fix ing. W. 11, Steveley. Sales man. Eves. ph. 4-261B. $550 DOWN. LARGE CLEAN 4 bdrm. ..ome :..ated close in on North Collate St. Has lame living room. diumn room. Full bsmt. Furnace. Total price 79?0. Call Stan lev Hrown. Realtor. Eves, ph. 2-55R1. BUY AND FINANCE YOl'R Suburban North. Good view. beautiful 3-bdrm. home. 1700 st. ft. floor space. Large liv ing room with circ. fireplace, large picture windows, w-w carpeting. Lovely kitchen. Dishwasher, etc. Dbl. plumb., dble. garage. Bsmt. with ex cellent heating system. Addi tional carentrsnce to bsmt. Dandy space to store boat. Sprinkling system. Must see to appreciate. For particulars ask for Ed Schreder, Eve. 3-7825. Modern 4 -bdrm. home. On E avert road. Large lot 85x216. argo living and dining room with fireplace. Ven. blinds. Hdwd. floors, 2 nice bdrms. down, 2 unfinished up. Kit chen with breakfast nook. Bsmt. with party room. Good furnace. Dandy little barn, could keep pony on property very nicely. Priced to sell $13,750. Terms. For porlic ulars ask for Phil Murray. Ph. 3-9230. Eves. Dallas MA 3-2633. t i t. Oregon Development a . 318 N. Church St. Ph. 3-S236 7 Rm. hse.. full bsmt. Auto, saw dust heat. Spacious fenced-in yard with large walnut tree. $10,000. $2,500 dn. H. C. Griffin. 1875 Berry. Ph. 3-5777. 'S INCOME PROPERTY Duplex and single dwelling on uiiv wig jui. in excellent con dition. East. Call Rich L. Rcimann. Eve. Ph. 3-3264. 7 LOTS TRADE Wo have 7 lots N.E. Salem to trade on email acreage near Salem, to $1)000. Must have 3-bdrm. house or will sell for $4U0(i. Call Hicks. Eve. ph. 3-6405. BACHELOR OR RETIRED Couple will love this brand new i-roarm. home. Clever kitchen with boolh. Full bath. Utility room. Paneled living room. Attached ga rage. Dble. lot. New shop or hobby building. Includes ranee, refriir. and other fur nishings. Suburban north. You will agree it is extra well built. $Sfl50. Terms. Call Johnson. Eve. ph. 3-3858. JUST LISTED Owner wants to trade, 2-bdrm. den, large Kitchen, insme util ity, hdwd. floor, lfix25 shop, carport, corner lot, total price $10,840. Trade for 3-bdrm. with bsmt., dble. garage, up to $10,000. Call Lucas Eve. ph. 3-9388. $100 DOWN Mr. Handyman 2-bdrm. unfin ished house, corner lot 64x118, community water system, 3 miles from town. REIMANN REAL ESTATE BY OWNER $10,500 3 house, frpls., patio & back yard G.L loan. Ph. NEW 3 bedroom contemporary homes, beam ceilings, fire places, carports. One block North or Keizer sen. turn west at open house sign. Ph. builder 4-0533 far info. $9,000 and low, low down payment. 807 Apt's. Courts for Sale I WILL sell my 2 apt. houses, large lot & gar. Full price $5,000. 1210 Tile Rd. Ph. 5-9352. 808 Lots For Sole WOODED 100x200 view lot. curbs and streets in. Highest point in city. 900 Downs St. Ph. 3-8100 eves. Large Bldg. Lot, corner Church- nnie Ave. and wmr fat., Keizer Dist. Price $1,600 00. G. KRUKGER REALTOR Ph. 3-4728 147 N. Commercial 810 Forms For Sole 2 Br. & k Acre Lot Located right in Kclzer. This late Duilt home nas fireplace, also auto washer A: dryer tncl. Twelve new fruit trees set out will make n lovely familv orchard. $750 down will handle. Call "Rudy Munai, "j-ultdd or i-iiuj. 11) ACRES Will trade for n home In town. This place Is only 0 miles from Salem in Eola Hills. Buildings are but good, year around creek, pasture, and 10 arres cult. Asking $13,000. Call "Rudy" Klundt or Mel Putts 40966. Town & Country BRANCH OF rvM ratu 1 Awn rn 4030 N. River Rd. ' Ph. 4-0966 FOR SALE lSj acres located on paved i roan, a miles irom saiem witn 18 acrrs of fine bearing wal nut orchard. Dryer. This tract it well located and would be first class to de velop far a country home. Price $12,600. SEE G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 180 So. Liberty St. Ph. '2471 THIS Ideal acreane with Its dorens of tall fir and oak trees will remind you of a park. The home, built by an expert builder has 3 bedrooms, larse llvm room with beamed ceilinjs and a living kitchen with dishwasher Full price is $15,900. Call 38978 day or eve. Mr. Jacohsen will show you this choice property. C. S. JACORSEN. REALTOR PH. 7M BRENNER ST LOOK II I Acre. barn, chicken hse , 2 mach. sheds, sm. home, 2 bdrm. living rm . kit. A bath, elec. heat. Cloe to ilore A- sch , some fruit, $i.W. $?M dn . Int . Immediate posses sion. Ph. 3-7. Jl. iTw VuL?, hui,dln Ph. after 3 pm. rOR RF.NT' Dork Pwv ttvatfd T..-ntr f!v.) Sam C.lvui. Rt. l Box Ml. Turner. 11 ACRES A GOOD PRODUCTIVE FARM located along the Sanliam River, with mile of river frontage. Has 60 acres under cultivation, 30 in grain, Z In nuts, 30 in pasture, 1 acre In fruit. 10 acres now irrigated, water available for 60 acres. Has springs, well, river water. Fenced and cross fsnced. Barn in good repair, with stanchions for 6 cowa. storage for to tons nay. a turxey houses, other buildings. Has tiffs. Mas' good 4-bdrm. house with dble. plumb. List price of $35,000. Call Herb Miller, Eves. 2-5872. 160 ACRES ZENA"' 4 THIS FARM SUITABLE FOR EITHER OA1KY. L HI UK EN OR GRAIN FARM. Has barn with stanchions for 6 cows, milking parlor, machine shed, brooder house, poultry house, JO acres under irrigation. Ma chinery. 45 milk cows, hay and suage. Has o-Dorm.,nouse with fireplace, Dam. osmi. Alro tenant house. $45,000, Call Herb Miller. Eves. 2-5872. 157 ACRES CAN BE ALL IRRIGATED. Has pasture, 55 acres under culti vation. Newberg soil. Springs, well, creek, fenced and cross fenced. Modern 5-bdrm. house Vlth washer, dryer and dishwasher. Will take small 6 lace in trade. $55,000. Call erb Miller. Eves. 2-5872. WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE SALEM MULTIPLE LISTING BUREAU AND THE ORE GON FARM MULTIPLE LISTING EXCHANGE. WE NEED YOUR FARM LIST INGS AND WILL SERVICE THEM. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 S. Com'l. Ph. S-3669 37 ACRES Just outside the city on main highway, wonderful subdivi sion possibilities. Soil is level and well drained. Owner has been raising beans and straw berries. Irrigation well and a nice remodeled duplex with , new heating system and i plumbing. Take city property ! or sell on contract. Call Bon Cleary, Eves. 3-9939. Don Doutfkkn f.u, h L1L---:?--MM 320 Court Ph. 4-8484 2 ACRE tract, best of land, ex cellent 4 b.r, country home, clean, roomy. Barn. Take late car, good trailer house in trade. Bargain price $7950. 10 ACRE tract, 4',i miles from state at. 4-orners, an in cuu. paved rd. $3950. Low down navmcnt. 38 ACHES, Northeast of Salem, best of land, all in cult, irri gation well, paved rd. good 6 rm. home, modern, comfort able, chicken house, worth the money at $25,000 terms. B. M. MASON, RLTR. 341 Chemeketa Ph. 3-8841, 3-3542, 2-6854. 22 A. Near Aumsville, 2-bdrm, house & nam on mm ureeK, avea road. Can Irrigate. $7500 full price. Terms or will take in Salem or Albany prop. Nearly all in cultivation. C. W. Reeve, Realtor. 1860 Mis sion St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 2-0898 or 3-9536. 6 A. EAST ' About 4 miles from downtown Salem, a 2-bdrm. house In a grove of tall, cool, cleon, fir trees, 2 other bldg. sites ft a 93 -ft. well. Full price $7950. C. W. Reeve, Realtor.' I860 Mission St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 2-0898 or 3-9536. 812 Exch. Real Estate WANTED TO TRADE 2 well- drilling outfits as n down pay ment on Salem property. Call Mr. Cushing at C. V. KENT & CO. 450 N. Church. Ph. 4-2293. WILL TRADE Small home in C-3 Zone. In Candalarla Shopping Area. Will trade for a large home, in South Salem High District or West Salem. Ask for Faye Seal Eves. 4-5594. Don Doucjldon 320 Court 815 Coast Properly AT CUTLER CITY. 2 homes and 3 lots for only $6,500. The 2-bdrm. home Is furnished. Also an extra 3rd home, needs finish work on Interior to be livable. Only $1,000 down, bal. monthly. Call Clyde Foulk, Eves. 2-3826. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-3669 850 AlllOlllOtivC 1353 Auto Ports & Repairs Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady Ph. 2-4513 Chev'a. 1-nrH. .'48 to 31 49 to 52 '48 to "56 '51 '49 Bulck Ply. 6 cyl. Kaiser - Chrysler fi cyl. Ford Console Merc Packard Olds. "88"' 862 House Trailers !V MAINLINE trailer house. Sips. 4. $6dC. Ph. 4-7529. isjj nsEAMHOME irMier. i ;;. 3 r1rm.. 4010 State. E. ' Weuenhau,. , 19M NATIONAL J bedroom '41 I value JS.OOO. Mil K.TM take; lurniiurr. car rr. . Mil WOULD like to trade equity In 3 rm home for 33 ft or larfer trailer houie. Ph. 4!!W ;i' ALLMFTAirtrailer. o he elec. refnceralor, hot uaier i.ale-. Dn. Jahauk Trailer Sales TRAILER "TOWING A?,K JM,'Eri S'Uj5 ; J640 Portland Rd Pi. I tOW dn pavr-'f 5.V 5rr!nfl'. 1 i Exr .wd Taka trade m. P J I Portland Ri. i -. TS IFF To This English-built FORD ENGLISH-BUILT FORD Is the carl Treat yourself to a test-drive ioaay. ; rhnlr- nf mftfU, nrtrM zi v,.r start at $1405, Deluxe Anglia British Car Sales 085 No. Capitol Salen FAMOUS German Economy Cars & Trucks ' DKW 340 N. High Ph. 4-3353 852 Used Cars For Sole 1952 ENGLISH Ford consul. Looks and runs like new. $S!(5. McCalls Used Cars, 121)7 State. '50 CHEV. convertible, $395. 1147 N. 38th. Ph.3-3500. 1951 CMC pickup with canopy. & 1951 4 wheel drive Jeep sta. wagon. Both with new tires & paint Job, radio St heater. Reas. Ph. 4-4373, 52 PONTIAC dlx., nil metal Sta. waRon, 4 dr., radio, heater, hydra,, all extras, excel, cond. Ph. 3-7738. 1945 E. Nob Hill. GOOD 1949 Ford V-8 4 dr., radio, heater, 5 new tubcless tires. $300 cash. See at 46 Log Cabin St., Independence. 1952 DODGE 4 dr. sedan. A good one. Only $495. Terms, 1955 CUSTOMLINED Ford V-8, raaio oc neater, exc. cona. $1,445. Sec anytime 1085 S. 13th 1950 Super. Bulck Convertible exc. finish & new top, low mileage, power equipment $450. Ph. 3-5476. 1954 CHRYSLER, New York, dlx., 15,000 mi. Ph. 4-7741 . CASH for 1950 and 1951 cars. Mccaiis used Cars, -1237 State. Wanta NEW '57 FORD 4-DR. Ford-o-malic for $2600. See K. Smith 315 Union Eves. Ph. 3-4847 (Dealer). 48 CHEV. sedan, new rubber, ?ood motor, heater, sportlite. h. 2-3936. 49 FORD V-8 Custom 2 dr., ra dio, heater, overdrive. 1542 Elm, West Salem. 1951 FORD club coupe, $445. Terms, $100 down will handle. McCalls Used Cars, 1207 State. CASH for used cats. MOEN MOTORS, 888 S. 12th. 4-8373. '55 HUDSON RAMBLER, $250 dn. $1795. 4-dr. Station Wagon, hydra. Ph. 3-6062. '53 PLYM. 4 dr., radio, htr. hydra., siso or best cor equity. 3529 Cherry Ave. for The LLOYD "600" needs no anti freeze, it s a practical car. SCOTT'S 315 Mission Ph. 4-4933 CLEAN '47 Ford, 4 dr., $80. Ph. 51 OLDS 88 Super 4 dr. sedan; extras. $750, or will pay to $500 Dif. on later model. Ph. 4-8853. 1942 FORD pickup. $195. Terms. $65 down. McCalls Used Cars, 1297State. 195.1 PONTIAC 4 dr. Chieftain dlx. sed. Terms passible, Call 2-1537 after 6 p.m. or 2-9872 days. 854 Trucks, Trail, for sale '53 FORD pickup, 'i T., 5 new tires, A l cond., $875. Ph. 4-4618 '56 CHEV. 'i T. pickup. L. W. base, new cond. 3600 mi. never used com'l. heater, turn sift other extras $1750. Need cash, must sell, also some tools St other articles. Cabin 4, 3155 Portland Rd. AXLE, springs, 15" wheels, tires et iuocs Yto. rn. aays j-wtw, eves. 2-9975. '51 G.M.C. 3 ton truck, 2 speed. new uai oca, excel, cona. jju Hnmel. Ph. 2-9510. 53 CHEV, 2-5717. 4 T. pickup. Ph. For 10 Days Pint's Gone Nuts He's Giving Away Trucks AT Fantastic Low Priced Trucks & Pickups Pint wants to make it A MKKRY CHRISTMAS for all Truck & Pickup Owners TRUCK DEPT. "Salem'i Own Ford Dealer" . BETWEEN CENTER tc MARION ON LIBERTY PHONE 3-3147 Liberty & Center. Ph. -030 856 W.nied, Cn, Trucks W,LL pav CMh ,r cl,n S3 or Jl Tord 6 Ranch aeon, Pnore 4MT3 I HAVE modem A an!:que fu to tnde for a late model pick up. Ph. 4 -MM 858 Motorcycle! HAHLFY r)rtHn las. tM mMe:. Mrti!e p. wird sMe'd luctage carrier I2TS. Pn. 4-ftMO. 360 Auto Miscellaneous - , tor, Ukt new ITS. ru. l ltu. I is ill? POST Auto Sales Wholesale Prices We must make Room for Late Model Cars "55 OLDS SUPER 88 $2795 Holiday 4. door, radio, heater. . Hydra., white walls tutone paint, a real vaiue. '47 FORD 2 DR. ?2 '50 Merc, motor. '48 FORD 2 DR. SEDAN $175 '51 FORD CONVERT. $495 New lacquer St cont, kit. Perfect. 53 DESOTO CONVERT .$695 Radio, heater, overdrive, 40 000 miles. . '51 STUDE. V-8 COMM. $495 uveranve. '51 CHEV. 4 DOOR ( 2 of these, sharp cars. '50 STUDE. COMM. 4 DR. $395 50 PLYM. 4 DR. SDN. $395 '49 DESOTO. 4 DR. $195 '41 BUICK SUP.. 4 UK, SDN 1138 Sharp as a tack. '41 CAD. CLUB CPE $??? Radio, heater, hyriramatic and sharpl PICKUPS '55 TON CHEV. Like new. '51 FORD ! TON . Overdrive. '53 CHEV. "4 TON, 4 SPEEDS 52 OMO 14 TON, 4 SPD. .895 51 DODGE ij TON 595 51 INTERNATIONAL ,i TON LOTS OF LATE MODELS OPEN EVE. TILL '8 11)55 FORD Fairlane 2 dr. 1 own er, execp. clean. Ph. Mr. Dow. 3-41611 or 3-8614. The LLOYD ejves the most for inc icasi. 4a mpg. suuit 5. 315 Mission. . 50 MERCURY 2 dr. radio, heal er, overdrive. 2 tone, excel, cond., reas. 1535 Norway. 520 HOOD ST. PH. 4-0909 55 FORD CUSTOM LINE .. $1495 8 cyl. 4 dr., radio, heater, new nylon tires. 54 FORD CUSTOM LINE $1095 8 cyl., 4 dr., radio, heater, nylon tires. 53 FORD CUSTOMI.INE $8115 8 cyl.. 2 dr., 2-tone paint, new nylon tires., 52 OLDS. HOLIDAY ' CPE $1095 Super 88. radio, heater, white wall tires. '52 STUDE. HDTP. . . $695 Commander 8, radio, heater, auto, trans. 51 MERC. CLB. CPE. . $695 Radio, heater, merc-o-matlc '51 OLDS. SUPER 88 .$595 $595 $495 4-door, radio, heater, 51 OLDS. CONVT. ... Radio, heater, hydra. 51 PONT. 4 DR. Radio, heater, hydra. 51 STUDE. 4 DR. $.195 Radio, heater, auto, trans. 51 KAISER 2 DR $295 Sharp. '51 PLY. 4 DR. $.195 Cranbrook. radio, heater. '51 PLYM. CONVT $395 '50 FORD fl 2 DR. . $395 Custom, radio, heater. '50 NASH 4 DR. ...$195 Radio, heater, hydra. '50 HUDSON 4 DR. . $195 Radio, heater, overdrive. '50 PONT. CONVERT. . $395 Radio, heater, hydra. '50 KAISER 4 DR $95 '48 KAISER 4 DR $45 '46 BUICK 4 DR $95 '41 CHRYS. 6 CLB. CPE. $95 '30 MODEL A. CPE $75 OPEN TILL 9 '54 OLDS. SUPER 88 4 DR. Sedan, radio, heater, hvdra.. tu-tone blue finish $1935 '56 OI.DS. R8 TUDOR SDN. Heater, hydra., tu-tone fin ish, a real deal on this one. '53 OI.DS. fti! 4 DR. SDN. Radio, heater, hydra., lots more, only . $I3U5 '54 CHEV. TUDOR SDN. Heater, powergllde. white aide tire,, exceptionally nice (121! '52 CHRYSLER V-8 4 DR. Sedan, radio, heater, power steering, real food 4795 '53 PODfiE V-8 CORONET 4 door sedan, radio heater, white wall,, tu-tone finish, auto, trans. ,195 53 CHEV TUDOR SDN. u,alla ! -1 car ! ', 134s I '43 FORD V-8 H T. PICKUP $44S 49 OLDS 83 4 DR $325 "51 FORD V-8 4 DR. . $295 '47 OLDS. CLR. SDN. $85 '43 MERCURY 4 DR. SDN. . $225 Silverton RH at Ijncastcr Dr Ph. 4-9114 ROCKET MARKET Ik Salesmen Have Gone Astray WORTH, SMITTY, CLYDE & GENE Will practically give you one of these fine A-l Used Cars. '56 FORD 8 pass, Sta tier. waRon. ThJf one should be on the show room floor! Beautiful co- lonial white & diamond blue Fairlane. with h anion izing easy to clean all plas tic interior. Fully equipped with gas pinching overdrive, giant radio, spot light, back up lights, etc. Generous trade-in allowance. $2595, '56 FORD CONVERT Thi5'"56 Sunliner convert. Is bright. Green & white body & tan top that's tight. Con tinental kit and Fordnmptic, too. Radio, heater, and wirt wheels, for you. Plastic seats, window squirts, steering full of power. You'll want to own this one within the hour, , $2495 - '56 FORD VICT. This ear is positively like new. Not a mar or scratch anywhere. Beautiful dia mond blue St colonial whit with matching blue Interior, Drive this one St you'll en joy it's ultra smooth Fordo inatlc transmission teamed with its power steering. Fully equipped. Save HUN DREDS OF DOLLARS Irom new car price. $2495 '56 FORD CUSTOM V-8, for a RED HOT buy check this one. You have an opportunity to buy this ins car at a fraction of its origi nal price. Deluxe equipped with radio, heater, clock, Fnrdomatlc, directional sig nal.1;, etc. Generous trade al lowance on your car, $2095 '55 FORD VICTORIAS Two In choose from! Sharp cars for sharp buyers who really appreciate well cared for, slightly used cars. These little sweethearts are fully equiqt, and ready to gn. Sn don't sit back and dream about them. Come in for a look! $1995 '55 FORD WAGON That proud feeling will bt yours in this fine spring mist green & colonial whitt country eqan custom model with all the trimmings; ra dio, heater, tinted glass, Fordomatlc, oil bath, etc. Bring your family and take it for a trial ride. $1995 '55 FORD Fairlnne. If you've wanted a car that demonstrated qual ity & care in every opera tion now is your chance. This car is FORD'S finest which can be appreciated when you see its luxurious Interior & drive its ultra smooth Fordomatlc teamed with its powerful V-8 engine. Deluxe equipped with large radio, generous leather, tint ed glass, white wall tires, oil bath, ol) filter, electric clock, many more convenient items. $1895 '54 "CHEV. 4 DR. 210. original green &- gray finish in excellent condition. Another '37 Ford trade in. This automobile has very low mileage and fn A-l me chanical condition, See this one today. $1195 r53F0RDCUST V-8. This Ford is a rral com pliment to the neatness ft good habits of its one and only owner. Strictly a car for the buyer who can't af ford weekly repair hills vet needs good clean dependa ble transportation. Has ra dio, heater; gas pinching overdrive and other extras. $1095 '53 CHEV. CPL You'll be GLAD you decided on a car like this. Finished in tu-tone Rreen with match ing interior. Kqulpt. with radio, heater, & other ex tras. You won't waste your 'time looking at this one. $995 '52 CHEV. 4 DR" De luxe, a Stylellne Chevy & truly a standout m every way with Its Jet Black fin ish St near new white wall tires. Radio, heater, & Pow ergltdf. ar also featured in this blark beauty which must be seen to appreciate. - $795 '51 WILLYS WGN. This serviceable model that Is all metal & has room for six passengers plus hauling space. Juil right for the sportsman, farmer, winter driving or anyone desiring utility economical trans portation. $645 '50 OLDS. 88 Sedan. For a red hot buy check this one I Beautiful tu-tone blue sedan with fa mous Rocket motor. Radio, heater, hydra, trans., white wall tires, clock, etc. S595 See These Cars In Our Used Car Building Where It's Ahvavs Dry. ALL RECONDITIONED A l USED CARS "Salem i Own Ford Dealer" iulj motor d Liberty k.Kvten Center k M.rmn Fit. t-02H