Salem, Oregon, Friday, November 30, 1956 5 Page 4 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' 6 7 8 9 6 i i 7 8 9 2 r l ! I ft 6 rWK I 1 8: 9 5 7 1 ( RADIO PROGRAMS SLM 139t, KOCO MM, KOAT 1430, KOIN fit. BO !. HEX UN . FRIDAY r.M. ' HOUR 00:00 00:15 " 00:30 00:45 5 KBLM Bob St Ray dob it Ray Bob it Kay " Sports-Scop KOCO News Rumpus Room Hum put Room lltuinpus Room KOIN Ed. R. MurrowlNcws-Wcather Tom Harmon Frank Onss KCW Mui-M'Anulty Mus-M'Anulty Olympic Camel Tom McCall KKX Newi-Blackb'n Bob Blackb rn Bob Blackburn Bob Blatihburn K8LM Dinner News Bill BrundaRo koco News (Songs Bund'wmSonjta Sund'wniSonm Sund'wn KOIN Snorts-News (Lowell Thoman Amoi it Andy Amol 6t Andy KGW Elmer Peters'n Music Music Music KEX Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Buck n Boo Blackburn KSLM Gabriel Heater (Stiver Serenade KOCO News Ilumnua Room KOIN Melody 'Melody KGW Fights Fights KKX Mel Allen ITeacher KSLM H.S. Football Newa nobt. Q. Lewis World Newi Bob Adklna Koro KOIN KGW KEX IRumpua Room Rumpua Room Itobt Q. Lewll World Tonight 1 Man a FamllviBob Hope Bob Adklna Bob Adklna KSLM KOCO KOIN H.S. Football News Tune Table Fred Waring Bob Ad kins IH.S. Football Rumpus Room Tunc Table K(JW KKX iFrcd Warms; Bob Adklns KSLM Music Music KOCO News Rumpus Room KOIN 5 Star Final Sports Desk K(iW Rich; id RP tr Dance Pme News Jess Mason Counter Spy Silent City Club Dance lime Dance land ICounter Spy KOCO KOIN '1 KRW t,- KEX City Club Dance Time Don c( land SATURDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 KBLM News Mus Tlmkpr KGAT Farm News , Salute To Sat KOIN News-Amcr; ' KOIN Klock KGW Rosa. Clooney jMonitor KEX News-Hp lime Keep lime KSLM Hemlncwav Break Gang Tunea it Time Salute To Sat News Monitor Keep Time 'KOCO Go to Town KGAi Game comm. KOIN KOIN Klock KGW Monitor KEX News KSLM KOCO Bible Hour Sport Shots Salute To Sat Story Master Monitor Keep Time 4'ii Show News-Sports H .1 lute To Sat Story Master 620 Revue No School Musfc Local News Salute To Snt Robt. Q. Lewis Monitor KeepJTlme Farm & Home Tunea & Time Salute To Sat News 620 Itevue No School KGAY KOIN KfiW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX KSLM News Music lArmy vs. NavyArmy vs. Navy KOCO News-Sports 141)1 Tune St iHM Tune St. 1400 Tune St. KGAY Camera Club Salute To Sat Salute To Sat KGAY News KOIN Story Master Golen Drake Galen Drake pr.nlen Drake KGW McAnuity Mui.iMcAnully Mus.Mc Anility Mus.iMcAnuIty Mus.f KEX Stars Tomor'ow I Stars Tomor'ow Stars Tomor'ow IS tars Tomor'ow KSLM Army vs. NavyArmy vs. NavyArmy vs. NavyArmy vs. Navy inuuu newsoporis 14D0 Tune SL 1 KGAY Salute to Sat Salute To Sat I KOIN Story Master Gucst Stars Bdwy. Parade KGW McAnultv Mus McAnullv Mui.iFootbnll 1 KEX Ga.-Ga. Tech. IGa.-Ga. Tech. Ga.-Gn. Tech. hSLM Army vs. NavyArmy vs. NavyArmy vs. NavyArmy vs. Navy KOCO World Newi Sat Matinee KGAY KGAY Newi KOIN News KGW Football KKX Ga.-Ga. Tech, sat. lilts Weather Football Ga.-Ga. Tech. KBLM Army vs. NavvlArmy vs. NavvlMusIc I KOCO News-Sport Sat. Matinee I KGAY Sat. Hits Sat Hits KOIN Newspaper (Newspaper KGW Football (Football KEX Ga.-Ga. Tech. Ga,-Gq. Tech. KBLM Music IMuslc KOCO Ncws-Hporu bat Mnune KGAY Sat. Chnsi Sal. Chase KOIN U.S.C.-N.D. IU.S.C.-N.D. KGW Football (Football , KEX Rubs Conrad luns Conrad KSLM Merry-Round Merry-Hound KOCO News-Sporti Sat. Mntlnee t gf KGAY Sat. Hits iSat. Hits WOIN U.S.C.-N.D. IU.S.C.-N.D. 4TKGW McAnuity Mua. McAnuity Mus, ' ILKA. HUPS uonrna nuns Lnnria KSLM Guest Star News koco Jrny. into Jazc Jrny, into J KGAY Fend. RounduplPend. Rounnup KOIN Kirknam News GuealStar . WOW 620 Revue (020 Revue KKX News-Blkbrn Bob Blackburn K8LM Newa Country Styl. KOCO Sporta IPop Ttmea KGAY SaL Hits Sign 0(1 KOIN News-Weatbsr U N. Record fKGW Scoreboard Scoreboard KEX Sports Bob Blackburn KSLM Ilawll CalU Hawaii Calla KOCO News Pon Tunes KOIN Sporla (Entertainment KOW 620 Rcvu. B20 Hcvue KEX Bob BlackburniBob BlackburniBob BlackhurniBoo Binckuurn 7K f rKSLM KOCO Word of Life Wcst. Serenade Rhythms! res Hhvthmaires Fill FBI Farm it Home Farm it Home Schools iRcBourccs Tl.S. Football llTsTFoolball News-Sports Dance Parly Gil Henry IGil Henry Heck Harper 'Heck Harper Wnd. Weekend Wnd. Weekend I KOIN F KGW KEX .KSLM 1KOCO IKOIN JKGW KEX KSLM H.S. Football H S. Football News-Sports Dance Party 1 Tune Table (Tune Tahle B20 Revue 020 Revue Wnd Wwkend (Wnd. Weekend lKOCO IKOIN FKGW KEX 1K9I.M K0O KOIN ft KOW U KEX News (Dance Parly News-Sports nt i Party Sat. Nile Flnsl Sports Dsnce Ttme Oancr Time News (Danceland 1KS1.M KOCO KOIN 1 ROW I KKX Dance Party News-Snorts Newi-Muiilc Dance Time Danceland Dance Partv Dance Party Mus. Midnight Danceland Danceland SUNDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 KOW :30 Church llyms i KI1.M Mclndv Joum'vlMelodv Journ'TlMusIc Church Belli I KOIN KOW H Power BlUKiiB. Power BissslChurch of Air Church of Atr Hadio Pulpit Itaitio Pulpit I KKX liaine Com. Jmn wavy "Cont'v Baptist Saltm Acad. Never Know .4-11 Club Watlfe Club WatHe Club Inv. to Learn luv, lo Learn Vnlre Pmnhecv Vtiire Prouhecvt . KSLM I KOCO KGAY I KOIN ' KGW KEX Faith In our TF.itih In our KRL.M Bible Class Bible Class" Mus for Sun. Mus. for Sun. Roberts Oman Hubert Organ Jewish Faith St. FiaiicIs Scandlnsv Hr ftcandlnav Hr Parade of Hits Parade of Hits Newt Chrtitlsn Sri. I'rrinvterlan Presbvterian tilt Review Hit Review Stnrv Matter Art Museum Music for Sun, Music for Sun, News-Weekend Weekend KOCO KGAY KOIN KOW KEX 1KII.M KOCO KGAY OhOIN KGW KEX 1KSLM Join Navy Concert Mtn'tr First Msthodlstirirst Mrthodtst KOCO ririt Raplist First Baptist First Oapttit r'rtt Bsntlit KGAY Calvarv BnptlstlCalvary Bantlst;Cslvary BeiptlstlCalvary Baptist 1K.HN Svmphonette Pvmplionelfe N. Y. PhMharm. N. Y. Phtlharm. KtiW rtiurch Service Church Servlc rhurch Servs, t'hurrh Servs, ' KT.X News-Weekend I Weekend Weekend Weekend i"V KSLM News " Music Mennonttes Mrnnnniiet 1 KOCO World Ntws Sun Matinee Sun Mstlnee Run Mstlne KGAY KGAY News Serenade Serenade KGY New n KOIN N. Y. Phllliarm N. Y. IMulharm -N. Y. Philharm.-N. Y. Phllharm. I KGW Niwi.Mnmlnf Mnnitnr Monitor Monitor Kr K.'l. .r. U'..b.,4 Kl" KOI O "Sun. Serenade Sun7Sr rennde Vm. Matinee Sun. M.ititiee Run ;,.r-,iai C.n C.ra.,iaH, IKGAY KOIN KGW KEX Percy Faith'rrcy Faith Monitor Monitor News-Weekend iWrekrnd hKSI.M Sun. Srrenade Serenade BK'K-O nun Matinee Run Mitlne Sun Serenade Sun Srrrntde Phlla. Orrh. ll'hlla. Orch, Monitor Monitor New Weekend tWerkend 'KGAY KOIN -KGW KEX Kftl.M kKOCO K K 3i K K I Sun. Serenade Sin. Rerensde TeensM Tunes Teenafs Tunes Stjinlrv Butler Stnl Butler (KGAY KOIN kc;w EEX KSLM IKOI'O News H'nlv. F.xp. .Momlnr lion i.nnsiaine News-Weekend Weekend ISuneVeruidsTun Serenade Tesnage Tunes Teenage Tunes n t un rnrnm n I'tun rnrum IKOAT IKOIN Juke Box Jury Juke Box Jury KOW K EX MonlUit MiinilOl News-Weekend Weekend News ' Musle Teensga Tunes Teensft Tunes KGAY News Sign Off Music Hsll Music Hall News-Mnnltor Monitor N e w s We ek en dj Weekend wVlt Wlnrhll Pssa KSLM KOCO KGAT KOIN KGW KEX M KO( (l Teenaie Tunes Teenage funs feenaee Time Teeae Ptmes Chrlftmas ShowlChriitma ShowThrnlmsi ShowChrlstmsi Showl Old Dustv Old Duitv 7o.0i Children Brtt. Revue fire Pearson limm lidier Bergen Evans Home Demon. k'slSTGu? LomVardo'Ouy Ixmbardolbrew rearsnn Music ROlo IVcnaer nine, le.nsf. lure. Teenaee lunes 'leensee ninel KIIIN Johnny Dollsr IJohnny Dollsr ir.uninioke CiimsiroKe KfiW Meet the 1'rej.a Meet Ire Pre.s Amer. Forum lAmer. rorum I Kin r.rnwln Tains fiiowlns Pains Creates! Slory r.tealest Slory Bldg. OreRon Sam Hayei IMuslc Music Itiimntil Hnnm iniimmia Rnnn IBlne Crnsby ILook lo Skl-a B20 Revue 620 Ilevue iBob Adklna IBob Adklna IH.S. rootball Rumpua Room INewi Bob Hope Bob Adklna H.S, Football Rumpua Room ISoThevSay H.S. Football Rumpus Room So They Say (Dance Time Edw. P Morgan (Dance Time Jimmy Fldler News Rumpus Room Good Evening IJnm-e Tlma (Dnnceland Music Rumpus Room Good Evening- uunt e i ime Dnnceland (Melodies I IMuslc Danceland IDanre Time (Melodlea i Music Dance Time 'Danceland 00:30 00:45 Mus. Tlmkpr. JJaws Salute To Sat KG AY Newa KOIN Klock KOIN Klocjc Monitor Monitor Keep Time (Keep Time Breakf Gang News Tunes it Time Tunes it Time Salute To Sat KGAY News Goss News Consum. Ntws Wthr-Monitor Monitor Keep Time Keep Time (Haven of Rest Tunes & Time Salute To Sat Jtobt. Q. Lewis Monitor Keep Time Pastors Call Tunes it Time Haven of Rest Tunes it Time KGAY News Itobt. Q. Lewis Monitor Keep Time Bargain Counter T unea tt Time KGAY News IGunsmoke 020 Revue No School Salute To Sat IGuiiBmoke 620 Revue No School 2 3 14!J0 Tune St. 14J0 Tune si. Salute To Hat, Salute To Sat llidwy. Parade jFootball (Ga.-Ga. Tech. Sat. Matinee Sat Matinee Sat. Hits (Farm Facts Fool ball IGa.-Ga. Tech. KGAY News IMan Bites Rcrd. Football IGa.-Ga. Tech. IMuslc Sot. Matinee IKGAY News Sat. Matinee iSat. Hits "Man Bites KerdlU S.C.-N.D. Fool ball Football IRush Conrad Kuss Conrad News (Music Sal. Matinee Snt Matinee Sat. Clioie (Treasury Show IU.S.C.-N.U. IU.S.C.-N.D. IMcAmilty Mus.iMrAnultv Mus. Ill ussConr ftd III ubs Conrad Miirry-Roundi Merry-Round Sat. Mntlnee Sat. Matinee p'end. RounduplPend. Roundup lu.a.u.-N.u. ui.a.u.-n.u, McAnuity Mus, McAnuity Mus. muss on rim iun iuirnu Show Boat OMuslo sit urny mio m jrny imo sat Hits ikuay news Dailfter Aliead Look to Skies B20 Revue 1020 Revue IBob Blackburn (Bob Blackburn Jark Klzzlah Jack Kirtlah Pop Tunes Wally's Sport 'llarmon Snts. Frank Gnss Monte Ballon iMnnte Ballott Bob HlacKOurnmoo Blackburn Western Ser. IWestern Ser. Hliythmalrea Rhythmalrea IRomanre Rinani'e 62U Hcvue Bosln St. Jan West. Serenade U.S. Football Dance Party Dance Party IJlmmy Wnkcly Jimmy Wakely Grand 01 Opry Grand OlOpry 'Wnd. Weekend WnU. Weekend H S. Football H.S. Football Danre Party Dunce Party GI1 Henry (Gil Henry illcrk Harper Hock Harper (Wild. Weekend Wnd. Weekend Bnsketba11 Ditnce i..rty (Gil Henry Dance Time Child Beyond IDasketball Dnnce Gll Henry Dance Time Child Beyond Dance Party Dance Party Daurt Part? Dance Party Good Evening Good Evening Dance Time Danre Time Dnnceland Danceland Dance Partv Dance Party Dance Party Dance Party Mus Midnight Mus Midnight Dance Time Dance Time Dnnce Time Danrrland 00:30 00:45 KOIN :S0 Clmich ol Iba Air Church Hymns Another Chance iicre s in vets unquiry Back to God Back to Goal Naxarene Scr. Mus. for Sun. Wuflfe Club KliAV News Salt Lake Tab. Salt Lake Tab. IJr li.tiiluMi!ie Dr. llniuhouie TFalth tn our TFalth in our T Voice of Prophi Voice ot Proph. Mus for Sun. Mm for Sun. Hit Hevlrw KGAY Nvs Foreign AffalrstSunilay News Scandtnav Hr St'sndinav Mr Parade ot Hits Parade of Hits Frank iV Ern'stlMuslc Manh Mel nngB to Rem. Hll Revew KGAY New Dorcy Bros. Dorsey Bros, r.lcrnal Light Klernal Llgltt Weekend Weekend U'flntiortrt (Vrgkoiut Sun. Srrenade Sun. Serenade (Run. Mattnee Sun. Matinee c,,n fis.rntiBiU KfJA V New Hr.iPercy Faith llrJPercy Faith Hr. Momlm Monitor Weekend Weekend Sun. Srrriiaile Sun. Matinee Sun Msllne. Sun Srrenad. KGAY Newa ll'hlla Orch. IMula Otrh. Monitor Momlor Weekend Werkend Run Serenade Sun Serenade Teenage Tunea Ttenat lunes Stanley Butler Stanley IV-tler Roind n RoundlRound n Round I'otnersauon . tn erjauon Weekend Weekend iRm-ta Con. Sttndav Con. Teenige Tuntl Teenste Tunes Alrtime Air Tirre Radio W'rkshop Rsdto Workshop Monnnr .noriMor Weekend Weekend Lutheran Hour I iithran "Hour Teenags Tunes HI, There (" Trnu lflM TBS NewsroomCBS Newsroom Hi, There Hi. There W ee kend Weekend News Cs'ev.l 8 KsXM Music iMuslc KOIN Suspense Suspense kuw music remvai music festival imusic remvai 'muiic resuvai KEX Argmnt, In Ore.'Argmnt. In Ore. Look to Sky Sports 9 KSLM Newt (Dave Hoss koin Mitch Miller iMitch Miller KGW Musle restivil Muilo festival KEX HI-FI Time HI-FI Time 1 0 KsXM Hr. of Decision iHr. of Decision Music IMuslc KOIN Sun Nile fin. Mus. MemoP. Face the Nat'nIFace the Nat'n KGW Rich. Reporter Vts News Hr of Decision Hr of Decision KEX News-Sports Musio Music Music 1KSLM I tvulft News-MuslO (Music KOW Cattioltc Hr, iCathollo Hr. KEX MuslO MuslO MONDAY HOUR 00:00 00: KILM Val rarmcaat Val. farmcaat Val. farmeast Newa 6 KGAY farm newa worn. Mas. KOIN Newa America KOIN Klock KCW Farm Time W'ld News KEX News-Kp Tim. Keep Time KBLM Hemingway KOCO Newa Bk'f'sl Cang B'kf'st Gang IWest Jublle. West Jublle. IMorn. Mag. Morn Mag. Headline NewslGoss Newa Weather Listen Keep rim. IKeep Tim. 7 KGAY Morn. Mag. KOIN KOIN Klock KOW Listen KEX Newa KSLM Cliff End. Family Altar 8 turn news lunes & Time Tunes St Tim. Tunes Bt Tim. KGAY Herb's Show Herb's Show KOIN Consum. Newi IValle Newa KGW Listen Listen KEX Keep Time Keep Tim. KSLM Newa KOCO News INews ' 9 KGAY Herb's Show KOIN wendv Warr.mHoward Millar Helen Trent Mid-Morn. N'w KGW Listen listen KEX Breakfast club IBreakfast KSLM Newa ITelloTest iWlngs of Song rwlngs of Song KOCO Newa IClarlne Calling Clarlne Calling Clarlne Calling KGAY Herb' Show ICIarey Dyer Herb' Show IKGAY News KOIN Nora Drake Ma Perkins IDr. Malone lAunt Mary KGW NBC Bandst'ndNBC Bandit'ndiNBC Bandat'ndlNBC Bandstand KEX Coffee Tim. IBob Purred Glrl Marries Whispering Sis. 1KSLM CCA IQueenforDay Queen for Day Queen for Day KOCO News IClarlne Culling Clarlne Calling IClarlne Calling KGAY Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Lucky 7 (Lucky 7 IKOIN Happiness IMrs. Burton iStrlk. It Rich Pat Buttram KGW NBC Bandat'ndlNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandat'ndlNBC Bandstand KEX True Story True Story Paul Harvey Jack Parr 1KSLM Newa KOCO World News KGAY KGAY NEWS 2 KOIN News Weather KGW Mitchell Rpts. KEX Geo.McGowan IKTILM Wlllam. Mat. Wlll'm'tte MaLiWIIIamette Mat.iWIIIamelte Mat KOCO News lEasy Show Easy Show Easy Show KGAY Rollle'a RecordslRollle'a RrcordslRollle'a RecordslKGAY Newa KOIN Godfrey Tim. Godfrey Time iGoilfrey Time Godfrey Time s KGW Hllllop House Pepper Young KKX News-Conrad Russ Conrad KSLM Wlll'm'tte Mat IWlll'm'tr Mat. i Good News Matinee KOCO News SporU Clarlne Calling Clarlne Calling Ctanne Calling nuiz news wsy anow KOIN Godfrey Time Godfrey Time KGW Ncws-McAnlty McAnuity Mua. McAnuity Mus.iMcAnuity Mui, KEX NewB-Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad KSLM Wlllam. Mat Willam. Mat KOCO News JEasy Show KGAY Rome's RecordslRollle's Records! Hoi he's RecordslKGAY News KOIN Backstase WlfelGal Sundav KGW McAnuity Mus McAnuity Mus KEX News-Conrad Russ Conrad Chewing I ;, helps keep Teeth ! I Clean J and attractive 8 'J Pntnv rVinwiniT dfflir.niii C WISHING WELUt Registered U. S. 7846297382645 P P C Y A B n E LMO R'A, 6 2 & 1 3 8" 4 7 fii 5 8 7 3 t;awapoeyrkrbi i 8 4 6 5 3 7 2 8 6 5 T ZYASRCRIAKTOO 5 3 8 7 6 2 8 7 4 S 3 0 2 I. ONIY NDVIL.FBQ 1 ? 2 6 5 7 3 8 2 6 i 7 6 VEPLRSJCItlEPB "5 8 4 7 28 6 1 4 5 2 6 8 ODLOCI RWIIKEF "5 2 6 4 8 3J 2 5 6 4 8 7 SUA.PTYKPEMESR T-TERE It pleasant Utile game thai will give you a message every 1 day. It Is a numerical puule designed to spell out your fortune Count the letters In your Ant name. If the number ot letters is S or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result Is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec tangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. O ii". r wmieaa J. Miller. Dumbo y kim mix. iiaw. It-JO ACROSS 1. Insect 4. Calking material 9. Away 12. Fairy queen 13. Brotherly 19. Miss Hay. worth 1". Observe IB. Unite in. Headland 21. Periods of light 22. That thing SJ. Kgyptian god tt.llivrr bottom 2(1. Has being 2B. Haunt 30. Kiih man 32. Astern 33. Hebrew priest 34. Place ol combat 39. Recline 36. Vestment 37. Carries 38. Dessert 39. Chinese measure 40. Mnle off spring 41. female sandpiper 4.1. English letter 44. Toothed wheel 46. Narrow opening 48. Inform 4". Irish dance 62. Toss 64. Inaugurated 57. Old card game 58. Oreck E ' l: I . i 1 Is I6 I' a M" I10 I11 ll i 16 It u jo 3i W it Hjs jj J4 m -w . J w T5 UiT ap- 44 4S 6 -11 41 SO 61 J2 4J iT 55 stjSvsT ssi C 5? . to A tlaU 14 BUN. iMuilc Musle Mitch Miller tMitch Miller iValley Music Treas. Show Treas. Show Music Festival Mustc Festival HI-FI Time Hi-Fi Time (Music Ctty Council Music .Music City Council Music A.M. ID 00:30 00:45 Morn. Mag. kuay newa KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Listen Listed Keep Tim. Keep Tim. (Itwi & w.ath. iWest. Jubilee KGAY Newa iBabbltl ihow (Morning Rep't bob Hazen Bible Inst. Bible Inst. Herb's Show .KGAY Newa Shelley Seren. ' Shelley Sera. Listen Listen Keep Tim. 'Keep Tim. IPastor'a Call iBargaln Counter luionn. calling ciarin. calling marine caning Herbs Show Herb's Show KGAY News sn, ivt McunaelKonnie worm club IBreakfast Club Breakfaat Club rtcwe tsc'ta Hike ShoplVall Forecaet Easy Show lEaay Show Easy Show Rollle'a RecordsITown Crier KGAY News Come Gel It House Party mouse Party Cafe Lounge iCafe Lounge Women In Hi iGeo.McGowan IGeo.McGowan Farm Newa McAn'lty MuslclMcAnulty Mus. Huss Conrad Russ Conrad abasy snow uisy now Ruth Ashton (News-Weather Wlllam Mat Tello Test Easy Show Easy Show ITake Thirty rTfik Thlrtv tMcAnulty Mua McAnulty Mua IRuss Conrad Russ Conrad Guests at Amity AMITY (Special) Holiday tmesis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Launer were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jones, and her mother, Mrs. Mable Tanner all of Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. Launer s sislcr and her brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mi- of Portland: Mrs. Launer's mother, Mrs. Josephine Jones of Whilcson, and the Launer's daugh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Donicht and Sue Ann of Am ity. Palent Office. C R O S Sll k A Mi Alio AVE R TUN m i l agqG a n g. sow R e tEeTHa CSSSQaIt B I S LfiMR u e g i sssel a no eTJB a OlDlflUNlAlPl SlNlE P TIUlN Ej (ok ApiujE Li Ha c OBd e 3 aitterJLJ rIDBl AISO R gLMBMp"RE AD DOG I G C TR X G 0 R oIIanele o dUb e ret Solution of Yesterday's Puule 61). Picture border 60. Besides DOWN 1. Prickly seed case 2. Stupid 3. Portal 4. Among 5. Exist 6. Knight of the Round Table 7. Shoshoncan Indian 8. Myself 9. Sole 10. Untruth 11. Aviate 14. Electric cattish 16. Stupid person 50. Legislator 21. Degrades 22. Utopian 24. Nobleman 25. Stupid playi slang 27. Guide 29. Pen point 31. Wager 32. Moslem fourth caliph 40. Seasoning 42. Fairy 43. Lamb's pea name 47.Sp.jar 48. Draw gama 49. Clash 50. Philippine negnto 51. Jewel 53. Seed holder 5S. Provide: 5'1. Down; prefix Farm Debt Up 6 Pet. in '56, Double 1947's WASHINGTON (UP) - Farm debt has doubled since 1947 al though the number of farmers has declined about 20 per cent, the Federal Reserve Bulletin said to day. In a study of farm debt at mid year, the Bulletin, a publication of the staff of the Federal Reserve Board, said such debt in June was about $18.5 billion, 6 per cent greater than a year ago. About 15 billion of this debt was owed to insure commercial banks, $7.7 billion to individuals and mer chants and another $5.7 billion to nonbank financing institutions. Although farm debt is about twice what it was in 1947, the year of the last survey, the value of farm assets and the investment in land is up 75 per cent, the Bulletin said. The rise in debt, the Bulletin said, is attributable to "smaller farm," forcing farmers to depend upon bank credit to "an increasing extent. Other highlights of the report: The average size of outstanding notes at midyear was $1,400, about 60 per cent higher than in 1947. Of the 3,528,000 loans outstand ing, 1,697,000 were for current ex penses, such as feeder livestock operations and current operating living expenses; 1,325,000 were for the purchase of livestock, consumer goods and similar inter mediate term investments,' and the. balance was for repaying of debt, real estate purchases and other similar longer term debts. The average size of outstanding bank loans per borrower was $2,227. Loans not secured by real estate were 75 per cent larger than in 1947, and those secured by real estate were 20 per cent higher. Interest rates on loans secured by real estate averaged about 5.4 per cent a year and 6.4 per cent on those not secured. This was about .5 per cent higher on each type than mid-1847 rates. KlickitatPUD Delays Action For John Day GOLDENDALE, Wash. Wl -The Klickitat County Public Utility Dis trict announced Thursday it will wait until after the new Congress convenes before taking any further steps to sponsor the proposed John Day Dam. Klickitat PUD commissioners, who have applied for a prelim inary permit for the big Columbia River project, said the district will drop out if the federal govern ment is willing to build the dam. The decision, they said, was based on their analysis of the election results. 'We arc in the situation of hav ing almost an entire delegation from the Pacific Northwest com mitted to a strictly federal development,"- the commissioners said in a statement. "On the other hand, we returned to office a na tional administration committed to a partnership program. It now puts us in the position of probably hav ing to wait to see what direction the power program will take."' The commissioners added the recent rise in interest rates also provides a handicap to local de velopment. 7269 B4H& Gay Scraps Quilt Colorful scraps the more, the merrier I Turn them into a lovely warm patchwork t,uilt, this thrifty way. One square alone would make a gay pillow or chair-seat! Pattern 7269i Chart, directions, pattern of patches. Yardages for both single and double-bed quilt. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add 6 cents for each pattern tor Ist-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal. Household Arts Dept . P 0. Box 168. Old Chelsea Station. New York 11. N Y. Print i.i-'nly NAME, ADDRESS. 7.0.NE. AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed in our ALICE BROOKS Needle craft book stunning designs for you. our readers! Doiens ot other designs lo order all easy, fascinating hand-work! end 75 cents for your copy ol this won derful book right iwayl aTTHEC (frlyr uai'r. ucai CfTr.nT (. toMESOPV EXCII5E fttE.'I .SS SjsJnr3t THEBID! r NOT A A AT THE DOOK.y UNPEESTANP MISS -IIH7 STEVE, iMTELUNSTAtESX USEP 10 THESE EE I T , ESjl POTEET CANVON 1 OUT Of SCHOOL, BUT (OTEET SPONSIBILITIES.'... ff E W6jasW "OAEOS HEfUJ.' I Ml "W!T BECAUSE KHIPIPNT I THANWJOE.RV J R IWTCsasll CAME TO ASK THE fTaasaaaaj '"'JEaBlfim mm Ma iP w 1 i .1 llYT "-JM " ) IIUTJfcnrWSa K J-' -ftialUM'll 1 Tk f3aSrS'aSSi A I 1 wlffiMl'jll I " V GOT IT ..WITH' I s orcTti 2xz w ( J I I sTY -l No place at Is V-.JB M -si 1 E''A ; A pass JTHTW . XSHX ' . PSSTI DON'T XWNOBWJUT C:. orN SSk ) SS.AND IH I M5f is.-T JBl. V'- V 5 1 FLVS1T tl M X75H ' Z3t .t Ok s "N-x-- UUTUU-UH'- UM, NV.'l KNUW NUIMINto I 1 Ht HA& WW Tts"- Ire MtT A LOT Or H' SALESMcN I I I SUPPOSE YOU KNOW, X HELP HIM IN HIS ABOUT INSURANCE BUT A PRETTY BIG If NERE-BUT WRB THE FIRST ONE I MR. NOMAD --My FATHER- BUSINESS. MISS I HE SEEMS TO 00 VERY ORGANIZATION f j WHO ""WELL" THAT I FEEL J I HAS A PRISON RECORD KARNAC ? V WELL AT (T -y I mU IV rB LIKE TO KNOW.' Y7T77 I a feTDr rkrSv mm., mm m t5 V' SvcwMZ"m., ot il f vwf po ou emrf XeiPKuww: ITS ipAQ"- GOfM' 1$ CAST A SUP 10 KNOW 1 IQ I WU IHlNk! I I Km mmf KMWWiOkWI PAUL OVK MY USUAL L0VA9U6 AN euNNVj WiUIN' 10 iiCOHi Trig V Of THAT'' I AN' P060'$ REMAINS WITH 6000 NATU!? " THE SWAMP 19 LOT ITS LeAPIrfCffKEM IN Hit 2 V WOVf 6vSN COtP, AM6AnB 6 IfAPIN CflllEM"" W6 uj y- ' JTEAP"VtTH A OWI. tfV N IP VBt fOUttP. 1 1AIIHT ON HA, o r-T-i BSe-MM. JTK AT THS HELM, TMIN9 - tY. T) ' JNfl AT TcZ-yrr-PTf' 'l'?0!"!. awt.omrlwg..BM LJsasBs "f , r" ' ':mSSmmmMSi FbutwVS T NOT FOR TWO V W CHE-SHE HrTMEE"" JSS-V WHY. FFVINK FUDCXE- T l-l BEEN I BEEN GETTINq -MOMTHE-g BfltO I OUST V3U COME WTTH I S3?J WHffTAReVOU FIRED--I- 1 1 lOUR VUQXSES I SUE He?-gSK IT I 1 UMJQHED ME, FRANK f M -'.-Efe-5 DOINQ HERE ALONQ I I GOT NO ( RKJJLARLY- I WHS MY WORD J ' 1 AT ME, MAYBE I CAM I --AIN9T HERS- J (fC4- H6 I The first few notes I ( JMJHV. .-L "N isv- P-PLAW.7-OH.HAVENT I THING T Si V' IV-t ,SXONI WORST PIANO-PLAVER f VOTr2K i I rA HOLD IT, JEFF 1JPrTUr STUPID JERwY"? Tm -jaSJSSiaSiJ ( W AWAKE, Yr65..-ouj r -oo iiavenT " TlFEELW II V I WAYT IH Y aO, AVAPLE .' rr XJ , Vl ( AAAPLE ? PO lOU I ARE PR. BEEN TOO WELL,cONFUSED.' Sjj A STATE OF WAS A WTP i tTtVZ'lL) "J??- KOGaee?lMoeetMt Minet weue ) icoiid hypxosisJ whih resulted 1 . lOU AIL Blci; I THIS, LOU --.(7 WHATS cKNN5 TO TAKE HEA E OU V WAS I t J FROM lirT 1 2 SEYrVl- i& I MAPPENEO WTO A TALK 1 COULP jAjmfmwVA S C. -T 1 irT'V TOME? . S HOSPITAL JMEAR EVERVTHIN& yiTOiiw-i rsTii?St:' fflA ' ' I .J 2- aiW 7 THAT HJPPENEP i "VJ ill I f p Spi wfLL-rr-PtimMT lm,,.mZLr but tn A Vot u living here alone.? JTSfi LUtTHtsSANOtfCmSLD awOPiNOFA SAT DEAL OF H0U5E FOR ----.ay. i. VA f S u .AS'.jafJ MR-STOV,AtTE-t - ' .11 V V , , . . I -V ..... S ...STEVE HA4NY EVEN LOOKED AT THE NEWSPAPER, APS TO FINP OUT WtJATs PUnNO AT THE LOCAL AAOTIOM PKTUCE HOUSE... to HE 14 IN FCC A SUePEISE WHEN PoTEET AUEPTS HIS INVITATION.'