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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1956)
Salem, Oregon", Thursday, November 29, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. ml? flfU J UAr mil mmm Lr u uuhju imuu mm wu uuAr mm Traffic Deaths Take 'Amazing' Drop in Nation Toll Slumps 12 Pet. in October, Halting Rise Of 19 Months CHICAGO Wl The nation's traffic death toll has taken a sharp drop a turn the National Safety CouncjJ calls "amazing." The council reported today that motor 'vehicle fatalities slumped 12 per cent in October. It stated that the abrupt down turn: Halted a rise that had extended through 19 consecutive months. Completely reversed the normal seasonal trend. Set up a chance to keep the 1936 total from reaching record heights. . Deaths on the streets and roads In October numbered 3,450. That was 12 per cent under the number who died in October, 1955. And it was the lowest toll for any Octo ber since 1949. "Not since January of 1948," the council said, "had traffic deaths been reduced as much as 12 per cent in any month." Usually fatalities are higher in October than in any preceding month of a year. Council statisticians said that, If the rising trend of the first nine months of this year had carried through October, the October death total would have been about 800 higher. "Credit for this improvement," stated Ned H. Dearborn, council president,, "must go mainly to the average driver and pedestrian, and certainly to alert public offi cials who were alarmed over the fact that the traffic accident prob lem was getting out of hand. "We are getting action." Traffic fatalities in the first 10 months of this year added up to 32,420, The total was 5 per cent higher than in corresponding period of 1955. But at the end of nine months it was 8 per cent higher.' ' Dearborn said the Oclober im provement had not. eliminated the possibility that the 1956 total would top the record of 39,696 killed In 1941. But he added: "We are almost certain now that the toll will be well under 41,000. A couple of months ago it looked as if it might reach 42,000." The council noted that the October decrease was spread out through all regions of the country. Condemnation Suit Filed on Stunibo Strip ROSEBURG Wl The Oregon Highway Commission finally went to court in an attempt to settle its long battle over a 1614-foot section of the Pacific Highway owned by the Stumbo family. A representative of the commis sion filed a condemnation suit in Douglas County Wednesday after noon. The slate forgot to buy the Stumbo property some 10 years ago when a new section of the highway was built but didn't find out about it until this year, when the Stumbos suddenly put a bar ricade across it. Negotiations went slowly and a few days ago the Stumbos started selling to the public tiny, four square inch tracts of the highway. The condemnation action at Hosoburg came only a few hours after the commission's chief coun sel, Robert L. May, said at Salem that proceedings had to be started quickly or the state might have to take action against hundreds ot highway property owners. t Named as defendants along with the Stumbos are two persons who had quit-claim deeds to four square inch pieces of highway property, Russcl E. Heyscll and J. B. Moore. While the. suit specifically named only two of them, the Douglas County recorder said there actually had been six filed before the condemnation action was taken. The suit also names as defendants any unknown per sons claiming right to the property. In the suit, the state asks for a Jury trial to fix the sum to be paid the Stumbos, Ice Runways Melting Fast AUCKLAND, New Zealand v U.S. airmen flying missions from McMurdo Sound in Antarctica are racing to complete their opera tions before their ice runway melts away. Capt. Douglas L. Cordiner, U.S Vn.'u ifliiaHrMi pAmmnniiff. re ported the 6,000-foot runway now is only 25 miles irom ine eur nf lh fao.hreakine bav ice. Last January the distance was SO miles. Navy nlohemasters arc sched uled in complete their drops of fihnnl Vn Innt nf KlinnlipS to the ectahlished at the South Pole by Dec. 12 They alo are to drop 50 tons nf oil at a i kA k,tilt ot Marie Rvrd Land. 900 miles east of McMurdo in December. The bases are being set up s part of the International ueopn sical Year program. MENDERES IN LONDON ' LONDON ijP Ethem Menderes acung luriusrL loreiKu inu......... j for taw SViKtr Ser' c(5elvr, tlu A fife frrviet arms build MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS ON EVERYTHING "EXCEPT YOUR LUCKY DAY" ITEMS FRIDAY SURPRISE Sav en FAMOUS MAKE SOAPS 'Ivory soap, medium ' 13 for $1 Ivory soap, large ' 8 for $1 Ivory soap, personal 20 for $1 Dial soap, bath size 9 for $1 Camay soap; new pink bath size 9 for $1 lux bath soap : 9 for $1 Woodbury bath soap . 9 for $1 Sweetheart soap; regular 16 for, $1 'Mail fltirf phone orders TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE' Save on FACIAL TISSUES, TOWELS Scotties tissues, 400 sheet "4 for 98c Chiffon cleansing tissues, 400's 5 for 99c Scot towels, regular size 6 for $1 Zee towels, regular; whit colors 6 for 99c 'Mail and phone orders TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR ' FRIDAY SURPRISE Save on TOILET TISSUES Scot toilet tissues; white, colors 10 for 99c Scot Softweve tissue; while, colors 9 for 99c Waldorf toilet tissue 15 for 99c Zee toilet tissue; white, colors 16 for $1 Chiffon toilet tissue; white, colors 9 for 99c - MD toilet tissue 13 for 99c 'Mail and phone orders TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR I FRIDAY SURPRISE Reg. '1.25 Powder Compact Attractively styled pressed powder compact in Tortoise shell case. 1 'Mail and phone orders TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR 55' FRIDAY SURPRISE REG. '1.00 FOUNDATION Famous make liquid make - up foundation; as sorted skin tones. 391 'Mail, and phone orders TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE REG. '1.00 LAVENDER SOAP Famous Imported English lavender soap; good - sized bars. 77 'Mail nnrl phone orders TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE' TF rm SAVE ON PROFESSIONAL SIZE HAIR PREPARATIONS 0T1 U Creme Wildroot Kreml' Beau Kreml Pinaud'i Eau de Quinine Plnaud'i Lilac Pinaud's Creme Quinine Fitch' Shampoo Vitalis each 'Mail end phone orders TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE' til I REG. '1.50 DEODORIZER Delicate mint scented liquid In ' handy 1 1 - oz. spray can. 'Mail and phone orders TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR 1 FRIDAY SURPRISE REG. '3.00 BUBBLE BATH $1.95 Assorted scents In attractive, reuseable candy jar. 'Mail and phone orders TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR reg. $ 1 .89 Hair Lacqutr, 1 1-oz. can ' . . . 88 reg. $3.95 Muilcal Revolving Chriitmai Tree ... 2.98 reg. $2 Moth Crystals; (Pora Dielorielde) 5-lb. . . M.49 reg $1 Soap on Rope . ' i 49 reg, $1 Jumbo Bags Bubble Bath, box of 3 .' .'; . 88c reg. $1 Bubble Bath and Dusting Powder . . 88 reg. $1 0.95 Electric Hair Cutting Sets . . . 6.95 reg. $3.50 Swedish Natural Bristle Hair Brushes . , . 1 .88 reg. 59c Jumbo Djer Kiss or Mavis Talc , . , 39c1" reg. $2 Pinaud's Cologne; French Lilac, Bouquet . 1 reg. $1 Lentheric 2-Bottle Cologne Set . . ' . 49 reg. $2.50 Colognes; Gay Glitter, Bright Start, Stolen Henven ". . . M reg. 15c Jumbo Bath Soaps; white, colors . . 9 for '1 Regular Size Ajax Cleaner . , . . . 10 for M FRIDAY SURPRISE' reg. 59' lb. FRENCH CREAM MIX CANDIES 39 M Dollar Mints 1 Delicious eating In this 'Mail and phone orders CANDY STREET FLOOR If mi and phone ordert I II reg. $1 Chocolate I I Pe.nut Toffee l reg. 69c Rainbow I 1 1 Cocoanut Squares Wm ' nd Donp ofderi' I reg. $1 W.lnut I H Divinity Puffs fl reg. $1 Chocolate I 1 P.rty Mix JH tnd pVifln. 6fd.fl' Hag. $1.80 CHECKERBOARDS Richly chewy cocoanut QQC 14-oi. creme, dipped in milk 07 box chocolate. 'Mail and phone orders CANDY STREET FLOOR R.g. 59c Lb. OLD FASHIONED CHOCOLATES Vanilla end choice fruit fla vors, dipped in milk or dark chocolate. 39 ib, 'Mail and plmne orders CANDY STREET fLOOR reg. $1.35 Milk Chocolate Peanut Clusters 79c Ib, reg. $1 Turkish Lacoom Paste; low calorie 79c Ib. reg. 90c Malted Milk Balls; malted milk flakes 69c Ib. reg. 90c Milk Chocolate Double Dipped single peanuls 69c Ib. reg. 69c Filled Hard Candies, foil, cello wrap 49c Ib. reg. 69c Mint Starlight Kisses, each cello wrapped 49e Ib. reg. $1 Milk Chocolate; solid pieces for cooking , .79e Ib. reg. $1.50 Ib. Chocolate Covered Orange Sticks .'. 89e Ib. reg. $1.60 Toasted Nut Mellos; caramel, pecans, etc , 98c Ib. i reg. 5c Charms Christmas Tree and Santa lollipops; 24 99c Ib. reg. 60c Pedin Christmas Midget Jells or Jelly Wafers 49c Ib. reg. 59c Christmas Butter Creme Mix; holiday shapes 39e Ib. 'Mail and phone orders CANDY STREET FLOOR t 'Prices plus lax 'Mail and phone orders TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $7.95 ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER $4.33 4 If rag. $1.1. I H JEWEL BOX II 93 ff I Box hat gliding trayi rich 1 latin tlnad, 4 imarl colon. r . ' 1 mail and phona ordarl 1 NOTIONS J jf STREET FLOOR f If COVERED HANGERS ) ; f I St of four dainty iitln m I cover td hingtri 4 colon 1 mlt and phort ordtri NOTIONS ' I STRUT HOOR ir U CLOTHES BRUSH I ,eQ E $1.88 fl Tht brush thai raelly pickt I II up Unit CompUU with re9 1 1 bttifii, rg, M mall and phont ordttt A, NOTIONS w re9- colon I ' w ( ArrSjv,, What a buyl Handy dryer blows hot or cold air; hold It In your hand or use the convenient table stand. AC only, 1-year guarantee, . REG. '3.95 FOLDING TV SNACK TRAY 1M Attractive black enamel tray w 1 1 d brass trim. Complete with 25-Inch i, high stand. Buy a set at this savings 4 price . .. smart gift Ideal reg. $1.49 Lucite Hangers; 3 colors; set of B ..E7 reg. $1 Satin Covered Boudoir Boxes; each 67c reg. $2.95-$3.95 Garment Bags; 3 patterns, sizes : $1.87 reg. $1.69 Quilt Plastic Shoe Bag; 12-pair size 17c reg. $1.49 Imported Straw Sewing Baskets 73c reg. $1.19 Baby Dolls and Animals; many types ; 17c $7.95 Silent Valet; mahogany finish wood $4.66 $1.19 Christmas Angel Chimes, with candles 87t $8.98 Wardrobe; wood frame; fibreboard $5.99 $1-$1.50 Manicure Sets; fine leather cases I7e $1.19 lady Beth Thread Box; 24 spools 7c 89c Hamburger Press; polished beechwood 2 for B7e $1.49 Beaded Moccasins; leather; women's, children's ..E7e ,Vflfl nnrl iiinnr; orders NOTIONS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE SMOKE SHOP SAVINGS! reg. $5.75 M&F Personal Selection Commodores, (50) $4.50 reg. $5 M&F Imported Briars; 1 4KL; many types $2.50 reg. $1 Nik Cigarette Holder and Filters 79c reg. $2.50 Frank Medico Holder and Fillers $1.50 reg. $14.50 Parker Fleminare lighters $7.50 reg. $2.50 Imported Briar Forester Pipes $1.65 reg. $3.00 Attractive Cigaretle Ughlers 98c reg. $4.60 M&F Corona Cigars; Box of 50 $3.89 reg. $6.90 M&F Palma Cigars; very mild; box $5.45 reg. $2.50 Medico Cigarette Holder $1.00 reg. $1.00 Storm Queen Cigaretle lighter 69c reg. $2.00 M&F Pipe Tobacco; full pound can , $1.50 reg. $3.95 Modern Design Table lighter $1.00 ' Will fliirl iinnr orders MICWE SHOP-STREET FLOOR 32TC) 3I33i J 'Plus shipping costs outside our regular tnick delivery routes.