rf Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 fage 14 Section 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' 7 Cookie Mix Easy and Handy Item With the basic cookie mix listed below you can be sure your cookie jar will nearly always be lull. It Is an easy recipe, also an econom ical one in that instant nonfat dry milk powder is used. The recipe is ample, making 16 cups, and a variety ol cookies can be made from the basic mix. Ilaslc Instant Cockle Mix I (Makes 16 cups) fl mine cirifri Mntir 3 cups instant nonfat dry milk powder 3 tablespoons baking powder 2 teaspoons salt 2 cups shortening ; 4 cups sugar Sift together flour, inslanl non fat dry milk powder, baking pow der and sail. Cream shortening until fluffy; gradually add sugar and beat until light and flulfy. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture, blend well. Store in cov ered container In refrigerator or cool, dry place until ready to : use. Fruit cookies arc always a fam ily favorite, and here is one made with the basic mix, Spicy Fruit Cookies s (Makes about 3 dozen cookies) 1 egg, slightly beaten V cup water 4 cups instant cookie mix ' 1 (8-oz.) jar mixed candied fruits 'A teaspoon cinnamon Is teaspoon nutmeg Combine all ingredients; stir until blended. Drop by teaspoon fulls, 2 to 3 inches apart, onto a wcll-greascd baking sheet. Bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees F.) 13 minutes or until' browned. He move from pan at once to pre vent breaking. Cool on wire rack. Zesty Sauce For the Duck . Roast duck gels a disllncHw flavor if baked with a sweet-sour sauce of citrus fruit and sweet mixed pickes. Those of you with the wild ducks in tho freezer will like to try this recipe in cooking them. Wild rice would be a per fect accompaniment, but if that is not available, while rice is fine, loo. l'lcklc-Orange Glazed Duck (Makes 6 servings) - I 5-pound duck, cut In serving pieces 1 medium-sized orange, sliced 1 medium-sized lemon, sliced 1 cup sweet pickle liquid h cup chopped sweet mixed pickles A cup sugar V cup diced unpcclcd orange Arrange duck skin side up on rack in shallow baking pan. Top with orange and lemon slices. Hake In moderate oven (32.1 de grees) 2 hours. Combine picklo li quid, pickles and sugar; heat to boiling point, stirring occasionally. Pour half of pickle mixture over duck. Bake 30 to 60 minutes, until lender. Baste frequently wllh drippings, Combine remaining pickle liquid and diced orange. Heat to serving temperature and serve with duck. Spicy Brollrd Turkey ' (Makes 6-11 servings) 1 B-pound turkey, cut In serv ing pieces 14 cup melted butler or margarine Salt and pepper 14 cup sweel pickle relish '4 cup prepared mustard Hi teaspoon garlic salt Sprinkle turkey with salt and pepper and arrange on broiler rack. Brush Willi butter or mar garine. Broil 5-7 Inches from source of heat 1 hour, or unlil ten der. Turn frequently and brush with butler or maigailne during broiling period. Combine remain ing ingredients; mix well. Spread on turkey; broil 5 minulrs. An Oyster Fry With .. Historical Name Here is a dish wllh a bit of his tory connected with lis name. It is llnnglown Fry. l.eaend says that long ago In Hnngtmvn, Calif., now Placerville. a gold rush eliarnelcr was about to be honged. His re quest for his lost meal on eiirlh was "eggs scrambled with oyslers and a lew rashers of bacon," hut the oysters had lo he the lillle ones that come from Puget Sound. Since I'ugel Sound was Iwo slates away, the delay in gelling the lillle oyslers gave the condemned man's pals lime to rcscur him. The story concludes that the marshal pre pared the dish anyway and found It so good It oecflmc a lavorile dish among early California min ers and dubbed "Hnnglown Fry." Here's how it's made at Taron lino's on the Wharl. Olyinplit Oyslrr llangtnwn Fry 1-3 cup Olympin oysters 3 tablespoons enriched flour 2 slightly beaten eggs 1 tablespoon water 1-3 to '4 cup tine breadcrumbs 2 strips bacon ! teaspoon salt Dash pepper Roll the oysters In flour, then In the beaten eggs diluted with the water, Mien in breadcrumbs. Fry the bnivn in a .1 or inch sKiliet until erbp, Remove the bacon and add tl' oysHs and brown the oysters quickly in the bacon fnt, turning occasionally. Replace the bacon strips. I'our over all the re maining egg mixture, and season In taste with the salt and pepper. Cook unlll slightly browned and firm. Ihen turn and brown the other side. Turn mil on hot serving plate. Series 1 in 2 persons. easy SAITB i K"sy sauce for cooked eauliflow-, cr ulensed cream ol mushroom i si hinnrd with a third cup of kg. cream, ' OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY 9:30 A M. TO 9 P. M. 09 tmSTISZZZIv n ixfrv!V7TYrtL QBEB GCD3SQ value . I H9.99 193'piece Norilake- tervlca ; 1 tf'or 12, "Leaf Moderns" Is pattern, coups ihape, 1 2ND FLOOR V- If $19.95 value J ft $9.99 ' I f "Black I Roya A 5-piece tervics (or eight, Tweed" pattern, I pottery. CHINA 2ND FLOOR M Rooster Planters 49 m m Decorative lillle planters Jt for your houie plenti. CHINA v J 2ND FIOOR y If $4.95 china I I Tea Sets fl 1.99 I B-pleca Importod tea telt, ' I 1 2 stylet, while tranilucent jtf 2ND noon II Salt-Pepper Sets . II Useful d nor ted thakerl. II Buy now and lave. U 59 Vj 2ND HOOK v ff $1.49 l Double Egg Cups H 59 So, II $1.49 4-pc, II Candle Sal (I 49' Set CHINA jr SECOND FIOOR y U Kitchen Towels I I 2for$l II Urge anortmenl of print II d Imomi, tits 17"x32", 1 1 1 Save nowl II LINENS 2ND FLOOR ) lPIaco Mat Sets I 1.99 .e, II 8 piece ten with 4 unit I 1 1 and A napklm. Many fh- 1 I rits and tolon. 2ND FLOOR v J 1" $3.95 5-pc. U Tea Sets I I n.99 II 36" square doth and 4 I II napkins in a large anort- II rmvit of p.tllfmi. ND FLOOR V- jj Pillow Slips I 2 or $1 II tnbroMffed, lilt T'K 1 1 "1,qu' P"'1''1' JND FLOOR MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS ON EVERYTHING EXCEPT "YOUR LUCKY DAY" ITEMS Plus (hopping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. .. - $45 value English dinnerware $27.99 Johnson Bros. 65-picce service for 12. Five open stock patterns: Blue, Willow, Blue , Historic America, Chippendale Green, Blue or Pink Old Britain Castles. Mail and phone orders' '6 value, 5 pc. place settings $2.99 save 50 Imported "Blue Fjord" china, blue un derglaze design on fine white translu cent quality. Also available in open stock. Mail and phone orders' 59' Reg. '1 Sussex hand blown stemware Fine Bavarian stemware al a 40 savings! Other patterns also in this greatest of sales! $1.50 Value "Mascot" Bavarian BOc , $1.1)9 Value "Skylark" , ... Bile $2,25 Value "Killarncy Gj.een" $1.00 $2.50 Value "Victoria" $1.20 $2.75 Value "Wcstwood" $1.4!) $2.75 Value "Alhlonc" $1.71) $3.50 Value "Gold Laurel" $1.99 Mail and phone orders" '1.50 value kitchenware gifts ":; 89.. (1) S-pc. spice set , V " ' . (2) Pottery salt box ;." .', -, -' ' - (3) Potlcry teapot, sugar am! creamer set . .t .. (4) 3 pc. range set Mail and phone orders' . doi. $2.99 . . . $1.99 . . $4.99 I WW1!' , 89.50IMPORTED98-PC. CHINA SERVICE FOR 12 FREE set of 36 Libbey Safedge tumblers, a s1 2.60 value, with each service! A fabulous value in china dinnerware, plus an add--cd bonus of 36 attractive tumblers, all for less than the regular price of the dinnerware set alone! 98 pieces of lovely "Sweetheart" pattern with" rose spray, pinks, greens, grays or white. Coupe shape, gold trim. Six extra cups. "Windsor" pattern tum blers, 12 each of 5 oz., 9 oz., and 12H oz. sizes. Mail and phone orders 39c Gold star-decorated tumblers, 12-oz. . $3.50 Pyrex coffee carafe, 8-cop size . . . $8.95 English brass jardinier, 9" size $12.95 English brass jardinier, 12" size . $14.95 English brass plaque, 23" . . $2.50 5-Piece gourmet set . . . Jni7 our! phone orders' CHINA AND GIASSWARE-SECOND FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE 32.20-32.45 Value Dinnerware Johnson Bros. 45 piece services for 8. "Lace Pink," ''Titan- ia Blue Leaves." 19.99 Floating Mail and phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE $83.35 Value Noritake China $ 59.95 Mail and phone orders' "Margq" 77 piece service for 12 at 28 savings! Open stock. FRIDAY SURPRISE $54.40 Value English Dinnerware $1 Complete 53-piece s e r v i c e for 12 in John son Bros. "Peach Bloom." 29.99 Mail and phone orders' $7.99 $7.99 $1.00 FRIDAY SURPRISE . buy 3 and get 1 freel , ; 12.95-27 Place Settings Fine Bavarian and English bona china -5-piece place , lettingj. - Now 25 off Tj . when you buy four. Quan- a , titiei limited to open stock on hand. Mail and phone orders FRIDAY SURPRISE $5.95 14-piece punch set '3.99 Swirl design; 4-qt. punch bowl, 12 cups, plastic ladle. Save over 30 I i Mail and phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE '3.50 Value Imported Pottery Provincial teapot, sugar and $1 creamer. Hand p a i n t e d. I Rooster decoration. . . ' " I " Mail and phone orders' 4y - '4 - A m iwl'-i fay FIELDCREST DINNER CLOTHS $19.95 to $29.95 if period! Mounlsin Crafts metallic yam cloths banded willi petit rose point. Pink, gold, tur quoise. Sizes 72"x90" to 72"xl08". Slightly irregular bul wear beautifully. $1 If Dorfecl. napkins, 49c each UNENS-SECOND FLOOR save Vi and morel t . , t . v t:- . . save 26 to 56! Cannon "Vanitie" and "Spencerian" towels I FRIDAY SURPRISE - nearly half price! 7.95 Quaker lace cloth clotni in a pOfniUr paiiern 4 3.99 that will tat n elegant labia. WondefK'l buy (or youf holiday dining. PmV, gold, turquoiie. 54"i72" Mail and )i(if orders FRIDAY SURPRISE 19.95-24.95 ;ner sets ImnnrlpH ravnn.pnllnn damask dinner cloth $ sets witn n napKins. Sires 72"xf0" and 72" xlUS". 9.99 Mail and phone orders' .' ' ,Si'-.lv'-' $1.95-$2.25 bath towel, 25"x48" $1-$1.10 hand towels, 16"x30" 39e-49c wash cloths, 13"xl3" Thick, soft, extra absorbent towels at a tremendous savings because of very slight irregularities which in no way affect their wearing quality or appear ance. White, pink, yellow, turquoise, green .mist, camelia rose. Mail and phone orders' 0)fO)C (o)c o)c 5)1 FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $9.95 damask dinner sets Importrd iaon-cotton ilamnsli clnlhs with S Si ft I" napkins. Sie (H"84". ft N Pink, blue, green, yd- V low, wlutr. ,frii and phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE ; save 131 reg. 12.9S cloths ('urn Irkh linrn dam- ask in a beautiful qua- i in.. JiWftfl" n 1 8.88 litv. sire 70 "x8a ". Reg. $12 US dot. matching napkins, dot. S8.88. Mail and phone outers' FRIDAY SURPRISE Cannon colored muslin sheets l.KMhread count; jreen. blue, pink yellow. 72 "x 108", rB. $2.79 $1.99 fxioa", rey, $J99 $1.29 4J"x3t" es, reg. 59c 49 Mail and phone oitlrrs' j. , FRIDAY SURPRISE Fieldcrest Durcale sheets White 189-thrcad count percale. 7J 'x108", reg- $J" trxlOB", rag. $3.39 $2 89 rtg. 89e,. ...... 69t Afni'l and phone orders' V Rcr. S10.9S Fieldcrest bedspreads, jacquard design J)1 QQ twin site only each w.7T Reg. $14.95 Fairbo J00ro wool blankets, size 72"x90", J)Q QC 6 colors, wide satin binding 1 ..each Reg. $10.95 100 white goose down pillows, corded L QC blue stripe licking. 20 "x20" , 0.73 ; Re?. $14.95 100 white goose down pillows, linenized SO OC downproot ticking. 21"x27". 7.73 Reg. S4.95 Contour-fitted mattress pads, size 39"x76", So QQ ' sturdy, long-wearing ...each 00 Reg. $695 Contour-fitted mattress pads, size $1 OO 54 "x76" J. 00 Reg. $14.95 plaid taffeta comforters, 100 Acrilan SA 00 filling, size 72"x84" 7i77 Reg. $7.95 100 Acrilan-fillcd pillows, petite floral" SO OO - prints, 20 "x26" size cacn T0.77 Mail and phone orders' iiii oeuuinu-ittUND FLOOR 'Plus shipping cost -to areas oulsidc our rcgidar truck delivery routes, $5.95 mat sets $2.99 l-pi lintn place mat with 4 napkins; prMy print pattern SICONO HOOR mt&s