Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29; 1956 i-e 12 Section 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Dried Beef With Celery OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. ID And Rice j - Celery and rice with a creamed i dried beef sauce make mighty j food eating in this main dish, one specially good on a busy day's tupper menu. Creamed Dried Beef with Celery Rice ; tablespoons butter or -' -." iwgirt i tablespoons finely chopped ; onion 1 cup sliced celery Hi inch ' thick 11-3 cups ij-ounce package) . . . packaged pre-cooked rice l'i cups water , teaspoon salt Vt cup butter i'.i cups 3Vi-ounce jar) dried beef, cut l'i cups milk ','t teaspoon Worcestershire ' sauce Dash of pepper Melt 2 tablespoons butter in saucepan. Add onion and celery and aaute until onion is lightly browned. Add packaged pre-cooked 'rice, water, and salt. Mix just to moisten all rice. Bring quickly to f a boil over high heal. Then cover and remove from heat Let stand II minutes. ' Meanwhile, melt U cup butler in skillet. Add dried beef and saute until lightly browned. Add flour '. and stir until blended. Then add milk gradually, stirring constant f ly. Cpok and stir over medium . heat until sauce is smooth and ; thickened.--. Add Worcestershire sauce and pepper. Season with salt, If needed. Arrange celery rice on platter and serve with creamed dried beef. Makes 4 servings. If dried beef aeems too salty, rinse in not water before using. Broccoli Like Au Gratin Way Fresh broccoli fixed au gratin wun cneese sauce is a super vege table dish. Fresh Broccoli Au Gratin 1 bunch Uli pounds) fresh broccoli 1 Inch boiling water in sauce ; pan M teaspoon salt ' 1 cup Cheese Sauce ' m cup soft bread crumbs , 1 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted Wash broccoli, split big stems 1 to cook !' .mly, and place In a ; saucepan with 1-Inch boiling water : and 'i teaspoon salt, Bring to boil ing point without cover and cook 1 minutes, Cover and boil 20 min utes . or until Just crisp-tender. Drain, if necessary. Place In a 1-quart casserole with alternating layers of Cheese Sauce. Combine i bread crumbs with melted butter . or, margarine and sprinkle over the top. Bake in i preheated mod- crate oven 1350 degrees F.) until crumbs are brown. Serve at once. Yield: 4 servings. CHEESE SAUCE: t tablespoons Duller or f margarine i tablespoons flour : Mr teaspoon powdered dry I ' mustard 1 cup milk U teaspoon ground black - pepper i teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice . tt cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese Melt butler or margarine in a saucepan. Blend flour with dry mustard and mix with butter or margarine. Gradually stir In milk. Cook over medium heat until de aired thickness, stirring con stantly. Add black pepper, salt, lemon juice, and milk. Mix well. Yield: Approximately 1 cup. Macaroni Favorite In Many Casseroles Macaroni is one ot those funds (hat blends perfectly with a variety of foods to make a most satisfying casserole: i Confetti Casserole (Serves four) 4 ounces elbow macaroni V4 cup butler V cup flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 1-3 cup grated Cheddar cheese i cup diced green pepper , 1 tablespoon diced pimienlo I hard cooked eggs, sliced Butter bread crumbs Cook macaroni In boiling salted water until tender. Drain and rinse. Melt butler in saucepan. Stir in flour and salt. Add milk and rook until thickened, stirring constantly. Add cheese and stir until meltrd. Fold in macaroni, green pepper and sliced eggs, then (old In diced pimienlo Tour into 1 quart greased casse role. Top with buttered crumb. Rake at J.'0 degrees F. about 20 minutes. Tasty Appetizers . Holiday parties coming up' Here's a hot canape which will rate applause. Make a rich pie crust according to your favorite recipe or use your pet mix. Cut into rounds ulih a cookie cutter. Place a meaty sardine in the ren ter of each round Sprinkle with lemon juice. Cover with an addi tional round. Seal and bake in a hot oven for 19 minutes. Serve hot and eflen! CARVING DUCK Poultry shears make carving a roast duck easy. Do your cutting in the kitchen, then arrange the duck quarters on a platter and garnish with water cress or parsley. STAIN NOTE If iron rust has stained a fabric lightly, aqueeie lemon Juice on the (tain and spread the garment in Uit sua for awhile, then rinse. 00 eabaoo&b H7xyfttri3ooaQ) MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS ON EVERYTHING REG. $7.95 6-PKCE SET SHEFFIELD STEAK FRIDAY SURPRISE This steak knife set looks many, many times its modest price . . . and it's a gift that is sure to please. Six handsome knives with hollow ground blades, ser i rated edges, chrome bolsters and smart El Horn handles. Nicely gift boxed. ' Limit 2 sels lo a customer. Mail and phone orders' 59.95 flatware set $29.95 FRIDAY SURPRISE 50 pc. stainless steel set from Solin gen, Germany. Satin finish. Hollow handle knives. Silver mist pattern. Mail ami phone orders' 5.95 coffee mill 199 FRIDAY SURPRISE De luxe coffee mill from Germany. Adjustable mechanism for any grind for real fresh coffee. Mail and phone orders' 75c salad bowls 3 for 88 FRIDAY SURPRISE Six-inch individual salad bowls of pol ished wood , . . Just right for salads, popcorn, snacks. Mail and phone orders' 6.95 4-ql. sauce pan 2.99 FRIDAY SURPRISE Heavy east aluminum, with famous "cook 'n' look" cover; for a lifetime of enjoyable cooking. Mail and phone orders' 8.95 kitchen tool set $3.99 FRIDAY SURPRISE Six everyday kitchen tools of bright stainless steel, with handy wall rack. Less than half price. Mail ami phone orders' This shipping HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR ' . If TEAKETTLE I SAUCEPAN U BRASS PLAQUE U Kltchtn Stool I $1.39 In 49c H 49c It $2.69 II Aluminum lei I II Heavy gauge al- II Solid brass pis- II Sturdy, all steel II kettle, whuites II umin'um sauee .11 cues, 6 Inches in . If kitchen stool. U s,n k J U LZvxi J v dr"T ,lf ) L wi,h r in r,d f me. jf day. nlixt desivns. or yellow. W t ' i '3.98 biscuit server $2.69 FRIDAY SURPRISE I Mirro aluminum server with rattan covered handle. Keeps biscuits piping hot and fresh. Mail and phone ' orders' 5.50 coffee maker $ 1.99 FRIDAY SURPRISE "Perk 'n' Serve" coffee maker for piping hot coffee. Attractively design ed. 4 to 8-cup capacity. Limit 1 to a customer. Mail anil phone orders' 1 .95 hamburger press 77' FRIDAY SURPRISE J u mho size, de luxe press for making those bit;, luscious hamburgers, Has extra strong hinge. Mad and plume orders M.85 screwdriver set 99' FRIDAY SURPRISE Set of six magnetized screwdrivers and wall rack to keep them in place. A size for every job. .ii7 ami phone orders' 19.95 brass planter $6.99 FRIDAY SURPRISE Attractive designed brass finished planter that holds ten ceramic flower pots. Mail and phone orders' cost to areas outside our regular trues; delivery routes. EXCEPT "YOUR LUCKY KMIV '6.95 chafing dish s2.69 FRIDAY SURPRISE iy -quart copper colored all alumi num, with black wrought iron stand. Wonderful for warm snacks. . Mail and phone orderi ? '3.95 salad bowl 1.88 FRIDAY SURPRISE Popular ten-inch sire cherry wood salad bowl, tor tossing and serving tasty salads the year around. Mail and phone orders' '7.95 canister set 4.69 FRIDAY SURPRISE Extra special value! Four-piece nested wooden set for flour, sugar, tea, coffee. Afn7 and phone orders' '4.95 food bag . $2.99 FRIDAY SURPRISE Insulated to keep foods hot or cold. 3-siled zipper. 14" long, 10" high, 6" wide. Fine for camping. Mail and phone orders' '9.95 carving board 169 FRIDAY SURPRISE Made ot New England hardwood, with sturdy chrome roast holder. Large size. H"x20". Mail and phone orders' DAY" ITEMS. , 29.95 FOOD Deluxe chrome food slicing mach ine with 6'j-iih blade, fully ad- ' justable. Cuts meats, vegetables, cheese . . . almost any food. A real luxury at an economy price. Limit 1 to a customer. Mail and phone orders' '119.95 rotary mower $59.95 FRIDAY SURPRISE 19" power mower with famous Clin ton 2Vi hp. 4-c.vcle engine; recoil ttarter. 8" rear wheels, 6" front wheels: cast aluminum alldy- housing..1 Limited quantity. ii7 oik i)ioe orders' 3.95 miniature lamp 1.99 FRIDAY SURPRISE Copper and brass combination base, glass chimney and gay plaid gingham shade. Oil burning lamp, 8 inches high, ideal for any room. Mail and phone orders' ' T'TT1 '19.95 de luxe brazier $ 13.99 FRIDAY SURPRISE 24" barbecue brazier with all chrome grill, fully adjustable. Large, easy rolling wheels; "Chromad" removable legs. Mail and phone orders' ft cost to ... cm,. cm. mm SLICER 13.95 $ 15.95 Famous Mary Proctor Hi-Lo ironing table; all steel ventilated top. Ad justable to any height for stand-up or sit-down ironing. Guaranteed. FRIDAY SURPRISE 530.25 wall shop 19.95 FRIDAY SURPRISE Wonderful 34-piece de luxe wall shop with V" electric drill, geared chuck apd accessories galore. Ideal for al) . bohie'use. A real Man's gift. Mall and phone orders' - '5.50 wood basket s3.39 FRIDAY SURPRISE Hammered brass wood carrier to com plement your fireplace. Large bail handle makes it easy to carry- 20 inches long, 12 inches wide. Limit 2 to a customer. Mail and phone orders' '15.50 Falco table $8.99 FRIDAY Surprise The fabulous Falco table with drop leaves, Duolux top, moldings of life time aluminum. 24"x48" top. The table with 1001 uses! Mail and phone orders' HOUSEWARES-SECOND FIOOR 'm "81 IRONING TABLE $9,99 FRIDAY SURPRISI Mail and phone orders' '5.50 Revert tea kettlt $3.98 FRIDAY SURPRISE Famous Revere stainless steel, tea kettle with trigger handle, all copper , ...plated bottom. Heat spreads evenly 'r and quickly. 2H-ouart iie: Mail and phone orders' '7.95 mixing bowl set '4.49 FRIDAY SURPRISE Famous Vollrath stainless steel mix ing bowls in three popular kitchen sues . . . li-quart, Hi-quart and J quart. Useful, practical gift! Mail and phone orders' '139.95 dinette set FRIDAY $70 OC SURPRISE IJJJJ" J-Piece Chromcraft set . . . table with one extension leaf. Sold In sets only. Limited quantity Mail and phone ordert I