Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29,-1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Section 5 Page p , Broiled Halibut Fine' Way to Use This Fish By CECILY BROWNSTONE (AP Newsfeatures) If your family enjoys halibut, you'll find the frozen steaks are serviceable now. One of the sim plest ways to prepare the halibut steaks is to broil them. We did just that recentlyr adding mashed po tatoes and tomatoes to the broiling pan that held the fish. If you use a wooden plank instead of a broil ing pan, follow the directions for A popular winter time vegetable is broccoli and tasty sauces can add much to flavor. Broccoli Is Versatile Vegetable Broccoli is one of those vege tables that can be served plain as well as wilh varied interest ing sauces and in tasty casse roles. It is a vcgclablo with both stems and blossoms cooked, much in . the same method of cooking asparagus. Put the stems in boiling salted water and let the buds be cooked by the steam. The cooking- time for the stems is frcm 15 to 20 i Ca Breeze Mold with Sour minutes. Lifting the cover several : Cream Vegetable Dressing Colorful Salad (or The Party Buffet Ever so often a hearty supper I salad is in demand. And with such a situation, cheese and sour cream come into their own, along with ! the salads as well as the dress ings to go with them. times while cooking will help re tain broccoli's fresh green beauty. Fresh Broccoli with Browned -Butter-Peanut Sauce ; 1 bunch 1 12 pounds) fresh broccoli, cooked 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1-16 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 tablespoons chopped roasted peanuts Arrange cooked broccoli in a serving dish. Place butter or mar garine in a saucepan wilh chopped peanuts. Cook over medium heat until butter and peanuts arc golden brown. Add black pepper. Pour over cooked broccoli. Serve hot. Yield: - 5 to 6 servings. Broccoli and Ham Casserole 1 bunch (Hi pounds) fresh broccoli 1 inch boiling water in saucepan Vi teaspoon salt Vt cup chopped left-over cooked ham or luncheon meat " cups medium white sauce Salt to taste Vi cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese H cup soft bread crumbs 2 tablespoons butter o r margarine, melted Wash broccoli, split big stems to cook uniformly, and place in a saucepan wilh 1-inch boiling water and the '.4 teaspoon salt. Bring to boiling point without cover and cook 3 minutes. Cover and boil 20 minutes or only until crisp-tender. Drain, if neccsary. Place in a 6-cup casserole wilh alternate layers of ham or lunch eon meat and white sauce seasoned to taste with salt. Com bine cheese and bread crumbs, and butter or margarine and sprinkle over the top. Bake in a preheated moderate oven 1350 de grees F.) 25 minutes or until brown. Yield: 6 servings. 1 envelope unflavored gelatine " i cup cold water 1-3 cup lemon juice 2 7-oz. cans tuna, shrimp or salmon, flaked 1 cup mayonnaise 1 cup chopped celery Vj cup chopped green pepper ij teaspoon salt . Dash of pepper Soften gelatine in cold water, dissolve over hot water. Add re maining ingredients Mix nsnuy Baked Haddock With Spanish Sauce Good Fish fillets provide a vWy pop ular market form of fish that both easy to buy and easy to cook. Fillets arc the sides of the fish, cut lengthwise away from the backbone. They are practically boneless and have little or no waste. Fillets usually arc purchas ed in the frozen state and should be kept frozen until used. They com pare favorable in appearance. flavor, and tood value with tresn fish. Frozen fillets may be cooked without thawing if additional cook ing time is allowed and if they can be used conveniently in the recioe. Normally, it is suggested, that they may be thawed overnight in the refrigerator or left at room temperature for 3 or 4 hours. Do not overlook fish. Just enough cooking to enable the flesh to be Pour in o a lightly dJ.a' flaked easily from the bones will Chill until firm. Unmold on lettuce Serve with Sour Cream Vegetable Dressing. Sour Cream Vegetable Dressing . (Makes l'.i cups) " V, pint sour cream Vi cup cucumber, chopped 2 tablespoons green pepper, chopped 2 tablespoons radishes, sliced 2 tablespoons green onions, chopped 1 teaspoon salt ' ' ' , Combine all ingredients. Add a dash of pepper if desired. Chill. Kidney Bean Salad' with Mexican Dressing (Serves 4) 1 can kidney beans 1 cup chopped celery i cup chopped sweet pickles M cup cubed Cheddar cheese 2 hardcooked eggs, chopped Drain beans thoroughly. Combine all insredicnts. tossing lightly. Add dressing and chill until ready to serve. Mexican Dressing (Makes l'i cuns) Combine 1 cup mayonnaise with Vi cup rich milk, '.'4 cup vinegar, Vi teaspoon chili powder, 1 table spoon minced onion and 1 table spoon chopped pimicnto. Season to taste with salt and pepper. leave the lish moist and tender and bring out its delicate flavor. The home economists of the Fish and Wildlife Service Suggest that you join the Fish Parade by going to the market to purchase some fish and serve "Baked Haddock Fillets in Spanish Sauce" during National Fish Week. Baked Haddock Fillets In Spanish Sauce 2 pounds haddock fillets, fresh or frozen V4 cup chopped onion . V4 cup. chopped green pepper 3 tablespoons butter or other tat, melted 2 tablespoons flour, 2 cups canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon sugar dash pepper 1 whole bay leaf 1 whole clove Thaw frozen fillets. Cut into service-size portions. Place in a single layer in a well-greased baking pan 13x8xli4 inches. Cook onion and green pepper in butter until tender. Blend in flour. Add tomatoes and seasonings and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Re move bay leaf and clove. Cover fish with the sauce. Bake in a moderate oven 350 dog. F., for 25 to 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Serves 6. Lobster Among the Specialties Fresh and fresh-frozen lobster is in. The price is reasonable, quality sensational. Lobster is one of the most colorful of all shell fish. It lends itself to attractive service, is a food - lovers delight and olfers many varieties of ap petizing preparation. Due to the frozen food industry, lobster is available in all parts of the coun try. -. ; Boiled Lobster To boil a whole spiny lobster, drop it into boiling water contain ing 3 tablespoons of salt to three quarts of water. Season with a few peppercorns, parsley, celery, bay leaf, and a tablespoon of vine gar. Simmer covered for seven minutes for a one pound lobster. Add three additional minutes for two pounds. Clean and serve split in half with drawn butter and extra lemon or take out the meat and use in soup, salad, entree or serve it cold with mayonnaise. Drawn Butter: Melt Vi pound butter over low heat and let stand 15 minutes. Carefully pour off liquid fat leaving the solids. Add lemon juice to taste, ti teaspoon salt and V4 teaspoon white pepper. Reheat and serve hot. Makes about 1 cup. A variation is to brown the butter slightly and pro ceed as above. For the busy holiday hostess these canapes will be a boon. Can be made ahead of time ready for that last minute "under the broil er" bit. Lobster Creme Combine 1 pound shredded lob ster meat with 1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup. 4 table spoons sherry, 2 tablespoons chopped pimicnto, 1 teaspoon salt, Vi - teaspoon cayenne in top of double boiler, Heat until very hot. Combine Vi cup bread crumbs with 2 tablespoons melted butter. Spread lobster mixture on 24 large toast rounds; cover with bread crumb mixture and place under broiler until browned. Makes 24 large canapes. heating that come with the plank. Thick halibut steaks will need to be turned and broiled on both sides: but if the steaks are thin, we find they do not need turning. In the latter case, make abso lutely sure, the fish Is opaque and done through by flaking a corner of the steak. - I Broiled Halibut and Potatoes Ingredients: 14 pounds thick frozen halibut steaks, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine (melted), .i teaspoon salt, U teaspoon white pepper, 2 cups mashed potatoes, 4 small or 2 large tomatoes and but tered dry bread crumbs (if de sired), Plmiento Butter Sauce. Method: Let halibut steaks thaw in refrigerator or at room tem perature. Line broiling pan with aluminum foil leaving sides of foil up around edge of pan for easy removal. Place steaks in pan on foil. Brush steaks wilh melted butter; sprinkle with half the salt and pepper. Broil about 3 inches from source of heat for about 10 minutes. Turn steaks; brush with more melted butter and sprinkle with remaining salt and pepper. Spoon mashed potatoes around steaks. Arrange tomatoes (if used) atractively; sprinkle tops of toma toes with buttered, crumbs. Return to broiler; broil about 10 minutes longer or until the fish flakes eas ily with a fork, the potato border is browned and (if used) the toma toes arc hot through . and their top ping is browned. Serve on foil with Pimiento Butter Sauce. Makes 4 servings. Plmiento Butter Sauce Ingredients: 1-3 cup butter or margarine, 1 drained canned pimicnto (chopped), 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Method: Put butter and pimiento in' small skillet or saucepan and heat until butter melts. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice. Serve hot with Broiled Hali but and Potatoes. r' Other Ways with HaUbut Creamed Flake leftover broiled halibut steak and mix with cream sauce, cooked' green peas and strips of canned pimiento for a delicious lunch or supper dish Sandwich Filling Flake left over broiled halibut steak and mix with finely diced celery, pickle rel ish, mayonnaise and finely grated onion (pulp and juice). Nice on thinly sliced rye bread. Patties Flake leftover broiled halibut steak and mix with mashed potatoes; season to taste. Make oattics of the mixture and cook in butter or margarine in a skillet until hot through and browned on both sides. Salad Flake leftover broiled halibut steak and add to a green salad. Toss with olive oil and wine vinegar just before serving. Nice for lunch. YOUR DOLLAR MAKES MORE CENTS WHEN YOU SHOP EVERY DAY AT , NAMELESS FOOD MARKET - AMERICAN ROY AC COFFEfc Lb. Tin a 1 m Frozen Halibut Steaks broiled In deluxe fashion. Vary Macaroni - Give your favorite macaroni, no odle and spaghetti casserole dishes new and tasty lease on life. Vary the shapes of the macaroni products you use in them. In most instances, macaroni foods are in terchangeable, weighl-for-weight. Try using - mostacciolin! in a macaroni and cheese entree. Mostacciolini is hollow and re sembles a straight section of a drinking straw, cut diagonally. Bow ties and shells can double for elbow spaghetti or macaroni. Spiral-shaped rotini may stand in for noodles. Remember, any mac aroni made from durum semolina or durum wheat keeps Its shape better in boiling and baking. Durum semolina products taste belter too. . Cocktail Idea Sauerkraut juice cocktails are al refreshing introduction to break fast, lunch or dinner. This tangyl juice may be blended with a wide! variety of other juices to produce I alt sorts of tempting combinations. I For instance, kraut juice goes well I wilh vegetable-juice cocktail, car rot and tomato juice, Experiment! with seasoning, such as prepared I mustard, Worcestershire sauce, ta basco, spices and herbs, too, fori further flavor treats. Serve chilled. I Reg. 35c Lumber Jock SYRUP Jewel Shortening ' 3-lb. tin (6k DUCK STUFFING Roasting a duck? Try a stuffing! of sauerkraut, apples and raisins! PURE GROUND IN BUTTER FROSTING Try adding frozen orange juice I (thawed) to a butter frosting. ulli ; -bus. yy i NEW HOT CEREAL WITH acthre protein active people. It your family Is the active kind, this Is the cereal they need-a new, delicious hot cereal with aft the B vitamins and all the active protein of natural whole wheat-the kind of protein you can't get from any cold cereal. A special low heat process doesn't harm the B vitamins or protein In any way. ItTi instant, too-ready to serve In seconds Your family will love it. Get some today! CARNATION INSTANT WHEAT Anoihar Qwlily Product ol Carnation Compony Fresh Cello 8091 CARROTS C Bag FRESH KRAUT CABBAGE Unusual, but Good Pinwheel Appetizers For a ouick and easy appetizer or snack, spread drained crushed , hriohl.n , Daiatc. And here's a pineapple m an even layer over , sugcstion. Sound startling, but it a thin slice of boiled ham. Roll up , t(ls,cs won(crui Cranberry like a jelly roll, and, with a sharp , Kraut Rcijsn'. put 4 cups fresh knife, cut in slices a little less than 1 cranb(,rrjCs and 2 cups wcll-i-inch thick. Place cut side down drajncd smlerkraul through food on crackers, top with a small piece I cnnDDer A(jd "i cup sugar and of Cheddar cheese and broil unui m-n wcl Covcr nnd cmn scvcral Sauce for Fish Pork on the menu? Or" perhaps! You'll need to add 2 tablespoons it's roast duck. Both need a tangy of lemon juice lo a quarter cup accent to point up flavor and of butter for a lemon-butter sauce lor nsn or vogciamcs. me iricn in preparing this, is to cream the butter and then mix in the lemon cheese melts. Serve hot. (One slice ol boiled ham makes 6 apptcizers.) hours before serving. FRUIT SALAD DRESSING STEWED APPLES Ever serve stewed apples? Cut the peeled and cored apples in eighths and cook them in hot Sr S TnltoTwonteftdl. I cup of mayonnaise - type salad served over vanilla ice cream, dressing Knod dressine tor fruit salads: One-quarter cup of heavy cream whipped stiff and folded into half juice very slowly so the butter will gradually absorb it. lesty Cheese Spread Cut the top from an Edam cheese in a thin slice. Hollow out the cheese and mix wilh cooking sherry, using an electric blender. Spoon the mixture back into the shell, replace the top, and wrap tightly; refrigerate for a couple of days before serving as a spread with crackers. JEWEL SHORTENING 3 Lb. Tin MADE BY SWIFT & COMPANY 6fc REEF If DAM mwarw - SLICED IOWA BACON wOok"aHdwAkA" "Begun For suggestions to create the sparkfe of delight in young eyes or make grown-up hearli sing with happiness, turn to The Gift-Spotter. This hanaV daily selection of outstanding gift ideas helps you turn that mountain of shopping into a molehill fast. Consult The Gift-Spotter in Classified often! 1 ; 4,'' Mil Aiwa vi in Stock TURKEYS ih 00 SWEET NFIII1N I a on RIB STEAK DANISH rAiii rii Lb. W. MIIIAMI I SHORT 3" RIBS I ' CnCEl Served All Day I IvLLi Fri.&Sal. Hot Chocolate MAYFLOWER . CHOC. MILK 2 Quirts Nameless Cold Weather Specia! NALLEY'S Regular or Hot fUl vyruu lor .01 CHEDDAR CHEESE Lb. 45 41