Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 ' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Section 5 Page 9 -V ' t W "V" , Dessert supreme is cinnamon-apple cobbler, a favorite in our apple country. Cinnamon Goes With Apples and Pears Apples and pears are two fruits teaming nicely with cinnamon. There are plenty of apples in the market and the winter pears are abundant. Try one of these des serts soon: Cinnamon Apple Cobbler 6 cups sliced tart cooking applesf 1 cup sugar Vi teaspoon salt Vz teaspoon ground cinnamon V teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Pastry made from 1 cup flour Combine 1 apples, - sugar, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg and turn into a 9x9x9 Z-inch baking dish. Dot with butter or margarine. Cover with pastry rolled Vi-inch thick, 2 inches larger than the baking dish. Trim, turn under, and flute edge. Cut 2 or 3 gash es in the top to allow for the es cape of steam. Bake in a pre heated very hot oven (450" F.) 10 minutes. Reduce heat to (350) and continue baking 40 minutes or until apples are ten der and pastry is brown. Serve warm or cold. Yield: 9.servings. . Note: If apples are very juicy', mix 3 tablespoons flour with the sugar to thicken the juice. Cinnamon Apple Dumplings 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt cup shortening 5 tablespoons cold water 6 medium tart cooking apples cup sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon A teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Sift flour and salt into a bowl. Add shortening and cut it in with 2 knives or a pastry blender un til the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle in the water. Mix lightly. Turn out onto a pas try board and shape into a ball. Roll dough Vis-inch thick into a rectangle 18xl2-inches. Cut into six 6-inch squares. Peel apples and core;. Place one in the cen ter of each pastry square. Mix sugar, cinnamon and salt and pour into the center of each ap ple. Dot with butter or margar ine. Moisten edges of pastry and bring points over the apples and press edges together. Place in a 12x8x2-inch pan. Brush the sur face with milk, if desired. Bake in a preheated hot oven (400 F) 45 minutes or until apples are tender and pastry is brown. Serve warm with -cream or plain. If any of the juice leaks into the pan, spoon over the dumplings when serving them. Yield: 6 servings. Cinne-pear Whirls 3 ripe Bosc, Anjou or Cornice pears Vi cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons melted butter or margarine Vi teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups biscuit mix - ' .. 1 tablespoon sugar Vi cup milk Cinnamon Sauce: 2 tablespoons cornstarch Vi cup cinnamon candies Vi cup sugar 1 cup water To prepare, add small amount of water to cornstarch and stir until smooth. Mix with remaining water, sugar and cinnamon can dies in saucepan. Cook until slightly thickened and clear. Set aside. The Whirls: Peel pears and chop coarsely. I Add milk and sugar to biscuit mix. Mix well and roll out on a floured board into rectangle. about 16 by 8 inches. Spread with melted butter and sprinkle with brown sugar and chopped pears. Roll up, beginning with long side. Cut into 8 2-inch rolls. Place cut side down in greased baking dish. Pour half of cinna mon sauce over ' rolls. Bake in hot oven, 400, for 30-35 minutes. or until done. Serve warm with remaining sauce. Makes 8 serv ings. , Avocado and Ham Team For a Fine Salad A hearty salad like this needs only hot rolls, a beverage and a dessert to complete a delightful luncheon menu. Good tomatoes won't be in the markets lor long, so hurry and prepare this menu treat now. Avocado and Ham Entree Salad ' 1 avocado 1 ' : Lemon juice ' Salt 8 large slices peeled tomato Lettuce for garnish ' 1 cup julienne strips of cooked ham Shredded lettuce French dressing Cut avocado into halves length wise and remove seed and skin. Cut Into thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice and salt. Ar range two tomato slices on each garnished salad plate. Cover each slice with ham strips. Place a layer of shredded lettuce over ham and cover lettuce with avocado slices. Serve dressing separately. Serves 4. Would a Financial Boost Help You Play Santa Right? Here's Operation Bootstrap, if filling Santo's pock is breaking your budget. Hunt out those tools ond toys no longer used, the jewelry or furs you no longer wear, the other things oround home just gathering dust. Clean 'em up ond phone o For Sale Ad to 4-6811. You'll be amozed how soon buyers come! if if .iivi iti v? i m u i a i m 1 1 i i u f i t rA fTl 1 17 y 1 fl I f l T.J M AM Q O O sBM Tin 15c Whole Kernel .or Cream Style Tin 15c Tins 303 DUNDEE PEA DUNDEE rro DUNDEE SAGS mnR tqi re a mv ib. OELD EMIAKIS AA MEDIUM 8 oz. Tin Bags 5). Lb. Cl Bags rah M.J.8. COFFEE .. ! M.J.B. QUICK (WKIKt RICE Hit. 10N6 GRAIN RICE PETER PAN - PEANUT BUTTER ... PIXIE 0 Marshmallows 5 PLANTER'S t Cocktail Peanuts PUNTER'S MIXED NUTS ... PUSS 'N' SOOTS CAT FOOD VERNELL'S nilTTFR MlkVITf dui icr minis ui. . $109 37 59 39 59 2.29 29 7-w. lin ... This Sunday Let's Have Dillon's Best Fresh 2-lb. Avg. Each FRESH LEAN PORK STEAK , U.S. GQOD Beef Short Ribs ib. Doz. White King Soap Powder , Large 35c 7 Giant 73c White King Detergent Large 35 C Giant 73c White King Liquid Detergent Giant 1 (TOcOff) OIC Sta-Flo Liquid Starch Qt. 27c Quick Elastic Starch 12 ... 15c Raindrops 24 ai. 27C Modess 12. 43c Vi1 t it j : immr I J) .- I...--'- :'.:.! .-. - DUTCH MAID . OC MARGARINE 20 SALTINES . 2 NAIISC0 10RNA bVWIt SHORTBREAD m, ROMAN MEAL 39' SHADY OAK . MUSHROOMS r 33 BUMBLE IEE hi Rlf TUNA CHUNKS 3 9 BEEF CUBES 1 BEEF STEW. i. 3 l00 SPAM 39' UNCLE BEN'S . tt CONVERTED RICE r 33 DENNISON'J CHILI 29 VAN CAMP'S 4Vt SPANISH RICE 10.. . .... . 21 JUICY PINK for BAM AM AS 2 29' Cranberries 2 49' POTATOES 10 -39' MMIMMMIMIMIMMIMIMI lly SPECIALS; ALBERS FLAPJACK MIX f li. Big 49 ESS) m FRESH CARNATION INSTANT WHEAT I! Del kA J0BWWaSS ' j II Ed'c kA , - Miv,, ne 24,49 IJL q 5 Market m. Frey' dii c PORK LIVER ,b 29 Don't-Nee w(th classified Phone 4-6811 aCSji Pound Pkg. fey- 27'