.Page 8-rSection 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 hi 17V l! m lit m F" x 1 4j! Norwegian Christmas Coffee Cake One of the favorite Christmas time coffee cakes is a Norwegian I tables. type called Yula-kaka or Jule-i Creole Clilclien Chicken, Vegetables Make Fine Combination They say broiling and frying chickens are plentiful at this season; and there are many inter esting ways of preparing chicken for the table. Here is a recipe combining the chicken with vege- kake, A new recipe for this Julekake is out, using hot roll mix to sim plify matters. It is a fine recipe to set aside to use for Christmas morning or other festive coffee or breakfast events during the holi day week. i Norwegian Holiday Bread (Julekake) 1 package hot roll mix 1 tablespoon honey . V teaspoon ground cardamom 1 cup raisins Vi cup chopped citron or . candied fruit 1 egg, slightly beaten Soften yeast from hot roll mix 1 3 to 3'i pound frying chicken. cut into serving pieces S tablespoons fat ' 2 medium-onions. . sliced thin 3 raw carrots, diced. 1 cup chopped fresh tomatoes ' M cup chopped celery 2 whole cloves Vi teaspoon paprika . V. teaspoon pepper Vh teaspoons salt 3 cups boiling water 1 cup rice 12 ripe olives sliced Method: Cut chicken into serving , pieces and flour lightly. Place fat in heavy skillet and brown onions until golden in color. Remove from oi.-H pan; pan fry chicken in same fat ulv" it I 1 ni ujiui well uiuwncu. rule iimnvil in center of 2-quart casserole or roasting pan with cover. Combine carrots, tomatoes, celery, onions, cloves, seasonings and boiling water. Pour around chicken, j Sprinkle rice evenly around chicken. Cover tightly and bake at 330 degree F. about 1 hour or until rice is fluffy and chicken is lender and wafer has evaporated. Uncover pan for last 10 minutes of cooking. ' Serve chicken sur rounded wilh rice and vegetables. Serves 4 to 6. Easy to make and super to cat is this chiffon cake. Chiffon Cake Fancy but Simple One In the mood to moke a fancy f cake? Chiffon cake Is the; answer. ,,,, , ov(!r the "entire sur- Woorfe Glamour If it has been a while since fnce ,, teg wh),M ym, foId- nooaie 3iamOUT nav he won Co ko In mind !'T?1.TZ Crisp, deof.fricd noodles slam- . ... i . . ... , . . "1 K iuiul-j, mil tin turn le.iuua 111 nri7p In.., hnlnfnl limlc Wfill hrnlnn noil ? , ill i.L "'i'"" "" , ,. ru lower cuke. whites determine the height of Qmc bM , ccriirilny. the cake, and since egg whites )ik h. , (oo(1 chi((on whip belter when at room temper- k f from t, j( ature. take the eggs from the re-1 (jerbaked irigerator onoiign ancau so mey Re,,.,,,!,,.,., lo, that although are-not cold to touch. !(lc r(,t.p(, igoks inn)! the chiffon Pour the egg yolk mixture in :.,,.. . , ,h. make! Coeon Chiffon Cnke cup boiling water to cup cocoa 1 cups sifted cake flour 1 cups sugar 3 tcuspoons baking powder ' ' 1 teaspoon suit " Vi cup cooking oil 7 unbeaten egg yolks 1 teaspoon vanilla Vt teaspoon red food coloring 1 cup egg whites (7-8) Vi teaspoon cream of tartar Mix holluig water and cocoa; stir unlll fmooth. Cool. Sift dry ingredients Into bowl, Alake a well and add oil, egg yolks, cooled cocon mixture, van illa nnd coloring. Beat wilh spoon mil it smoolh or with electric mixer medium speed one mill. Heat egg whites and cream of tartar in large mixing bowl unlil creamed turkey with peas Serve this dish along with tart orange and grapefruit salads, en riched hard rolls, apple brown belly and 'a beverage. in water and add honey. in the cardamom, raisins a n I fruit with the dry mix; beat' well. Let rise, covered, in warm place f85 degrees to 90 degrees K.I until doubled in size, 30 to 60 minutes. Toss or knead lightly on floured board unlii dough is coated with flour nnd not slicky. Divide in half. Shape into two round loaves and place on greased baking sheet. Cover and let stand for IS min utes. Cut one inch deep into each loaf, about one inch up from bak ing sheet. Continue cutting all around base of each loaf lo make Cri'pW Ch'irlron hint a one complete circle. Punch down j r"e0 v-n,CKen I the center of each lnnf with hand Have you ever added a bit of ! rThio o-ivo- jiiiobaba ti lunioat currv powder or oaDrika to the shape.) Brush with slightly beaten nUI' in which you dust chicken egg. Cover. i 'or frying? It lends color and flavor Let rise until light and doubled , to tne final results. Just add about in size, 30 to 60 minutes. Bake at teaspoon of either to. 1 cup flour j 350 degrees F. 30 to 35 minutes. Plus 1 teaspoon salt and y. teaspoon 1 Makes two loaves. pepper. Thaw 2 packages (1-pound , , . . ' . size) of frozen chicken thighs, For a richer dough, decrease breasts, drumsUcks, or wings as I amount of water to cup; dus- directed on tne pockage. dl.ainedl so ve yeast and blend in 1 egg LL Ron cnickn ln flour and Add remaining ingredien s and fry as usuoi (follow directions on hot roll mix as directed above. tne package). Makes 4 to 6 ser- J ; vings. CHOW MEIN NOODLES Keep a can of chow moin noodles FOR CABBAGE SALAD on your pantry shelf. They dress Ever toss cubes of corned beef up creamed ham, chicken or eggs. ' into a cabbage salad? Good! Brown Sugar and Nut Loaf Delicious Here is a quick and delicious nut loaf, made with buttermilk and brown sugar. It is a nice ad dition lo your list of holiday lime fruit nnd nut breads. Brown Sugar Nut Loaf J1V4 cups sifted all-purpose v flour 1 teaspoon salt i leaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup brown sugar (packed) 3 egg J cup buttermilk ' 2 tablespoons melted shorten ing 1 cup walnuts ur filberts, chopped. Sift together ffour., salt, soda unit hakinii nnu-rlpr Stir in brown sugar. Beal egg lighllv and wliites form very stiff peaks. Do blend In buttermilk and shorten-1 not umlcrbenl. Pour egg yolk mix ing. Slir inlo drv mixl lire, add 'tuns gradually over benlen whiles, nuts and mix well. Turn Into """''"If WW blended. Pour greased loaf pan (about Il'-ix4"j-x2'4 inches), llnko in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 1 lo IV hours. Turn out on wire ruck to cool. Makes 1 loaf. inlo iingreasi'd !)" siiunrc or lo.vi round tube -pan. Bake fiil mill, at 325 degrees, then 10-15. mill, at 350 degrees. In vert pan over nock of funnel or bottle, When cold loosen sides with spatula and remove cake. Frost Hie cocoa chiffon wilh Huffy white icing nnd 'dribble wilh inclled dark chocolate for a glam orous elfect. - Meaty Appetizers Are Always Popular The men at your parly will aeree thai 7estv n'MH'tiTS b:tvc inc miiM appeal, uu-v uku im-ir p. .1. T snacks on the heartier side, such rOr the I Urecn as those made with meal. I ioro-s beautiful soup, thick Try these for your next party: ad satisfying as anv old-liijhiimrd pieces of hver wrapped with strips ,)lllai,t, vralr k,.,.,,,,!,,,,,,!,,.,. mm of nacnn served hot with a peppy ; hllvt, K,. i,,,, ,lis S(lllp js as cocktail dip; mealy cornucopias. mmh,vn s lho lhllt hll,s inane ny spreauioK a Mice 01,11.,, i li..,,iu i,,,ln -,.,hi ON ANY JAR PRESERVES g23 FLAVORS Are w crozy? We don't think sol ,' We know once you buy STANDBY Pure Preserves you'll keep buying. Why? They're the best you've ever eaten and we can prove it. PICKED FOR FLAVOR! salami wilh chut my, rolling it hit a enne, ami skoworing with i cocktiiil pick. Tim camu'ti rot'lduil rrnnks hit linndy for tin party liny. Make in dividual s;.nilvii-lus w nit Die lit tle franks in half, ski-wcr with 11 pick nnd serve Hum with n snirv tnnifltn saute, kept hot in a cliaf- inc dish. and ht';U sliiwly t v.n I lO-mince N).o) of fiDi'ii ciinili'iisnl oyster slew, 1 can illP.-mn.ee s?q uf froen eondenst'd ereain of potato .soup, Py cups o( diced cooked ham, and t'j soup cans of water. Knur nil! soup plntes can be filled lo the hrmi with henrt-wjirmine simdness. IMNKAIMM.K CHIM'.SK DIP ;; 1 , ' 1 J ' .-.ip 111- ..,,,,. m v.-.s iimkc a (.i(ms , Al,, , woll-draim-d III w.th men. too. Iluy or make ,.,, ,,,,,,, , , liny hamlnuc r buns and 1,11 then. ,, cn,ot.s,..' jUr.m) wrM. with pan fried lunihirvcr panics, i .... . seasoned with chopped onion and- parsley. I XOTK ON I'ltt'NKS Packages or cartons of piunes POPPY sn:i) ( ItM'KKIts In,, marked according to si7e of Your Inmtly like poppy seed? 1rt.it as small, medium, lal'ite and Spread crackers with suit butler eMr.i large. A pound nl small and sprinkle h ill. poppy se-.-il ones lias about H.v wher Heat In n moiloiale vcn. l.el cool pound ol eMia lur(e count nliinil i i ii i Tr n rna TUIt COUPON AND TAK IT TO YOUR OROCIH - bVW.(?V?.iWO) isV&,ia&ii&.i&wiitAwo& THIS COUPON WORTH ON ANY JAR or Standby preserves M'. Cfottfi fUou ttdim iMi tovpen tor 10 nly on lh puftliQtt ol ont )ar f Stgndby Pitrvi, any Your Standby rtpfiuntotivt V..II rtlmburit you lOt pvt It handling chergt tor eath coupon you to tiiittm, or you can mail lo Slonrlby, P.O. Bo HI, Minn tape lit, Minn iota, (or tionbling. Invoiiti proving pwrthait within iht lott 60 doyi t ") I vir cev pont rfdttmd muit b ihswn on rtqutit. CuKomtr mutt pcy iolt lax, II any. Thii ofltr void In any tot r lotolilf prohibiting, lictnt Ing. laRlng Of rtguloling lhM tevponf. Coth Volul, 120 nt. Coupon oiplrot Dmmbtr 11. IM 13 FINE FOODS, INC., MINNtAPOllS, MINN.; StATTLf, WASH, DiSTKIBUIED BY PACIFIC FRUIT & PRODUCE CO. iO HINES AVE. SAIEM n few secoiuis. thru snw at oiu-e. Ikhen wizen WW 1 4:1 pi ones. s& I i!(bK I GOT THE IDEA FROM B 1 A THENEWARDEM I ' a i HirnRiiniu h i i J '( S7' 10-lb. Lil jj, "" "" """" """ j Bag jfjj O BHBIBBH Kitchen Queen FL VELVEETA DENNISON'S CHILI KRAFT Mb. Loaf Giant Economy Can KINGAN'S CHOPPED BEEF 12-oz. can WHITE SATIN SUGAR CENTENNIAL DCA1IC Idaho Red DtAIMj Smirwhiii LUMBERJACK SYRUP 79 27 10,t, 99" 2 lbs. 29 24-oz. Bottle 29" GOLDEN GRAIN Macaroni & Spaghetti 29 DOG FOOD X SkippyStew . . 2 for 27c DUTCH MAID MARGARINE NBC SALTINE CRACKERS 4 ibs. 89' 2-lb. box 49 OCCIDENT All Purpose FLOUR 10 I 95 s Folger Doorbell Ringers fl are here. ..Be prepared $ f- Lr- 49' W. Lean and Tender SwhTi Pnmium Picnics KifioM J5' SwIH'i lein Center Cut Fft Pork Chops u 5" J5' finkee lean end Mealy Spare Ribs lean, Freih tit Ground Beef 3 Crisp, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 'Large Head . Cauliflower., 15' Tender, Crisp CClCry l,rg. Bunch-Each 10 Good for Juice '. Oranges 3 . si oo SB'S FOOD MARKET 120 Lancaster Drive Prices Effective Fri.-Saf.-Sun. s' Sup&i CblAimaA (Makes All Yow 0 Cfieclcing through The Gift-Spotter in the Classified section is (he easy way to make sun no one's been forgotten, no detail has been overlooked, ffs so handy ... so full of fin ideas ... So kind fo hard-pressed budgefs. ' Get set for the grandest Christmas yet by starting to profit from The Gift-Spotter today!