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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1956)
ilem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL Section .Page - . . HIGHWAY BRAND APPU SAUCE APRICOTS BRIAR GATE BBAur, BEAN! No. 303 can If ! - Chiffon Facial Tissue Z 19c Chiffon hikt Tissue 2 m 25c Zee Toilet Tissue 4 """ 29c lee White Napkins I Wc lee Waxed Pap er Z 19c 17 Ho. VA gy, EMPRESS BRAfcin HIGHWAY BRAMrt '"""". Un AaUU 11- a " ! CACHES HIGHWAY BRAND' APRICOTS tew Lunch Bogs S223c. I Hintf Pkg Giant Towels 33c Mom Abiorbmt A till Viluel (oil Garbage Bags 29c Strong and Durable Pkg. 20's Pink or Yellow Zee Towels Ron 20c The Regular 59c, 5-lb. bag of . PURE CANE SUGAR All you do li purchase 8, 100-watt famous make light globes at the regular price. Here's value you can't afford to pass up! j 3Sv AIL FOR , Reg. 19c, Now only COIDBROOK Brand v MARGARINE 6 Pkgs. $lcOO Am, You'll love the extra flavor plus savings on BEVERLY PEANUT BUTTER Spreads smoothly and 18-OZ. Jltt easily. Reg. 57c ml More Savings on "Enriched, Premium Quality' Kitchen Craft Flour Guaranteed to work 1J"lb' QQ' wonders with any recipel D3fl CHATHAM 1 Always fresh and mild. ' Here is the f inestl 49 BLOCK CHEESE Per lb. look at this terrific savings on Torpedo Grated TAKE YOUR CHOICE! STOCK-UP NOW AND SAVE! TUNA FISH 6 ...4100 It's tops for sand wiches, casseroles Stock up during this special event on EMPRESS PLUM PRESERVES Empress is world renowned 4-lb. on for flavor and quality f) Sill look at This Terrific Value! Reg. $1.15 T HONEY iiit-rich honey il a special low "ice. Hire's a real Safeway vfaluel SbIvs Your Gift Problem the Easy Way, With SAFEWAY GIFT ORDERS Available Now at All Safeway Stores! MILE SHAMPOO ".on .., 50c FRUIT CAKE Ho"d,y mui. $1.98 NR MAID RAISINS Mi" un 27c BLACK CURRANTS ""l"rte n.,pk. 23c MINCEMEAT NoneSuch x..i 53c AO PUDDING C,0M Bl,ck"e" l9c MM PUDDING Cro,, 4 B1,ckwe" . 59c MACARONI 4., 69c SPAGHETTI 8u"riM,. 69c MY BEANS 8min'whUt '. wb-pke, 35c WHITE BEANS GrMt Nrthe 2 ,b.pkK. 30c KD BEANS" - 32c UNA BEANS 33c EGGS A Medium Doz. 49 H Prica Effective Thru Saturday Nlht Dec. 1st Only Every Cut of Beef Safeway Sells ... is nothing less than t You'll find this l seal of quality on FALL beef at your SAFEWAY STORE Properly "Aged" for Flavor POT All "USDA CHOICE" grade beef, tender and flavorful, guaranteed the finest money can buy. All Safeway meats are trimmed before weighing to leave only perfect eating meal. More Savings During Safeway's CALF SALE SHOULDER ROAST Bl,de Cuu Ib. 39c CALF ROUND STEAK 89c CALF BREAST lb 15c SIRLOIN STEAK ' 69c CALF T-B0NE STEAK , 79c Stewing Beef T-Bone Steaks Top Sirloin "Cholco" Bonelen "Choke" tell "Choice" Boneleti Cull 59c 99c $1.19 lb. J f l I "Choice Beef, Bone Q KOUnO jfeOKS In. Full or Hall Cut Ib. ovc ... 39c b 15c 69e Ground Beef Boiling Beef Corned Beef 100 Pure Ground froth "Choice" Bui Plili Cull "USDA Choke" tonoliil Cull BEEF RUMP ROAST .IT', 69c SIRLOIN TIP .,!"",. 95c BEEF CUBE STEAK " . 99c Swlll'l Premium COTTAGES ,69 SLICED BACON .39 Slindird Pocked Meat prices in this ad are effective through Sunday, De cember 2. Subject to mirket change thereafter. Prices in this advertisement are effective through Decem ber 9 at Safeway in Salem. We rejerve the right to limit. Upside-down i Mincemeat i A Cake Tasty l Alnntf with ttiA mlnMm..r nil - -' you pian 10 make lor the holidays, try this Mincemeat Upside-Down Cake as A KArnnrf r-hntuM fw .hiiM who are fond of mincemeat but preier a lighter dessert. Simple 1 to make, the cake needs no ad- ' ditional frosting. Just cut into ' squares and serve hot' with whipped cream. Mincemeat Upslde-Dewa Cake Topping! .. ' 4 cup prepared mincemeat ' cup brown sugar For Cake: cup sifted flour . .. iVi teaspoons baking powder li teaspoon salt . Hi cups whole wheat flakes Vt cap shortening ' . 14 cup sugar 1 egg 14 teaspoon vanilla flavoring U cup milk Combine mincemeat and brown sugar; spread evenly over bottom of greased 8 x 8-Inch pan. Sift together flour, baking pow der and salt. Crush wheat flakes into fine crumbs: combine with flour. Blend shortening and sugar: add egg and vanilla and beat well. Add dry ingredients alter- nanny wim miw, mixing well after each addition. Spread over mincemeat. Bake in moderate oven (37S degrees F.) about 25 minutes. Turn upside down on serving plate while still hot: re move pan. Cut into squares and serve immediately with whipped cream, if desired. Lemon Pudding Is Tasty One ..... . .; A lemon pudding Is just right to ' top off a meal that features ham " for its main course. Lemon Pudding 2 cups tine graham cracker crumbs li cup butter1 3 tablespoons sugar -V teaspoon salt 1-3 cup cornstarch 1 cup sugar 14 teaspoon salt 1 cup boiling water 3 eggs , : tablespoons butter 6 tablespoons lemon Juice Melt the Vt cup of butter in a skillet; add the cracker crumbs, 3 tablespoons of sugar and V tea spoon salt, bur over moderate heat until well blended and slightly browned. Cool. Combine corn starch, 1 cup of sugar, Mi teaspoon salt and boiling water in top of a double boiler. Cook until mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Cook over boiling water for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Beat 1 whole efic and 2 egg yolks; add a few tablespoons of the hot mixture; add to mixture in top of double boiler, Cook 2 minutes longer. Re move from heat; add the 2 table spoons of butter and lemon juice. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Chill well. Pour the lemon mixture into 8 individual sherbet glasses; sprinkle cracker mixture on top and serve with cream. Makes t servings. Bacon and Noodle , Rarebit Delicious A substantial main dish is this one of buttery noodles accompany- , ing a cheese sauce with bacon noodles. Bacon Noodle Rarebit Cheese Sauce: 3 tablespoons butler or ; margarine ' cup enriched flour V li teaspoon paprika 1 cup American cheese cubed , 1'4 cups milk Melt butter or margarine in small saucepan. Stir in flour and paprika. Add cheese. Gradually add , milk and cook until thickened, stir- ring constantly. Cover and keep -warm while preparing noodles. Buttery Noodles: 4 ounces medium noodles 8 slices bacon Vt cup butter or margarine li cup enriched bread crumbs Add 2 teaspoons salt and noodles to 3 cups boiling water. Boil rapid- ly. stirring constantly for 2 min- utes. Cover, remove from heat and '. let stand 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cook bacon in skillet. Remove and ' arain on absorbent paper. Pour out bacon drippings and melt butter or margarine in skillet. Rinse ' noodles with hot water and drain. Add bread crumbs and noodles to . butter or margarine and mix thoroughly. Arrange Buttery Nood les on hot platter. Pour Cheese Sauce over noodles and top with slices of bacon. Makes 4 servings. Ham and Macaroni Casserole Is Good Here's a macaroni-ham Casse- ' role you'll like. Him-Macaronl Casserole Add 2 teaspoons salt and 4 ounces elbow macaroni to 3 cups Roiling water, boll rapidly, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Cover, ' remove from heat and let stand , 10 minutes. Meanwhile melt 1 tablespoon butter or margarine In a saucepan. Add V, cup chopped : gieen pepper and V. cup chopped . I onion ana simmer aooui s min utes. Arm l cup diced cooked nam and brown lightly. Rinse macaroni with warm water and drain well. Combine ham mixture, IVt cups condensed cream of mushroom ' soup (lOli-ounce cam, li cup milk, ' I tablespoon chopped pimiento. 1 ' tablespoon chopped parsley and b teaspoon pepper with macaroni. Pour Into greased lli-qunrt lolc. Sprinkle with li cup grated American cheese (2 ounces). Bake i in moderate oven (375 deg. F,( 43 ' 'minutes. Makes 4 servings. I IN.