Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 Page Section' B THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL The Sauce Answer in This Dish " It's the sauce that "makes" this ehickcn dish. Either home-cooked or canned chicken may be used. Two six-ounce cans of boned chick en with the sauce and served over biscuits will serve 8 persons. Orleans Chickea Ingredients: -' 11 cup sliced onion 1 small clove of garlic, minced , ii cup slivera of celery ;. 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper 1 tablespoon minced parsley Vi teaspoon dill :U cup butter or margarine 2 bouillon cubes - 2 cups boiling water ,:. 2 teaspoons bottled thick meat , sauce V teaspoon paprika -54 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 2 tablespoons ketchup 2 teaspoons wine vinegar 2 six-ounce cans boned chicken Method: Melt butter In large skillet. Lightly brown onions and garlic, then add celery and green pepper and saute until tender over moderate flame. Dissolve bouillon cubes In boiling water. Add to ve getable mixture together with the rest of the ingredients except the chicken. Turn gas down and sim mer for 10 minutes, stirring occa sionally. Add chicken, and con tinue to cook over low heat until mixture comes to a slow boil. Taste to see if It needs more salt. Pour into top of double boiler, place over boiling water and transfer double boiler to thermo ' statically controlled top burner of ' your gas range. Turn dial to 150 degrees or the lowest setting and let simmer, uncovered, until you're ready to serve. Heap on hot bak ing powder biscuits, either home made, tinned or frozen brown-'n-serve type. Butterscotch Topping Goes With Pudding A butterscotch meringue gives delightful flavor for this apple and rice pudding. Apple Rice Pudding With Butterscotch Meringue '. 1 cup uncooked, white rice 6 medium apples, thinly sliced ; 1 teaspoon salt - 1 cup sugar . 1 teaspoon cinnamon ' 3 cups milk 2 egg yolks . , 2 egg whites, beaten' - 4 tablespoons brown sugar ,' 1 teaspoon vanilla Wash rice and cook In saucepan , with 1 quart boiling water and 1 teaspoon salt for 10 minutes; drain. Place half the apple slices . in a buttered 2-quart casserole. Blend together salt, sugar and " cinnamon and sprinkle 1-3 of mix- , ture over apples; add 14 of the rice ana remainder or ine apples , and sprinkle with second 1-3 of sugar mixture; top with remaining rice and sugar mixture. Four in milk which has been blended with beaten egg yolks. Cover and bake in a slow oven, 300 degrees F In- oh., 4 hmm til-fin nnnn. slonally with fork, adding extra milk, as needed. Uncover and conk 30 minutes longer to brown. To make meringue; beat egg whites until they stand In peaks; add brown sugar, a tablespoon at a time, beating between each addi tion and continue beating until very stiff. Fold in vanilla. Spread on the pudding and return to oven for 20 minutes, or until lightly browned. Cool. Serve with ice cream. Makes S to 8 servings. Oyster Stew Rates Any Time of Year An average serving of six oy sters will supply more than the daily allowance of Iron and copper, about one-holt the Iodine, and about onetciuh of the needed pro tein, calcium, magnesium phospho rus, Vitnmln A, thiamine, ribofla vin, and niacin. To retain the deli cate, distinctive llavor of oysters, never cook them loo long, Just enough to heat them through and leave them plump and tender. Oyster stew served in a largo bowl accompanied by crisp crock- trs, a jellied fruit salsd, and a home baked cake will lorin the basis for an attractive, delectable. nutritious meal. Here Is a recipe for "Oyster Stew" as recommend ed by the home economists of the Fish and Wildlife Service to serve your family on these chilly autumn days. Oyster Slew 1 pint oysters Vt cup bulter or margarine, melted 1 quart milk Hi teaspoons salt Dash pepper Paprika Drain oysters. Add oysters to butter and cook for 3 minutes or until edges curl. Add milk, salt, and pepper, and bring almost to boiling point. Garnish with pap , rika. Serves d. - For Pie Topping If you have a freeier, you'll like Jhis trick. Whip cream and (reeie it in mounds; store in the freeter These froten mounds of cream are wonderful lor topping the individ ually package frozen fruit pies you can buy and store. To freeie the whipped cream, Just whip It as usual; drop In small mounds on pie plates. When froten. remove and store mounds in plastic bags or freeier cartons. For a memorable dessert, heat the Individual froirn fruit pies as directed on the package: then place a mound or froien whipped cream on top of each hot pie. Delicious! SHRIMP MEASUREMENTS A package of frozen shelled de tained shrlmpi that weighs 10 ounces can usually be substituted lor I pound of fresh shrimps. PIP? uuiyiuu, nn nn I vnnnnncyniOinn nn?i rzrnfn .tu i ii ii ii ii i ii ii ii ili i n ii ii ii i 1 1 1 1 n i nn iu s mm wmM mm Terrific Days of Savings Everybody likes a "Bonus." Your friendly Safeway Store is stocked to the brim with terrific Christmas Bonus Values on every shelf, during Safeway "Dollar Days." Cheek through the lineup of values in this ad. Stock up your cupboards with your favorite foods now, and reap the savings for the Holidays ahead. Heneyblrd Pilled Pie Cherries Cake Mix Mushrooms Butter Beans " ' Swimdown-Whlle, Tello r Devlli Food Shady Oik , Pieces, Slam) No. 2 tins Per Pkg. tint No. Vi tins 4 for a I I WtiHilr 32-01. Apple Juice .I r . f I . Hoiltu No. 303 Fruit Cocktail w jjyi Al!: Reg. 25c Ei. l5Vioi. IAL Llllll A RmI Viluel tint Lysnl.. Oardetulde ' No. Vi lOmQTOeS Reg. 23c Each cans i:0 Hominy Banjo, While ' or Golden q Walla Walla rancy reas . I Emerald Bay pinacn -f . Kings Gale lomatoes No. Vh CMS No. 303 cans No. 2'A cms No. 303 cms B for Green Beans Reg. Fancy Beets Highway 15c Garnet ' Sliced f . JloKely irano carrots s"d " ,5c f Cream Style. Del Monti vOm w Country Home ' Hi. 303 , cms Ne. 303 cans Ne. 303 cms Ne. 303 can I for n Sunny Dawn brand, Fancy Quality, rag. 27c Tomato Juice You'll enfoy tha extra freshness of Busy Bake Soda Crackers Your choice of wonderful Cascade branc' Salad Dressing Look at the terrific savings on medium siie Ivory Soap n 46-oi. $100 nO cans A Gardenside brand, firm tender stalks Mb. 1Q Pkg. aJ Quart ' 10 SW Asparagus Holiday Brand It tha very finetl Fruit Cake Roval Satin Is a Pure. All Vi Shortening World famous for Quality, Fancy American Spaghetti 8 No. 300 $ 00 cans Mb. $198 tin A 3t 79' . cans Ait! Half 9Q Gal. CmO "- 10 W featured at SAFEWAY sweef'n juicij PWH ORANGES. 1 tl jjyjjl) llflffij aV -Jvr!BmTmmmml Here's the finest Navel Oranges Em 1 i 'fefeifi thW-W c,ii,orni' E,eh i,rBe ,nd . In IvJ Jl YlfcW ffffi'M' ft h,,,,y wl,h ,w"' iul" ,nd me,, L mmmm ( S 7 w wSl tu OOO U XeiMfM Won Stone Crock brand ii real Safeway value. Reg. 19c ea. Sauerkraut 6 ? T Clan ftalliaB uMf-eftr faclap. mmlr White Magic Bleach Moonbeam Brand, Reg. 12c aa. A real favorite ' "J Fancy Pumpkin Your choice of chocolate eclairs, choc, cream wafers, or choc, coated grahami Jane Arden Cookies "29' Try rich EDWARDS COFFII far rtil savim! u. MORE fool cups ptr pouni Cists y u Itss! Wky pay more? Pound $107 2-lb. $013 Can A (an NOB HILL ft $1.02 ft $2.03 AIRWAY k: 95c ft $1.89 Regular Price 2 for 29c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE TOWNHOUSE BRAND . No. 2 Can 10c NETTED GEM POTATOES U.S. No. 1 1 fVlb. I Q Grade 111 Bag 3l U.S. No. 2 OC-lb. rye Grade G Bag w Produce prices In this ad are effective through Sunday, December 2nd, only. Subject to market change thereafter. ROME APPLES 15c BANANAS p. 2 35c CABBAGE firm, Solid Heads lb. 3C CAULIFLOWER , 10c LETTUCE Here's the Flneill 25C erful- Florida Pink GRAPEFRUIT Every segment heavy laded with sweet juice (5 - GUARANTEED Every item Safeway sells is guaranteed 100. or your money back wtihout fuss or quibble. RITZ CRACKERS NBC , CHEEZ-ITS SaaMttt Cr,ck" T FRESH BREAD tWt PROTEIN BREAD Sk5"rk MINCE MEAT Empr"' FRUIT MIX L""" RMtnt RED CHERRIES ln w DICED CITRON L5" EGG NOG Lu"n" TOM 4 JERRY BATTER Ch"7 cht" ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Ro,kury ROXBURY CANDY m"' mti Ml1 MIXED NUTS Nu,sh'" BRAZIL NUTS r,r Homt Blkl" ALMONDS T"' MIXED NUTS r" c"iy tai tMk'" FILBERTS Sn,rk Tlm' N"' SEEDLESS RAISINS V1" r" IMPORTED DATES mt 49c 33c 21c 65c Mb.pkf. 33C fiotpkl. 1" Urjeleaf 28C 15ot loaf 25C ?t..t. tit 53c Mb. pk. 4-ot. pk. 441. pk. Quart Each 69C 51b. bos $3.49 nk. 39C H ot. raa Mb. Dki. H ot. pkf. 59c 14-ot, pkf. 49c 43c Mb.pkf. 39c 7-et.pke:. 21 C 89c 49c a