Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 Page 8 Section 4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Oregon Forest Fires Form V OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS ON EVERYTHING EXCEPT "YOUR UCKY DAY" ITEMS, 'Mm ihfpplng cut lo via ouhlde our rejulir truck delivery routes. iii I .v..,: ! A 19 V, AS" mm Hoover Rites At Woodburn WOODBURN (Spcclnll - Ileci lulion of tho rosary will be at 8 pull-Friday at the Itingo-Cornwvll Kunera cnaoei ior .wrs. iyiiihi mina H. Hoover, 50, who ASTOIilA, Ore Two Ion st fires burned today in (lie water tlicd of the Northwestern Oregon illy ol Astoria. A strong cast wind faimcil Hie blazes in cutovcr tlmliprland. The fires have cov ered more Ihan 2.'t0 acres and arc bring fought liy 200 fire fighters. Prolonged dryness and persistent winds have malic fire conditions in western Oregon (Jig worst In five years. (AP Wireplioto) Portland Livi'.slork 1'OltTi.AND Wi-U.SDA)-Catllc salable 2.10; two truck lots of standard and good steers 850-9110 was j III 17.50-18.00, a few utility steers lew iow gooa MAliKKT QUOTATIONS PORTLAND .fl Mid Willamette Obituaries I....J J-J - hnt ol l,nr hnm,. 9.60-14.00 iijuiiu uvuf im 1 uuicm here. Wednesday. Requiem mn , n ' ' v .. . , : nh i v hpifers fl.on-12.50; canner win De onerca in i. i.ukc s cnurcn r" j ; ,n .7, ,,, Mrs. Huj'li Mason JEFFERSON (Special) Word was received Wednesday by .urs. George Mason of the death of her daughler-in-law, Mrs. Hugh Ma son, 53, at Whittier, Calif., where Mrs. Mason at 10 a.m. Saturday with burial to follow in the church cemetery. Mrs. Hoover was born June 6, 1906,' at Banks and lived most of heHlfe at Gervals until coining to Woodburn a year ago. Survivors Include three daugh ters, Jean Hess, Bcaverton; Hen trice Grow, Portland: and Patricia- Thomas, Lakcwood, N.J.; two brothers, William Smith, Michigan, ami Stanley Smith. Ilillsboro; six sisters, Frances Vuylstekc, Bea verion; Clara Bcekwilh, Genevieve Howell and Mildred Patterson, Portland; Mrs. Lucille Downer, Tacoma, Wash.; and two grandchildren. J.H.Mulligan, ; Farmer, Dies 9.50-11.50, Calves salable 50; supply insuf ficient to test market, quotable steady; vealcrs 22.50. Hogs salable 200; trade active; barrows and gilts mostly 25 high er, sows steady to strong; sorted No. 1-2 grade butchers 17.00-17.50, mixed grade lots III. 50-17.(10, few sorted olf No. 3s in. 25; sows 300 500 11) 12.00-15.50. few up lo 15.75. Sheep salable 200; few good and chuiec woolcd and shorn slaughter lambs 50 lower, some 16.00-17.50; good and choice feeders 15.00- 16.00, a few up to 16.50, common feeders down to 11.00; cull to good slaughter ewes 2.00-5.00. Rntlprlnf heifers Tentative, suhleet to immediate She made her home, change Premium quality, dcliv-was oorn upai iinoucs ai croons, cred in Portland 64-67 cents per;0re- lb; first quality. 61-64; second Services will be at 1:30 p.m Monday at Ihe Howell-Edwards aualitv. 56-59. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk Funeral home, Salem, with burial cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, , to follow at Belle Passi cemetery. late Wednesday, choice '93 score, 63; A grade, 92 score, 20.00 - 22.00, individual ; 62; B grade W score, 60 'A; C Cai'Ictoll Glass grade, 898 score, 9ft 'A. MOLALLA (Special )-Mrs. Bill Cheese lo wnolt.' alers-Oregon Reynolds rennrls hnr hrnlhor singles, 41-48 ib; Oregon 5 lb loaf, Carlefon Glass, of Portland, died 43'2-53&. .Tuesday. Funeral arranermpnls Egfis-To wholesalers A large, nr0 i ho m.nle hv Mt Send Pun. 40-411'i; A medium, 43-4414; A erai Home in Portland and will he small, 35-36',i. announced later. I'.ggs To retailers tirade AA ! ,?:;,1'i-vi Mr. Rmli Mus ALBANY (Special) John H Mulligan, area, died Wednesday at an Al bany hospital after a short illness, He was 72. Chicago Gruin A small, 37-38. Canons 1-3 cents additional. Eggs To consumers AA large, 60-65; A large, .V-61, A A medium, 52-57; A medium, 51-56; A small, 43-48. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Portland Fryers, 2Vi-4 lbs, 18; light hens, 10-11 at farm; heavy hens, 12-14 at farm; old roosters, 7-9. Turkeys To producers L I v e S. lUllll 1HI1SIC LACOMB (Spccial)-Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Ruth Music, were held Monday, at the Jost Funeral Home, in Lebanon. Burial was at Crawfordsville cemetery. Rev. D, Field officiated. Pallbearers were Brian Sanders, Howard Powers. A. A. Ayers and Elmer Ayers, all of Lacomb. Deaths CHICAGO UFI Grains turned downward lato in the session on tho Board of Trade Thursday un- r, j , " ' . .. r' ' der the weight ol henvv liouida rcureo. larmer oi misi.. . n -.,,. , - U,il,i tr n.m mm irbu ,, , uiiimuii imuio. , r" '"" J Joiepli Heckler Notices of Intentions to deliver hens, evisceruled 34-35-, young , ,,, c,ly NoVemi,er 25 cash grain on December futures toms to 24 lbs, 30 31. the age of 64 yenrs. Late resident Rotation of the rosary will be!wL" J ,"",sU;d, VMa; , n" 'b"s-A?"T, ' S? wiS ST tSjaST hS-SK; at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, at the Fisher Funeral home, with requi em mass at SI. Mary's Catholic church at 10 a.m. Friday. Burial will be In Willamette Memorial park. Mr, Mulligan was born April 19, 1884, at Belmont, Wis., and had one time. December rve and oats orcd pelts 4 cents less; old docs, also were very weak. 10-12, few nigher Fresh killed Wheat closed 114 lower lo ti! fryers to retailers. 86-68; cut up, higher, December 2.42!i-!K, corn M-M. unchanged to higher, Uecom-j Wholesale Dressed Meals ber 1.37-, oats W lower to !4! Beef carcasses Steers, choice, higher, December im, rye Hi- j 500-700 lbs, 36.00-39.00; good, 32.o0- 9-il Invini- rwarnhnr i dn'..a'. 36.00.' standard. 27.00-32.00: com- lived in Ihe Albany area for the , V, lower In '1 hlnber' mcrcial cows. 23.00-27.00: utility. past 40 years. He was married to 1 January 2.6I!4-y4, and lard 20 to 21.00-25.00; canncrs and cutters, 30, at R:0O a.m. at St. Harharas Ceme tcry, under the direction ot the W. T. Jtlsdon Co. Mad Kennedy, June 27, 1907, in Madison, Wis. In addition to his widow, the decensed is survived by one son, Jock, Othello, Wash.; a daughter, Mrs. Robert C. Black ledge, Corvallls; a sister, Mrs. Charles Ludlum, Belmont, Wis.; and five grandchildren. 57 cents a hundred pounds higher. December 15.52-15.55. 17.00-21.00 Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 43.0u-48.OO; 42.00-45.00: full loins, Suite F. Kllewer I.ate rcntdent of Dallas. Ore.. Rt. 2. Box 318, In Monmouth, November 29, at Ihe age of 57 years. Survived hy huthand. George Kllewer, Dallas; sons, Ahraham Kllewer, Dallas; George Kllewer, Big Bull. Kan.; Neal Kllewer, Dallas; daughters. Mrs. Ma tilda Pauls. Monmouth: Mrs. Anna Loewcn. Wlchlla. Kan. Twelve grand children also survive. Member of the Mennonilr , Brethren Church. An- n..i.....nn.n, nt ..n.U. I.'ill lis r 0 U n d S ' later hy 4he Howell-Edwards Funeral trimmed, cnapei. Power 'Famine' Sighted by '60 I 63.00. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, I I basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Suit While 2 41: Solt While (ex cluding Ilex) 2 41: While Club 2 11. I Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.41; WASHINGTON ui The Fed-1 10 per cent 2.11: 11 per cent 2 II; oral Power Commission t-TO 12 per cent 2.41. was told Thursday Ihe Paeilic Car rei-eipts: Wheat :ilt: barley Northwest will lace a power short-! 11; Hour 3: corn 11: uals I. age unless new generating plants are built within lour vears. -i v Jaiiws L. I.isk ol San Francis- ""cafio Onions coi FPC stall engineer, made the "v United Press assertion at a hearing on an np- Supplies moderate; demand plication by the Pacific Northwest slow; market unsettled. Power Co. (l'Nl'l to build the Track sales (50 lbs) U.S. 1 un- Mountain Sheep and Pleasant Vnl- less stated: Minnesota Hollandale ley dams on the Snake River icllnw Globes 63 to 70 per cent bordering Idaho and Oregon. He - leslilicd on cross-examination that if no new plants arc con structed a region-wide power shortage will appear hy i960 i oriiunii iruill 64.oo-6a.oo, forcqunrtcrs, 30.0u- PORTLAND 011 Coarse groins, 1 33.00; chucks, 30.00-34.00; ribs, 15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliv- 45.00-54.00. cry: Oats No. 2, 38 lb white 52.00. 1 Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 Barley No. 2, 45 lh B. W. 49.50. lbs, 40.00-44.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, Corn No. 2, E. Y. shipment 62.50- 29.00-32.00: snnrerihs. 41.00-46.00: fresh hams, 12-14 bs, 44.00-48.00. 9m: slslSr' " V1 . ',' ... j . U . . . Beach. Ore. Services will u C"U illlU MUtlll-ClltMll', all weights, 30.00-41. 00; standard, 2". no-34.00. Lamb Choice-uriine. 45-55 lbs, .17.on-3fl.0l): 4ood 34.00-37.00. Wool Nominal, clean basis, l' blued, 1.00-05: l ilnnti, 1.03-08: '4 blood. 1. 12-111; (me I 17-23. Country. drcKtu'd Meals, t.o.h. Beef -Young ,nw utility, 20-22 lb: canner and lullers. 15-16. Veal Top quality lightweight, 27-29; rotnh heavies. 1S-20. Hogs-ltest lighl blockers. 51-23; lean iigiu suws, J0. i Lamhs-Top grade 34-38. . cuude F. Myers Mutton -Lightweight ewes and At Ihe residence. 17I0 Ulrchwood Wethers. 10-12- rough heavies. 5-8. Salem. November 29. at Ihe age I resit Produce Opal R. Mason Lale resident of Wliltller. Calif., In a Whltllcr hosptlal. November 27, at the age of 51 years. Survived by husband, Hugh A. Mason. Whltllcr; son. Hugh Allan Mason, Los Angeles, Calif.: brother, Forrest Hhodes. Sa ponin be held Monday. December 3. at 1:,10 p.m. In the Chapel of the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home. Interment. Belle Passl Cemetery In Woodburn, Ore. F.illtll Minium Lale resident of S90 Thompson Ave. Salem, in a local nospnai, November 20, at Ihe age of 90 years. Survived by daughter. Mrs. Gladys McCaffcrtv, Snlem. Son. Karl Min ium. Portland. Ore. Ten grand children and 29 great-grnndehlldrcn also survive. Survlces will be held Frldnv. November 20 al 1:30 p.m. In the chaoel of the llowell-Kclwards Funeral Home. Dr. George Bruce will officiate. Concluding services at Salem Pioneer Cemetery. 2-inch and larger 1.20. Street sales: Colorado Spanish 3-inch and larger 2. 50-2, 60: White Spanish 3-inch and larger 2. 35-2. 5b, 2 lo 3-inch 3.15; Idaho Oregon Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Spanish 3 - inch and larger 2.IKI; Montana. White Spanish 3-inch nnd larger The two proposed dams would 2.40, 2 lo 3-inch 2.50 - 3.00; Utah produce power for companies Spanish 3 - inch and larger 2.60 serving nil or parts of those four 2.65; Kansas White Spanish 3-inch stales. The companies, which nnd larger (air condition 2.00 -2. 25: comprise PNP, are Washington Michigan White Globes 2 to 3-inch Water, Power, Portland General 3. so- Midwest Yellows medium Electric, Pacific Power lad Montana Power. Thursday Volume Red Cross Seeks Five Million for Hungarian Relief AUGUSTA. Ga. Id The Amer ican Red Cross Thursday launched , mated at an emergency drive for five mil lion dollars for Hungarian relief, and President Eisenhower ap pealed for generous contributions. The decision to conduit the special drive was announced nl the President's vacation headquar ters alter Eisenhower received word of the plan (torn 1-1. Unland Harriman, the Red Cross chair-man. I Mver. S.-ilii' two sons.' Flovd ' Onions Idaho Yellows. 50 lb I Myers, l.os Angeles. Call!., Raymond sks itimhns 1 V 'UV mediums Myers. Whlltler, Cnlll.: daughter, ; ', iu VZ ,,"1S,'Mrs. Hosella Sorenscn. Los Angeles. 1.25-50; White, 31X1-50; Ore. Dan- .Calif.: brother, Ira Mansfield. Salem: vers, rued, 1.65-7S. 3 In, 2.00-40 'six slslers. Mrs. Olive Canyon. Potatoes-Northwest Husse.s, k. wi'ih nK" aiio'0"uil 3.25-50; Ige, 6-14 0? 4.00-50; No. Grand Island. Neb.: Mrs. Stella 2 so lh 1 11.71- trlnlin hnlec 1.IO Holleubeck, Grand Island, Neh.; Mrs. n k ! nTT .S Anna Kulrlckson. Alma. Neh; Mrs. lb, 2.511-75; 100 b 4 (KI-50: North Minnie Kllia. Portland. Ore. Member Dakota lteds. no lb waxed. 2 00-25; I of ihe christian church at Alma. V,ish Iliistnlc inn II, Inilll. o Neb. Services held Saturday. Wosn. HUSSl'IS, lOO ID, 3.00-25 ; 8 December 1. al 1:30 pill. In Ihe OZ mill, 4.25-50 chapel of the llnwcll-K.dwards Fu- llav -New r0p, No. 2 green """i ,II"mt1; hn""t i" M- alfalln. haled, f ob. Portland, mor'"' 1 Ion. L. Axtell a....i:. i, i III Spokane. Wash.. November 2fl. Willi l...w.l pmii-.i-iiu, v c-nasn, , , r,dent of 11S5 Ce.lar Way. Mllll nlllM'I Delirious. 3.75-4 00: Red Delicious, Survived by daughters. Mrs. NEW YORK in - The stock 5 50-6 00: tray pack, extra Inncy, !;eVh"iciiMahP'saier,k'Mr!'s Fd'ih market survived a sharp hurst of 6.00-6.51); Golden Delirious, 2.50- Kibbv ' Salem;' ion, i.ovendge' H. selling but remnined lower with 3.00: Jonathans. 2.50-3.00: Kings. Axieii. Jr.. St. Paul. Ore. is grand some Improvement in prices l:Ue Ige. 2 00-2.50: Spitenbergs, loose, 2 00-2 50: Ige. 3.00 3 50: Red Rome, Ige. 4 00-4 25; Winesaps, loose, 3.75-4 (XI; Newtnns, loose, 2.25-2.50. Celery Local, 3 doz, 2.50-3.00, few 3 50; Calif. 2H dm, 3 25-3 50, few 4.00: doi, 4.00-4.25; hearts, 3 llol, 2 40. Light 1.J5.1.J3, ,nv 1.40 1.50. Reg. '59" Timberline Tent $39.95 Save $20! Large 8'xlO' 1958 model, 7'6" center height. Finest lightweight, - olive green twill; plastic screen door, full zipper; all-steel center polo. Reg. 49,s Sleeping Bag $34.95 M&F oversize 42"x84" with 112" zipper, 5 IBs. crimped Dacron filling. Milium lining. Water-repellent poplin cover. Reg. $12.50 Bowling Bag . $8.89 Made of good grade cowhide in black or brown. Double stitched for extra strength. Practical gift for the bowler. $15 doz. Golf Balls $9.49dM. Famous make, top quality balls with liquid center for extra dis tance, tough, durable cover. Stock up now and save! IP)" Reg. $9.25 Basketball Kit $5.98 Pennsylvania kit, includes regu lation basketball, official size orange-colored goal, Net-Lok at talchments, net. Reg. $7.95 Football $4.99 All-conference regulation ball with tough pebble grain cover, two white stripes. Tops in per formance and durability. Reg. $8.95 Army Knife $5.95 Popular imported Swiss knife, finest steel, large and small blades, scissors, saw, screw driv er, can opener, cork puller, and puncn. r Reg. $14.95 Badminton Set $9.98 Good quality 4-racket set with metal poles, net and shuttle cocks. An ideal Christmas gift buv ?t this thrifty price! Reg. $29.50 Golf Cart $16,44 Reg. $11.95 Tackle Box $7.79 All-steel .with attractive baked enamel finish. Three-compartment trays; large 17 "x7-V.8Vi" size. Red or green. ifm7 and nhanc orders' SPORTS HEADQUARTERS STREET FLOOR All aluminum dc luxe cart, 10 ' oil-sealed bearing wheels, ad justable handle to fit any golf bag. Fully guaranteed. 1956 model Johnson Sea-Horse motors Reg. $335.00 $376.00 $467.00 5 only, 10 H.P, .... 1 only,15 H.P., manual start . 5 only, 15 H.P., electric starter. 3 only, 30 H.P., manual start, long shaft $497.00 6 only, 30 H.P., electric starter $575.00 3 only, 30 H.P., Javelin, deluxe remote control $605.00 Sale $269.50 $329.50 $375.00 $395.50 $439.95 $495.00 alternoon. for Die day was esti in on ml 2.31X1.000 shares compared with 3,100.0ml Wednesday. Salem iMarkols Wcallu r TnMc R.v.THK ASSO('lTi: nu:ss 24 hours In 4:.H n. m. Tlnirnlav . .Mm. Mlrt. Ini. Baker Eugene Kin ninth Falls Lke view Medford Newport North Bend rendleton ftfUnd Airport OA l.1) 47 24 4R 2.1 37 25 5fl 31 49 34 27 2d 0 35 Cnmpllrd Imm rrtmrti nt lfm tlr drM lot Itif (litdsnrf nl 4 uplljii Journal ltrailri ( l!n tirrf rtsil ) Trrttt If.ihhLT I't lini - 3 55 iK0-lb l'.'I. H It utt 10 i. Hi h.lC KriB Mali - f 1.1 H.h l D.nrv (rril- f.' lO-f: SO iKi-ib l'..C-. f.; muh .v 1 1 on-in i n it i I'onllrv- tUiMtip urn r Cnlnrrri fr fi ; oKt rito-lrr. .: rolntMt fmvl. Lie; Iretnint fiui, lie. HiiMnfl pucri-AV 4ir: lursi' A. 4S- in r (tut m A. Mt ; minll A. V hnlralc prti rt ; A liiinb". 3r rxti ht(o AA, fl"( ! Inner AA. Me; intf.r A. Sir: mrillum AA ilf, A fttmll, 3fic. On cartom, Sc addlllonil. ! Ittttirrfnt: BuvinK prteri Premium Mr; j first urade, MUe; frde 2, 55f. muter n nlMtl f f(ni I Si qurtflrr 1 ;74r. Wholesale Solkd AA, 11c; quar jtera, 73c. Cliinio Livestock nilC(U) un Butrher hoes itmipcd ;'5 to r cent Thursd.iy as SiiliiMo riTcints loll off. Most IM0 hi pound ImktuTs iubv irn wore Inknt at Sl.i'Jj to $13.7."i. uc n-o, Hult hers sralmsi to ?80 luunuis v-n- luoui;l)t H.'iW to Sts.3. while sous -. moved in .1 $12.75 to $14 00 runuo. Some ihtufi ami pitnio steers f.r sold it s:'.") Mi. (,;od nnd choice bronchi lo H"3 00. (Vmnnr nl'le heifers sold from HR.OO to V SO. Lntnbs sold stendy lo weak id $1B 00 to $?0!0 for good to prime woolcd types. Snlable receipts were 9.000 hot!. 2.000 cattle. 400 calves and 1,600 sheep. Inldrcn and 30 Kirat-grnmichlldnm Iso snrvlvr. Sorvu-t-a will be hrld M11nd.1v. December 3, at 1 :W nm. in the i-hapcl ot ihe Cl.mirh-H.irrti'k Funeral Home. Hev. M.tiuttl Lvmnn will nKtciate. Intemirnl. Onk lwn Memorial Park. Corvallis. I.aura K. Ilanna l.ate rrsldent of Turner. Ore . In a Sublimity NnrstnK Heme, Wednesday. November 28. at the "f M vivj, j Servlees will be held Sitimlay. He-i-ember 1. at 3 pm. in the christian Church at Turner. Hev. Jack Mr Daniel will officiate. Interment, Twin Oaks Cemetery. Seivlcea un der the direction of the Howell tilwant Funeral Chapel. Alan Kim t of 1 1: No 1 It nil .it a khart. Coo it Mr-. Om':-.'i-n. Mrs t'a. Ore; Mr? A. H. K mo-v (tor. Co Pay. Arnoun -e ment of nervloes will be made later by the Vtritll T. Golden Co. Harvey Thmlwell Jr, At Seattle. Wm'.i . Nov 2$ T.,ite retdent of -45 tUtcliff Mr. Sale-n. Surilved by parent. Mr and Mm. Haivey K Thurlwell. Salem: two iMter. Jovee and Janet Thurlwett. ' h.Mh Salem: brother. Pob Thurlwell. ; Satem. Annotiniementf of r lcr j will te made ldter by the Vuiil T. 1 lUoldtu Co. I floor sample boats limited quantity WIZARD FIBERGUAS BOATS Reg. 1 only, 1 0 ft. Traveler, no deck $280.00 4 only, 13-fl. Comet Standard $420.00 2 only, 13-ft. Comet Deluxe $498.00 2 only, 14-ft. Utility .' $510.00 1 only, 14-ft. Holiday, with accesor's $705.00 1 only, 14-ft. Holiday, with accesor's $750.00 OTHER BOATS 2 only, 12-ft. Cartop $260.00 1 only, 8-fr din-jhy . ..$255.00 ALUMA CRAFT BOATS I oniy, 12-ft. Aluminum boat without deck $299.00 1 only, 14-ft. Aluminum boat without deck $335.00 1 only, 14-ft. Aluminum boat without deck ...$375.00 2 only, 1 4-ft. Aluminum boat with deck $475.00 Sal $219.50 $349.50 $394.50 $425.00 $565 00 $625.00 $225.00 $219.50 $245.00 $279.50 $319.50 $359.60 'Portland' lightweight bicycle reg. $64.50 Sturmey-Archer 3-speed gear Front and rear caliper hand brakes 0 Saddle bag and tools Chromium rims Hockey stick chain guard Shuresta kickstand 0 Baked enamel finish Boys' red or black; girls' blue. Mail and phone orders A new, outstanding 26" English light weight bicycle with all these popular features: reg. $75 golf bag reg. $31.50 sleeping bag All-leather, large 14-club M&F Royal in large size, full length pocket, $11 ft ft 38"x80" size, 100" zip- $ ft A P quality features. Finest ll XX per. 3-lb. crimped Dac- IU red or brown elk russet ron filling, water-repel- saddle trim. lent Bengajine cover. . reg. $18.95 croquet set reg. $6.95 bicycle lights Six-player set with rubber- Bicycle directional lights, faced mallets and maple $fk MM one for each hand-grip. $ A AA balls. Sturdy, attractive U WX Flashes back for turn or WW rack. Buy now for Christ- W continuous red light for a W I mas giving! stop. reg. $5.50 air mattress reg. $8.50 table tennis Wilson 4-player set with 4 Heavy gauge, tubular pins- c A rubber - faced plywood $ m gf tic mattress, light and i UU bats, latch type posts with K WW easy to handle, comfort- jLI J net, set of rules and 4 able to sleep on. Full size. balls. reg. $14 tennis rackets reg. $14.95 picnic set Wilson Strata-Bow con- Metal sandwich box, two struction. Perforated calf $ f Q A 1-qt. vacuum bottles, stur- $ A A grip, mult-ply nylon string I XU dy gabardine or nylon car- U flW ing. Frank Sedgman or Al- I W I rying case. Save $5.46 - I I ice Marble models. now! , reg. $21 golt bag , 'reg. $2.50 baseball De luxe 14-club bag. Official league horsehide streamlined locker and Cm m M A ball, double stitched, cush- $ m ha tee pocket, large ball flU ioned cork center, precis- I ll Eocket, molded rubber. I ion winding. Individually ' I andle and bottom. boxed. reg. $11.95 spinning rod reg. $29.95 ski pants World famous 7V4' fiber- Famous make all-wool glas rod, weighs only 4 $ mm WA g a b a r dine, 4 zippered $A AP ounces. Aluminum locking lf pockets: black, navy, IU UK rings. Perfect for trout or I ml I gray. Men's sizes,. 30-38; stcclhead. 1 women's sizes 10-20. $10.95 $8.89 Combination b.romeltf Ihermomeler, lypt walnut frame, bran trim. SPORTS HEADQUARTERS STREET FLOOR reg. $4.50 bird cage $3.75 Hendryx fine make, 13V long, 9" deep, 15" high. Complete with cups, perches, swins. removable draw er. Silver enamel fin ish. reg. $9.9$ doggie rest $7.50 All-metal 23" dog bed with overstuffed mat tress, red or green fin ish. Reg. $11.50 26" size, now $8.95. Mail and phone orders PET SHOP STREET FLOOR i'tu shipping cost lo areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. I T VW, $3333SE2li8p SEES