Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thurs., Nov. Religious Giftsp BIBLE BOOK HOUSE 341 FEHRY . PH. 3-4S59. GUIs, Bibles, Xmas Cards. Home Gifts if ANTIQUES HOP LAMBERTS & please the family. Marble top Coffee St lamp tables, hanging lamps, round front China Clouets, An tique frames St furniture. 215 B. Commercial, Ph. 2-7602. fwO pair fir, drapes, lined, 1 bed spread, pillow onsen, other hand work & etc. Hand painted china, cut, pressed, crystal & tiffin glass, other articles. Also piano. Ph. 4-7336. . CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Pedigree Roller Canaries Reasonably priced. Ph. 2-7B9B ANTIQUE and modern clock re pairs. Pick up and deliver. Free estimates. Dial 4-2224. Stevens & Son, State it Lib erty. Treasured Keepsakes ' for the home. Shop Salem'a Early American Store; Trivets, Brass it Copper Novelties, Spoon racks, wall shelves, Spies Cabi nets, Radios, Milk Glass, Pic tures, lamps galore. Ermel't Colonial Furniture Open Mon. it Frl. Nights til 9 2749 S. Commercial, THE GIFT OF GIFTSI ' BALDWIN Spinet Organ True Oman Tones Standard Controlla Ease of Playing Free Lessons Liberal Terms Come in for your free lesson, demonstration In our store cr In your home. ZOBEL'S It Court Ph. 4-8252 OIL PAINTINGS Chrlstmaa lifts Ph. 34249. Gifts for Dodr Electric Razors Popular Brand Rtg. $2S.D5 NOW $19.98 BATDORF'S HOME ft AUTO 1420 Slate I'll. 3-05B2 1005 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7455 S It H Green Stamps 450 Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous APPROX. 1M' of " rone $10.50, real nice fond mixer $15; Itolo Broil A-l $10.50; Wood-ctml cir culator $15; 6 yr. crib with mattress $12; Bunk beds with mattresses $34.50; Cedar chest 110.50: Conn E Flat Saxophone flli. Baby buggy $10; Laumirv tubs $10; 200 gal. oil barrel $34.50; All metal trailer S55; Oil Circulators f)S up; Phono records $1.35; a gal. crock 4.50; Deluxe baby scales $fi,50; Roger Bros. Silverware Set $24.50; Foslnria Stemware $1 ea.; 9x12 rug $20. What do you need? Yes, vour best bet is 9ielJVoortryi1,K5 N- Summer. BAND Cream Kcparator,good cond. Ph. 4 -734B. ALMOST new whirl .Tmi clothes line $5; fur coal, site ou, ini. f iw . now . I'll. 2-79!. I. SHOP Glen Woodry's tonite on OPF.N HOUSK Sl'KCIALS. Glen Woodry, 1005 N. Summer. FRir.iDAIRE auto. w"a s h e r, chrome dinette set, gnu range, oil circulator with barrel. Ph. 2-0BI5. THERE'S no parking problem at wim nooury a iuua , Mim DOOR Mirrors. 1(1" x "7". $595. Used Mdse. Marl. 270 8. Ub- rty. Ph.4-37L PKW5 "x 12 LinolemsTflir. GlenWoodry, 1603N. Summer. STEFL three-way bunkheds with mattresses h built-in head lamps $50. CHILD'S single bunk hed with sprlngB and waterproof mat- tresi $20. COIL springs for double bed $10. 345 N.Jlth or Ph. 2-7H34. T-wannInn SALE'itinrts tonileM Yk, we re OPFN TONITE tor yeur shopping convenlem-p. " ' ""T mirrors 3 Glen Woodry, lflH5 N. Summi 483 Wanted Miicetlaneout WANT Ping-pong table. Reason ihle. Ph 4-3381. in!EST plces"rortin. old cars. Junk of any kind. V plckjip. ph 4-3310 fVANTKD: Usrd mV tofhoVr age 4 A 9. gitod Also in-. crsorles for Lionel elec. train. Ph. Stayton 3-2324. VrANTKD tevtrai thousana fordi of wood, all sptetea. Ph 17721. Night. 4-5633. 484 Miicellaneoui E-A-V-E-S T-R-O-U-fi.H-S UU Rooftng Servi.jiPrt. X-Ttl9 Broken Furniture Repaired Wo fan repair anylhlnf Mini's sroKPn in me lurniiuri lint. LEE JOJ0 Slal.5t. phone J-7WI " flCNTAl I'LATl RU-AIII i-lln. SFRVIl-rt IN MOST CAsrs DH HARBV STMl.Cn tlenllst Adnl.h Ride. Slate At Com') Sts SALEM PH 1-3111 486 Machinery Touli TD Internatlonsl, hlsde and drum food cond Prlre $2,600 Ph. MAyfalr a-.W2l, Dallas. SF.VF.nAI, uscTml'dfri. See at 790 Stewart St. Ph. 4-7544. I tlKFnew, DeWalt I h PcTlO" Radial ssw wllr. table, liar fata. Judson't 171 N. Com'L I.' JTi' ifl MAKESALL YOUR CW WING' tell My ir tli Hates? 1ft iiig IikS Gifts for Mom REPOSSESSED portable Ironcr. New guarantee. Assume bal. 14 down. "Your Down Town" Klrestono Store. 395 N. Liberty I'll. FOR SALIC: Kitchen St party aprons, ju-ju u oi. FUR COAT, sable dyed Ru&slnn NEW Fowler Clothes Dryer $1)0. ztnu t-oriiana jta. 1056 DOUBLE oven push button TUIIKC, UKU I1UW fllHr. rflMU Portland ltd. DORMEYER Deep Fryer $11.99 Famous Brand Steam Irons Was 117.00 'SPECIAL $9.99 BATDORF'S HOME A AUTO 1420 State Ph. 3-0502 2093 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 37435 & st ji u recti stamps New Hotpolnt Automatic Regularly $199.05 $149.95 Nothing down on approved credit THE PHILLIPS CO. 3SS Center St. Ph. 3-313 Auto Gifts NYI.ON SAFETY BELTS 0.95 INS. Airplane type, all colors. Exhaust Sperlallies 8c Parts. THE MUFFLEU CORNER 1395 State St. I'll. 4-0997 Gifts for Him ; SWIFT Barometer. A wonderful unrisiiiias Old. 12. US. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-8371. SHOCK PROTECTED, anttmag- netlc Jeweled WATCHES. 1 yr. guar. $5,115. Army St Navy Surplus, 22,1 N. Com'I., Ph. A GIFT for thVthlpTxin as! Pacific Auto Sup. 355 N. Lib erty, SpTrmlnjTbntfits' $9.95 CASCADE MERC Snorting Goods 1230 Broadway Ph. 3-393R SP INN I NC.ReeTl26.05 " " A I rex Larclimont, 2 spools. Carrying case, jiki vns. line . UIL WAJtJJ 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-2470 TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6B11 450 Alerrliaiulirie 486 Machinery i Tooli Used Welders For Sale 6!ia ILLINOIS, 3-05C0 490 Fuel rnn rai r i" cins .nri screened sawdust. Delivered In 3 unit puiihout truck. Ger- vnls Lumber Co., Ph. 2211 Gervnlt. 73HAVINGirWKl3ELIVEH" I'll. 2 0171 GOOD oak wood. Cut to nnv length. Order now and save. David Wasson, Ht. 1. Carlton, Ore. Oak Crest Ranch. SOMETHING new for snwtluM users. We have n Chip Mix fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420 nntanway. rn. 3-7721. CAPrr6i7FUEircoT Dry oak, ash k maple wood. Choice slab Ac block wood mixed, dry or green. Dry mill 1420 Hrondway Ph. 3-1721 ORRtiON FUEL Sawdust, Green V Dry Wood S St II Green Stumps 3087 Brnndwny Ph. 3-5J.33 ANDFRSON'S "ilabwond2sr-unit load $2. Ph. 2 7751. Clean Dry Wood Old growth slab St block wood $13 cord. Also nak wood. Cut any lenKih. Prompt delivery, Ph. Salem 29444. WEST SALKM TUEL - Dry green wood Tube or pushout mwdust 1525 F.tlgeivater Ph. 3-40.11- Hir.HWAV KUKL CO. AWiniST cV WOOD 3-6M4 WANTED: Several thnuiiai.d cords of bark-trec wood, fir or hemlock. Ph. 3-7721; nights 4 3633. ()0 Bu. & FiuanoA 510 Money to Loon SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get rash for shopping needs or wiuer irmoim rxpriisi's in one viMt to office I phone Heneflclal, givt a tew facts, then come (nl FaXt'luilvel Nationwide Credit Catd preirntetl to everv cu tomer gnotl at over 1.000 f- iir!(ineni.iifii 1 1 hen to mv . ' . 1. 1. Ill- llil l -mp loan, write or fivnf in today LOANS UP TO ll.MO BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (IVr-onal rinanra Co ''1 S-"M 105 s Hlsn Mon.. for all worth. while pur. poses for Prrsimal Unn Con.-lld.t. Rills ,Sfw pur. Home owned horn, operated 1PM ralrirouod. Ro.d ...lem Or. call I-;m1 rt.. pam Inf L.I. Now A New LOAN SERVICE 29, 19.16 Family Gifts jgfl WAKE CP TO A WARM HOUSE Choose "Chronotherm" auto matic time clock for your ow lor Terms S79 N. Com-!. 9 PIECE chrome sets 180.05. used Mdsc. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-6371. FOR YOUR SERVICEMAN The closest thing to being home 19 ruufl LUtA L WiSWSHA PERI All the hometown news, views St pictures. A gift that will really be appre ciated every single day of the year. Ph. 4 -fit. 11 and osk for Circulation, It's that ensy. Barbecue and Bar Aprons SALEM VINTAGE" STOKE. I 599 Court St. AUTO. RECORD PLAYER ' $31.95 HCA-Vlclor 45 and $24.95 ui--nn miner iium. ALL FOR $36.95 S&H Stamps Marr itadio & T.V. 2140So.Com'L Ph. 3-9201 ADMIRAL 21" Cabinet Console T.V, Walnut ense. Regular 1290, 95. NOW tl)!.)5. MODERN APPLIANCE CNTR. U41S. Commercial. Ph. 4-0353 CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE I All pianos go regardless of price. New spinels from $381). Huge stock, all styles. EZ terms. Payments, begin Feb., 1057. Tallrnan Piano Stores, 395 S. 12th. near S P. Depot. SEASON SPECIAL 100 Sols Popular Ili-aml AUTO SEAT COVERS V- PRICE BATDORF'S HOME St AUTO 1420 State Ph. 3-0S82 2003 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7455 S H flrrnn Stntnns Pet Gifts B0- FOH SALE: Prcllp. Chow Sheiihenls, 5 weeks old. S3, Ph-2617. TINY F. Chihuahua nu'ppyrEx- ccl. pedigree li(l. Ph. 2-4Q0I. niHDsrTron. fish, all supplies" deposit will hold. Hlrd Pnra di!;e, 3180 Livingston. 2-11142. TROPICAL flshaqinVrTMin piles. Come rV see. Hollywood Aquarium, 1MB McCoy. A.K.C. REG. ENGLISH Springer Spaniels, $35. 4-0992 HOXER PUPS Reasonable, 1148 Fir. 3-4003 DEAUTIFIT) Boxer puppies, fl weeks old, Idral Xmas Rift. Terms on approved credit. Call 4-B371 eves, or weekends. WHY not have your doK trim- men & named lor Hie noil days? For aop't. call 3-685II. Rlnttlnnd Kennels. LOVELY pink nprlcot rnnnrtrs, cxc. singers, 13.U Liicmeketa SIAMK'E Pealnolnt Mtteni, papers, $10, Ph. 3-6989, COCKER spaniel puppies. t2U. Uuv now for Christmas. Rt. .1. llox 55!, Corvallls, Plain a-ltm eves, et sun. r00 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon $25 to $2500 PACL'IC INntlSTRIAI. LOANS IIS S Lluerty Ph. 4-2203 I'HIVATR monev to loan. Interest Ph. 2-07W COIXINIAL Invrsltnent Co Hesl rroparlv Lonns conlractt Pnrrhssed 68V Tourt 4-22M Intere.l Ph J-OIM. LOANS 150.00 to ItSUO.OC Ruy What You Need Con.ulldsl. your Mils. rinanr. through WILLAHK1TK CHEDIT COMPANY 111 8. Church St. Ph. 1 UJ1 Invcitmcntt WILL discount my real estate contract 11.400, for cash. Takrs f ?,47ii to handle, rays month y, Inc't. 8 per cent. Good Sa- letn pre or 4-49. 600 Kmplopnent 602 Help Wanted EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 3M V. Winter Ph. t-iMM F. See. short H. age ,15 up $1M F. Hkkpr. Mrlg. material, Shorthand helpful, 2540 Open r. See, J0-.13 start . (2.10 l. Ilkkpr. btlllnit rxp. 3-55 I1.4.U, hr. He Up F llkpr. Sec. shorthand. $325 tip F. Hkkpr, (Jen. led, t.ix 2.1-35, lempnrarv . . Open M A- F. OKIrt mgr.. Auto. Own M. Fp. Rkkpr. Tax Open M. Salesman bldf. material. wtuilrsale Open '0 COMMERCIAL rincrniont Aconcv Since 1915 - Specialists In Office rinivmcnts 4 Stste St (411 Ore Rldg Phone 4.5J51 APPt.R'A 1 IONS "jr. now Veinji taken frtr Statesman otcvcl routes Several routes, will be open Applicants mint be ee eorpoan'frt be then pfrent or have their ttrrttten oemts Ifn App1 it tie CI'enlsHffp Department of the BtateemaB Jours ai. Tr-s t Trimmings) CHRISTMAS TREES All Sizes-Call 3-6021 3WI0 La Branch' WHOLESALE Christmas trees, quicK ucjjvcry. iia ri, mm, HOLLYfor decorating & gifts. Basil Zell. lit. 1, tiux BH2. Or chard llKls. Rd. Ph. 4-1087. HOLLY tic Oregon greens mailed anywhere, Bulbs, shrubs, hse plants. Reb's Garden Center, 4094 Portland Rd. Ph.4-7857j, STEINERS NURSERY Rose bushes. Dwarf trees, plants, Xmas Holly. Slurdi-built green houses. 3160 Market. 2-1016. FLOWERS wreaths Gifts JAHY FLORIST, Ph. 4-3391, Capitol Shopping Center. CHOOSE St Cut ChTlstmas Trees. Eld red Caster, Scolts Mills. CHRISTMAS trees for sale. Noble fir. Ph. 4-1461, CHRISTMAS trees for sale any amount, an sizes, zoij I'oruana Rd. Ph. 2-6688. . Gifts for Boys; GET your boy with a paper route a Quickly Motor Bike. It's Safel Scott's, 315 Mission. BICYCLES As Low As $37.88 BATDORF'S HOME Ic AUTO 1420 State Ph. 3-0582 2095 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7455 S & H Green Stamps $5 FIRESTONE $5 THIS COUPON IS WORTH $5 . Toward Ihe purchase of any , Firestone bicycle at rcpulnr I price Without' trade-In. Onlv one cntinon accepted on tmgie purcnase. $5 $5 AT "YOim DOWNTOWN" FIHF.STONE STOHK 395 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-2401 Oo-lt-Yoursell Giftsj Genuine Candle Glow Wax Wicks, glitter & books. Farmers Union Co-op. 3615 Sltvcrton Rd. Ph. 4-3760. To place classified ads call 4-0811 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted, Men IEM! ' I fITil iffll f . , JT 1IE111 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR: SEMI-SKILLED MECHANICS MACHINISTS TOOL & DIE MAKERS INSPECTORS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS DIE FINISHERS PATTERN MAKERS TRAINER MECHANICS SHEET METAL MECHANICS "On-the-job" Instruction available to selected applicants In tooltng and electronic fields. Assignment to these programs would mean an opportunity for you to earn while you learn a skill and to profit from this skill for manv vears. "Off-hour" vocational training in wide variety of subjects, including malhematlc. blueprint reading, layout and lofting, and Jet engine theory is available to all Boeing employees. APPLY IN PERSON: OREGON STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE .' 710 FERRY STREET 8:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. DAILY (Open Thurs. Nov. 29th 7 to 9) Gifts for Girls M FOR THE LITTLE GIRL A real Singer Sewing Machine Just like Mother's, only $9.95. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'I. Ph. 3-3512 Gifts for Her 5 CHAR1S FOUNDATION Bras, girdles, all sizes. 2.9519. ALMOST new Spinet piano.' $349.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. Christmos Casltl CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2480 S. Com'I. Ph. 4-8431 FOR CHRISTMAS JUST CALL 4-2203 Pacific Finance 118 S. Liberty CHRISTMAS CASIt lixtra Christmas Cash can be rs quickly hv calline 4-RHtl and pine t tig a fast action want ad m no longer used items. Gifts for All FOR dimct delivery of Christmas presents out of stale contact BEDSAUL BROS. 1728 Center St. Ph. 2-9872 LOOK ! LOOK ! LOOK f Zohel'a Christmas elf t to vou. 2S oft on any new Baldwin piano in stock until Christ mas. 519 Court ZOBEL'S Ph. 4-8252 ACOUSTIC Record Player, used once. rn. j-aou. 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted, Men These arc not "just jobs." They are oppor tunities for you to work on "years ahead" production projects, including commercial and military jet aircraft and guided mis siles. It is important work interesting work. And It could mean the start of a new career for you! And there'll be a plus In your paycheck at Boeing. Vou will live and work in the heart of the Puget Sound Evergreen play land . . . cool summers, winters so mild you'll play golf in December ... a year 'round sportsman's heaven with salt water, lakes, mountains, virgin forests at your back door. Metropolitan Seattle . . , city of fine stores, outstanding schools , . . city of lovely homes and truly western hospitality. ' - Openings available at all experience levels. It you are skilled or semi skilled in vir tually any mechanical or electrical field you may qualify for one of these openings. Positions offer good starting wages, ex cellent working conditions, paid vacations and holidays, variety of employee-managed sport and social activities. I EiMPAMV Gifts for All Unique--Tiocally Made Rocking Horses. Ph. 31390 FIRST Edition Parker 61 SpU, lining fen. Tne feneet gift iwr ctiiyvnv, anytime. COOKE STATIONERY CO. 370 State St. Ph. 3-4404 LEFT over from our Jewelry Eastern Star, ladles St gents stone rings, also a number of ladies diamond sets at li price. Call 2-0442 Xor appoint- mem XMAS. Cards, Aprons, giftit, Mrs. ti. o. mcmnuc, i.iiu Marion, PERSONALIZED Christmas cards, uraer now. Commercial Book Store, 141 N. Com'I Ph. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N. Commercial Ph. 2-1841. TRADE in your old radio or record player on a NEW HI-FI phonograph, Columbia, RCA Victor or Webcor. Easyterms. Salem Record Shop, 428 Court St. Christmas Cards Many beauti ful lines to choose from. Long, slims and Individualized styles. Personal calling cards for gifts too. Statesman Publishing Company. Ph. 4-6811. Christmas Cards 20 Hallmark Christmas Cards imprinted with your name (111. Hallmark Box Cards it Gorgeous Gift Wrappings. Mc EWAN PHOTO SHOP in Hol lywood, Near Tost Office HOLLY" Jackson Jewelers, a Salem owned, person .illy oper ated tax piiving, community building store. And topping that we sell darn good depen dable jewelry. World renown Omega watches, Art Carved Dinmonds. Kirk, Wallace & In tornational Silver. Remember It's Jackson's 225 N. Liberty. WESTERN SHIRTS. Famous brands, $2, lift & up. Army & Navy urplus, 223 N. Com'I. Ph. 3-4343. YELLOW FRONT SUPPLY 140S N. Church (SURPLUS 29601. Navy Foul Weather Jackets $14.95. Tanker Jackets THE perfect gift for Christmas a family Fortran oy KENNELL-ELL1S Open Mon. & Fri. Eves. 520 State St. Ph. 3-7830 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted, Men 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists In office oersunnel. Bide. adi. Preibvterian Church m ii. wimer rn. t- Your future li our lob. 604 He IpJrY anted, MerT" 1 BARBER wnntftri for S.iturrtnv Ken's Barber Shop 1670 S. 12th 606 Help Wanted, Lodv BABYSITTER wanted, my home, CARb 3 children, some housework, after 8. my home. Ph. 4-6355 LADY for housework & care of cnnaren. W3 ti. Front. EXPERIENCED Secretary, ref erences required. Alumni Of fice of Willamette Univ. WANTED: Baby sitter,& gen eral housework. 5 da. week, live In. Ph. 3-4493 after 6. WANTED: Woman to do house work, 2 in family, all modern nome. Live in. Ph. 4-6559. STEWARDESSES Overseas Houtes. Write us lor career in formation. PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS. Seattle Tacoma International Airport. Seattle 88, Washington, 610 Solei Help Wonted MAN to move to Newberg & iaKe over ruiier urusn tiouie, $100 weekly comm. to start. Ph. 3-8357. EXPERIENCED Real Estate salesman or woman Estab lished office Commission. Statesman-Journal Box 427. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED Men who wish the better things in life and who have the energy and fortitude to work for them it Is not easy call me at 4-60B1 for an appointment to see me at my office at 4907 N. River Rd. Al watts, Realtor. MAN With enr for nntiM cnlos urouuwoy. 612 Work Wanted, Men G.I. age 24, wants part time. service station worn. eve. CARPENTER work; repair, new, remodeling, hr. or con tract. Richard Ras. Ph. 3-4716. CARPENTER, repair or remo- uenng ay nr. or contract, no job too small 3-4785. Home Building Remodeling Repairing, planning, financing lor ocst results call 4.9592, 4-8273. HOUSE Painting in & out. Chnrlie Greene. 4-7198. FREE estimates on floor cover ings or aruinnoards. h. L. Eu strom Co , 2G0 S. Liberty. CARPENTER. Remodel & re pair, work guar. $1.50 hr. 4-7782 Painting & Faperhanglng Any size Job Free Est. Terms. Ph. Nelson 3-8493 Interior & exterior L. C. Elofson. 3-761)7 or 3-6857 eve. LOU'S tree service, topping, prune, cabling. 4-8501. Cement work, prompt service. Ernes; Drake. Ph. 4-63.'ty. CARPENTER WORK, day or contract 2-1842 PAINTING Inter, good brushes. jou or nr. iteas. Want Janitor or Vard Work, ttef. Ph. 4-1434. Carpenter & Repair Work Ph. 2-1459 WATCH & clock repair. Mr. Osthy, 141 S. Liberty. WANTED Tree pruning,' top ping & removing. Hedges St shrub3trlmmcd. Ph. 2-5480. PART time work, afternoons pfd. Mechanical aptitude good. Ph. 4-8330 between 5-7 p.m. CARPENTER . work the way YOU want it. Ph. 4-8285. 614 Work Wonted, Lady WANT to baby, sit with child as companion for my little girl. 4 130 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4 -08 1 3. WILL care for elderly person tiny home) Ph. 3-5068. HOUSE work by hrrorday. Ph. 3-9433 eves. BLIND man's wife needs work badly. Ph. 2-0748. CHILD care by hr.. Day. DESIRE home work. Inventory, etc. Own comptometer St car. Ph. 4 0205 after 5:30. MOTHER babysit. S. Salem. Ph. 2-1301 after 5. CHILD care my home, South by hr. wk. or mo. Ph. 4-9882. DRESSMAKING, alterations St tailoring, in my home, Mabel Valcch, Ph. 4-7954. CHILD care. 1st $1 day. rest im., nr. zuc. 4 corners. 2-aa72. WILL care for small children my house, days, or sit evenings your Jiouse. Ph. 2-1622. CHILD care by week or month. Ph. 3-5677. DRESSMAKING St alterations. a J lt y pe.M rs. Da y Ph.4 .7156 . RELIABLE baby sitter mv home day or night. Rcf. Ph. 3-8fl56. CHILD care, my home, West Salem. Ph. 3-5677. MIMEOGRAPHING typing Mrs Pm, 665 N. 16t Ph 3-3843 CHILD care while you shop or work, my warm home hv hr. or day. 440 MILL. 2-74M. WILL baby sit eves, your home, W. Salem dtst. Ph. 4-9540 CHILD care my home 4 Corners Ph. 3-6349. 25c hr. day or night. 615 Situations Wonted CHILD care in my home any. itme.r-n. auM nazei, VET Carpenter new or oid reasonable. Ph. 4-7704. SMALL carpenter Jobs, good work, reasona ole. Ph 4-1424 HEMSTITCHING DONEAT 1551 MARKET MRPENTFR wk., anv kind, reas. 4240 Maclcay Rd. Ph. 4-5961. ROOF Leak Reroofing- St Re pair. Will beat all competition. Ph. 4-3722 Any time. SCHARFV BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill Ph 2-5568 or 3-5072 UGH1 crawler doter. leveling graaing. 3-7MX. u Kurth 618 Education DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT Mechanically minded men are the Diesel field. We are now , conaurting riif.K our icientif lr aptitude teMs in this area. There Is no obligation to find out if you can qualify for this field which Is paying top waits. If vou are hetwern the aces of 2o and 4ft, write to Box 415. Statesman-Journal. FAIRYLAND Kindergarten St N u r s e r y, now rehearsing Christmas Proiram: those in terested Ph. or I-8H7. Care of all mm 25c hr. 7 to 11 pm.S5i Mission. HIGH SCHOOI at Home Finish your Ht Sch'l. in your spare time, no cutset. Books turn t r-w tHttirn Free book'M ATFTAN $CW'OL 81' V-TS v. Interstate, Portland U, Ore 600 Employment 620 Day and Contract 1. . Vd shovel, crane, tot org. line io-ion munii ei-u-n m eats, earrv all 'tear ing blade Rental ontract or unit prices i SALEM SAND & GRAVEL I40O Front St Ph J-2411 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board NICE turn. rms. for rent. 575 N. Cottage tolj CLOSE in 1st. fir. Sleeping rm. ma uemer si. NICE Ig. rm. at the Chalet with ooara, jou rt. iayiwi. i-uun. NICE warm slpg. rm. near Cap, Ml op. t-ir. t-a. j-aoo. L'j.cioAii rm. adjoining Daw for gentleman. JMM7. ATTRACTIVE Irg. clean rms. reas. close m. rvi, em.. -.oui. WANTED - Man to room and board. IBflQ uenter. TV. clean, nicely turn, sleeping i.. men a wx. rn. MAN slpg. rm.. TV. prlv. ent laws w. uapuoi. -Bld-. CLEAN, Cnmf. rms. T. V.. close in 213 " winter a-i it. NICELY furn. room, also bsmt. apt., close in. aaa n win ter. HOME awuy from home. Men. TV. iacK juncnes, luua a, am. 705 Apartments For Rent ATTRACT, newly dec. 1 or 2 rm. turn. apt. i diocks im. m. 2-7030. ATTRAC. 3 rm. court apt, S.E. Salem $4S. rn. z-v sJfi . 2 RM. furn. apt. $50. 1065 Madi son. Ir'n. FURN. upstairs 2 bdrm. apt. Ph. 3 RM. nicely furn. pvt. bath, clean. $35. Ph. 4-4020 or 3 SB41. FURN. 3 rms, new decor., prlv. entr, 1st fir., water, lights, ht. ReaS. Call 11-2. 1675 Saginaw. SPARKLING clean 1 bdrm. du plex apt. nicely furn. off street parking. 745 S. Commercial. BSM'T. furn. Block to Capitol Bldgs. Radiator heat, utilities pd. Adults $30. 3-6254 after 9. AIT R ACT. 1 bdrm. ct. apt. un furn. stove & refrig. tine view Dallas Rd. Phone 2-200B. NEW unfurn. apt. 1 emp'l. per son. Blk. Cnpltol $55 lncl. utll. Ph. 2-5430. 1133 Chemeketa. Nicely furn. for 2 or 3. Near ap. anop. utr. rn. 3-5323. 674 1J, CHURCH - 2 rm, furn. a pi. vn 4-73U3. FURN. 1 bdrm. ant. 2136 Fair- grounds Rd. $55 mo. Ph. 2-0580 aiicr a p.m. CLOSE in nice furn. apti. utll, 740 FERRY Ire. 3 bedroom re- uvL-, umurn., cm. in, neat & water. Adults. Ph. 4-0015. FURN. 3 rm. apt. all utll. pd, ATTRACTIVE 2 rm. apt. furn, SMALL furn. apt. close to bus St cnurcn. iim Huge. NICE 3 rms. furn., prlv. en- ir.uice, waier tc eiec. iurn, Close to bus. Ph. 2-1070. NICELY furn. 2 rms. prlv. bath, urn, uan alter a. 4ZU 5. iUtn. Ph. 2-0875. 4 RM. furn. apt. close in. 1st fir. gas appliances, vn. z-6776. RE-DEC. 1 bdrm. furn. ant. South. Priv. ent. & bath, water garDiiRe I'll. 3-5387. 3 Rm. furn. pvt. bath, entrance. J-n. 3-0B33 or Z-25B3. ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. Apt. Close in, Kiicneneue, Dam, steam heat, laundry priv. Inq. 461 N. Front. Eve. 4-0522. ROOMY 2 bdrm. furn. 3-6434. apt. Ph. CLEAN 1 hdrm. apt Refrig. & stoves furn., also utll. fh. 3-7145. UNFURN. 3 rm. court apt., elec. lien, muiiury laciiiues, jra ai.. West Salem, 4-8514. 2 BDRM. furn., ground fir, garbage, water, lights, child um. uti st. park. $40. 3-5367. 2 RM. bsm't. apt., priv. bath $35. 1115 JJ. 19th. 3-7641. FURN. 3 rms.,' heat, water furn. $35. Ph. 4-8124. 1 RM. furn apt. Newly dec. Ph. 4 RM. furn. apt. 1431N. Cottage. Ph. 2-2402. LARGE 4 room apt. unfurn. $50 mo. 1140 S. 13th. Ph. 3-7009 after 6 p.m. 2 RM. partly furn. Apt. natural gas heat St cooking $25. Near hospital. 1725 Center. FURN. 4 rm, apt. uttl. S, Com'I. Ph. 2-5355. 365S JANSSEN COURT Apt., clean, good loe. E. Rural at S. 13th St, near shop, cent. St bus. CLEAN, warm, small apt. close FURN. 1 nnd 2 bdrm., Apts. heated. 1411 Court St. . 2 FIRST fir. furn. $30-$35, car port, TV antenna, 3-9639. . FURN. 2 bdrm. court, across from North Hi. 812 N. 14th. THE CENTURY. 1961 CENTER. wew its, aix. z Dorm. Apts. NEWLY decor. 3 rm. furn. pv't. ent., bath. Utll. pd. 419 S. 19. 2 BDRM. Irg. modern, range St refrig, ground fir., also 1 bdrm apt. Upper, close to Down town. Enstridge Apts. 1055 Edgewater. CLEAN, furn., close In trailer gentleman $25. 4-1468, 245 Un ion. ATTRACT. Iurn. 2 rm. apt. close in. prlv. entr. $25. 4-7867. SPARKLING clean 1 , bdrm. unfurnapt. 605 S. Summer. 3ROOM furn. apt, pTlv.bath. 705 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-6947. FURN. Bachelor suite in mod- ern court $50. Ph. 4-6690. CLEAN pleasant-furtt heated apts. all mil. 450 S. Capitol. le MTxITcbimts l bdrm. unfurn., range, refrtg., soineuttI. Adults'. 1435 Trade. FURN. Clean. Close in, pvt. bath St ent 492 S. Hlgh. MODERN Furnished Court. 1 bedroom. West Salem. Call 4-6673 evenings call 2-8743. FC RN. court, Liv. rm. bedfnT kitchenette & bath $45. 2455 Trade. Ph. 4-7472. CLOSE In clean 1 Ig, bdrm. furn., adults. $35. Also 1 bsmt. rm. bachelor. Inq. 375 Mark e t. FRONT rm. furn. apt"! utll. kitchen. Lady. 693 Capitol. 2-6249. FURN. 3 rms.. washing facil ities, pnone, stm nt 4-cutil VERY nice close in 1 bdrm. Apt Ph. 3-8933, 706 Du plexes NEW 2 bdrm. unfum. Adull Nr. Tandalarla Shopping. 28 S. High. Fh.. 3-S141, 3 6032, PARTLY furn 2 bdrm.. duplet. DUPLEX 3 rms.. bath, oil heit 10.W N. 16th. Ph. 4-4241 after 5 30 wk. rtayi. RANCH tyr. corner lot. 2 bdrm. hdwd. firs., Venetians, utll. rm., e!ec. range k refrig.. TV ant, garage, wired for dryer. IT0.3i5 TryOT.JPSV 2-7905. NEW lbdnri. Close In. 1433 N. Summer. NICELY furn. mod. dunlex. So Couple only. Ph. 3-3763. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 700 Rentals 706 Puplexci NO., clean 0 rm. furn., irepl., gar., bus line. $50. Ph. 42566. NEW duplex at 1755 Davidson. Ph. 4-627H alter 3: jo p.m. BRAND new 2 bdrms., very nice,' water, garbage, & draw dra pea furn. $65. -Ph.' 3-3687. CLEAN furn. duplex, all elec. gar, garDage t water iurn, near State & Gen. hosp. cou pie. Ph. 2-3057. NICELY furn. clean 3 rm. !i blk. to scnooi & dub. 4tu uoiumoia. 1 BDRM.. range & refrig. water. jar Da Re iurn., garage, w. sa fern. $42.50 mo. 4-4930, 4-9335. 2 BDRM. birch Kitchen, utility & garage, nr. snopping, scnooi & bus, $70. Ph. 2-2114 after 1 p.m. NEW l bdrm. with stove St re frig. reas. can a-wzz. 07 Houses For Rent MOD. 2 bdrm. home, N.E. $70. Fix. 4-S5&3 alter a wk. a ays & sai. a sun. ter Dd. State St. horst Rltr. 2-247L NEW small 3 rm. hse. 4 Corners dtSt. Ph. 2-4213. SMALL 2 rm. cottage. Gentle man pref. Garage it utll. furn. siu. 32io peruana ita. j-ajj, 3 RMS. all elec, Insulated, re- ace, wfisner ct aryer. sio, rn. 2-6607. NEAT unfurn. 2 bdrm. home, itcrzer, $70. ciuett & Kenyon Rltrs. Ph. 2-3551 eves. 2-8337. BDRM. hse.. Keizer Dist., frpl., hdwd. firs. $65 mo. Ph. 3-6209 or 4-6241. BDRM. home, full bsm't. birch kitchen $65 mo. Includes heat it water. Ph. 3-3031 or BDRM. cottane. nice vard. garden spot, walnut & fruit trees. 2410 Blossom Dr. Ph. 4 1730. CLEAN unfurn. 2 bdrm. $60. inq. 1455 waller. Ph. 2-0870. SMALL modern home to respon- siDie coupie. rn. 3jjt. CLEAN 3 bdrm., bsmt., oil heat, flrcpl. Avail Dec. 10 $00. Ph. RM, house. Adults. No pets. Inquire 1265 N. 4th. 3 BDRM. house $48. 2380 Carlton way. Fn. 2-15H7. 3 BDRM. home on lovely Klng- wooa ur. i-.iv., am. carpetea, auto, washer, $100 mo. with option to buy, Ph, 3-9975. NICE, clean, new 2 bdrm. house, garden -space, in neizer. rn. 3-3858. 4 IbRM. home. Skyllne Bd. $75 11 u), rn. i-iuoi. 3 BDRM. house, Hayesvllle Dist. $ou per mo. rn. 3-3. a t. 7 RM, house 590 N. 17th St Inq. 1595 N. 5th St. Ph. 3-9574. FMF:MOUNT2 hdm"- . firepl., Earage. $60:Ph. 3-9968. 1 OR 2 bdrms., $55. TV Antenna, wired for dryer. Ph. 2-0370. 1 BDRM. unfurn., fenced yd., garage. Ph. 2-3543. 3 BDRM., 2baths. fmly rm., bsm't., Rchmd Dist., vacant, $90. Ph. 4-0461. 2 BDRM, Cottage part, furn., ga rage, $70. No pets. 634 Catter lin. Ph. 2-2707. GIVE some rent for cleaning 2 bdrm. house, close in, 3-5194. 1 BDRM. house in good cond., oil heater & water turn. ',i blk. off bus. $40. Ph. 2-7569. BY OWNER. Small 2 bdrm. home for rent or sale. Engle- wooa dist pn. 3-6961. 2 BDRM., utll. rm. $45. 1440 Cross. CLEAN unfurn. 2 bdrm. duplex wiin garage cc Dasemem. Close In.' Call 4-1307. 4 BDRMS., bus at corner, 580 S. 19th. Owner 1445 Oak. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. cottage, $30, Ph. 4-3823. ONE it 2 bdrm. Apts.. rang it rcing., iurn. rn. .i-iitm. 1 BR. unfurn. except stove it re frig. Inq. 1815 Lee after t p.m. 1 BDRM house, garage, water iur jio. an nun. rn. 4-4uus. 1 udHM. hse, stove. Inq. 1420 Market. 3 BEDROOM house E. Avail. Dec. 1. Ph. 4-5077. 1 BDRM. hse. bsmt 2 blk. M&F, t)i,f jvnapp. i-i oa a or j-.wj.i'. FA'RMOUNT-.Late built 3 " rm, rge. & refrig. $32.50. 3-9968. Nelsons Rentals WE NEED 2 AND 3 BEDROOM RENTALS. CLIENTS WAIT ING. 2 Bedroom Duplex. 4 Cor ners . ..$60 Large 5 bdrm, unfurn. hse., j Dams ...5G3 Dee. 153 bdrms, dble. plumbinjr $75 2 narm. unturn. ivice. w, Snlem. All appliances furnished $85 2 bdrm, unfurn. court South S75 Nice large unfurn. apart ment $50 3 bdrms., walk to town $70 1 bdrm. furn.. very clean. .lose io state oiags. i Call Dorothy Deal, Eves. 4-8632 NELSON & NELSON REALTORS 1590 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3669 UNFURN. 2 bdrms., elec. heat, firepl.. util. rm., attjgar. $75. Ph. 2-7383. NICE 3 bedroom. 1530 Trade. $55. Ramsey Realty. Ph. 4-0069 CLEAN 2 bdrm. good location. $65 mo. Ph. 2-3508. 3 BDRM. house $60. 2010 Ferry. 3 Rm. house it. bath $30. Ph. 3-7304. LOVELY view nice small clean 2 bdrm. home. Inside utility, elec. heat, attached garage, water furnished $62.50 mo. In quire 900 Cascade Dr. Ph. 2-4644, FOR Rent: 1 bdrm. newly dec- uraicu. uu ncai. ooum. uar. Ph. 4-0646. THIS you should see. Ctean l'i Dorms., nnwn. iirs., lrpi. nsmi., oil hrat, garage. Suitable for cpl. Close to State hse. $57.50 mo. 4-4476 or 2-5122 eves. Him mel St Ferris Rltrs., 134 S. Liberty. 5 RM. modern hse.. partly furn., S45. 3409 Williams Ave. $35 Partly furn. 2 bdrms. 430 Locust St. Ph. 3-B731. 2 Rdrm, house located South on saiem Hetehts Ave. Cas range A: rrfrlg. included. $"fl per mo. A BR AM S & SKINNER 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9217 BELLE VISTA CT. New 3 Mm..g.iragePh.jMMl. 1 BDRM. home In court. Must be seen tn appreciate. 2295 B St. Ph. 3-5031. RENTAL SERVICE WE HAVE 25 RENTAI.S. Houses duplexes - apartments 1 to 4 bedrooms - $30 to $145 Call us for details. No charge to tenter. CENTER STREET REALTY 1748Center 4-6631 Eve. 2-7812 VERY nice 1 bdrm. court, utv furn. evcept for refrig. At stove. 2443 Market Ph. 2-1956. NICE clean 2 bdrm. home$65 mo. 4 Corners Dist. Rawlins Realty. 4-6675, 707-Q furntthed Houses COZY 2 Mrmi, furn. garare nearbus$43.Ph. 3-7U eve. 1 BDRM"S. furn. garage. no peU. Ph. 3-7M1 after 3 p ji" 3 RM. cottage, newly redecor washing facilities, part util . Winter. Ph. 2 0363 NICE 1 bdrm fum hoi7o Oxford St Ph. imoss. 700 Rentals 707-o Furnished Houses 1 BDRM. house furn., clean, on bus stop. 7B8 S. 25th, , 3-5365. 1 Bdrm. Gar. TV ant. Ph. 4-9463T FURN. 2-bdrm. hse. 1145 E, Rural Ave. See Minnie Gopha at 248 D St., apt. 3, 2-7874. SMALL, 3 bdrm. furn. hsl close in on , com I. $55. Ph, 2-7878. SMALL furn. cottage near bus- CLEAN 1 bdrm. furn. Cottaga, Lancaster. Ph. 4-2043. I BDRM. FURN. HOUSE. T.V. ANT. 3-5420 EVE. 1 BDRM. house furn. Ph. 2-6758 eves. 1 BDRM, partly furn. all elec. .amis, jnq. aats roruana ltd. COZY it warm re-decorated I bdrm. Sub. So., No dogs, Ret. Ph. 2-6247. 3 RM. furn. house, yard fenced. iaoa niwiyave. rn. z-ooib, 2 BDRM. cottage, water, gar bage no. gar. Adults pfd. $53. 1419 Jefcrson. Ph. 3-8397. 708 Forms For Rent WANTED, RENTER for bean yard 10 A. close In must have own equipment. Mrs. Alice Beardsley. Ph. 2-5884, 5040 Herrln Rd. 2-4321. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED to rent: Barn with pasture for 1 or 2 horses. Ph. 3-6811 days, eves. 4-5073. 714 Business Rentals 18' x 32' space avail, about Dee. 1st in West Gate Shopping; Center. 7th & Wallace Rd7 Ph. 3-7432. 12'xl2' Office space, rest rm. facilities, heat, lights furnish ed. Well located, newly decor ted. ground floor, $35 mo. Ph. 4-9980 or 4-9466. WORK shop 24x38, wired for 110, 220, 440. Suitable for any typt shop. Has been vacated by cabinet maker $50 mo. Ph, 33031, or 2-6862. 2 RMS. 331 & State St. Set) mornings. DOWNTOWN office apace, itora rms. St warehouse 3-4114. 718 Convolescent Homes VACANCY at Broadway Nursing Home. Bed, Ambulatory, or board & rm. Patients taken. Ph. 2-4801. 780 Moving & Storage LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 2-1750 OR 3-4966 Larmer Transfer 4 Storaee Complet. movfnf service. Als. gems lor ukkins Nation Wlii. Mnven Ph 3III31 LOW COST stnracr R U Xtiri rurnitur. to a-.isa. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. CHOICE frontage on Silverton tta, wiin oiaer, very liveable home. An ideal set-up for home and business on a heav lly traveled highway. For in formation call DON BEL LINGER Office 4-3394, Horn 4-0492, Cliff Bowder Co. SELF OPERATING APTS. Well planned like new bldr. No vacancv loss, low oper. exp Nice laundry and garages. Rm. to expand, $40,000. 3-834T. DOWN , TOWN cafe in Salem, excellent location and equip ment. Best offer takes. Leav ing state. Call owner after 7. 2-0654. ROOMING house for sale. Close in, good location. 2-0296. PARTNER with $600. Buslnesi will gross $12,000 year. Box 426 Statesman-Journal. OPPORTUNITY BEYOND comparison if you can qualify. Ph. 4-8181 for appt. STUCCO building 40'x60 con. crete floor, large doors, 13 ceiling for Warehouse storage or shop. Inq. 1596 S. 13th. 803 Suburban SUBURBAN SOUTH Near new Judson Junior High. Almost 2 acres! Good 2-R.R, home. Wonderful view. $1,000 down. Full price $9,000. Thli is an outstanding value. Salem Properties JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 367 N. High St. Phones 2-1533, 4-3482. Eves. Raschko 2-7401, Mason 2-9581, Braullch 4-3220. 80ft Houses For Sole $16,500.00 Trl-plex. One 2-bdrm. apt. I l-bdrm apts. Carport. Ner State office bldgs. A-l cond. Good terms. $15,500.00 New 3-bdrm. home. Dble. plumbing. Will be finished In 2 weeks.' South. Near schools. $12,750.00 3bdrm. home on bus line. En- flewood Dist. Owner transf. mmed. poss, GENERAL STORE With locker plant 8c post office. Separpte honif witu acre of ground. 5 miles East of Sa lem in prosperous farming community. Illness forcei sale. TAVERN With liquor by the drink prlv lieges. Living quarters. GROCERY STORE Grossing 7.000 per month fa small town. TELEVISION STORE In thriving town. Good service business. Has A-l mechanics. Exclusive franchise on many makes of T.V. sets. No blue aky. REALTOR 1748 CENTER ST. Ph. 4-4901. day or night $300 DOWN " For this 3 bdrm. house with inside utility, all on one floor. Just off stte St LAWRENCE REAL EST. 422 S. HIGH PH. 2-4048 COME ON LETS TRADE This 4-bdrm. West Salem home is cozy, compact & "rtomev with very lovely familv kit chen, inside utility. 2-ear ga rage. PLUS verv neat ground floor apt. Prlre $11,000. Sell er need 3-bdrm. home near South Sil-in High, prefer ahlv u-lth htmi SEE VPS. WELLS. Eves. Ph. 2-3738. REALTORS &1T Court St. Of. ph. 44494 NEW 3 bedroom contemporary places, carports. One block North of Keirer Sh. turn west at open house slm Ph. builder 4-6533 for Info. 19.900 and low, tow dowa payment.