Page 4 Section 4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 Pride of Pennsylvania ('T-" r - H "?- -rr-f 7" i M--r'"ti'' ' IM,tl M't'f-" CHICAGO Dick Sour, chief herdsman of Pensylvania Slate Unl Yenlly kneels beside PS Troubador II. the Shorthorn senior calf which is grand champion steer of the International Livestock Eiposlllon. The university also won the reserve championship on Junior yearling Aberdeen-Angus. (AP W'lrephoto) This Love Matcli of Pair in Their 70s Sure to Succeed Dear Dorothy Dix: For the past six years I have been working, as gardener and general handyman, for a widow who is in good financial circumstances. She's been so kind that I've fallen in love with her, and I know the feeling is mutual. In fact, she has practi cally proposed to me. The obstacles rc: She's older than I (76 and 72), we are of different religions, and she is far better educated than I. Do jou think marriage between us could be successful? Peter G. Dear Peter: When senior citizens have a foundation for congenial, harmonious living, many obstacles that would be a barrier to earlier mar-' riage dissipate into thin air. Difference of religion, for instance, is serious in young marriages chief ly because of the problems raised by in laws and children. There is certainly no reason why you can't follow your own faiths, at this point, with out difficulty. Age difference and educational background arc inconsequential. I think the marriage would work. Dear Dorothy Dix: My father is a very quiet man. Because he has very little to say, people, especially my hoy friend Fred, think he's anti social. Dad really docs like Fred, but how can I convince the boy? Beverly Dear Beverly: As Fred becomes better acquainted with your dad, he'll appreciate the sincerity of the silent type. Chitchat by no means is an indication of good will, as some people suppose. Coax Dad to show a bit more affability toward the boy friend; to please you, I'm sure he 11 try. Dear Dorothy Dix: After two years of complete silence my ex husband has asked me to write him, and accept gifts. Should 1? ' Jacqueline Dear Jacqueline: Follow your inclination. If you still like him, this may be the beginning of reconciliation. When two people have learned from their mistakes and determine to do better in the future, a second attempt at marriage can be most successful. . Dear Dorothy Dix: I was married, and the mother of four chil dren, when I met Gordon. I fell so desperately in love with him that absolutely nothing else mattered. He paid for my divorce, and I have ben living with him for a year. He never says anything about marrying me. When I ask him, he'll say, "In a few months." Should I try to forget him which I know I can't do? Claudia Dear Claudia: Perhaps you never will forget Gordon, but with i your moral house in order, he would fade gradually into the back-! ground. Gordon, or marriage with Gordon, will not hrinfi the hap-! piness you think. Peace of mind must come first. In contemplation. ! the sacrfice may seem impossible, but in actuality you'll find it easier than expected. Continuing with Gordon will only lead to more and greater misery. Dear Dorothy Dix: I have hurt someone I love very much with a foolish lie. Even though I'm sure he loves me still, he 11 have nothing to do with me. I have pi.oncd him, written and stopped him on the street to apologize, but he won't listen. I really do believe we could be happy together if he would change his mind, j Dixie Pear Dixie: What you really believe is that you could be happy , with him but aren't you taking a lot for granted in presuming : to know his feelings? Since you have tried to say you're sorrv, ! without success, perhaps you should admit that, as far as he's con cerned, inve is dead. Send your problem to Dorothy Dix. Or write for her free leaflet D-l, "Ambition." In all cases, be sure to enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope, and send request to her, care of this newspaper. Inside By HUB THOMAS Hollywood IK. - 1 i HOLLYWOOD - Must movie stars nre a study in frustration. Few seem content with their Int. They want to lie directors, pro- u. 1 ducors. writers. fx business execu tives, resort owners, artists n . . rv nn.viniiiK o 11 I ills! Iil.-nn a,-. tors. Jack Lent- point. Ji A la tu'cn nnl'rt' i M fm ' " ' ns the erentest CMHts MFPCtff new master of light comedy shut t'ary Grant graduat.-d from juveniles. The laii even drew on Oscar lor his pains lis the sc.nterliniiniil F.ns I'uhir in "Master Huberts." Hut docs that stalisfy him. Oh. no. He's got to be a songwriter. "Until recently. 1 was the writer." He declared, "1 guess I've written a hundred songs and hundreds of melodies 1 even wrote the score for a Broadway musical which was never pro duced. I've never even had a song P'lHishcd until no " That's when his eyes light up. Jmii cess is finallv his! fnlumhis needed a theme for "Fire Down Below," in which1 I-rmmon stars ilh Rita Hay worth and ItotxTt Mitrhum. mon had played some o( his worths lor Jonie Tapps. head o( music matters at the studio. When sonvone suesttsi l.cnunon com pose a theme. Tapps said okay. Ki'ocntly the Lcinmon theme was recorded at the studio by Morris StnloK. It is hoped that the tune will do as well as Stol on's "Picnic" theme, a solid hit ith the juke box croud. 'T went over to the stace when they were rcconimK," lmnion enthused "1 neser had such a good lime in my hie Kwn sun ning the IKvar diiin I c;v me as big n thrill." 1 asked him about his background. He explained he tis.k piano lessons in a yuuncster. Hut like so many others, he forgot everything he learncsl. Despite hi. acting success, he still harbored the songwriting urge. "It's a terrific outlet for me." he commented, "if I go lor to or three davs without touching piano. 1 start getting uneasy I'sually hen 1 gel home at night from a party, I II ut dnn and play for an hour or two. It s a great relaxer." OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY FROM 9:30 TO 9 P. M. MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS ON EVERYTHING EXCEPT "YOUR LUCKY DAY" ITEMS. Plui shipping charge to areas outiide our regular truck delivery routei. ti?w m A-.S44. w ,cj rn. ' i-1'"'-' wU.Z -i 'A- FRIDAY SURPRISE REG. $l-$39.95 FAMOUS MAKE COSTUME JEWELRY stt'-- T' f: ' " ,.t , v. . ' f t " i ' ' - , i ' , ", , FRIDAY SURPRISE REG. $1-$14.95 LOOSE POWDER COMPACTS reduced Vl price and even less! 50 14.97 plus Ik reduced Vi price ond even less! 50-5.90 FRIDAY SURPRISE REG $3.95-$4.95 COLORFUL RHINESTONE JEWELRY 1.77 sove over Vi plus In Words con't begin to describe the lavish display of truly beauti ful costume jewelry pieces you'll find here ot these unbelievable low prices! There are bracelets, necklaces, earrings, pins . . . gold and silver metals . . . colored stones . tailored, casual and elaborate pieces. Save now! JEWELRY STREET FLOOR Mail and phone orders' Fabulous assortment of styles ... for yourself ... or a special gift ... at just o fraction of their regular price! Gleaming-gold and silver metals, delicqte enomeled colors; rhjnestone patterns, jewel trims in a wide, wonderful selection of graceful patterns to please every feminine heart. JEWELRY-STREET FLOOR Mail and phone orders Fashion's shimmering new favorite . . . combinations' of simulated ""gem-colored brilliants in round ond fancy cut stones. Available in matching sets of necklaces, bracelets, pins, earrings in many beautiful styles. A charming gift! JEWELRY STREET FLOOR " FRIDAY SURPRISE rcg. $19.95 cultured pearl necklaces plus tax Save well over half In ihii rare op portunity to own beautiful cultured pearli ... . carefully matched and grad uated . . . exquisitely luitroui . . . fili gree clajpi. Chooie from many itylei. Mail and phone ordert Jewelry Street Floor FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $2.95-$4.95 'pearl' bibs $1.59 plus tax The easy way to flamor'se your basic dresi ... or lure-tcbe-eppreciated gift) Simulated pearli in 4, 5, 6 end 8 strand lengths. Buy now at this unbelievably lew pricel Mail and phone orders Jewelry Street Floor FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $3.95 musical powder boxei 2.99 Delicately detailed powder boxes to grace her dressing table. Swiss musical movements in many styles. Colors of rose, blue, green, gold. Delightful gifts) Mail and phone ordon Jewelry Street Hoor FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $4.95 3-piece dresser set 2.99 A gift set to delight any woman's heart! Handsome set consists of comb, brush end hand mirror, beautifully made in all gold metal finish, Meil end phone orders Jewelry Street Floor Mail and phone orders FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $2.95 long handled mirrors 1.79 large size round mirror with convenient longer handle. Backs in your choice of blue, rose or green. One of our many lovely gift ideesl Mail and phone orders Jewelry Street Floor TI:HIVIi? reg. $1-$1.95 'pearls' What values! Single, double, triple, 4-strend; graduated styles, fancy weaves, dog collars. Matching bracelets end earringsl . Jewelry Street Floor- FRIDAY SURPRISE surprise savings in diamond bridal sets and wedding bands FRIDAY SURPRISE closcout of famous wholesaler's entire stock! Only at Meier & Frank's in all Oregon! After 50 years, a famous diamond dealer and wholesaler closed his business ond sac rificed the diamond stock. Seldom hos a firm selected its diamonds with such care, insisting on only gleaming white color, fine quality ond real clarity. We offer the bridal sets ond rings at prices thot defy comparison. Real borgains! regularly $100 to 5450 62.59 . 239 See for yourself . . . the true-white color, the ' clarity of these fine South African diamonds. Compare them under the scientific gemscope like a gemologist. Buy them by the carat like an expert. NO MONEY DOWN... UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY 1. RrK. S195 brilliant 11 diamond bridal sot S99r ,m (l')il phone vrtlcry Z. Reg. S275 ' carat center. ' 10 side diamonds in set. $136? fifi7 and vhonr orders Ren. S350 7 diamond en semble. Fine matched dia monds. $ 1 75 1 ,(n7 and phone orders' 4. Reg. $465 H carat of dia monds in engagement and wedding ring. $2287 Mail ana phone orders' . .. . ..-.- -. j r , Rr. MOO over 'i carat center and 3 side rha nionrts. S200 antl phone orderi' Ren, SiSS 37 carat soli taire diarmnd Clavsic Tlf ftny itvlcs. St 45' Mu I and phone orden' L. . . SK,1"V ...i--' 4b M'" ;r:,i'is.1.., Re(t. M.5 fine center and 2 side diamonds; total .72 carat. $235' ,fm7 and jihnnr orders' ...... . T, .... .. I. Rej. $625 superb center diamond, 6 side diamonds: total .85 carat. S3 1 0 Mail and phone nncrs" ' i,..rl'i ,ssJ( iJ.J juWsAisW tiCliJ unbelievably sale priced! SWISS FASHION WATCHES Sfg ( sU)nr3J I)hi tax . Rr. daule of dia- monds in double row b.ird; total li carat. S1E5 .m ni vhonr orden' triii Tfit 10. Ren. U:s. fl fiar ilia- mnnds; classic weddins band; hitc, yellow sold. . . S,8S Mad and phone orders' 1. Reg. SJJ5 i carat total of diamonds. S 1 1 5 T Mail and phone orders' 12. Reg. iHi matched dia monds all around platin um band. $165' .iii and phone orders' A truly wonderful collection of sports styles, dress styles, and pro fessional watches, with cleanly de signed, readable dials. Durable leather straps or metal expansion bracelets. Every watch is guaranteed for a full year. Some have mock jewel trims, some with radium dials. Many other styles to choose from besides those shown here., Come in early and make your own selection while the assortment is complete. Take advantage of the sensational Sale pricesl Jfiilf ami phone orders' FINE JEWELRY STREET FLOOR FINE JEWERLY STREET FLOOR . 7m iJiiiijiins i'sf ti iir-s fitifujr otir rrgtirir truck delivery route. (1 V - I HI - - - li I'lt--'---'-