THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 $40Mfflionin Russian Arms Page 16 Section 3 Sent to Syria WASHINGTON (UP) American officials said today Syria has re ceived at least $40 million worth of military equipment from Russia during the past year. , Included were tanks, small arms and trucks. Furthermore, officials said, Soviet MIG airplanes have been spotted In Syria, but it Is not known whether they were turned over to Syria by Russia or wheth er they merely were Egyptian planes that escaped to Syria dur ing the Anglo-f ranco attack on Egypt. The State Department charged Wednesday that soviet arm ship ments to Syria were creating new tensions In the Middle East at a time when the United Nations is working to calm the situation there. ; Press Officer Lincoln White said the Soviet Union has sent "sub stantial shipments" of weapons to Syria, but he did not describe them. He said, however, that the shipments continued after fighting broke out in the Middle East. Such action, White said, "is adding to these tensions in the area." The United States is not too worried about the amount of arms Syria has received from Russia so far. But it is greatly concerned that the flow of Soviet military goods will continue and Increase. Molalla Aid Election Set MOLALLA (Spcciai)-Ladles Aid society of Grace Lutheran church will meet Dec. 6 for election of officers. Hostesses will be Mrs. Lloyd Bystrom and Mrs. Sylvia Kalberg. They also will decide whether or not to give a dinner. The group is selling Christmas cards with Mrs. Kenneth Hoffman in charge. They wero to meet for a sewing session Tuesday In the home of Mrs. Fred Schlewe at 1 p.m. A "thank you" was given to George Polock for the fine job he did In making the "Sealed Fledge box, complete with lock and a matching shelf in the chancel to hold the box. -. - Beginning next Sunday, the Sun day school will start Christmas program practice. It will be neces sary to extend the closing time un til 11:55 a.m. instead ol the usual 11:30 a.m. The Christmas program will bo presented Christmas eve at 7:30 p.m. 1 This Thursdny in the church, Rev. Joseph Mann, nnstor. - will start a series of Christian Educa tion classes and all visitors and regular members aro urged to at tend, to learn more of the funda mental Christian truth ( through these Informal classes. There is no obligation on the part of those at tending, Adult Classes Draw" Students at Dallas DALLAS (Spccinl) - Ninety-five have enrolled In the adult educa tion program nt Dallas limit school. according to Directors Ed Cailller and Melvln Miller. Registration was completed at the school Tues day night and classes began Mon day evening. Courses are being offered In typ ing, Bookkeeping, driver training. farm welding, advanced clothing and photography. Rcbeknlis Elect TURNER (Special) -Mrs. Ben Wlppcr was. elected noble grand of ideal HeDeknn lodge Wednesday evening. Other officers are Mrs. Arnold Phillips, vice grand; Mrs. James Verslceg, recording secre tary; Mrs. Carl Graves, financial secretary, and Mrs. Brutus Ash craft, treasurer, Mrs, Brutus Ash- craft resigned as trustee and Mrs. Robert Mitchell was elected for the remainder of her term of one ! year. Plan Gervaia Meet GERVAIS (SpeclnD-Tho Sacred llcnrt Mothers' Club ol Gervnis and St. Louis will have their next meeting, Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at the St. Louis Hall. A musical pro gram and Christmas exchange will ! take place. Each member Is to bring a gift valued from 25 to 50 cents and also a ten towel for hall kitchen use. Hostess will be Mrs. Marion Druha and co-hostesses, Mrs, Leonard Ferschweiler and I Mrs. Henry Bcrnlng. V Acreage Sold JEFFERSON (Spcclnl)-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ncol have sold their acreage east of the old Jefferson depot to Hurry Corleson of llutehe- son, Kan. The Cnrleson family lias three children 'and are friends ol Mr, and Mrs, George Mills. Two Hospitalized MOLALLA (Special)-, Mrs. Ella Mallatt was moved Monday from Sllverton hospital to Providence hospital In Portland to undergo surgery there Thursday of this week. Mrs. Ralph Dougherty Is scheduled to enter Silvnrtun hospl. tal Sunday to undergo surgery there Monday. Plan Yule Program MOLALLA (Speclnn-In Molalla Christian church, first practice for the annual Christmas program was held Tuesday night of this week. Mrs. Lee Adams Is in charge of the entertainment. RESIDENCE SOLD JEFFERSON (Special! Jack "arrish has sold his residence on 'rSlTfiiLia-SuUnn ..J 4cU of I fP VSrrr 2 v wist s uncrnl Jr : bmvS; : y JlQ Jl credit )rmt i n ii I i n ii ixi u n n w n m n v n w i -- V k.W.. I 'II J I II II w m m II II I II I II I II IV A -w IT I W0. VLAJLAJULKJLAJl II .1 III I . ' -"m I X v Jfi NJw '4? I II lf, I TWMOMUtt VJMVU al AWW1' UMMi VM0 W tUa& llUSUUMUS-iHt iiliUSUUi' '"Wffl'M 'i'lMf'IlI-lIlT-l I V iai-' , rZ-ZlS'm! irAJ ... ... MS I IVA fir . vJ THE GRETEL r; . I M 1 i7f 'jtii& I : Brilliant. Urm hl.r J I I ') (rrtl I ; f7Tl-3 I If.. .1 Tii ' Willi It AVV I " . i .Nlme5 7:0 Li M JiaW I XU I . It I 1 IS I PAY OMIY 1 A WCCtf II K W'' - ' . - I I mM ' I 3 w r kkWvii'- - - i - ? i ; i i. i - w i L'jir i m . mmwtfx wi -i, , : r 1 r 1 i rmmrrwm, : , : g I TcmmMm PAY 0NLY J7,W,EK H MY omiy 1 rAY only us a week " S i SMEI1 -1 1 1 1 !l ' $ p, xjk v a,5 v I f Ii . ii - .' . . - . i mi ii J II Jj '. yfecv, I 1 ii j wnsfiiios Jiwiuas . Jxl,jJ5)if I li: JTTTirTinrir. I , &n-r? "in 3n m i' 1 MrimOta IKiM H 1 1 f I A f H J I i 1 iTVf5 -T-W-W f pn WW, r pt menin unm Hi. inHra Bl .ji ffi r mVJi ATyy" - - I g IONt -"at "tr if J .. 1 . ,, ff 5r I I WHEUIMftOTEO HOW IONS.....'. I II I 305 N. liberty, Salem Open Mon. and Fri. 9:30 A.M.-9 P.M. Jkt&mM ,m.tmmnn,rn ., ,,-,-,- J i g IT '1 55 nn w--1 Air II of if- ' ' "A s