Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November. 20, 1956 Page 12 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Coordinator OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. GCEGELEE MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS ON EVERYTHING EXCEPT "YOUR LUCKY DAY" ITEMS PLUS SHIPPING COST TO AREAS OUTSIDE OUR REGULAR TRUCK DELIVERY ROUTES. mr-AT' l(PliH 10203330 Trncy S. Vonrttccs. nbove, for mer undersecretary of the. Army, was named by President Elsenhower 'lo coordinate, the Hungarian refugee program and study whether more than 5,000 should be admitted lo this country. (AP Wlrepholo) Voorhees Gets Job of Guiding Refugee Relief Ike Names Ex-Pentagon Official lo Direct Hungarian Aid By MARVIN ' t. ABKOWSMITII AUGUSTA, Ga. 10 , President1 Elsenhower today named Tracy S. Voorhees, former Undersecretary of the Army, to coordinate the Hungarian refugee program and study whether more than 5,000 should he admitted to this coun try. White House press secretary James C. HnKerty said Voorhees, now a New York attorney and a consultant to the Defense , Depart ment, is Inking over the new as signment Immediately and will serve without pay. The President recently directed thai up to 5,0011 refugees , from Soviet oppression in Hungary be admitted to the United Slates. The first groups have been arriving at a reception center at Camp Kilmer, N...1, and elsewhere since Nov. 21. Hngerty said anew today il has been a possibility all along that Iho quoin might he Increnscd to more, than fi.OOO, He snid Voorhees will study that matter with Scoll McLcod, administrator of the ref ligpc relief low. At Iiiscnhnwcr's vncnlinn head' quarters here, Hngerty said Voor- hers will serve as Iho President's personal representative "In con nection with Hungarian refugee and relief activities In this coun try." Hngerty said Eisenhower decid ed lo appoint Voorhees to as sure full coordination of this work with the various voluntary and government agencies, and he has asked Mr. Voorhees lo see sec that effective machinery Is promptly set up lo accomplish this purpose." The President wants lo make certain, Hngerty said, that both the government and the volun tary agencies "arc doing every thing possible lo help these ref ugees in obtaining employment and housing in tills country." Hngerty said Kisenhowcr "wants to express his appreciation of the important role the volun tary agencies arc playing In help ing to resettle In the United States these relugivs from' Hungary. " A principal reason for the ap pointment of Voorhees, Hngerty said, is that the government and the voluntary ageniies have been flnodrd with employment and housing olfers for the retugees "It was thought best," the press secretary snid, "that we have one man as the President's renresen tntlve to coordinate this whole work. Voorhees. BR, served ns nn Army colonel in World War II. In IMS- it he was a special assistant to the Secretary of War. Later he was food administralor or the Army in occupied nrcas. During Ihe Truman administra tion, in IIMH -4S, he was an Assist ant Secretary of the Army. And In 194II-50 he was Undersecretary. In Ihe Kisenhowcr administra tion, in, he was a delensc adviser In Ihe U.S. mission lo Ihe North Atlantic Treaty Orsnnin linn, and director of off-shore sup ply procurement in Europe for Secretary of Delensc Wilson. Troops Crush Malayan Keds JOIIOHK HAHHlt, Malnyn i.fl Two thousand British nod Gurkha troops and police raided the last stronghold of Communis', rebels in southern Malayn Thursday and detained 174 lied sympathizers. The Irnops cordon off select fd rones In a 4tnsnuare-mile area !S miles nnrlh of Singapore Islnnd white police searched houses dur ' "isid (urfew. ihe three villages of Ktilnl Viii and Kclapn Snwil have been a holhrrt of Communist nclivitv for years. Hecently home guards In Ihe villages became Ibe object of hit and rim raids by Commit nist guerrillas. SIGN TRADE AdHKEMKNT BERLIN lift Austria and Com munist East Germany have signed a 1957 trade agreement calling for each side to supply f'k million dollars worlh of toods. Ihe olflrinl Kurt German new agency Al), announced Thursday. m '110 ON THE FINEST LAUNDROMAT 'PAIR . . . THE 1956 WES WHOUSE M LUXE TWINS! , I ' t ! r ' . ' W7A. - UXS A J ' vv US 7 f hit v. T n . . . I . '1., JT - I I 'V..jf I I .11 Reduced $60 introduced by Meier & (rank's at ... , ' :i $349.95 for the laundromats now don't wait! NO MORE WHEN THESE ARE GONE We havo fewer than 90 of each .... ' they'll go fasti "We honestly believe you'll get the biggest trade-in allow ance in t o w n at Meier & Frank's . . ." . AND WE DO! So . . . when we say . . . for Today . . . Tomorrow . Monday Only We're Going to Give The Biggest Trade-in Allowances in Our History on this already price-cut 1956 Westinghouse Laundry Equipment you can expect a BONANZA . . . and you'll get itl 7 8p5, f in il I "s 'ow as ' a monh U m M I U If NO DOWN PAYMENT The Laundromat . . , this completely de luxe Laundromat i is the ultimate in automatic washing equipment.' It's con venient to use economical and completely flexible. Start- ' ' ing with the Laudrofile that keeps operating instructions always close at hand, it has new and exclusive features that solve every washing problem, and patented Agi- Tumble washing action that gives you a NEW WAY TO 'r WASH. Safe for. daintiest 'garments. .' . ... Mail and phone orders' appliance, names that really count APPLIANCE HEADQUARTERS-SECOND FLOOR ' ' Reduced $50 '249 95 for the dryernow 1 Q (Q) .95 J Mf U NO DOWN PAYMENT Tstinghouse The Dryer ... all the work of clothes drying is ended . . . ironing time is cut in half with the labor-saving West inghouse De Luxe electric clothes dryer. Exclusive direct air flow system dries faster, saves money. 3-way Dry Dial and 3-heat Selector Dial permit drying clothes completely dry for use or storing; damp-dry for ironing; or for safely drying miracle fabrics. Handy Laundofilc give complete drying instructions. Mail and phone orders' APPLIANCE HEADQUARTERS SECOND FLOOR 'Phis shipping cost lo areas outside our regular truck delivery routes.