Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL' Section 3 Page 9 Refugees From OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY -9:30A.M. TO 9 P.M. Hungary Flood All of Austria Over Half of 100,000 Still Being Cared for In Relief Camps Br JACK MEEHAN United Press Stair Correspondent ON THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN FRONTIER (UP) Tall rushes frozen into flint-hard spikes thrust their way upward through the ice 01 ihis swampland frontier. There was blood on those reedy Dayoneis loaay. They call it the "iron curtain, this swampy bit of borderland chosen by Hungarian 'refugees in their flight to freedom. But it should be called the "terror cur tain" for that is what it is. The only sound in the sub'-zero dawn is the whispering of the wind through the frozen reeds. And then there is the shriek of a woman in despair. Her voice rises in terror and pain too fierce for silence. You see nothing except an oc casional Communist border guard swathed in an overpadded coat as he waddles into view across the treacherous ocean of ice that is the frontier. You know he shivers, too, for you can see him beat his hands together for warmth. There is no warmth in this icy world that is one of the main un derground railway stations on the road from Budapest to Vienna, and still thf refugees come through it on ine of the most, body. and-soul-bc'.iering roads chosen and conquered by man. Thousands have chosen this path and won. Some have failed, killed by Communist border guards with in a Russian rifle shot of neutral Austria's beflagged frontier. Signs of their passing, tinseled with frost, lie scattered about like crazy remnants around some mad man's Christmas tree. Signs Of The Time A tiny tot's red zippered snow suit with its faded label from a Budapest department store lies huddled near the reeds. Two - patched inner tubes to which men and women clung and paddled through the bone-numbing waters of border canal... A baby's picture book whose nursery rhyme illustrations are the same the world over though the words are in Hungarian. ..a child's blue knitted woolen hat and mit tens held together by a piece of tattered cord. In the tall rushes where the woman screamed tbe ice thickness varies. The water depth varies, too. Many of the refugees fighting through to freedom here have plunged neck deep into the water through the ice. The sudden chilling shock has driven some, already buffeted by fatigue, to the verge of shrieking hysteria. More hardy ones have dog trotted circulation and warmth into frostbitten limbs on the safety of Austrian soil. War-hardened (American news men sometimes weep openly as they watch the tortured and path etic parade of refugees. A French photographer smashed his camera in a fury of frustrated rage. A tel evision cameraman kept his cam era whirring although he was un able to focus through his tears. Sobbing Mail In one fantastic dash for free dom scores of men, women and children hurled themselves across the border in a sobbing mass, stumbling, crawling and smashing through the reeds that stabbed their clothes and tore their flesH. A rustle stirs the reeds and the woman who screamed staggers into sight, drenched to her hips with muddy swamp water and clutching her heaving breast. She is 60, she says, and she has walked half the 150 miles from Budapest although she has a weak heart. She says she screamed when she fell through the ice and felt her self fainting. The reeds part and four men slip through, followed by a wo man with a child in her arms. The woman is silent, numb, and is offered a drink of brandy. The silent numbness gives way to hys teria and she screams that her baby is dead. But the child, numbed with cold, is sale. The refugees plod across the open field toward a Red Cross station a mile away. One man wears heavy boots of the Hungar ian army, but the others have only broken leather bound togeth er with rags that are no match for the reedy bayonets. Seven more refugees have joined the sheltering in Aus tria and the fresh blood on the reedy bavonets freezes in the wind that sweeps the Hungarian plains. Pravda Tells Whv Hungary Keeps Out UN MOSCOW W Pravda said Thursday Janns Kadar refused In admit United Nations observers lo Hungarv for fear the people ni'Cht mistake them for American troops. The Communist Parly newspaper quoted the Hungarian premier as making the statement in an interview. "The people have been told. 'Hold out. American '""" are coming. Hold out, United Nations forces are comin? " P"1 quoted Kadar as saying. The people no longer are clear about the difference between American forces and United Nations forces. That's why arrival of United Na tions representative, in Hungary eould throw the peor1' 'n10 '""J fusion. Certain elements would ot have surrendered." MAIL & PHONE ORDERS Hammond Chord Organ You can scarcely believe that you could learn to play an organ in a matter of minutes . . . but it's true . . . with a Hammond! Come to our organ studios . . . try it for yourself. Start with a Ham mond now ... by Christmas you'll be playing carols, the latest popular tunes. Trade in your old piano on a HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN that all the family can playl NO DOWN PAYMENT up to 36 months fo pay Mail and phone orders' ORGAN STUDIO SECOND FLOOR osfr about Meier I Frank's FREE HOME TRIAL 1218 BEETHOVEN: SYMPHONY NO. 3 in E Flat "Eroica" n 1221 MENDELSSOHN PIANO CONCERTO NO. 1 in G M i n o r MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM Prelude, Scheno and Wedding March 1223 HAYDN: SYMPHONY NO. 94 IN G Major, "Surprise" 1225 BEETHOVEN: SYMPHONY NO. 8 in F Major, OP 68 1239 BRAHMS: SYMPHONY NO. 4 in E Minor; OP. 98 , 1245 VIOLIN ECHOES OF VIENNA Caprice Viennois; Liebeslied; Tarn bourn Chinois; Liebestreud; La Gitana; Rondo Louis Stevens, Violinist Dan ube Waves; Csardas; Romany Ro mance; Violets: Submission; Once Upon A Time E. Deutsch, Violinist n 1250 AN HOUR OF AMERICAN WALTZES n 1251 BEETHOVEN: SYMPHONY NO, 2 in D Major, OP. 36 1253 CHOPIN: PIANO CONCERTO NO. t in E Minor, OP. 11 1255 AN HOUR OF HAWAIIAN MELODIES Lani Mclntire Orch. Song of the Islands; You Arc Like a Beautiful Flower; Sweet Constancy; One, Two, Three, Four, etc. n 125 FAI.I.A: Nichls in The Gardens of Spain. MOZART: Eine Kleine Macht musick, K 525 n 1283 MOUSSORGSKY: Tictures At An Exhibition (Orchestra) n 1285 AN HOUR OF PIANO DANCE MUSIC After You've Gone, 12th Street Has, Sweet Lorraine, Hindustan, A Lover's Lullaby, Sunrise Serenade, etc. 1286 MENDELSSOHN: VIOLIN CONCERTO in E Minor n 1294 KHACHATURIAN: Gayne Ballet Suite R I.M S K Y KORSAKOFF: Capriccio Espagnol n 1295 AN HOUR OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC Vocals of THE CAROLEERS Silent Night, Holv Night: Hark the Herald Angels Sing; Oh Little Town of Bethle hem: It Came Upon A Midnight Clear; Away in a Manger, etc. ORGAN AND CHIMES Silent Night, Hnlv Night; God Rest Ye Merry Gen tlemen: Adente Fideles, etc. n 1296 AN HOUR OF MODERN PIANO RHY THMS Jealous, Nobody's Sweetheart, My Gal Sal, Mean to Me, Make Believe, Exactly Like You, More Than You. n 1307 BEETHOVEN: VIOLIN CONCERTO in D, OP. 61 n 1313 DEBUSSY: AFTERNOON OF A FAUN RAVEL: BOLERO n 1JH RACHMANINOFF: PIANO CO.SCER TO NO. 2 in C Minor ON EVERYTHING EXCEPT "YOUR LUCKY DAY" ITEMS .. ,V -"'' rzmr -Friday Surprise reg. M ,095.00 Hardman Save 37 ! Mahogany, wal nut, blond or ebony fin ish. Full 88-note key board; direct blow action; longer strings for better tone. B-year guarantee. $ Mail and phone O 1319 TCHAIKOVKY: SWAN BALLET .AKE 1320 FRANCK: Symphonic Variations for Piano k Orchestra LISZT: Piano Con certo No. 1 in E Flat 1321 MOZART: Symphony No. 41 in C Ma- jor, "Jupiter". O 1332 AN HOUR OF COLE PORTER TUNES You're the Top, Easy to Love, My Heart Belongs to Daddy, I've Got You - Under My Skin, I Get a Kick Out of You, What Is This Thing Called Love, . Just One of Those Things, Night and Day, etc. O 1435 BRUCH: Violin Concerto G Minor , BEETHOVEN: Sonata No. 5 "Spring" 1447 AN HOUR OF PIANO DUET FAVOR ITES Warsaw Concerto, Dream of Olwen, Ritual Fire Dance, etc. 1457 AN HOUR OF MARCHES 1463 COLLEGE SONGS OF ALL AMERICA 1473 AN HOUR OF LEROY ANDERSON and DACE ROSE TUNES 1483 PROKOFIEFF: Violin Concerto No. 1 in D, OP. 19 P 1484 TIIE SHOW HITS OF RODGF.RS AND HART AND HAMMERSTEIN P 1505 MOODS FOR STARLIGHT -I'll See You in My Dreams, Slar Dust and 12 other selections P 1517 COPLAND: El Salnn Mexico. Ancient Flamenco Music Tipica Juan Aguil, Guitarist P 1530 BIZET: L'Arlosienne Suites No. 1 and No. 2 II A Y II N: Toy Symphony IVANOV Caucasian sketches. P 1531 RACHMANINOFF: Rhapsodv on a Theme of Paganini, Op 43 HAYDN: Symphony No. 7 in C "I.e Midi" P 1546 LA BOHEME F.xcerpls (Puccini) I.auri-Volpi. Frances Srhimrnn, TEA TRO DEI.L'OPERA ORCH. CHORUS, ROME P 1551 KEN GRIFFIN AT TIIE ORGAN You Can't Be True Dear. Cuckoo Walti, Donkey Serenade, dr. P 1555 JOHN MrfORMACK SINGS - rtinoktln La Donna E Mobile. Tosca E. Lu cevan I.e Slelie. etc. P 1560 BACH: THE ART OF THE FUGUE Berlin Symphony OrcheMra, P 1516 ENCORES OF PARIE KURT MAIKR, Pianist with Rhythm La Vie En Hose, April In Portugal. Cent Si Bon, Pigallc, etc. D 1570 MIDNIGHT MOOD MUSIC Birth of the Blue, Blue Room, The Way You Look Tonight, etc. D 1572 ENCORES OF ITALY KURT MAIKR Pianist wilh Rhyihm Torna A Sur rienm. chitarra Romans, TictaTicta, Anema E. Cora, etc. 7 J Iff tv''- : J ; I JJ j look at these outstanding features: 1 ' ' ,llnu.iiiiliwJi'u.w. 'n"im i MJ 'Tn """"fx full $8-note keyboard backed by a 5-year five-year guarantee guarantee longer strings for better . . . . . ton FREE tuning in your direct-blow action , reinforced hammers Jfnil and phone orders'1 . FRIDAY console pianos '850 Henry F. Save almost half 1 We have only a limited quantity of these beautiful pianos; walnut or mahogany fin ish; full 88-nole keyboard; longer strings; dirccl-blow action. Guarantee. 689 orders' Mail and sale! reg. 1.98-12" long play high tidelity records symphony popular operatic jazz show tunes concerto miscellaneous P 1573 SONGS OF FAITH Tell Me the Old Story, We Shall Meet Bye and Bye, etc, P 1583 AIDA Metropolitan Opera Association Highlights With Symphony Orchestra P 1584 THE MIKADO Gilbert and Sullivan Instrumental Highlights A Wand'ring Minstrel, The Flowers That Bloom In the Spring, etc. p 1590 JAZZ JOK BUSIIKIN AND HIS RHY THM Chicago, 12th Street Rag, etc. P 1591 DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS ORCH ESTRA PLAY Overture to Jam Ses sion, JanvA-Ditty, etc. P 1592 SARAH VAUGHN SINGS The One I !.ove Belongs to Somebody Else, It's You or No One Else, etc.1 P 1593 DIZZIE GILLESPIE AND HIS MEN PLAY Blue 'n Boogie. Hot House, Gronvin High, Diwy Atmosphere, etc. P 1595 TEN TOP TENORS Baum, Peeree, Ijiiiri-Volpi, Prandelll, Landi, Martin elli, Caruso, elc. P 1601 TROVATORE VERDI H I G II LIGHTS Warflcld, McCracken, Val entino, DaCosla, Ruggeri, Lewis, Sym phony Orchestra P 1604 JAYE P. MORGAN SINGS with Frank I)e Vol's Orchestra Have You Ever Been Lonely, 'Just a Gigolo, etc. P 1605 GEORGIA GIBBS SINGS with Karl Hagen's Orchestra Ballin' the Jack, Old Man Mose, I Feel So Smoochie, etc. p 1606 GORDON MarRAE SINGS wilh Wal ler Gross' Orchestra They Say It's Wonderful, Prisoner of Love, elc. Mail and RECORDS - ao i ' 'X " , home SURPRISE Miller console pianos phone orders' 1618 BUTTERFLY HIGHLIGHTS by Mem bers of the Metropolitan Opera Gior gio Bardi, Maria Leone, Brenda Lewis FAUST HIGHLIGHTS featuring: Richard Bnnelll, Louis Sgarro, Albert DBCoata, Maria Leone with Symphony Orch. Hans Jcrgens-W a 1 1 h e r, Con ductor P 1617 LUCIA DI I.AMMERMOOR II I G H LIGHTS Members of the Metropolitan Opera Frank Valentino, Bruno Lani, llilde Regglani with Symphony Orch. Hans Jcrgens-Walther, Conductor P 1620 ENCORES OF RAGTIME FRED BUR TON, The Human Pianola Jealous, For Me and My Gal, etc. 1623 ENCORES OF THE ITALIAN RIV- IKRA KURT MAIER, Pianist with Rhythm Cara Mia, O Sole Min, etc. p 1630 EGON PETRI plays BRAHMS Rhap sody No. 1, Rhapsody rVn. 2, etc. p 1631 SalntSaena CARNIVAL OF THE ANI MALS Symphony No. 2 In A Minor Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra p 1632 PUCCINI and VERDI Tenor Arias Featuring Enrico Caruso, John McCnr mack, Frederick Jagel. p 1633 DIXIELAND PEK WEE HUNT and His Orch. After You've Gone, etc. PKF, WEE RUSSELL and His. Orch. Coquette, etc. P 1634 THE GREAT TENOR JAZZ MEN Over the Rainbow, Don Byas, Sept. Song, etc. p 1636 NOZZF. 1)1 FIGARO (Mojart) HIGH LIGHTS Featuring James Pease, I .Wi lli Sgarrn, Barbara Troxell, Lois Hunt. phnne nrdrrs' SECOND FLOOR sir i ftp faff ; shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes, ; Giant Sale! Save S40Q reg. '995 Harrington! Console Pianos : NO DOWN PAYMENT TAKE 36 MONTHS TO PAY What a wonderful Christmas gift for the home and entir famllyl And what savings . . . over $400 . . . and budget terms to suit you, tool These beautiful pianos, made by famous Hardman, Peck & Co. are painstakingly created with. top construction . . . In traditional style In mahogany or- ; walnut; modern style In ebony or lined oak; French Pro vincial style in frultwood. , GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD PIANO MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - SECOND FLOOR Mall and phone orders' 'Plus shipping cost lo areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. 1638 ALL STAR JAZZ CONCERT Featur-' ing Sidney Bachet, Muggsy Spanler,' Carmen Mantren, Wellman Brand, Rex1 Stewart, Barney Bigard, Lawrence Brown, Billy Kyle, Bulck Fleagle Sweet Lorraine, Lazy Biver, China Boyt etc. , . , 1840 DAVID OISTRAKH MOSCOW STATE PHILHARMONIC TCHAIKOVSKY! Violin Concerto in D Major J 1841 A TRIP TO IRELAND Mood Music- ARTHUR TATLER, Pianist with Rhy thm, Cockles and Mussels, I'll Take Yot tiome Again nainieen, ine Liitie 1644 STUDENT PRINCE Siimund Ronv berg Deep in My Heart Dear, Seren ade, etc. AND DESERT SONG i 1848 OKLAHOMA Vocal and Instrumental Oklahoma, People Will Say We're 19. Love, etc. t . D 1M7 CAROUSEL and KING AND I-Junt Is Busting Out All Over. You'll Nevet Walk Alone, etc. P 1648 SOUTH PACIFIC Vocal and lnstr mental Some Enchanted Evening, eti P 1650 DAVID OISTRAKH Brahms Violltt Concerto in D Major, Op. 77 MO COW STATE PHILHARMONIC P 1856 THE BIG T PLAYS THE BLUES-! JACK TEAGARDEN and his orchestra 1657 DAVID OISTRAKH Recital with MO COW STATE PHILHARMONIC L 5 n 1659 TCHAIKOVSKY: CONCERTO NO, In B Hat Minor, Op. 23 for Piano am urcnestra fcmit uneis P I860 CARMEN: Opera In Four Acts h George Biset (Highllghta) with mem hers of the Metropolitan Opera Assni accompanied by the Hamburg Philhai monlc Orch., Conductor Hans Jergcnlf wanner unorus ot tne Stewart Boy P 1661 Mniart SYMPHONY NO. 40 In MONIC ORCH., Conducted by OD1 Minor, k .180 THE OSLO PHILHAR. GRUNER-HEGGK P 1677 POPULAR MOOD MUSIC FOR YOUN LOVERS Monnglow Picnic Theme, Poor People of Paris, Man With thf Golden Arm Theme, etc. j t Meier k Frank's Salem, Salem, Oregon 3 Please send me the following Hi-Fi records: 1 ,3uan. I rfo. I Title toTaT " II I : 1 1 r Name . . . Address . City . Zone State .... O Charge D C. O, D. P Remits End. Tins shipping cost to areai outside our regualr tmek delivery routes.