Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Novambe? 29, 1953 Page 8 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Thalbcr g's Widow 'Discovers' His Portrayer OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. 7 dl (Iff far Stow r 1& srrr f .rA' 'EiJLL- ffi "4-;, Mr LUJ L - Wan V 7. . iSC i'lai li'VBM ii i- mil B Plot shipping ceit to areas outside our MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS ON EVERYTHING EXCEPT "YOUR LUCKY DAY" ITEMS. Zl, Cities League Elects White PORTLAND W The League ef Oregon Cities wound up Us an nual convention here Wednesday by eleclinc J. W. Barney, city manarer of Hillsboro, as presi dent. Named to serve with him were Edward C. Harms Jr., mayor of Springfield, vice president, and John F. Porter. Corvallis city manager, treasurer. New directors are: Ormond R. Bean, Portland: W. W. Balderree. Grants rass: Robert White. Sa lem: W. U Jackson. Baker; Peter Cosovich, Astoria: Loren McKin ley, Tillamook: and Hap Taylor, Bend. Pelecates approved a resolution calling on the state Legislature to provide authority for slum clear- HOLLYWOOD Norma Shearer chats with Robert J, Evans, 28. vice-president of a New York sportswear manufacturing con cern whom she "discovered" at a swimming pool party. She was so Impressed with his resemblance to her late husband. Irving Thalberg, that she took him to Universal International studio where bo was signed to portray the producer la "The Man of A Thousand Faces," the life story of the late Lea Chancy. Evans had some minor acting eiperience about 10 years ago. AP Wirephotol Bank Robbers Waive Hearing PORTLAND W Federal Judge Gus Solomon Thursday was to ap point attorneys to represent two Eugene area men accused of rob bing the Eugene branch of the Hrst National Bank of Portland. The two men, Charles E. Sim mons. 40. Springfield, and Don Howard. J3. Eugene, were arrest ed in the Salem area Tuesday. They waived preliminary hearing when brought to Portland Wednesday. State police who arrested the pair said both men admitted tak ing part in the $5,000 robbery of the bank on Monday. bold men are held under 110.000 bond. EVA LEAVES DR. JOHN HOLLYWOOD IP Actress Eva Gabor and Dr. John Williams say they have agTeed upon a "trial separation." The blonde. Hungarian-born ac tress blamed career trouble for the rift. They were married in April. 105-Year-Old Still at Work GREENFIELD, 111. Uv-Sylves-ter Melvin. still active in the in surance company he helped or ganiie in 1900, observed his 105th birthday anniversary today. ' In addition to his insurance busi ness, Melvin is a partner with two. grandsons in a 364-acre angus breeding farm and is believed to be the oldest breeder of angus cattle in the country. His eldest son died this year at 71. He has two daughters. 11 grandsons and 17 great-grandsons. reg. '59.50 slide projector reg. 159.50 tape recorder American Optical fine quality 35mm automatic slide projector, sharp, hritliant ln. 3ftA-ujitt Ixmn rftrtl blower. Handsome case included. 42.95 Mail and phone orders' Ampro Career model, easy action controls, tweeter-woofer speakers, J 2 speeds, electronic record eye; light and compact. $39.50 Base reflex console speaker cabinet J Mail and phone orders' 97.50 $27.50 S 14.95 Size 40"x40" bead ed projector screen, stand $8.95 $13.95 Pigskin leather camera gadget bag $6.95 $29.50 Perrin "Contur" camera gadget . bag $16.95 $21.95 Elevator camera tripod with head $12.95 $8.95 Metal portable camera tripod, 7-section $5.95 $4.95 Imported German weather barometer $3.88 $4.50 35 mm illuminated slide viewer with batteries $2.69 $32.50 Brilliant 7x50 day and night binoculars, case $21.95 Pkif tlx Mall and phone orders' $15.95 FED-FLASH CAMERA OUTFIT 7.50 Sharp 127 camera, flash, films, batteries, bulbs, plus neat camera-gadget bag. Mail and phone orders' i M9.50 EDIXA C Range Finder CAMERA $35.95 Latest 35mm nationally advertised German make. F2.8 Jens, self-timer. $7 leather case, $4. Mail and phone orders' If GADGET BAG n $6 95 I I Roomy bag for eirari. 1 I I flnh ind ctcworiti. All I I . Iathr, sturdy. 'V, CAMERA HOF- jff STRIETR.OOR y .CAMERA SHOP STREET FLOOR J Of Course! ! ;: , ( ! . THE MODERN HEAT FOR MODERN LIVING I j safe. Phone 46263 I ; II!1 CLEANI NOWI I II I , FUMELESSI ; 1 , f , 1 I ! NON-EXPLOSIVE 1 1 iZ. 1 ; " - OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. MM MAH 4 WON! 0M f. m W Hmm $28.95 MEN'S NETTLETON SHOES 3 s:k sd b'cn des ovcrci. S :es 7 ro !3, w. 3-1 AA to E. 13.95 Hand-Sewn Moccasins Jv 18.88 I $0 00 SUPPERS 000 (I $295 .y IS!' hw Cr-Ml. I X j I" " ii'miti e 1 SHOES J 5695 IV I W M'WfJW t l-. V I S J r $1395.'159S Imported British Oxfords $10.45 M4.44 MENS SHOES STREET FLOOR NEW LIGHTWEIGHT MEN'S LUGGAGE $49.50 two-suiter, 33 $43 componion ease,, s27 Fst tir-je ever ar rheje lew prices! Features rw i'L"nirum alley f'rr$ fee svef-g'rt witheut excess v.e gHt; :ghrw;sht udd e les'her for beauty, du'sb'l.fy; re:nfcrced lifeHme haroVa-e. Actually o--th d lg-er. vmtt less of srrerg-h. luggsse gifrs su-e to p'ease! LUGGAGE STREET FLOOR Mail and phdte orders' $6.95-$7.95 Munroe Hat Boxes s 4.50 plus tax lightweight, sturdily built. Popular 14"xl6", large size carrying bags. Gray, tan, off-white, light blue. Mail and phone orders' LUGGAGE STREET FLOOR U" LUGGAGE j I $6.99 j II Auivtnimi f tietn (, I I I wcVtnda)i, lifjhlMtighl, l I I dureb't, wiititttla. 1 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WOMEN'S LUGGAGE 4 OFF Famous Tolex MEN'S LUGGAGE 13 OFF Hv -5, r.ccH tr'-! r: tc c". "S""ee: r? . Tj.i er 5 rq'. S30 t--.o-tu.-er $19 9S Si50 ca.-cae" cue S17.JO LUGGAGE STIIET FLOOR f.'.'iv snifptt; rrf fr srrst rjftu:V rjr r?cW frucl cV?ictv route O-'r 5-ei'es 'C'Pe '. ef tue l-c'-e'jt S'v;?hvd. te "' v rs'C. txttc f '(y ' !'"' 5 scuf"''5. e:' s-i . Cj"c ? y sskar' r;.-ful C' i-s i-':e'. KeO'!?1 iTrer po:- in rf n t-yj wi"i cs Ccv"o9 s1 avs-'sc . Ocean t. sea g-e". lessees ud. TSe pe-fect C"-s, s g ft! Sal. Troin Cose .... '20.00 11.99 21" Weekender . . 20.00 M1.99 26" "Pullmon ... '30.00 '16.99 Hanger Wardrobe . . '35.00 '19.99 LUGGAGE-STREET FLOOR s20 ATLANTIC CAR-SACS M3.33 CevV CSr li..ggsc) .ej t-e full-support s I eJ t , wide? s-ej'c-er rcor. reuv CfM'ing tee for svfr cjTyir-g. Men's a"d tm-e-i's sy'es 3 e't'i paerns. Si'gt irrtjla-ites wen't aecf ea-. Mtd vi prime Orders' LUGGAGE STREET FLOOR