6 Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 age (MSection 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Recover Arms From Canal OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL DAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. .V- - ".'"' iHil 03 MAIL & PHONE ORDERS ON EVERYTHING EXCEPT "YOUR LUCKY DAY" ITEMS . "- iimm im in inr1 w w mm in7 m FRIDAY SURPRISE " reg. $44.95 clock radio $29.95 i - British olficlali gay this picture nhowi British frogmen, part ef the expeditionary force In Port Said, removing weapons from bachwntcr of the Suez Canal anil handing them to members of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. The officials said most of the recovered arms are of Russian make, (AP Wlrcphoto) Milkman Kills Himself After Hubby Says Wife Unfaithful LITTLE VALLEY, N.Y.'(UP)-A young milkman, surprised in the bedroom of a housewife by her en raged husband who shot her to death, took his own life Wednesday night in front of the funeral parlor where her body had been taken. The body of the milkman, Albert Marsh, 23, was found slumped in the front sent of his car. Beside him were a .22 caliber rifle and Weather Ship Flics Alaska- Japan, Return FAIRBANKS, Alaska (fl Loon Charlie Mission No. 1, a weather survey flight from Alaska to Jminn and return, has been completed successfully, Lt. Col. Carl H. Morales, com mander of the 58th Weather Ite- connaissance Squadron and air craft commander of the WB50 day the mission wen! "even bet ter than expected." The ship re turned here Tuesday. The 11-man crew spent four days In Jopnn. The flight of 3,200 miles to the Yokotn Air Force Baso was made in 16 hours, 10 minutes hut Ihp longer return flight of .1,780 miles took only 13 hours, 40 min utes, because tall winds up to 109 miles an hour aided the modified Superfortress. a funeral bouquet of 25 red roses with the note: V "These roses are for Sue. Life without Sue is nothing."' The housewife, Mrs. Sue Ann Riggs, 24, mother of three chil dren, was shot three times early Wednesday with a .38 caliber au tomatic pistol by her husband, Kaipn, 26, who returned home- early unexpectedly from a business trip and found Marsh hiding in the closet of his wife's bedroom. . Get out," he shouted at his wife, who cringed in bed in her night dress. Riggs then rushed Into another room, grabbed the pistol and shot her to death. Marsh fled after a brief struggle with Riggs. The husband then telephoned tho sheriff's office. "I must be croiy," he said. "1 Just killed my wile, Police apprehended Marsh for questioning but released h 1 m, Riggs was charged with first de gree murder and was held for i December grand jury after he waived examination at a prelimi nary bearing. The three Riggs children. Ralnh. 3, Christie, 2, and Mary, 4 months. were asleep In another bedroom during the shooting. Volunteers Plan Downtown Booth For Seal Sales Final preparations are being mado now for the snlo of Christ mas seals in downtown Salem, with the job to be taken over by volunteers of Ihe Marlon County Tuberculosis and Health association. A booth is lo be manned in Ihe Salem post office from Dcc-mibcr 3 through December 10 and wom en volunteering for this service will meet rridny at 3:30 p.m. u 111 their chairman, Mrs. Zlna Shnrp nnek. The meeting for Instruction will bo held at the TB association office. Chrysler '300' Line Unveiled DKTHOIT Ifl The Chrysler ".KHi-C" powired with a V B en gine developing 375 horsepower, was announced Thursday by Chrysler Division. The nowest of Ihe Chrysler 300 scries will be shown to tho public for the first time at (he National Automobile Show In New York opening Dec. 8. In Styling the car features low lines, an over-all heieht of onlv 54.7 Inches and high-swept tail nns. i no tins are said to reduce steering corrections by 20 per cent in cross winds. A broad, low hood, sweeps downward between sharply de fined fenders. Dual headlights are stannnro. equipment as arc 14-Inch wnecis. The "300-C" has n IZA-lnch wheelbase, an over-all length of 219.2 inches and width of 70.0 Inches. The engine has n 9 25 In 1 com pression ratio. Two four-bnrrcl down draft carburetors are used Chrysler describes the "Sm-V." s "Ihe most powerful car in America" and reports it wns;Crv(, (, I driven around Ihe 47-mile Chi-v..!0' ' 11 l" "'I ler r-roving Grounds track Man I,',.., A fulfil Flll'.-fS average speed of 145 7 mi!r n,.r ' h hour. I .. ,,. ...... ,,,, .i,i,n,ii iiiiiii, im-ii, linn of litem from Salem, will report to Ihe Snlem armory next Wednes day iiluvnoon m 2 o'cloek to tie forwarded to Portland lor Induc tion Into Ihe armed lorccs the fol lowing day. Salem men are Donald I. Herg. Hnvmonrt H, Honhannn. Chimes ,1, Remodeling Work At Salem (peneral Hospital Starts Work was started Tuesday on renovating of Ihe first floor of the old building of Ihe Salem Gen eral hospital. Announccmcit of Ihe work was mnde after Ihe hoard meeting Wednesday evening. Wednesday first floor pmionls In the hospital were moved to the recently renovated third floor, where Ihe -Improvements hove in cluded insinuation of new doois, bathrooms and the plastic type wall covering. T.iimltf riiinii Moves MOI.Al.LA (.Special) -Hob Un derwood, employe of Weyerhaeus er Timber Co., Is being trans ferred to the Longvlew. Wash branch of Ihe company, leaving to work there starting next week. Mis I'uhlmnn and dene Dell Wiltsey lamuy win not move mere until im- other three Imlurtees are after the llrst of the year, t'nder- i Isaac I". Knyart. Wimlhurn. and word his been active In Camp Comyn I.eroy Tracy and Kenneth rire worn, iia ann as man-man1 1.. Mitchell, both of Turner, o! ine notary swimming pool com mittee. WOODCRAFT MKETINO SHERIDAN (Special )-The Shcri Minn Circle, Neighbors of Wood craft, observed Its third anniver sary this week, with a party at the IOOF hall In Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Werlh of Willamlna were initialed into the order. Aflvenlisl IMitn Sitlilialli Service SII.VF.HTON (Special) - Klder II. J. Johnson Is directing plans for the S e v e n t h-dny Advent tt church services with Sabbath school at 9:30 and Mrs. Oliver Stelfen In charge. The lesson topic, "Christ Rejeclod of Men," covers the trial before Annas and Cal phs, and Peter's denial. The pas tor, Elder McVay, will conduct the OIVES RECITAL WILLAMINA (Special) - Gary Drill, son of Mr and Mrs Dovle Drill, parlicipaled In Mrs. Winifred : morning worship service at 11; Bantsarl's recital in McMlnnville o'clock. The midweek prayer recently. He played two organ ae-l meting will be Wednesday eve lections and one piano solo. I ning at 7:30 o'clock. I FRIDAY SURPRISE REG: $24.95-3-SPEED PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER A wonderful gilt lor any member ot the family ... a personal portable record player tlaU. I with constant speed motor. Late model, plays records all three speeds, all sizes. Durable plastic-covered, case. Mail and phone orders 485 'FRIDAY SURPRISE ; REG. 559.95 AUTOMATIC 4-5PEED RECORD PLAYER 39.95 Portable model with (ha latest In automatic changers. Plays 4 speeds of records . . . 16'j, 33'i, AS and 78 rpm. Tone and volume control; latest type speaker. Plastic covered. i Mall and phone orders' 'FRIDAY SURPRISE i' ' It.... REG. $1 69.95 CAPEHART ALL-WAVE PORTABLE RADIO at lew ai $5 a month. NO DOWN PAYMENT '79.95 LESS THAN HALF PRICEI 8-band receptionl The world at your fingertipsi Tone and vol ume control; operates on battery or power. Telescoping eerial. (Batteries $7.50 extra.) Afrit And ;iiorip orders' 'FRIDAY SURPRISE IMPORTED ACCORDIONS 1 PRICE 2 AND LESS All with 120 bass keys,- all with deluxe carrying cases; all guaranteed. reg. $450.00 Hohner, 5 trebles $225 reg. $200.00 Italian make, 2 trebles $97.50 reg. $295.00 to $1000.00 Imported models $139 fo $298 Muff rind phone order' ' FRIDAY SURPRISE' 1 i fft :&tUf.imMm,!m II I litis! I REG. $79.95 RAYTHEON TRANSISTOR RADIO PRICE $ 3 9.9 5 A most welcome giftl Full-circle sound from two speaker openings. Operates on regular flashlight batteries, leather case in a choice of colors. .fm7 and phone ordert FftlDAY SURPRISE "" " reg. $89.95 transistor set 49.95 Raytheon transistor radio with twin 5" speakers. Operates on set of 4 flashlight batteries. Mail and phone orders FRIDAY SURPRISE " reg. $36.95 clock radio 24.95 Famous Admiral standard broadcast radio; Telechron clock with slumber switch. Mahogany finish plastic case. Mm'! flnrl phone orders FRIDAY SURPRISE - reg. $13.95 metronome 9.95 Seth Thomas. Mahogany case; accurate timing. Guaranteed. A wonderful gift for the music student. Afnf! and phone orders' m FRIDAY SURPRISE 1 reg. $1.50 i harmonica 75 Vt price. Single reeds, fine tone, 10-note imported har monica. Mail and phone orders' ' FRIDAY SURPRISE ' reg. $1.49 record rpek 79' Attractively styled wrought iron rack; holds 50 records, 10 or 12-in. Keeps them handy, protects them. .frti7 and phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $34.95 radip-player $19.95 Standard radio, built-in aerial; 3-speed record player. Porta ble model with durable carry ing case. Afnf? and phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE - reg. $99.95 clarinet outfit 47.50 Silverplated, standard metal Instrument,, fine for the be ginner. Plus lined carrying case. ' Mall and phone orders' . - FRIDAY SURPRISE " reg. $39.95 clock radio. $27.95 Admiral standard broadcast radio; Telechron clock, slum ber switch. Day and date cal endar. Mahogany finish. Afnt7 mid jiionc orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $12.95 metronome $7.49 Imported; has fine timing mechanism. Guaranteed. Handsomely finished mahog any case. Mail and phone orders' . FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $49.95-$298.00 geiger counters $2495 , $9995 less than Vi Price. One of a kind Geiger Counters, all fa mous makes. All with regular guarantee. Afw7 mid phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. 89e record album 35 Holds twelve 7-inch records. Assorted color covers. Reg. 98c, 10-inch album 59c. Mail and phone orders' Capehart deluxe model; five tube set; Telechron clock with slumber switch. Mahogany color case. 1 Mail and phone orders' - FRIDAY SURPRISE - reg. $139.95 wood clarinet $79.95 Excellent tone, easy-playing instrument for beginner or advanced player. Complete with carrying case. ' . Mail and phone orders - FRIDAY SURPRISE " hi-fi recording tape Good quality plastic tape; guaranteed. rag. M.50, 55", tOO f.l $1.11 rag. $5.50, 7", 1200 fail l.6 Mail and phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE fine Hohner harmonicas , All have double sets of reeds. rag. $7.00 h.rmenlcai $4.49 reg. $8.50 harmonic $5.49 reg. $10.00 harmonica $4.49 Mail and phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $99.95 . trumpet outfit $49.95 HALF PRICEI Gold lacquered; standard model, fine for be ginner. Complete with carry ing case. Mail and phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. 79e LP records 49 10-in. long-play 33Vj rpm records. Broadway shows, classical, popular, symphony, concertos, religious. Mail and phone orders' RADIOS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SECOND FLOOR This shipping eosl lo areas outside our regular truck delireru routes. reg. 98c j u"" reg. $1.98 Ij reg. $29.95 J mm ' j MM Standard sti plM Mttchflt alandard If 19 Wn Mandara l in. 1 radio, T'fhron U mak rwrdmi. I U struction book and 1 clock, alarm. M- I c