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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1956)
: -.3 : S v-.:a Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 29, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page; 7 Sharp Young Engineer Develops Automatic Device for Collecting Polluted Air Samples By GORMAN DOGAN .consider the limited tools we have I Much work remains to be done, the University of Californn.' leen him.' PORTLAND W - The machim age has failed to keep abreast of the problems brought on by to day's air pollution era, but a sharp young engineer is doing his best to remedy the situation. Wilbur J. Whitsell. a one-time school teacher now with' the air pollution control section of the Oregon State Board of Health, found that a lot of mechanical equipment required to do his job either didn't fit his needs or simp ly didn't exist. Worse, when he wrote' to maior equipment companies asking if i proposed improvements could be I included in future models he usu ally received a polite turn down and a catalog of standard equip ' mcnt. Custom-made jobs were too expensive. , That left him one solution ! make it himself. ! The 35-year-old engineer recent ly received a cash award from the state for developing an auto matic device for collecting pol uted air samples over an extend ed period. "Getting an air sample was no , problem," Whitcsell says. But the amount of material causing pollution contained in one sample was oftentimes so tiny it couldn't be measured in the lab oratory. The answer was to take a large number of samples, but that required keeping a man in the field for hours at a time. No such manpower was available. To solve the problem he came up with a compact machine which sucks in the air and collects a specimen in a weak alkaline solu tion in a bottle. A series of valves and a timing device repeat the process for periods up to six hours. The state figures his device will save nearly 2,000 a year and Whitsell has applied for a patent. This is only one of the dark haired engineer's brain-children. He has perfected a so-called "direc tion switch" which stops and starts an air sampling machine when the direction of the wind changes. Or it will cause the ma chine to take air samples from one direction, then from another. This is important in making pollu tion tests, he adds Whitsell, a native of Portland, says his accomplishments would not have been possible without the faith and understanding of Rich ard E. Hatchard, chief of the air pollution section, and others con nected with the state Air Pollution Authority. "Their keen appreciation of the value of automatic equipment has had much to do with my success," he says. Hatchard is equally aware of Whitesell's talents. "His work has been remarkable," the section chief says, "particularly when you Fir Price May Fall Further PORTLAND Wl Lumber sources said here Wednesday that the drop in Douglas fir prices, which hit a two-year low in east ern markets Tuesday, might con tinue to tall as additional in; transit cars arrive and are sold on a market where demand is slack. A number of mills have closed and others are operating with re duced shifts. Production still has stayed ahead of demand. Afore than the usual number of , cars were sent east in expecta tion of sales at a bolstered price when the East Coast longshore strike started, lumbermen said. But by the time the cars got to the east, the longsnoremen were back a work and the expected stronger market was not present. This was said to have been one cause of the price drop. Another, which has had a depressing effect for some months, has been a slow down in home construction. There also is a seasonal slackening at this time of year. able to make available to in the field, says Whitsell, a grad- For example, methods must be 1 uatc of Oregon ( State College and found for sampling emissions Naterlin Wins Vote Recount nl in the Lincoln-Tilla mook state Senate district failed to change the result, leaving the 1957 Senate split 15-15 between the Republicans and Democrats. Dave O'Hara, state elections supervisor, said Wednesday he had been advised that Andrew J. Nnterlin, Newport Democrat, had won the contest against state Sen. Warren McMinimec, Tillamook iinn.,Ki;.on uhn was seeking a second term. In the official results, Naterlin held a lead of 124 votes. The recount, sought by friends of McMinimec, made only one vote difference. . O'Hara said he hadn't received the totals but that the recount gave Naterlin six or seven more votes In Lincoln County, and gave McMinimec six or seven more in Tillamook County. VamJah Mess Up Even Floodlight OKLAHOMA CITY Leonard Tunnlson of Oklahoma City is about reaady to throw in the towel. After vandals poured a mixture ef molasses and oatmeal on his porch and parked car he Installed floodjight as a precautionar measure. . No, he rr, his floodjight ttivk! lolcn- ' from lumber waste burners. But sist in the study, , Whitsell is confident this can be The principal question to be an done. swered is whether the present In fact, the air pollution section wigwam-typo waste burners which is hoping to cooperate with Ore-'emjt smoke, cinders and ashes gon State Colkge in a research can be adapted to make air pollu- project on the burning of lumber I uon control feasible If not, then, waste, a major air pollution prob-! something else must be devised. lem in Oregon. Oregon, Hatchard says, was the i Hatchard says application is to first state in the nation to set up; be made for federal funds to as-' a statewide air pollution control authority and this month it will give final consideration to a draft of regulations. ' But the authority also is encour aging cities to set up local air pollution commissions "to police the air the same as they clean their own streets," Hatchard adds. Eugene, which has one of the most serious air pollution prob lems in the state because of the many lumber waste burners near by, already has set up such a commission, It will begin enforc ing regulations in 1958. Klamath Falls un'i Portland arc ctiirivinrt f ei-l. commissions, too. Lumber waste burners, of course, aren't the only offender In polluting the air. Ther Ira many others including kraft' paper mills, aluminum and cement plants and ordinary householder! who fire up incinerators. The solution is one which; will require much cooperation betveea industry, public agencies and or dinary citizens, Hatchard layi. ,"( Si Ban. US i . - Rp. 2.95 Baby Grctid CHILDREN'S TOY PIANO Bell-like tone. Bright color. NO MONEY DOWN AMAZING SIMPLEXTOY MINIATURE TYPEWRITER Types hours of fun. NO MONEY DOWN Rag. 2.1 KIDDIES' SANTA FE -TOY TRAIN SET Ideal toy for small children. NO MONEY DOWN Rte- '-M Vatialy of LADIES' COMPACTS Decorated, plain; your choice NO MONEY DOWN Dig. l.tS Hag. l.M Wlndlloht Hilton CIGARETTE LIGHTER In variety of styles, . NO MONEY DOWN REG. 2.49 6-PIECC NUT BOWL SET Attrictive outer bark. it NO MONIY DOWN tag. 3.95 ATTRACTIVE CRYSTAL and BRASS FRUIT BOWL For your holiday table. NO MOfJEY DOWN ill REG. 2.95 rTS COLORFUL CERAMIC TV LAMPS ' Variety of stylet. :u NO MONEY DOWN Rag. 2.79 Ailerlad GERMAN POTTERY Unique new gift pieces, NO MONEY DOWN Rag. 2.50 - MEN'S JEWELRY Famous name. Rag. 2.50 BLACK ALL-METAL FIREPLACE GRATE Sturdy,' long wearing. 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