Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Fisheries Unit Urges Salmon Netting Curbs Biggest Problem Ever Before Commission, Says Chairman SAN FRANCISCO 11 Ameri can and Canadian fishermen have so effectively used the Japanese gill net method of catching deep sea salmon that curbs against the practice are being sought'' lest the salmon population be depleted. The Pacific Maritime Fisheries Commission ended a three-day meeting Wednesday by passing a resolution which urged the United States and Canada to negotiate an agreement to ban' or curb dras tically the use of gill nets in off shore salmon fishing. "This is the biggest problem ever to come before the commis sion," said Chairman Robert J. Schoettler of Seattle, who heads Washington's Department of Fish eries. Before this year gill nets were considered suitable only for fish ing in streams. The resolution, said the PMFC, which consists of state fisheries officials of the three coastal states and advisers from the industry, should be consulted during nego tiations on the ban and said after details are worked out it would submit bills to the respective state legislatures for enactment at their next session. ... - The commission meeting was attended by around 100 repre sentatives of the fishing industry from the three coastal states, plus observers from Canada and Alas ka. Heated debate preceded adop-i tion of the .resolution against gill nets. Another resolution opened the way to informal talks with Cana da on adopting a uniform trolling season on Chinook salmon, to open April 15 and Sept. 30. Canada has a year round open season, while California's season opens May 1. Washington and Oregon already observe the dates sought in the resolution. Harry McCool, vice president of the Washington Fishermen's Co operative Assn., said that until agreement can be reached with Canada he would urge the Wash ington Legislature to permit fish ermen in his state to begin troll ing March 15. He said Washing ton fishermen want an equal chance as well as equal conser vation. Schoettler was succeeded as chairman by Robert L. Jones, Oregon fisheries " commissioner. New vice chairman, taking over from Jones, is Richard S. Croker, California Fish and Game Dept. of Fisheries chief. Schoettler be comes secretary of the commis sion. --. Drugstores to Ban All Mags BATAVIA, Ohio ( Three drug stores have decided to ban all magazines from their stands. Paul Blocher, owner of a phar macy here, said that Hartman s Pharmacy in nearby Amelia and Colonel's Pharmacy in nearby Withamsville, had joined him in barring magazines. Blocher was quoted as saying many magazines were not suitable for juvenile reading but that they had to be bought by the stores so other publications would become available. The three stores will replace the magazines with children's books and games, Blocher said. 2 Dogs Guard This Postman GRAND RAPIDS, Mich, m -Postman William Van der Veen has two big reasons for standing apart from fellow mall carriers who complain about dogs. Rex and Rockie, a pair of box ers owned by residents along Van der Veen's route, meet the post man when he alights from a bus to start his deliveries. They're his bodyguards throughout the day. "I don't get even so much as a growl anymore," Van der Veen said. Court Restrains Picket Picketer OKLAHOMA CITY W-An Okla homa City labor organization went to court to stop a picket from picketing its picket. The Building and Construction Trades Council complained in fed eral court that a spare picket showed up at a construction proj ect here and began loiiowing one of its own sign-bearers. Council attorneys said Dennis Boyles, not further identified, had ordered the man to trail the coun cil picket, carrying a sign saying: "Forced Labor Tactics are Com munistic." And this amounts to "an a.-t of violence. Intending to incite riot," attorneys argued. Judge W. Ft. Wallace issued a temporary, restraining order halt ing the picket picketer. CIGAR'S INFLUENCE TELLING UNION C1TV, N.J. (VP) A magistrate fined Chester Bronskj. 32. $25 Wednesday for "being un der the influence of a cigar." Bronski had pleaded innocent to a reckless driving charge and claimed smoking a cigar after four beers made him dizzy and his driving erratic. New Zealand has S3 daily news papers, five of which have circu lation exceeding 50.000. The pop ulation of New Zealand is slightly mat than two million. November 29, 1956 iV)AIL & PHONE ORDERS ON EVERYTHING EXCEPT "YOUR 11 i1 II II III MlHf Bill Ill FRIDAY SURPRISE REG. 3.95 MEN'S SANFORIZED BROADCLOTH DRESS SHIRTS What a buy! Fine quality cotton, San forized for permanent fit, full cut for comfort. And even ocean pearl but tons that won't break in laundering. Full year's written unconditional guarantee with each of these fine shirtsl Sizes 14-17 neck; 32-35 sleeves. 3 styles in sparkling white: , 1. regular fused collar; button cuffs ! 2. spread collar, slotted stays; button cuffs k 3. spread collar, slotted stays; French cuffs FRIDAY SURPRISE, reg. $2 men's y" SILK NECKTIES 98' A bright array of bold and neat patterns in colors to please every taste; fully lined and crease-resistant. Mail and phone orders . MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREIT FIOOK FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $1.50-$2.50 FINE LEATHER BELTS 98' Very famous make belts; many fine leathers; black 'and assorted brown shades. Sizes 28 to 44. Buy now for glftsl Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE . reg. $1 cotton ARGYLE SOCKS s 55 Heat-resistant elastic tops. Com plete selection of fashion-toned argyle plaid combinations. Sizes 10'a-13. Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $4.95 corduroy SPORT SHIRTS $3.99 Handsome gift choice; these com pletely washable, comfortably cut, well tailored shirts. Popular colors. S, M, L, XL. Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. 85c cotton ATHLETIC SHIRTS 66' 3 for $1.94 Combed cotton; Swiss rib knit; wide comfortable shoulder straps. San forized. Individually cellophane wrapped. 36-46. Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS-STRIET FLOOR jmm mmEK Mmmx meoek mmm - rea. S2.93 I refl. IU. reg. j.y3 mr - reg. .ys i II SPORT SHIRTS U CARDIGANS U DRESS SHIRTS U GAUCHO SHIRTS U H M H $4.99 -M.99 '2.99 II srmhed cotton; complete- I II lambiwool and Orion I II Sanforiiadg'; full cuti I II Famoui 100 Du- I II Famout makt cotton rib I 1 1 ty waihablt; full cut, I II bland; cellared cardigan II regular futad collara, II pon! Orion, waihablai I II knit In hendiomt heather I If many patterns, colon; S, 11 iweaferi. Incomplete col II tpreedi; button or French II full Cut; anortad colon. 1 II tone of brown, blue, IImIXL I I I r "nt If uffl Incomplete aim. 1 I I S, M, I, fx. If gray. Silel 10VYI3. M ' MEN'S FURNISHINGS J V MENI FURNISHINOS J MEN'S FURNISHINOS . U FURNISHINGS I W MEN'S FURNISHINGS I Sf STREET FLOOR Ve STREET FLOOR -' Vrf 00 "00 Sf ,m" 'l0 V- OPEN THIS FRIDAY ONLY ALL 2 styles in blue, tan, mint, gray: 1, spread collar, slotted stays; button , cuffs 2 spread collar, slotted stays; French cuffs ' FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. 9.95 wool GAUCH0 SHIRTS $3.99 Famous make shirts; short sleeve styles; many popular colors for your selection. Sizes S, M, L, XL. . Mail and phone orders' ..- MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $3.95 flannel SPORT SHIRTS $2.84 Sanforized cotton flannel, full cut for permanent fit and extra com fort. Favorite plaids and checks. S, M, L. Mail and phone orders MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $1.50 spun NYLON ARGYLES 100 Dupont spun nylon that wear and wear! Easy to launder, quick drying. Favorite block diamonds. 10'j-13. Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $3.95 cotton GAUCHO SHIRTS 1.99 Fine quality, famou,s make cotton knits, Sanforized, well tailored. Good choice of popular colors. S, M, L, XL. - Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINOS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. 89c cotton T-SHIRTS 3 for $2.20 Full cut, Sanforized cotton knit; ny'on reinforced collar. Individu ally cellophane wrapped. S, M, I, XL. Afi7 and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINOS STREET FLOOR THE CAPITAL JOURNAL -T'-T-jy.,. II . FRIDAY SURPRISE , reg. 3.95 men's long-sleeve sport shirts sale priced A wide, wonderful variety of patterns, colors and. popular collar styles In these fine quality shirtsl All full, com fortable cut In easy-to-wash cotton and rayon fabrics, In plaids, stripes and all over patterns . . . grays, blues, browns, greens and all your favorltesl . Mail and phone orders MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FL06k FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $4.95-$6.95 BETTER SPORT SHIRTS. $3.88 Fine washable cottons and a group of popular wool blend fabrics in all wanted patterns, colors. ;S, M, L, XL, Mail and phone orders MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR ' FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $4.95-$6.95 BETTER PAJAMAS $3.88 Fine broadcloth pajamas; combed cottons, Sanforized and full cut. Coat or middy styles; good colors. Sizes A-B-C-D. Mail and phone orders MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE . reg. $7.95 Daeron COTTON DRESS SHIRTS ?4.99 Miracle blend fabric; easy to laun der, dries quickly, requires little ironing. White; barrel cuff. 14Vi 17; sleeves 32-35. Moil and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $1.50-$2.50 MEN'S BOW TIES (3 for $1.29) Famous make bow lies in the pop ular clip-on style. You'll find every color, pattern and combination in the groupl Mail and plume orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $1 men's BROADCLOTH SHORTS 69 Boxer or gripper style shorts; San forized cotton broadcloth; whites; fancy patterns. Sizes 30 to 44. Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR DAY FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. LUCKY DAY" ITEMS Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery router LM& FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $1 and $1.50 CUFF LINKS TIE BARS 70 . W plus tax Gift ideas galore In this group of famous make men's jewelry! Gold or silver finish, wide selection of designs. Mail and phone orders MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE , ' reg. 85c nylon STRETCH SOCKS 49' One size fits every foot from 9 to 13; Elastic top for greater neat ness; clocks and patterns in all popular colors. Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. $3.50-$7.50 MEN'S JEWELRY plus tax Outstanding .designs for your selec tion; gold or silver metal finish; many stylet and shapes; links and tie bar sets. Mall and plume orders MEN'S FURNISHINOS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE reg. 85c cotton KNIT BRIEFS 66' 3 for $1.94 Fine combed cotton knit; full pro portioned cuts; heat resistant elas tic waistbands. Cello-wrapped. 28 44. Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINOS STREET FLOOR FRIDAY SURPRISE teg. $1.95 Dacron Boier Shorts 100 Dupont Dacron, 10 eeiy $1 AQ to launder, quick to dry. Full, l.ew comfortablt cutli white only. Sim 30.42, Reg. 50c 65c Htn't Handkerchief! Famous make handktrchlata In alylel OQf) lor drall or pocket ute. Full cut lltei, (in abiorbant fabric. 4 far $1 Mail and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINOS STREET FLOOR rag. l COTTON SOCKS 39c I ve ft) tta070n1 -74- fctttl.afn-llhi.iaal'r4tta "'" '1 -tianlli V.J FRIDAY REG. 3.95 AND 4.95 MEN'S BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS These quality pajamas bear a famous label you'll fecognize In a second . . , famous for quality, wearability and comfortl All are Sanforized and full cut. Choose from either coat or mid dy styles in striped effects and assort ed patterns ... in colors to please every taste. Sizes A, B, C, D. Mail and FRIDAY 'Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. Section. 1 Page 15 , SURPRISE 2.M $ phone orders' FRIDAY SURPRiSb reg. $6.95 lambswool pullover sweaters $ Long sleeve style with contrast color trim on the collar. Charcoal and red, charcoal utuwti Willi iiiii uiud, siivoi ioy Willi black, light blue with navy, tan with brown, teal with silver. Sizes 38 to 46. Buy now for glftsl Mail and phone orders I ...t.u L Ul... ...:.u EDiniv riiDBDice rian a rfvrvr nieh reg. $1.50-$2.50 NECKTIES (3 for $2.60) A templing array of distinctive prints and smart woven patterns in fine silks and rayons, all fully lined and crease-resist-' ant. Your choice of regular or square end shapes. Basic grays, browns, blues, greens, reds. Mall and phone orders FRIDAY SURPRISE REG. $5 DESIGNER SILK NECKTIES $ 2.38 (3 for $8.50) Here tit the ties you'll buy for that dis criminating man on your gift llstl Every one bears a famous label; each is distinc tive In fabric and design, All fully lined and crease-resistant. Mall and phone orders' MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR SURPRISE reg. $10.00 famous make FELT HATS $ 5.99 Save $5 on this special purchase eventl Fashionable standard shapes In shades of gray, brown, blue. Sizes 7 through 7ft. Mail and phone orders' t MEN'S HATS STREET FLOOR