54 4 ,1 4 . 7 .jjgfflj .WW y.-Av Pere 3 Section 1 THE CAPITAL 30UEXAE Salwn, Orc""i W1nMiy, KovwnUr 23, VM Capital AJournal An Independent Newspaper Established 1EE5 BlRKARD MAINWARINS, Editor and Publisher GEDR3E PUTNAM, Editor Emeriti Published eve-y crtemcon except Sunday of 233 North Church St Prone X-6E1) FslI teae Wirt turmm m Ttm AMCiue ri a& Tu l'sl4 ril tTr Trwi u ezrLojTtj) cc-.:.e to im w to pKiati'ja e 1. fieri CMtlCTi'l C7eS:lM ui s at CUATW1M B621tA lit j'T "f w am y ir.-i-arf- ucti SUBSCRIPTION &ATXS tr Owner- UsntfeA. f;. tfci umsm. r.J Om TeU. CUM Mtf Mf I Ontw JCtsu-j t.jn f-J Kckzih. MiH Out- Irmi Mm. In B-U. Ovlt Ctmtm Seek Curb on Filibusters NATIONAL VHIRUGIC Ike Acts like He Didn't Know About Ban on Third Terms r 1AY TUCKK WASHINGTON. JCcr. 24 Preii-;najor credit IT f J U lb mlB des. EtMSMwcr iiu benavcd nacr j 117 satx m tr 'mi Home. act if fat had serer heard of tr ! Ioe oz't to im jrai on the aab-tiurd term jjh3icii7C tnat it Egyptian criut, ir United ai Oucx" cnief executive. icoodesmiizif Haasuta bsmncn it is bole lurejgii &! duzrwglir nf- j'uiaac w-Ci Haiigary. and inrougtv Uxtl, he hu Kjckvx a ptiuuve ud cmt lot "iroc Curuos" area bud leaoeratup unct ot ne'er ersJfcr. p.ttt our.-rtf hii firs! ioar yean ' Had 2u &ut opposed Briiaii and Sjl Democraut: Seciiion luve served nvii't ihsx luey vrouid u Ttsw mr znacr iUiroeat 'wcaald bare bees sc bo vontaoc, move JanaaiUr en the opeiiiijg dsv of Congrea, Jznuirr 2, It fcH ior wha: fat regaxct w a mamliy or puirjaliy, tx. indie: tie curb filibusiert m Iht Senate. Tiler spentaiJv propcaec! lbt Drea: i1 Jnaraercri ic tat- tremht. Jioix reraoE of Ut Senai rule 10 permt Wj-uue of oeW oanc aCommiE fcmpjt najoritv vmt oi moie presem. J: bow lerjuim m-;mTmr iT,, iir n. bar riii cr?mat. tmrdi mi.iorjiy olid Senators. iroin. ; Alnem-ABzi Sxttm Balrr Forward-Looking Genls Tfat proposal a put Jonc bj- Senator Hubert H. Humuhrev I of Minntaou and ijve o'jier Iiemocratic inaton, f au H. ! Worn tat Imut Ivbluoi maaei itougiai 01 jiunoiE- Wtyne Mors oJ Oregon. James . Hurray u it uiatrmt txmam of tarr In HB Camr W-ore inpurumtrr. au far tit? frrR tune 2t tr caic lrr" sizv- oi Mun-.aria, fa: McNaman oi Wirhirar anfi Eidartl L. Jieu-! drett! ; tot caster' iron-,- ' ml Ior!:Ki " b-rgE- of Oregon Is" otnEixa. lit Alnrai lauur u. reUr et. The art iilibuam wa, ih, najor teture oJ JSl"SS 'i" iSTli tiTe rrograrc beaaed -'ieinc:Talii: leclarauon of lWi , and VJi t J jmibS Dcn 'im vmx teaorf bj- lnai t cffj-arj 2 letter w al Senait jfremocrzu. soliritmg -tiien- sap-jaaoia,- nn-aimis or ioai Im r- lirisma J8e da! do: poru In il lhej- noted that lot people bad elected a .Republican t iereeraen: ci-irrait a TrriT,e li'EOT 11 to 1 President and a Dtmocraur Congreiii, became onev licet bit parrota t Isrwi-JiSTTtaii. T awamKO m a era- perKmalrty but preierred our prograni. and lbt dereiopmerr. bra; nrnru tar. buoj doc msn- JlS,,??1:. : of a new legiilawe program musi be shared between lie a('t eajm E WJi nS 0?", Airica' Demorratir Senm- and tbe PretJOem..' ;a ' ' attrtnae cuiks an cansen 11 Thu program it in conflict with ine polirv of the Democratic 1 Jj" f"011 i" tamatr itnf, j,-, j, mk, jwen; partjt leaden in Corjgren. Senator Johnson, Senate leader, uLwBtn cBOf rt1,!. o;-eiupmen: cm tat jnsiaaMaal and peater Rjrvburn in the House and tne Southern t,.,.. w u Pr--ee. tnf opjratoj fiaJat cra'J control the' organisation of both housei. Johnson ssti the tt, , am tr friendlier attmusonejt at temocrau will not offer lueir program untB toe jWiem; They SaV TodaV .Sfc SLJSitfc maitet ha recommenoationt. The Southern Democrats bavej a? VSTTEV J-EESS jrim difbsurliei. vet oesigaerJ u, always tancliontd tbe filibuster to defeat race segregation DALLAS, lex. Mrs. LueuK-'wm wer u nentrni eoamua f legislation. Gdd. uter of the Kev. Jactitnei tit amnrinni. Senator Morse, at usual it consistent in nil inconsistency. C. 00 u evanaelitl'i enbcal ill-j Eintm-'i ImM Li i 1 in " After Tigorouslv denouncing the filibuster, he proceeded to1. L , , JJ twrr wm a "oaaeertoi drift- become the champion filibunerer of all Senate nisiorr. He fadot?' "f .! V1 sneer TZZZ-.m 4tL.Z . iLki .7 God will cure him. 1 on jwt :thr Imliet-Hopver manateraaK. ja """"" """ iuu"" . ui.s..uj u, be m nospi-iAdlj E. Swvmrnm iwierawJi oar- a no comempuoie proceaure ano oeciarea n -ine lunaamemai uj." tnci: of the obstructionist, not funny, but a disgraceful and ; contemptible procedure." CHICAGO Herman Juroy on , damn leuoeram)) tar wnick lrf Snortlv after he left the GOP he surpassed hit own fine the ETand champion snon- peoples everrwiMrr mm weeki filibuster record bv droning on and on before empty Senate:1" ,ciU' f - TrouoaiJor 1: 1 and prayed, t nott wEl Barry w h and -n ,n,- ,k. n((.t,L. n hill ' I"" ' wmner." !k. Truman deasinii xv Iipnt rl CALENDAR., fc 1 I'OOK MAN'S I'lWMOI'I.KK llal Fi'imIh Karly Day Indian Was No SIoiicJi as a Marksman l1 HAL OYLl NKW VOKK W 'i' "' Iht mrtlii al-oul ti old WIM Wirt r bring -xiilodrd, 11 hot Im tiuwn prrilf co vineinuly, l"r nuiiiipl, tlml tti nrdinary oldtimt towboy, far from btint deadly 10 a gun fiKhl, was usually lucky if tie could tut the side of a wall In a saloon brawl. Most revolver fights between cowboys ilied more ammunition than blood. But on belief the Western fic- OPES FORUM North Atlantic Union Seen ag Brightest Hope lion fun has stubbornly elunf to thai tli verKC Indian as a lousy tliot coriipared to toe a v 11,6, cavalry hooper. Alas, U turns out this is a fable, too. Jt sterns thai, gun for gun, tli nobl fUdskin of the Plaint was usually more than a match lor bis blue-clad soldier foe. And If there had been more Indians with more guns we might all tw soeaking Sioux today and living in low-cost tepee projects instead of mortgaged homes. Proof that the Indian was no slouch as a marksman when he could get a rifle is given in the current issue of "Guns" magazine by Stanley Vestal, a University of Oklahoma professor and noted Western authority. He quotes a report to the secre tary of war made by Gen. Georg Crook in 176: "I have seen our friendly In dians, riding at full speed, shoot and kill a wolf, also on the run, while it is a rare thing that our tnp tiM' campenct x sxar- bom replaced tn tat end taut wot To the Editor: Kay Tucker's column Wednes day, October 30. thus commented on Keiauver: "Finally he span sored the movement to organize the 'North Atlantic Union' with a I vague idea of creating a 'common j i cmzensin' f or aB tne nationalities .: tax wouic have been fused in the troops can hit an Indian on horse ; orxanizatiac. Even sacs a tup-; back, though the soldier may b I porter of imercauonal causes as ( on his feet at the time. .'Seunar Waiter F. George of Geor-j Vestal also compiled a box : n. as rharrmaT1 of the Senate For- i score of 12 major engagements in ieigrj Fie'tatirmf Committee, pigeon-! which a total of 10.356 Indians hoiec tea proposal" ! fought S.249 whites. The results: Ts: is a Irjrir way tram being an Indians, 69 killed, 28 wounded; accurate statement. George was for J whites. X3 dead, 102 wounded. 11. out postponed consideration at! "Other than the astonishingly ' toe sgeeshoc of Dulles, during the : low number of casualties on either ,cksm cays of tbe last session. ' side," Vestal said, the battles "re ! Tbe idea is not at all vague but veal an important trait of the ;hai seen subscribed to by seven) Sioux campaigns. past premiers of France, by trie I The Indians, like Napoleon, present prime minister of Canada, fought as a rule only when tbey pr m mm leaders in England, 'had the advantage of numbers, py tnree si tee past commanders j The Sioux killed about five times of toe Am-i-an f -yinn in this I as many wbite soldiers as they txumrr, ir ever 3C senators, in-! lost Indians killed, and wounded T'mri-nf the present Secretary of i approximately four times as many ; against The sis Senators declaration also covered pledge for action or civil rights, inunigration, aid to education, farm policy, tax re duction, natural resources, housing, social ecurity, health, de pressed areas, unemployment campensatKio, labor, peacetime use of atomic energy, clean elections, veterans, and statehood for Hawaii and Aiaska. Whether the adoption of the proposed curb on filibuten would curb V.'ayne Worse f babbling geyser of words is ques- story. tionable it would be too much to expect; It s agin bit na ture. G.P. ttt - rr f- , n"lim IA Yr; A rrn : State, Joan Foster Dulies, locally j whites. War CriSl IOD KeaSOIl OterS -aiem J4 lrs -rU Jme James T. Brand. Guy "Tbey did this with hardly half I 'Nov 2L 19H Eickofc. Eooert Leas Jones (for-1 enough guns to go around under Give for oting Republican iratner tnar. ti suneuoer hvuu, by z-r.j-Z UAJJ-Ur CLI.VTOX, Tenn. D. J. Bril-liiorea to tot CommuniSU.. I CrnrBFWc -LSiierjiaa ima-m i r-aubr Ounuonl tain Jr.. principal of integrated idoreover, tbe preBiaen: nroved ' PxCTvTTO.'v. K. - Tat n- corncry r.ai iwex mr for tn- last Clinton Hiah chooL on rermmaiui-1 mto toe crisis over cmuaoerauiv f tm- -w-ar ctjeh il Sour Tears. ing wbite boys who threw eras at 1 opposninc a. fcate Iieaanraeir. and tux aire to ilmdH Lus: m oh 3- Jet Sua: Eitenniiwer ii i accordmr Firt nax neavuy namapec ine imer Associais Eciior of the Capital the best conditions, and with no npv.ty renuil: T'earet- nukdint a: , Jntrmal .-. cannon at all." tnt comet oi Loun anc Dtnnmer-; Ixnpi D. Eisenhower, before It has often been claimed that ciai tot primaries is 1SSL. sent a tele- the reason a force of 1.000 Indians - gram of encsoragemerit to the lead-' was able to wipe out 204 Seventh Movmr serai i-rtir cirr pus . n : Cavabr trooners in Custer's last wouic ni 1 tnree or lour weet yt h wmiri h i stand in tbe Battle of the Littl artrreiy on its behalf if elected, i Big Horn in 1876 was that rene- i-nairmaij begro girls. on Capnoi Efli. Mumermii Duhei Americas -uerjirr. Oiimi nil imaaoer experience, rreaier aDiiity .Bammoii -v;nr nac cnnrrif I ttt On the front cage constantiv is ' gades had suppbed them all with 11 auviic iiau pwu mi. uib-. .ttuunuft uifw iin. u, u,ci: EweCllt ptll,!-eiec-iui. jiu: .iuii. uv ar wia -hw ...... . news OI toe cangeTOUS disunitv ot repealing rules. would have been a dif lerent nreat witx britarx and fTaaict. campieitrt vy tut Americm ust-- Teniim.. ! Certain hcpuuhcanF w CinigreK: mi. tt' J-uiurr Lrumiin.. inmirec Eisenuower's cnar- i cauuimeC agamr. pmcnif tut x:-tm. ti tner ivi. iesunimn . cih jit- utae; a uiuii, aonesi, bib cert NEW HAVEN, Conn. Alien W. tsitii 11 tut lunec fvatimii iu: p.c mnuuir; u: Tmcri uni cast mm- Wa" nroductim nuari har fff- finij-ir France and tne United "A fantastic yarn." said Ver-aL a hi, - s Uf it, conscience in foreign aflarr. An Associated Press dispatch from London Tuesday tayt . "We can act always hope tor t the British people are more angry with the United State than popularity or the love of ether pu tney have been for years, maybe since tbe Boston tea party. iP-" The irritation itn t of the striped pants diplomatic variety. nerec mer. ( siunaiili xurauMS trr .Mies, as uenmm rrantun saic : tnr incnei. ' "Rt banS together, or hang sen- shout half of Sitting Eull t war- arately." The Atlantic Union idea tors were able to obtain A Tumor that 4UiKulhH' .stock i m more "vague" than the idea ' weapons. Of these, many had old wiiuic ih irozHi a: niir.f-r nc gi colonies getting together, flintlocks, condemned muskets, -caunec 1 tut at fortune aj r- 11 is tbe only idea 1 foresee that muzzle-loaders, smooth bores." tiutii.. can saild enough strength for tne ; Army ordnance reports bear free peozte to match Russia. It is i Vestal out. When the Indians bner . BPTia airr tret coHee mtb. Ivgrth TCT Ke. ; surrendered their weapons, M of tnu 12m 34 years ago taere- ,,. ;.', -m.-ii-.,-! withe 284 long euns thev turned in ifiet vaiiu be raticoec. r - t " f it iwere old-fashioned mnnle-lnAdeT Price Airicriti I am sure our forefathers would ; L .?r.rVT told off in British pubs, sneered at wherever they have tbe !nounang he would )ox tbe Demo-i oarroaaie ontbk bvltx" anc' were KCTonrng Stei-EiBOD temenry to appear. Tint it extremely unusual lor tbe British crauc move Sc cnange the Senate' j ttZziui Missmiri by ibecaast of party isyaitj. Z. have a ipng tradraoo of tiein sporunj." arusr cofi DfSce of has set a rea zrae of (Sk a parr want os to eonthme to apply the 1 ferior to riflet carried by the CS. dtmnitter rule: umaower s piaaes towan tasi-: L.Z-rT--rZ lrLZ ZrTZJ.'ZZLl PnintmB n,i o,.i i . B'ir'lfl!. a: JO mr lijac Ik i-iicv ; -tJi naiiannv ru: wiwir nnwt rtm - wwi iiwmtt ut. their who are ex.uciC w pitt up their pitcef a infj- 1,rrJT T . ctmgresiaan-u wwu. - "- " W apart Washing . UtS lbeyP double' crossed us. iS.JS.-l Adrnittedly there are tti conflicting opmiont. j : Kmaoe t. !is Institute k A Smile or Two Onlv One Santa Our own belief a liiat the current Briusn attitude it one any p?ychologist couifi QUiciiJy explain. Right or wront morally, and surveys indicate at ieast half liie British puhlu thmks it vat morally wrong, the Angld-Trench attact. cooKed up ai secretly af liie sggretsioTit of Hitler and MuEMilini in tilt decade before World Viar XL beran. was a tragic hiunder. It bad the opposite effect from the one lntendec. strengtnened A Base Libel Dulles, director of the Centra! bi-1 Is waved asiat tneir m.iectiunt: Q(tu. unUir.i io-- 3-rKmoen: Eikkii- l. t imrf lor Emeiuiower in teUigence Agency, saying tbe Unn-tm thu expenmcnt mi ihuuu.' u; nuwtr cue: ai tiH mun. r-easin. im' laiuat -lui fceouuiicar" r -1 ed Stales most follow tne dictates victory lor tut tret wuric xna: tne iMiiicvec jk- cuuiC niK-nyi -vdm KeiiuuUcui.'' BarnsiMir War Mitnmr: Br : nest xura'it UK wic nnaintimi aut .. fcennmet jauuwer m Onrr X.UW' mea v,m. Kunut. iamlri max a Telquoui mat DHicia! Lfurw or tnt Kibduuti i On tut ocner nunc, tue larges-. '.. Dm 1101 lust toevtnum r inreeBi more mumuer oi voicrt tiui' cast mer Jet tat win 11 aimUliec. - ;....... X A-!.., bnunnn: wn. Ml Brf FjUWIMBW-1! llr-ltrn- ttl! IS CaSl SIW1TV U1B. 1 UilllUlS iu: n-u, n-" , - . . , ,. . ,, , , i nnaauiuiv-i nnwuou m. , ,i".arl VOiet (W nir i uuiret at iJr j in win in . Din envelopes trie man on ine street Americans are oemlTaon3 H. Kucael iCalifi aa- ' rUlI .V- , iari teat taei -aiwavs ruas Denocn- rt snhcies. m nrmxhili. l- ut anc wer Eroonrar siei'ensua uuier xeaKmi roKSiinnnv wesr ;. .. ftrci renortoS here. Ikei looa t faaj txrrrorxrraie tnost' ; aess. eif rjnirB'fn spescnei, tae ZZT 7(j. nii The trouble' We "let them down." t' ttol stipporlicj their i "I wilJ to u areraic ,,. oa rr lfa" Ejaennrmer u moent pol-; attack on Ervpt. which tner spruni without advance notice to'traJUO,, raai ; ln-3ed of carrrag the arventnl Up can tne 112; west o: me met. mczzprm- o: sierensccs ut tberr albes won are expected u. pick up their pieces if tbej ' '?! 6eM1' a kaM' " .eongreaooial duma. waere tat .campaiic. tat isrnn-Sin stano 011 tae h-Basa tec arc rat E'n''la " f . ; ifcl menurno-ji leiislatios nit ZzL himoer hurt tan. bv 1 percentage of the popular rote ban cuhtary c arin arprova. of ; more tnan one peerc seorjowers siann on oru ngnis ; nml With so many Santas aooat, the narem who wants to protect the Readers Digest Well out rc the country in Texas. t crossroads for 'that Indians with rifles conserved the small store It for battle, and eontmutd to across the way as a possible place hunt the buffalo with lance and !hicmfremS5perceatie roan'" And the usual parental dalge is u go a co urms. m. tuc Jiyuo, ju uiir. u. ijriuiu. m eXBiaiU ma id, i u g.i inn whc ) " - --. " - . . 1...01 sum wuuc utn is only one Santa Claus, but neiieuow runcmg over mere, my enoeo wnen utt ravalry fmany has a lot of helpers. ! husband asked. I came up with rapid-fire Galling So the kids in our neighborhood ! V?u-..he h" f0 Parls for; guns and Hotchkiss cannon. 1. Ved tar Sieve- hecaase now hustle from store to store try-:- "5 'l wamors could no! face "Im . Mem-erar' m "I atwav. ing to decide which is the reali"? butter eggs and poultry. He artillery, and a good thin, tno. vwe DtmKTatk - one deab tn real estate, paints houses. : he said "Man to man, too often tt. BHed Stevens- w,a 4. i Overheard in a local store Satur-! tJt Psalmi 101: 1-r "Biesi the Lord. O my soul: AaC all tost seat iusennowei were assto. " " ' : 't't lasses and so forth, and takes ! cunning and slraicht shtvunx and hw tu boiy name. Bless tat Urrc o my rnoi, anc; --Raat was tnt mi reawc wry - "" . ... .'..' .i' "" boarder upstairs. 1 reckon you'd won. With the few runs thev had. j lorgf. not an mi oeoeiiu: nno kct' .tto toik: iot ijs.tTKratT iaa. 11. . T - ijuireu. . ,hv a.,-.- nowrara ni hit trccr oestructiori : ,..m a- ,..: !-::nt i n arc caM ,,mt fxy- The United Slates regrets the present attitude of its Emo-. mvBf,,; toriatoejw ane under toeroet: waoixnan- ' Fttt Svrreaa wW d. mrr r,id hse Mee-PresWeat pean aiMiciaies.. out 11111. niuit not weascn Dur rt-MJiuuun to illljl,1 moaiz witt gootj tniags: ht tna: try youti it reoeweo tbt-rr aaswen. is order "V iarmers. Nix. oppose sucn rasn move even wnen our wr. irienui rc.or 10 u., tr tash af ireauenrT v'. mtotira: S. BtUered strveai nu 00 0iher mentioned were it nv only Jt.ttii' on Novenaoer t. ' in Institute surveys. SOTrfmai OaJ- and oesegregation. Tnas. tbt votes wmcb gave tht liap Peii figures snowed Eisennower ; state U Stevenstai came emzreo ano hulud p oie-ii- uum-u m -i.. - havnw a touje Sm im. distna. BeErJes losinE son and Eeiauver at per cent. r said mey rated for Adia; Ste- Nlci a bpmf "" u lcujra vote, tnt Wait House 1 1- i f vi v-iiti Kr-vev. Teason were atr.ee km, c m- WkrmM .iM.i ,. u.rti i , r i Tf-tror. were accec: u-.s. . Lnr ctci-MiJ mw, xji iitj cnvuiw ux. ic. ... , i . , ; . i 1-. .- ... .u n 1 . . r.ro Um j . j .t 1 i , "Vina! m m tttjitti mm wnT i n TDUKicr rv uw. ne awppeo a j jii: j mil w to txut Mizin kuot iit ww- - I--, isurrusc on uie ua; alter diuc . - 1 - tWa , -j ; cos on. Wist 1 mild fiTJT ex rr. m fc f r. for R-preseritatrrf : rvypt. tae figures rercaled 'Tw '"ted for Sterecaan-thst is. aE this season can get the idea aid eyec now u, matf n winter last. Ijtwot Snort was deleatod cy onh . ,-, f rjMMower.Nnan vote ny ad ytrj ttint nt wai tne ties! tnere b more man J:m 1 car: leU you now Just gc 1 ,orit. imavh rhev m trronper unri hi.'i had to arm himself at his own ;ter roen than we? expense (they had no ordnance Sm-E ANDERSON". ! T 1 w Ml Court St. : buffalo robes or several horses it 1111,1 cm 1 u. tui-ioBaiiig nuc "Only rich Indians could afford repeaters, and rich Indians wer no Snore numerous per capita truf gteh white men are." Amrriunition was so fxpfnsre atser. united tht Arabs against tne west, alienated American mu, Lnt bE., oorre swat xoan- 'jt F miKast was hi Tefusmt t!.s per cent. sympathy, closed the tana!, possibly for six months, with im mense lots to Britain and r ranee. Under these conditions i! a human lo look Jot a scapegoat Instead of placing the blame where it obviously belongs. And who is a better Euroean scapegoat man old Uncle Sam. whose shoulders are broad, who hai long absoroed Europear. attacks without much apparent damagt? So we get it lor failing to support a line ol policy we've always opposed, name- iy the resort to force when lorce wasn't right and wasn't re- win mt htaieth e-. aac iigz' a promuihory noit cut arosta: Sacr! t canaioate tor j &asd fm nearly ccenplett eiec Ihe fms car o! tonal, Vut'ii .leoeta! juaaescrp to 1M. and B Itm reams, iaestaower sad Knot htm t-.mt fiiti narcuar aatitatr man. Dailv Bible Readinir irecenta! St per cent o! tne popular rot. SteveaKO aaa Ketsuver 4 per cent. Voters custion: toda? 's sur vey wnc said triey voted for Presi- of menuon: REASONS FOP. VOTING FOR STEXNSON icall it a druptore.' .1 REASONS FOB VOTING am tn Ia wwrkiaj Ubormg Stevenson's stand on the H-Bomb FOR EISENHOWER tests and the military draft, his some. j tliercrf Eieabwer cm r tn uuii ievtBMa nao frreat- campaign speecaes. ano oenei best kaatflt the tuenuUaul erlsn. er abillry aad was mre rapablt tnat the Democrats would be most ttiem. Most of the world looks upon us with enhanced respect Tat Lore exenitrtb ngntto-jsneai And yuazmtm lir al that art av a result of what we have done. Britain and Fance will oporeiMd He maat kaowx til ways m Kuwt. Hu acts lint tnt respect us more when their tempers have time to cool and ouatrea of Israel Tat Lord u ciercfoi aac graootn. Siow to that "man on the street" sees how wronr hu lenders were ir. M P" mercy. He wil not aiwayi c-ioc: r.-rc t,u.uaui m, er abUiry 1 rvtr "-1- w k?e? C-i aaier rorever : n mm ml war aad seal wua " Eiteahwwer. likely to keep the country prosper- te?i- H ru- rift deal: wan u. afar our ami nor rrwaraed us accord-; . y brrmf ; iTii u. o.t c.;t,e, For ar tne nearer, tc a j t Apfrrrt4 E..aTr s re- they leartd Eihrwer'. ktalU, C-yrigbt. 1. Amertc Americans at Mellrourne T.':" ,r"' J"r, H. 1 i is.oi.- The Vniled States wat cjnerted to have a very tnuph time m ir Olvmpic conipetition with Russia at Melbourne. Tnt Rus-1 lukt ai a fatner piueti. ha cladaw. St: tht Lord swietli them that tuns," with no interest ID sport for the game itself, began s ' !i soT5 systematic program of selection and training tne.r be., ath- r' letes for the came a long time ago M p,.t r,m r K, mn Tftwe athlete became professional and would have beer, ; iny merry ' f Lord from tieiiartinj u everlattiaf banned from competition in any other country. But Russia tnxe uvrr ! . and tot naiteouoesi ur,m cciidrtr s chil insisted they were amateurs and the other countries were ere 1 su:r a- stt ti ronveaaa:. and t taoK Ciai remtmeer reluctant lo bar tncm. It would have looked like a confession t).i weirnaacirirati u ox trurr. of inferiority. h the few cutis thev had. the Indians could shoot well " In tw o world wars and in Korea thousands of American Indians also proved that, it anything, they could fight better on foot than CYNICAL OLD MARK Mark Twain Be good and you will be lone- j their forefathers had on hnt-e- 'hark. Ve3 after four days of Olympic competition the American.' lead with 262 points to ISO for Russia, with German). Italy and Australia following with 63 5. 63 and 52 respectively. Ttie-e is still time for Russia to catch up. and It will be a mira cle if wt win against this unfair government domination of wnit Russia ialvely calls "sport " Rut our genuine amateurs are apparently going to nuke a lint Jhtiwirg againrt Russia t professionals. l ine Law Liiforernieiit Vi(rk. The Oregon Slate I'olice did a splendid piece of work Tues dav when the) captured tlit admitted holdup o! a Eugene bant, tne previoui day. with his bride-to-be. who may not be now. wtiil lmy were speeding through Salem on their way to Van couvrr tie the knot Veteran ofiirer U f'arlf-v Mngan was suspicious of a Spring field cab passing ttimurn here Oregnnians usually don't tPTiti their car that freely or. cabs radioed ahead for a road bloct. got It and was able to make the arrest. The confession nuidilv followed. 7ms sort of law enforcement discourages potential hank rohtf rs from plying their trade The game most tertam'v nr. I worth tin- Is"- burning candle. Incidentally the arrest caught tht- Capital Journal in be tween iu twri editions, the way an alert news organization likes to he raui?ht orcasionallv to test IU tactics Tht slory was tiuirt-.lv gattiered with t photo, which was rushed through the; engraving plant and onto the front page. Just tn time for the criyiedition. ri ' t- I i He told S no? Cosirt yesier- (.lerm lord Uiaiipm d,y lbtl ha tnn Mm C,UM, 'Name to Movie One bim tm mat tmsiblt when he LOS" akgeus - GwvByn 3T,??f 'JlZ tamutl Newwr. Ford - screer, 1"''m l0r t" to mnt. OH Vmi it now legally make ha mm- nam bit legal Gttrai Ford ensereei, too. i narrtt er t- vV LJ ltJJJ I wm I VS1SH Kl lHSf 11SV31 DK IERHAHD D. MOWN new make vilabl rw swiouis wcto CONTACT LENSES Tkew aew. Uas lewet re wwra all day. every aas. Pleas Mae mr writ for talvrautwa r 4r la ear ffirt toy tint for rwntulutu. ROW TW U ctJt) jfgyv 1 ks Hi 1 1 tM ftwt ' 1 (Mel- t.V."r?.V. m (tn u. n Where's the best place for your . ole family to save? Todax, mi! law erf Amenciri !! itv. lot trat tne vTunet px to rui ow u .7r,p naiir mtumj Sainf tr Loan Maitior.. Thi 15 tre nhetner raj'rt t fami hreaj-tnri or eih a memVr or trie rN ruru cl oii can pttt; an accourit m these Awoc utw for w htiie 51 tc S5. cxj rrt exerimf rerjrm rxr mooe Kf nurec ur tr JiO.W H me FSL1C. areno of the U.S. Cc ns nemL Ami you aea! ttt frjcali, o Tvnetvxii Kple or your cmz aymtrtw an . msjTei sany anc Lnan ,sw- - Vv a:ion taoai ' oull trnC ii a pica an:. and prafnafie. mice tr dp Kiwrri- Salem Federal Savings and Loan Association 560 Stat Sir Oppevt CewrtHewM rVf WflCOME rOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT WHERE ONE THOUSAND NAVf SAVfO A MILLION , 0FSALEM "im M . rxlumiis tt.M