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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1956)
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., Nov, 28, 1956 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate K00 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 806 Houtet For Salt 106 Heuiei For Sal 806 Houses For Sole 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 1 850 Automotive 806 Houses For Sola 806 Houses For Sol 806 Houses For Solo 806 Houses For Solo 800 Real Estate CHRISTMAS AT HOME TREES ON LOT 3 bedrm. homt ntB nrepiace anq otner lux ury features. Has city water and sewer school bus by door. Full price $11,250.00. Call Fred Head 4-6081 eve. 2-7958. TRADE HOME FOR LAND Swap that Idle acreage for i suburban 2 bedrm. home north on oversized 140140 lot. Has 8" well with lots of water and land for garden trade his equity for unde- veioped acreage or sell for $8,950.00. Call Fred Head ' 4-6081 eve. 2-7956. SACRIFICE-$9250 THREE BEDRMS. PLUS BASE MENT. Close to schools. Gov ernment buildings and city transportation. Vacant move right in. Call Al Watts 4-6081 eve. 3-7265. $8500SHOP TOO HIGHWAY FRONTAGE DALLAS RD. Two bedrm home - with extra bedrm. in garage a . 24x32 shop and an - additional lot available. Call J ack Rawls for particulars. 4-6081 or 2-7820. 4007 N. River Bd. Off. Ph. 4-6081 Owpt leaving state, baa an exJ - ceueni o-oarm. nome iocaiecL in P.nrfsl.rlo 1-iie-t rwn -A. ed by nice homes on exclu sive street. Lovely large liv ing room wun targe pictt winaows, - iirepiace. tun MAm ii.lth lara. trior-. A, that open on patio. Beaufitul , birch kitchen with nook. Dishwasher, large utility room, dble. plumb., dble. ga rage. Nice back yard with patio and low rock garden. Must see to appreciate. $17, 950. - For particulars ask for Ed Schreder, Ph. Eve. 3-7825. It acres located close to Dallas. 4-bdrm. house. Barn 40x32 poultry house, room for 300 chickens. Pasture, creek and fenced. Price $12,600. Will consider trade. For particulars ask for Phil Murray. Ph. Dallas MA 3-2633. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church St. Ph. 3-9236 ALL OVER AMERICA PRICES re going up. BUT aome of our builders don't seem to know it yet. ' This one, for example, has built and listed with us a great big house on a paved, curbed street, with .1 bed rooms, ENTRANCE HALL, family room, 2 fireplaces, 12 baths, with all the trim mings, for only $14,500. An $11,000 mtg. is ready to be assumed. Would you care to vee it? Call 4-6766, Eve.: Walt Jones, 4-7832. Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PH. 4-6766 ". DeMWRAUS PERFECT OPPORTUNITY Established hardware, general merchandise and farm equip, business, showing good prof It, well located on Hwy. 99 in small Willamette valley town. Wholesale jobbers-contracts available on many ma- ior Items. Priced to include lulldlnss. land and inventory of merchandise, machinery and parts. Owner will accept an or pari iraoc in grass ana stock farm from 860.000 to 890,000 value, clear or outright sale with part cash. An Ideal opportunity for' party with good business ability. Call Eastridge, eve. ph, 3-6522, A HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL Southeast 3,i acre, bdrm. home, good well and pump, chicken hse., barn, fenced, filace needs some fixing, this s a bargain for cash at S3, 800. Call Bill Fldler, eve. ph. 4-7448. NEW Beautiful home close In East with brick planter, birch kitchen and vent fan, 3 ge. bdrms., living room with fire place, din. rm., separate util ity rm. 3 blocks to school. Call now. this Is priced at on ly $10,500. Easy terms. Call Pedwell. . GOOD plastered 3 bdrm. home, living and dining room, laree Kiicnen. elect, neat, neauuiui i yard. 70 x 150 10L only 19250. 1 Call Mcrarlane eve. ph. i 4-asis. REAL ESTATE lit N. Church St. Ph. 4-687! GET OF We have Just listed this 3 bed room home on l'j acres close In. And we can trade for 2 bedroom. Call Mel Potts. 40968, anytime, NOW INSTEAD OF SPRING Ii the time to buy this nice IP', cres. t mtles out with all nice Improvements and we can trade for a 2 bedroom home. Call Rudy K 1 u n d t, 4-OMS, anytime. Town & Country BRANCH OF COLBATH LAND CO. 4030 No. River Rd. Phone 4-0966 OWNERS LEAVING AND will take car In trade on this lovely i yr. old plastered 1 bdrm. homt. attached gar age. Liv. rm, din. rm., kitchen Ac breakfast nook. Corner lot. A i kin price $8750. ALSO nice stucco 2 bdrm. mad em homt 8c basement with an ether bdrm. ln basement. This Is nice A- close to University. Asking tmhO or 89250 with washer, dryer, range, refrlg.. drapes, etc. Will take good car In trade. CALL T. T. ANDERSON Eves, Ph. 4-2714 COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS in Court St. OfftVe Pb . J-4 4 Mft owSCR Gien rtovrtr fl My Up trlrt fe veur rum h tMQtMtsv n. MIIIl 'S TRADE Will consider imall rental In trade on this lane 3 bedroom home in Hoover Dlst. Has large living room with iire- Elace,. separate dining room, ots of bulll-ina in kitchen, Iso nook. Large utility. Nice octn lot. Call Hicks. Eve. Fn. .3-6405. $900 DN. 5 ACRES Close in south on paved road. I V- " 2 oearoom home. Barn. Chicken house. rasiure fenced. Fruit trees. Frontage on 2 sides. Owners anxious to leave staie. Full price $8,500. Call Johnson. $950 DN. OR TRADE Nf CiZ' . v . n-LJS-t "euroom, targe living room, hardwood flnnr. nil fiirn.n. 2 unfinished rooms upstairs', jam nv, nice corner lot, South, close to school and bus. Total price $8.4f0. $55 fr month. iTake in car, railer or anything of value for equity. Call Lucas. Eve. Ph: 3-9388. DAIRY FARM ON.Fully stocked and equipped. cr iuvcruiic on mgnway 101. 40 acres in pasture, irri gation. 37 cows and young stock. $12,000 will handle. Call Rich L. Reimann. Eve. Fh: 3-3254. REAL ESTATE TWELVE BLOCKS ' TO DOWNTOWN SALEM from this NEW ranch style home. Not an ornate home, but well built and pleasing to the eye. There are 3 good bedrooms, a 14x21 living room, full dining room, birch kitchen, utility room. On a compact but ample 59 x84 lot. $13,750. Call 4-6766. Eve.: Marjorie Fanning 4-6098. Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PH. 4-6766 BEAUTIFUL VIEW AND ALMOST NEW & vacant. tms daylight basement Cand alaria home has entrance hall, charming kitchen with nook & 2 covered patios. Lot 100 x 100. All "new home" dist. Price 113,000. SEE MRS. WELLS, Eves. Ph. 2-3738. , REALTORS 517 Court St.OHlce ph.4-94 SPACIOUS AND GRACIOUS Lois of charm in this large older 4 bedroom home located close In on. oversized wood ed corner lot. All rooms are large, and there's a den and sunroom too. Plate glass mir rors, shelves and the glisten ing chandelier In the dining room are Included. Full base ment has paneled party room and work shop. Lots of ex ceptional shrubbery. $20,000 total price, and owner will consider smaller home Smith in trade for equity. Call John fierce, . , jsvenings pnone SOUTH SUBURBAN ALL YEAR CREEK on this Ti acre with dandy two hpdrnftm n1u rin hnm X 20 II. living room, large ; kitchen with American steel cabinets and sink. Hardwood floors, oil floor furnace. Re tire In this picnic setting. Priced at only M500 with terms. Ask for Bill Estill. Evening 'phone 4-8388. Stevens Realtors 379 N. High St. Tel. 4-6S37 aiES C. D. McCargar, Rltr. ONLY $1,500 DOWN New 3 B. R. home. Lge. living room; tile bath and one half with dble, lavatories: fire place, 2-car gar. Lge. lot: financed. Only $13,500; call Lloyd Rice eve. 3-4859. DAIRIES 38 A.: 2B stanchion barn; Ir rigation: 1 10,000 down; total price . . t A- l0"' milkins B"" P"ct.V"' ,SW"; " '" (too down: Call Al Bender eve. 2.7646. S ACRES, out Wallace road: 1 perfect lor subdivision: oniy $4,250 with terms. Call Mr., McCargar phone 4-4441. MAKE ME AN OFFER for this 2 bdrm. home; good cor. lo cation, north; closing estate; must sell at once. Listed at i $6,950. Call Al Bencier eve. , ,, BUILD tn d uwn nurtit; nc vear old: the very best: 3 bdrm. ranch style: ll baths. Beautiful ww carpet and drape: lge. living room: 2 fireplace?: patio; dble. gir.; corner tot. Exclusive dlt. FHA sop. Price S17.5O0. Call Mr McCargar ior personal snot, to Insoect, Phone 4-4441. 702 No. High St. Phone 4-44U ATTENTION G.I.'S!! WE HAVE TWO NEW HOMES THAT MAY BE BOUGHT FOB ONLY 2" DOWN. BOTH PH1CKI) UNWrt U'Mk. CALL TOM FAGAN, Eves. Ph. 4-81 f)3. REALTORS H7 Court SI. Of. Ph. 4-MM FOR YOUR FAMILY GIVT TM PLAYING ROOM, en .i of sn acre for turn rnT romoing, and 1.850 q. ft cf r"iw room in he winter! Slirhtly in the coun try " bn line!. years o'd. U-SHAPED with 3 twd room, den. long front porch, BIG livfns room, (15 x21l You hou1d ce It. ThH I" wll built hon with brick front IlS.r-on, poible trade. C"H 788, Zvt Cordova Strphemon, 4-81 II- Ted Morrison, Realtor j ISO N. HIGH PH. M7M I REIMANN 201 3. Hlh SI, HSflfiHlS BST BUyS 322 NORTH CHURCH ST. PH. 4-3311 OOPS! Don't miss this lovely 3-year-old home located close to school and bus. Features In elude nice large living room with fireplace, birch kitchen with nook, nice bdrms., oil furnace, insulated and hdwd. floors. Price 810,500. Call Edna Morgan, eve. ph. 4-6038. LUXURIOUS 3 level modern home. Ideal fr living and entertaining. De luxe features throughout. Large living room with beam ed . ceilings and firepl.. a heavenly kitchen with built in appliances, big family room with att. aux. kitchen, FA hect, insulated, weather stripped and located on over sized lot. Price $24,750. Call Mr. Sword, eve. ph. 2-8048. EVERYBODY WANTS A quality 1-story modern home with 3 bdrms.. l'i baths. beautiful family room with fireol., nice kitchen . with nook, living room with fire place, dining room, dble. ga rage and landscaping all in. This we have for you plus a family pool and priced at only S24.0OO. Call Mr. Sword, eve. ph. 2-8018. ENGLEWOOD DIST. Is the location for this older iiuine in cxeeiieni conn, with 3 bdrmf., hsmt.. living room, separate dining room, kit rhen, flreplnce, F.A. heat, in sulated. It's a bargain at MOOO. Call Mr. N. C. "Dan" Isaak, eve. ph. 3-6297. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Eve. Ph. Numbers: 3-3558. 4-5020, 3-0297, 4-6038, 2-8048 AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS WEST COAST REALTY 3055 Portland Rd. OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED i Make your home pav vour bills? Vcs. Just that, and your present home may be enough to get you on the road to ! success. 'Have your own home ana up to $suu per momn in come besides, for just $20,000 and get full value for your present home. Call Mr, Sum mers. Eves. 4-5234. FOR A QUICK SALE We have a 4 bdrm. hse. with elec. heat, aut. dishwasher, H.W. floors and on inside and outside . frple. This is a terrific buy at $8,900 with low pymts. Call Mr. Harris, Eves. 4-8129. NR. ST. VINCENTS bdrm. home with Ige. liv. rm.; kit. with nice dinette: separate utility; att. gar.; out- CLOSE IN LOCATION 3-bdrm. home with 2 baths, attractive living room with fireplace, oil furnace In bsmt. Located Just 4 blocks from En glewood school. A real Sood buy at $12,500. Call enry Torvend. BE DIFFERENT Read this ad and you will make an appointment to see this unique type home In Manbrin Gardens. Split shake roof with shnked exterior. Large fireplace built with used brick. Spacious fnmlly room, 3 large bdrms., l'3 baths You'll like IM hnm en l-all Rnlnh KUnrlrilT nn... fn nisnanl,.Hl BAT AND BOARD EXTERIOR roui, neammu designing, -.z si-is jJiumuiiiK. n reauy wen piannco nome wun Dtiiu-in oven and range, also dishwasher and the lawn is In ton. Im mediate possession. Triced $21,000.- Ask for Louis Lorenz. OLD AGE SECURITY A neat up & down duplex close Ir on Chemekcta. Downstairs has 2-bdrm. apt. and will bring $65.00 a month. Upstairs has been remodeled into small apt., but could be used as addi tional 2 bdrms Deep lot with nice assortment of fruit and berries. Only $7500. See Adrienne Scrcombc. OHMART & CALM, REALTORS LISTINGS QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 477 COURT ST. Phone 2-4115. 2-4116. 2-4117 Eve. Henry Torvend 3-36:12. Ralph Maddy 2-3468. Louli Lorenz 3-5390. Adrienn Sercombe 4-R082. STATE FINANCE CO." REALTORS 167 S. HIGH ST. FHA & GI OR 2-YEAR 57 LOANS FOR BUYING $7,950. LARGE. GOOD 4 bdrm. home. North. Walking dis tance to downtown. Has large liv. rm., full basement. Fur nace. $500 down. Call Stanley Brown, Realtor. Eves. ph. SERVICE STATION & REPAIR GARAGE well located At do ing good business. A going business oh very easy terms or trade. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. Illnets forces sale. W. H Stevrley, Salesman, Eves. pn. OUR SERVICE IS TO HELP YOU BUY AND FINANCE YOUR HOME GOOD LISTINGS WANTED BUYERS AVAILABLE C. V. KENT & CO. LLOYD KEKNE, REALTOR WE DARE YOU to find a bet- value thin this slightly used home. A Housewife's kitchen with fine Birch cab- J Inets, crrsmlr dr-ilnlMitrds. I vent-fan. 2 bedrooms down ; with room for two tip. Con-j vrnlent location. I9.OC0. FHA. NEW LISTING on 85 Arres with 50 atrea in cultivation. 18 n Prunes, II a, new Boysenber ries. an year trrcK. i.ona bedroom home. Barn, machine ;Vd ?0 mtles to Salem. $19, 500. Will trade. 4:6 N. CHURCH (GREYHOUND BLDG.I EVE CfFHING 2-MHI: LEAVEN'S 3-1735: SOtlFNSON 4-2233: XIGGINS 4-3104: HOLLENBECK 2-82t: Kt.ENF. 2-607f.. GET PART of your purcnue back by sell- .- r . . -u ing off lots. Good 4-year-old 3-Ddrm. home. Located near one of Salem's Newest and Best Subdivisions South Good New Home and l'i acres. Only 111.500. Phone Jim Brasher. Eves. -T36. Don Douijldon f t MAI.TUM j?. .128 Court " Ph. 48484 LOW down pymt.. W Sot). Neat 3 norm, nnmi, cms 10 anop. renter, Sch. V bus. 2 sell p!umbing. fenced in yd, lawn, ihruhc. Looted at 1881 Wal ler IU Ph. 4-8371. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR 3-7820 THE ULTIMATE IN QUALITY Prevails through this modern new home in south suburban arra. 3 large bdrms., l'a baths with tile, lovely family rm., birch kitchen with bullt- in oven and range, covered patio and lawn is In. Priced at only 14.I50. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. 4-5020. FINE MODERN New - home superbly designed and executed. Located in Mornlnpslde Dlst.. close to school. Home features include separate utility room, nice big living room, dining room, k'tchen v.i' bk'st. -ar. lire- place. 3 bdrms. li baths garage and atio. A fine value at $14,950. Call N. G. "Dan" Isaak, eve. ph. 3-6297. GREAT CHANCE FOR YOTJ To get a new home with a view Dlus all the following out standing features; separate entry, lovely family room with fireplace, 3 spacious bdrms., with lots of closets, Wi baths beautifully tiled. Iron Fireman furnace, dble. alt. garage. All this for only $16,500. Call Edna Morgan, eve. ph. 4-6038. 20 ACRES Located NE. Good Willamette soil. AH under cultivation Fenced. Land adaptable for diversified farming. Good home located on oroperlv. Well wilh ample water. Full price. $13,750. Terms arrang ed. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. 4-5020. Ph. 2-7642. 4-8J ia patio. A cutie and an f?,IeJ!1 11 7-95. Call mK 7iS5, VI, BARGAIN Large older home on 2 nice lots. Close In. North. Worth the money at $4,900. See this loony, win consiaer oner. Call Mr. Carpenter Eves. 3-6S48. JUST IMAGINE This roomy 2 bdrm. home, fire place In liv. rm.. cheerv kit. and dinette, and al) nicely furnished for $11,750. Located 1 hi. from school. Call Mrs. leavens, tves. 3-4735. LARGE FAMILY : OME 4 brirnif'., full Vtarr't. F heat, lovelv dble. lots. Good terms. $10,950. Call Mary Parklson 2-8856. oig lamny room, z lire places, NEEDED PH. 3-3181 CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE OR CONSTRUCTION $2,350 FULL PRICE for this one acre and small home. Water system, gar.ige, a miles out. close to school. On pavement. Low down payment and low monthly rates. W. H. Steve ley. Salesman, Eves. ph. 4-2618. J700 DOWN, 70 PER MONTH. Includiim Ins.. taxes &l rjrin' ctple, Practically new ranch style 3 bdrm. home. East. Has 1.200 so. ft. Dins attached ifl- raRC. Total price $11,500. Call Brown. Eves. ph. REALLY HFAHTY: 3 bed rooms, large living rm., Birch trim, fireplncr. Lots of brick on mnt. Basement wilh love-j ly party rm. finished in knot i ty pine. I.g. covered patio, j wonderful view Dhl. gar. Ready soon. I IB. 000. REAL HONEST Ht'Y, 72 acres arrr- Prairie Diit. 7 rm. modern home, Barn, ehlrken hrmv. Niiu, hA h., 94 v Garsee. Will, soil Mlfht ' trrde for small arrrsfe near . Salem. Piled at ,!1.9.'0. . I'HONK 4-23 NEVER BEFORE Nv" ,.b,",re, h"" we had a rifl I hnil.. like Mil. trillv rill doll houe like this truly dif ferent nome. on a large cor ner lot with loti of space, Living room na beam cell Inrs and paneled walli, f)id lnj door to patio, Three bdrms. snd one that can be mde Into a den. Large al-. tached garac with storage spare Located in the Crl Addition, paved treem. Bid walk, and rtty water. Immd. i pou. Call for Rstph Madly, j (Mart & Calaba ! ttFAl TORS 477 COURT ST. Pn t-IIIS 1-411. 2-4117. Eve. Ph. 1-14M HERTZ-RENTA-TRUCK" Ph. 1406 Ill Roy Todd, Realtor $500 DOWN. Owner out of state. Must sacrifice. Small 2 bdrmi. with living rm., bkfst. nook Si lots of new built-lns.t dble. sink, wired fc plumbed for auto, washer fe dryer. Gas, elec. or oil heat. Comer lot. Bui by door. Shake construction. Car port. $4500. Iinmed. poss. Call Mrs. Graham. BUILDING SITE. 1 acre with trees in Auburn school dis trict. Good location, $2000. Call Mr. Todd. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. $530 month lnrome. 11 rentals all in first class condition. Each have own utility room. 8 pri vate garages. Must see to appreciate. Call Mr. Hicks. - GARAGE. ALL EQUIPPED. This is a first class garage and doing a good business. Reasonable rent, equipment & stock at inventory. Call Mr. Hicks. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 state St. Ph. 2-8391 Eve. Mrs. Graham 4-4748; Hicks 4-4930; Todd 2-1731. 3 BDRM. LOW PAYMENTS A real sharp 3-year-old home. Living room, dinette, handy kitchen. Separate utility, nil furn., hdwd. floors through out. Hi blocks to Morning side school. Monthly pay ments only $59 total. Adp. foully between $1,000 Sz 81, 200. CALL TOM FAGAN, Eves. Ph. 4-8193. . REALTORS 517 Court St. Off Ph. 4-4494 PEOPLE & PLACES People will say "This Is THE j'lace. now Deing construct ed. Choose your colors. This 3-bdrm, 2-bath home. Incor porate the latest in design. In new addition. N.E.. dble. garage. Forced nlr heat. Pav ed streets. You will agree It Is an outstanding buy at only $12,500. Call Faye Seal, Eves. 4-5594. HIALTDH: FOR ME IT'S GOT EVERYTHING INCLUDING A WIDE F.N TRANCE HALL, bookcase on the paneled fireplace wall, twin basins in the hftlh. faniilv room With beautiful birch paneling, 2 fireplaces. Tennessee cedar closets. With a location on a paved street In an attract ive neighborhood, this home should meet the needs of the most particular) $14,500. Loan of $11,500 can be as sumed. Call 4-6766. Eve. Dick Olson 4-4183. Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N, HIGH PH. 4-67(1(1 $1,000 DOWN Older 2 bedroom home with full basement, wood furnace. Fur nished apartment inciuaen. Close In bus. All this for only $60 per montn. Business Prop. Large modern 4 bedroom home wun ii replace, inn iwsrmeni, nil heat, den with outside en trance, large lot with creek at rear. Located on State Strcrt. Suitable for offices, retailing, or a wonderful set no for a nursing home. $10, 500, with terms, fas & Skinner '411 Masonic Building Real Estnte Insurance Mortgage Lonns Office 3-9217 Eves.:2-4709 or 3-73M ROBERT V. LORENZ Building Contractor Ph. 2-7704 FAMILY ROOM, 3-bdrm. With 24-ft closet space, l'i baths, 2 linen closets, dble. garage with overhead storage, level woodrd corner lot, lawn In $14,500. 3036 Tulare Ave. (2 blocks w or Liocry nd.. n. of i Charles Ave.) ' DAYLIGHT BSMT., 3-bdrm.. 2 hreptaces. !3X4n playroom, woodrd lot. $14,200. 2120 Hi II idf Ln. (1 block E. of So. r- mmi-rcial. N. off of Ralclilf Dr.) .Several nice, clean trade-in?: Enslewoo; dlst., 2-hdrrn , SS'infl 3883 D. All new Inside. $10,500. YOUR CHOICE Q( , acre f round wlth big naif and fir tree. 3-bdrm. re modeled home, barn, chick en house and gar. for $4750 with $500 down or you can have an additional ft acres with'" more trees and vfnr around creek for onlv 88750 with $1000 down. Call Ruth Morrison, eve. 4-1644. Joe ftourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8218 $600 DOWN to qualified O.I. r les if payment can be ar ranged. New 3 bedrooms with fireplace, plastered gnrape, paved St.. 1074 Shiimrm'tc St. onlv one block South of Mnrn IngfJrte SclVMil, Open hou-e every day. Ph. builder 4 8333 for Information. r . ..... Xfl PTTI lipltrhts UlSt. , kj.,. irniiiPB. Hhi iar . 3 M'nM.. 2 fireplace!, dble. gar. W. SCHRUNK UNMISTAKABLE! The FEELING of a WELL BUILT home, when you tcp In Ihe door! From the beamed celling in the fnm liv room, to the ul bath in the mter bedroom (uiie, you can luit FKEL the dif eience. HOTPOINT rante, oven. d!ihwjher In the Vlf rnen. !lnt mercury twitch es, sattn-smoolh woodwork, fine decorating t'-itr, will nuke YOU an' thii home. (Fven the garage hi LA ROE ove'heart 1orase. an eparp hnbbv rnim. SOUTH SALEM. lt CH 4 '.. to sre thit new horn. Ted Morrison, Realtor 150 N. HIGH PH, W7M Don 320 Court ONE Or SALEM'S FINEST If you are searching for the very best in living. This fine home is the answer. Situated In Klngwood Heights, won derful view. 4 large bdrms., 23 baths. 4 fireplaces. De sirable Items too numerous to mention. Priced consider ably under appraisal. CALL RON HUDKINS NORTH Older homt,, 3 bdrmi., 1 down 2 up, 2 full bathi. Liv. rm., din. rm., wall to wall carpeting. Kitchen has steel bulll-ins, wired for washer and dryer. Seated basement. Oil furnnce. Lot 50x150. Excellent school lo cation for Grade, Jr. Hfsh and Sr. High Price $10,500. Terms $2,000 down, TO SEE CALL RALPH BRUCE TRAILER COURT with 4 homes ground area S59 x 217. In cludes 7 dealerships. Price $65,000. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKV GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays call Salesmen J. E. Law 3-M13 Ralph Bruce 2-6981 H. K. Laymon 4-SM7 Ron Hudklns 3-8713 Walt Socolofsky 3-8835 Mrs. Richardson 4-8086 Buy HeslVilu j J ' 5 -Un .5'-4 I 2 With Confidant : gS9 Buying - Building gj 605 CHEMEKETA Need plenty of.spacef Look at; tnis nome wun 2 oearooms & 'i bath uu, 2 beuroo.ns A- hath down, living rocn . 13x17. Dining room 0x13. Kitchen. These rooms nil on the main floor, Nice paneled party room, utility and stor age in basement. This home clean inside and out. Located near schools Grant & St. Vin cent, Livingston. Full price $12,650. For appointment to sec call Dale Rayburn 4-6875 or Eve. & Sun. call 2-2045. NOW VACANT Owner moved out of town. Fine modern 5 yr. old home In good neigh borhood. Near school and bus. Large lot with trees and garden. 2 bedrooms each with 2 closets. Tile bath with shower. Liv. rm.. Din. rm., kit., large iepnrate garage. $1,000 down. $05.20 month and vnu can move rlffht In. Per fect condition. To see call Dean Klarr 4-6875 or eve. call 2-7090. Neat 2 bedroom home, North- 1415 NORTH 24TH I BEAUTIFUL home. Living room 20x15. Dining room 12x 11. Nice kllcnen wun hook, Each bedroom 15x12. Fire- place. 815.050. Terms. 2!) ACRES TWO-BEDROOM home. . Needs repairs. Barn. Spring, water. uioveranie aisirici. nsning 89,500. Make your offer. SERVICE STATION EXCELLENT spot for mechanic. UKlUlinP corner lot nn eamn ment all go for SD.05O, Only 81 .sou down. 42V Ferrv (Quell Saturday) Office 4-3381 Eve. Marian Lehmann 2-G8B8: 3-7735; Violet Bishop 2-2BB5; HENNINGSEN ADDITION 282 Wilsliiro Drive You are invited to see this home close to slore and bus, city water, 3-bdrm' ll bath, liv. & din. rm., nook & util ity room. dble. garage. Open house every day this week 10 a.m., 4 p.m., by builder. Phone 4-5177. $1,000 DOWN For this 3-bdrm, house, liv ing room, dining room, kit chen, all large troms. Fire place, Inside utility wired for range & dryer. Large sire lot. South. Priced at 87000. C. W. Reeve, Realtor, 1880 Mission St. Ph, 3-4590. Eva. 2-0898 or 3-9538. BY BUILDER New 3 bdrm. custom buill home, choice location Ph. 2-7071 Bits Harms For Salt FOR RENT: Duck Pond Incated Turner Flywny. Sam Galvin, Rt. 1 Box 291. Turner, 6 A. EAST ' About 4 mites from downtown Salem, a 2-bdrm. house In a grove of tall, cool, clean, fir trees, 2 other Hldg. sites a fl3-ft. well. Full price $79W. C. W. Rcevp, Renltnr, I860 Mission St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 2-0808 or 3-9536. V ACRES Just outside the city on main highway. Wonderful subdivi sion possibilities. Soil is level and well drained. Owner has been raising heanff and straw berries. Irrigation well and a nice remodeled duplex with new heating system and plumbing. Take city properly or sell on contract. Call Ron Cleary, Eves. 3-W39. Don Douakion 320 Court 812 Exch. Rea Estatt NELSON & NELSON WEDNESDAY TRADE DAY AT NELSONS TRADE SILVER TON PROPERTY FOn THESE NFT RENTALS ON SAME LOT. Owner will consider home up to I8,W0 or leu In trade for their lnrome net-tin. One 3 hdrm. home and one 1 bdrrn. home in good rmnlr and excellent location near Univemity. Call Echo Yealer, Eve. 3-4872. HERE IS A TRADE FOR SALEM PROPERTY OR FARM LAND IN EXCHANGE FOR INCOME PROPERTY IN MONMOUTH, Exceptional opportunity for rental Income on one lot. Hns two nouses with apartments a)l for 18.000. Nine rrntali In one . home and 2 unlti In other houie. Worth Investigating, Owner will trjde up. Call Dorothy Deal, Eve. 485.12. LOVELY NEW DAYLIGHT BASEMENT. 4 BDRM. HOME TO, TRADE FOR SMALLER. LESS EXPENSIVE HOME This lovely south, view property, brand new. hn lovely features throughout, party rm., full hnxemnt., 2 fireplaces, copper trimmed kitchen. 2 baths and powder rm. Deep lot. Mint tte 1 to hilly appreciate. Only lltf.&GO. Call Edith Anderion, Eve,! 2-7819. SINOLE LADY WILL TRADE HER TRI-PLEX FOR NICE SMALLER HOME FOR HE HSE I.E. Thii beautiful trl-plex has aluAyt hren krpl m Immaculate rondltlon Innrte and out. lift 4 bdnn. flflt. with fireplace. bdnn. unhirnlMied apt. and I bdrm. nirelv furniiheri apt. fisrage. Utllny You will entoy owning this income. 12.1,500. Call Clyde Fnulk, Eve. 2-M2i. T UNIT f.OtJRT CAN RE YOURS FOR TRADE WITH GOOD HuMK UP TO t.'2 000, This newer cloe-in rourt It slwivi renied. hut 3 unit with fireplace. Tenlrsl ulil;tv, equipped. All I bdrmi , tovei and refrlg. Owner will trsde hit equity for homt. Call Chet Nelion, Eve, NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS ISM I. Commercial ENGLEWOOD Convenient to schools and transportation. 3 bdrms.. liv. rm. with fire place, din. rm.. kitchen, bath, covered patio. New oil forced air furnace. To see this fine home at $13,500 CALL J. E. LAW ACREAGE NORTH $4,250. 2.66 Acres 600 ft. Highway frontage. Unfinished 3 bdrm. house Small shop Good $800 well. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON SUPER MARKET Approx. $50,000 gross sales per mo. UiU-'iui oiar.. ot 10,Wfl sq. ft. Finest of equipment, p.ived off-street parking, Ex cellent location on two main arterlals. Long term lease can be arranged. For Details CALL C. L. GRABENHORST SUBURBAN EAST Very neat home, beautiful landscaping. Large workshop and green house. Poultry house, garden area, fruit and berries. Price $11,000. CALL H. K. LAY M ON Buying-Building PHONE 4-687$ . east. Completely rrdecorated Inside. Hardwood floors, au tomatic oil heat. Large lot. Home only . ft years old. - Priced low at $7,800. Call Henry Rund to see. Eve. & Sun. call 4-1720. $7,500.00 BUYS MODERN HOME. Located on a nice Ruiiuriian street.. 1 block to bus. 4 blocks to school. 2 bedrooms, living room, din Inn-kitchtn combination. At tached garage. Very nice bnck yard, city water, paved ktrept. 5 vears old. Excellent condition. Terms. To see call Dean Klarr 4-6875 or Eve. & Sun. call 2-70GO. NORTH SALEM HIGH DIS TR1CT. Large living room wilh fireplace, large separate mmng room, a doci rooms, at tached garage, nice corner lot. 9 yr. old ranch style home. Priced al $11,250. Around $2,000 down. Balance $89 per month. Call Henry Rund to see at 4-6875. Eve. d Sun. call 4-1720. TRAILER COURT TRADE In your contract or home of most any value on i i u aaicm income nroperi . trailer spaces nt 815 each, apartments. $19,500. I FINE HOME ON 75x170 lot ln city limits. 2 bedrooms. Living room 18x12, Insulated. Garage and work- snop. lu.uuu. Terms. TAKE TRAILER HOUSE IN trade on 2-room house and 2 lots at Indenendence. Block from bus stop. Full price for property vi.iou, Frank Vlasle 4-2670; James Oswalt Jim ftamsey 4-0069. ( 0 Farms For Sale LOOK!! 1 Acre, ham, chicken hse., 2 mach. sheds, sm. home, 2 bdrm., living rm Kit. Ac hath. elec. heat. to store Ac sch.. some fruit. $4,950. $285 dn., 6' int.. Immediate posses sion, fix. j-'ji. PERFECT "VIEW of the Cascade Range and the West. If you are tired of congestion and close neigh bors, let me show you this 10 ACRE parcel with a per fect building site. Price $3. 500. TERMS Call DON BEL LINGER. Office 4-3394, home 4-0402. 1890 Fairgrounds Rd. 22 A. Near Aumsvllle, ?-hdrm. house At barn on M l Creek. Paved road. Can Irrlgntc. $7500 full price. Terms or will Like ln Salem or Alhnny prop. Nearly all In rullivatinn. C. W. Reeve, Realtor. IBM) Mis. Mnn St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve, 2-0898 or 3-1M.I6. al Ex:h. Real Eitat Want to Trade? 8 32 ACRES, East, ground that will grow most anything you plant. Mostly wootiea. creex, 2-bdrm. home for a 2-bdrm. home in town. Value to $11,500. 3-hdrm. home wilh large living room in Englewood Dist. FHA valued at $11,000. Want a 3- bdrm. home. South to $13,500. Good paying market. 3 apts. on 7txM0 lot In C3 Zone. Also suits hie for olher business. Vnlurd at $10,750. Will con sider all offers. Complete brief with plclures for your examination. E. J. 1 RPALTOn 1743 Grant St. ph. 3-4035 FH, I-JW! I mm B52 Uted Cort For Sal Your Friendly CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER ' ' Top Quality Usec Cars . PRICED TO SELL No Turned Back Speedometers ALL LATE MODEL CARS GUARANTEED '55 Plymouth V-8 Savoy 4 Dr. Sedan $1695 naaio. neaier, rowerruta transmission, one-owner. An ex cellent car you'll be proud to own. '55 Ford V-8 4 Door Town Sedan . . . .$189!3 Radio, heater, fordomatlc, you like Ford, don't miss '54 Plymouth 6 Savov Excellent condition, low mileage, our best buy. Very sharp, ( Olds 88 2 Door .. .$1395 Hydramatlc, heater. Just like new. Low mileage, one owner, owned by one of our local Priests, This won't be around long so Hurry. '53 Plymouth Cranbrook 6 cyl. $895 4 Door, very clean, radio, '53 Chrysler 6 Windsor Deluxe $1295 4 door, radio, heater, power steering, automatic transmis sion. Top quality throughout. '53 Chrysler V-8 New 4 Door sedan. Here s a chance to own a really expensive automobile In like new condition with years of excellent expense-free driving left in it for less than of what It cost new. Fully equipped, one-owner, you can't afford not to see and drive It. Belter than many Brand new low-priced '56 models at half the new car price. Good Low Price - '52 Chrysler 8 Saratoga 4 Dr. $895 $595 Radio, heater, automatic, good rubber. Good mechanically, clean Interior, guaranteed. Why the big price cut? Because the chrome trim is full of pimples when looked at closely. Here's an opportunity to get a real buy at our expense. It you want a steal, don't wait too long because someone will grab this bargain fast. '51 Studebaker V-8 Land-cruiser .....$595 4 Door, radio, heater, automatic and guaranteed. '51 Plymouth 6 Cranbrook 4 Door . . . .$495 Radio, heater, standard transmission, clean and guaranteed. 47 Lincoln V-8 4 Door New paint, radio, henter, moaei Mercury engine, a 46 Chrysler 6 Windsor A Dove average, radio, neaier, auiomaiio irannmisnioni $125SPECIALS M6 (2) Chrysler 6 Windsor sedans $125 ea. 4 uonrs. These cars are inr a nova average, rney iook gooa, run good, have good rubber, and lots of accessories. Priced right at this figure only because we need the room. Don't let the price scare you away. '39 Plymouth 4 Door Is good, runs good, lots Home of Noxt to Center SI. 43.4 No. Commercial SI. 851 New Can FAMOUS German Economy Cars & Trucks DKW 340 N, High Ph. 4-3353 852 UsedXari Fot Sale '51 OLDS RB Super 4 dr. sedan; rxirnn. or win pay 10 m OK, on later model. Ph. 4-8853. HMO OLDS 88, new Itften. Ph. 344U Minnyvicw. 40 PONTIAC CONVERT, Ilvdra., white wall tuhelens tlrrs. radio, heater, motor re cently o'haulfdi Priced right for quirk sale, at Just 1205. Ph. 2-2122. 53-4 Dn. Chev. Ttadlo, healer, new lire, rnl covers, very clean, $095, 1 owner. Ph. 3-4833 eve. z-.m.i.i until a ociock. - IMS CHEV. Sla. Wagon. less than 4.000 ml., like new, hy owner, can be financed. 108 uertn, rn, z-iwa, 800 p,u EfttatC - ai, . . B . BIO KetOfr Properly FOR SALE;: Furn. mod. Moun- nln cabin St guest house. De troit, ore. 18,000. Considei trnde to 83.000. rial, termi. Write Stateiirn an -Journal Box tTTe Wonted, RcoTEirota WANTKD. for qualified cash hover, lare 3 bdrm. home, din. rm- family rm., prefer Inndscaprd, So. Al Isaak. Call Kdnn MitrRHii, eve. 4-6u3d. 4-3311. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 900 Display Clam. 1957 TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES Shown For The 1st Time OPEN Sal. Dtc. lt a.m. lo p.m. FREE Coffee It Doughnuts- HOUSE Motorcycle Movies. FREE Demonstrstion Rides. New Indian Bicycle Given Away Free & Many Other DOOR PRIZES Come ln Regijler-You Need Not Be Present To Win SEE THE 1M7 SCOTT-ATWATER OUTBOARDS Now On Display I; 852 Used Cart For Solo trite' (So, tu-tone paint and very clean. If this one. 4 Door $1295 heater, tu-tone and priced right. Yorker Deluxe $1595 Was Now .$345 automatic transmission. Has late very gooa ouy, jooks una new. 4 Door .$195 .$75 of car for only 75 bucks. Between Bridges Ph. 3-4 1 17 58 CHEV. $1,785. V-8. Power- glide 2 dr., radio V heater, clenn, 15,000 miles. Ph. 2-0433 days, 3-43-13 eves. Not a dealer. 520 HOOD ST. PH. 4-0909 '51 MKRC. CLUB CPE. . W Radio, henter, auto, drive, tutono paint. A sharp car. 11153 PONTIAC 4 dr. Chieftain dlx. aed. Terms possible, call 2-1537 after 8 p.m. or 2-0872 days. ' MUST sell 1055 Chev. 2 dr. adn. llcl'Alr v-n nowergiiae, exc. cond. A real buy at $1800. See after 8:30 al 2328 N. 34th. BS3 Auto Part & Repotrt Used Auto, Parts Bales & Brady Ph. 2-4513 NOW WRECKING Chev's. from , Fords Bulck Ply. 6 cyl. Kalsr-r Chrysler 8 cyl. Ford Console - Merc Packard .. Olds. "88" '48 to Si A tf ''''"'" ..'51 .M8 'W B34 Trucks, Troil. fot sole AXLE, springs, IV wheels, tires 8c tuhei 825. Ph. days 3 -687. tves. 2-0973, '81 G.M.C, a ton truck, 2 speed. New flat bed, excel, cond. M17 llimiel. Ph. 2 0910. M" CHF.V i 28717. T. pickup. Ph. '83 ",i ton Dodge Pickup. Canopy near new tires, $750. Ph. 4 1745. 900 Display Claw. TRIUMPH DAY AT ! Next Door To Shrock's Mohil Service Station COMNrrn HIGHLAND Si PORTLAND RD. 852 Used Cart For Sl , IF IT'S. FROM ALL CARS SAFETY -TESTED '56 OLDS 88 HOLIDAY CPE. ... $2901 'Radio, heaters hydra., power steering, power brakes, tu tone paint, white tires, on owner and low mileage. '54 PLYMOUTH 4 DR.. $1295 Overdrive.-heater, new seat covers, tu-tone paint, on owner. '33 OLDS S88 HOLIDAY CPE. ' $1695 Radio, heater, hydra., power brakes, sun visor, whitt tires, green & white finish, tinted lats. Very clean. 53 FLYMUUTH SUBURBAN ........$1395 ' Heater, one owner, low mile ano. very clean, '53 OLDS S88 SEDAN $1495 : Heater, hydra, power brakes, tinted glass, one owner, 1S5 H, P. Rocket engine. A nlc family car. 51 OLDS S88 4 DR.-....$ 895 Radio, healer, hydra., scat rovers. A-l motor, 135 H.P. Rocket Engine, tu-tona . paint, one Salem owner. 51 OLDS S88 DLX. HOL, CPE $ 995 Radio, heater, hydra., tu tone paint, all leather seats, white walls, 133 H.P. Rocket engine. Be Is style with thii one. LODER BROS. CO. Oldsmobile - 461 No. High - Ph. 2-7973 1930 MODEL A Ford sedan, per fect running condition, Hen leatherette upholstery. Ph, 4 '2040. 41 DODGE 4 dr., real good shape, $100. Large trunk, aw. 203 E. Miller. Ph. 2-3841. BY otfNER 53 Chev. conv.. ra dio, heater, ilralghl shut 0, ,1000 or equity plui 200. Call alter S, 2-ilW. 1855 FORD Falrlane a dr. 1 own er, excep. clean, rn. bit. uow, 3 168 or 3-B6H. 1950 OLDS M 4-dr. ledan S450. Ph. 3'OBUZ. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE REPOSSESSED 1955 Ford Fair lane Victoria, motor No. PSFV3110S0. Will be told to highest bidder on Nov. 2Sth at our lot. Commercial Securities 373 N. Church. 1950 Suner Bulctt Convertible exc. finish & new top, Ioms mileage, power equipment $450, Ph. 3-5478. , 58 Pontiac, fully equipt. Sell equity for 600. Ph. 3-3808. 1051 CHRYSLER, New York, dlx.. 15.000 mt. Fh. 47141. CASH for 1050 and 1951 cart. McCalls Used cars, lZSTStaie. CASH for . used cors. MOEM MOTORS, 868 S. 13U1, 4 8373. Wanta NEW "57 FORD 4,DR. r orao.mauc tor azouu. see r.. Smith .315 Union Eves. Ph. 34847 (Dealer). 51 MERCURY 8600, perfect cond. Ph. 4-6941. 1055 PONTIAC Station Wagon, 4 door, excellent condition, on, owner. Sc, at 3265 S. 12th or Ph.. 4.65U3. .;. . '. '. Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial & ChemekeU Ph. 4-3711 CAPITOLl 'Chevrolet Caciliaij Union ft Com'l. Ph. 3-3179 93 CHEV.. 2 dr. hardtop, loaded, sharp, will tak, trade, or sell as low as $150 down. Frlvata parly. Ph. 88X1 Oayton. oO MEHCUHY I dr. radio, heat, er, overdrive, a tone, excel, cond., reos. 1535 Norway. B58 Motorcycles HAHI.EY Davidson 165, 1054 model, saddle nafis, wina shield, lutfgage carrier $225. m. 4.6460. 860 Auto Miscellaneous FOP. SALE: Wrecking out '4 roro acaan. iiis oi miua parts. Columbia two speed rear end with all controls. All body Sarta are good. Milton Foote. Iar Ttnute nnx 87. Sllverton, Ore. Ph. 3,4062 evenings. 862 House Troilers WOULD like to trade equity In hnn.i r.f 1. It nr larfr .--ii.., i,.i.n nii t.maft. imf$ IT'S GOOD ri ' n' ' n n rt ' ' 1 1 I J u ll v v fffSMS 'M'W ALL METAL trailer, olfheal. i -l-i- rofrieerator. hot water TralleiSalcSj NKW 42' 2 bdrm. trailer, sleeps 7, forced air floor heat, will tiike a Inte car or pickup fot down payment, 4 yrs. on bal ance. JayhawkTrailcrSales. fflto "SPARTAN mansion 30 ft. mdl, Itcas. 3880 S.JoinnVL TiiW 22' Elcar furn. New box springs ft matt., new inlaid linoleum V dolly. Triced cheap 4W. rn. w-tw. TRAILER TOWING JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2840 PnrllandRd: Ph. 3-BW2 LOW Vn'.'paym't 35" Spartanette. Exc. cond. Take trade-in. 3560 Portland Rd. 900 Display Clu.