Capita! Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., Nov. fceh'gietK Gifts BIBLE BOOK HOUSE Ml FERRY . PH. 3 (559. Clin, Bibles, Xmal Cards. Home Gifts g twn wiir fir. riraoes. lined. btd ipread, pillow cases, other 1 hand work it etc. Hand painted I china, cut, pressed, crystal St I tiffin flail, olher articles. Alio piano, rn. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Pedigree Roller Canaries Reasonably priced . Ph. 2-7BM ANTIQUE and modern clock re- falrs. Pick up and deliver, ree Mtlmates. Dial 4-2224. Stevens St Son, State it Lib erty. . Treasured Keepsakes for the home. Shop Salem's Early American Store; Trivet, Brass St Copper Noveltlea, Spoon racks, wall shelves, Spice Cabi net, naaios, jhiik uiiiii pic tures, lamps fa lore. Ernie)' Colonial Furniture Open Mon. St Frl. Night til 0 2745 S. Commercial. THE GIFT OF GIFTSl BALDWIN Spinet Organ True Organ Tone Standard Con trolls Ease of Playinf Fret Lessons Liberal Term Come In for your free lesson, demonstration in our store cr In your home. ZOBEL'S IB Court Ph. 4-B252 OIL PAINTINGS Christmas sifts Ph. 3 4248. ANTIQUES HOP LAMBERTS Ac please the family. Marble top Code u lamp tables, hanging lamps, round front China C Inset. An tique frame Ac furniture, 215 H. commercial, rn. z-ninz. 450 McrchandiBe 484 Miicollinaout E-A-V-E-S T-nO-U-G-ll-S Clala Roofing Service Ph. 2-72P DRNTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. tllllVICIt IN MOST CASH. DR HARRY SKMLER, Dtntllt Ado,h Bldf. Statt i Com'I Its SALEM PR J-UII 486 Michlnry I Tool, TP International, blade and drum good conn. Price $2,600 Ph.JMAyllrJ;.3,al. Dallns. SEVERAL used welderirsea "at ino Stewart sl.Ph.VIM4. LIKE new, DeWall I'i Ivp. 10" Radial saw with table. Bar gain. Jndson's 279 N. Com'I. Used'Wciderg For Sale 698 ILLINOIS, 3-8566 490 Fu.l TOR SALE III" slab wood and screened sswriust. Delivered in 3 unit ntishnul truck. vah Lumber Co., Ph. 2211 Gervats. 'SHAVINGS: WE DELIVER I'll. 20171 GOOD oak wood. Cut to any length. Order now and save. Iinvlit WaitKun. Itt. I. Carlton, Ore. Oak Cret Ranch. SOMETHING new for sawdust users. We have a Chip Mix fuel. Cnpttol ruel Co. 1420 Brnadwav. Ph, 3-7731. CAPITOL FUKL CO. Drv ostt, ssh Ai maplt wood. Choice slsh Ac lilork wood mixed, dry or green. Dry mill wood J420 Broadway Ph. S-M7 onm;6N FUKL Sawdust. Green Ar Dry Wood S Si H (ircrn Slnmps 80R7 Broadway Ph. Clean Dry Wood Old growth Utah A- block wood 12 cord. Aln oak wood Cut anv length. Prompt delivery. Ph. Salfm :-!MH. "WFS'I SA1.K.M FUfX - Drv green wood Ttihe or ptislmut imvduit 1525 fcrtgfwatrr I'h S.403I - MlfiHWAV n'F.L CO K nUHTl W(Htl X-S444 WANTED : " Sa era'l tht-iisand eorrts nf hatk free unnd, (ir 01 hrmlnrk. Ph. 1-77J1; nights 4 5833. 500 Bun. & Finance 510 Monty to Loon LOAN! IW K ItSWOO Buy What Tou Nted Comnlldste' your Nils. rtnanca nirflagh wiLLAMirrr. credit COaaTANY IM 8 Ckurrh it ph 1 nr. Now A Now LOAN SERVICE Money for all worth-whlle pur poses for Personal Loins Cnnnildatt Bills New Pur chases. Home nwnrrl home operated Jo raltiroiind. rlosd .l.m Ore (all t tOJJ. fif. Park Inf Lot. HIVATK"nioneTliloan interest Ph J-otw Coi.ONlAl Oo iwil Proper!. Loan, - ronlrarti Purrha.ect N rmiel 4,4V, nteilJTIn4!-C4'.)Se to plre mtSjjft fiv rtl 4 l .tod Daly fer tte Lite! Ifinifflg lnlneni - I I I 111 I . Jf I ' .. f - Gifts for Him A a' NEW fun cabinets. $39.95. Used Mdse. Marl. 270 S. Liberty. Ph 4-6371. SHOCKPnOTECTFD. antlmag netic Jeweled WATCIIKS. I yr. guar. $5.95. Army St Navy Surplus, 223 N. Com')., Pii. 34343. A GIFT for the car this xmnt. Pacific Auto Sup. 335 N. Lib erty Spinning Outfits $95 CASCADE MERC Sportinf Goods 1230 Broadway Ph. 3-5538 SPINNING It eel, $29.05 Alrex Larch mon t, 2 spools, Carrying case, 100 vda. line $13.50 GIL WARD 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-2470 Pet Gifts M TINV F. Chihuahua puppy. Ex cel, peuigree sou, rn, 2-4001. BIRDS, Tron. fish, all supplies, deposit win noia. mm i'ara disc. 31 BO Llvln(6ton.2.1842. 2 SIAMESE kittens, females, 4 mna. uood pedlg., reg. I'h. TROPICAL fish, aquar., all sup plies. Come A bcc. Hollywood Aquarium, 1058 McCoy. , A.K.C. REG. ENGLISH Springer Spaniels, $35, 4-0002 BOXER PUPS neanonable1148 Fir. S-400S BEAUTIFUL Boxer ""puppies, 8 weeks old, ideal Xmas gift. Terms on approved credit. Call 4-8371 eves, or weekends. WHY not have your dog trim mtn oc Dainea lor ine nn. days? For app't. call 3-6859, mngiana nenneia. LOVELY pink apricot canarleu. exc. singers, uiu t,ncrncKcis 3-4385. SIAMESE Sealnoint kittens, papers, $10. Ph, 3-808!), COCKER spaniel puppies, itionnc fit 1,1, mm. am- reg. $25. Buy now ;nr Chrlslmas. Rt. 3, Box 352, Corvnllis, Plaza 3-4077 eves. Ac Sun. 'Oo-H-Yoursell GiltsJTd Genuine Candle Glow Wax Wicks, glitter & books. Farmers Union Co-op. 3615 Sllvertnn ltd. Ph. 4-37RR. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon SEASONAL' v CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get cash for shopping needs or oilier seasonal rxpensm in one visit to office l I'hnne Beneficial, give a sew fi then coma In I Exclusive I Nationwide Credit card presented to everv cm lomer good at over 1,000 of fices) Bcncr r a ikes in ta "Yes I" Phone tor a 1-lrip lunii. write or mine in mony LOANS UP TO $1,500 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (Personal finance rn I Ph. 2-2164 103 S. Hlgn Pqiww.h.'ia; $25 to $2500 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS in a. uuerty m, 515 Investments WILL rilM'ntiiit niv resl estate eon Intel 11.400, lor mutt. Takes fa.47U tu hiiiulle. I'nvs month v. ine'l. 0 per eenl. GihmI Sa lem property. Call 4. 4404 days, or 4 4U77 eves. 600 jU)lo)lMMlt 602 Help Wanted EMPLOYMENT AGENCY r fi ..- if .... F. Rkkpr. hldt nuterial, shorthand helpful, 23-40 Onen F. sec. 20-3? start $;m r Bkkpr. hilllti exp. 2ft. . 43, hr A- up Z' .I?Jt!,r- Sf,v "Iwrthanrt. iVi;.t up F. Rkkpr. Gen. led. ta,x 23-35 temporarv Onen M A- F. olllc. m.r., ' " Auto. Onen M. Kxp. nkkitr!' Tax Open ,M. Sslesnisn hld. inaleilal. jvnole sale . open AI'I'l It A 1 KINS trt 0 p,,,,, IsSen lor Stateiman oicvcl. routes Sav.rsl routes will p, open Applicant, mult he ,c companlert hr Ihelt psrentt or hsv. written permli slen Appl. at th. rirnilattop O.partm.nt of th. Statesman. Journal Commorcial Plurrmpnl Acenrv "nc,!M" "peelallsl, In Olllce Plaremetils ?'hV' '"od pei,onll,'' r-nen'lal An t,, ,,p . 25.40. opV! r-stenn . part t,m. . )i 50 r-Bkkpr part I,,,,,, ,d r'. "'"" II 50 hr. r-Olllre Mir aulomotHe. open P-N-rav A Ian. le.h . , r-Accounlln, lax rip, open M-Olfue nifr. A- accln f aulomotive. js.45 , M,r. acctn',. oul, 2.V45 . ... ppen M l'redH Mr.. trainee. M '!,! open M-Hkkpr., Trainees, prsc. M?ir,..-T , , .lcn, r,p. ,n I Super Mkt 3M ; M-t.eneral Odlre, good I tvpui . iJM M-Sa!et. Iintiranre nrn 494 Mate St. 411 Oregon Hldg 4-3331 CAPITA!, EMPLOYMENT AGKNtfY SpeeishMl to oHicf proonnel . t '.I1'' Presbyterian Church 354 N. Winter Pn, 1 flur f -1 - r ri nn- mh 28, 1956 MAKES ALL Family Gifts g FOR YOUR SERVICEMAN The closest thin to being home ir. YOUIt LOCAL NEWSPA PER! All the hometown news, views At pictures. A Hit that will real I v he annre- ciated everv s nale dav of the year. Ph. 4-6811 and ask or circulation, its mat easy. STEEL MEDICINE CABINET Many model on display. As jow as, 1 27fl N. Com'I. AUTO. RECORD PLAYER $31.03 RCA-Victor 45 and $24.05 uienn miner Aimm. ALL FOR $36.95 SS.II Stamps ' Ma rr Radio & T.V. 2140 So. Com'I. Ph. 3-0201 ADMIRAL 21" Cabinet Console T.V. Wnlnut cane. Regular 29!i.ns. now ua.m. MODERN APPLIANCK CNTR. 1141 S. Commercial Ph. 4-3.10:1 ,5(1 FREE MERCHANDISE WITli ANY MAJOR FIRESTONE APPLIANCE OVER $200 AT "YOUR DOWNTOWN" FIRE STONE STORE. 305 N. Liberty, Pll. 2-Z4D1. CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE! All pianos go regardless of price. New spinels from $380. Huge stock, all styles. E, terms. Payments, begin Feb., 1957. Tallman Piano Stores, 305 S. 12th. near S.P. Depot. SEASON SPECIAL 100 Sets Popular Brand AUTO SKAT COVERS V- PRICE P-ATDOHF'S HOME At AUTO 1420 Slnlo Ph. 3-0582 2005 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7455 a At H Green Stamps AutO Gifts NVI.ON SAFETY I11XIS ,9.95 INS. Alritaiie type, all colots. F:hnut Spcclr.ltics A- Paris. THE MIIKFLLR COUNEI1 1305 State St. Ph. 4-0!i7 Hobbv Gifts Ml . ' r Home Bar Suppllrfi SALEM VINTAGE STORE anw uouri St. 600 Employment 604 Help WonrcrJ, Men 1EJS ' IS flilli 1IHI III .JliEII IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR: SEMI-SKILLED MECHANICS MACHINISTS TOOL & DIE MAKERS INSPECTORS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS DIE FINISHERS PATTERNMAKERS TRAINER MECHANICS SHEET METAL MECHANICS "On-the-Joh' tmtrurtlon available In selected applicants In tooling and elertronle fields. Asifnniei to theie programs would mean an opportunity for ynu to earn while you learn a skill and to profit from this skill for many years. "Off-hour" vocational training In wide variety of sublerts. including mathematics, blueprint reading, layout and lofting, and Jet engine theory Is available to all Boeing employees, APPLY IN PERSON: OREGON STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 710 FERRY STREET' 8:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. DAILY (Open Thurs. Nov. 2!Uh 7 to 9) , IP (r! YOUR CHRISTMAS -EH Gifts for Mom FUR COAT. sable dyed Russian squirrel, barks. 34 length, exc. tmid. $150. Original price $515. Call 2-6227. SAVE $100.00 New Hotpoint Dishwashers NOW ONLY $199 95 THE PHILLIPS CO. 355 Center Ph. 3-3139 ALL Chrome Mixers. $49.95 vain NOW ONLY It 129.90. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store, 3a w. J-iocny. rn. 2-2491. SEWING BASKETS. $1.95 St up. Gay fabrics, wooa ftt wiener. Sinner Sewing Center. 130 N. Commercial. Ph. 33512. NEW Fowler Clothes Dryer $90. 2tH0 riiruana a. FflSfl DOUBLE oven push button range, like new $100. 2840 Portland ltd. DORMEYER Deep Fryer $11.9!) Famous Brand Slcam Irons Was $17.90 SPECIAL $9.99 BATDORF'S HOME fc AUTO 1420 State Ph. 3-05B2 200S Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7455 s & H urecn stamps Trts I Trimmings' HMBBEBSaaxsaaMBHiM. CHHISTMAS TREES All Sizes Call 3-6021 3(li:o La Branch WHOLESALE Christmas trees, : quick delivery. 245 N. 18th. HOLLY" for decornting St gifts. IliiHll Zrll. IU. 1. Box HH2, Or chard Hljls, Rd. Ph. 4-10B7. HOLLY & OrcRnn grcons inalicd anywhere. Hulhs. filiruhs, lise plants. Hob's Garden Center, 40!ll Portland Rd. Ph. 4-7057. STEINERS NURSERY - nose hushes. Dwarf trees, Anns noiiv. siurai-hum grern liouscs. 31G0 Market.2-I!4fl. FLOWERS' Wreaths " Gifts JARY FLORIST. I'h. 4-3391, Capitol Shopping Center. CHOOSE" A- " Cut Chrifilmns Trees, fcldred Caster, Scolts Mills. CHRISTMAS troes for sale. Noble Hr. Ph. 4-1481. CHRISTMAS trees for sale any amount, all sires, 267$ Portland 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted, Men Those nro not "jusl jobs." They arc oppor tunist's lor you to work on "yours ahead" production projects, including commercial and military jot aircraft and Riiidod mis siles. It is important work interesting work. And il could mean the start of a new career for you! And there'll be a plus In your paycheck at Boeing. You will live and work in the. heart of the Pucet Sound Kvergreon play land . . . cool summers, winters so mild you'll play' golf in December ... a year 'round sportsman's heaven with salt water, lakes, mountains, virgin forests at your hack door. Metropolitan Seattle . . . city of fine stores, outstanding schools . . . city of lovely homes and truly western hospitality. Openings available at all experience levels. If you are skilled or semi-skilled in vir tually any mechanical or electrical field you may qualify for one of these openings. Positions offer good starling wages, ex cellent working conditions, paid vacations and holidays, variety of employee-managed sport and social activities. Gifts for Boys LIONEL Electric trnln $15. 2145 Fisher ltd, i'n. zoiitu. Why Let Him Walk BUY him a QUICKLY Motor Bike. Starts Stationary 198 mpg. For ONLY S19B Easy Terms. SCOTT'S, 3)5 Mission Ph. 44933. BICYCLES As Low As $37.88 BATDORF'S HOME A- AUTO 1420 State Ph. .1-9582 2095 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7455 a & H ureen stamps Christmas Cash CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2480 S. Com'I. Ph. 4-8431 FOR CHRISTMAS JUST CALL 4-2203 Pacific Finance 118 S. Liberty CHRISTMAS CASH Extra Christmas Cash can he yours quiCKiy ny chiiifik i-mh and placing a fast notion wnnt ad on those no longer used items. Gifls for All FOR direct delivery of Christmas presents out ot state contact BKDSAUL BROS. 172B CcnterSt. Ph. 2-9872 LOOK! LOOK. LOOK! Zohcl's Christmas gift to you. 25T1, ntt on anv new Baldwin pi n no in stock until Christ mas, 51!) Court ZOBEL'S Ph. 4-8252 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted. Men Gifts for All LEFT over from our . Jewelry store down So. Masonic-Elk-Eastern Star, ladies & gents jitotie rings, also a number of iaui aiarnona seis at j price. Call 2-0442 for appoint ment. NEW innerspring mattress & box. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, I5U.05. Used T.Iuse. Mart. 270 s. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. NEW bumper-end sofas. SPE CIAL CLOSEOUT I I S10SJ15, Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Fh. 4-6371. XMAS. Cards. Aprons, gift.i, Mrs. Li. a. nict-iiniic. iMV iiarion, PERSONALIZED Christmas cards, order now. Commercial Book Store, 141 N. Com! Ph. 3-3163. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N. Commercial Ph. 2-1841. TRADE In your old radio or rccora piayer on a iNrw niri phonograph, Columbia, RCA Victor or Webcor. Easy terms. Salem Record Shop, 428 Court St. Christmas Cards Many beauti ful lines to choose from, Long, slims and Individualized styles. Personal calling cards for gifts too. Statesman Publishing Company. Ph. 4-6811. Christmas Cards 20' Hallmark Christmas Cards Imprinted with your name I SI , Hallmark Box Cards Ac Gorgeous Gift Wrappings. Mc EWAN PHOTO SHOP in Hol lywood. Near Post Office HOLLY" JacKson Jewelers, a Salem owned, personally oper ated tax paying, community huilding store. And topping that we sell darn good depen dable jewelry. World renown Omega watches. Art Carved Diamonds. Kirk. Wallace & In ternational Silver. Remember It's Jackson's 25 N. Liberty. WESTERN " SHIRTS.F"a mVu s brands, $2.93 & up Armv & Navy urplus. 223 N. Com'I. Ph. 3-4343. YELLOW FRONT SUPPLY 1405 N. Church (SURPLUS) 2-9601. Navy Foul -Weather Jackets S 14.05. Tanker Jackets $6.95. ACOUSTIC Record Player, used once. $8.95. Ph. 3-9613. THE perfect gift for Christmas a Family Portrait by - KENNKLL-ELLIS Open Mon. St Frl. Eves. 520 State St. Ph. 3-7830 Gifts for Dodr Electric Razors Popular Brnnd Reg. $28.95 "NOW $19.98 RATDORF'S HOME A- AUTO 1420 Stale Ph. 3-SS82 2095 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7455 S A- H Green Stamps 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted, Men WANTED: Substitute mall car ner for rural route 5. Ph. A. L. Brewster 3-4330 lor interview. BARBER wanted for"S.ittirt"avs Ken's Barber Shop 1670 S. 12th 606 Help Wonted, Ladv CARE J children, mv home, some housework. Ph. 4-0355 LADY for housework St care of children. 609 N. Front. ENPFRIFNCElT SecretarvT"ref rrvnees required. Alumni Of fice of Willamette Univ. WANTED: Babv slltcr. it gen eral housework. 5 da. week, live tn.Ph. 3-4493 atler ft. WANTED: Woman" to do house work. 2 In family, all modern J.nme. Live in. Ph. 4-6550, vri-i W A RU KS8KS Overs ear Routes, Write us for career In formation. PAN AMERICAN 'WORLD AIRWAYS. Seattle Tacoma Internal inna I Airport. Seattle U, Washington. 609 Commission Work MEN. 20-40 years of ace. U von want a job with no lay-oft, w ill. security and advance ment opportunles, call per sonnel manager. Ph. 3-5364 between 1:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 610 Soles Help Wonted EXPERIENCED Real Estate Satrsman or woman Estab IHhed office Commission. Statesman-Journal Box 427. R F. A L ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED Men who wish the better thine in life and n have the energy and fortitude to work for them It t not easy call me at 4-6081 for an appointment to see me at mv office at 4907 N. River Rd. Al Walts, Realtor. MAN witrTcar'for outsfdt sales w ork. Electrolu Corp., 1079 Broadwav. 612 Work Wanted, Men G I. age 24. wants part time. Sen ice Station work. 3-5064 eve, CA R PENTE R work npZto., remodeling, hr. or con tract. Rlchard Ras. Ph. 3-471C. CARPENTER. repaliorremo deling by hr. or contract. No job too smalt 3-4765. Home Building Remodeling Repairing, ptannlng. financing for best results Call 4-9592, 4-B275. out. FREE estimates on floor cover ings or drainboaras. R L, Eli strom Co, 260 S Liberty CARPENTER. Re-nodel St re pair, work guar. $1.50 hr. 4-77U Painting A Paper hanging Anv sue lob Free Ft. Terms. Ph. Nelson 3 8493 tnterlor St exterior L. C. notion. 3-169, or 3-6S37 v. LOU'S tree service topping, prune, cabling, 4-8501. CARPf NTER WORK, day r 600 Employment 612 Work Wonted, Mm Want Janitor or Yard Work. Ref. Ph. 4-1434. Carpenter & Repair Work Ph. 2-1459 . WATCH St clock repair. Mr. usioy, i4i a. ijjocriy. WANTED Tree pruning, top ping at removing, neages at shrubs trimmed. Ph. 2-5480. PART time work, afternoons pfd. Mechanical aptitude good. Ph. 4-8330 between 5-7 p.m. CARPENTER work the way iuu warn ii. rn. 6U Work Wonted, tody BLIND man's wife needs work badly. Ph. 2-0748. . CHILD care by nr.. Day. So. casi uisi. rn. d-uouw. DESIRE home work. Inventory, etc, uwn comptometer 6t car. Ph. 4-0205 alter 5:30. CHILD care my home. South by hr. wk. or mo. Ph. 4-3882. DRESSMAKING, alterations"" tailoring, in my home. Mabel Valech. Rh. 4-7951. CHILD care, 1st $1 day, rest .. ,:'nr'. ci yorners. z-wrz. WILL care for small chirdren my house, days, or sit evenings your house. Ph. 2-1622. CHILD care by week or month. rn. j-ooM. . DRESSMAKING- & alterations. dll types. Mrs, Day Ph. 4-7156. RELIABLE baby sitter my home day or night. Ref. Ph. 3-H856. CHILD care, my home, West aaicm. rn. 3-soTi. CHILD care while you shop or worn, my warm , nome dv nr. or day. 440 MILL. 2-7400. WILL haby sit eves, you- home, WSalcm dist, Ph. 4-0540 CHILD enre my home 4 Corners Ph. 3-6349. 25c hr. day or night. 615 Situations Wonted CHILD care In my home any time, rn. z-tmz. zuoa nazei. VET Carpenternew or old- reisonabie. fh. -no4. SMALL carpenter Jobs, good worn, reasons oie. r n s-im HEMSTITCHING DONE AT 1551 MARKET CARPENTER wk.. any kind. reas. 4240 Maclcay Rd, Ph. 4-5961. ROOF Leak Re roof fng St Re- air, win oeai an competition, h. 4-3722 Any time. SCHARFS BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, septio lanKs, urain fields. Power Ditching, Backfill- Ph 2-5566 or 3-3072. LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling grading. 3-7042. U Kurth.. 618 Education DIESEL HEAVY -EQUIPMENT Mechanically minded men are necaca to train mr jods in the Diesel field. We are now conducting FREE our scientif ic aptitude tests In this area. There is no obligation to find nut if you can qualify for this field which Is paying top wages. If you are between the ages of 20 and 46, write to Box 415, Statesman-Journal, FAIRYLAND Kindergarten St wursery. now rcnearsing Christmas Program; those in terested Ph. 2-7653 or 2-0147. Care of all ages ,25c hr. 7 to 11 p.m. 855 Mission. HIGH SCHOOL at Home Finish your Hi Sch'l. In your spare time, no classes, books furn. Low tuition. Free booklet. AMERICAN SCHOOL. BU fe-76fl0 6543 n. interstate, Portland 17. Ore. 620 Doy ond Controct 4.- 'V rd shovel crane hoe drg line. 2Vton mobile cranes 04. D7 cats, carry all clear ing blade Rental ron tract oi unit Drices SALEM SAND & GRAVEL I40t N Front St . Ph J-3461 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Boord CLOSE In 1st. fir. Sleeping rm. tua center ai. NICE lg. rm. at the Chalet with Duara, .too s. tapuoi. i-Jtnj. NICE warm stpg. rm. near Cap, ;nop, nr. rn. j-9.t.i. L.Kn.SAt r rm. adjoining bath for gentleman. 2-4547. ATTRACTIVE Irg. clean rms. reas. close in. Pvt. em.. 4-7807. FURN. sleeping rm. garage, 1 woe iromRiflti. en. 4-ni. WANTED Man to room and board: i860 Center. TV, clean, nicely turn, sleeping rm., men a wk. rn. z-mv. MAN slpg. rin., TV, prlv. enL looa p. uapuoi. i-ni4. CLEAN. Comf. rms. T. V.. close i 215 s winter 1-172S. NICELY turn, room, also bsmt. apt., close m. 533 n. winter. HOME away from home. Men TV. Pack lunches. 1095 N. 5th. 705 Apartments For Rent l RM. furn ant. util. paid. $28 Newly dec. Ph. 4-2K89. 4 RM. furn. apt. 1431 N. Cottage. i'n. i-zwd. LARGE 4 room apt. unfurn. $50 mo. iuu a. lam. t'ti. a-7uoa alter 6 p.m. 3 RM. oarttv furn Ant. natural gas neai iv cooxing no. in ear hospital. 1723 Center. FURN, 4 rm. apt., util"!-363$ S. Com'I. Ph. 2-5355. JANSSKN COURT Apt., clean, good loc. E. Rural ai a. 1. tin ai., near snop. cent. St bus. FURN. 1 and 2 bdrm., Apts. heated, 1411 Court St. 2 FIRST fir. furn. S30-S3S, car port. Tr , antenna. 3-9639. Fl'HN. 2 bdrm. court, across from North Hi. 812 N. 14th. THE CENTURY. 1961 CENTER. New irg. dlx. 3 bdrm, Apts. CLOSE in modern furn. 3 rm. apt. Ph.3-84!H) except Sat. NEWLY decor. 3 rm. furn. pv't. em., nam. uui. pa. i9 s. i?. 2 BDRM Irg. modern, range St reirig. grcuna nr.. ajo i norm apt. Upocr. rloe to Don n town, Eflstrldge Apts. 1055 Ediewater. CI.F-N. furn . clote in trailer. gentleman -'3. 4-1466. 243 Un ion. ATTRACTIVE 2 rm. apt. close in. priv. nir. rn. -so7. SPARKLING clean 1 bdrm. unlurn. apt. 603 3. Summer. 3-ROOM furn. apt., priv. bath. .05 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-"47. FURN. Bachelor suite tn mod- ern court o. pt, 4 s c. CLEAN pleasant furn. heated apts. all util. 450 S. Capitol. . LE MAU COfRTS 1 bdrm. unfurn. range, refrif, some uttl. AdulU. 143$ Trade. FURN Clen. Clne"in. pvt bath St enL 492 S, HllV -MODF.RN Furntihed Co'uii. V bedroom. Weil S-ilfm. Call 4-M7S evenings call 2-8743. fURN. court. Uv. rm. bednn.1 kitchenette k hath 4.V aiM 700 Rentals 705 AportmenU For Rent FURN. upstairs 1 bdrm, apt. Ph, Eve. 2-3190. 3 RM. nicely furn. pvt. bath, clean, $35. Ph. a-wm or a-twu. FURN, 3 rms. new decor., priv. entr, isi nr., wgitr, jinis, ni. Reas. Call 11-2. 1673 Saginaw. SPARKLING clean 1 bdrm. du plex apt. niceiy turn, on street parking. 745 S. Commercial. BSM'T. furn. Block to Capitol mags, naaiaior neai, uiuiiies pd. Adults $30. 36254 after 5. ATTRACT. 1 bdrm. cL apt. un- i urn. nova et rung. line view Dallas Rd. Phone 2-2008. NEW unfurn. apt. 1 emp'l. per son. oik. uapiioi 9o inci. mil. Ph. 2-5430. 1133 Chemeketa. Nicely furn. for 2 Or 3. Near Cap.Shop. Clr. Pii. 3-532.. 674 N CHURCH 2 rm. furn. apt.J35. Ph 4-7583. FURN. rbdrm." apt. 2136 Fair . grounds Rd. $55 mo. Ph. 2-9580 after 5 p.m. ' 1 LRG. 3 rm.iurttriLpfT"5 rm. unfurn. apt. clo&e in. Ph. 4-2729. CLOSE in nice furnTapti. utfi. 2S-S35. 765 Mai lull. 740 FERRY Irg. 3 bedrosjn re dec. unfurn., cto. in. hcrit St water. Aduiis. un. 4-0015. FURN.. 3 rm. apt. alPutiirpd iuu. joo o. tuin. ATTRACTIVE 2 rnir? apt. furn, Ph. 2-7945. SMALL furn. apt. close to bus St cnuron. ma iiuge. NICE "3 .rms. furn., priv. en trance, water St elec, furn. Close to bus. Ph. 2-107Q. . NICELY furn. 2 rms!" priv. bath, ulil. Call after 6. 420 S. 20th. Ph. 2-9376. FURN. 1 rm. apt. kitchenette S30 roo.. utll. incl.1599 State. 4 RM. furn. apt. close in.Ist Or, Kd5 appliances, fn. 2-6776. RE-DEC. 1 bdrm. furn. apt. South. Prlv. cnt. & bath, water St garbage $40. Ph. 3-567. 1 3 Rm. furn. pvt. bath, entrance. 0(.3Urn. J-3H.M or Z-2583, ATTRACTIVE BmTXpt." dole in, Aiicnencue, nam, steam heat, laundry priv. Inq. 461 it. j rum. r,ve. ROOMY 2 bdrm. iurn. apt. Ph. CLEAN 1 bdrm. apt. Refrig. & Biuves i urn,, aiso uui. j a. 3-7145. U NFURN. 3 rm. courTapt", heat, laundry facilities, 3rd St.. West Salem. 4-8514. 2 BDRM. furn., ground fir- garbage, water, lights, child OK. Off St. park. $40. 3-5367. 2 RM. bsm't. apt., priv. bath! $35. 1115 N, 19th. 3-7641. FUnN. 3. rms., heat, water f u rn. $35. Ph. 4-6124. FURN. 3 rmsr. washing facil ities, pnone, stm. ht 4-u61 VERY nice close in 1 bdrm. Apt. 706 Duplexci NICELY furn. clean 3 rm. V2 blk. to school & bus. 465 Columbia. 1 BDRM.. range St refrig. water, garbage furn., garage, W. Sa Icm, $42.50 mo. 4-4930, 4-9335. 2 BDRM. birch kitchen, utility & garage, nr. shopping, school St bus, $70. Ph. 2-2114 after 1 p.m. NEW 1 bdrm. with Move St re- frig, reas. call 3-6922. NEW 2 bdrm. unfurn. Adults. Nr. Candalaria Shopping. 2810 S. High. Ph- 2-611 1, 3-6032. PARTLY furn 2 bdrm., duplex, auto, washer St dryer. $55. Ph. 3-8997. DUPLEX 3 rms.. bath, oil heat 1030 N."16th. Ph. 4-4241 after 5:30 wk. days. RANCH type, corner lot, 2 bdrm, hdwd. firs,, Venetians, util. rm., elec. range St refrig., TV ant., garage, wired for dryer, $70. 355 Tryohr Ph. '2-7805. ' NEW 2 bdrm. Close In. 1435 N. Summer. 1 BDRM., Duplex Apt. large rooms, exc. condition. 2 yrs. old. 1780 Davidson.. Ph. 2-1053. NICELY furn. mod. duplex, So. Couple only. Ph. 3-5765. 707 Houses For Rent GIVE some rent for cleaning 2 bdrm. house, close in, 3-5194. $65. NICE 3 BDRM. N.E. with bsm't. firepl., $75, will lease. See Joe ' L. Bourne Realtor, at 1140 N. . Capitol. 1 BDRM. house in good cond., oil heater St water turn. 3 blk. off bus. $40. Ph. 2-7569. BY OWNER.. Small 2 bdrm. home for rent or sale. Engle wood dist. Ph. 3-6961. 2 BDRM., util. rm. $45. 1440 Cross. CLEAN unfurn. 2 bdrm. duplex wnn garage Ac casement. Close in. Call 4-1307, CLEAN unfurn. 2. bdrm. house, garage. 2386 S, Summer. Ph. atler 2-3889. HOUSE. 1875 S. Capital $65. Adults or small family. Inq. 101 1 S. Liberty. 4 BDRMS.. bus at corner. 586 S. 19th. Owner 1445 Oak. ONE & 2 bdrm. Apts., range St refrig., furn. Ph. 2-3841. I RR. unfurn. except stove & re frig. Inq. 1815 Lee after t p.m. 1 BDRM h"iic earage, water fur.. $45. 947 Mill. Ph. 4-4009. 1 . .inl. hse. stove, i "i Inq. 1420 Market. 3 BEDROOM hnuse E. Sub. A A il. Dec. 1. Ph. 4-5077. 1 BDRM. hse. bsmt. 2 blk. M&F. SMJKnapp. 4-4659 or 3-3717. FAiRMnuNT-Late built 3 rm rge. & refrig. $32 30. 3-M68. Nelsons Rentals WE NEED 2 AND .1 BEDROOM RENTALS. CLIENTS WAIT ING. 2 Brriroom Dunlex. 4 Cor ncrs $60 I Large 5 bdrm. unfurn. hue., 3 baths $65 Drc. 15 -3 bdrms., dble. I Plumbin $75 2 hdrm. unfurn. Nice. W. Si ten.. AH appliances I furnished $85 '2 bdrm. unfurn. court. South , $73 : Nice large unfurn. apart- j ment $50 3 bdrms.. walk to town $70 1 bdrm. furn., verv clean. Close to State bldgs. $431 Call Dorothy Deal, Evei. 4-8632 NELSON k NKLSON REALTORS 1590 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3669 UNFURN. 2 bdrm!.. elec. heat, firepl.. util. rm., ait. gar. $5. Ph.2.7T.SJ. ' NICE 3 bedroom. 1530"fra'rte $j5. Ramsey Realty. Ph. 4-0069 CLEAN 2 bdrm. goocTlocation". $65 mo. Pft. 2-3508. 3 BDRM. house $60. 2010 Ferry. 20M9. ' 3 Rm. house St bath $30. Ph. 3-7304. LOVELY view nice imslj clean 2 bdrm. home. Inside utility elec. heat, attached garsie water furnished $2 50 mo. In tuir WO Cascade Dr. Ph 2-444J FOR Rent: 1 bdrm. newTydee" orated. Oil heat. South. Gar Ph. 4-0646. THIS you should se. Clean l' bdrms.. hdwd, firs., frpl. himt oil heat, garage. Suitable for rrl. Clove to Stste ht. 15 T so fro 4 -441 or 2-5132 eves Him mrt A rerris Ritn., 134 s Liberty. RM. mwtern hse . psrtly furn.; 4 A'.' 700 Rentals 707 Houiei For Rent 2 BDRM. hse.. Ketzer Dlst. 2 BDRM. . home, full bsm't.. birch kitchen $65 mo. include heat & water. Ph. 3-3031 or 2 BDRM. cottage, nice yard, ai licit put. Mmu, at iruil irees. siiu ciossom ur. Fix, 4-1730. CLEAN unfurn. 2 bdrm. $60. mq. ivn waiier. fn. 3-uoiv. SMALL modern home to respon Bible couple. Ph. 3-3326. CLEAN 3 bdrm.. himt . nil - nrepi. Avau uec 1U at, ptl. 3 RM. house.' Adults. No pets. 3 BDRM. house $48. 2380 Carlton way. rn. z-idb7. "Tbdrm. home on ovelv"Kin. nuuu t-iv., uui. i-arpciea, auto, washer, $100 mo. with opium 10 ouy. rn. j-ra75. NICE, clean, new 2 bdrm. house, Biiur-u ajjavc, jii jtejzcr, rn. 3-3858. 4 BDRM. home. Skyline Rd. $75 3 BDRM. house. Hayesville Dlst. S60 per mo. Ph. 3-3136. 1 RM. house 590 N. 17th St. Inq. 1595 N. 5th St. Ph. 3-9574. F.- Mnu""' 2 hdr"- firepl., garage. $60.Ph. 3-9968. 1 OR 2 bdrms., $55. TV Antenna, wired for dryer, Ph. 2-0370. 1 BDRM. unfurn., fenced yd., garage. Ph. 2-3543. 3 BDRM., 2 baths, fmly rriC bsm't., Rchmd Dist., vacant, $90. Ph. 4-0461. 2 BDRM. Cottage part, furn., ga rage. $70. No pets. 634 Catter lin. Ph. 2-2707. VERY nice 1 bdrm. court, un furn. . except for refrig. St stove. 2445 Market Ph. 2-1958. NICE clean 2 bdrm. home$65 mo. 4 Corners Dist. Rawlins Realty, 4-6375. . 707-0 furnished Houses COZY 2 bdrms. furn., garnlf, nearbus $45. Ph. 3-6725 eve. SMALL furn. cottage near bus, stores, no. siu. rn. 4-dbh. FURN. 1-bdrm. house, fireplace. iaunary trays, parage, close In, $45. Ph. 4-1631. 2 BDRMS. furn. garage, no pets. rn. 1 a 1 aiier p.m. SMALL, 3 bdrm. furn. hse. Close in on N. Com 1. $o5. Ph. 3 RM. cottage, newly rcdecor! wctbninK laciiiucs, pari uui, 1326 N. Winter. Ph. 2-0363. NICE 1 bdrm. furn. house. 1740, oxford St. Ph. 2-O0Gj. CLEAN 1 bdrm. furn. Cottage. Aauus. no peis. ?hu, itnu n. Lancaster, Ph. 4-2943. BDRM. -house furn., all elec!! on bus stop. 788 S. 23th, 3-3385 I BDRM. FURN. HOUSE. T.V. ANT. 3-5420 EVE. 1 BDRM. house furn. South. Ph. 2-6758 eves. 1 BDRM. partly furn. all elec. Aouiis. inq. aa43 romana tia. C07.Y & warm re-decorated 1 bdrm. Sub, So., No dogs, Ref. Ph. 2-6247. 3 RM. furn. house, yard fenced. 1965 Huvay Ave. Ph. 2-6618, 1 BDRM. clean insulated, gas range, 2 gas heaters St water heater, Venetian blinds, 1 blk. to bus. Ph. 3-8519. BDRM. cottage, water, gar-ba-e no. gar. Adults pfd. )55. 1415 Jefferson. Ph. 3-8397. $50. 1 bdrm. all electric, aoie nov. linn, dus siup, lure for steadily employed. Ph. 4-3646. Inq,. 1179 6th St. 708 Farms For Rent WANTED, RENTER for Dean yarq lu A. Close in, Mrs. Alice eardsley. Ph. 2-5884, 5040 Herrin Rd. 2-4321. 709 .Wanted to Rent WANTED to rent: Barn with Sasture for I or 2 horses. Fa. 6811 days, eves. 4-5073. 710 Wanted to Rent Htet DESIRE to rent 1,3 bdrm. rM house about Dec- 1st: East part of town. Fh. 2-8862. .. . 14 Business Rentals WORK shop 24x38. wired for 110. zm, auuaoie lor any type shop. Has been vacated by cabinet maker -$50 ,mo. Ph. 3-3031. or 2-6862. 2 RMS. 331 , State St. See mornings. DOWNTOWN office space, store rms. warenoutt 3-4 in 718 Convalescent Homes VACANCY at Broadway Nursing nome. uea, Ainmuaiory, nr hoard St rm. Patients taken. Ph. 2-4801. ELDER RSI Nursing Home Prt- vaie rms. avauaoie rireprooi 2630 N. Church. 2-9616. 780 Moving & Storoge Larmer Transfer & Storatfe Complete moving service. Also genu ior BEMiNa nation Wide Movers Ph 3-3131 LOW COST storage H L. Stlft f urnuurv io d-maa 800 Real Estate 801 Business Qpportun. DOWN TOWN cafe In Salem, excellent location and equip ment. Best offer takes. Leav ing state. Call owner after 7, 2 0654. ROOMING house for sale. Close in, gooa location. 2-0296. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Dress shop in top downtown ii'tnion. uoing gooa volume. This Is- your chance to own a thriving business. a inriving mi.iinrss. Call Don Doughton, Eves. 4-1414 on Uouckzon . PARTNER with $600. Business will gross $12,000 year. Box 426 Statesman-Journal. OWNKR-Manager needed bv na tional concern lor new Holiday Shop opening soon in Salem. Stores in other towns avail able. Holiday Shops sell tovt. gilts. b.iby items, greeting card, etc. Reoutrex $.,473 for merchandise. Write: National Holiday Shopi. 735 Tehama, San Francisco. OPPORTUNITY BEYOND comparison if you can rn. i-nini ior appt. STUCCO building 40-xliO', COn crete floor, large doors, 13' celling for Warehouse storage or shop. Inq. 1596 S. 13th. Houiei For Sale BY BUILDER lO DOWN Movrs ypii n today TP riSCHEK PH 4-5133 IN C-3 Zon, North. n x 100 cor- t.rh lot has 1 3 bdrm. houie with concrete b,m'l. Esc. r.n. .J,.10""1 Fin "' M for shop on Corner. Ilj.nno 1VA .?B-.r.,J'n' ! end, or alter 5.30 p m. 1 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole POSSIBLE $500 DOWN BUYS THIS NICE 3-bdrm. home located In Eastmorcland Dist. Ideal family room, ne oil furnace, hdwd. firs.. Fire place, dinette. Located ai 1240 N. 25th St. IMMEOIATC POSSESSION. Call Ben Col bath, Realtor, days 4-4494, eve. 4-4977. CLOSE-ESTATE SMALL HOUSE 4 OPEN 2064 BROADWAY '. Edward T. Gai-i-itr. PHONE MA 3-4J06 DALLAS BY OWNER 110,500 3 odrm mvuoc, irwis., pauo & icnced back yard G.I, loan. Ph. 4.7689. tin nnn H h,.n.- nT. v...'::,' -linn si;"; -."0 vii jvitt. ur, in Xlnirwood His. Exceptional modern. Beam ceilings in liv Ing room, two baths, two fire places, full basement, fin. dJw. ."S . M"nt localinu Ph. A .65,a for information. Un USUal SOlit lef.l .ntr.n.. h.ll JOE HUTCHISON HEALTOR u' ':e..ruur num. nert.1 To Buy. iell or Rem - Call Balance 18.050 at 54 per mo., macs o; ins., a. inl. 2 ."U Yi"h clt' witer. located out Dal as Rd. to 151 Colle,. Dr. Drivt by and look., door "Pen. If Interested Ph. 4-6212 or 4-3632. WE bavtf ,2500 equity In 17.500 take 1500 down, m mo. on our equity. 15.000 balance at 146 a mo. Ph. 4 0510. TRADE OB SELL: Beautiful v,cv iui. inis 'uiuie" is so., has an East front, lovelv 3 bdrm., family, rm., dble. p'las- I tr-red narailc. 2 frpl's., 2 set, ' plumbing, lots of bullt-lni,. All for 116,800. Ph. 4-6272. . UNSURPASSED TL Pr"1' "elusion, dignity uu tHn naroiT aee the house from the road, but what a place. A doublo garage In front nf a lovelv 3-bdrm. home with beautiful built-in anpllanccs- Every- S !fr.iln! fam"ly Hvlnf with all the conveniences a home should have. Don't pas, this one by at only 112,900. Tlnancing available. HAMILTON. BLDB. . Phones 4-7844: 3-6062 or 2-150 COME ONT.ET'K TPAHP This 4-bdrm. West Salem horn. Is cozy, comoact A- "Iiam... with very lovely family kit chen, Inside utility. 2-car ga rage. PLUS very neat ground floor apt. Price 111,000. Sell er needs 3-bdrm. home near South Salem High. Prefer- SEE MBS. WELLS, Eves, ph., CO. REALTORS 517 Court St. Of.Ph.4.448 $16,500.00 '' Trl-plex. One 2-bdrm. apt. 1 . l-nnrm apts. Carport. Nrar State office bldgs. A-l cond. Good terms, $15,500.00 New 3-bdrm. . home. Dbl,. plumbing. Will be finished In ! weeks. South. Near schools. $12,750.00 3-bdrm. home on bus line. - En glewood Dlst. Owner transf. Immed. poss. GENERAL STORE ' With locker, plant & post of fie. - Separate home with acre of. ground. 3 miles East ot Sa- Jem - In prosperous farming community. Illness force, sale. " TAVERN With liquor by the drink priv lieges. Living quarters. . GROCERY STORE Grossing ,7,000 .per. month In small town. TELEVISION STORE In thriving town. Good service business.. Has A-l mechanics. Exclusive franchise on many makes.of T.V. aets. No blu. aky. REALTOR 1718 CENTER ST. Ph. 4-4901, day or night POSSIBLE $700 DOWN BUYS THIS BRAND NEW 3 bdrm. home, paneled firepl , 2 bathrms., family room 2 car garage. OVER 1430 sq. ft. of floor space. Located In Mornlngslde district. Paved street. PRICE HAS BEEN CUT 51550, and the down payment reduced from 12250 to S700 down. THE WISE 2iQr5Lw,LL BE SURE TO SEE THIS. Call Ben Colbath, mP' 4",49' Buy or Rent 2-bdrm. house on '3 acre In four corners dlst. Garage Ai workshop, chicken house ,tc small green house. C. W. ve. Realtor. 1860 Mission St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9W6. FOR SALE NEW s RrirtM Special for weekend. See at 3475 Livingston. Open. Call J.J57 North. East. COMrORTABLE 4 bdrm. horn in Monmouth. Small dn. pvmt; 12.550 full price. Must sellnoiv. Ph. SKyllne 7-17.18 before 10 a.m. or after 4:30 p.m. TOR SALE or rent well kept redecorated 3 bdrm. home, Highland SI. Vincent Disu corner lot, 19500 with terms. Ph.jrflll. $5050 A GOOD SOLID HOUSF? Needs a little redecorating. 3 bdrms.. Ig. closets, oak firs., Irpl.. new wall heaters, bus hv door. I5O0 dn.. bal. 155 mo. Call G A. Walters. Rltr. 2 S714 or 4-6365. HKItE are 3 new homes. Each has 3 bedrooms, come out and see them. Can be bought on easy terms. One has I4!i3 squar.MLPh.4.17fi9anyJtme. "YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS""' 3 yr. old 1 bdrm.. Duplex, larg rooms, excellent condition. neat Leslie Sch. Ph. 2-1033. 3 BDRM.rnod. home with extrl lol, W Salem. 10.350. Ph. 4-7786 MODERN 13 yrs. oldl. suburban 2 bdrm. home with nice yard. Eood neighborhood. 1 blk. lo us. 4 blk. to school. Auto, oil heat. Rent $3. Now available. Call Dean Klarr. Home Ph. 5 7090. RAWLINS REALTY, 4-S373. Talrwav Park Add. 31M( CHESTER AVE. City wller, aewer, drainage. Adjacent te Jrade and Junior hi school, -bdrm. with family rm, built in oven and range, patio. Pnce 13 950. ,3.450 down. Out Sll verton Rd to Lansing, iftuth te Chester Ave. Drive by and look; doors ,r open. If Inter, ested. ph. Owner Builder, 4-6211 or 4-3632. . NEW 3 bedroom eontemporarj homes, beam ceilings, fire places, carports. One Wocl North et Kelrer Sch. turn we t open house Urn. Ph.ulldei 4-6.VU for inlo. fn.Kt fd low. low down payment.