1 1 1 tj ; :'l 3. Page 4 Section 2 HOME" OF THE WEEK Layout Of Blaisdell House Makes Mother's Work Easy By MARGARET MAftEE i ered. Furniture in the livins ronm , wails of light orchid and in con Capital Journal Writer ia brown and green. The wooden I trast to this a bright aqua baa When mother is a "warkinir pieces have a maple finish and I been used for the rugs and pink for woman" along with being a house-i the drapes are a soft beige color, l the bedspread. The flounce on the keeper the hnuse she keeps needs! wo particularly interesting , oeaapreao. is 01 a do in print in to be one that she can quickly or-j lamps are found in the living j pink, green, blue, white and yel- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL This House Easy to Keep ganize and clean. room. One has a miniature spin- The Donald Blaisdells have Just ; n'" wheel as a base and the such a home at 1017 East Ewaldiother a pitcher and wash bowl low and the same print has been used for a flounce an the dress ing table. Ave, In addition to being an easy house to keep it is also one that has been designed to give plenty of space for family activities. Of modified modern design, the Blaisdell home is sided with wide cedar which' haa been stained a redwood color and is trimmed with 1 me 6 new at '''ntl 1)131 ' The white. There ia a low brick facing "n oe ralsea ann towerea mer ,ailei base. On the wall opposite from the fireplace the large space has The bedroom occupied by the been effectively broken by' the use Blaiadell'a two inns, Stephen and of a large round mirror and a Lance, has been finished in a deep hanging clock planter in a maple ; pink and in contrast to this are finish with a brass trim. i the printed spreads in brown green i ne awing area of me nouse nas and white used on the boys beds. same mahogany, as was i t th kitchen ha neon below the large window in the liv-:'"" 13018 M W amount of!u(!(1 for the caometa in the bath, ing room and this haa been ex- M11 ' t all times. On thelA necked linoleum with a choco tended out from the front to form!3" over the dining room table tate cr)lr predominating has been planter, Mrs., Blaisdell has a what-not hold- Ulled m the ,.,. ml chocolate Beams Follow tow Celling- m 1 miea,nn o C"P and and yellow used in the trim and The roof haa a low pitch and;" " "' the ceiling has followed the lino k lwd ln 'tlen Mahogany clipboards and cabi nets in the very modern kitchen of the home make housekeeping in the room much easier. They also blend It into the rest of the of the roof with the beama extend. ing out under the eaves. Large double windows and the door take up most of the space across the front of the living ronm. The wall in which the fireplace has been ! house. In contrast to the darker placed is of Roman brick, which i finish of the mahogany, pink has range in color from tans and greys j been used on the wall. The tile to a pinkish-tile. I covering the counters and drain- From the raised hearth of the ' hoards and used on the walls un fireplace on across the brick wall, ' der the cupboards is of buff color a planter has been built and this-'nd bordering-is a cocoa colored is filled with many green plants, i tile that blends with the mahog "L" Shaped Living Room I any. The linoleum on the floor is Arrangement of the living and ; tweed type with beige and browns dining room in an open area form- predominating, while on the win ing an "L" gives the house a spa ciousness that Is also- emphasized by the interesting arrangement of open shelves separating the kitchen from the dining area. The dows are white curtains with brown edging. The utility room Is really an ex tension1 of the kitchen, making it possible for the housewife to keen shelves hold a number of pieces : m ve on ler washing while still of milk glass. Other pieces are ! working in the kitchen, found in the livim? room. I Bedrooms Off Hallway ""! ,h" "vm wo tl"l All three bedrooms of the house COMING EVENTS i I and the bath open off a hallway th . entered through the dining, room. wails of counters. the room and the Your Garden Notebook I 11 Mi I I II I i I I Salem, Orrgon, Wednwdny, November 28, 1956 Capital A Journal GARDEN PACE Drabness of Winter Changed fith Plants By MARK M. TAYLOR The drabness of winter montha may be brishtened consider Vy with the use of plants that afford winter color either with their c I .. lul foilaga or heavy crop of bright berries. It is even possible to select plants that bloom so early that, in mild winters, their bloom. ins actually begins during the winter season. In planning; the winter garden it ; must be kept in mind that certain stamens. Blooms In late winter or requisites exist for successful cul- very early spring. i ture. The winter garden should be ; Petasites fragrans (Winter helio exposed to the south to gain the trope ) Only one loot tall with i advantage of all available sun- j lilac to purple flowers with a ! light: it shuuld have free circula- vanilla-like odor. Blooms in March, tion of air. but be protected from - Primalus (Primroses) Blooms prevailing winds. A south facing , d arch in variety of colors, wall provides a comfortable back, i . iiatiUa v e r n a 1 i i (Pasque and. if there is a chimney in the : flower) Anemone - like herbs of wail, greater warmth will be fur- j the buttercup family, about six nished. An angle of the house will j inches tail with lavender flowers SEAWEED INSULATION Many buyers of old Colonial farm houses in New England DO YOU KNOW? Miniature roses maake excellent pot plants for indnor culture? Lloyd Weeks, Salem, is a mem- .,. h rf)rf Pa. ber of the council of judges of miulelini! wMa were in. All America gladiolus selections? , mlMai wm dried seaW(!(!d. Tni! Kalmiopsis leachiana, a small snawned did a good job, too, in evergreen with rnBy-purple flowers lumping lne Colonial huuscs warm la one of the mint recently dis- er , Win.er and cooler in summer, covered native shrubs of Oregon : plm t0 mve fuel. But un- and Is an ideal plant for the rnfik ' ni,a mortirn miner: wonl; the . t garden? j ma attracted vermin and was The Heath Family i Ericaceae! ! a jcrious fire hazard. includes rhndndenriron. azalea and Calmia comprising m j than 70 1 EAVE IT TO LADIES genera anc am species i ot aM dea,rate an the living room area, while in the dining part of the house the hardwood floors used throughout the house have been left uncov- The master bedroom has been done in light pink with maple fur niture used here. Daughter Barbara's room has home interiors, 11 per cent is se lected by mothers and daughters, says the National Painr, Varnish and Laouer Assn. Father and son Jan. 12 (tentative! Northwest ! choose only 18.7 per cent. Landlord Regional Meet, Men's Garden i or painting contractor account for Clubs of America, Salem. i D .1 per cent. Dec. Oregon State Horticul tural Society, Corvallis. MI-IWEMTOW jpTp rrrif, - k 11 r? ! -f ; frig;.' -1 p i - -jtj nrovida additional protection, but, it none is available, an inclosure of evergreens will serve the pur pose and, in itself, add beauty to the layout. Drier In Summer in March. . Synthyris rotundilolia A small, perennial for the rock garden with blue flowers in March. -- Bulbs of various kinds extend the blooming season into winter, m Uus connect l must be . COMidered winter bloom- remembered ttatwte m lo-, (heje Bulbocdiura cation, it is warmer than the res : srnum (February)i Autumn cr0. ot die home grounds ui wrnter , ; is, a an. drier m summer plants owd8ropSi !nownakes, me growing there i must be watered varietieii durinis dry penods and the soil cycamen. surr lu . u... Berry Shrnbf Help(al riunts mat may ue tiuwu m iuc winter garden to supplant the color furnished by spring, summer and fall bluoming sorts may be se lected frum tile following: Flowering Shrubs and Trees Berry bearing shrubs and trees provide a major portion of winter color in gardens and should be con sidered in any landscape planning in order to prolong the seasonal I color advantages of our flowering At 1017 East Ewald Ave., one finds the new home of the Donald Blaisdell family, (above), which has been desiirned with an eye toward making housekeeping easy alnnit with providing plenty tit space far family living. Below Is a picture taken from the kitchen showing the mahogany cupboards, the built-in oven and electric stove and looking into the living- room and dining mom section. Mrs. Blaisdell Is shown arranging a bnuqnet of chrysan themums at the dining ronm table. C & K LUMBER YARD, Lancaster and Center St. ; Cut This Out For Future Reference " THE MERCHANDISE LISTED BELOW IS ALL FIRST GRADE, QUALITY GOODS. NO BLOWS -NO SECONDS -NO 'CATS' 'DOGS' Neic Treatment of Windoics Can Perk Up Entire Room Questions Answered Mahunia. aquifolium (Oregon trees and shrubs. Among those arnnp I A fine, broad-leaved na- worthy of consideration in this i tive shrub to six feet in height, I area are firethorn, holly, cotoneas- 9 1 green or mahogany colored foliage ; ter, barberry ana American cran-1 in winter with yeuow uowers in nerry ousn. March. Shrubs or trees with colorful Chimonanthus braecoi nine to twiggy growth rate considaration. ten feet tall, evergreen, fragrant. tco. Among those available, the yellow flowers in April May bloom following will prove useful in earlier in mild winters. many plantings: Red osier dog- Cornus masa (Cornelian cherry) wood, red twig dogwood, yellow A large shrub with clusters of j twig dogwood, Siberian dogwood, small yellow flowers ln very early . redstem willow and purple osier, spring before the leaves appear.! Even many of the broadlcavcd The green foliage becomes a nice ; evergreens have variegated foliage red in fall and remains on until ' which adds a touch of color to the well into winter. : garden in winter. Among these you Corylopsis glabrescens A tall, will find the hollies, laurels and, hardy shrub with racemes of pale even, the arborvitaes, some with yellow flowers, cowslip-scented, in silvery or bronzy tips to the other February and March. Commonly wise green foliage. known as fragrant, winter-hazel. EricfcaeTrainghrath!-! R0SeS WelcOlTie a amau, evergreen snruo witn up-, right racemes of rosy-red flowers i By MARK M. TAYLOR in very early spring, or even in winter during mild seasons. Varie ties available afford white or pur ple flowers as well. Hamamelis Japonica, mollis or vernalis Native American shrubs known as witchhazel, with yellow. Gifts on Yule Holly and mistletoe are the sig nal that Christmas time is draw ing near and a plant that would make a long-lasting gift is a rose. I f,r,r nnm.r. in F.hr,i.-.rv !?""-" WD,UD '"r "'Of ana ,w"at is best method of trans- nudiflorum wmt "utjr tooogh to years planting lunnick.nn.ck from the . e,A ,prawUn g shrub with South and Southwest, wild: Mrs. E. S. ,,Iow forsyiia.liles bIoom3 ta!"J may be ordered for sh.p n nr.f.nhi-r .h.n th. t.., i, ment directly to the recioients and I rcuiudij m tdiuci. ,u ;n . ,L By VIVIAN BROWN .colors for decorative etfects. per-j ground Is slightly Iroxen. cutting Lonicera fragrantissima (Winter! J , ,. c ' fTO AP Newsfeatarts Writer haDs using turquoise and black oat a piece B containing the honeysuckle' A six foot shrub has ter P'anfng ume. Many nursery v.. ir.om.nl m n.r'i, alternating witn wnite stripes rar , ronu in tain nwis u anj joim ir3Tr,n, white flowers in mid-, : , " -.. an .ntio mnM MnuiaHavt there : a f.imuy room, or tobacco brown Is such a variety of windows that and beige shantung for a man's moch if l.ilrpi real mitpnintv tn come ud ironi tin that touches the (round) i i,ni ,ii., in miH UI, "ucai.ons mat can Be sent at :h as yea would take ap fudge i Maznolia stellata 'Star mas:! PrlJas, '! the roses foUow- pan. Set In previously pre-1 noiiai-The earliest of the mag- ing at a later date. H PLYWOOD ,,.,, DOOM ROOFING ' 'i S "i Kirek KC Mah. Beech 3; 1 Well luff 7.85 Sq. JJ5 3.IJ 4.D0 A55 5.20 ), 4.15 Dip i sidoe 3.4S lot IS (food 1 Jide) .. 2.7$ 4.10 j A is 2" Slarter 1.30U. Ai (6ood 2 Kdei) ... 5.M JJ9 j0 7.20 4.70 "VjI1.y 1.95 U. " 1.U a 2 2 5.20 451b. loll 2.50 It. !") US u g.10 5 ,j 7-JJ 5j.,b. , 3.00 U. CD Bi. (Shtrj.) I.tO 3.00 3.4S 24 8.40 5.25 ' 4Slb. tail ......... 3.45 U. a 21 8.75 5.45 7.30 90-lb. M 4.00 U. ,lrtl1 f at U M 10 9.65 5.75 . 1 Uethej- 3.00 U. t Made?. (SIS ...7.25 15.75 21'i 15lb. ftlf 2.5 U. ib Mahoq. 10 80 UOO j j,,,, 10.80 7.10 10.80 (rift Paper 2.40 1a. HARDBOARD ' Induil. . . ' !ld ' Ismp't , ' todutf. . , ' 514 ' Itmp'J. 'hriU . (An WtW'l Tint firade 1.90 2.2S 2.85 2.25 2.50 4.75 9.50 !i" 114. ttq U. 4.25 Imln 5.50 '.risflst N. ((4"i") 1.45 T Aitjilai Uui 4.85 J16 Aibtilai Uiri . . 6.45 Plasterboard and Plasf erbase vr UW 1.30 !i M" 4l 'i96" .. " aw .. i" 4ri- .. H" rlnUr tai .1.60 U .1.85 (i 2.65 !i . 34C H OAK FLOORING . H t 210.00 M h ill 11 5.00 M PANELING (Mtrf 'iM IflcjalirMnn Sproc Hmlk 125.00 M 175.00 M 275.00 M 240.00 M WEISER LOCK SETS U. 100 lalch He. 200 ril U. 100 htk He. 400 (lMl Ht. 500 Kf m (neb H. 400 inf. KinsU 2.05 2.55 2.55 1.90 5.00 9.75 SHAKES AND SIDING Ko. I Uialttt ( IK 10.75 H iilO (tdir 235.00. M 1 14 "t" T lititk 1 85.00, M It! T 1 lutllc 185.00 n Ul HUE Cirfar 1 10.00 M 110 ln. Isrwi 175.00 M IilO Ins. Ciaar 130.00 M H0 Souks 120.00 M CASING AND BASE ilk isd NenlKkl (41 I 6t lo. Sc I t late 8 1 Spec. 7 I I COMMON LUMBER (Bunk Load lot) lit Snipiai 1 1 4 2 i i "Ill .. S69 H .. $72 M $72 M IM . I $57 M $52 M $52 M Is. 4 $24 M FINISH LUMBER (Per Lineal f ont) I i 2 I i 3 I i 4 I i 5 I t 4 I I I 1 i 10 1 i 12 2 i 2 2 i 4 2 I 2 t 1 2 i 10 S,4il0 lids. . 5 4il2 Sfdf. . 5 1.4 5 45 ... S 1.1 545 . 5 1.10 515 . 5 1.12 515 . ...04 ...OS .07 .09 . .10 ...15 ...19 ...25 . .07 . .15 . .23 ...30 . .38 ...25 ...35 ...15 . .18 ...22 .32 -0" .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .18 .15 with something different. Here are' Sometimes Abbate uses simple. Pared oca ana mi Between tneinoliaa t0 bloom brings fragrant,'"" hZ,,M . eut-giing, some sujgestions made by John sheer draperies above and to the , sections of sod with saad. By tak-!white flowers In early spring. I ' "J "ly. on..a PtabH Abbate. New York decorator, to I sides of the vertical blinds to , in Plants when the sroond: pjerj floribunda (Andromedal- ?" "."l 0a,, . ""v llua help you carry out window dec-! cover an entire window wall for is slightly froien there Is less dis-1 An evergreen shrub with panicles J, J. pv "cellen' orating schemes .. . I spacious effect, or hangs the blinds Wrbance of the roots and the sod 1 f white flowers in March. i ,77 in 1 nursefymen Wl1 He adores vert.cai blinds, pari'" the floor rather than stopping will traw and the roots settle int. Grows S Feet Tall i ab e if voun'e0sVS . 7 . rht-n af th in 1 tn nve a mom their new home easily and natur 1 a lc " "0lJ orar soon enouzn. out bcubriy for bay wmdows or pic-; S'l?-aJ-iK- J.-,SZ fci J2? Salix discolor 'Pussy wilTow- due to their ereai. uooularitv. , .u l,iC 1TOttl, gt jiMw, .i6.,.. rf , .ilvmrr ratkinm rnte Ji-a-'j Some of my gladiolus corrrs ap- -m Februarv. wl in Hvo- t ; r.:- pear to have white worms in them.; 0f the herbaceous plants, those' Such varieties OoWph Shmvl ture windows that front en a street. "They are so easily adjusted, he explains "to provide complete pri- If the window wall is papered, - i . j l .1 t. c-" " -- -..-w.... , ill ine nerDdLHius uianu. masr i. : t. . ....:.!. nrsnnriM tnr.iitn n att;nt simnie. r- .1 j. . . . ' vacy or to m m w m --'v; .:- v..r -. 13 anyuung i can n or must best known locally and worthy of ers. a mamificnt Uffrfil v.iinw : rtoV"f. ','; they be discarded? Mrs. P. C. , cultivation in local wm.er riK riimher .n tti.r n"" . . Chances are the "worms" or i are: I sparkling white Floribunda. are grubs have damaged the corm be-! Helleborus niger iChristmas excellent choices for this rhrLt. yond recovery so It would be best rose i A perennial herb of the ' mas. Both of these aristocrats won without direct glare. You ha ye; Annate aavises. r ancy pjua n . color variety and you can combine 'u J""u Wdllt:! UKSIl.d UlULl. JUKI ?!ass curuins are an alternative. TV.... 1. rli.,ul full ndi.Tr.ir. ting an airy Ionic and letting in discard the Infected oaes. Oth- buttercup family, this plant pro- j the coveted AARS Award for 19." Ujlit. yet permitting privacy for 'hoo;h. should be fumigated j duces large, attractive, white, j Another wise choice would be Cir 1154 HiH061KT MOUIDWOS iW MAIDS YwH wont to kkk fmoid"spKt htaler" w fiyui vv. 1. 1 . . when you tee Hie) new Citaitl C(rrt Gt Hotter far Mifwril On 194.95 15 00 Trafe-n ftr Ttiwt OM 04 0-wm (limit ) Omm fr dnftnw) D. E. COOPER & Son JIS lleod St. Phone 3 U&l ih nn.-,nt rlav or- ni-jht ! as a precaution, er dipned H cor- An imaginative idea for a chad's ! ''" sublimate I destroy any room is a window with a "big pests that may start. top" circus theme. The curtains, a.-e made sort-ot-canopied fashion, j rcerr.blir.g the entrance to a cir cjs tent. Abbate suggests gold coriuary curtains with scaUcps eded with innge. ar.d corduroy panels hurg straight at the sides : of the window to complete the tent-1 entrance idea. The rest of the I room should follow the circus theme too. with a wild-animal print wallpaper, circus pesters and what have you. When in doubt about curtain color or treatment. Ablate lug gestt simplicity. He explains: "You always should beware of clashing patterns and hues in a room" he points out "and by keep ing window treatment simple, you allow yourself opportunity to use boh; patterns and colors elsewhere, perhaps in wailpaper and in up holstery fabrics." Anotaer idea before making a fabric purchase is to consider whether you want windows to seem more important or to make them a less obvious feature of the 'Continued on Page i. Col. 1 greenish or slightly purplish flow-icus. a multi color Floribunda ers resembling wild roses or ! which won the All-America Award anemones, has prominent yellow I lor 1936. AH Merchand'm not Ihled Above Priced" Proporfionofely lower. Terms -.vailoble. All MICH AM f. 0. 8. YARD, Crecfif B : C & K LUMBER YARD, Lancaster and Center St. : ALUMINUM Combination Screen & Storm Doors tEAUTIFUl ECONOMICAL NO RUSTING NO PAINTING PERMANENT $OQ00 Including Close, latch v,nly W7 And Full Piano Hinge Salem ALUMINUM WINDOW Company U J. 12th Phone 4 U . . , nnfii i I I MVE9 - fce3 Bll. i . KlTCHlll I DININC Hi fOS.CH .. 7-f.. I6'.r 1 . f- ti'. " 111 . I .EucUMIOR Ff ' ; 3it I IWIW R- frO RoO CkX CkUCt tja-j 3-1 ti'tit I .r uj- j . 1 ..... T 1 ITT cevmoy V v'-' '. j -.vL-1 . V vi'-T a i ii in r-VS- A'" A maia floor recrrsttoa room itli a barbecae fireplace Is a headline fralare of this spacious raach atyle tioase. Table spare la treat of a bay window ia lte kltrbea Is another glamoroas drmll. All e-oonu are large, yet this aouy cor cm (pj. (quart leel, mlhoil garact porckn. fttare epralel.T at lower balldiag costs. This plaa by Herman H. York, arektteel. M4 1V V. HBtik . Nfltaiare) 1 )