Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 28, 1956, Page 15, Image 15

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Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, November 28, 1956
U.S. Still Leads Olympic Scoring Despite
Russian Double
ports deport
Baker Pulls Old, But Good, Trick
T the recent Washington Redskin victory over the New York
Giants, Sam Baker pulled one that we've been looking for and lie
picked just the right opponent.
Baker, the former OSC great
who is having such a top year
with the 'Skins, was back in punt ;
formation on fourth down. They
never vary going through with !
the punt or placekick in pro ball, s
- but Sam did. He briefly faked a '
punt and then took off around ; :
right end.
The result was a 22-yard gain
and a first down. '
Sam first pulled this trick
against the University of Oregon t
in Portland when he was a sopho
more after having been out a year. t
The favored Beavers had a slim
7-2 lead over the Ducks late in
the game and Oregon was filling
the air with passes.
From hli own territory, Sam
faked a punt and started run
ning. . It he'd been trapped
t m.m, wnitli? kan token over
within easy air distance ol the SAMMY BAKER
Oregon State goal line. How- , , . tools pros on punt
ever, he went all the way and ..',,.
nailed down the win on a memorable play and began three years
til personally defeating Oregon. -
The next year the Beavers were to have quile a team with one
of the best Rook teams ever having cpme of age. There was Baker,
John Thomas, the Clarks, Doug Hogland and some others.
Most fans recall the Beaver's failure to clear the big hurdle that
year against USC as the game in which the Trojan s Frank Gilford
passed for touchdown after apparently running past the line of scrim
mage and thus defeating the Beavers 16-14. The controversy raged
for days but the Beavers were never the same team after that
heart-breaking loss.
The Next Time It Didn't Work
Also, In that "game, Baker tried It again and Sam Baker being
lackled at the line of scrimmage on fourth down by ' "
deep in OSC territory was fully as significant as the Gilford
nn .hirh could have been tried again after the penalty.
Kip Taylor, always one to stick up for his boys, refused to blame
t,i. ,mnrfnl fullback. On the other hand, he had to admit that
u niiiv wasn't called from the bench.
. i- tura 'mac iialrpr romoinff for the first down
from punt formation. On the sidelines, waiting to go in as part of
the Giant offensive team, was -Frank Gilford. I .
Gifford must have had a few choice comments as he returned to
the bench to wait a little longer.
Baker's run was part of a 33-7 victory over the league leaders and
p.iffnrd. Incidentally, he Mowed it with a 28-yard field goaljo make
the. score 27-0. ' ..... ,
Sam also booted a much-publlciicd 49-yard goal that day for
. r.rWflth Stadium record but we'll bet he was most proud of that
rnn . . . which, we guess and hope
this time. ,
was called from the bench
; Hasty in Booting Burden, Hillstrom
Those who have viewed the game movies of the Oregon-OSC game
have been loud In their insistence that the fracas be ween the Beay
, bl Durdel and Spike Hillstrom of the Ducks .mounted to
nothing and shouldn't have had the two key. player ejected from
an)el ju Li.. - ...,!. t Miiutrnm hut It was a half push. Hill-
rihe viewmay7didn'i d7. thing but glare back or maybe
muter something following his block try and at that time he was
.reroute back to the huddle. - J . ,
The official is going to catch plenty on this one and Durder. i Is
a brilliant sophomore who could become one of the real greats. The
In0 I. A. halfback says he's learned his lesson and the incident
long will be forgotten for him.
For the stubby Hillstrom, playing his last game. It was a
rough one. Not Just because It was the first lime he d been hit
by so much as an unnecessary roughness coll, hut mainly be
cause nobody likes to play football any better than the barely
k.b fnur.henil from Coos Bay. ' '
As any coach we've talked to will tell you, Hillslrom s competitive
spirit put in any one of a hundred physical specimens trotting about
on cleats in the state would result in one of the best linemen in foot-
a"'i..' m.. ti v. krnVo in urilh Marshfield Irish as a freshman
innVincr like the sauat 12-year-old up the street, through the first
half at Corvallis, he was the number one spirit boy.
Calhoun Upsets
, Davis to Set
MELBOURNE w-Uncle Sam's
powerful Olympic team boosted
it's gold medal total to 18 today
with a sweep in the 110-meter
hurdles behind surprising Lee Cal
houn and Parry O'Brien's record
shot put. But Russia's Vladimir
Kouts matched Bobby Morrow's
double by winning his second dis
tance run.
Calhoun, a lanky North Caro
lina College student from Gary,
Ind.. whipped Jack Davis of Glen-
dale. Calif., the world record hold-
in a blanket finish. Joel Shan-
klc of Durham, N.C., grabbed the
bronze medal for third. It was so
close both Calhoun and Davis
were clocked in 13.5 seconds,
beating Harrison Dillard's ' 1952
Olympic record of 13.7. .
Shatters Record C Times
O'Brien did the expected by re
peating his Helsinki triumph in the
shot put. The young giant from
Travis Air Force Base, Calif, shat
tered his own Olympic record with
each of his six tosses and finally
settled for a new mark of 60 feet
11 inches. Both Bill Nieder of
Lawrence, Kan., with 59-7 and
Jiri Skobla of Czechoslovakia with
57-10Vi topped the old standard
while finishing second and third.
So did Ken Bantum of New York,
with 57-4 for fourth place..
The U.S. missed a potential
sweep in the shot put but the 1-2-3
finish in the hurdles was its fourth
of the Olympics, duplicating
ica s efforts in the
meter hurdles and discus.
Great Day for Russia
Russia enjoyed its greatest dayj
with four gold medals for a total
of 10 with Kouls' victory in the
5,000-metcr, its first sweep in the
20-kilomctcr walk, Inessa laoun
zen's winning effort in the wom
en's javelin and a come-from-be-
hind success in the modern penta
thlon team competition.
In the day s competition, Russia
outscored the U.S. 64-44 but the
unofficial point table still showed
Uncle Sam out front of Russia,
306-214. '
Another capacity crowd of 100,
000 thrilled to a second Australian
gold medal in women s track
when Shirley Strickland de la
Hunty skimmed over the 80-meter
hurdles in 10.7 seconds, breaking
the accented world record to re
peat her Helsinki victory of four
years ago. The three American
girls had been eliminated in the
Swede Wins Gold Medal
Sweden snatched the other gold
medal awarded on this brisk day
when Lars Hall also repeated his
1(152 triumph in the individual
phase of the modern pentathlon.
The teams and individuals finished
the five-event competition with
the 4,000-mcter cross country run.
The American pentathlon team
was second to Russia alter lead
ing through the earlier events and
George Lambert of Sioux CUV, la
O'Brien Does It Again
Running-true to form, Parry O'Brien, Travis Air Force Base,
Calif., tosses shot put during Olympic finals at the stadium in
Melbourne today. He set new Olympic record with a toss of
60 feet 11 Inches to win the event, (AP Wlrephoto by radio from
Melbourne) - '
iplicating Amer-!ci .1 ff C1 1 . J
;mrs Southern taliiorma selected
To Defeat Hard-Pressed Irish
MELBOURNE' (i Wednes
day's Olympic winners:
Shot Put Parry O'Brien, Travis
AFB, Calif,, 60 feet 11 inches
(new Olympic record) .
110 meter hurdles Lee Cal
houn, Gary, Ind., 13.5 seconds;
tnew Olympic record).
20 kilometer walk Leonid ,Spl
rine. Russia. 1:32:27. (new event)
5.000 meters Vladimir Kouts,
Russia, 13:39.6 (new Olympic rec
ord! -
Women's javelin throw Ines
sa laounzem, Russia, 176 ft.' 8 in.
(new Olympic record).
Women's 80 meter hurdles
Shirley Strickland de la Hunty,
Australia, 10.7 seconds inew Olym
pic record, betters listed world
400 meters Lou Jones nnd
Charley Jenkins, U.S., qualified
for semi-finals.
Team Russia (U.S. second).
Individual Lars Hall, Swe
den (retained title).
First round (teams already
Thailand 62, Singapore50
Japan 83, Korea 67
Nationalist China 86, Australia 73
Semi-final round:
United States 113, Brazil 51
Uruguay 80, Chile 73
Russia 66, Bulgaria 56
Singapore 5, Afghanistan 0
India 16, United States 0
Malaya 1, Kenya 1 (tie)
Rumania 4, Australia 2
United States 5, Great Britain 3
Germany 5, Singapore 1
Yugoslavia 3. Russia 2
Yugoslavia 9, United States 1
Basketball Jams
Draw 18 Teams
Marion B Meet
Here Hosts
Eiehleen valley basketball
teams will 'see their first action
of the season Saturday night in
two jamborees scheduled for MoJ.
lalla and the wiuamcue universi
ty gym.
The Marion uouniy o league, 11
teams plus guest club Valsctz, will
open its season at Willamette
with a north-South tournament. Six
shortened games are slated, each
10 minutes lone with a five-minute
break between games.
Following are the Marlon B
pairings, - with the South team
named first: Jefferson vs. Colton;
Perrydale vs.' MacLaren; Oregon
School for Deaf vs. St. Paul: Scio
vs. Sublimity: Chemawa vs. Falls
City; Santiam vs. Valsetz.
Trnnhles Offered
First and second place trophies
will be given to the schools whose
cheering section Is judged best in
appearance, participation, sports
manship and originality. First
game starts at 7:30 p.m.
Molalia nign scnooi win ne nosi
to Saturday's other jamboree,
with six teams from the Willam
ette Valley league playing three
abbreviated games. First game
begins at 8 p.m. Teams entered
include 'Molalia, Dallas, Central,
Canby, Sandy and Estacada.
Bill Russell
Stars for U.S.
American Hoop Team
Defeats Brazil by
113-51 Count
For Release
Famous Pitcher About
Through With Tribe
After 20 Years
NEW YORK Wl-Classcn's car
riers got through irom tne nji
Islands with his packet of foot
ball picks last week but this time
well, just too much going on in
Melbourne where Harold J. is re
porting the new American gold
rush. : .
So here goes with the choices
for the wrapup weekend of the
collegiate season in a program
dipped in tradition:
Texas A&M over Texas.
Navy over Army What else
from an old deck swab?
A Rare Individual in Basketball
i iu. di..i. rono-hnrc haskpthall he had to take about three
steps for the other fellow's one, but he developed a pair of the quickest
hands in the state and was integral part of some top high school
teams. In '53, his second half against Eugene in a dog-fight for the
title was one of the most spectacular ever seen at the tournament and
tome never will get over the early vote denying him an all-star spot.
Many will remember his usual crashing defensive maneuver to
top a cinch cripple. He would leave his feet at full speed and,
as he flew past the dribbler, tip away the ball. This was line
except It left him with no hands and no place to go but on his
face and chest which he did.
At that time, many moaned that such a great competitor did
not go to a small school where he could play. He was considered not
big enough for PCC football considering his very short, 185-pound
build But he was a regular for two years and probably played mora
than any other Wcbloot during me lime, mere was nu ......
Hillstrom never will play for the New York Giants and Mel Krause
never will be with the baseball Yankees but such rare guys make it
all worthwhile.
Look for some more dynamite and horse-trading at the PCC meet
ing beginning Dec. 2. Many Northwest school men are pessimistic
about the future of the Conference. The round-robin basketball sched
ule for 1957-58 has been held up although long overdue.
A Moment of Silence for Leo, Please -
..You may never have heard of (he name of Leo Schaffer In sports
k. i. inmit and certainly the finest operator in his field.
Thus, It is with duo reverence that we report that Leo has hud j
a serious setoacK. i-eo is prupneiur ui wu.u is m.uw.i u3
established floating football pool in North America.
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, the alert weekly sports mag. says Chlca
goan Ui and four of his associates have pleaded guilty to a charge
of running a betting house In Winnipeg. The sentence was 10
months In Jail or a $10,000 fine for each man and they had only
30 grand between them.
According to SI. it's all very embarrassing for a man of Leo's
renutation and may mean his retirement ... in one way or another.
Albany Bares
City Schedule
ALBANY, (Special) - The Al
bany Basketball Association has
released the league schedule for
games ol the 1956-57. season, ac
cording to Joe Wfne, sports diree
tor of the Albany Parks and Rec
reation Department. The league
opener will be played at the Al
bany Junior High School Gymna
sium next Monday night with
ri 1 ... n
among the individuals. Piywood and Soutn Fork Lumbcr
of Montclair, N. . . v;as VSi Wcstern Vcnccri
Oklahomn over Oklahoma A&M
This makes it 40 straight,
Tennessee over Vandcrbilt i
Volunteers are sure of a , major
bowl invitation.
Georgia Tech over Georgia
Bowl time is approaching and
that's when Bobby Dodd and Tech
embargo defeat.
Southern California over Notre
Dame The Trojans have been
an annual threat even to Notre
Dame's good teams.
Texas Christian over Southern
Miami over Florida The Hur
ricanes remain unpardoned, unin
vitedand unbeaten.
Clemson over Rurman.
Others: Auburn over Alabama,
Baylor over Rice, Boston College
over Holy Cross, Missouri over
State, Mississippi over Mississippi
State, Houston over Detroit, Texas
Tech over Hardin-Simmons, Colo
rado A&M over New Mexico and
San Jose State over Hawaii.
Wildcats Greet
was mm
Bill Andre
..........I. --.J lnnl. nninle nf Mie.
soula, Mont. 13th. ' The league will include six teams
, ' ... . ' who will play 15 games each during
Lou Jones of New Ijochcllo nc scason Cns(.a(ie d o(
N. Y Americas best bet, sped ,h!inn k ,h Hnrfi' hm.
pion and will be nut lor first
place again. Other returning teams
nrn Ihn Jllk.mi CII.- I-J K4nl .
with Charlie Jenkins of Villanova , Lumber c and Wcstcr'n VcnC(
ana tamDriORe. mass, nowever, rrn Twn , ,m. ...,.
arc Western Kralt,
home first in two heats of the:
400-mcter to qualify for tomor
row's semifinals and finals along
the league
and South Fork Lumber of Sweet
Home, managed by Grovcr Morris.
The basketball league Is made up
who work or live In Albany, Leba
non and Sweet Home.
an Jose, S under Jim Collins, player manager
when he came in fifth in the third j c,n, .!, 1 !,!... -r c.r...
heat of the second round. Jones'
times were 48.1 seconds and 47.4,
about two seconds olf the record
More Winners Due
The U. S. team had won 11 of
the first 17 events in men's track
and field with seven more to go.
It has potential winners in the
decathlon starling tomorrow, the
400-meters and the two relays
Saturday. The steeplechase, 400
meters, opening of the decathlon
and the first heats in both men's
and women's swimming are Im
portant events on the Thursday
America was blanked In points
in the two women's events, javelin
Delliiijier and
Allen Fail to
Secure Points
MELBOURNE, Australia m
Oregon's two Olympic squad ath
letes who competed Wednesday
failed to earn points hut one of
them continues In wrestling com
petition. Bill Dcllingcr, Ihc sole United
States qualifier for the 5.000 meter
finals, wns running clevcnlh in
the 14-man field when he dropped
out after the ninth lop.
Dellincr, a graduate last spring
of the University of Oregon, qual-
ihed Monday lor the finals ir
14:26.8, a rather slow pcrlornr
anco. Vlndimir Kouts of Russia
Eight Veterans
ville (Special) Eight returning
letter men, including a trio of start
ers from last year's club, form
the nucleus of the current Lin-
field Wildcat basketball team as
Coach Roy Helser drills his hoop
hopefuls for' the team's opening
clash with Southern Oregon Col
lege Friday, November 30.,
Back to fight for their starting
berths will be guards Bill Mac
hamcr and Dick Brown, and for
ward Ralph Harms. Machamcr
was Ihc top scorer among North
west conference back courlmen
last season before an elbow in
jury reduced his scoring punch.
Others arc Russ Kofford, a fre
quent starter last year, but now
nut of nclion with a broken wrisl;
lion Van Dolnh and Larry llermo,
both reserves on last season's
squad: and griddcrs Vcrn Marshall
and bill Hughcy who Just joined the
squad. Marshall is a one-year let
terman, while Hughcy was the
scoring ace for last year's junior
varsity club.
Helser also named sophomore
Ken Tralcn, and freshmen Caryll
Goetze and Jack Riley as possible
varsity players, tioelze, a 6-7
lllllsboro product, Is the tallest
man on the squad, and Riley, an
oll clly pick from Grant High of
Portland last year, is Ihc short
est at 5-6.
Bob Collins, Linfield reserve
guard for the past three seasons,
has been tabbed as the coach of
the Wildkiltcns this year.
Manager Hank Grccnberg of the
Cleveland Indians indicated Wed
nesday that Bob Feller would
soon be given his release after
20 years as a pitcher for .the In
dians. "We have offered him a very
attractive job with us which would
give him a chance to learn the
baseball business from the front
office." Grccnberg said. "With
his ability, this could lead to an
important executive position, but
he doesn't seem particularly In
terested." i '
Grcenbere said Feller gave him
the feeling that ho still wants to
nilch "and would like to prove
he can next spring with some
Greenberg said Feller would be
welcomed to the Tribe front of
fice should he try to pitch else
where and then decide he's had
enough as an active player.
MELBOURNE tffl - The United
States, warming up for Thursday's
meeting with Russia, surged past
the 100-point mark for the second
time in the Olympic basketball
tournament Wednesday night with
a breezy 113-51 semi-finals victory
over Brazil, led by big mil kus
sell s 17 points.
That, coupled with the Philip-
pine's 65-58 overtime upset of
France, left the defending cham
pion Yanks and Uruguay as the
only unbeaten teams in tne round
robin play.
The Americans, who have han
dled all five opponents with ease,
and Russia are certain ot advanc
ing to the Friday and Saturday
final round-robin no matter which
wins Thursday night. Both Brazil
and Bulgaria, the other teams in
their Group B pool, have been
beaten twice.
Russia had a tough time with
Bulgaria. Wednesday night, but
finally rolled in the last 10 min
utes to win 68-58.
Uruguay, which handed Chile
second dedeat Wednesday night 80-
73, also is assured of a berth In
the four-team final. France and
the Philippines will battle for the
last spot as the French m e e
Uruguav and the Filipinos play
Chile Thursday.
Set Hoop
ND Teams Face ;
All the Northern Division teams v .
in the Pacific Coast Conference,
except Oregon will open the 1954W
57 basketball season this week-
end, with Oregon State the first,
to get a taste of competition.
The Beavers Irom uorvaius wiu-
tangle with Brigham Young Frk v
day night at Proo, Utah. .; .
The following night uie riusmei ,i
of Washington will get their bap-:! :
tism of fire against the tame uw
emy on the same court. '
Saturday also will find Idaho at
Missoula for a brush with Mon- j
tana and Washington State enter-J
taining Whitworth in Pullman."
Oregon State will moe east to
Laramie to play i Wyoming and
then head south for a Monday S
brush with Colorado at Boulder. J
Oregon's first game will b i
Dec. 7 against Portland U. at Cor-
vallis part of a double bill la s.
which Oregon State wilt mei
Texas. The teams will swap op-5
ponents and move to Eugene th.
Idaho will he host at Moscow
to Montana State Dec. 7 and t;:
Montana Dec. 8. Washington Stat ;.'
will meet Gonzaga in Spokana-i
Monday, then hold open court for;.-
Montana Dec. 7 ana uian siai -t
Dec. 8 in Pullman. i
Washington will be In SUUwa-J
ter, Okla., Dec. 7 and 8 for a7t
two-tilt series . with Oklahoma ',
a&m. :
ol players over high school age ' won the finals In a record 13:30.6.
Lee Allen, bantamweight wrestl
er from Troutdalc. lost his first
mutch on points in the freestyle
event. A Finn, Tauno Jaskan, de
feated him.
Under wrestling rules, Allen is
BROOKLYN Pec Wee Reese,
captain and shortstop of the
Brooklyn Dodgers, became the
first member of the National ' into further matches. A second de
League champions lo sign his 1957 feat usually brings elimination,
contract, for an estimated (39,000. j
Bulldoffs Given
Team Honors
ALBANY (Special) Albany Un
Ion High school's Bulldog football
team, district champions, coached
by Bud Gibbs, was honored by the
Downtown Lions club in the school
cafelorium Monday night nt a din
ncr. '
Johnny Carpenter, Oregon sport
and newscaster from KOIN-TV,
was introduced as guest speaker.
At the conclusion of his speech,
Cnrnenter presented the most val
uahlc player awards. To back-
ficldmen Pat Emmons and Gary
Grill went a joint award as most
valuable hacks, and to lineman
Dick Holloway, the most valuable
lineman award.
The sportsmanship award, pre
sented by the Albany police de
partment, wns given to Co-Captains
Jim Richards and uriu ana to
Swede Swenson, acting president
of the club, was in charge of the
North, South
Swim Thins. !
. s.
North and South Salem high N
schools will clash in a swimming j,
meet Thursday afternoon in tha i
Salem YMCA pool as one of tha
Buffaloes Display m wcek'' open h0U5,
The meet wiU begin at 2:30 p.m.
Among the favorites will be ;
these North Salem swimmers:
Gary 'Cooper In tha freeityla
events, . John Staat in the back- :
stroke, Larry Vincent In the indl- ;
vidual medley - and Tom Darby, .
diver, who has never lost a meet '
he' has entered. .
Speed for OSCTest
BOULDER, Colo. 1A1 Colo-,
rado's new basketball coach, Rus
sell (Sox) Walseth, plans to work
out-"a lot oi : kinks" before the
Buffaloes open, the season at home
against 'Oregon state Monday.?''
y-.-'ine-BUllH oiepiayeu Bpeeu mm
lorm inesuay mgni in ouiciassing
the freshman team, 69-46, neiore
a crowd of 1,500.
Walseth coached at South Da
kota State last scason and re
placed Orris (Bebe) Lee as head
basketball coach here. Lee now is
athletic director at Kansas State.1
New York 105, Fort Wayne 98
Rochester 90, Syracuse 82
Minneapolis 113, Philadelphia 91
Boston 102, St. Louis 90
Kickolf Delayed
liy Boxing Bout
PORTLAND ifl - The Archie
Moore-Floyd Patterson televised
heavyweight boxing bout Friday
night will delay for 15 minutes the
start of the Marshlicld-Mcdford
not eliminated but now has "bad ! Class A-l hign scnooi ooiDaii
poinls" against him as he goes i championship game in Multnomah
aiflmum nerc.
The Oregon
Emiis Signs Pact
ST, LOUIS (UI'i-Dcl Ennls, Ihc
new SI. Louis Cardinals powcrhil
ter. was in Ihc fold today.
The former Philadelphia Phillies
flychascr signed his 11157 contract
Tuesday and said he hoped to
overcome the bad starts he's al
ways had In the spring.
Ski Headquarters
nr ! in
Mrs. Zatopck's 1 O lISCUSS I' HI IIS
Vor City's Hoop
Lea true Tom ah I.
ns compared
165-7 in 19,'i2.
J onn ,.,!, V,r,llc onH in lh SCriM 01 pril!U
.md , j ino u-iit fr! Kouts, a stocky Russian naval
men. i""'". "V i. -"",- --"
Both members of the Zalnpck ' K-r,ra. " VI".' ,- Plans for this year's Salem City
family from Czechoslovakia. Kmil , P " " ' Basketball league will be discussed
and his wife. Dana, snw their j a"'" anf?" :H- , tonight at a meeting at Ihc school
winning from Great Britain's Gor- America s Karen Anderson of fc d
don Piric by a quarter of a lap, Landdownc, Pa. who had the y
set a new mWk of 13 minutes 39 6 best javelin loss In lh : qualify- J-
,-nnH in the 5000-melers as P-ling. failed to place among Ihc m . .", , ,
Well, 1 guess that's the end of good old O.K. bales u.. Ltd.. win- ric Britain's Derek Ibhotson ' '"c ,. . . , ,c an important item ol business.
pioeg, Canada, "dealers in wares, products, and merchandise ol every i aj bottnred Zatopck's old stand-i me m-s , " Leacue Director Vcrn Gilmore will
kind and nature whatsoever ..." i ard of 14:06.6 set in 1952. Dana's the walk that was swept by the bp .
It just shows the business troubles you can have in a foreinn i javelin record was smashed by ! Russians was Henry uasnau i oi 0ny tramj of (w Sam) m
country . . . especially when you're handling at least 50,000 a day Inessa laounzem the Russian girl ' I'""',a"'MT iC which takes in School District 24.
on caUs from Portland. Palm Beach. New York, etc. Iwho threw it 1,6 feet 8-, mche. 'M,,cBlg,,nff " n irf p.? ! " 10 ""I in ,h
falo. N. Y. was 17lh in the event "-' ""
won by Leonide Spirine, 34, a i, , , , , , ,
Moscow steel mill worker. SaK'lll lOll VAUl)
Russia s naskotnaii team wnicn
plays America's favored team to-
... Jl.h..l ttr RttloariB SA.
...... r, pv . I Sa,cm Mcn.g G(,f Cluh W elfcl
The United Slates basketball new officers Thursday evening as
team breezed through Brazil to Part of the program for the group s
the semifinals, 113-51. as big Bill monthly dinner meeting.
Russell scored 17 points. The U.S. Also on the agenda are a report
and Uruguay are the only unde- by Ihc handicap committee and
fealed teams. awarding of prizes for last Sun-
The United Stales enee team In day's Klubbcr Dubber tournament,
fencing was eliminated in the first , Those expecting lo attend the
round after losing to Great Britain meeting, which begins at 6 30 p.m.,
and Italy and America's lirst Held fhould make thr Ir reservations nt
hockey team was beaten badly by , once, says Bruce Williams, club
1 India 1M, (president.
School Activities :
Assn. postponed Hie kickoll until j
B:15 p, m. so as not lo conflict
with possible late rounds of the
leleviscd light that night.
107 N. Com'l. Ph. 35934 I
H:'C Green Slimpi 9
To Elect Heads
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