Page 12 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, November 28, 1956 Albany Sets Zed Merrill Rites Friday Presbyterian Church To Be Scene of Service ALBANY (Special) -Zed E. Merrill, 75, chairman of the board of Pacific Power and Light com pany, leader in power and civic work died at his home here 'lues day. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the First Presbyterian church, under the direction of the Fortmiller - Frcderickscn Funeral Bandit Suspect Caught Friends Church Plans for Yule SCOTTS V'LLS (Special)-Twcive young people attended the Friends The evening activities was under the direction of Ralph Hoffstettcr, and Mrs. Fred Jarvil of Silver Cliff, and Gene Mulkcy of Silver ton. Saturday the Youth Night pro gram will consist of a handcraft period, music instruction and a film. - The following young oeoole were mas play for the Friends church: Leora Putnam, Wayne Shilts, Fred Gosnell, Caroline Sorensen, Den nis Newton and Marshall Slater, Bushman Farm Sold DONALD (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Evert Fredericks have pur chased the farm on the Donald Jfubbard road formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bushman who are now living in The Dalles. The house is a large log affair, built from logs cut on what is now the Fred Schneider place. The logs were sawed on three sides, and the house was built by Jim Taylor in 1920. Mrs. Bushman is the for mer Marguerite Taylor. GIRL FOR BIELENBERGS SCOTTS MILLS (Special) - Mr. and lira. Anthony Bielenberg art the parents of a baby girl, bora Nov. 24. She has been named Jeanie Louise. She has three broth ers and one sister. Paternal grand father is Matt Bielenberg, mater nal grandmother is Mrs. Phyllii Ward. Donald (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hetherington have purchased the 18-acre farm of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Westwood who have moved to Woodburn. They formerly lived SCIO (Special) Mrs. C. J, Thurston has been staying in Roseburg at the Francis Sprague home, and assisting with her new granddaughter, Martha Jo, who was born, Nov, 19. church Youth Night, Saturday; night Irom 7 to 9 p.m. mis was handcraft night and work was started on some individual projects to be used for Christmas gifts. chosen to take part in the Christ-1 in Bandon. CHRISTMAS RECORD DAYS SALE NOW IN PROGRESS ! ! home. Mr. Merrill was a pioneer in the northwest power industry, which he entered soon after the turn of the century. He also was an out standing civic leader in the Albany area. . Mr. Merrill became chairman of the PP&L's board in 1954 when that company merged with Moun tain States Power company of which Mr, Merrill was board chairman. He Is survived by his wife, Daisy; two sons, Zed, Jr., of Port land and Frank; of Albany; a daughter, Mrs. Juliette Fisk, Al bany; and a sister, Mrs. W. P. Canning, Albany. PedeeWSWS Visits Taft PEDEIS (Special)-Thc Pedcc W.S.W.S. visited a sister society, The Taft Christian Service Guild, recently. The Taft group served a baked ham dinner with pumpkin pie dessert. Fruit and autumn leaves were Used in decorating the tables. The afternoon devotions, business meet ing and the study of Ybor City, the EUB missions In Florida, were held about tho tables. Those going to Taft were Mrs. Ralph Tlppce, Mrs. Ella Shcythc, Mrs. R. H. Tureax, Mrs. Thcsa Womer, Miss Nola Womcr, Mrs. Gus John, Mrs. Fritz Kcrber and Busan. . Pleads Innocent ALBANY (Special) -Robert Lowell Ward, 61, Lebanon, pleaded Innocent in district court Tuesdny to charges ot driving while under flic influence ot liquor. He was re leased on $200 hail, and trial was el for Jan. 3. Ward was arrested near Lebanon Monday by stale police. 1 I 1 I !' u si .. -.v..." t . "... . .. i . .r-v-H f .., j GIFT SUGGESTIONS for MOTHER at SEARS Low Low Prices 4 Charles Edword .Simmons, 40, seated, Springfield timber faller, Is shown, with LI. Farley Mogan, state police, right, after his arrest Tuesday charged with robbing a Eugene bank. Also taken into custody was Donald Otto Howard, 23, Eugene, accused of driving the gel-nwny car. (Capital Journal Photo) Silverton Auxiliary Makes Plans for Christmas Party SILVERTON (Special) - Mrs, Betty Jo Roth, vice-president, directed the Monday evening busi ness meeting of Dclbert Reeves unit No. 7, auxiliary, in the ab sence of the president, Mrs. T. P. Hcidcnstrom. Assisting officers were Mrs. R. R. Main, recently elected treas urer, and Mrs: Bruce Billings, secretary. ' Plans tor coming events, and re ports of committee chairmen were fentured. Valley Dates WILLAMINA (Special) - Tho Civic club will meet Thursday, Nov. 29, at 2 p.m., in I lie sub auditorium of Emmanuel Luther an church, Mrs, Earl L. Richard ion will be chairman for the meet ing, and the guest speaker will be from Salem, LEBANON (Special) - Sweet woodruff, mullein pink and tum eric will be studied by members of the Lebanon Herb society Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Mrs. V. E. Wilson's home. Isabell Hamil ton will report on herbalist Sir John Hill, and Mrs. Peter F. Smith, Mrs. F. S. Moody and Mrs. Frank Groves will take part in the program, LEBANON (Special) - Weekly "brainstorm" meeting of Cham ber of Commerce members Thurs day noon at the Dinette will be combined with a retail merchants meeting this week, said E. V, Doty, Chamber secretary. All re tail merchants arc Invited to at tend whether members of tho Chamber or not, he said, MOLALLA (Special) - A Cub Scout roller skating pnrty is set for this Friday evening in Ray Lindsley's skating rink here. SILVERTON (Special) - Fam ilies of tile young adult fcllowshio groups (if the Methodist church will have their monthly social in the Fellowship room of the church Friday night. Decorations and at tire will feature the "holm" theme. All young adults ot the church arc welcome. Canada Scene Shown Rotary SILVERTON (Special) Dr. Ger ald B. Smith ot Woodburn was guest speaker al tho Silverton Ro tary club at 'fancy's Monday noon and showed pictures of the newly developed area in British Columbia near Kitimnt. ' v ' "-f . Dr. Smith, Introduced by Harry Carson Sr., program chairman, ex plained his pictures of tho vast alu minum plant nl Kltlmat by show ing scenes In the nearby country, Illustrating the fact that prior to Ihc opening of the plant in 1954, the country was a primitive wil derness, inhabited by a smalt group of Indians. At peak production, the alumi num plant Is expected to .turn out one-fourth of the aluminum pro duced In the entire United States and Canada. Dr, Smith's pictures also showed shots of the scenic at tractions In Ihc Canadian moun tains and fishing spots in out of the way places. The Rotary club Is honoring the Silverton union high fnolbnll squad and their conches at their next meeting when Austin Sanford will present ns speaker, Steven rrnh ilch of Princeton, N. ',1. Frohlieh, a native of Czechoslo vakia, won considerable recogni tion on the popular SM.OM ques tion IV quiz program by going to the top In the American history category. Visiting Rotarinns at Monday's meeting were J. .1. McCoy and Dick Wcle from Molalla, Gene Mnlecki ol Portland: M. E. Pekar, Russell llogart, Willnrd Bartlett, Harlan lliock and Henry Carl, from Salem; Norman Pfnffincer and Dr. Gerald Smith from Wood-burn. For the veteran "kiddies" Christ mas parly, Mrs. Ernest Starr will be assistted by Mrs. E. A. Kern to arrange the treats; program plans arc being made by Mrs. Robert Allen and' Mrs. A. J. Mc Canncl. Members ot the Dclbert Reeves Post No. 7, are to be re sponsible for setting up the tree and will help with the decorations. The program will be Dec. 17. Among the reports being aiven was tho amount of the profits of tho District No. 2 conference din ner of the past week, of $81.45, told by Mrs. R. R. Main, treasurer. Mrs. Roth told of tho success of the Sunday afternoon District No. 2 conference, with Mrs. Wallace I). Itnmcy of Canny, district No. 2 president, in chnrgc of the pro gram when national, state and urea officals of the Auxiliary were lealurcd speakers. Mrs. Victor Howard, sew chair man, reported 12 ditty bags and 13 pairs of scuffs cumpleted for the Portland facility patients, Mrs. Ronald Reed was home hostess for Ihc program of the sewing club. Mrs. John Dermis told of three local auxiliary members helping at Iho blood bank on the recent visit here. Mrs. Ernest Starr as chairman, reported Iho assistance given a worthy family on Thanks giving Day. The Americanism chairman. Mrs. Larry Carpenter, will present American flags to the Court of Honor and the Boy Scouts, as was requested by M, B. Ford, local Scout Executive. Seio Home Sold SCIO (Sppciali Nile Williams, school superintendent, has bought the Henry lladley home. Mrs. lladlr and daughter have moved to The Dalles. 1 0 - - " - n - J Pravanl Eye Injury I In Iht lhop, In iporli, or whllt driving, wor Iht new Unbreakabla Glaiiei thai won't thai lr . , , won't break, Ready In 1 day ot Smlt Optical. Liberal Credit NO EXTRA Charge for nlf 1 AmovMi yov con froff, wtitljr mofffMr. Waffr fvt Chum WM rrlnl LA WIIK a OHH DAUf V 3-3111 ' OFFICES Wilm U.I.K N SIATt t COMMERCIAL W.a (Vi -W.Kvihl.ntoi IHI-. . . Giv. ut tha ticket for the period you aro $?V?Ji; -J?MJ prtormtd in our office. A MASTER GIFT SUGGESTION BIG 12 INCH SIZE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC SKILLET , J papyri .....l l j7rn Mm am m m am m - r i nr s$s. 'a si Durable Jacquard Woven i I gig H pjj --sXSsWI I , Heavy 3-ply wool pile ml it)irO mUrZjmnmjE. V 5. i ,V 5T' ' 5$ ! Sn'5o"rori2x'l5Cft. jCjrjppj,, ' fS1'' fjCjf 1 rTl Si ' ' H (iB7r. mSW1 0,oru, Economical, 4x6-Fr. Regularly 10.50 sq. yd. J I I ffm IC5, M ' LOOP PILE RUGS 1 WE CUT TO FIT ANY BOOM SIZE - .J j ' ( riin.'srwttfreT :rrfr?.2z s36"60" 4-98 2.991 . Pi,...!t.qii m Reg. 28.95 1 m TheWondeffuf NEW WAY TO FR BAKE,SrfW Plugs in an-wherc Thermostat holds temperature automatically So easy to clean . . . just dip it in water Turquoise or aluminum skillet Copper-tone or aluminum lid $1795 FREE LID NO MONEY DOWN S &H GREEN STAMPS AViAS'j'irj! SERVICE STATIONS INC. 365 N. COMMERCIAL Open Mon & Fri Til 9 p.m. Buy Now for the Holidays Ahead! ..'77 ... 1.99 .. 2.99 . 16.88 Room flattering dark green, gray, rose, white ond brown colors that blend with most furnishings. Enjoy the Beauty of Plastic Surface Wallcovering Reg, 49c Paste right to wall fjf LJIW 9 4 decorating colon mmmw M Give your walls the decorating beauty of this plastic surface wallcovering. Carefree surfoce resists soops, stains, water. Dawn Gray, Mint Green, Horizon Blue and Sunshine Yellow. Cove bait 98c for 4-ft. Buy Harmony House 6-ft. INLAID YARD GOODS Run. Foot Reg, 2.S5 sq. yd. 8 vibronf patterns Paste to floors 1 99 sq. yd. NYLON RAYON PLUSH PILE . TUFTED RUGS 75 24 x 36 inch. 11 colors to choose from 3 Save time, work ond money install this lona wearing inlaid vinyl plostie floorcovering to your floors. Colors 4 won't wear or wash off, they go dear through wear laver, Non-porous, waterproof. 24" x 45" 5.95 ?; " S:?! 4 " 6 17.95 Heavyweight quality of A" surface pile gives that wonderful resiliency underfoot. Fringed ends for thot finished look! 6 'Saty&dZw jwiidZad n you matey fad " 550 N. Capitol Phone 3-9191 'Pi