- ' . ) Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, November 27, 1956 71 U rt n, i is . i Dalai Lama in India mm mini wiHWB"f.';wl!i.'j.ltii.ii'r'uttl tmmiw&,m.viJrvjiiwimm'iMtP91tJW tf ' P v.- , .' J VjTv .fl 'J " 1 , . i, - Ex-Regent Hortliy, in Portugal, Grieves Over Events in Hungary By R. R. BUCKINGHAM , Friends of the 88-year-old ad United Press Staff Correspondent miral say that he cannot be ESTOH1L. Portugal IUPi An hnkod tn the uprisins by the old man has huddled around a wildest n.of imagination. They radio night and day for the past describe .if as a relic of history weeks, listening with strained face to the news of Hungary. Occasionally he slaps his chair In despair. Sometimes tears well into his eyes. This is Adm. Nicholas Hortliy, former regent of Hungary, whom Radio Moscow and the Kadar re gime in Budapest blame for sparking the Hungarian revolt. The Dalai Lama Tibet's "Living Itiiddhn" and nominal ruler l Is greeted by Indian Prime Minister Nrliru, left, and India's vlre ' president, Sarnvapalll R.-idlinkrislininn, right, yesterday on arrival in New Delhi, Tile Dnliil f,nmn and lite Pnnclienn 1,,'inin Tibet's "lluddlin of Boundless Unlit" nnil No. 2 siill'lliiul lender are louring India for celebration of 2.500th anniversary or birth of ' Buddha. II It their first (rip outside the Communist sphere sinee '(be Chinese Reds Invaded and look over Tibet In 1950. .(AP Wirepholn) Dorsey Band Hides Grief NEW YORK tin -The musicians he served following the installation. ; Valley Dates UNION HILL (Special) - The Union Hill Grange officers will be installed al Kcizer on Tuesday evening at A o'clock. Lunch will in the Jorscy brothers' band hid ineir grief Monday night and played gay music for diners and dancers in the Cafe Rouge of the Hotel Mailer. But the hearts of the bandsmen weren't in the music. They had just heard one of their leaders was gone. , Tommy Dorsey had died In his sleep at his Greenwich, Conn., home. t Brother .flmmy Dorsey was In seclusion. So trumpet player Lee tSpccin!) KHon Cnstie led Ihc lendericss hand. And In front of the bund on an SILVERTON (Special) - Ra mona chapter, Order of the East ern Star, will meet, in regular session at the Masonic hall Tues day night. The chapter will ob serve friendship night, entertain ing guests from Salem chapter in Salem, Evergreen chapter from Woodburn and Venus chapter from Donald. SILVERTON circle of Ihc Mcthndis. church will Emma Ahalt Service Set Funeral services will be held al the W. T. Migdon chapel Wednes day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for Mrs. Emma Belle Ahalt, Salem resident for 18 years, who died at a Salem nursing home Monday afternoon, following a long illness. Interment is to be in Belcrest Me morial park, Born in Missouri May IS, 1879, she was married in that state Feb ruary 12, 181)5, to Harry K. Ahalt. Tho'Ahnlts moved to North Da kola, where they resided prior to coming to Ihc Salem area in 1918 and settling on t he place at 370 Waldo Ave., where Mrs. Ahalt made her home at the time of her death. Her husband preceded her in death in 1940. Mrs. Ahalt was a member of the Methodist church in North Da kota. Surviving arc a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Uilsun, Snlein; a son, II. Victor Ahull, Salem; six grand- Mrs. Higgins Rites Tuesday ALBANY (Special) Marion Jane Higgins, 60, 1005 E. Ninth Ave., died at a local hospital Sat urday. Burial was Tuesday in Willamette Park cemetery follow ing the funeral service held at the Fortmiller - Fredericksen Funeral home. Mrs. Higgins was born at Clear Lake, Minn., March 30, 1896 and was married to Walter A. Higgins at Minneapolis in 1942. They came to Oregon eight years ago living at Jefferson for six years and for the past two years in Al bany. Surviving besides her husband, are two sons, Myrton P. Hoffman, and Curtis B. Hoffman, both of Minneapolis; a daughter, Mrs. Lila Hastings, Minneapolis; a sis ter, Mrs. Mildred Belhke, Minne apolis; a step-daughter, Mrs. Jack Helm and eight grandchildren. of other exiles such as Don Juan of Spain, former King Humberto of Italy and Carol of Romania, Bock Didn't Sell Their income is mainly from royalties of the autobiography years nc ruiea Hungary irom me Horthy published two years ago. royal palace in Budapest as! It did not sell well. Friends also help them. who lives on the memories of the regent. Ruled With lrcfl Hand Horthy ruled with an iron hand during those years after World War I. He made and unmade cabinets, established his son, Stephen, as deputy regent. He took Hungary into World War II on Germany's side but in 1944, asked the Allies for an armistice. The Germans immediately ar rested him and Hungarian Nazis took over the country. He was liberated by Ayncrican troops and later came to Portugal with his wife, Magda. They live in a $50-a-month house on one of the back streets of this resort town. Their place is a far cry from the luxurious residences Despite his age, the admiral is physically fit and straight as a ramrod. He adheres to a military schedule. Until the Hungarian re volt, he was up at 8 sharp, break- fasted and then took a walk. He spent the rest of the forenoon readin2 foreign newspapers and magazines and in the afternoon wrote letters and had friends in for tea. The crisis has disrupted his schedule and he spends most of his time now at the radio. Friends describe him as heartbroken over the Hungarian bloodbath. He is described as being bitter at the West for not supporting the rev olution with action. Remes Gives Guilty Plea Henry Wilmer Remes, Flood wood, Minn., who pleaded guilty in circuit court Monday to a charge of attempting to burglarize the Jewel Box on State street last August, was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Kernes had previously entered a plea of innocent. Cecil Ovid Forcier, 42, Wood burn wns placed on probation for two years on a charge of obtain ing money by fnlse pretenses. He 'Mail Early for Christmas' Campaign Goes in High Gear Salem Poslmasler Albert C. Gragg says that his 1956 "Mail early for Christmas" campaign is now going into high gear. He asks these three simple rules about our Christmas gift packages be followed; wrap them securely, address them correctly, mail them early I Wrap Christmas gifts carefully by using heavy paper, corrugated cartons, and strong cord. To speed delivery of Christmas cards, se cure free labels from the post office indicating "All for Local Delivery" and "All for Out of Town Delivery" then sort and lie your cards in two separate bun dles with the addresses all fac ing one way. Only Christmas cards carrying Luck Rides With Reserve Flyers first class three-cent or six-cent air mail postage may include a personal message. Anything more than a signature can not appear on cards mailed unsealed at the two-cent third class rate. Always include your name and address on the Christmas card en velopesthis is socially correct and helps both you and your friends to keep mailing lists up to date, Gragg said. Get your Christ mas mailings started now while there is still plenty -of time, he advises. COLUMBUS, Ind Three Air Force Reserve flyers walked away from the burning wreck of this C-46 plane today and the fourth crewman escaped serious Injury. The cargo and troop carrier hit a power line on an instrument approach to Bakalar Air Force Base near Columbus. (AP Wirephoto) got the idea from thenewARDEN TwiiiPAKHALF GALLON! r meet Wedncsd.iv at 1:30 n.m. with nim ,.i,ni, ,.i ,' . ' . . . !wm "c required to make rustilu- , lummy s ciiiKiivii ami live (jreai-nrni ucn l-1 nn r.,r t in u-. I dren. ' I ed. Mrs. Clifton Newton. Trnnspnr- irmi. tnllon will be furnished from the ! " '""' church. Miriam nnd F.slhcr fT circles will meet Thursday eve- fm ning at 8 p.m. Mirian circle with 1 1 Mrs. Keith Anderson and F.sther II circle with Mrs. George McNeill ; DALLAS (Special) The all school play, "Time Out for, Gin ger, will be presented by Dallas Union High school, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights of Ihis week. Curtain time Is R n.m Glen Knight is Ihc coach and Jay Ann urooms is student director. ' LEBANON1 (Special) Awards for members of tho Ground Ob server Corps will be given at a meeting Wednesday, Nov. 211, at 7:45 p.m. in Ihc city hall audi torium by Robert Bryant of Ru gene, sector : sergeant. Mrs. George Crandall is local super visor. : WOOrmUMN (Sncclnll Past Noble Grands' club of Home tic bokoh Lodge will meet Thursday at 7:30 o.m. al the home of Mrs. J. K. Ctimmings. A recine ex clnnee will he featured in the roll call. Mrs. Archie Murphy will eonducl the devotional service and Mrs. KW.nlirMi Pull s plan ning the nrnornin. Co-hoslesses wilh Mr. Cunimln'js will he Mrs. .lntin Dlrkson ami Mrs. KsHh Kerns. WnoimintN iSpeciall - The Wnndbnrn Woman's club will hold a benefit luncheon and rprd pnrtv Thursd.iv in the hVnry club rnnms, beeinning at I :.tn p in. The officers will be hmleses. Pin ochle and "sun" will he plaved. As this is a benefit event there will he a muhII clinr-jc. A'orthlcss checks issu- RCA Whirlpool Deluxe Pair WASHER and DRYER 289.95 For Both Only $3.25 P wk. After Small Down Payment AlLaueRttn Phone 2-4195 OREGON'S LARGEST TOY STORE in the Capitol Shopping Center OPEN TONIGHT til 9 A HORRIS WALKER PAINT CO. SLASHES PRICES ON INLAID LINOLEUM! ATTENTION: All Builders - Contractors ATTENTION: All Home Apartment Motel Owners BUY NOW AND SAVE MORE MONEY THAN YOU BELIEVED POSSIBLE! ALL NATIONALL ADVERTISED BRAND NAME LINOLEUMS! The Boiniurln lily's roniiuprci.il value wns iliscnv'icd hv (l, Mus-ieM Hastings, nn American Civil War veteran win had retired to the British colony tor his health. f Llitt Up kome Attjie N ALLEYS PAN-BRAISED BEEF STEW TimIv lent) hvt't nmi mr- t fn--.ll t-Krl el ltUn. nmmt-nd in ilc rntHl'i rit li tn v. nirt kr 1 lie in u I nonr ihini(. muni flu vnrlul uu-nl tui i nn rrvf vmir Itimilv. Try it! nmi STiotiRcrr Heal fonienli f o S ounrr en iih or nnpnouiioronn Nnllrv'ft Hfi-f Slew In hoilinit. He mm e from lu iii hihI mir in l In I flip (tiiirv 1 iimr ('rr.1111. Sorvr Oxer hut i'Miktft r(MrilHi ru nn iicimj , Knr hnHv turn nn croaitvi m1! frp pn r t in n u nl p In nmi :cnnnfnir Ivni.. NuMey'i, Inc., Tcom, Wibhirifttin. ml PLASTIC FLOOR TILE NEEDS NO WAXING Reg. 45c Iq. ft. NOW ONLY 30c Sq. Ft. PLASTIC WALL TILE 4'4" x 41'" 12 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM END PAINTING PROBLEMS AROUND BATH TUBS. ONLY 35c Sq. Ft. LARGEST SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN PATTERNS AND COL-ORS- ALL FIRST QUALITY LINOLEUM $330 a sq yd Linoleum S I $280 sq. yd LINOLEUM NOW ONLY $230 sq. yd. NOW ONLY $175 sq. yd. Full Roll Lots $2" sq. yd. Full Roll Lots $1" sq. yd. $415 sq. yd. Plastic Lino. II $189 sq. yd. LINOLEUM NOW ONLY $275 Sq. Yd. NOW ONLY $1" sq. yd. Full Roll Lots 2" Sq. Yd. Full Roll Lots 98c sq. yd. 6' Wide Print LINOLEUM Na,i,0,na;!y amus BTrand LLani!nted Plastic Counter Top Material Reg. $1.05 a Sq. Yd. NOW ON LY 79c Sq Yd Shcc SiI" 36 x96 ' and 48 "x96'' R9, 1100 ,q Full Roll Lots 69c Sq. Yd. NOW ONLY 49c sq. ft. CORK TILE REGULAR 65c Sq. Ft. LINOLEUM TILE NOW ONLY 32Vac a Sq. Ft. AJ VmT'ycT t' i sizes 99 nd 12 w NOW ONLY 9c a Tile SALE STARTS 8 A.M. WED., NOV. 28TH THRU SAT. DEC. 1 17IO FRONT STMET 04-1179 III IS