Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, November 27, 1950 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section" I, Page t Local Paragrqphs Called lo Denver Mrs. Alfred C. Jones, 2330 East Rural, left this morning by plane (or Denver, where she has been called by the serious illness of her father, C, M. Lowrey. Lowrey underwent major surgery recently. Clothes Stolen The theft of a suitcase full of clothes from his car was reported to city police Monday by Bruce Mason, 215 North Front St. A vent window was forced to gain entry to the car while it was parked in the 800 block of Hood street Sunday night, he said. The suitcase contained two shirts, twp pair of trousers and several pair of socks, he said. week end, it was reported to the Garbage Fine Doyle Dean Marion county sheriff's office Mon- Sonday, 1835 Barnes Rd., was fined ' day by Ed Fischer, 2375 Alameda Carkin at Meeting John M. Car kin left this weekend for Kansas City to represent the Northwest Canners and Freezers association at the hearing on proposed new railroad rates. Carkin will be gone 10 days. 4-H Meel-The Salem 4-H Lead ers Assn. will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the First Christian church. Marion County Circuit Judge Joseph B. Felton will be the speaker. His subject will b juvenile delinquency. Vandals Return Vandalism to Yule Lighting Judging Slated Dec. 20 to 24 The first annual Jaycee-spon-sored Christmas high lighting decoration contest will be judged in Salem Dec. 20 to 24, chairman Ron Houck announced Tuesday. Houck said the contest will run from Dec. 1 to 18 and prizes will be awarded in two divisions, for decorations costing under $20 and for decorations costing over that figure. Application blanks will be fresh concrete at 2023 Alameda I available at six ainereni locations street was reDeated again over the starting Dec. 1.; Monday in district court for dumping garbage on a county road. Sonday pleaded guilty to dumping about 800 pounds of rubbish on Battle Creek road southeast of Salem in September. Cars Damaged Moderate dam age was done to cars driven by Delilia Keppinger, 754 North High St., and Lester Earl Bclleque, 1490 Fairgrounds Rd., when they collided about 3:45 p.m. Monday at Fairgrounds road and Shipping street, city police reported. Judging will be undertaken in six districts of Salem, Houck said. These include Candalaria, West Building Permits F. A. Min gle, to alter a one-itory dwelling mond Hoffman, to build a small building at 2750 Linden Ln., $800. Ed Stortze, to alter a garage at 960 Highland, $300. Ivan Wells, to reroof a one-story dwelling at 2409 North Fourth, $50. A. H. Rogers, to reroof a one-story dwelling at 235 Bush, $200. C. C. Nelson, to alter a one-story dwell ing at 1354 Lee, $600. S. F. Coy, to build a one-story dwelling at 2980 Dreamerie Lane, $11,000. Curt Ferguson, to alter a one- story dwelling at 674 North Sunv mer, $300. Conservative Baptist association to alter building at 1235 Woodrow, $5000. Donald Thorn, to alter a one-story dwell ing at 1173 Eighth, $1000. School District 24, to alter school at 801 North 14th, $99,000. Mrs. J Storms, to alter a one-slory dwell ing at 350 Bellevue, $200. Optimist Luncheon Georges M. Guindollet, a member of the French Socialist party, will be guest speaker during the weekly luncheon program to be given in the Coral room of the Marion hotel Thursday noon. Last week he' reported that j Salem, Keizer, North and South St. someone had written in the fresh concrete and had poured paint over it. Hubcap Missing A hubcap was stolen from her 1953 Oldsmobile recently, it was reported to city police Monday by Bessie Sharp, 431 South Cottage. SL Library Chilled An electric motor burned out at the Salem public library furnace Monday, leading library officials to close the building for several hours due to the lack of heat. The library was re-opened in mid-afternoon after the motor was repaired. Salem and Four Corners. A grand champion will be picked from the best of all districts. Headquarters for the project are at Portland General Electric oi- fice in Salem. Houck said three prizes will be offered in each of the six divisions He said the Jaycees plan to make the contest an annual allair it tnis year s program meets with suc cess. Cars Bump Cars driven by John Arthur Olson, 1235 Icel Ct., and Rosemary Erickson, 3355 Dun can Ave., incurred moderate dam age when they collided at 12th and Beltevue streets about 9 p.m. Mon day, city police rtported. Hit, Run Reported A hit and run vehicle' smashed the left rear fender of his car Monday night while it was parked in the 1300 block .of State street, it was re ported to city police by Richard Lee Graham, 501 North Winter St. New YMCA Memorial Chapel Toured Off Critical List Allan Wiede, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wiede, former Salem residents now living in National City, Calif., is reported off the critical list at a hospital there. The youth suffered head in juries Saturday when knocked to the pavement while riding a bicycle. News of Record CIRCUIT COURT Chester Kempka vs. Denn K. Brooks, superintendent of Oregon state hospital: Plaintiff's replica tion to defendant's return holding he has fully recovered from any mental illness and should be re leased. Edna M. Atkinson vs. Samuel W. Atkinson: Divorce complaint alleging cruel and inhuman treat ment. Married at Salem, July 10, 1954. Plaintiff asks restoration of former name of Moore. BenJ. Franklin Federal Savings Lnnn Assn. vs. Fred E. and Joyce B. Roberts: Suit seeking judgment of $12,448.41 against de fendants for alleged failure to make payments on a promissory note. Glen T. Maennber vs. Warden Clarence T. Glnddrn: Order con tinuing the action for an indefi nite period of time. PROBATE COURT George A. Conn eslale: Closing order. William C. VanClenve eslale- Order of distribution. Peler L. Springer estate: Order admitting estate lo probate and Assumed Business Name An assumed business name certificate for "Candalaria Shopping Center" has been filed with the county clerk by G. H. Grabenhorst, Co burn L. Grabenhorst, George H. Grabenhorst, Jr. and Richard E. Grabenhorst. Thieves Strike Area Schools Two rural Marion county schools were broken into over the long holiday week end, sheriff's deputies reported Monday. Some change and fruit were taken. Officers said a back window was broken to gain entry to the Clover dale school, southwest of Turner, and a baseball bat was then used to smash drawers to get them jopen. Taken from the school were a nan nox oi apples, several cans of peaches and 17 cents, deputies said. The thieves, apparently juve niles, also taped the piano keys with cellophane tape, they reported. At the Shaw school also, a rear window was broken for the thieves to gam entry. The only thing noted missing was a small amount of change from a United Fund con tainer, although a teacher's desk was ransacked and the contents scattered about the floor, deputies said. The schools were closed Thurs- day through Monday for l.-winn.w-mim, i-hmw"'"1'' U'-'V '"I. .' MU' "" y "J" ". J' 1 1111 . " ' i .'.H ' WftW t V ' ... . " v , : e Addition Inspected After Annual Y Meet Salem Lions Club Claude Hall, Waldport, district governor of Lions International, will make an official visit to the Salem club at the Marion hotel Thursday noon Y lo Close Friday Physical department at the YMCA will be closed Friday night after 7 o'clock due to the dedication ceremonies scheduled that night for the new wing. Dale Dyke Dkyman, physical director, announced Tuesday. Sonic Schools in Erie Re-opened ERIE, Pa. m Parochial schools re-opencd but public school remained closed Tuesday as this storm-bealen lakcport city of 130,000 resumed a near normal course after a two-foot Thanksgiv ing Day snowfall. Public school officials decided 32 Give Blood To Aid Harvey A 100 percent turnout of sched uled donors brought 32 pints of blood to the Marion county Red Cross Tuesday to be used in an operation on Salem 16-ycar-old Harvey Thurlwell. The blood was to be shipped by bus to Seattle Tuesday afternoon and arrive at 7 p.m. There it will oo into the operating room Wed nesday to help keep young Thur well alive during a rare heart operation. More than 90 persons volun teered to donate a pint of the rare "O-Ncgative" type blood but only 20 were needed. Every one of the 32 who were scheduled to come in did so. Thanksgiving holidays and for I to the Business-Education day activities health. in balem Monday for the teachers. The Bermuda lily's commercial value was discovered by Russcil Hastings, an American it. 'Civil War veteran who had retired Guests at the annual YMCA dinner Monday night got both report and a tour of the Y' almost-completed activity wing. Here Scotly Washburn (right), older bnys activities secretary, shows sonic . tourists the new Paul Wallace Memorial chapel on the wing's second floor. (Capital Journal Photo) Distribution Of Taxes Due A total of $337,000, of 1956-57 tax collections has been turned over to the county treasurer for dis tribution, Howard T. Evans, chief deputy tax collector reported Monday. This turnover represents a small part of the county's $8 million tax bill and was turned over because both the city of Salem and the Salem school board have been pressing for shares of the tax col lections lo meet current expenses. The school board has already au thorized short term loans to keep the district operating financially. Evans said the next turnover ol Qen IBX mUlllV WUUIU UK lliuuw ill guum IWO WLX'ftS. British colony for his Sprinter (Continued from Page 1) merit for she had planned to par- ticipate in the Olympics and then quit. The 26-year-old blue-eyed woman athlete, standing about five feet nine inches high, has spent eight years training in track. She started because her father, who had been a track man but never an Olympic participant, wanted her to be an athlete. But it has not been her whole life. Before her marriage to a ship's engineer three years ago she was a secretary. Since then she has been a housewife, but training has gone on, with from an hour to an hour and a half daily usually spent on training for the track events. Her hobbies arc strictly feminine with the favorite one being cook ing sweet dishes. Dancing is sec ond and knitting in third place. Return Date Not Known The woman track star of Hol land was nicknamed the "Silver by her countrymen. When Holland from to postpone the reopening one more'day on account of icy pave- Puck ments. They said they hoped the i she heads back to residents would clear the-' side- Salem her departure date from walks so the children could walk 1 here is still not set will have few to school without fear of injury, j souvenirs of the Olympics with : her for she saw none of the events. Exauisite hand - nainted china1 Going back with her is the badge Qnnninino T.oclip H Snrinerr ad- "I'K"1"'" ..v,..w , - i . , . Tanrv A. Brown dale: Order ' very reasonably !o sell. A 'perfect j "L,!I.JC admitting estate tn probate and Christmas gift. Ph. 4-4920. (adv.) appointing Forest Brown as ad ministrator. . William Edwin Hinlon estate for her uniform that she did not wear and (he plale for use on th bicycles, of Olympics participants And also returning with her is t.,u im... k,nk.i ncr good iuck doll Man, named ,'iWM.t to rent, sell, or hire, dial lhe."' h" husband, which she car- Classified number, 4 6811. Apt. for rent. 2 rms. furn. or uniurn. Court Apts. Ph. 3-7440. I (adv.) ! Rummage sale, jTues. thru Fri. 1547 Oak St.. (adv.) Estate anDraised at $5,207. Hrnry Ledebur estale: Order of distribution. W. M. McGhce vs. Stale Indus trial Accident Commission: Suit for judgment of permanent partial disability equal to 100 per cent loss of arm. C. G. and Lydla B. Bo.vce: Suit seeking judgment for possession ol I Happy ending for many a prob real property and damages of lem begins in the Classified. Dial $1,000 alleged loss for withholding j 4-6811. . of property from possession oi plaintiffs. .Martin Kltlelson vs. Wasson: Order of dismissal. DISTRICT COl'RT William Dale l.onmls, 53, trans ient, sentenced In 30 days in jail for drawing a bank check with in sufficient funds in the bank. Charles William Penrod. 2420 Simpson St., charge of assault and nailery dismissed on motion of dis trict attorney at request of com plaining witness. Allle Mflvin Derrick. Molalla. charges of drawing a bank check with insufficient funds and obtain ing money by false pretenses dis missed on grounds that the grand jury returned a true bill against the' defendant on the same matter on November 8. .... Richard Donald Budlonf. 29. I.i49 Oak St., reckless driving, fined $30. Doyle Dean Sonday, 1955 Barnes Bd . 'dumpin! garbage on a county road, fined $50. MIMCIPAL COl'RT l rll Everett Hoar. 1430 Boone Rd . charged will) reckless driving, cited to appear November 28. rh.rl.. John Church, 4920 fen ler St.. charged wilh reckless dri- in rued tn jtinear evemner m Richard Dale Gcrattu. Lyons. ' less driving, fined $JS. Charles Dran Braziel, Mon mouth, rharsrd wilh reckless driv pnsted v) bail. ries wilh her in all the events in I which she participates, for ".Ian'' like Puck was ready for the Olym pics when the Russians changed those plans Highways Bare Oregon highways were bare Tuesday except for icy spots at higher elevations, the Highway Commission reported. About 3 million tons of coal are produced annually from North Da- kola lignite mines. Mid-Valley Births SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LAWRENCE To Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Lawrence, 2330 S, Church St., a boy, Nov. 26. SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL GERKN To Mr. and Mrs", Ivan W. Gercn,, Turner, a girl, Nov. 26. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs, Donald J. Smith, 1640 Ticrra Dr., a girl, Nov. 26. WIEGE To Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Wiege, 3070 Evergreen Ave., a boy, Nov. 26. MACK To Mr. and Mrs. Mathias II. Mack, Stayton, a boy, Nov. 20. ECKLES To Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eckles, 766 Mill St., a boy, Nov. 26. Officers, Board Installed at Session Friends of the Salem YMCA con ducted their annual meeting ln a more than usually pleasing atmos phere Monday evening, for the new $485,000 addition was open for their inspection afterward, a revelation of beauty and utility to those who had not visited it recently. Figures produced at the meet ing showed that approximately $50,000 more will be needed, when the remaining pledges are paid, to pay for the structure as it stands now, while $25,000 more will be required to complete the gymnasium. Another $13,000 will be required to pay lor an adjoin ing lot, purchase of which has been made necessary by the ex pansion of tlio "Y" plant. Nine Installed Of nine directors installed nil were re-elections except Charles Schmidt who succeeds Walter Sny der, who moved to Monmouth. The others are Herb Barker, Ted Og- dahl, Robert Elfslrom, Robert Thornton, Fred Lamport, Walter Minicr, Lawrence Rich and Dr. Lawrence Wulf. The following re-elecled officers were Installed' Roy Harland, president; Robert O. Smith, vice president; Norman Winslow, sec retary, and Lawrence A. Rich, treasurer, Tinkham Gilbert in stalled the board, Carle Abrams the officers, Both are past pres idents. Honor was paid to 10 outstand ing local lli-Y members, from the two Salem high schools. From North, Bill Hansen for scholarship, Bob Burnside, for all-around ac tivity; Bob Russell, as an out standing Christian; Grant Todd, for athletics, and Dick Buchanan tor contributions lo Hi-Y. From South, Larry Thompson, athletics; Jim Rawhngs, Christian; Charles Hammorstad, all around Bob Trelstnd, scholarship; Steve Perry, Hi-Y leadership. Doug Chambers, boys work chairman, introduced them, George Smaller Honored Honor was paid to George Smallcy, recently retired after 20 years as building custodian, who with Mrs. Smalley was seated at the head table. Al Loucks emcee'd an Interest ing act, which consisted of presen tation of varied "Y" activities, such as square and folk dancing, the Y Guide program, adult ad- Jailer Ducks Flying Pol Among the hazards of being U officer is flying coffee pots, dep uties at the Marion county jal' learned Monday night. Deputies said they were booking recalcitrant Ruth Harriet Pow ers, 36, Portland on a ' drunk charge when the woman grabbed the coffee pot and let fly at Uu jailer. He ducked. '. ' The booking continued and she was jailed on the slate police charge of being drunk on a public highway. Grtof Domes Great Scmwy No Extra fan $56.29 A lL.,SLJ$ I (''Baron V CHICAGO J abuiuer Coach fir, tJUiw' Plus Ui . i . . from Portland t ucallon. "Scolty" Washburn' ex: hibited colored slides showing the camping program. r General Secretary Reports were made by General Secretary M. E. "Gus" Moore on the year's activities, and by Law rence Rich, treasurer. One hun dred sixty-two persons were serv ed dinner by the "Hi-Y Hashers." Invocation was by the Rev. Berk eley Ormond, pastor of Calvary Baptist church. It was announced that guided tours will be conducted daily this week from 4 to 9 p.m. and that the formal dedication of the new building will be held at 8 p.m. Friday, November 30, with Dr. Frank Bennett, former Salem tity school superintendent, now presi dent of Eastern Oregon college,' ai speaker. . 1 . . . ! ' He' Leaves Pertfamf dairy 3f.M. IT I. WAUQH, Traveling PaMtnger Agent, ' 607 S.W. Washington St., Portland 6, Oregon CAPITALS 1 3-7273 I ANOTHER BIG M EXCLUSIVE FEATURE Mew '-Hoafiiig lidle simioIIiiirs tbymipS vibrations, road noises okay T)ine,BUMki Our suspicions that handling Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes is like handling gold were confirmed when a truckload of hsvm clothes was hijacked recently. We surely deplore such goings-on, though they show how much in demand are hs&m clothes. Five out of six men, to be exact, named this brand first when asked about men's clothing. We suggest you get your new hs&m clothes here . . . then keep an eye on them! Rrmrmhcr . . . a woman t smartest flrert snry is a iir drcstnl man. BISHOP'S Sn7rm'.t Oun Slnrr. Sinre.lHW MUCUKY'S NIW HOMING HIDI o , ""mm i-.-;:.-- - - bwb, bump, b.for. Ihey 0.1 lo you. Shown obov., the .taring Monl.rey Pho.loo Coupt, Hi M.rcvrv pried ..-I... blloil no. ll Men poo.o.t .o on, .o h b... oro K,..ry lor K n,e montf. Here's Hie greatest combination of buinp-sLnolhering features ever put "between you and I he road. Exclusive ML-Cushion Shock Absorbers ! New splihaek hall-joint front suspension! New road-hugging center of gravity! New balanced weight distribution! New bigness in every important dimension! Working together, they result in an amazing new Floating Ride ! You have to feci it to believe it! We invite you to come down lo our Mercury showroom-and do just that-today! Straight out of tomorrow- THE BIG M E RCU RY for'57 with DREAM'CAR DESIGN Don't mill the big tclcviiion hit, "THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW," Sunday evening, 8:00 to 9:00, Station KOIN-TV, Channel . McKINNEY LINCOLN-MERCURY, INC: Salem, Oregon 430 North Commercial Street