Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 27, 1956, Page 3, Image 3

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    Section 1 Pajre 8
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, November 27, 1956
Automatic Tax
Drops Will Be
Delayed Again
' WAcmwrTnM run i i f a
ury spokesman said today it ap
parently will he necessary to post
pone automatic tax reductions on
cigarettes, beer, automobiles and
certain other items for another
Dan T. Smith, special assistant
to Treasury Secretary George M.
Humphry, made the statement at
House Ways and Means Subcom
mittee hearings on excise taxes.
Under present law some excise
taxes are scheduled to drop auto
matically April 1. The cigarette
tax would be cut by a cent a pack
and the tax on beer would go
down $1 a barrel. The 10 per cent
tax on new automobiles would
drop to 7 per cent and reductions
also are scheduled for wine, liquor
and automotive parts and acces
sories, i
The reductions, if allowed to be
come effective, would' cost the
government close to (900 million
a year in revenue. Congress, at
the President's request, has been
extending the higher tax rates for
several years on a year to year
emmp WMhmfhg? Maim Jfmemda
save $21.07
Platform Rocker
Slavs Publish
Soft Reply to
'Pravda Attack
BELGRADE, Nov.-S6 Wl The
Yugoslav Communist party
warned Russia today it has only
two alternatives in Us relations
with Eastern Europe "to return
to Stalinism or to. secure demo
cratic relations based on equality
among Socialistic (Communist)
This was the answer of Borba
organ of the Yugoslav party, to
the recent attack by Pravda, the
Soviet Communist party organ, on
President Tito's criticism of the
Soviet military action in Hungary
Borba's reply was couched in
generally conciliatory tones, mak
ing no mention of the reported
Russian seizure o. lormer Hun
garian Premier Imro Nagy and
some other current issues between
Moscow and Belgrade.
The Yugoslav party organ said
Russia was basing its relations
with Yugoslav on equality but it
asserted Stalinist conceptions iin
the Kremlin were hampering Sov
iet relations with other East Euro
pean Communist countries.
Reg. $59.95
Roomy platform rocker, '
. '
i construction to give
years of comfort and
f service! Frieze, tapestry
or tweed covers.
Furniture Downstairs
Haggis Flown
To U. S. Scots
NSW YORK ..Enough tlaggii
to feed 1,000 hungry Scotsmen
arrived en an airliner at Idlewlld
airport yesterday.
A 432-pound shipment of the
pungent pudding was flown in
from Prestwick, Scotland, for the
annual dinner of the St. Andrew s
Webster's dictionary describes
, haggis as "a pudding made of the
heart, liver, lights, etc., of a sheep
or a calf, mixed with suet, onions,
oatmeal, etc.. seasoned, and
boiled in the stomach of the ani
mal." Father Accused
Of Beating Girl
With Dog Chain
PORTLAND Ifl A Portland !
father was held under $5,000 bail j
Monday on a charge of assault i
after his 13-year-old daughter said ;
he beat her with a chain used as ;:
a dog leash. K
The father is Glen Denessen
The daughter. Janet, ran lo i t
neighbor's Saturday with her s
slory and the neighbors called f
police. i
The girl said the chain whipping
was one of a series of cruelties
The father said he and his wife
had trouble getting her to behave k
but that only part of her stoiy
was true. s
W UumuaJ
save $25.07
Platform Rocker
Reg. $59.95
money-saving values
for the home during
this special event!
Park free with validation
Good-looking lelection
Includes' tapestry and
tweed covers. All hard
wood frame, doweled
and glued for stability.
Furniture Downstairt
r" H ! I
7-Piece Bedroom Set Complete
Regularly $286.70
Jt& St-. i , ' ' f tWMwJVt 1 ,
36. - Z -
ermine mahogany or
walnut finish
Superior construction, quality and beauty!
Spaciously proportioned . , . drawers are)
cased In, dovetailed and center-guided. Im
pressive brass hardware on two lovely wood
jMirnifiire Douyiiifir
Fine Quality Mulby Tex Carpet
b. Step Table, 18x28
c. End Table, 18x26
f. Drum Table, 24x24
This Christmas give yoor family i
the priceless pleasure of playini
music eo the Hammond Organ.
Over the yean youll ihare a
thousand magic evenings playing
and listenint to this magnificent
organ. And even a beginner can
plav surprisingly well in a month.
Complete with built-in tone
equipment and bench, full cnit
ef ihe Spinet Model uJUBa.OO
a table for every occasion at one low price!
6 Best-Selling Tables
Regularly $11.50 sq. yd.
sq. yd.
" 44 SZC-i
Reg. $49.95
Pay $3 Mo.
These tables re all elegantly styled with luxurious genuine leather topsl Brass
hardware! Bich mahogany finish! Tables for every use and every occasion
that will harmonize with and enhance your home!
100I8 wool
Firm, resilient
Stain Resistant
All wont construction with firm resiliency for
longer wear . . . won't show shoe and furni'
ture marks, Choose from ten loVcly decorator
Floor Coverings Downstair!
'ttt St.
Ph. I-5JH