i i 5 Page '4 Section 2 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL' Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, November 27, 1956 j Keizer Water Board Vote Is Set for Dec. 3 KEIZER (Special) Water dis trict election will be held Decem ber 3. Polls will be open from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Keizer Fire hall, 1075 Chemawa Rd. Director for a five year term will be named. A nom inating petition for Frank Hughes has been filed. At the district or ganizing meeting Hughes drew the short term expiring January 1, ,1957. Wesley Wilson's term will ex pire Jan. I, 10511; Jack Frisbie, Jan. 1, 1959; Robert Smith, Jan. I960, and Bill Jones, Jan., 1951. Keizer Scouts Plan for Camp KEIZER (Special) Seoul Troop Ml of Keizer plans a camping trip the November SO weekend. Marvin Smith, camping chairman, has not announced the camp location. " Twenty-five troop members were on the last camp, a three-day af fair in October. They camped on Thomas Creek in Linn county un tler the direction of Scoutmaster, Marvin Black. Participating passed numerous acoutcraft requirements. ' Training in troop meetings the last . month included rifle safety and wildfire management. Dick Yunker. Bert Wright, and Marvin Smith were directors. Scout Oath and Law, Tom Scott, Steve BiUiings, Bert Wright, Marv in Black: First Aid. Dick Yunker. Ted Snook, Marvin Smith, Lonnie Smith; Morse Code. Marvin Black; Knot Tying. Tom Herberger. Mike Spangler, Don Tcsdal and Kenneth Mraw. Court of Honor is scheduled De cember 13. Members who have joined in the last two months in' elude, Larry Anderson, Terry Middle, Melvin Facer, Roger Fetch, Don Garrison, Willard Herring, Gary Hurd, Bill Johnson, Bob May Laurie Nebrija, Bob Paulson. Steve Purdy. Tom Rehfuss, Dennis and Harold Rhodes, Ralph Schaad and Danny White. Tom Scott and Lor- an Sell left the troop when they moved from Keizer. CroM'foot Youth Leaders Picked CROWFOOT (Special)-Leadcrs for youth groups were announced at a Crowfoot PTA meeting at the school Tuesday. Brownie girl scout leaders are Mrs. Carroll Wilson, Mrs. C. Ens ley, Mrs. Dallas Hall, Mrs. N Reeves. Mrs. William Allen and Mrs. Tom Elder. Leaders for 411 groups are Mrs. Alton Griffin, Mrs. Clarence Barnes, Mrs. Maurice Ackert, Mrs. Bob Barnum, Mrs. We Gillenwa- ter and Mrs. C. H. Towery, sew ing; Mrs. Pat Darren and Mrs. Wayne Oakley, cooking; Mrs. Ralph Juhnke, knitting; Harvey Duerksen, livestock; Dallas Stick ler, photography. Bill Affoltcr is cub scout representative. HENRY By Cart Anderson . I 3 I jj .IPHBW! I WISW I HAD n c.l n SOWEBOC "TO C3IVE MB ) a-! rV 59 Keizer Cubs Receive Awards KEIZER (Special) Awards were presented to 59 cub scouts of Kei zer Pack 41 by Jack cnapin, cuo mastcr, at pack meeting at Cum mings school. Awards were as follows: Bob catRonald Collins, Timothy Baughman, Terry Reams, Larry Cook: Wolf Lee Christensen, Bob by Field, David Olson: Silver Ar rowDon Jimmy Richards, Jim mv Taylor; Bear Robert Huey, Waller Esplin, Bradley DcSart, David Ivcrson, Tyler Johnson, Ar nold Anderson, Wnlly Wcckart, Stephen Smith; Gold Arrow Rob ert Huey, Bradley Dehart, Nickey Snyder, David Iverson, Tyler John son, Wally Wecknrt, Bill Blake. Silver Arrow Jl o b e r t Huey, Bradley DeSart, , Walker Sirnio, S; Lion James Rogers; Gold Ar rowsJames Rogers; Silver Ar rows James' Rogers, Color Guard was presented by Den 9 and Den 12 entertained with a skit. Dens 5 and 10 served refresh ments and a film from the forest ry department was shown. DONALD DUCK By Walt Dliney ft'?illSri WEfcE NOW THE ONLV CLUB T V ': MSssSSS-SrV '-wN IN TOWN WITH ALAoaxJr-' " VrtYisrOB. gfc ELECTRIC LIGHT.' J L-" "V ' ' ' 1 iwu&rc KLVis 1 1 --P-7-T- rt hearA ACROSS I. Flower plot 4. Breakfut meat II. Headplec 12. Finial 13. Clear of blame 15. Kind ot thread 17. Frequented places IS. Blemishes 20. Little child boat JJ. Thrice: , prefix 25. Liquefy 58. Pointed hill 29. Interna I tional agree ment 11. English i letter 32. Likely 53. Poorer 34. Medieval shield 35. Musical note 38. Guardians of the peace 37. Grown boys 3D. Insect 40. Meadow 41. Frolic 42. Strive to equal 44. Climbing plant 4R. Corrected 60. Freshet 52. Pert to a barber 54. Decade 55. Heated 511. Rectory 67. Dutch commune P E JHF AlDllF RISK e. s y & JjEUk A T J N pJLiNBtBRA TPS O BJtowBMuetBf.e.w 31 " M AT E. BjD OWN bJqH n y p i b CI pin s e t xl 3 6 e m eil Howe sJjutBmIe R 2 y iHo tioeHpGIt ji L H fQ ofr Ball! ADBFQIn TB BREAK N EWE t-ff AIG I TATE tIrIeIeTdIIlIoIgIIdIE n Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN 1. Babylonian god 2. Governed by bishops 3. Diversion 4. Vegetable 6. Hewing tool 6. Heart 7, Individual i-Nr I 12 15 lb II S l' I11 , Sii 12 C 11 Ts Ti n lis- te 2S 25 g 5 26 27 28 -M -1 30 llW - il - JJ fM 3? SM : S -T s y 9i to 3sf '" I . - .)6 t7 18 1? 50 il sT '"sj-Tm tl il 8. Cozyhoma O.Ala 10. Siamese coin 11. Fontlike part t 14. Spacious 10, Not high 19, Walk 21. Baton 23. Weird 24. Scamp 26. Torn 27. Body 2s. Pair 3D. Golf gadget 34. Issue forth 3D. Hurts 3D. Occurrence 41, Lick up 4.J. Hihlicul country 45. Small island 46. Ordinal sullix 47. Sound of entile 48. Period of time 49. Clamor 51. Compass point 93. Keizer School Lists Students On Honor Roll KEIZER (Special)-High honor roll students at Keizer school are Waneta Cable. Karen Carlson. Patty Blake, Steve Sipprell, Nancy Ebert, Jimmy Gettis, Richard Nar- kaus, Gail Rohrcr and David Hod gers. On the regular honor roll are Diane Dixon, Barbara Stutzman, Dick Yunker, Judy Daniels, Linda Peylon, LaHita Foster, Dolores Copley, Bobby Porter, Tanya Mc Nall, Carolyn Stadtcr, Judy Vej lupck, Lcnora Brusvon, Carolyn Billings, Cornelia Mayers, Ariea Iha Butts, Stephanie Anderson, Nancy Jenny, Dan Mahoncy, Von Marshall, Carolyn Burright, Carole Hitchcy, Sharon Clement, Larry Wood. Judy Baker. Linda Gill, Joyce Baker, Carolyn Smith, Ncl- sa Wiessncr, Marsha Mullcr, Sha' ron Lowery, Marjorie bchun. De- lores Lane and Judy Barker. World Fellowship Meet Scheduled Friday in Linn LEBANON (Spccial)-World Fel lowship Youth meeting for Linn, Lincoln, Benton and Lane counties, will be held nt the First Christian church under the sponsorship of the Christian Youth Fellowship Friday, November 30. Registration will start at 4 p.m. Marshall F. Gilchrist, member of the faculty of Colcgio Intcrnacional at Asuncion, Paraguay, teacher of high school English and religion, will be a speaker. Leaders will be William Sieske, dean of men at Northwest Christian college, Eugene, Songnai Rhee, Ko rean refugee college student: Dan ny Spencer, missionary - candidate of Christian church to Africa; and Mrs. Blcwford Osborn, recently re turned from international youth training Institute at Memphis. The Rev. Gerald Sawyer is direc tor and Mrs. Osburn is co-director. & ffiJT&.m&TUllje vwil. IANVON.WMEES Yw HAP THE PIP YOU WOW HIM IK.. PONY ANWK I MTTK HUT SjC'ip" flENEKAL... PIP THE tfENEEAL (EADV JUST -I THE fJlLL PIIBCH I THAT! I HAP A OOP " UPANP63 HOME ii flyaoop NiHr,AUvttt. I.oop nioht! Ioetaulthe mcb 14uchanomionI.. i -e?t Ituaetheveww(3I.., kkse somsoke 5 -Hv rew... the Aia . iis fj twins Heswsoin-l-irt;ASTAFPPiirv I I iHooLPNTENpirj ovceicAEfVE --1? FnBtG 16 6EATEFUL. Ljl ill E&Wl W Me lU UK ASTEe- 7 JOB Ffi THE UJFOS-1 --e I BV MAKINd A LIAft ' AN9 ftlNtt I'VE o MfM FOR THE HCTAUIV rT!'ra I PINNER SPEECH AVATIOM SERVICEE I 1 l I CHIT OF AN OFFICES! CUUVlOl... J s&a i zimnw save ti wai v v -h- s ltttiSniMBW dim 71 I - -1 VOUR '--VBUTIHA.VETO I Y ZOUNDS! IJ WHAT NJ .1 I I SU6SS 1 1 LapORlVEATOCHCyOUPiX GET TO MY "-J I I'M DUE AT IfW AM I II I I'LL HAVE I ' KEX I CAR FOR A CHECK -1 STArr MEETlNO I I THE MEETINO HEVWii GOING I I 5f VTOWAWKIn I I PI V Jf AT THE 6ARASEjs loiaHTNOW Mt? U-T2. TO DO? I ?TivV-A. J I I tm k ra mtch inn mum . a f W SI T Ifunw A WAV TO BLOCK "V I " I .ltIX. liu Vnll SHOULD GET To BCFOBe 1 I A SCREAM, BA.By:-A WAV J Kn6w EACH OTHER BETTER, ) SCREAM V WE'D BOTH ENJOYgj ",4 Ta f X, 1 D KOAt 1.9 - V iIllf f-JWM.! Nmm Ikoco I - I I WVSlXStiZM b'marrvl kgay ., , I I KG W KEX RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM KOCO M9t, KOAT U30. KOIN 91. KOW H. KEX 111 00:00 TUESDAY P.M. 00?!5 00:30 Bob & R7 (Bob St Ray Rollie'i Record ISign Off Ed. R. Murrow iNewi-Weathr McAnul. Muiie Newi Bob Blackburn Bob Blachbum Spider'i Hits SporU-Newi Elmer Peterson Bob BiacKDurn )Bob & Ray iSporu Tinal jRumpus Room numpua Room Olympic Gameil Frank Com i Bob Blackburn :Bob Blackburn, Gabe Heater News Melody Robt. McC'rmlc Mel Allen mlti RnindlC0 pongs auiiuunu Spider'i Hits Music Bob Blackburn lEddie Fisher Rumpm oom Melody Music Arg. in Oregon Daydreami New Robt. Q. Lewll World News Adkins Show News News Tune Tablt X Minus Oni Adkins Show Gabe. Heater News S Star Final Richf'ld News News Big City News-Sports News-Music Dance Tim Dinceland INewsreel songs uunaown sign uii. Amos n Anay Music Bob Blackburn Sam Hayes jbonfi aunaown Amos 'n' Andy Olympic Gamei Bob Blackburn IMusic numpui nuuin Bins Crosby IMusic Arg. In Oregon Daydreams Humpus oom Robt. Q. Lewis Il Man's Family Adkins Show Fulton Lewis Rumpus Room iTune Table X Minus One Adkins Show IWhisUln' Tunes Rumpus noom World Tonlte Dragnet Adkins Show iSweet it Swing Rumpus Koom Do you nnow Dance Time IJimmy Tidier IMusic jRumpus Room (Almanac lUmii. Arg. in Oregon Turhictlln Tnnil Rumpus Room INews Analysis IDragnet lAdkins Show Rumpus Room uo you now Dance Time Edw. P. Morgan Music RumDus Room Soorts Desk Dance Time Jess Mason News jRumpus Room Music Dance Tims IDanceland Dance Party iRumpus Room (Good Evening Dance Time IDanceiand Big City Silent Music Mldnite 'Dance Tims Danceland IDance Party Dance Party IMusic Mldnits Music Mid nits (Dance Tims (Dance Tims (Danceland (Danceland WEDNESDAY UZY. T 60TTA GST OUTTATH KA6&CC Pom LUCKY- I 60TTA IN TH6 NTEK' iMAvruicW'" ens 5C0Ntv AN yTUFP WKp Rf?Ty POISONS Weu.,1 CfO PQAerte the clo AAAN KAM5AP00 14 60N.MA f? MV OrPONcNT" He 71 ITPUT4 IP VOUINA ANPV INNA1TOU6H SPOT YOU! OU TKV VOUB 9640 WIN. VDUVU St SCUTTUN-" VOUR FRIsNPS ON EARTH v VOU BlOrt T.VDUU NEVER Bi hole TO FAC6 AtfrBOPY ON AW5 Lebanon Presents Explorer Awards LEBANON (Special) Highest award in explorer scouting, silver emblems, were recommended by a board of review for two members of the Elks-sponsored explorer post this week, Gary Powell and Melvin Harnett. Citizenship and first nid were stressed by board of review members, who spent nearly an hour with each of the two award candidates. Melvin Harnett received an cnelc scout award this summer. cc Infttmit lron-()n! Save! Just the stroke of an Iron presto! Tnblo cioths. place mats, towels sparkle Willi vivid Christmas colors. Easy no embroidery! Pattern Twentv washable iron-on mollis In combination ol red and green. Sizes from 1 x 1 to 24 x 41) inches, 1-inch border. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add S cents for each pattern tor lst-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal. Household Arts Pept . P O. Kox 1WI Old Chelsea Station. New York 11, N V. Trlnt Li-'nlv NAME. AnPltESS, WNE, AND PATTERN Nt'MHEn. Two EHEE patterns printed in our ALICE WtOOKS Needle- craft book stunning designs for you. our readers! Dozens ol other designs lo order all easy, fasnnnling hand-work! Send 25 cents for your copy ot this won derful book right awayl ' -. a't 1 1 ,i.,flliAwmri . . . . . I - inn r i- r-i wsBmemsm r us w.-. . -.. 1 W WHAT DMW TwHfiT cm SHE W AS CUeEO HER 0 f I S3CAREO HER' M 1 LOLUN'flROONO, CX3IN' NOTMN'-. h Il I lit THtWSHElL DO, I DO? EVERilOWU: H MURDER I 'COURSE, I ENOUGH SO GHFU. B A ,V2y QET TH' FWt 6Ct?APIN- III nou THffT 1-wT BE WflTCHIN' HER 0 I THAT WP& My FAULT-'l BE NICE TO US I I JOB FOR MISS -rOMINE I AND 11 I ArTTHZOl V-SHORE WKeNTGAt. Y MORSEL O M WEDDED V IJUtV ?" lrL 1 1 6OO0TAN0WARMUP) A CAR OFF COLO.' 7 TS? S-5 Vv V 5, j T HE V CONTRARY TO WHAT V "OU T CEKTAINLV.' BUT TOO I WLE HE PKECIPITATEO 1S. KNEW WOT PEOPLE KUEVE. MEAN EVEN SHOUtPNT LEARN A CATATONIC STATE A WHATCOVdNLAPE T NO LCX'.' HOW TO K L6ARNIN& HOW TO J CCXILP NOR SHOULD ANjONE EN JttJ'f, I cSfmri Voce many mhov:e!) xtuot2B ri awite 'earn to 1 ewe without V wiu. ouike PSrc niatbiC j -i oSul P&PMB SO-CLFDr !SiFLEf IT REOUIKE& HlFNOTIZEf I AN APEOlrtTE r' .TREATMENT -F?r--rfT'd - ' ' Ml-" YOU'RE. Mf ATOVER J ' 1 NEVER TH0U6HT 10 I MR.OVES!-..Wllt. ICe 7 Vl VLJ ME TO YOUR FINE If gSjut., UE5H AND HOOD WOU10 tf JUX rttASt? "IIX ? w that your Ht...lulTO f"iN0 rEO? X( acntanu e hidoen away,u WsJ? MOTHERMUS KIIEY? B MEETING STRA.NGER"-AT ill 1 ( J- -J I'OtiHTOMEET JL TMtSHOUR.MR.VlOVER! . V liy. ta t. 7 y Tl 1 s ' rfl' Kte. SA f ill V, MIX'iA r-J ; 00:00 00:15 00:30 "oiMi ValL Fsrmcirt Farm News News America Farm Tim Newi-Ke'p Tm. itslL rsrmeast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock IWorld News IKeep Tim IVall. Farmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Listen Keep Tims Hemingway News Mom. Mag. KOIN Klock Listen News Brekf. Gang West. Jubiles IMorn. Mae. Jieadllna News Listen Peep Time iBrkfsL Gang West. Jubiles (Morn. Mag. irratiK uoss Listen IKeep Time News KliA i wews j KOIN Klock 11 ILlitea I Keep Tims News West. Jubiles KGAY News Harry Babbitt IMorning Rep't iBob Hazen ClUf Engla Family Altar Bible Inst. 3ible Inst. News Tunes & Tims (Tunes & Tim (Tunes & Tims ' Herb's Show ' IHerb's Show IL. Ross Show 'KkA Y News Cnsumer News Valle News pneiiey sriuug ouniej "cm.ui Listen Listen Listen Listen Keep Tims- Keep Tims Keep Tims Keep fims News News Pastor's Call Bargain countri mui. ?irini rllln fclarine Calling Clarine Calling ' Herb's Show Herb's Show JHerb's Show IKGAY News wenay warren nowara miner ineiun ieui wnu ' Listen Listen IM.M MacBride Konnie Worth Breakfast Club IBreakiast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club News Teilo Test iWings of Song Wings of Som News Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Herb's Show 'Clary Dyer IHerb's Show IKGAY News Norah Drake Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Aunt Mary NBC BandstandlNBC BandstandlNBC BanustandiNBCJ Bai.ostand Coffee Time Bob Garred IGirl Marries IWhisperlng Sts. News JQueen a Day iQueen a Day Queen s Uaj News 'Clarine CaUing Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Rollie's RecordslRolUe's Records Happiness Mrs. Burton IStrike It Rich Pat Buttram NBcf Bandrt'ndNBC Bandst'ndlNBC BandsfndjNBC Bandsuni True Story True Story Faul Harvey Jack Paar , W. News iTop Trades News Now lEasv Show lEasv Show KGAY News Rollfe's RecordaTown Crier Ntui.Wg1h irnm Cet Tt (House PartV Bob Franklin , Cafe Lounge (Cafe Lounge Vail FarmesJi lEasy Show KGAY News (Hmise PartV (Woman in Hse. KSLM 1 KOCO KGAY KOIN KCW KEX Geo. McGowan Geo. McGowan Geo. McGowan iFartn News Matinee Matinee Matinee News Easv Show l-sy snow (Matinee I Easy Show Diii. d .A.ii.- nd.nPHeiRn1i'iP'B RTfirdsl KG AY News Godfrey Time Godfiey Time Godfrey Time 10fre.'rim iiiinop nouse fepper xoung iY"-" ' p 7 ivews-uonraa utuss mnrau nuas v-uum 2 KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN ROW KEX IMatlnee jNews Rollie's RecordslRolUe's Records Rol lie's Records Godfrey Time Uodrrey Time Kum Asntan McAn. Muslo IMcAn. Music. McAnul. Music News-Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad (Matinee . lEasv Show ' kuai newi iNews-Weather McAnul. Musie IRuss Conrad , 3 KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN now KEX Matinee News Rollie's Records i Backstage Wife jvicAnui. music News-Conrad IMatlnee Matinee Rollie's Records Rollie's Records! Our Gal 5 noay xaxe imny McAnul. Music McAnul. Music IRuss Conrad IRuss Conrad 4 KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis Hemlnffway News 1 IRumpus Room IHere's Answer IRumpus Room Rollie's RecordslRolUe's Recordsptollie's RecordslKGAY News Art KirKnam me Aiexanaersi McAn. Musie McAn. Music Bob Blackb'rn Bob Blackb'rn Mfmrflnnnur INewlDSOer IMcAn. -Music McAn Musie Bob Blackb'rn Bob Blackburn 5 KSLM Bob & Ray Bob Sc Ray KOCO News IRumpus Room kgay Rome's Hecordstsicn utr KOIN Ed. R. Murrow INews-Weath. KGW McAn. Music McAn. Music KEX Bob Blackb'rn Bob Blackb'rn 6 KSLM' Dinner News IBill Brundage KOCO News Songs at Sund. KOIN Sports-News Lowell Thomas KGW Elmer Peterson Music KEX Bob Blackburn (Bob Blackburn ITello Test Easy Show IKGAY Newi Take ThirtV McAnul. Musie IRuss com-s a Sam Hayes (Rumpus Room Bob & Ray iSports Scope Humpus Moom nuinpus nuui Tom Harmon IFrank Goss Olympic Games Sports-Weath. (Bob Blackb'rn IBob Blackburn INews Sam Hayes Songs at suna.isongs at auno. Amos 'n Andy Amos 'n Andy IMusic lOlymplc Gamea UJOD BiacKourn puu nm""'" . 7 KSLM Gabriel Heater iSilver Seren'delHl Forum snow KOCO News IRumpus itoom Humpus Room Rumpus Room KOIN Melody -Melody Bing Crosby lmsnc KGW Robt. McCorm. IMusic IMusic lu?'.c KKX Fights Fights Fights Tights 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Day Dreams Day Dreams Whlstlln' Tun. IWnliran' Tun. News IRumpus Room iRumpus Room Rumpus .Room RobL Q. Lewll IRobt. Q. Lewis IWorld Tonlte News World News ' U Man's FamllylPeople FunnylPeople "Funny Adkins Show Adkins Show Adkins Show Adkins Show 9 KSLM News IFulton Lewis Sweet & Sw. Sweet ft a. KOCO News IRumpus Room IRumpus Room iRumpus Room KOIN Tune Table Tune Table Up Date Up Date KGW Groucho Marx Groucho Mane IDance Time IDance Time KEX Adkins Show Adkins Show 'jimmy Fidler (Edw. P. Morgan Gabriel Heater IMusic News IMusic News Rumpus Room (Rumpus Room Rumpus Room S Star Final Sports Week Mr. Jaycee Kood Evening Richfield News Dance Time Dance Time toance Time News Jess Mason IDanceiand Danceland KSLM KOCO KOIN, KGW K1X KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Gangbustert jGangbusters (Music IMusic t News Mus. Tonlte Mus. Tonlte Mus. Tonlte Dsnce Time IDance Time Dance Time IDance Time Danceland Danceland Danceland IDanceiand THURSDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 . KSLM h KGAV KOIN " KGW KKX VsL Fsrmcsst Farm News News America Farm Time News Val Tarmcast iMorn. Mag. IKOIN 'Klock I World News IKeep Time Val Farmcsit Morn. Mhr. KOIN Klock Listen Keep Time News IKGAY News IKOIK Klock ! (Listen 1 Keep Time .KSLM f KOCO KGAY KOIN KOW KEX Hemingway Tunes St Time Morn. Mag. KOIN KlocK Listen News Break. Gang ITunei Sc Time Morn. Mag. Headlines Listen Keep Time Break. Gang .Tunes & Time Morn. Mag, Frank Goss Listen Keep Time News iTunes St Time KGAY News Harry Babbitt Morning Rept. Bob Hazsn KSLM Cliff Engle Family Altar Haven of Rett Haven of Rest KOCO Wally's Sports Tunes & Time ITunes Sc Time rTunea St Tim KGAY Herb's Show iHerb's Show (Herbs Show IKGAY News KOIN Consumer N'wsiDave Vallle Shelley Ser'nd Shelley Sere. KGW Listen Listen Listen Listen KEX News IKeep Time Keep Time Keep Time k KSLM Ikoco J KGAY ' KOIN KGW KKX News News-Sports Herb's Snow Wendy vvsrren Listen Brkfst Club News 1490 Tune St Herb's Show Howard Miller Listen Brkfst. Club Pastor"s Call (1490 Tune St. IHerb's Show Helen Trent vM.M.Mc Bride HrkfilClub IBargain Center 1490 Tuns SL IKGAY News Mldmorn News IKonnle Worth Brkfst. Club 1KSLM News Tellotest Wings ot Song Wings of Song KfH'O .News-Sports 14W Tune St HBO Tune St 1490 Tune St KGAY Herb's Show ICIarry Dyer Herb's Show IKGAY News OkUIN Nora Drake Ma Perkins iDr. Malone (Aunt Marv KGW NBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandsfnd NBC Bandst'nsl KKX Cufiee-K Wfii BobGarred Girl Marries iWhispering Sts. 1 KSLM CCA Time iQueen a Day tvjueen or Day Queen for Day KOCO News-SporU 1490 Tune St 1490 Tun St 1490 Tuns St KGAV Dinner Winner Dinner Winner iRollle'sRecrdi IRollle's Recrdl IKOIN Happiness (Mrs. Burton IStrike It Rich Pat Buttram KCW NBC BandsVnd'NBC Bandst'nd'NBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'nd KKX True Story (True Story iPaul Harvey IJack Parr WISHING WELL 3ST46S278324 MT A LAALVNOFOO 6 2 t 5 3 ' 7 4 6 2 8 5 3 T IVU.AKEVNEPXER 4 3 6 7 ' 2 ' 8 7 3 5 6 1' 4 8 E Y EYIJtLS B S CUt.1 6583 748267384 V A FUWYTLAEIO 2 4 3 8 6 5 7 4 8 3 6 4 7 I. E L FRVE.WS DA LT 4527846375284 llAOPVWUINBIt 3 6 4 8 728 564 876 P TNRPYICEOTTE TTERE It p!nt little came thit will live you a mettacc every day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your Arst name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 1. The result is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec tanile and check every one of your key numbers, left to rifht. Then read the messaie the letters under the checked figures five you. C UM. tt WiMm J. Hltkr. DMlriHUI kf KM rmw liibm ft '21