is Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 26, 1956 Pago 10 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL i Croup to Inspect New Y Facilities Facilities of I ho reconstructed Y.M.p.A. plant as they pertain to men interested in physical educa tion will be shown to a group of 60 or 70 men Tuesday morning. The men will meet (or break fast at 7:15 alter which they will be taken on a tour of the plant, with, special emphasis in the mod ernized locker rooms, Instruc tional swimming pool and similar facilities. WATCH THAT SPKU.INU SKAmE (fl-Whcn Mrs. Min nie Apltoberts' name appeared in the newspaper, she explained that it was no mistake in the spelling. It is Welsh, she said, meaning "son of Jtobert." Her son is Rob ert Apltoberts which gets a bit complicated in the Welsh version. W 'V-'M -l-1-U.Uiii 111111 1 SHALIMAR uenam .SHALIMAR Perfume $9, $16, $28, $50 Purse fiaeon Vt oz, $6,00 Cologne $150, $1.50 Bath Oil $6, Ttle $2 (price phi Ux) CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stat St. Corner of Liberty We Give JWf Green Stamps Man Hurt as Car Runs Into Tank Truck A 31-year-old Portland man was reported in good condition Monday i in Snlem Memorial hospital where ! he was taken after the collision of his car and an oil tanker early .Sunday morning on the Baldock freeway north of Salem. Eldon Ray Busboom suffered a fraclured arm and face and fore head lacerations, hospital authori ties said. He was scheduled for X-rays Monday to check for pos sible head Injuries. Investigating state police said Busboom's car crashed Into the rear ol a truck and iraner on tanker driven by Lester llnmren, 3255 Alberta Ave., Salem, about 12:45 a.m. Sunday, heavily dam aging both vehicles. Both vehicles had to be towed away. Busboom was taken to the hospital by Wood burn ambulance. Hamren was not reported injured. Reunion Beyond Iron Curtain A.M.A. Urges Hospital Aid To Alcoholics SEATTI.K W - The 'American Medical Assn.'s Council on Mental Health recommended Monday that hospitals admit chrcnic alcoholics for treatment. The report, made by the coun cil and its Committee on Alco holism, will he submitted to the A.M.A.'n policy-making House of Delegates at the association's na tional clinic meeting opening here "Chronic alcoholism should not MT. ANGEL (Special) Mrs. be considered as an illness which i Wilhelmina Dabney, 72, daughter of pioneer parents of this area, died ; V .4p:,Vrc kilt . ffL This woman hart Just crossed canal boundary between Hungary and Austria and fell Into arms of friend with eipression that told her story of relief on escaping Communist domination to reach freedom In Austria. (AP Wircpholo) Mrs. Dabney Dies Monday bars admission to a hospital, but rather as qualification for admis sion when the patient requests such admission an? is coopera tive, the council said. Dr. Leo H. Bartcimcr, Balti more, Is council chairman, hub- mission of the recommendation to the House of Delegates will per mit It to take action cither at this week's meeting or in the fu ture.. Tho report emphasized that al coholism is an "illness which! justifiably should have the atten tion of physicians." It said acute alcoholic intoxication often is a medical emergency and that prob lems lormerly encountered In its treatment in a eeueral hnsmtal1- have been greatly reduced. Numerous other A.M. A. com mittees and councils will report to the week's sessions and up wards of 2,000 ' delegates are ex pected. Dr. Elmer Hess, Erie, Monday at the Silverton hospital. She was born March 6, 1884, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Back, and was a member of St. Mary's Catholic parish here. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Rose Ebner. Mrs. Fred Hassing and Mrs. Charles Ullman, all of Mt. Angel, and a brother, John nounced later from the linger Fu neral Home. Johnny Longden is still winning races at 46. He was born in Wake field, Eng. UNKeepsUp Pressure for Troop Pullout UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. in-. The U. N. General Assembly kept up pressure today on Britain, France and Israel to pull out all the troops they still have in Egypt. ; The Assembly scheduled a meeting to hear delegations ex plain their votes on two resolu-l tions it adopted Saturday calling for withdrawal of the invaders' i troops and clearance of the Suez Canal. The withdrawal resolution, in troduced by 20 Asian and Afri can countries, passed 63-5 with 10 abstentions. It called on Britain, ! France and Israel to get their forces out of Egypt "forthwith. ' It asked Secretary General Dag Hammarskiold to relay the de-i mand urgently and report back "without delay." Splitting again with its major allies the United States voted for the proposal. Australia and New Zealand voted with Britain, France and Israel against it. The second resolution was in troduced by the United States along with Canada, Colombia, In dia, Norway and Yugoslavia. It was adopted 65-0 with the nine Soviet-bloc countries abstaining. It approved Hammarskjold's ar rangements with Egypt for de ploying a U. N. emergency force in that country to supervise the cease-fire and the troop with drawals. It also authorized him to negotiate contracts to clear the Suez Canal, now blocked by ships and bridges wrecked during the military operations. The Assembly's withdrawal do. mand was its fourth in three weeks, all proved by overwhelm. ing votes. So fai Israel says she has pulled about 6,000 troops out oi r.gypi. Open Mondcyi-Fridoyi 9:30 to 5:30 7 J (f: .n f r a. -j" v THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP .. . AFTER ALL Pa., past president, will address Bock, Portland. Tuesday's opening meeting. I Funeral arrangements will be an- MILLER'S... for famous brand Othen Priced from HANDBAGS 12 50 Distinctive handbags by ROLF ... ere being shown in many styles and leathers for your Holiday selec tions, Calvetle leathers with rich faille linings . , . inside zipper pockets and compartmenls . . . secret pockets etc. Accessories such as mirrors and coin purses are included. In popular black . . navy . . Fieldslone , . .chevron. E::y S ,-J : . Mothers! It's a bright new world! "small -fry Deluxe Terry Towels :95 to 25 00 Rtvrnttcence Cream . . . day-long protection ugainit the yeare. Worn under your ninkc-up nil day long, Rcvenescenee Cream or Liquid supplies your skin ivith the moisture it needs for the look of youth itself. Cream: 3, 5, 0, 15, 25. Liquid: 5, 0, 1G. All plus taiu " I f Is Vkr!ct vl flic TVtTi, '9. by snap 'em around your towel rod ...and they'll stay put $1 .98 Unmistakably thein! And the Joy f it ii, the toweti lUy en th. rackl Extra large, 22x44", deluxe quality, quick-drying, thirsty terry with gripper fasteners to convert'them into roller towels. White, printed all ever with little chubby hands in wash fast colors. Isn't it a great idea? Come, write, phone today! Such pretty colors too-piNK, AQUA, charcoal GREY," COCOA printed on WHITE perfect gifts for small fry, too Hand Towels "For Little Hands" (no Jrippers) 16x27" 98c ea. Wash Cloths to match both towels "For Little Faces" 12x12".. 39c ea. DOWNSTAIRS ART NEEDLE Hail kid For Healthier, Stronger, More Beautiful Finger Nails Do you type . . . keep your fingers in water . do many chores around the house each day? It is not always the daily diet of hard work that may cause your nails to break, chip, or split easily. Frequently, it's a daily dietary deficiency that causes the trouble. U this is your problem . . . why continue to be embarrassed by unsifhUy naiU wben KAIL AID may help restore their natural loveliness? Medical research has discovered this , amazinj new way to help prevent brMkln. chimin!, cracking, peeling, splitting and ridging of normally lovely nail. NAIL AID is a pure highly protein sugarless Gelatin product fortified with Calcium and Vitamin A in a convenient, easy -to-take eapsult form. Start now to grow healthier, stronger, more beautiful nails! Ask for NAIL AID... start taking NAIL AID tod ay 1 Packagtd In smart plastic purn-jui box. largt tconomy lrt..-....... ... I 4.95 Hie Fatal A WONDERFUL ARRAY OF TOP-FASHION FASHION FORECAST FOR HOLIDAY FROCKS BROCADES Whether it's trio boulfant or sheatli style dress you want lliis season for your dine or dance . , , parly wear, you'll like these new brocades by Skinner, Gorgeous pastel shades . . . the darker ones, too. Vogue fashion hook suggests the newest Parisian fashions , , patterns on sale at our pattern counter. 149 198 1 98 Yord LACES AND CHIFFONS Your psrty frock of billowing chiffon? Or shimmering satin? Come see the new shades such as Dior blue . . . China rose brorue green , , . grollo . . . bisque , . . , navy, The Skinner's salin priced at $ 1 .98 yard. black Veil v' A gown so beovfifymg to rfie figvrt, mode to flotftr every one. It's luscious nylon tricot with saliny roses embroidered over rfit lined bod'ee, fronf end bod. The weH-jfioped midtiB. gently ilasttcied bock waistUn ond perfectly cut bodice mole lor incredible fti ond comfort. There is face or every edge lor os much lemh rtinity os possible. Petot Pint, SHvet Btwe, 1010, sirei 32 to 42 of MJ feroftnt Shop for Smart New Lingerie for Gifts Now While Stocks are Complete CHRISTMAS SPECIAL... this beautiful Angel gift card package 3 pairs of beautifully thetr SetmUtt r Full Ftukion ICalkinf theen evenmg or dret eh-eert FASHION CIRCLE NYLONS 3" - 475 for S pairs ti M to II proportioned lttt Here's a Christmas present you'll want to give and receive . . . three pairs of leg nattering HOLEPROOF nylons ... all in a beautiful FREE holiday gift card package. All women love the sheer comfort and longer wear of HOLEPROOF Fashion Circle nylons.. . in costume coordinate! colors. THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP ... AFTER ALL LINGERIE, 2ND PLOOR SMI .,v' '"V- l00 f8 398 r, I