Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 26, 1950 Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Edited by MARIAN i.OWIIY F1SCHKR ml Women 1 1 -4 . ,1 Tcll Troth The engagement of Miss Sharon Johnson, above., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson, to Gary Compton, son of Mrs. Robert Tipton of Hillsboro, was announced last week at University of Oregon where both young people arc students. (Jeston-Miilcr studio picture) i Student Recital to : Be Monday Evening ; Teachers of Salem district, Ore- ion Music Teachers association. will present their students in reci tal tonight at 7:43 o'clock in Wil lamette university Music hall. Mrs. P. F. Thomas is chairman for the event. Students appearing on the pro gram arc: Georgia Foregnrd, Ha- i Savage, .leanelte Wcdel, Donna Becker, Christine Cannon. Gloria J Rodriguez, Gordon Din-ell, Connie mayers, marK aneucriey, Karen '. Leo and Patricia Perrin. Teachers presenting the students are: Ruth Bedford, Feme Craven, Irene Bycrs, Catherine Schntlker, : Mrs. Harvey Gibbens, Lois P, ; Schmidt, Jean H. Rich, Mrs. P. F. i Thomas, Margaret Hogg, Jean , Morrison, Charles Hargravc, Stan ; ley Butler, Violel Burlingham, The public Is Invited to attend. I HOSTESS to her bridge club for dinner and the evening on Tues- Miss Lester Wed Nov. 21 SILVERTON (Special) - Miss Irene Edith Lester, daunhler nf Leonard Lester, and Wesley An drew lister, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ostcr, all nf Silverlnn, wore married Wednesday eve nine, November 21, in n double ring ceremony at 7 o'clock in the First Methodist church ul Silver Ion, the Rev. Pnul Wayne Henry umummg. The bride wore a street length, alt wool, while Jersrv sheath dress, with high neckline and three-quarter length sleeves, while gloves and a close-filling while icaincr oerec with rhinestonc trim. She carried a while Testament top ped with a red rosebud and lilies- of-thc-vnlley cascade corsnge bou quet. Attending (he bride was her cousin, Mrs. Mike we sc . wear- ing a white tailored suit. Dink accessories and a Frenched pink day will be Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, m"" corsage. The mother of i me ui Kii-gruom wore an aqua kiiii suit, unite accessories and a cym bidium orchid corsage, Also present were the grand parents of bolh the bride and the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Don niodgctt of Salem, the bride's grandparents, and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Reeves, the bridegroom's grandparents. Both grandmothers wore navy blue dressmaker suits and deep red rose corsages. The reception was al Ihc Knights of Pythias hall. Culling the cakes was Mrs. lib DeGuire. Presiding at the coffee urns and" at the punch bowl were Mrs. Lawrence Lester, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Pave Swansnn. Sr., aunt nf Ihe bridegroom. List ing the guests was Mrs. Mike Weigel. at Ihe gift table were Miss Nellie Harrington and Miss Donna DeGuire. Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. E. n. Boyd ami sirs, iirvine sn-nnnicl. Party Set For Dec. 4 Invitations were in the mail to- day for a coffee for which Mrs. jonn ii. koid, .Mrs. uscar 11. Specht and Mrs. Itobcrt H. Hamil ton will entertain on December 4. The party will be at the Kolb home on Hansen, quests being in vited to call bet wen 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. . Miss Amundson Is Active at Linfield Miss Roberta Amundson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Amund son, 533 Richmond avenue, Salem, is among 29 prospective teachers in human growth and development class at Linfield college, McMinn vjlle, studying average pupils in McMinnvillc public schools as a K; part ol their semester s work. I hoy visit McMinnville public schools regularly on their own time and observe an average stu dent to whom they have been as signed. The college students work in committees of two and three and are learning the various phas es of teaching involved in testing, interviewing pupils and recording data about 'them. Miss Amundsen also is a mem ber of the 15-member field hockey team at Lmueld. The team re turned from recent victories at the Northwest field hockey tourna ment, at Washington State col lege. Pullman, n. Lin field's team defeated the WSC squad 4-t. Ceutralia J.C., 3-0, and tied the WWCE squad 0-0. Schools from British Columbia, n ashing Ion, Oregon, and Idaho engaged in the weekend competition. Lin field was the only small Oregon college competing in the meet. I lJC" K w w - r- f I 11 Sx&mmi NEXT MEETING for Sewing club of Royal Neighbors of Amer ica will be Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Virgic Gamble. 24!)8 Northgale avenue. A salad lunch con will be served at 12:30 o'clock Anniversary Feted Mr. and Mrs. William Machleit, above, observe their 55th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. In celebra tion of the event a Thanksgiving dinner was given for the family last week. (Don MacLean picture) CHRISTENED Saturday after- Machleits Are noon at St. Paul's Episcopal church A J C C or, -c u.c -AlUm, Gnln Fnrnam. small VVeU JJ I CUIb with Mrs. Rebecca Jclferies and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mrs. Maude McGee assisting. i , . . T. n All mamKarc .ni acL-nrl In lava rdlllrflll w - 1 Miss Eder Wed Friday At Gervais GERVAIS (Special) The Sacred Heart church at Gervais was deco rated with baskets and bouquets of fall chrysanthemums and ferns for the wedding of Miss Vivian Georgena Eder and Ralph Anthony Duda, Thanksgiving day, Novem ber 22. at a 9 a.m. nuptial high mass. The Rev. F. J. Hanley, pas tor of the Gervais parish, offici ated at the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Eder and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Duda, all of Gervais. Bernard Smith. Ambrose Smith and Alfred Smith of Woodburn sang the mass, accompanied by Mrs. John Moore of Brooks. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, chose a floor length dress of white lace and net over satin, fashioned with a fitted bo dice and full skirt. The V-neckline was trimmed with sequins and pearls and the lace sleeves were wrist length with points over the hands. The. fingertip veil was of nylon net with a headpiece of seed pearls and sequins and pleated net. The bride carried a spray of yellow roses tied with white satin ribbon. The maid of honor, Miss Alita Eder, sister of the bride, wore a red taffeta waltz length dress w:th filled bodice, V - neck and full skirt. Miss Dolores Hockctt of Ml. Angel, cousin of the bridegroom, and Miss Margaret Eder, sister of the bride, were the bridesmaids. They wore matching red taffeta dresses and all had matching se quin hats and red shoes and car ried nosegays of yellow and bronze chrysanthemums. The bride's mother wore a blue afternoon dress and jacket with black hat and accessories. The mother of the bridegroom wore a Mr. and Mrs. William Mach- Today's Menu FAMILY LUNCH Clam Chowder Pilot Crackers Cottage Cheese Salad .Mincemeat Bread Fruit Beverage MINCEMEAT BREAD Ingredients: 2 cups sifted flour. 4 teaspoons double - acting baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, ti tea spoon nutmeg. Y teaspoon cinna mon. 1 egg, Vi cup milk, Vi cup firmly - packed brown sugar, 3 tablespoons butter or margarine (melted), 1 cup moist mincemeat. Method: Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon. Beat egg with rotary beater (hand or electric) until it begins to get thick and is lemon colored: add milk and brown sugar and beat enough to combine. Stir in meltfd butler and mincemeat. Add mincemeat mixture to dry ingredients: stir only enough to moisten. Pour into, greased loaf pan I8'i x 4!i by 2!4 inches). Bake in moderate (350 degrees) oven tor 1 nour or until cane tester inserted in center comes out clean. Turn out of pan on rack. When cold store in tightly covered container for 24 hours before slic ing. Nice sliced thin and spread with butter. Day-Schlecht Rites Nov. 20 Wed at Ihe First. Christian church in Dallas on Tuesday, November 20, were Miss Betty Jean Schlecht, .daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Schlecht, and Leslie Roger Day, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Day. all of Dallas. The Rev. Leland F. Morse officiated at the service. Lighting the tapers for the 8 p.m. service were Miss Mary Jo Rockford, who wore light blue, I GOT THE IDEA FROM THENEW ARDEN win-mkWUF GALLON! A blue afternoon dress with black hat ! and Miss Mary Marion, who wore and accessories. Corsages of yel-!a yellow dress. For the music, lcit, route 2. Box 370-C, Alhany. i "Ji . j . . i Far nam of Jonn uav. me nev. , ,u c-,u ,jj:-- mm uiuiul-i. me granumui ner 01 their finished aprons and pillow cases for the bazaar. HOSTESS to her bridge club for luncheon and the afternoon on Tuesday will be Mrs. Otto Kraus- haar. 4 o'clock service Godparents are Mrs. Luther L. Jensen. Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. William Landers, Springfield. The baby's grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Chester G. Zumwalt and Lester Farnam, Salem. Lace Has Holiday Air . anniversary on lucsday. Machleit is the former Lila An nett, born in Ontario, Canada, and Mr. Machleit was born in Grosse Pointe, Mich., the former in Au gust and the latter in September of 1879. They met and married in Grosse Pointe in 1001 and lived in Detroit, Mich., until 1943 when they moved lo Salem. - In IO.iO. at the age of 71, they I built their new- dress and accessories and a white carnation corsage. The best man was Lawrence Duda, brother of the bridegroom. Groomsmen were Andrew Eder, brother of the bride, and Robert Duda, cousin of the bridegroom. Ushers were Robert Hockctt and Bill Hendricks. A reception followed in the St. home north of Mai-y's dining room at, Ml. Angel. .TV V - i , a i "NUTRO-LIFE bread adds a delicious food to your menu!" "Nutm-l.ife Rrcad is really de licious" says Mrs. B. C., Bakersficld, California house wife and tarccrwoinan. "It es tablishes regularity without need for habit-forming or over Stimulating laxatives. Anil Niitro-I.ife llrcail adds a deli cious food to your menu with out adding pounds to your weight!" NUTR01.H i; URIAHS rich, rewarding flavor is a real taste treat! Plain or toasted, it appeals to everyone in thr fam ily. NUTRO I.IIi; URI AHS sod bulk anion, to that of plenty of fresh Iruit ml vege taklcs. gently aids rrg ulariiy. At mealtimes and in kctwoen, serve M'TRO-Ul f. instead of your usual kread, ml help your family enjoy healthful regularity! 70Ar$TIIIAt.WILLCONVINCtVOUI Ril.I k JV hai - - - , I, ....... Linoendorf (I 10 sriAvow mm Lure Sweater Orion cardi gan with front and back over lay of matching orlon lace. Maudlin Hhick Chanlilly laco is attached to a taffeta headband with velvet hows. Albany in Ihe Conner district, doinij most of the construction tnem selves. They wished to he closer to their two daughters, Edith, wife of the Rev. William Schwab, and Helen, wife of Clarence MacLean. They have four grandchildren: Betty Schwab, wife of Rev. John Bostrom of Donaldson, Ind.; Jim Schwab of Seattle; Robert Schwab of Salem, and Donald MacLean of Jefferson. They also have seven great-grandchildren. Fourteen members of the family wore able to gather to celebrate Thanksgiving day together at the farm home. MISS KAREN COVERT, daugh ter of Robert E. Covert, Rt, 1, Salem, took part in the 1050 so rority play contest sponsored by Alpha f'si Omega, national drama honorary at Linfield college, Mc MinnviHe. Miss Covert is a fresh man accounting major at the col- leer. Mrs. Lawrence Duda, sister-in-law or the bridegroom, cut the wed ding cake. Miss Carol Eder was in charge of the guest book, Misses Ruth Eder, Marcy Jo Hen dricks and Olive Duda presided over the gift tables. Mrs. Francis Reding was in charge of the wed ding dinner and Mrs. Howard Matlock acted as hostess for the dining room. A dance was given in the eve ning at the St. Mary's auditorium. Music for the dance was furnished by Air. Larry Hendricks, the bride's uncle, and his dance band. For traveling the bride wore a gray suit, with pink and black ac cessories, white coat and a corsage of yellow roses. After a trip to California, the couple will make their home at 56a 5th Street, Wood- burn. Mrs. Mildred Funk was organist Mrs. Ona Bahnsen. the Rev. Percy Philp and Mrs Delores Thiessen sang. The bride wore a white lace dress with fitted bodice, low neck line and cap sleeves. The lace skirt was floor length and was in four tiers. The fingertip length veil fell from a round pill box hat trimmed with sequins and pearls. The bride wore elbow length gloves, and carried a cascade bou quet of pink rosebuds and white crnatlon. Mr. Schlecht gave his daughter in marricse. Mrs. Shirley Schlecht was ma tron of honor, wearing a pink floor length dress and carrying a nose gay of pink and white chrysanthe mums. Mrs. Lulu Flowerden and Miss Sylvia Yodor were brides maids, wearing light blue dresses, Miss Shirlene Schlecht was junior attendant, wearing a pink floor length dress. Jimmie Plummer was ring bearer, Best man was William Schlecht, brother of the bride. Ushers were Jerry Wood and Louis Flowerden. The bride's mother wore a tur quoise and black street dress and corsage of pink rosebuds. The bridegroom's mother wore an aqua dross and corsage of white rose buds. A reception In the church re ception room followed the cere mony. Two baskets of white and pink chrysanthemums were about the room. Cutting the bride's cake NOVEMRKR meetinR of Wel come Wagon cluh was last week al Ihe Oregon Stale School for the -n Mr Plnmnw pnrinn Miss Cos-rrt anneared in Ihe role , feaf. The group met lirst at the i were Mrs Archie Smiih anrf Mr: of The Attendant in Sisma Kappa ; ndminisirntion buildin; and then , Horold Selhy. Assisting were Mrs! were conaucien on a lour ol tnc : rtiiih ncckford. Mrs Shirlcv Rnn classrooms and living facilj)ies of dall. Miss Lorraine .lonsen. Miss the campus. Following the tour a Martha Marion. Miss Donna Slar- Phi's play. "The Valiant.' DAR Tea Success RUTTEV1LLE (Special Mrs: Karl Knselman. regent of the the school. Refreshments Helle Par.-i chapter or the Daugh-; served at this time also. short business meeting was con ducted in Ihc faculty dining hall of were lers of the American Revolution, reports that the t"a they spon sored for the benefit of the Newell house and served at the Mothers Memorial cabin in Champorg State Attending as guesis were Mrs. Louise Case, Mrs. Horace Maz loom. Mrs. H. C. McCrea. Mrs. Helen Meloy, Mrs. Harry Taylor, Mrs. John Ketchum. Mrs. James 00 YOUR CHRISTMAS HINTING early, if you want your favorite Santa to come up with the right sweaters. This year a lot of fashion-conscious gals are putting lace ac-; park was well attended and a nice : Revs and Mrs. James Mnrcan. cessories nrar the top nf their personal Christmas lists not only -sum was realized. Mrs. John Y. New members joining at this time lacc trimmed lingerie, a stock gut item, but also such femininj Hicharrison. past stale regent and , were: Mrs. E. A. Busscy. Mrs. whimsies as delicate lace scarfs and mantillas, lace cummerbunds chairman of the Newell house res- Frank Gerschmv, Mrs. H. K. and boleros lo dress up holiday dresses, even lace sweaters (with lace toration, spoke, and there were J Young, Mrs. Jose Daniels. Mrs. For traveling the hrido wnre a'appliqued over the cashmere 1 numbers as well as twirl- j Donald Reed, and Miss Rcrnadinc navy wool suit pnd matching top! There's a lace belt with a hugle bustle 1uw in the back, which ing. Walch. Coal n lift hrr U'Olr-liitfl i-nvctmt Ll liAiilfl nlr) Hrnmii tn anv liBcir chnuth nnrl n ninv miM Ihie tpmenn n ; fin Thiircifav Mrs tviifi'lmnn nnrt i - - - vvw. lowing a trip to coast ni resnrls nastel cardienn sweater of orlon overlaid front and back with orlon i Mrs. G. K. Austin attended (ho i chaptor of the DAR, proceeds of .lunch for noon. All women mem the young couple will he at home; lace a practical gift since it can he dunked in the wash bowl and silver tea at Redmonds on t h e j wliich also went lo the Newell jbers and friends of the church are to their triends in Silverlnn. 'come up smiling. tAP Nowsfealures Hill, sponsored by the Multnomah house fund. t invited to attend. key. Miss Marfha Plilcr, Miss Leal Lola Selby. Deanne Phillips and Vina Mae Plummer passed dream cake. For a wedding trip lo northern California, the bride wore a char coal grav dress, white accessories, blue coat and corsage of pink rose buds. After November 2fi. the couple will be at home in Dallas. TARITHA Missionary Fellowship of Ihe First Baptist church will meet for while cross work Thurs day November 29 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Each is tn take a sack (9 I - (f t T V A Trip to Lipman's Beauty Salon IS GOOD FOR YOUR SOUL says: , . and Erich knows for tins is the same litich who has helped women from coast lo roast be come more beautiful through professional beauty care. Place yourself in Erich's capable hands or make an appointment with any of his clever staff (all, trained by Erich himself). You owe u't to your new Christmas outfit to be well groomed. permanents from 10.00 manicures 1.50 and up Phone 3-5921 or 4-44S1 for Appointment Von mny use your Lipmans Charge Account! Lipman's hcauty salon, third floor Free Parking With Validation W Give Z?H" 5ren Stampt A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY AT i& 9K TfT) 'ST IS? CI She'd rdilier bovn a little fur limn more of anything else. And we have all the little furs she's been dreaming about. And re niombat, this year the news in furs comes in little packages. Just bring your rich im agination lo our shop and see the surpris ing prices our Christmas Furs are wearing. We have all of Ihe animal kingdom s crown ing glories in stoles and jackets. Here, wait ing for you to select from, layaway or terms available. smri r.ff-- tet Wit1 A. L f.v- r 3& i r Saltm'i Eiclutivt Custom Furriarl 34t F.rry phon Did You Know Our Ron'Magee Hair Stylist at The Parisian Room for Beauty Won First Place In a Hair Styling Contest sponsored by the Oregon Beautician Association. Ron is the youngest first place winner in Oregon. Come in , . . Visit Our New, Ultra Modern Salon Consultation Without Obligation Salem's leading Fashion Store Corner liberty and Court FREE PARKING WITH TP MONEY