' Page' 12 Section" 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL" Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 26, 1956 Austria Government Protests Armed Pursuit of Refugees VIENNA M Austria protest ed to Russia yesterday against an armed pursuit of Hungarian refu gees which led to the fatal shoot ing of a Soviet Soldier on Austrian oil Friday. Chancellor Julius Jlaab called In the Soviet ambassador. He told the ambassador that, until this af fair, the Russians had respected Austrian frontiers and that their troops should be Instructed to do so again. A written protest also was presented. The Austrian Interior Ministry said a young Hungarian girl, one of a small group of refugees, was the target of the Soviet thrust. It gave this account: liussian soldiers pursued Deri REMEMBER... OUR BIG QUITTING BUSINESS SALE MOW IN PROGRESS Shop Now for the Most Fabulous Mattress And Box Spring Values in Townl Every flam Must Gol 990 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Ph. 3-4023 Open Mondays and Fridays 'III 9 P.M. across the border. One grabbed her and tried to drag her back across the frontier. But two Aus trian farmers wrested her away from the soldier, who ran back into Hungary. At the same time two other Rus sian soldiers crossed the frontier and tried to stop the refugees. Austrian customs guards quickly Mentioned Austrian national no tice and then ran townrd the Rus sians, both of whom carried sub machine guns. With the help of police, 'the cus toms guards disarmed the Rus sians. But the Russians broke loose and ran toward the border. After shouting to them to halt, a customs guard fired. One of the Russians fell fatally wounded. The other gave himself up. The wounded man, shot in the abdomen, died in a hospital at Obcrwarth. His companion was held for questioning at a police post. Witnesses reported intermittent firing on refugee groups by Rus sian commando units near the de stroyed "Freedom Bridge" Fri day. Refugees said a considerable number of their companions had been rounded up by Russian troops only a few miles inside Hungary. Apparently as a consequence, the flow of refugees into Austria's Burgenland border province slack ened somewhat overnight. Only 3.670 were counted by Aus trian police in the 12 hours up to f 9 a.m., against 6,033 In the tame period Friday. Freight cars loaded with U.S. Army supplies were en route from West German bases to Vienna, where they will be distributed to victims of the revolution. The supplies were provided at the request of the International Red Cross. Dr. Semler Says: A i Today's Dentures art made ef durable materials, and to carefully constructed, they may show no signs of impairment tvtn after 5 or 1 0 years of constant wear. BUT THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR PLATE MAY IE IMPAIRED IN 4 MONTHS BE CAUSE OF GUM SHRINKAGE Hit tissue change Is constantly going an in the mouth. When gums shrink, tht perfect fit between gum and denturt is lost, be cause there is no longer sufficient contact to keep th platt firmly In place. UNLESS CORRECTED, this condition may cause tht platt to wobble and rock, slip sideways or drop down at embarrassing moments. This may lead to Irritation and sore ness, and lots of chewing power. RELY ON YOUR DENTIST Vliit him regularly for chsek-up f lueb changn In tht fit of your platti. Ht cm adapt and odjuit thtm ta earner tht condition, and roitort tht comfort and efficiency tf your donturts. DR. SEMLER Gives You All the Credit You Need! trt AFTIK your DiMol w.il ll ccmeltud. Tost eny rtaisHtblt l1h ! line. UK ?DtT DENTISTRY Convenient terms are promptly end courteously arrangtd at Dr. StmUr'i for All tht Dental Work you nitd. No rid tape, no bank or finance company to dial with, NO ADYANCE APPOINTMENT NEEDED Dr. $1r wolcotntt yie any tlM at yaor covet koct ftr Dtottl Iitmlot Hoi tr Ctaitltttiti. 1EITBL NO CASH DOWN 2 YEARS or longer TO pay! - Choose comfortable, natural -.looking Transparent Palate Plates, set with- new Truhyta Rloform Teeth to help you look years younger. Gel thtm NOW on Or. Semler's Liberal Credit Plan. Pay NOTHING DOWN ' on approval of credit ..lake through 195S to pay. ;,. ' QUICK REPAIRS Dr. S.ml.r offers IMMEDIATE SERVICE for rolining, resetting, or other adjust ment to help restore the comfortable fit and healthful chewing power of your old plates. ' IJUIlll And Stall of Reai'sUred O.nliin Fo) DENTIST PMONI 3-3311 I PMONI 3-3311 I STATE & COMMERCIAL, SALEM Wafrt-Adolph Bldg. PARK IN ANY IOT , . . Oivt us the TICKET ... for tht period you art having Dtntel Strvict performed In eur Office, SCHOOL RECESS GREENWOOD, Ark. W-Justice of the Peace Lon Dunn recessed a trial in his court recently at 2:50 p.m. Reason: Dunn and two jurors were school bus drivers and fiad to go to work. Wheat Export Business Slows PORTLAND Ifl A forced slow down of the Pacific Northwest's booming wheat export business is predicted by grain traders. They said that before exporters will be able to'take on much new business they'll have to catch up with sales already on the books. The traders add that port facili ties are taxed to capacity because they've been oversold. What si more, rail car shortages and I clogged transportation facilities are preventing country elevators from being able to fill backlogged orders. Meanwhile the demand from overseas buyers Is holding up. Both India and Turkey attempted to buy wheat here during Friday's trading. Until further notice, the Com modity Credit Corporation will be unable to honor "in kind" sub sidy certificates. This "in kind" subsidy wheat from CCC stores makes up about one-third of the export volume. The agency announced early this week that it had more "in kind" certificates outstanding than it had wheat to fill these orders. U.S. Employes Get Holiday WASHINGTON tfl President Eisehower has ordered a Christmas Eve holiday for federal employes. His action gives them a four day Christmas holiday since Christmas falls on a Tuesday. The President's memorandum to heads of federal departments and agencies made the usual reservations about maintaining skeleton staffs where necessary and keeping key personnel of such departments as Defense and State on duty. The memorandum also directed the federal executives to adopt "a liberal policy for the granting of annual leave" during the holi day season. The White House pointed out that this means, for example that many employes that wish to may have another long week end during the New Year anniversary. In a IS year period from 1941, fires caused the most accidents in the U. S. with 5,241 fatalities. Floods and other weather disas ters were second most fatal, and automobile accidents took third place. BIG BUDGET , MILWAUKEE (aV-The Mllwau kee School Board has approved its largest budget in history, 133,006, 764, to meet the educational costs of 1957. The previous high was $29,011,250 for the current year. " do FALSE TEETH Reek, Slide or Slip? FASTOTH. an Unproved powder tJ bt iDrtnklid on upper or lower pltte holdi filM teeth more nrmiy in oUce. Do not illde, Hip or rock. No tummy Kf2k.I!,tT..H,,t or '"iinr. fab. TEETH li alkaline (non-Mien. Don, not lour. Checke pUte odor" .den ture breith). Gtt FABTECTH tt tUtf) inn couAtw. HIGHWAY BRAND ; )ti s)p Townhouse Brand GRAPEFRUIT PEACHES I Halves or slices yellow cling peaches I A -'e$,000 1 ""i cans LUCERNE 3.8 43 46-oz. . fins t J 1 PEAS I . Bel-Air "Prelum Quality" frazen peas haye I : I P-cked, garden fresh . flavor. : ' I ' I eg.355c rj ra I J 10-M.prg. jj S) I JUICE Your choice of the sweetened or natural flavor of the grapefruit. $j00 Rich "Bonus Quality" milk. Reg- half gal. 1 1 1 V To"enoa) O Qfl. LUA I" gold O bars ZlC 1 1 IV TolloMoaP n bs,h m LUA halfprlu bars ZC CLEANSER cleans & polishes pkg. Ht BEAUTY SOAP SL 2 Z27t sTAMAY lher,s "M told trMm O balh 07 vMlllAI in Camay Toilet Soap bars 2C ivory soap 3 27c POTATO CHIPS 39 FRESH BREAD 27 Skylark's Slender-way bread Dag will help trim off those extra . . pounds the easy way, 1031 Nalley's chips are always cr'sPj.QJ and flavorful. Try 'em, you'll love 'em. , pKQi ALL Washday detergent 24-oi. Pkg. 330 10 lb. pkg. 2.59 25 lb. pkg. 5.69 DASH JUMBO Free 24-oz. with jumbo size 9 lb. 13 oi. Pkg. 2.59 LIFEBUOY S5 2 S 29c LIFEBUOY complexion 3 " 32c TlTtC mMi 1(1,15 Sl" 1 OA I llC detergent pkg. ,07 ivtiRY flakes":,;:: r35c RINSO BLUE XX" 61c Scamper w 12.0,can 33c Woodbury Soap lc,aIe 4 bba 42c FeenaMinl " gura pkg.on6 33c White Bread Mix HoMa'd 2,b.pkg. 49c Uncle Ben's Rice 28.oi.Pkg. 39c Orange Drink I,icB"nd 4,,c,n 27c Tamales Gcbhardt, 15.,.o,,i 25c Tuna Fish swhnk No Hcn 3ic Dill Pickles Coumbi brand No.2,4csil 29c Rifz Crackers , llb.pk(!. 33c Cheez-ils Sunshlne 6oi pl((f. 19C Graham Crackers NBCHoney llb'p 37c Soda Crackers Sunshine' Krispy 2,b.pkg. 53c Egg Nog Lucerne qliart 65c Tom & Jerry Bailer Chevy chase 12 oi. 69c Royal Safin 31b.tIn 83c May(jay salad oi, quarlb0UIe 56C Nob Hill Coffee - 1.02 2babg- 2.03 Airway Coffee b- 95c 2b,bg 1.89 Edwards Coffee ft 1.07 2.13 WHITE KING D 73c lIIT me,cs'1 ,JV6ri G'in' QO UUab washday soap pkg, QwC POWDER ROOM Z 4 1 53c M-D NAPKINS 'Z n225c MODESS napkins 121 2 p9 85c MAZ0LA OIL shortening bottle 69c WHITE KING New Liquid Detergent Saie5c Sara 10c 36c ""61c 12-oz. can CAKE MIXES: Duncan Hines Burnt Sugar yellow Devil's iooa 19-01 pkg. 33c CHUN KING 17c SPAGHETTI SSt 29c MEAT BALLS 'SS, T 40c MINCED CLAMS " 29c CHILI CON CARNE"" - 41c There's No Place Like SAFEWAY for (Sfcfc(ojt3 Bright chunky heads chosen by our produce buyers. Every one is guaranteed 100 CARROTS Crisp 'n snappy 3,.si9 TURNIPS Local Grown .... lb. 10c PARSNIPS Solid, meaty lb. LETTUCES ,b25c APPLES Wineiaps Bag 49c Prires In this ad arr effective ttiroiuh Wednesday, November 28 at Safe ay in Salem. We reserve the rich! to limit quantities. SCIENTIFICALLY "AGED FOR FLAVOR AND TENDERNESS, TRIMMED BEFORE WEIGHING Q SOUND IT "U.S. D.A. CHOICE" Beef Full or Half Cut, With the Bone in Pot Roastr 39 "USDA CHOICE" Beef, Tender Plate Cut BOILING BEEF L, 15c Tender Sugar Cured 8 to 10-lb. Average SLAB BACON Lb 49c STiM C Arm Cut lb. 49' GROUND BEEF 100 Purl (round Fresh lb. 39