a Save tor EM Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want ADDING MAC BIN II fcxy as you rent. All makes . ftnen-TypfWMer. 458 Court Ph 38773. APPLIANCES WtSTlNGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So ColP'l Ph 4-2111 g & T. Gas Conversion Burners. Repair gaB controls. Ph. 4-46B5 L'APnul Bedding Mtttreit re novators New mattresses 3-408H BRICK St BLOC KM A ION BIUCK and block Work guar anteed Ph. 4-6436. , CABINETS Kitchen remodeling, cabinets, lazy daisies, loniuca top 4-4253 C ARPENTERCONTltACTO K .Home Building & Re-modeling. Will Build, or help you build. Ralph M. Scheidel. Ph. 2-0701. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions retaining walls, cement or pumtce block. Free esti mates 36 mos. to pay. 2-6280. CERAMIC TO.I Valley Art Tile Co. Bathrooms, dratnboards, fireplaces. Free est gladly. Pn 4-9855. CORSETTIERE CHARIS CORSETTIERE 2380 Lansing Ph. 2-9519 CKAKP WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand St Gravel Co. 2-2401 600 Employment 609 Commission Work BE A McNess Dealer. Fine open ing in South Polk County. Make more money. Be your own boss. Distribute quality line household necessities to farm families. Wonderful op portunity for dependable man or woman with car. Write, or phone me evenings for ap pointment. H. E. Dnshiell, 224 Jefferson, pallas. Phone 3572. Me1C20-46 years of age. If you want a job with no lay-off, with security and advance ment nnDortunics. call per sonnel manager. Ph. 2-5364 between 8:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 612 Work Wanted, Men CARPENTER, repair or remo deling by hr. or contract. No job too small 3-4 .Ha. Home Building Remodeling Repairing, planning, financing for best results Call 4-9592, 1 4-8275. i Want Janitor or Vard Work. Ref. Ph. 4-1434. FREE estimates on floor cover ines or drainboards. R. L. Elf- strom Co., 260 S. Liberty. CARPENTER. Remodel & re pair, work guar. $1.50 hr. 4-77B2 Paintina St Paperhanging Any size job Free Est. Terms. Ph. Nelson 3-8493 Interior & exterior L. C. Elofson. 3-7697or3JI8$7 eve. TJotfs tree service, topping, prune, cawing. t-o.w. CARPENTER work; repair, new, remodeling, hr. or con tract. Richard fias, Ph.3-4716. Cement work, prompt service. jrnesi uranc - CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. 2-ih. JfOUSE Painting in St uname uremic. t,.. " Carpenter & Repair Work 614 Work Wanted, Lady DRESSMAKING, alterations St tailoring, in my home. Mabel Valech, f n. i-mat, CHILD care. 1st $1 day. rest 75c. hr. 20c. 4 corners-yan. WILL care for small children my house, days, or Bit evenings your house. Ph-lfaJJ. BABY sitting your home or mine 5 da.wK.fn, j-vitu. CHILD care by week or month, Ph. 3-56... DRESSMAKING St ""era!0"" ail types. Mrs. Day Ph. 4-7156. RELIABLE baby sitter my home dav or night. Ref. Ph. 3 8856 rwitn phtc. my home, West Salem. Ph. 3-5677. MIMEOGRAPHING typing Mrs Pirf. 685 N. 16th Fn a-ioj CHILD care while you shop or unrk. mv warm iiuwi. or day. 440 MILL. 2-74W. WILL baby sit eves, your home, w. baiem aist. r. CHILD care my home 4 Corners Ph. 3-6340. 25c hr. day or nigni 615 Situation! Wonted VET Carpenter new or reasonable. Ph. 4-7704. SMALL carpenter work, reasonsole. jobs, good pn. m' HEMSTITCHING DONE AT 1551 MARKET CARPENTER wk.. any kind. reaa. 4240 Maclcay Rd. pn. t-Moi CARP. Repairs Ilemodl. Rcas winter ltalc. ROOF Ink Reroofing R- pair. Will beat all compctUion. Ph. 4-3722 Any time ' SCHARFf BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers Septic Tanks, Drain He Ida. Power Ditrhing. Backfill I n 2-5588 or 3-5072L LIGHT crawler tlozer. v,elin grading. 3-7042 U Kurth 618 Education W-A-N-T-E-D Young Men and Women To Train for AIR LINE POSITIONS tnrtK'P l..,n,nl lindf TT10t modern mein" ,t:"nVi In thli new. Oicmating nd well-paid field. Vour future lies in commercial "v'ation Beservatlonlsl. station pasaenger ajents. ?,e."' radio operators, hostes-rs. communication for pubht con tact positions Free traiel passes, rapid promotion. rnan otner benefits. P'!Par' "I',.. SHORT LOW COST TRAIN ING PERIOD "ic,n.""a,"n1 Vance ouaiififd jooiici'. FRF L1FBTIMF. PLACE- .U U'S" f A r Jir.i x,rv-r r. n V I C F. foal 1" crait. Quallllcations Ale. I. to 39 wllh bih school 'du ration and plr.;nt per-oj-I,IV. SF.K IF YOU (Jl'AI.in See Mr. Uwll t ?,"'"' Hold. Salem. Ore.. M"j!,a Nov. 5 Only or write bi mmber 422 Slate.rr.an-Jour- rial. AIRLINES TRAINING uiviaiu.. NORTHWEST AIR COLLEGE time - Save money the Beit Professional Servicej n r n p i -v i i FLOOR COVERINGS INORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering Division gual tty installations Linoleum. As phalt & Rubber Tile. Wall Ult Fi.'e Estimates 4-227S FOUNDATION & WALLS Blue Panel Form Co. Free Esti mates. Ph. 4-3688. GRADING & DOZING BULLDOZING. $5.50 per nr Ex cavating, trenching, tile lay in, septics. etc. Enoch 1 Maerz, Ph. 4-3517 alter & a.m BullQuzing. leveling, land clear ing. Dean Robinson, 2-87U7. & LEVELING Ph 2-01)52 D PANTOVlCh BULLDOZING, grading & land clearing & mo w mcker owner Se operator. Ph. 2-4613. BULLDOZING, clearing roads, Bonds. D-4, D-fl carryall V usury Ph 2-3146. PLASTERING Plastering. Free estimates. Ph'. 2-2822 or 3-B179 PLUMBING. Remodel it new construction lie. plumber 2-9596 TREE pruning, topping, also shrub pruning. Free est 4-9352 RECOR DING STU D 1 OS ALL types of music or speech recorded oy lonncny. z-.Hai. REMODELING Sheet Rock expertly taped & textured. Pn. 38347. 600 Employment 618 Education AIRLINES NEED YOU Men and women for ground and flight positions, opportunities all over the world. Low-cost basic training need not Inter fere with your present job. You wiu oe nown to nearest school, transportation paid. Write for full details. Send your name, address, phone no. St hours you work to: AIRLINES. Dept. A-15. Box 414. co Statesman -Journal HlGHSCHOOL lit "dome Finish vour Hi Sch'l. in your spare lime. No classes, books turn. Low tuition, rrer ddokici. AMERICAN SCHOOL BU 1.-7660 6543 N. interstate, Foruana 17 Ore DIESEL ' HEAVY EQUIPMENT Mechanically minded men are npcneci in irain lor jous in the Diesel field. We are now conducting JrntB our scicnm--ir- nntiturif tests In this area, There IS no oouKnuon io imu out if you can qualify for this field which is paying top wages. If vou are between the ages of 20 and 46, write to Box 415, Statesman-Journal. FAIRYLAND Klndergnrten St Nursery, now renearsing Christmas Program; those in terested Ph. 21658 or 2-B147. Care of nil ages 25c hr. 7 to 11 p.m. 855 Mission. 620 Doy ond Controct t, 'i vd shovel, crane Hue drg line 25-ton mobile cranes. D4. D7 cats, carry all .clear ing blade Rental contract or unit prices SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 140li N Front St Ph i-2461 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board CLOSE in 1st. fir. Sleeping rm, esH center si. NICE fg. rm. at the Chnlet with boara, aw r. apum. --jm.i. NICE warm slpg. rm. near Cap. Shop. cir. n. j-ojzj. SLEEPING rm., kitchen privil. employed laoy. hji t'L-AbAIvT rm. adjoining baui for gentleman. 2-4547. ATTRACTIVE Irg. clean rms. reas. close in. Pvt.ent., 4-7B67, FURN. sleeping rm. garage. 1 block from M&F. Ph. 4-1712. WANTED - Man to room and board. 1880 Center. TV. clean, nicely furn. sleeping rm..men wk. rn. MAN slpg. rm TVpriv. ent. 1505 N. Capitol. 4-61.14. CLEAN. Comf rms. T. V.. i rin 215 S Winter V.. close NICELY furn. room, also bsmt. a 0 1 .close J i n. 539 N Wn t er. HOME away from home Men. TV. Pack lunches. 1095 N. 5th. 705 Aportmcnts For Rent 3 Rm. furn. pvt. bath, entrance. $37.50. Fll. J-JO.(.t or ATTRACTIVF3 rm. Apt. Close in. kitchenette, nam. heat, laundry pnv. inq. 4G1 N. Front. Bve. -1-1)522. WARM, attrac. pullman apt. z blk M. ft r. k !ui . util. pd. inc. elec washer & dryrr.468N.'miPr:J ROOMY 2 bdrm. Him. apt. rn. 3-0 i;n. L-I.FAN 1 hrtrm. M stovrt turn., ilio util. Il 3-;ns. L'NFL'RN. 3 rm. court up! .. rlw. hfitt. laundry laritities, 3rd bl.. West S.ilC!il. ATTRACT.'" I bdnn. ct. apt. un iurn. slme fc rrlllB. H'-e vie Dallas Rd.Pnone 2-2908. STW unfurn. apt I emp'l. per son. Elk. Cani'ol S.,5 inrt util. Ph 2-M30. 11.13 Cnemeketa. vtr.lv "furn. for 2 or 3. Near Carj. snou. Cir. Ph. S-SJU. ! NICF.LY rum. i nni . v" , L 4m Si 201h st. oain. CHtTRCH - J rm. 'urn' aot. 135. Ph 4-7563. CLEAN, furn . cloe in trailer. gentleman 125. 4-1468. 245 Un ion. t Toms turn dtiv. bath. 4-7654! Sun or after 2 30 wk da, ATTRACTIVE 2 ' rm. apt. ej in. pnv. entr. 23.Ph 4- SPARKLING clean I bd """ ' ' '- mm J.ROOM Jam P' ; P' vm.?,,B un uni. am. Fl'RN. Bachelor suit. 'in mr-d- em roui 1 '. - -- CI-F.AN plea aoli. all ut nt furn healed 4.V) S. Capl'ol 3 RM pLvt; hath k ent. auto- McNary. P- 2 SHI. I.E MAR COURTS 1 hdrra. unfurn . ram., refrlj.. Kmt ullL Adults. 14J5 Trade. RIVIERA Apt,-.: Lovelr 1 bdrjs 9091 N. River Rd. Ph. 3-oSW faj, 11S52 or ! IN - Ads Daily! ROTO-VATING IS RotoVator work wanted. Vincent Krenier 2-31U0 SAND GKAVKL ALM SAND 6c UKAVfcL LU Heady mix concrete, crusnea and round truvel, san and tor soil 1405 N Front St 2-24R1 hAUAli bANU AND litWVU 1625 McUUchrist Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All size tor roads driveways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Ga r d e n sand, bull-dnztng. shovel and dragline work 3-9249. VALLEY SAND St GRAVEL I.U. crushed & round gravel sanu It con. mix. 2-4002. tSM'lll SLUVILfc Frank Harry s Power Ditching Installation Sewers Septic Tanks Drain rieins iiung PH. 20106. Salem. Ore. Umels septic tanKs cleaned, line servir- Guaranf-eO work Phone 3-7404 or 3-5072. HOWARD'S Roto-Houter. iewera. septic tanks cleaned 3-532 1 MIKE'S Septic service lanKi cleaned D rooter cleans tewer drains Phont 3-tMM TELEVISION TV Sen-ice, $3.50 per call at nome. wo nx, no eng. j.-uo.i, Salem's oldest home owned Co Hundreds ot local references free inspection. Ph. 2-0781. Prevention, treatment, repairs. free estimates. Ph. 2-6280. '00 Rentals 705 Apartments for Rent FURN. Clean. Close in, pvt. bath &t ent. i. iiign. CLEAN, warm, small apt. close i. L.aay. tno r erry. o-qan. MODERN Furnished Court. 1 bedroom, west baiem. uail 4-6875 cvcnings call 2-8743, 1 RM. turn apt. will. paid. 128. New2ydee. Ph. 4-2889. ' 4 RM. (urn. opt. 1431 N. Cottage. Ph. 2-2-102. LARGE 4 room ant. unfurn. $50 mo. 1140 s. istn. fft. j-vuuu after 6 p.m. 2 RM. partly (urn Apt. natural gas heat & cooking $25. Near h os pital.172.'Center. FURN. 4 rm. apt., util. 3655 S. Com1!. Ph. 2-5355. FURN. court, Llv. rm. bedrm. kitchenette & bath $45. 2455 Trade. Ph. 4-7472. .IANSSEN COURT Apt., clean, good loc. E. Rural at S. 13th St., near shop, cent, k bus. FURN. 1 and 2 bdrm., Apts. heated, 14U Cqurt St. 2 FIRST fir. furri. S30-$35, car port. TV antenna. 3-9639. across 14th. THE CENTURY. 1961 CENTER. New lrg. dlx. 2 bdrm. Apts. , BDRM. turn, apt., $45 mo, 772 N. Winter, Salem. Ph, 3-3136. CLOSE In modern furn. 3 rn apt. Ph. 3-8490 except aat. NEWLY decor. 3 rm. furn. pv't. ent., nam, utn. pa. m o. iv. 2 BDRM. Irg. modern, range & reirig. grouna nr.. aiso i otirm apt. Upper, close to Down town. Eastrldge Apts. 1055 Edgewnlcr. FURN. 1 bdrm. ant. 2136 Fnlr- grounds Rd. $55 mo. Ph. 2-9580 auer o p.m. 1 LRG, 3 rm. furn. apt.; 1 5 rm. uniurn. apt. close in. m, 4-2729. CLOSE in nice furn. apts. util ilia Marion, z-ajgj. FURN. 3 rms., washing facil ities, pnone. stm nl 4-Ubi VERY nice close in 1 bdrm. Apt. h. 3-8LK13. uo Duplexes NEW 2 bdrm. unfurn. Adults. Nr. Candalaria .shopping, biu S. High. Ph. 2-6141. 3-6032. CLEAN furn. near bus St Kcizer $35. 7.1& unemnwa. rn. fiau. PARTLY Turn 2 "bdrm., duplex, auto, washer & dryer. $55. Ph. 3-8997. niTPl.EX 3 rms,. bath, oil lira I 1030 N. lfilh. Ph. 4-4241 after 5:30 wk. days. RANCH type, corner lot. 2 bdrm, hdwd. firs.. Venetians, util. rm., elec. range & refng.. TV nnt., garage, wired for dryer, $70. 355jrryonJPh.27805. LARGE furn. 2 bdrm., close to hospitals. Ph. 2-6775. NEW 2 bdrm. Close in. 1435 N. Summer. . P'BDRM.. Duplex Apt. large moms, exc condition. 2 yrs. old. 1780 Davidson. Ph. 2-10.13. 2RDRM. birrh "kitchen, utility. & garage, nr. shopping, fchool & bus $70 Ph. 2-2114 after 1 p.m. NICELY furn. mod. duplex, So. Couple .only. Ph. 3-5765. 707 Houses For Rent 3 Rm. house Sc bath $30. 3-7304. Ph LOVELY view nice small clean 2 bdrm. home. Inside utility, elec heat, attadird garage, water furnished $R2.50 mo. In i.uire 9U0 Cascade Dr. I'll. 2-4C14. FOR Rent: 1 bdrm. newly dec orated. Oil heat. South. Gar. Ph. 4-0640. 'm":a-z ijdrm. iiomk Close In. shopping & schools, C-arnffe & wormnop. siove mi.-. 1 1G4 S. 12th. Ph. 2-3728 for in spection. THIS you should see. Clean l'i brirmf.. hdwd. firs., frpl. bsmt.. oil hrat. garage. Suitable fnr i pl. Clf to State hse. S, j0 mo. 4-4478 or 2-5122 eves. Him rml A: ferris Rltrs., 134 S. Liberty. VKRY nice 1 bdrm. court, un burn, except for trfrig. St stove. 2445 MarketPh. 2-IWt. MODERN 2 bdrm house. Irg Earace. Keizrr Dist.. available now. Call 3-B4M NICE clean 2 bdrm. home. Vtf mo 4 Corners Dlst. Rawlins Really. 4 6875. 1 BDRM. unfurn,. fenced yd., garage. Ph. 2-3543. MODERN 2 bdrm. home for rent. Unfurn. Ph.2-3fi41. NICE"rlean 1 bdrm. house. clos in 140. Ph. 2-1622- 3RDRM.. 2 baths, fm'ly rm., bm't . Rchrr.d Dist.. vacant, $. Ph. 4-0461, 2 BDRM Cottage part. furn.. ga rage 170 No pets. Cll Catter- lln. Ph. 2-2707. FAIRMOt'NT: 3 bdn I hsm"t. adults. Ph. 21 Z WW Ton j'udmw . m. tv aihwd.. - uirod lor dryer. Ph 2 0370 SICE I Ixlrm earae " oldr-r , type 3 -.r I f'l't-are. 4-0Cj4. Ph. f HORM" he. n.f .t. 2 b!k M.VF. S89 Knapp. 4.4USor 3-121.. FA'R?.Trii;KT l.ale o"t S rie. & refrl.l'SO. 2-W 7 RM. hou.e S N. 17th Jt loq IKajl SthSt. Ph. 3 9SI4. FAIWWOU-"1' -2 Mr"' flrepl.. arat. fJ). Ph. l-XXI. 800 Real Estate rfOO Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale 806 Homes For Salt RAMSEY, 4 BEDROOMS this neat and clean Engle- wood area home, fireplace. Basement. Hardwood floors. 2-car garage. Beautiful lot. Price $10,750. Terms. SOUTH $3,150 full price for this 1-bedroom nome witn living room, ku chen with nook. Paved. Sew er. $3,150. Terms. T.iADE $3,500 TWO-BEDROOM home for 3 bedrooms. Modern. Garage. Js'lce 60x100 Int. Sewer. City water. May lane 9 aw aown, 427 Ferry List With Eve. Violet Bishop I-2&85; Marian 4-26; James uswail a-iua; 801 Business Opportun. STUCCO building 40x60', con- crete floor, mrge aoors, u ceiling for Warehouse storage or shop. Inq, 1596 S. 13th. MAJOR oil Co. service station for sale, f n. 'i-Wi. WILL trade "Working Plywood snare" tor nome in aaiem. mr. Eidet. Port Orford, Ore OPPORTUNITY BEYOND comparison if you can quality, rn. i-bidi lor appi. 806 Houses For Sale YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS" 2 yr. old 1 bdrm.. Duplex, large rooms, excellent cononion, near Leslie Sch. Ph. 2.-1053. 3 BDRM. mod. home with extra lot, w. sa.'em, ?y.aoo. rn. vtibo MODERN (3 yrs. old), suburban 2 norm, nome witn nice yarn, food neighborhood. 1 blk. Ic bus, 4 blk. to school. Auto, oil heat. Rent (65. Now nvailable. Call Dean Klnrr. Home Ph, 2-7000. RAWLINS REALTY, 4-6875. BY BUILDER Beautiful 3-bdrm., ranch style Manbrin Gardens nenr school. Low down paymt. Precision Builders, Inc. Ph. 3-3849 or 2-031.7. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent BY OWNER. Small 2 bdrm. home for rent or sale. Engle wood dist. Ph. 3-0961. r $50-3 BDRM. house. 1698 Waller St. Ph. 4-5180 2 BDRM., util. rm. $45. 1440 Cross. CLEAN unfurn. 2 bdrm. duplex witn garage fc Dascmeni, Close lnCall 4-1307. CLEAN unfurn. 2 bdrm. house, garage. 2686 S. bummer, rh. after5.-3889. 2-BDRMS.. oil heat, some furn., $37.50. 166 GerthAve, HOUSE, 1875 S." Capital $65. Adults nr small family. Inq. 1011 S. Liberty. 4 BDRMS., bus at corner. 580 S. 19th. Owner 1445 Oak. FOR RENT: An older type 3- bdrm nouse rn. i-Bana. NICE 1 bdrm. home in court, elec. heat $00. 1705 Market. FOR nENT 2 bdrm. house, 3Mi ml. No. on Wallace Rd. water furn. Ph. 2-7304. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. cottage, $30. Ph. 4-3B23. 2-BDRM. house it garage, elec, Stove, $45. Ph. 373j3. ONE & 2 bdrm. Apts., range St refng.. turn. fn. a-ami. 1 BR. unfurn except stove It re frig. Inq. 1815 uee after I p.m. 1 BDRM hi'Use. enrage, water fur.. $45. 847 Mill. Ph. 4-4009, I ijiuM. hse. stove, i -Inq. 1420 Mnrket. Mflh. ?. bdrm. house nr. schl dbl car., wnlcr furn'. 'Ph. 2-42:16 3 BDRMS. MnnbriiJ Gardens. Ph. 3-3595. VERY Clean 2 bdrm. house lo cated on Salem Heights Ave. Lovely view, 2 car garage. t.a: range ana reirig. lnciuaca. ? per mo. Available now. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BL.DG. PH. 3-9217 BEDROOM house E. Sub. Avail. Dec. 1. Ph. 4-5077. 707-a Furnished Houses CLEAN 1 bdrm. furn. Cot Adults. No puts. $40. 4971 Lancaster. Ph. 4-2!143. l HDRM. house furn.. all elec, on bus stop. 788 S. 25th, 3-5385 for RENT to reliable cnl. 5 rm furn. house iw mo. m. a, ox 317. Ph. 2-5135. "BDRM. FURN. HOUSE. T.V. ANT. 3-5420 EVE. DDRM. house furn. South. Ph. 2-6758 eves. 1 BDRM. partly furn. all elec. Adults, inq. jj-oruaiiuiw.. RM! house furn. with garage nn Brown Rd. $i0. Garden spot & large hen hse. for add. $5. Ideal for couple. Ph. -4-1712. I BDRM. furn. hse., Adults. Ph. 2-3414. OUR home completely furnished. Three venrs m, um?c ueu rooms, l1, baths., auto, oil heat, four or five months. Ph. 3.9B2B. COZY & warm re-decorated 1 bdrm. Sub. so., no oogs. net. Ph. 2-0247. 3 RM. furn. house, vard fenced. li;63 Hiway Ave. Ph. 2-6616. BDRM. clean Insulated, gas rarme. 2 gas heaters A: water hester, Venetian blinds. 1 blk. to bus. Ph. .'i-8r.l!. 9 hi DIM roll .lire, water. K;ir- i, mi cir Adults ufd, 1415 Jefferson. I'll. 3-8H'j7, AS UK Dec. 1st. Mostly fur, new one bedrm. cottapo. tCulc) Tiia N. 14lh $r5. IMi. 2-8I1I2. U-MOri. J50 V btinn, nil electric, avail- able Nov. 2tn. Hut stop, nice for steadilv employed. Ph. 4-M4B. Inq. 117!) 6th SL 2 HDHM'S. furn. garage, no pets. Ph. 3-7.141 after 2 p.m. 2 BDRM hoW, S'.. partly furn. (43. Ulll. l'!l.5---.l. 2RDHM furn. hse Couple onlv. no pets. Ph. 2-IRC2 or 2 I RDHM. HOI'SK Fl'ItN. PH. 3-7018 710 Wanted to RcntHsci I DESIRE to reit 2-3 bdrm. rnM ...is. ahfttlt IJer. 1M . NE pait of town. Ph. 714 Business Rentals 2 RMS. 331' Slate St. See nutrnlngs. OFFICfT Space To Rent Free farxing tv-t located 8fi5 N. Capitol St. Ph. X7i?l. ve w C:-' Sftri" nvail ah"llt D-! West Gat Shopping 7th V Waii.ice Rd. I'n j oowni OWN'oflire" .pace." ttore rrrl A ',r,kiO'i,i 1 TTf r.onvolcepnt Momfl F! lirftrT Niimr, Home I'n. VMt. rmr SVTU.hl. Fient'f :-o N fhurth ?-tnr 780 Moinq & Sloroge Larmpr Transfor 4 Storae poo-.-iiete tnovlnf ennee ,'lie sf.nls tor ilFRir.n rfauon Wide Mover, Ph SJHI LOW COST Itotsre H L UIJ rumltur. Co. 1-llSt. REALTOR BRAND NEW CHECK these features: Family ' room. 3 bedrooms. Double plumbing. 2 fireplaces. Din ing room. 2-car garage. Lot 96x159. fl4,500. Terms. 3 BEDROOMS $4,750 ON 65x117 lot in Lake Labish area. Home is modern. Util ity room. Garage. Terms, wants closer In. , TRADE THREE bedrooms it down, 1 upl. Insulated. Garage. About ij acre. $6,000. Terms. Trade 322 for close In home. Us Office 4,-3381 Lehmann 1-6688: Frank Vlaslc Jim naniscy i-wua, LINCOLN PARK New with 3 bedrooms, living room witn urepiace, paneiea family room with fireplace. Inrs tile bath with tub and separate Bhower. i bath off utility room, natural finished kitchen with built-in range and oven, rorcea air on neat, 2 car garage. Located In Lin coln Park with paved streets, curbs, sidewalks and commu nity water system. $15,000 with 20r down ana 20 years on the balance. $1,000 DOWN and $65 per month. 2 bedrooms. forced air oil furnace, full basement, eood well and pump, paved street. Close to school and city bus. Located East on Draper Street, Total price $8,995. Abrams&Skinner, 411 MASONIC BUILDING INSURANCE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS Office 3-9217 Eves. 2-4709 or , 3-7386 POSSIBLE $500 DOWN BUYS THIS NICE 3-bdrm. home located In Eastmoreland Dlst. Idcnl family room, new oil furnace, hdwd. firs.. Fire place, dinette. Located at 1240 N. 25th St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Call Ben Col bath, Realtor, days 4-4494, eve. 4-4977. 15 ACMES; 12x20 Llv. rm. 12x14 bedrm. hdwd firs. mod. kitchen with dbl, sink, dining rm., Lrg. Inside utility, 2 rms. up. garage. J7.750. Terms or trade for Monmouth property or rent. 3B25 Cherry Ave. OPEN HOUSE $11,200 Worth much more. 950 Kldin Ave. Large 1287 sq. ft. j liirKc uunnb., iiv. rni.( Bcr. din. rm., kitchen with more than the average birch ca binets, nook, plumbed for washer 6c dryer, l'i baths, with built-lns. Fircpl., forced air furnace, hwd. firs., extra large dbl. gar. Plastered throughout. Built In restricted area. Drive by and look. Doors are ooen. If interested Ph. 4-3ii95.Owncr-bvilIder. CLOSE ESTATE SMALL HOUSE OPEN 2064 BROADWAY Edward T. Garritt PHONE MA 3-4206 DALLAS BY OWNER S10.SOO 3 odrm nouse, irpis.. pnuo re icnceo back yard G.I. loan. Ph. 4-7689. FOR SALE or rent well kept re-oecoraien j norm, nome, HlEliland St. Vincent Dlst. corner lot, 0500 with terms. rn. i-.il . BY OWNER 2 bdrm.' home nn large Jot, with space lo build. South suburban paven street, 'Reduced to Stifl.lO. 1180 Fair- view Ave. Ph. 2-3510. OPEN HOUSE 2:00 P.M. lo 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY 1050 GLEN CREEK RD. Owners moving to Portland. Would consider Portland home In trade. Modern .1 bdrm. home. Living rm. with fireplace. Lg. picture windows. Outside en trance tn covered patio, Dbl. plumbing, dbl. garage, day light basement with auto, oil furnace. Utility, play room ground patio, beautiful lot and view. Ph. 3-9236, Evenings Ph. 3-7825. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church St. Ph. 3-9236 Ranch-Type Firtree SETTING, nearly two acres. phout 7 miles norm on iivcr Rd. 3-bdrm. modern, newer ranch tvne home, a rustic setting. 2 blocks to schl. 10 minutes to courthouse. Never i hern nn the market, $15, 000 Call ART. Art Madsen Realty 1320 State 3-5580, 2-8812, 3-8405 $18, (KM) by builder, 2015 wood land ur. un tn .oia itr. in Klngwood His. Exceptional modern. Beam ceilings in liv ing room, two baths, two fire places, full basement, fine view ond excellent location. Ph. 4-6r.:t:i for information. Un imml split level entrance hall. OWNER transferred 7 rms., large cnrpeien living rm. witn flrepl.. 4 bdrms., dbl. plumb., fenced back yard. On North 10th nr. Chcmekeln. I'av our equity of $1 .boo nnd nave re flnnn'clng costs. Baluncc at $75 per mo. Ph. 4-OOCU. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let un solve jaur nome neem ' o Fluv. Se 1 or lent - Call Ph. 4-5743 1211 fdgewater Pll 4-7874 210 So Comm'l GOOD 4 Inlrtn. familv Choice location. Low Make offer. 41070. HKRTZ-ll KNT-A-TKl X'K" Ph. 2-IM2 POSSimj'. 700 )0VN BUYS III1S BRAND NEW 3 bdrm. home, pani led fircpl., 2 bathnnv, familv mom. 2- r.ir garage. Ovfclt 14. q. ft n( tr,,.r nu r. t m-alrrt In Mornings id- district Paved CUT ' f 15.V). and the down payment ledticed from "22W 1700 down. THK WLSF. RtfYFn WILL BK SURF, TO SKK THIS. Call Ben Coibath, Rf t "-ir, d.iyi 4-4404, eve. 1-4B77. Ralanre 1 01 at 154 per mo Inrl laxe. A In, . Int J hdrm with nly walrr. local. d out Dalla. ltd. to l.'l Collere Or. Drive hv and look door n open If lotere.ted I'n 4-12 or 4-3i:l " BY BUILDKR 10'-r DOWN MOVf YittJ IN niDAV OH ttUll-D T VII7 m FISCIIKR PH -''" .... IN C-3 Zone North, !W x loo cor ner lot It adj. 50 x 100 lot. Karh lot hai a 3 bdrm. houne with conrreie bum't. F.xc. ren tal record Fine dot gar.. inl able for shop on Comer 112 OOO Rm. dn. pvmt Ph 4-24M wk. tnds or after I.N p m. ; 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole NORTH CHURCH ST. WF, PH. 4-3311 OR ifliiBiiiyi ALL DRESSED UP I This sensational new home li Good living quarters with base- delight to behold. 3 big bdrms., lj baths, separate) utility, large living rm. and i frpl., full dining rm.. well ar ranged kitchen. F. A. oil heat, ! HW floors, dble. att. garage1 and located on good lot close in. Full price onlv (ll.!0O. Call Mr, Sword, eve, h. 2-8018. ON THE LEVEL This brand new home with sep arate utility, living rm., din ing rm., kitchen with brk. area 2 flrcpls., 3 bdrms.. 3 bath, FA oil heat and dble. garage located close to school and bus and Is all on one floor and priced at onlv ttlfi. 900. Call N. G. "Dan"' Isaak, eve. ph, 3-6297. 4 ACRES BEST SOIL Edge of Lake Labish. All Irri gated. Clean modern older type home. Nice yard. Chick en house. Some stock and equipment Included. Priced at just $8,500. Call Mr. Craw ford, eve. ph. 4-5020. TAVERN Well locnted tavern on highest traffic corner in Salem. 45 kens and 150 vnsvs ncr month, Plenty of parking space. Long lease. Low rent. Will net II, 000 per mo. Full price $16. 000 plus inventory. For more information Call Al Isaak, eve. ph. 3-3558. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Eve. Ph, 4-5020, 2-0103, 4-6038. 2-8048, 2-7106, 3-3588 If no answer, dial 4-2218 INCOME PROPERTY 13 rooms divided into 4 rent als plus owners 4 room liv ing quarters. Would be an ideal spot to convert to con valescent or nursing home. Included there are 6 acres good land, with cane berries, strawberries and a variety of fruit and nut trees. Plenty of room to grow a greater part of necessary provisions. Lo cated in center of Valley town. 12 miles from Salem. Full price $22,500. Terms or traae lor &aicm property. ENGLEWOOD Located on one of ine nicest residential streets in town. Older 2 BR. home with unfin ished upstairs. Large, well landscaped lot with trees and A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 191 S. High Phone 2-8H29 Eve. and Sun. call A. E. Beckett 3-4591, Helen Lewis 2-7504 'ED. LUK1NBEAL REALTOR S ACRES Wallace Rd. frontage back to the TUver. fine soil well drained, good 2 bedrm. home, small barn St .garage. Value $10,000. Trade for East side Portland. 5 ACRES In Middle Grove Dlst., nice grove of fir trees, good rambling 3 bertrmi nome tneeas some itnisningi out nv. able as is, full price $10,500, terms cash, or will rtnt to re liable parly at $55 month. ' 3 ACRES on Sunnyslde Rd., entry hall, lg. living rm. St family size dining rm., dbl. ga rage, asking $17,000. Owner leaving state, Is anxious. . i -ACRE In MORNINGSIDE Wlin garage V llllltiy. nuiy .i-m-cu ymu, hu. -ji., b" ue at $0,250. Sell or trade for acreage. - it. -ACRE Inside City North In business ?one, not a large home. ' but has 4 bed rms., bath St hall, garage Si utility house, pvd. St. City water A- sewer, priced at $8,500. Will take $1,600 down, bal. 550 month or take small one or two bedrm. home in exchange. TAKE TRAILER HOUSE In part trade for neat fully fur. 2 hed , rm. St den home priced al $9,500. All clear, In Kclzcr Dis trict. $14,950, For late built 3 bedrm. home on West Judson St.. has dining rm., entry hall At lg. utility. $3,300 down, no flnan- cing charges. HOME PHONES McNALL 3-7764 WOOTTEN 3-BM8, - ED 4-2H05 MH. DAVIS 4-5017. 433 N. High Across St.from Meter &Frank'l Ph. 2-CfiRO Buy Real Value jgj With Confidence 605 CHEMEKETA 8 Unit Apartment House. Lo cated Just e diocks io uiiimiu Btdg. Income $2fi0 00 month wlih possibility of 2 more apts. Cost of utilities low. Full price $lfl.li.')0. Including fur niture. $11,000 down, b.ilanee $100 per mo. Call Henry Rund to see 4-6B75. Eve. fit Sun. 4-17LU. WEST SALEM small cottnge with small yaro. lias h rooms and attached garage. Good lo cation, nlte neighborhood. Onlv 8 vrs. old. Pet feet con dition. 11.000 down. Full price $7.tHJ. Dean Klnrr will show. Call 4-01175, Eve. St Sun. call 2-0'.H. 5 Unit Motel with space for 10 inure units. A singles. woe with kitchen, one 2 bedroom unit witn kitchen. Owner h quartern with I bedroom. Asli til I27.50U. Owner will trnde. Fur iippt. tu sec call ICiyburn 4-r.fl75, Eve. &t BEAUTIFUL BUILDING sitf. view, i riosn in, jn rltv. South Would r!o In. In city, S-nith. Would vide or eell together. Mniv. fr :t.m CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY FOUNTAIN LUNCH Down- town Inc.it Ion. Cdmnacl nnd well equipped. Ideal opera tion for iTice CALL II. K. IjAYMUN FlfA APP AT llft.SOO. OI R I'ltH F s 14,500. LOA N. Ill .SOO 2 full bth. both tiled. 2 fln;pl.icM. tarn 1 1 v room. 12x11. N v.' Z bdrms. f ir.se to McKinlv Schnnl, CALL MI'S. RICHARDSON (.KAMKNHORST 1W) S It fY ST. Dull Sun. price: s-t-v . r.-JK. l IK I t'l"!"-,,IJf Fvenlngt Se Sundnv ruli Sftlentnri ocoii.f.ky 3-fif, '5. J Y. Laymen 4-.W.7. Ralpb H. K. 1 WILL tr;.o mv lg ro-l home In So. Salem, for smaller home on small 1M. or Ulll lease, $70 gno- Ph21flM. " 'Ijy'builder New J hdrm. rittftm built hm ch:e l:atic. Ph. ln 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sat BWWTAtlZE IN TRADES 3-7820 SECURITY mciit, Hvln rin. with frpl., dining rm., large kitchen with nook. 2 large bdrms. and bath plus an attractive 3 room apt. with frpl. that rent, tor 930 fier mo. Located on good lot n business zone. Price only $12,000. Call N. Gi "Dan" Isaak, eve. ph. 3-6297. BEAUTIFUL VIEW From this lovely 3 bdrm. home sttuaiea on a nigh point in Murnlngside Dtst, Home has basement and in excellent condition. Surrounded by beautifully landscaped yard with ample garden space. An Ideal familv home and priced at onlv $14,500. Good terms. Call Mr. Sword, eve. ph. 2-8046 SUPER MARKET Located at Intersection of two important hlghwava. in center of fast growing area. 7,400 sq. ft. floor space. Large parking area. 3 bdrm. apt. Included. Future prospects unlimited, r.rnu on drv o roperies $225.- 000. Price $70,000 for bldgs. and land olus inventory. tood terms. Dr owner will lease on attractive terms. Call Al Isaak, eve, ph. 3-3558, ,127 ACRES Gently rolling, well - drained land, partlv tiled. 110 Acres in cultivation. Suttabte for grass or grain. Ruver District. $10,000. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph, 4-5020. J shrubbery. Owner will sell or lease witn option to duv. . 450. Almost your own terms. MORNINGSIDE; Located on pnved street clone to scnooi ana ous nnt, wna ern ranch stvle 3 BR. home about 4 years old. Lovely lawn. Nice garden snot. Ill health forces sale, Priced be low replacement costs al iio, 950. Terms. NORTH Located just off N. River Ttoad In an al new district. Three years old, 2 BR. home. All large rooms and a kitchen to please the most critical. Attch. garage. Close to bus and store. Sacrifice for $9,300. Good terms. fine mdn. 3 hednn. home with Dlst., spick St span 2 bedrm. home IX Buying - Building PHONE 4-6B75 INCOME PROPERTY. 4 rentals partlv furnished. Income $25.00. Located close in. 2 have I bedroom each. 2 have 2 hedrnoms enrh. Property In very good condition. Expen ses low. Might take small clcnr property In trade. Priced nt $15,500. Call Henry Rund tn see 4-fifl75 or Sun. St Eve. call 4-1720. Suburban East. New 3 bedroom home unusual I v well built and flnlsbrd. llns family room &. two fireplnees. 2 car ga rage, automaiic oil furnace. Section of new homes. You would be proud of this home, price $14 AW. To see call Dean Klnrr 4-u75. Kve. Si Sun. call 2-7UOO. Sale of fine View lots on Cas cade Ui Ive. Make oiler on down payment, tall Hen Grif fith 4-liB75 or eve, St Sun. tall 3-B70!). f J ii north - ? RDRMS FI.OOItKD AT I IC bdrm., lull bsmt., Iiv. din rm . kllrh with eating urn 2 fircn aces. Oil n ing. rnny rm. in mmi, nr. garage. Large lot with trees and khrulis Price I13.!00. CALL RALPH It ft UCE - . LOVELY FAMILY HOMF Nob Hill From it liwng room and dining room to it practical activity room In the bstnt . this home I idral. 3 bdrrnv, 2 j bath, auto, oil forced air brat, dble. garner f nnvrnient lo ail schMiU. lift 'IVI. CALL J. K. LAW BROS. R KMTO US I'll. 2-2471 I. - .V. 1.f,!i:i Mi Ruharduin A-rm Itrutn 2-F-frftl . Ritn lliirlklnt .1-0712 VOU SAI.K NKW 3 RtJHM. Sieclsl for weekend. Srr tt Ml$ Livingston. Open. Call 2-3578 North, Kail. MH UWNFK' tiu-n Wtr will am Xn0 rim tr .rnur tute 800 Real Estate BOO Real Estate 810 Formi For Sal SALE The State Highway Commission will sell at public auction the property described below together with the buildings there on at 2;00 p.m.. on November 27, 1956. A nji-f-l nf Innrt H-ln In Section IS Toumnhln 0 South. Bnnoe 1 East, W, M., Marlon County, Oregon, add being a portion of that property described in that deed to State of Oregon by and through Its State Highway Commission, recorded in Book 470, Page 494, of Marlon County Records of Deeds: the said parcel being that portion of said property lying Northerly of a line which is parallel to and 140 feet Northerly of the cen ter line of the North Santlam Highway as said highway has been relocated, which center line is described In said State of flrppnn deftri. The parcel of land to which this This" is nart of the former Route 1, six miles East of Stayton on the Stayton-Mehama itigtiway. ine ouuaingi consist oi nouacs, uaiu urn out' buildings. ' T.m. minimum nrlr which will he accented It S7.500.00. Conveyance wilt be by Bargain and Sale deed and the State will furnish title insurance. The deed will contain a condition that the property shall never be used for the placing, maintenance or display of any adver tising sign, bill or poster, except such thereof as may advertise the use to which the property conveyed. Is devoted, or for the sale or lease of said property or any portion thereof. Access will be by way of the old highway, but no access allowed to the reiocatea norm snnuam tngnwny. . TERMS OF SALE: Cash. The right is reserved to accept or r. Ject any or all bids. Information: W. H. Haskin, Property Manager OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION STATE HIGHWAY BUILDING SALEM, OREGON 806 Houset For Sale SOUTHEAST Real nice 2-bdrm. home on email lot. jusi tne pince ior the busy family. Forced air oil heat, paved street, bus by the door. Price $8,050. Call E. J. Zwaschka, Realtor. Ph. 5-4035. Salem Heights Dist. 3 bdrms., 2 fireplaces, dble, gar, Ph. 4-6030. Built by L. W. SCIIRUNK Looking for a business loca tion on Freeway? Centrally located, easily accessible, Approx. 4!4 acre tract. Be tween D and Center streets, Ask for Ed Schreder 3-0236. five. pn. 37823. ENflLEWOOO DISTRICT. 2- hiirm. hnmf. narllfll nsmt. with furnace, large lot, street to auev. uutsine iirepince. Onlv $4,500. Ask for Phil Murray. Evenings. Dallas MA 3-2633. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church St. Ph. 3-9236 Talrwav- Park Add. 3180 CHESTER AVE. Citv water. sewer, arainagc. Aaiacem to trade and tunior hi schools. 3-bdrm. with family rm., built in oven and range, patln. Price 11 TUMI S.2 450 down. Out Sll- verton Rd to Lansing, south to cnester Ave. urive Dy ana look: doors are open. If Inter ested, ph. Owner Builder. 4-6212 or J-3632. "CUOISAN CREEK BEAUTIFUL new 3 - bdrm. I1U1IIC, IIV. (III., Ulll. 4111., ! family rm. with glass sliding doors lo patio. Birch kitchen. mint-in oven, stove uisn washer. 2 ftrenl.. bnth St i dbl. gar. Large lot. Price $18,000. Easy te rmsPhJfl Ma. ROBERT V. LORENZ Building Contractor Ph. 2-7794 FAMILY ROOM, 3-bdrm. with 24-fl closet space. Hi baths, 2 linen closels, dble. garage with overhead atorage, level woodrd corner lot, lawn in. $14,500. 3036 Tlilnre Ave. (2 blocks W. of Liberty Rd., N. oft Charles Ave.) DAYLIGHT BSMT., 3-hdrm.. 2 ftreplares. 13x40 ptnyrnom, wooded lot, $14,200. 2020 Hill side Ln. (1 block E. of So. Cnnimciclal, N. olf of Hatcliff Dr.) Several nice, clean trade-ins: Englewoo4 dist., 2-bdrm., SB500. 3885 D,Allnew I nside,$ 10,500. $tW0DOWN to qualified G.I. or ICSS II payment run "o ranged. New .1 bedrooms with fireplace, plastered garage, paved at.. 1074 Shamrock St. only one block South of Morn Ingslde School. Open house everv day. Ph. builder 4 6533 for. information. Roy Todd, Realtor WEST SALEM, $750 down buys this 3 bdrms. on one floor, with full bath, Ige. kitchen 1 with breakfast nook, nice shrub St trees. Basement St garage. It Is close to school St has good bus service. Only $0500. Call Mrs. Graham or Mr. Filing. NFW DUPLEX. Brand new and very good construction, noin sides have 2 bdrms, Idral for owner to live in on side and rent the other. Call Mr. Hicks. ATTENTION BUILDERS. 2 lots on sewer city water. Arnunu 22,000 st. ft. In 211 zone. Ideal for triplex ur duplex. Near State Street. Moth for $:t200. Not many of these left ln city. Call Mr, hicks, nnv TODD REAL ESTATE 2310 State St. Phone 2-ftfOl Kve. Hicki 4-4030; Filing 4-6514; Van Meter 4-0500: Allison 4-3214: Mrs. Ciraham 4-4746; Todd 2-1731. BY OWNER. Clean, well bit. 5 vi- nM BiTirv utifl a half home, 3 lid r in. dn.. nei-an firs., nil heat, lots of ntor., Highland dist F.H.A. Price reduced lo $a,7Mnrqutck jale. Ph. 3 0605 NK.W 3 bedroom contemporary homes, beam ceilings, fire- R laces, carports. One l)lock nrth of Kelzer Sch. turn west nt open house sign. Ph. builder 4 -65:13 for Info. $0,000 and low, I low down payment. LARGF. lot, livable house, 1 blk to icrii. Mane oner equity. 813 Kleclrlc Ave. Una Lots For Sale LOTS FOR SALE Ph. 4-4.132 810 Farmt For Sole & TO SETTLE ESTATE 2oo. acre phi block -Havi land with buildings, most t in : cull., oprn for offer of $22,300. j nf inm-l l'bf.1 li a fine "invett , j . . i i.. Ceo. Kraui. No calls mileagellfW5.iawi.elownoj.it pleale. HKAI. KSTATR m n. u t Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., 810 For ml Fer Salt description applies contains 021 McCall property located on ACRE BUILDING SITES, East paved street, tow aown pay ment. S4!)5. 6-ACRE TRACT, South Subur ban, perfect to subdivide, rapid developing community. -hi-taii. souu nown. lane iraae. 10 ACRE FARM. South, excel ana, an in cuit, nome, barn, well, close to bus line, 45750. 2-ACRE TRACT. - North, bus line, convenient location, late built 3-bdrm. borne, all one floor. $10. BOO. Only $1100 down. Take trade. PLEASE NOTE: We can accept mortgages, contracts, city property In trade on above properties. Many more to choose from, li. M. MASON, Rlt. 341 Chemcketa St. Ph. 3-6841, 2-6854, 3-3542 812 Exch. Real Estate Want to Trade? 8.32 ACRES, East, ground that win grow most anytning you plant. Mostly wooaea, creex, 2-bdrm. home for a 2-bdrm, home In town. Value to $9,900, 2-bdrm. home with Urge living room in tngiewooa uist. n ha valued at $11,000. Want a 3- bdrm. nome. South to $13,500, Good paying market, a apts. pn 74x140 lot In C3 Zone. Also suitable for other business. Valued al 119.750. Will con sider an otters, complete brief with pictures for your examination. L J. I REALTOR 1745 Grant St. Ph. 3-4035 TRADE 3-bdrm. home, beautiful vard. flrenlnce. Dishwasher. TOO! Trki-le (or LOT or hnme. Real buy at $0,050. Call Gladys jacKson. &ves. z-itfiw. REALTOR 1423 Fairgrounds fld. Ph. 2-2H01 816 Resort Property FOR SALE : Furn. mod. Moun tain cabin Ac tuext houae. De- troll. Ore. SB.000. Consider trade to S.l.noo. Bal. terms. Write Statesman-Journal Box 423. 818 Wanfod, Reol Esrote ATTENTION owner! The beat house lo siiMitm, ii.auu aown will buy. Prcler bsmt. Ph. 2-2864. 850 Automotive 8S1 New Can FAMOUS German Economy Cars t Trucks DKW HOW'S your gas mileage? Sec AUTOHAUS 340 ti. Hlgn. 852 Died Cart For Sale 1D.10 OLDS Ofl 4-dr. sedan $450. Fn.3-Bt.ua. i NOTICE OF PUBLIC sXl.F, RKPOSSKSSF.D 150 Ford Fair- lane Victoria, motor No. l'l,KV;illllW. Will be so d highest bidder on Nov. 20th at our lot, commercial securitus, 37;t N. Church. 1051 FORI) Victoria, radio, beat er. auto, trans, white wail tires, good paint $4!r.V with $150 dn, Ay n bee Motors, 40 Union. 1'J.M) HUDSON Sdn. radio, heat er, overdrive. 1291. with 110 dn. Ay n bee Motors 540 Union. FOR SAI.K: '40 Dodge Cpe. Ciood llrCS. I'll. 1-5177. 1050 Super Dulck Convertible exe. rinisn v new top. iow mileage, power equipment $4.10. Ph.3-5470. 56 Politlac. fully equTpt. Sell equity for $000. Ph. 3-aflflH. '5 MKRCURY Monlrlair 4 door hardtop Phaeton Full power equipped, personal demonstra tor. New car warranty, will take trade and finance. Call Martv Horst-h at 3-flaJfl or he seen at lOflO N. Summer I Dir.). J 105.1 FORriF air lane 2"dr. I own er, extep, cleat. Ph. Mr. Dow. 3-41IJB or 3-MH.j ci .KAN inM Rnick snec. 2 dr., excel, cond. rru rn nemw noon forjiuickjalc. Ph.UBS. I NFW IfiM Mercurv Monterey Phaeton 4 dr. hnrdlop. Full power with Vinyl interior. Pri vate owner. Consider trade. See before 3 p.m. 513 West Madron Ave. 1954 CHRYSLER, New York, dlx., 15,000 mLPh.4-7T41. CASH for" 1950 and IMI cars. McCalls Used Cars, 1207 State. CASH for used cars. MO FN MOTORS, WW S12th,4 fU73 52 NASH Rambler station wagon radio, he.iler, n'ririve. all ex trn. 41,000 miles, $5. Ph. 4-4fl. Wanta NEW '57 FORD 4'Dlf rri.n.n,iiHc for 12fiHl See K. Smith 3IS Union Eves, Ph. .1-4H17 (Dealer). - TnSfi CHEV." V Power Ollde ..i, .i. r..iin jtr im.iirr Clean, low nrire Mn.t sell Immrdletelv. hay or eve. Ph. -4:l2 or 4 6207 M MKnrimV 8ob, perfect cond Mon., Nov. 26,1956 t 850 Automotive 852 Ued Cart For Sal 1956 :." AT LODER'S ; Get out of the Ordi nary and into an Olds '56 OLDS SBfl HOLIDAY CPE. Radio, heater, power steer lng, power brakes, tutona paint, white tires, back-up lights, Jctaway, Hydra., a house car. Save hundred! ' on this one. '56 OLDS S88 CONVER. CPE. . Radio, heater, Jetaway hy dra., power seat, steering, brakes, white tires, tutona ' paint, black top. Save hun dreds on this house car. . '56 OLDS 88 HOLIDAY CPE. - Radio, heater, hydra., pow- . er steering and brakes. Black and white finish with white tires $2995 '56 OLDS 98 4 DOOR Radio, heater,1 Jetaway Hy dra, power steering, brakes, tu-tone brown finish. An : outstanding road car with 240 h.p. Rocket engine. A real buy at i $36Q5 '56 OLDS S88 HOLIDAY SDN Radio, heater, Jetaway hy dra., white tires, tinted glass, tutone green finish. Be in atyle with this one. ' Only .$350l ' REMEMBER! The best may cost no morel LODER BROS. CO. Oldsmobile 481 No. High Fh. 2-7S73 1095 PONTIAC Station Wagon. 4 floor, excellent conaition, on. owner. See at 328ft S. 12th or Ph. 4-8503. B.C.S. Trades '57 FORD PREFECT 4-Door sedan, 2,000 mllet, our own Demo., new car warranty, REDUCED. 55 AUSTIN A50 SEDAN Perfect condition, 90-day warranty, reduced to $1305. 52 CHEVROLET 2 DR. SDN. Styleline Deluxe. It's a nice, one and a good buy for only ' $645. 4? STUDE. CHAMPION 2-Dr. Sdn. We have checked this one It's ready to go. Good transportation for only $150. British Car Sales 2085 No. Capitol - Salem" . . OrcRon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial St ChemekeU Ph. 4-S711 93 CHRYSLER New Yorker de luxe, 4 dr. son. radio, neater, automatic transmission, white wall tires, power brakes., exc. cond. $1203. Ph. 2-2122. CAPITOL) Union St Com'l. Ph. 3-3175 $.1 CHEV.. 2 dr. hardtop, loaded, sharp, will take trade, or sell as low as $150 down. Private party. Ph. B0X1 Dayton. HOW'S your gas mileage? See AUTOHAUS Jill . iiign. B53 Auto Peru & Repair! Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady Ph. 2-4513 NOW WRECKING Chev'i from '48 lo 51 '49 to "M Fords Rulck Ply. cyl. Kaiser -'48 to ;s Chrysler cyl. Fnrd Console . Merc ... ,.'51 ..'50 Packard Olds. "Hfl" tt54 Trucks, Troil. for sole Itr.l CMC pickup with canopy, SMS V 1 wneei orive jetp tn. wagon. Roth with new tires St paint Job, radio St heater. Reas. Ph.4-4373eve. "51 G.M.C. 3-ton truck, 2-sp, ' new (Ut bed. excel, cond. 33.7Hamel.Ph. 2-0510. '53 'i ton Dodge Pickup. Canopy St near new tires, $750. Ph. 4-1745. FOR" SALE- '42 International truck. Long wheel base. Good h h a pe. P h4 604 1 . MUST SELL 1011 Dodge panel, also 4 speed Dodge trans. Ph.Jl-71'54 after 4T"CHKV. '."Ton "pickup. Ph. a-'Jio. 662 House Trailers '54 NASHUA 27' house trailer, excel. con.33l7 Hamel,2-Uol0 6 POPULAR brands on I lot to please you. Aiona, itcnsKin, Pleasure craft. Rollawoy( Mavflower and Alrstream Cash discounts on 58 models, at Karl Malm Trailer S.ilrs, 40.1Q.SIlvcrlon Rd. Ptv 41-7127. BUY a 15 ft.'or 1U It. SHASTA NOW. Small dn. pym t. bat anee nmnthlv. Be ready (of next vacation, Lena Lane, lOtO Lnna Ave TRAILER TOWING JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2640 Portland Rd. PJhJL"BtM5 2fl FTrtraller house very good cond. Sell for cash or trade (or pickup or car. Call Scio 3SF6. LOW dn. paym't. 35' spartanette. Fie. cond. Take trade-in. PorUani A4L 2 J I 1 1 1 i : I a ! f 1 0 o O