r Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Mon., Nov. 26, 1950 WANT AD WHOPPERS S & H GREEN STAMP DIRECTORY "Clip & Save for This Week's Best Buys" 3- r ... '. 'i V"' V ! f V V; . 11-18 ffoU Milton Ihwm4 jJA 'M'jflV j'M' "He's their best ball carrier. I hear State Is trying to get one through the Classified, loo. 408 Pets HKG. Chihuahua's, 3 At 4 lb. males for studding. Ph. 3-7731. 'n'rins i .it tie Show-Off." 3'i lb. rmt. inv Pomeranian for stud ding. Out of 2 Intern'l. cham pions, " uromnre uomoaraier At "Money Box Token". Ph 3-7731 f6v Terrier pups, 8 wks. old: Ph. 2-270.1. 1840 N. Lancaster. FRFR 2 cute klttena, house- broken. Ph. 4-9042. fjEAUTIFIJl. Beagle AKC Reg. Small type i weeks old. Ph. 2-4270. COLLIE-German shepherd pups fl wks. old tS. Ph. 4-5544 . ft ft BAT Done PuppfCB A.K.C. res. Ph, independence 108 or 780 F St. fARAKEEtS. trop. fish, up plies. 31 80 Livingston, 2-1H42. DOG ownes learn to train your nog. jvexi onernence; cms Starts Nov. 28. For Informa tion call Ray Hoffman eve- mnga z-ootm. REG. WHITE COLLIE Male, 1 yr. old. 2-9520. YOUNG parakeets, cages feeds Mickey's. M25 S Com 1-2755 KEITH'S PUPPY FARM 5460 Center Ph. 2-7080 Puppies all kinds. Buy it sell. Aft'noon it eves. No S un. call a . fcHOICE, rare Parakeets, ready to breed. Moving, must reduce atock. Ph. 2-6755. 410 Seeds and Plants SELLING alt our shrubs aza leas 2.1c. Nothing over 2. Off Sllverton Hi-way al HOfiU Mid dle Grove Dr. Ph. 4-KMI. AM Fruit, Farm Produce LARGE Franqueltt walnuts, 23c 3Sc Ih. Ph. 2-261D. WALNUTS FOR SALK, 25c 4 CORNERS 4.355 STATE ST. APPLES field run (1 BU. Labish Village Mkt. 9t)E. tVASHED carrots. You 'can't bent mesa carrois ior an live stock feed. Good production it 1 tieaitnrJl. men per oy ion man feeding hay At keeps well. Phil lips Bros., IU. 5, Box H60, S lem. Ph. 4-3081. APPLES 105 W. CHEMAWA RD. Eastern oreeon Alfalfa. Ph, days 4-0432. Aler 0 p.m. 2-3780. Oat and clover hay. Ph. 4-2010. PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75c fal, HnniOHcnired, we, ',i gal. or 40c. Cleary Dairy 2-30:i5. GOOD eating potatoes 12 per nunaren. to Miieiier, m. i Box 2B7A. Inden. V mt. South Box 2B7A. Inden. mt. houlh Y Cafe. Ph. 2-4379. Bring sacks COCKER beef, grain fed steers , white face. f.15e. Ed Mueller. Th. 2-437U. 413 Fertilizer ROTTED snwdust or rolled ma nure. -30M. Philips Urns. POlJLTRY'fertlltr.er. Extra "good. Ph. 4-2513, Lcc'a Hatthcry. PEAT Mosi from chick trays, 75c sack. Valley Farm Store FERTILIZER Agrd manure, finest quality, as alwava w del. any amount anywhere. Ph. 2-4071, 414 Form Equipment H C S. fate Tractor. 3 point, Eagle hitch: Edwards 2 bot tom roll over plow; 'M Case heavy duty 7-ft. mower; sin gle unit TlpLnvnl milking much., complete, good cond. 3;il7 Haiuel. Ph. 2-P5I0. 450 Mcrrhaiulise 451 Household Goodt MONDAY SFKCIAL New 2 pc foam rubber section als, ftiiwsn. Term Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. 1 RlTRNF.Il'Duolherm nil hesler, $.10. Eves. Ph, 4-7105 or see at J37.1. Lee St. fiEW Simmons studto couches dole bed. JTRfifl. Glrn Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. Sew rou.-tv' chain. $2r nn Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 2M 9 ' PC. WllonaC $!. ItWO Harrlsnn. felINK beds wiili matlresses. $.''14 50, New solid In .1 pie hunk beds with mattrese 179 W. Glrn Woottrv, 1(5 N. Summer, used chrome dinettes from i:P ftO, dining sets fuim $.15 00. (ilen Woodry, IftUS N. Summer. IH9 "SIMMONS bed d.ivenn,' $W. .i pc, norm, set vim springs, 11. 7M Marino Dr. $131150 New ntltwrtl sectionals. Glen Woodty. HW3 N. Summer, Wnoirheaters""$15 to $,VV Glrii Woodry. 1603 N. Summer. OPEN MON!"- mi. EVES. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. NF.W )xl3"llnoleums 94 PR Glen Woodry, IfiOa N. Summer. NEW aw liif "rockers. 119 W Glen Woixlry, li& N. Summer. NEW 7 pc. wr. iron dinettes $79 50: nrw 3 pc $." 50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. TOO Diiploy Clomliod (PILES) KISTtH.A - Pltlll.Al'SK t .O HOSPITAL Ill't.llA I KIN Stcimach A Colon Irnuhl. CONVKMKNT CIIKDIT 1 R. Reynolds, N.I). E. R. Reynolds, o N.D. fcall In person or r. I-; 1 .1144 iat'eJfU';ts.?lfVo.f.'?il 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goodi USED cribs with mattress. $12. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. ANTIQUE"- sofa,Yeve7alo I d dolls, 2 antique chests, desk, hanging lamp, English chiiir or needlepoint, large oval braided rug, dishes it glass ware. 640 E. Lefelle. SPECIAL"" OFFER" FREE deluxe matching swing roc Her wjih earn new aora loidaDed. l4n.5. Glen Wood ry, 1605 N. Summer. HE THRIFTY Buj used furnl ture & appliance a. THE T HHin i WAY on Easy terms ai WOOURY'S THRIFTY USED FURN 515 S. Com I Ph 4-3319 NEW modern desks $.12.50. Glen wooary, inus jn. summer. CHROME din. set Ac var. house", hold Items. 2040 Kapphahn Rd. $58.88 New tilt relsxer chairs. Glen Woodry. 105 N. Summer. WAREHOUSE Clearance aale of used guaranteed appliances, ranges washers, dryers, re frigerators, it dishwashers. Easy terms, If our price Isn't cheap enough, make us an of fer, no reasonable price re fused. Cherry City Electric 2040 N. Capitol Ph. 4-11761 Opentlll Monday Ac Frl, PC. bedroom suiter" WM. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. BARGAIN on these. C. P. gnx range, bervel C.is refrigerator, approx, 0x12 Onnla oriental rug with 2 matching throw rugs. 2 overstuffed living room chairs. Can b seen at 1080 N. Summer St. NEARLY new Brnutyrest box it mottri'ss. 1110.50. Save 160.00. len Woodryl605 N. Summer. UNFINISHED turnVture."-1C Stiff Furniture. 175 N. High. CHANNEL back . davennort club chair. 75.00. Others from S2B.50. Terms. Glen Woodry, louo n, an miner. COU;:MXNf'urhnde. blend hentlng s.VNK'in, size 85.000. 2 yrs. oin. iuki, rn. 3-7.145. .$30.00 DN. Delivers complele household of iitrniiure, appliances at the store with t ie low overhead. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. IF VOU need single item or a complete ho men old or new or used furniture or appliances Buy now on our easy terms Woodry'a Thrifty Used Furnllura 513 So. Com 'I St Ph 4-33II 2oiock j5o;orPaper Mill MONDAY SPECIAL Reg. $110.00 new super foam box niruiR ana maicning innei sprlng mattress. $fin.RH. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. 452 Appliances Nearly new Uerko glass radi ant elect, heater. 240 V. 1000 whII capacity. Ph. 2-7592. OPEN MON. -Fill. EVES. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. SLIGHTLY used Upright Freez er, za cu. 11. run guarantee. SPECIAL $130. Used Mdse. Marl. 270 S, Liberty. Ph. 4-M7I. HEADQUARTERS for eleven northwestern stores ror Used A- Repossessed Merchandise. "Your Downtown" Firestone Store. 305 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-2191. USF.D llefrig. $'.'.'1 ft up Modern Appliance renter, nil South Com'l 4-D3.V1. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wall ers, dryers, ranges it re trig. $:1 50 At up. YE ATI'. II APPLIANCE CO J75 Chemetceta St. USED UHYER. Excellent "rnmli tion. $5 down, 16 mo), to pay. 30 day Guar autre. "Your Downtown" Firestone Store. 303 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-241U. USED WeMlnghouse Laundromat e cond,, $!13. Terms l( de sired. Modem Appliance Ou ter. 1)41 S, Com'l. 4-3758. Open Kvening5, APT. sle Klec7"stive" $23." Ph". 3-5IM eve. 2103 Perry. 1 NKAIILY new Thor Gladiron maiiKle $23, Ph. 2-3077, leint-aniit . rx Ph. i-m2. USED refrlgeralnrf. $it 23 tk up. Al Ijiuc, A pp., 2330 State St. COt.DSPOT refrig., good cond. $..Vlfl37 Paik A. FOR modern used electric rangrs and refrigerators shop at the store with lh anpllanre bau'atusii Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. AUTOMATIC eiec7wter" heat ers ;u sal. $V H3. 52 g, $02 73 JudMin s. 27 N. Com'l. 1.IKF NFW tl cu f. rrfrtg. au tomatic Dcftost E?", terms. $10 down. "Your Down town" PlreMone Slore. 303 N. Lib erty. Ph. 2. 24!U. USED washers $15 .It iip Mtd". em Appllanre Center, 1141 So Com'l PI. 4-M33 USED "llntnolnt RefrlgA-l cond. $64 66. .?. terms. $1 per k. "Your Downtown" Ftre itonp Store. 3!3 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-3491, 454 Sewing Machine! SKWINfi MACIIIN'K Reposeed Singer console $2 bsUtue, new guarantee. Ph. 4-7103 Sewing Mtu-htne This hp ut if ut prat t lea II v new lisht wrtpM Sinaer aorM.lr. only TeiB. 41 ft week, pa -7UW. to i, ra. Wivlrint Alee t l t.q ft. I BAKERY Peerless Ri k try 170 N Commercial Phona J-J1M CAMERAI Cohurn Cameras 1T4 N Commercial Phont 2-1B41 DRUG I Capital Drug Rtor Statt At Liberty Phont 3-31 IB Chapman'! Drug Stort 140 Candalaria Blvd Ph 4-6873 Tret Delivery Mootry'a Pharmacy Hollywood Business DHL Kelzer Business DIsL Oregon Fuel Co. Sawdust and Wood FURNITURE Ermel a Colonial rum Hurt 2745 S Commercial Phont 34742 JEWELS Alexander'! Jeweiera Diamond! Watchea .Silverware aa.i court st. 450 Merchandise 470 Building Material WHOLESALE PRICES Sash it Door PREHUNG DOOR UNITS Mahog.-Hem. Jambs At Casing Mahog.-Mahog. Jambs A- Casing Birch-Hem. Jambs At Casing . All sizes 1-fi to 3-0 1-3-8 Welser Hardware 2420 Sliding Windows Double Runs - Picture Wds. Casing Ac Mouldings, Etc. FREE ESTIMATES DALE VOGI.EIt AUCTION SALE Prices on (hue Hems will be reduced $5 per thousand per day until sold. 50 Pel. 4xSxf. Underlay Hardboard 50 Pel. 4xxV. Birch . 30 Pea. 4xfix4 Mahogany Pan.. KEITH BROWN 235 N. TRONT ST. We Give S&H 456 T V. A Radio CONSOLE 21" TV'l $149.50 each. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. THE BEST SERVICE for less. Hanson TV. Ph. 4-9044. JUST RECEIVED: Good sets ot Used At Reios. T.V.'s. 17". 21". 24". Mostly Consoles. All on E-7, terms of $5 to $10 down. No payments until lfl.r? "Your Downtown" Firestone Store. . 395 N, Liberty, Ph. 2-2491. REPOS, Heavy Duty Chassis Console T.V, All channel, Re liable party may assume tin I ance. $10 down. "Your Down town" Firestone Store, Ph. 2-2491. 458 Musical Inttrumenti MODERNIZED pump organ, $23. Ph. 2-7077. LIKE new Spinet Piano. NEW PRICE $595. SPECIAL $34H.S. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Lib er l'.PlL4-ra7. TALLMAN'S BIO CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE $10 Holds a Piano fnr Xinas delivery. Payments begin nexi year I HRAND NEW SPINETS $385) UP Used Studio Spinet $200 Gulhransen Spinet 327 11a rh Mahogany Spinet . . . 170 Small Mahogany Console .... 437 Kimball Walnut Spinet 450 rnsnntr 40" Spinet 407 lllonil Oak Snlnet 550 $7)5 New Mahogany Spinet . 34A $645 New Walnut Spinet 385 $033 New Blond Mahogany Spinet ... .. . 663 $!M2 New Maple Spinet 60S $!)H7 New Fr. Provincial Spinet- 760 $12) New Knshe Spinet 007 $1400 New lifts' Rosi Spinet .... .. . 1130 $2135 New Knabe Grand ... 1850 MANY OTIIEHS Easy Terms -- We Carry Your Contract OPEN MON. ti KM. EVE. Ft. 1800 TALLMAN PIANO STORES J!15 S. IJTII, SAt.KM Nrar S. P. Depot A MII.E KllOM I11CII I'niCFS NF'.W THOMAS OttOAN $725 WILTSEY-WEATIIERS MUSIC 4711 N. t'AIMTOt, ST. OIHiANS, nrw A- ucil. I.esHons. H.nlnls. MC1IIIIKI.I.S Oman S.lr5 and Sri vlt-r, :itki N. 111.').. K pay lop rnft ..it,1, loi iilano. I'.pil MiK. Mail IT). S. Liberty. I'll. 4 0.171. 462 Wanted Hihld Goodi VK NKKH Kl'ltMTt'ltK Valley rum. Co.. Ph J-7471. MISC. furniture wanted Cour teous servli'e. I'h. 3 W!a. 110.000 CASH lo spend lor Hl(h grade Used Furniture A Appliances I'h 3-lt0 Pa.vmg Top Pricei fot Iteitet Grade Glen Wof.riiy 11.05 N Stimmet "CASH KOH CMIUSTMAS T PAV TOP CASH PRICE FOR FURNITl'HF. APPl 1ANCKS. A MISCELLANEOUS ARTl CLFS l'SKI MUSK. MART. 270 S. LIBERTY PH. 4-M7L 465 Photography MOVIE camera, good cond. lairlv new. Cheap Also 22 rifle cheap. Ph. 4 7R33 alter 3 30 p in SPEED Graphic 3',V4, Pare" m.iher minlel In excellent ron rttlmn. Includes cae. Heil.ind fjh ilh 2 reflectors. Kntsrt Tit him paf ad tint r. 4 tUm holders and erapi'c 1 2 hot rut film m.-tcd.-ine. Cmnuleie nut w m See at Statesman fMt itinsartment, T1 tmHlVl al ' J-t-i-3i i KrttW ., ".re 8'( '' ' I fjt OS tUnf pumrf) LAWN SUPPMFI Howirr Brot. 1185 S 12th Garden Tractor Headquarter! Leather Good! Sharer Leather Good! 125 N. Commercial Luggage $t Flnt Leather Goodi PAINTS WALLPAPER Hutrheon'a 102 N Commercial Phont 3 -flfi87 RADIO Mitchell's Radio At T V. 1880 Stale St - Ph 3-7977 Initalllng Sales Service SERVICE STATIONS Ratdorf'a Texaco Station IMS Talrgrounda Ph 3-7435 14th St State Ph- 3-9SM Webb it Anderann (Richfield) 12th St Minion Complete Auto Repairing rELEVISION Mitchell'! Radio it TV. 1880 State St.-Ph 3-7577 Installing Salea it Service 450 Merchandise 470 Building Material! ... SUIHl . 120.00 J20.00 PH. 4-8720 STARTING MONDAY PRICE PRICE PER SHEET... S3 M $2.40 I 75M PER SHEET... 'n 24 ;om SI 12 I2B.1M PER SIIEET....S4.00 S125M $2.88 $ DOM LUMBER YARD PHONE 3-9111 Green Stamps" it GARAGE DOOR (A CRAWFORD PRODUCT) 8 ft. x 7 ft. Glazed DRAYTON LU.MBKR CO. Ph. Salem 2-4M5 ELECTRIC wall heaters. 25',; off 52 gal elec water heater $65. 12-2 wire, 4"iC ft. in rolls. Light fixtures reduced 3 pc balli set. $120 Huilt-in ranees li.itll set. $120. Built-in ovens & 4 bin tier units $105. Outlet boxes, 28i 14-2 wire, 4c fl. In rolls. Apex Electric ft Plumb Ing. 1410 Hroadway Ph. 2-IWiO, 500.000 PEEl" ew fresh-milled old A sreona giowth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 In it to 24-foot lengths Delivered prices Salem. $30 per thou minimum Ted Muller 4-0523 WE INSTALL plastic wall tile. r ormtca counter tops. Fir & llirch cninels. Let us give you a free i stunate on your re modeling now. Montgomery Wa rd A Co. Ph. 3-3 till. warn OLD STATESMAN (All Materials for sale at nur yard t Used lumber . $45-135 per M Kir flooring $13 prr M Used windows A: sash... $1 up All kind light fix., wiring & elec. supplies. ALSO .. Pipe At Plumbing Fixtures E. S. RITTER & CO. (!7(0 Porlliind Rd. Ph. 4 -Mil 4 ml North of Salem. ml. North of Totem Pole Oprn all day S.iturday STEEL Garnce Doors, complete with hardware, f t3 30 In stalled. $.F3 50 Melal eaves trouRh. 13' -c, built-in 4 burn er ranee. $R2 "0 Toilet, $34 30 -ln vent fan. $10 M FPP1NG LUMHER CO 3740 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 4-8123 464 Sports Equipment FOR SALE IP MiKcnMc River boat. new. Ml. 1, Box "7 Inde pendence. Ph. 3 .V.I4. 'AH nam for uri runt mon Irn anrt snttque tardr Merr irili Rmariwar 466 Bicyc'oi GOOD urd Scbwinn boy's bike. $1250. I'h. 2-404X 468 fot Rent, Misc. rim NCNl of le-ase if ar houit apse cement floor brick b!d downtown In on re Ft t tf r,rn S.t'M 474 Floor Covering INI AID lu yrf R L Meutn ll r net q F.lfMrnm C W 8 l.l'.'f il VINYt tlor'i tiVe "liVeach R L r.ltstro.T. Co ao !i t.ihertt 4W ftjTfi Wwswsiv !l rORSM.. ai' ah. aMI ,,, ,.(ia( ,. ,,.. dmm la i ak v awtv Gifts lor HimsS2(!Fmll Gifts SSfl SHOCKPROTECTTD, antimag- nenc jeweieq wa J inr.s. 1 yr. guar, $5.95. Army Ac Navy Surplus, 224 N. Com)., Ph. 3-4343. A GIFT for the car this xmas. Pacific Auto Sup. 355 N. Lib erty. Spinning Outfits $9.95 CASCADE MERC Snorting Goods 1230 Broadway Ph. 3-5538 SPINNING Reel, $26.05 Alrex L-arcnmoni, 2 spools, carrying case, 100 vds. line $13.50 UIIv WAHJJ 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-2476 German lleer Steins SALEM VINTAGE STORE 599 Court St. 450 Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscollanaoui SIMPLEX mangle, curtain stretchers, new elec. nianicet, tahle lamp, very good men's doming, size .in. mr coai, good; cloth coat, brown suit, 12-14; misc. Ph. 4-1673. 1011 S. Liberty. PAIR of teak wood tables $125, also lamp $25, meat tender izcr market size $100. 3079 SEKnapp St., Portland ST AND AR DBF I ntCI a r i neCit case, reasonable, also two girls coats size 12, like new. Call 2-1420. FOR SALE: Boys Monarch bike; clarinet, nearly new. Ph. 2-7355. FOR SALE all fountain equip ment from the Hunger Hut Restaurant, also french fryer At stove with hood. Ph. 2-4579. OLD coarse mulching sawdust. yn. ioaa, aci. s-i.uu. zwm. CEDAR fence post good quality Treated or untreated. Poles Ph. 4-308L REFRIG. good cond. $50. 2785 Peck Ave. Ph. 4-3231. NEW YounRRtown kitchen, gar- nage disposer in original car ton. He.ison.'ible. Take recorder with 3 rrcls of tape, Like new. Call 2-2311 after 6. DELUXE Thayer buggy; Under wood port, typewriter. 3-42H3. HI-GRADE box springs At mat tress, firm. Ph. 4-5737, 27B5 No. Liberty. Genuine Candle Glow Wax Wicks, glitter At books. Farmers Union Co-op, 3615 Sllverton HU. I'n. 4-iUt.G. DOUBLE stationary tubs. heater. Pink sheath dress, size 1Z. Gravel & Top Soil PHONE 2-1575 CLOSE OUT HI Krnde Dalnt, I2.B1I (al. Oltn Woodry. 1605 N. bummer. Yi'KWRITFRS itidint ma chlnei caih retlstfri tUDli cators. (leaks chairs files stip dIim Horn's 45B Court .1773 Pit Run (J ravel PH. 0-4747 OPEN MON. -FRL EVES. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. "ciinisTMAYnEEs- Pine, cones, Ph. 4-7943. POWER lawn mower, $35; 2 whecl trailer$;t0. 300 S 14th. OIL circulator with thermostat $45.00; 200 gal. oval oil tank $.14.30; hath tub $10.50; h.p. molor $:t.V01); baby bURgy, $10; and a thousand other bargains, Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. NEARLY new 7'i Evinrude mo tor with molor stand, cruise a day tank. $150. Ph. 2-5517. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous Hospital Betl With Mattress Valley Furniture Co., 219 N. Commercial 483 Wanted Miscellaneous HIGHEST prices paid for tin, old cars, )unk of anv kind, We pick p. Ph. 4-3210. W AN I F.I) teverai thousand cordi of wood all sneeles Ph 3-7721 Nights 4-5(133 484 Miscellaneous Cigarette Burns Repaired We can repair those unsightly burns on anv wooden sur faces In your home or office. LEE 4020 State St. Phone 2-7001 tvA V-K-S TR-O-UGll-S Slate Roofing Scmie Ph;2-7629 DENT At" PLA I V REPAIR 1 HU SKRVH'F IN MOST CASES OR HA RR SFMI.ER. Dentin AdnlvS Rlil ( Stat Ai Com'l Rti 5ALFM PH S-3XI1 486 Machinery & tools SEVERAL rd welders. See at -,m Stewart St. I'h. 4-7511. I, H, I yard dieel loader, good shape $1,100 Inq. 3740 Stiver- Jim Rd. I'n. 4-6212 or 4-36.12. l?serl Wrlrlcrs For Sale 6!8 ILLINOIS, 3-8.ifi6 490 Fuel FOR S.l E l" ulah wood and siTccnrii sawdunt Delivered in 3 unit pushout truck. Ger vali Lumber Co., Ph, 2211 Gcrvals. Clean Dry Wood Old growth Mat As block wood. $13 cord oak wood. Cut any length. Prompt delivery. Ph. Salem 2-9444. SHAVINGS? VK DELIVER PH. 2-6171 GtH.n oaV " wihhI Cut to"anv length. Order now and save prtMd WaMn Rt t Carlton. Ore. Oak (Test Ranch. CAPITOL Kl'KL CO. Or f ah A mini t'hi'icp !sh A rOtv wotn nueo drv or green i)r mill 'OtMl 14.fl Hro.nwa? pri 3-1it OI1W.ON Kl'Kl. dSisd..!. Creen k Drv Wood S a II tlrcfn'Klnmps 5S7 Broarlway Th. S-.VVU 'rRiTlah-d. Iljunit mo a.9. to. a-iwi. M liily fir in LaM lift liwiif Sifpstiiii" ADMIRAL 21" Cabinet Console T.V. Walnut case. Regular $299.95. NOW $199.95. MODERN APPLIANCE CNTR. 1141 S. Commercial. Ph. 4-9353 "PORTABLE T.V. RCA Victor 15" alumnlzed tube, carrying nanaje, Jtgm weieni. $13.50 Dn. $6.04 per month. S&H Stamps MARR RADIO AND T. V. 2140So.Cnml. Ph. 39201 DRESS UP THE BATHROOM Sliding glass tub enclosures Now only $59.H5 See our display. Term!, 'S S7 N. Com'l. 5I) FREE MERCHANDISE WITH ANY MAJOR FIRESTONE APPLIANCE OVER KM AT YOUR DOWNTOWN FIRE. STONE STORE. 395 N. Liberty, GIVE A SUBSCRIPTION A SUBSCRIPTION to the States man-Journal Newspapers I A gift that really keeps on giv ing. Every day of the year, the person to whom you give the Statesman-Journal Newspapers will thank you all over again. Ph. 4-6811, ask for Circulation Dept. CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE! All pianos go regardless of price. New spinets from $389. Huge stock, all styles. EZ terms. Payments, begin Feb., 1957. Tallman Piano Stores, 385 S. 12th. near S.P. Depot. VENTILATING FANS $22.95 Ideal for Kitchen or Bathroom. see our operating aispiays, 279 N. Com'l. 150 McrrliHiulise 490 Fuel SOMETHING new for sawdust users, we have a Chip Mix fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420 Broadway. Ph. 3-7721. WEST SALEM FUEL - Dry green wood Pube or pushout sawdust 1525 Edgewater Ph. 2-4031 HIGHWAY FURL CO. SAWDUST it WOOD $-6444 WANTED: Several thousand cords of bark-free wood, fir or hemlock. Ph. 3-7721; nights 4-5633. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon LOANS $5U.U0 to $15011.00 Buy What You Need Consulidate youi hills. finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St Ph. I-MIT Installment Loans Consolidation Loans Or for any money problem come in aim see mej bowcpi, or Dick Gahlsdnrf at CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 24S0 & Com'l. Ph. 4 -431 Now A New Mnny for all worth-whtlt pur poses for Prrsunal Lo.ins Conviidatt Bills New Pur chases. Home owned home operated MfiO Fairgrounds Road. Salem. ore. call 1-7032. Free Park ing Lot. SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get cash for shopping needs or outer seasonal expenses in one visit to office I Phone Ilenelicial. give a sew (acts, then come hit Exclusive I Nationwide Credit I aid presented to everv cus tomergood at over 1.000 of fice! Beneficial likes to sav "Yes I" Phone for a I - trip loan, write or come m today LOANS UP TO $1,50 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. IPernnal flnanre Co. I Ph 5-:. 105 S. HUh PRIVATE "money to loan. A inierrsi. rn Ttl-f'tNIAt Investment Co BeTl Propert. tosns - Contract1 Purcha.ea fl' r.uirt 4-3?. intere.t Ph 2-0TM $25 to 82500 PACIFIC INnUSTRIAt LOANS 111 ft. Uberty Ph. 4-2203 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted KVP (CATIONS i-e now being taken for Stairtman oic ci roi tei Severs- ou'e eiM rn open Anr.ite.tnn mut' be ie coiTDjn'ee n narf nt Of P t"!V ?e":i' lion AnnlT at tie ClrnNMnr Deort'nent of th 'tem!i ln:iri. CAPITAL KMriaOYMKNT AGENCY Specialists m office personnel PMc arii. Preshvtenan Church i 34 N winter pp J-OWS Your tut Lira la our lob. LOANS TrtM I Trimmings HOLLY for decorating & gilts. Basil Zrll. Bt. 1. liox HH2. Or chard Hgli. Bd. Ph. 4-1087. HOLLY it Oregon greens mailed anywnere. cuios, snruos, nse plants. Reb's Garden Center, 4004 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-7857. STEINERS NURSERY Rose bushes. Dwarf trees, plants, Xmas Holly. Sturdi-built green- houses. 3160 Market. 2-1946. FLOWERS Wreaths Gifts JAHY FLORIST. Ph. 4-3391, Capitol Shopping Center. CHR ISTMAS t rceii wholesale, any ami. Special orders for large trees. Cali after 6. 4-1240. CHOOSE At Cut Christmas Trees. Eldred Caster, Scotts Mills. CHRISTMAS trees for sale. Noble fir. Ph. 4-1461. FOR sale a few king sire Xmas trees 8 to 25 ft. tall. Ph. Mill City 3-384. CHRISTMAS treea for sale any amount, all sires, 2673 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6688. Gifts for Boys; Why Let Him Walk. BUY him a QUICKLY Motor Bike. Starts Stationary 108 mpK. Tor ONLY S19S Easy Terms. SCOTT'S, 315 Mission Ph. 44033. Pet Gifts GERMAN Shepherd. 5 wks. old. 1 DlaCK M., 1 OUII 110 ea. Ph. TR 3-4534, Rt. 2, Box 124, Silverton. r BIRDS. Trop. fish, all supplies, ucHuan nui iiuia. Dim fara dise, 3180 Livingston. 2-1842. 2 SIAMESE kittens, females. 4 urns, uuoa peaig., reg. rn. 4-2009. TROPICAL fish, aquar.. all sup plies. Come A: see. Hollywood Aquarium, 1058 McCoy. A.K.C. REG. ENGLISH Springer Spuniels, $35. 4-0OS2 IIOXER PUPS Reasonable. 1148 Fir, 3-4003 BEAUTIFU1 Boxer puppies. 8 wccks oin, weal A mas gift. Terms on approved credit. Call 4-8371 eves, or weekends. WHY not have your dog" trim- nieu ec oainea ior ine nnu days? For app't. call 3-6859, Ringland Kennels. DALMATIAN puppies, liver sponea, aiso DiacK. Aionmoutn. Ph. SKyline 7-1363. LOVELY pink apricot canaries, exc. singers, 1340 cnemeketa 3 -4 385. SIAMESE Ken 1 point k 1 1 1 n I, papers, rn. a-i9HM. 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted, Men ill! is:iTii iin ms ...hi mm IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR: SEMI-SKILLED MECHANICS MACHINISTS TOOL & DIE MAKERS INSPECTORS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS DIE FINISHERS PATTERN MAKERS TRAINER MECHANICS SHEET METAL MECHANICS TRAIf "On-the-job" Instruction available to selected applicants In tooling and electronic fields. Assignment in these program would mean an opportunity for you to earn while you learn a skill and to profit from this skill for manv vears. "Off-hour" vocational tralninc tn wide variety of sublects. including mathematics, blueprint reading, layout and lofting, and Jet engine theory Is avai'abla to all Boeing employees. APPLY IN PERSON: OREGON STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 710 FERRY STREET 8:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. DAILY (Open on Gifts for All THE perfect gift for Christmas a Family Portrait by KENNELL-ELLIS Open Mon. At Frl. Eves. 520 State St. Ph. 3-7B30 PERSONALIZED Christmas Cards. Order now. Commercial Bonk Store, 141 N. Com'l Ph. 3-3 1 63. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N. Commercial Ph. 2-1B4L TRADE In your old radio or record player on a NEW Hi-Fi phonograph, Columbia, RCA Victor or Wehcor. Easy terms. Salem Record Shop, 428 Court St.- Christmas Cards Many beauti ful lines to choose from. Long, slims and Individualized styles. Personal calling cards for gifts too. Statesman Publishing Company. Ph. 4-6811. CHRISTMAS CASH Extra Christmas Cash can be yours quickly by calling 4-6811 and niacin i? a fast action want. ad on those no longer used uems. Christmas Cards Photographic Christmas Cards made from your own Snap Shots (25 for $2.75). McEwans Photo Shop In Hollvwood. Near Post Office. "HOLLY" Jackson Jewelers, a Salem owned, personally oper ated tax paying, community building store. And topping that we sell darn good depen dable Jewelry. World renown Omega watches. Art Carved Diamonds, Kirk, Wallace it In ternational Silver. Remember It's Jackson's 225 N. Liberty. WEST ERNS I URTSrTmolTs brands, $2,011 St up Army At Navy urplus. 223 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4343. Do-lt-Yourself Gilts Genuine Candle Glow Wax Wicks, glitter it books. Farmers Union Co-op. 3615 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-3766. Religious GiftspJjj BIBLE BOOK HOUSE 341 FERRY - PH. 3-4559. Gifts, Bibles, Xmas Cards. TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted, Men These are not "just johs." They are oppor tunities for you to work on "years ahead" production projects, including commercial and military jet aircraft and guided mis silcs. It is important work interesting work. And it could mean the start of a new career for you I And there'll be a plus in your paycheck at Boeing. You will live and work in the heart of the Pugct Sound Evergreen play land . . . cool summers, winters so mild you'll play golf in December ... a year 'round sportsman's heaven wilh salt water, lakes, mountains, virgin forests at your back door. Metropolitan Seattle . . . city of fine stores, outstanding schools . . . city of lovely homes and truly western hospitality. Openings available at all experience levels. If you are skilled or semi-skilled in vir tually any mechanical or electrical 'field you may qualify for one of these openings. Positions offer good starting wages, ex cellent working conditions, paid vacations and holidays, varirty of employee-managed sport and social activities. Thurs. Nov. 20th 7 II A H r D 1PIT Gifts for All FOR direct delivery of Christmas presents out of state contact BEDSAUL BROS. 1728 Center St. Ph. 2-0672 LOOK! LOOK! L00KI Zobel's Christmas gift to you. 25 off on any new Baldwin piano In stock until Christ mas. USED PIANO CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Chickerlng 5'4" Grand $005 Knabe 5'6" Grand $81.5 Baldwin Spinet (Mah.) $405 Baldwin Provincial Spinet $445 51!) Court ZOBEL'S Ph. 4-8252 XMAS. Cards, Aprons, gifts, Mrs. iv. a. Mcuunuc, vjvj iviarinn. Christmas Cashl CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2480 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-9431 FOR CHRISTMAS JUST CALL 4-2203 Pacific Finance 118 S. Liberty Gifts for Moml SAVE $100.00 New Hotpoint Dishwashers NOW ONLY $199.95 THE PHILLIPS CO. 355 Center Ph. 8-3139 ALL Chrome Mixers. $49.95 Value. NOW ONLY II 129.99, "Your Down Town" Firestone store, 995 ti, L.lherty. en. Z-Z491. SEWING BASKETS. $1.95 St up. uay laorics, wooa at wiener, Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. commercial, rn. a-.toiz. 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted, Mew to 9) Home Gifts CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Pedigree Roller Canaries Reasonably priced. Ph. 2-789 ANTIQUE and modern clock rt pairs. Pick up and deliver. Free estimates. Dial 4-2224, Stevens St Son, State It Lib erty. Treasured Keepsakes for tha home. Shop Salem's Early American Store; Trivets, Brass A: Copper Novelties, Spoon racks, wall shelves, Spice Cabl nets. Radios. Milk Glass, Pie tures, lamps galore. Ermel's Colonial Furniture Open Mon. & Frl. Nights HI ito a. commercial. THE GIFT OF GIFTSI BALDWIN Spinet Organ True Organ Tone Standard Controls Fas of Plavinir Free Lessons Lihpral Tprma Come in for your free lesson. demonstration in our store or in your home. ZOBEL'S 519 Court Ph. 4-8252 OIL PAINTINGS Christmas gifts Ph. 3-424. ANTIQUES SHOP LAMBERTS & pltasa tht iamuy. iviarDie lop uotfre A, lamp tables. hanfjinR lamps, round front China Closets. An tique frames & furniture. 215 S. Commercial. Ph. 2-7fln2. Auto Gifts NYLON SAFETY BELTS tS.Si 1Mb. Airplane type, all colora. Exhaust Specialties & Parts. THE MUFFLER CORNER 1305 State St. Ph. 4-09ST 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 351 N. Winter Ph. S-ftflM F.-Sec, typing shorthand. tu-tt . . sz50 start ,-Bkkpr. bldg. material, shorthand heloful. 35-4i nnn F.-Bkkpr. gen. office billing, iuuik, 9 a., goou oppor., 28-35 nn,n F.-Exn. acc't.. rec. credits, onen F.-Hskpr live in, tempo rary $5 day M.-Exp. produce salesman treiaiu open Commercial Placement Agency Since 1MB Specialists In rtmm in-.,. F-Sec'y, good personality. sz.tn F-Dental Ass't., exp., 25-40, open F-Steno., part time $1.50 hr. F-Bkkpr.. part time, good luith ti on ror .is i ert I.. F-Office Mgr..' automotive, operi F-X-ray A- lab. tech open t -Accounting & tax exp., open M-Office mgr. At acctn'g, automotive, 2.1-45 open M-Office Mgr. At acctn'g, out, 25-45 open M-Credit Mgr., trainee, M-Bkkpr., Trainees, prac.'"' ep 11.33 M-Sales Trainees, exp. In Super Mkts $300 M-C.cneral Office, good typist $2(ii) M-Sales. Insurance open 494 State St. 411 Oregon Bldg. 604 Help Wanted, Men WANTED young men to train nu nit nut; I'dsiuons. oee our ad under section 618. GOOD opportunity for right carpenter tools, permanent position. Inquire Hogg Bros.. 260 Slate St. Aini.lVPRvvpn ' Young men. See nur ad under Classification 61S STF.AM turbine operator wanted iaixc -i-noa opera. inn in Central Willamette Vallev. write or call Cascade Plvwood Corp. Lebanon, Ore. Ph. Al pine 8-2105. I WANT a mn tn represent u in mis urea, in me right man I have a plan that will give him a gond living and will build a business that will make him financially fnde. pendent. Write and tell m about yourself. Statesman Journal Box 424. 66ft Help Wanted, Lodv WANTED young women to train j'-r rtirnne t'osmons. see our ad undcrclastlflcatlon 818. AlRl.TXFS Vprn Young women. See our ad under STEWARDESSES Overt e a a Koutes. write us tor career tn-lT..t,nn- PAN AMERICAS ttORLD AIRWAYS. Seattle Taroma International Airport, Seattle 88. Washington. ftlfl Solei Help Wonted1 SPECIALTY salesman or salM 7," F,i nraring airten, r.Tceilent comnrntion. full trainme and l.-art mmi'hed s SISJUi'uV i rPfon H'dg. MEN. an opportunity to make rrtre than wares. No ringing dir belli. You sell on leadi jnly. A liberal eommhsion. Fflr Infor Ph. Salem 4-M45 or -r.'-'LlV 2 gUncaiter MAN with ear for utidt sa'et nrk Eleetroiui Corp., lTt Broadw t