'Page 5Sectton 2 Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 26, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 'A i I ' Molalla Bazaar ' MOLALLA (Special) - Planned (or Dec. 1 by the WSCS of Molal la MethodUt cnurcn Is its annual bazaar, to be in fellowship hall of the church. A year's work has been put into this "White Christ mas" project and gifts of all types will be on sale. A merchants' lunch will be served throughout the afternoon as an added attraction. All -crack trains aren't the streamlined specials. A yard en gine at a coal mine in West Frank fort, III., shuttles one million gross ton miles every year. Molalla Grange To Aid Poo MOLALLA (Special) - At the recent social meeting of Molalla Grange 310, the evening was tak en up with games and refresh' ments were served. Glenn South well gave a comprehensive talk on the swimming pool project and recreation center for this area. Ben 'Wright told of plans for 4-H and FFA building at the slate fair grounds and urged those in terested to attend a meeting in Oregon City. Mrs. Ida Davidson, grange-master, urged all to bring foods or an tides for the home for the Robert Bryant family who lost their horn and most of their possessions in i recent fire. Articles were to be brought this past Saturday evening to the Grange hall for delivery to the Bryants. i Enjoy a 1 I Refreshing 1 I Little Lift 1 I Right Whil You Work 1 Chew fresh-tasting, i 8 delicious Wrigley's i H SDcaraunt bum. ts - MRS. VOKUM ILL BALLSTON (Special) The con dition of Mrs. Mae Yokum, who was taken by ambulance last week to the McMinnville hospital, remains unchanged. HENRY By Carl Anderson Santiam Lodge Rebekahs Elect MILL CITY (Spocial)-Election of new officers for the ensuing year was conducted by members of Santiam Rebekah Lodge when that organization convened Wed nesday evening at the IOOF hall. Mabel Yankus was elected noble grand; Dorothy Vail, vice-grand; Ida Fleetwood, secretary; Mabel Vetcto, financial secretary and Otto Koenkc, treasurer. Appointive officers will be named later and installation will be jointly with the Odd Fellows shortly after the first of the year, Marie Stewart, district deputy I president for the Rebekahs, will be In charge of arrangements. Refreshments were served fol lowing lodge Wednesday evening by Ida Fleetwood and Mel Robin son. HOUR -KSLM "KOCO k KGAY Ikoin 'KtiW KliX DONALD DUCK By Wolr Dliney . IJJll ' I I IftELL DONALD ALL ASOUTItJ 'WlSytJI I (MAVBE I CAN HELPj mm. M f AN EXCELLENT IDEA ) I I ,Vf I Honor Group Takes Members MOLLALLA (Special) - Sixteen new members were Initiated Fri day into the National Honor so ciety at Molalla union high school, by the local officers with Larry French, president; Harryette awerver, vice-president; Lois Burns, secretary-treasurer; Gail Marine and Linda Moshberger, members. . New members are Cora Adams, Joan Babcock, Jackie Loffman, Shirley Hepler, Marilyn Mitts, Jeanctte Olsen, Pat Rcasoncr, John Cutler, Georgia Ferguson, Roger Gehrman, Judy Mlettunen, Gerald Parker, Carol Polack, Mu riel Roise, Carol Shaver and Jo Ann Yoder. Probationary sophomore mem bers are Dorothy Cordill, Joel Daniels, Edwin Cordill, Elaine Gottwald, Don Graves, Judy Mclum, Judy Kappler, Karen Parker, Ronald Pankratz, Jon Steiner, Aicgra Weidman and Frank Wille. New Babies for Molalla Folk MOLALLA (Special) - Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Lewis, formerly of Molalla, now In Oregon City, are parents of twins, a boy and girl, born In an Oregon City hospital. Nov. 24. The twins weighed four pounds plus, and three pounds respectively. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lewis of Molalla: and Mr. and Mrs. "Red" Schooley of Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Averill of Molalla are great-grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Strang arc grandparents of their first grand daughter, born early Thanksgiv ing morning, to their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs, Don Nel son of Pullman, Wash ,' In Memo rial hospital. She has been named I Kimberly Lynn and weighed five I pounds, eight ounces. There are I two sons in the family, Gary, three, and Craig, ja months. News News Tune Table Telerhone Hr. Adkins Show Fulton Lewis News 5-Star Final nichtklo Hep. News Hemingway News Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Listen News ACBOSS 1. Favorite 4- Pissing fashion T. Gambol 1 J. Train the mind 14. Ancient language II. Mountain 26. Religious sister 27. Cloudless 29. Attack 31. Coupled 34.11ns debu 38. Project 37. Myself 38. Put to flight 40. Slouan In dian elimbini start 45 pi. II. Unruly 43. Not well a Nnyi4siAnsiTiAr& A V B OnIIt A R A EP5)IABLr,IAF AlR SlN OjR T D WjAjR F ES Y E. C3se R G E. S a aDJb s 0 n e vjt r A E I sPIa necdot e QO 0 lM E. A LglT O N aTrIcUpIeIrIeUe'In d child II. Negative lBDraw after SO. Two-part composition 11. Not many S2. Ventilate 23. Companion KBoftfeatb.. tra M. Accomplish 44. Measure of length 45. Kverything 46. Public notice 47. Case of typo 48. Shatter 10. Staircase post 51 Stir up 84. Cornered Solution of Saturday 55. Tree trunk 66. Haunt DOWN 1. Vigor 2. Printing 3. Private teacher 4. Winnow 5. By Puitl. ' Fi H Is lb h. 1i h lo In" ir"i i4 Hi""!" 1 w mm S34 ftpS yf- 38 Jf -W II . WW fi -rski g. P 10 . 51 p SI Si Hi 1 I PN I Ivl" r Mi iwi Mm, li-i. 6. Formal in troduction 7. Horizontal B. lVsertrr . IMayerattag 10. Muscle U. Recognized 13. Intimidate 17. Shoal 20. Israclitj tribe 21. Shape 21 Commotion 23. Silent 24. Course of eating 28. Salamanrlrr 28. Chilli and fever 30. Spirit 32. Strive to equal 33. Allow as, Before long 36. Little bit 38. laughing 39. Of greater age 41. Sum 42. Kntreat 44. Crease 45. Skill 47. Charge 48. Large 49. Knowledft 81. You and 1 83. Leave Molalla Dance Set MOLALLA (Special) The 24lh annual Molalla Volunteer fire men's dance is Dec. 8. In Molal la Eagles hall. Funds are used to purchase needed equipment for the volunteer fire department. Ron's Rhythmaires of Gladstone will furnish the music. 'Liars' lo Meet MOLALLA (Special) Hunters, fishermen and just plain prevari cators are Invited lo the annual liars' contest, sponsored by South Molalla Farmers Union, hold in the hall Dec. 8. There will be prizes and all are welcome. Child's Favorite He's so cuddly, children love lo go to sleep wilh Cheerio the Clown Poll beside them! Thrifty gill easv lo sew In short time! t'se remnants for chillies. I'se scraps and a Sue-12 man's sock lor down Doll, Pattern 7329: dol. directions; clothes patterns. Send TWENTY-FIVE CF.NTS In coins (or this paltern-adc" 8 cents (or each pattern iir Isl-class mail ing. Send lo Capilal Journal. Household Arts Hcpl , P 0. Box m. Old Chelsea Station. New ork 11. f V rrlnt 'nlv NAME. ApDRESS. 7.0NE, AND 1 PATTERN Nl'MRF.lt. Two FREE patterns - printed : in oar ai.ick hiiooks Needle- cralt hook stunning designs tor you, our readers I Doiens ol other designs to order all easy. fascinating hanrt workl Send 2.1 cents lor your copy of this won (3 Btr MAVOR STEAAW ) YOWE HONOBl IT A ) THANK A KKT. CANWN KCPUE WS BACK- L, jTJ ? 1 JjflJfcANYON.I THOUOMT VEEV CENEKOUSLV Z PLBAWBE TO SSB OU, -' mtN W6tL WASS A 6K0UNP MTEBAL ON ffl mM g "If THE SHOW WIOHT HAVE P1IT OFF CLEANING COWNITy-AB F0KC6 I 6ENE8AL I UTTLC CELfgHATlOII , AgSTOAWt 0 fawVfll Z PELAVSPTHeoPSNINO THE STREETS IN BI& EEUT10N5 IN SUCH fU AT PINNER A COOP VWUCT W I CAH ATllVSO OCtl 3 I Xk? e NEW J6T-.LSNiIV THUNt,EK HIS 1 7 A HAPPV STATS 'IjJg&Zff WK? vaeffillW Hl IN ?A2?H 'SSSg.rST"- f J&zSSl . - LO HKW'A I VHrR rUsiteSWa get him.' ORg r s v yrwm 1 1 niw jwm t s rrmui -rufT P.rwii i i w nr.. V- ! I V DO YOU WANT I J" LOOK! YOUVE IN I I ZZ BEETLE. I WANT TO X 1 TO BE A " I THE ABMyl WHAT I A SETTLE YOUR PLITURe ( NO ) IVMECHANtCyy I NO I I I VDO WUWWT TOJ I OUT J HOUR a saga, T7 (ss) Ojy- I h s I II I lrl I I ! 113 I III 1.1 I. I ,.v...x .. I I... sssn A " ty (.UKk.'-l f CAMERA INSIOEjCWIU 00, STEVEMM sjffi?- AW, COME ON, BABY A I JtS.AJ, I PARDON ME, JOKER W KEEP THE MIKE.' TRY FOR ON MY WAY TO THE VTHANKffCR YOU MY FATHER WHERE'S YOUR I TS9!S -COULD M5U STAKE A jm. PACK I SHOTS OF BIG-CUT 5 1 &IRL5 PLACE NtW 7nt SMOKES, IS OUT YOULL HAVE TO k HOSPITALITY r kex ft raster- la mL(szzz; r ikr i Tssem.-vr' ; ko.n r arvfri jrjy- .i f iTaii - lujnaRj in ten i ar.wi av t bv k . . x m m m i vmm,t Mill 111 ICaWfatg.'l V,tjstaa,ga Vlf l-MAlsaLsKAtfmaaiia - kslm i L 1 A 17 I J KOCO . A imwFirr.uui uucw myvun srat. ihc i nun uun i Axve9i"mH.I . f.M.B rtw. i.w.Bwmv nivi nj i i ur .roue n. pwwMrs tiaakv -4 wvevyin.tfvvr?nwK arirTEcni i r.A I vi irvy. iu mc: ira osw iff, r. nwi wwrm nir rwi !"" i ruT tdu I kslm ra VWKM-W WOOPVWOr?, 11 TAIKIN' VOUKf HESg FOS THE t3tfO-WPl,) POWN FOS IMS JUM?fl 'co Vfti AM? I 6AV L6T6 4 A80lfT r U ITS A f-ffgiT 1 Vo. 11 l i iOUO. n 1dl UAUta o ' ATkoa'' 2 HQi, J-J06Y. j l PUT I'M OC8 A. 'aS??" KrTta. -m ksi.m SA , Ti x-ir? -rr-T .a I NOT FROM o-V) X'Vv V LO6? Aa'V 3 -f n 1 1 . "'"'-4JIUI -2m I It mmmmm i I BUT Trie WW WtLL, SHe BUKE J I JUST UT V HID, IS T"! t!)"V" I BUT HOWD TKaL,ITW9 ll VOU WERE FETCHED ME A FEW n OUT FOFt TH' OLD RIQHT I 5SAr I riwu i ri iwid. nnw mm n i sm. vjivt. i 'v-r inuvinnti h i 111 in wi-1, insr ywrcMrttw tma I lr, A W . QETflWWY FROM I'M WIRY AN VOU A TERRIBLE WHEN I QOT MV U A RLE O'.rVaf- J MORE IF I m i i mh i it :im lis uuckw mm i Dcnun 7 f -iy-vnt 1 t u ucai mr mnrn w A r, 1 bu. I Akgav WZ 11 " AM WONT BE LONG. AH'LL VANK A " At THE FINISH LINE- (-HMfT flSSp? NWQ jfl LI'L HARDER.'.' EITHER T1MY WILL LET I L.iMvlur fiW 4 I jBKGW fmilru.miiiiirDTI ja I'l r-.r n TU' Trc Tvi'-re ..... i itt I I SIOOAVrr i,..inu Yu,,lul 'KEX ME, JOYLESS BAILEV. RUN -tSv-ii fH A , . GO O' WHUTEVER IT'S I HERE. COME, rl LOVER' I A SCRAGS- I J KSLM f ALONG AN' MARRY VOUR'N. JjtSL iA LffeRWT ATTACHED TOS.r J Y BOY LESS V Mf" A SHE'P rA I ei -ffw.a y i 1 m mj i"t At y c - i x TKwsA-r 1 i 1 kex BOyOBOyDID V WIUP? THF-SE WERE ITWAS AWPULfTHEV'REViaoT THESE' I t f -UIJTIL. I I SEE WILD INDIANS J HEy RE INDIANS TO THE RlflHTOFME J PEACEFUL'! THEVWFJOP I tL ( tvij Ir u-i k 1 lEXVX 1 - I T IT WAS A NI&HTVRE. PC. MEPICALLY. 1 FTTH0H6HT THEN V AND IT WORKEP , 1 A Sri? " A-- MOSC-AN.' I KEALIIEP THAT T WEPSAY 1 THAT IF I HAD HIM WINSIADE'S ABILITY ID USE U KF I PIP HY0ICTI:E 1CV. V HE WAS ILL, THAT HE WAS THAT HE WAS BELIEVE HE COULD HYPNOSIS HELPED HI.W MISS GALE.' VOO V&RE FSEAKIN6 CJPWN WHEN A1AP1.E PECOMPEN- J HYPNOTIZE AE. HE I FOS&ET THE FEEUNC-S OF 1 SnV-n V YOU ARE UNDER MY POWER.' "rr .L- NO IONC-EC CESPONPED TD J V SATIN&.' A MIGHT K HELPED INADEQUACY WHICH PU&l'ED I 5V; Vi - S ,r afe. fiPNOTC eiTION ! ,Sl--r0 .TEMPORARILY.' A HIS SICK MIND CONSTANTLY . KOIN it faj i r-A n i rii u 'f i jju ivattL ii lUL xraJi i i I 7 ?r2": oH-;:PlT'"?Nt? M I HJIvvIS.SJJf 's I eAMMf-wHonrtf , , - W LnL:iVlHU..3tVlKAL miira. wj, m m i L T'cLL!- Af-ri-Jfl A LI , s T"tms Afjjc iv iii i iirrrs vi -att-f ? - i!i4iTOiwrii Arv iii in v a y 3' f.T" - . -IL; I f I I I I I I I I I ) H!,' I 0 m I KSLM 1390. KOCO MM, BOAT 1430, KOIN 91$. ROW 120, KEX 00:00 MONDAY P.M. 00:15 00:30 00:45 Bnb it Ay Hob & Ray Bob , Ray sporU ScotT" Newt iRumpus Room Rumpua Room Rumpus Roiv KGAY Newi Sign Off Ed Murrow News-Weather Tom Harmon Prank Gom McAnulty Mui McAnulty Mui Tom McCall Weathir Newi-BlacKb'n Bob Ulackburn Bob BlackDurrii Bob Black hum New News Sporti-Newi tainei fulersoni News-Blackb n Bill arundidee News ISonffB-Sund'n Songs-Sund'n (Lowell ThomaslAmoi 'n' Andy MUSIC JMUS1C Bob BlackburnjBob Blackburn Gabriel Heater News Melody R. McCormlrk Mel Allen Sonei-Suntio Amoi 'd' Andy Music Bob Blackburn Serenade Radio Rosary Concert lllumpua Room Rumpus Room iRumpus Room (Melody , iBing Crosby Almanac iMuslc IMuslc Music ILlfting ShadowlAdklns Show Adkins Show Day Dreams News Robt. Q Lewis Wsrld News Adkins Show Dav Dreams Rep. Roundup RumpusRoom Rumpus Room Robt. Q. Lewis Robt. Q. Lewis 1 Man s Fam. Henry Taylor lAdkms Show Vce. Firestone IMuslc IRumpus Room iTune Table Telephone Hr. 'Adkins Show Rep. Roundup 'Rumpus Room Robt. Q. Lewis Peoples proir-i Vce- Firestone IMuslc IRumpus Room iSporis Desk Oance rime Uess Mason Ore. Resources Sweet A Swiiii IRumpus Room Rumpus Room Cap. Cloakrm. ,Cap. Cloakr-n. (Dance Time Danre Time IJImmy Fidler Kd. P.Morgan Is'pws Music " IRumpus Room Rumpus Room IChamb'r ForumChamber Forum iDance Time (Dance lime Danceland Danceland True Detective True Detective Melodies Newf-Muilc iMus. MIdnlfht Dance Time luance lime Danceland (Danceland Melodies (Mus MIdnlfht Mus Midnlfht inn udnce lima IDanceland 'Dancelano TUESDAY 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Vail. Farmcast Vall. Farmcast iVall. rarmcast Farm Mews Aiorn. wag. morn. mj. News America IKOIN KlocK Farm Time News-Kp Time News R'dup Keep lime Break. Gang West. Jubilei Morn. Mae. Headline Newsl Listen Keep Time Family Altar KOIN Klock Listen IKeep Tlm Cliff Enlt News Herb's Show Consumer N'wsiVaile News Listen Listen News-Kp Tii.ifjKeep Time ""News Kraft News News IClarine Calling Herb's Show Herb's Show Wendy Warren (Howard Miller Listen (Listen Breakfast Club iBreakfast Club fello-Test larine Calling erb's Show Ma Perkins Break. Gang West. Jubilee IMorn. Mag. uoss News Listen (Keep Time Haven of Rest Tunes it rim Tunes St Time ;Hcrl)' nnw Herb's Show Shelley Serend L.isien Keep Time Pastor's Call Ularinc caluna Ross Show Helen Trent M.M.McBrlde IBreakfast Club News News Herb'i Show Nora Drake NBC B'ndst'nd NBC B'ndst'nd West Bob Uarred News " IKGAY Newi KOIN Klock Listen IKeep Time INews VKl .TiiKMm IKGAY News Babbit Show Fisher RpL Bob Hazen .Haven of Rt ITunes & Tlma KfiAV Nut Shelley Sen. iL.isien IKeep Time IB area In " IClarine Calling IKGAY News Midmorn News iKnnnln UTm-IV. IBreakfast Club Wings of Song IClarine Callins Herb's Show Dr. Malone NBC B'ndst'nd uin Marries Wings of Song IClarine Calling IKGAY Newt Aunt Mary NBC B'ndst'nd IWhisperlng Sts. CCA Time (Queen a Day (Queen for Day iQueen for Day News Clarine Calling Clarine Calling IClarine Calling Dinner WlnnerDlnner Winner Rollie's RecordslRollie's Record! Happiness (Mrs Burton (Strike It Rich Pi t Buttram NBC B'ndst'nd (NBC B'ndst'nd INBC B'ndst'nd iNBC B'ndst'nd My True Story (My True Story I Paul Harvey Uack Paar Chron, of Air News iTop Trades , IVall. Farmcast nrwi iHiy onow t-asy anow Rollie's Records Rollie's Records Town Crter News-Weather Come Get Jt (House Party Bob Franklin Cafe Lounge ICafe Lounge Geo. McGowan Geo. McGowan (Geo. McGowan lEasy Show IKGAY News iHouse Party (Women in Hse. Farm Newi Willam. Mat (Wlllam. Mat. (Willam. Mat. IWillam. Mat. News (Easy Show (Easy Show Easy Show Rollie's RecordsjRollie's RecordsjRollie's RecordslKGAY News Godfrey Time Godfrey Time IGorifrey Time Godfrev Time Hilltop House (Pepper Young IMcAmiltv Mus .McAnulty Mui. News-Conrad iRuss Conrad IRuas Conrad Russ Conrad Willam. Mat. INews ,WillamMat jWi.iam." Mat News jLasy Show Easy Show I-.-v Show Rollies Records! Rollie's RecordslRollie's RecordslKGAY News Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Ru.h Ashton Wrathcr-Ncwi McAnulty Mus.;McAnul Music (McAnul. Music McAnul. Music N e ws-Conrad Rusa Conrad iRuss Conrad iRuss Conrad Willam. Mat. , IWillam. Mat. IWlllnm. Mi. ir-ii tV.. ?!cw1s, . sy Show Easy Show Easy Show Rollie's RecordslRollie's Records! Rollie's Records KGAY Newi Backstage WlfelOur Gal S'ndaylTake Thirty (Take Thirty McAnul. Music .McAnul. Music IMcAnul. Music IMcAnul Musle "'au u -uiiirtu lALaa uonraa .imuss conrad Fulton Iwli News Rollie's Records An Kirxnam IHemlngway IHere's Answer Sam Hayes IKumpus Koom Kumpus Room Rumpus Room s Rollie's Records Rollie's Records KGAY News News-McAnultycAmilty Mus. McAnul. Music IMcAnul. Musis Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackhurn Bnh ni.ni.i.7.v. Bob A Bay IBob It Ray Bob St Ray iSporis FinJl Solll"'. Record Sfoa Rm R"ropUS B" aa. n. murrow iwews-weatner luiympic GameslFrank Goss VfcAnul. MUStC Newt ITnm Ml-all iw.-.i, c Bob Blackburn (Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn iBob Blackburn News News Spider's Hits Sports-News Elmer Peterson Bob Blackburn Bill Brundiee (Songs Sundown Spider's Hits Lowell Thomas IMuslc IBob Blackburn I Newsreel ongs sundown sign uir. Amos 'n' Andy IMuslc IBob Blackburn Gnbe Heater News Melody Robt. McC'rmlc Mel Allen Eddie Fisher Rumpus Room Melody Music Arg. In Oregon Daydreams News Robt. Q. Lewis World News Adkins Show Daydreams IRumpus Room Robt. Q. Lewis I Man's Family AuKins snow Music (Rumpus Room IBing Crosby (Music jArg.lnOregon JWhlstlln' Tunes (Rumpus Room World Tonite DraRnet Adkins Show News News Tune Table X Minus One Adkins Show Gabe. Heater News 5 Star Final Richf'ld News News Fulton Lewis Rumpus Room Tune Table X Minus One Adkins Show Sweet & Swing Rumpus Room I Do You Know (Dance Time (Jimmy Fldler Music RumDUs Room Sports Desk Dance Time Jess Mason INews IRumpus Room Music Dance Timt IDanceland Sam Hayes bongs sundown Umos n' Andy lOlympfc Games IBob Blackburn IMusfc IRumpus Room Almanac (Music jArg. inOregon IWhlstlln Tunes" Rumpus Room News Analysis DraRnet Adkins Show Sweet & Swing Rumpus Room I Do You Know IDance Time (Edw. P. Morgan Big City News-Snorts News-Music Dance Tlm Danceland IDance Party iRumpus Room IGood Evening IDance Time IDanceland Big City Silent Music Midnite Dance Time I Danceland Dance Party Dance Party (Music Midnite Music Mldnitt Dance Time Dance Timt (Danceland (Danceland WEDNESDAY A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Vail Farmcast Wll Farmcast iVall Farmcast News Farm News Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. IKGAY News News America (KOIN Klock 'KOIN Klock KOIN Klock i"unu iicwi t.isien Listen Tima Keep Ttma Newi-Ke p Tm.lKeep Time Hemingway News Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Listen News Brrkf. Gang ,BrkfsL Gang West. Jubilee West Jubilee (Morn. Mag. IMorn. Mag. Headline News Frank Goss Listen iListen IKeep rime Keep Time News West. Jubilea IKGAY ieus Harry Babbitt 'Morning Rep't. Bob Hazen Cliff Ciglt Family Altar Bible Insi Bible Inst. J2un" Tlm ;Tunea A Time ITunes & Time Herbs Show IHerb'i Show L Ross Show KGAY News Cnsumer News Vaile News iShelley Srnadt Shelley Sernadl t?lsten. ,s,en Luien Listen . K'gp Time Keep Time Keep Time Keep Time SE WM ... Poor's Call Bargain Countr cv. Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Herb's Show Herb, show iHerb's Show .KGA NeVvs Wendy Warren Howard Miller .Helen Trent Mid Morn Newi k1,ten. . . L,,len IM.M MacBrlde Konnle Worlh Breakfast Club Breakfast Club iBreakfast Club Breakfast Club News iTelio Tost Wings of Sons Wings ot Sonr StwJ rv Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Herbs Show Clary Dyer. Hrt' Show iKOay wa Norah Drake Ma Pe-klns Dr. Malone (Aunt Mar (sue Bandstand NBC Bandstand . 1 C r nnd . - t"d Bob (,arred Girl Marries IWhlsperlns Its Coffet Time News IPueen s Day jyif.fn rav Oueen n ... Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Callinr Dinner winner Dinner Winner Rollie's Rrrords Rnlli' Rerords Happtnets Mrs. Burton Stiike It Rich (Pat Buttram NBl Bandst nd NBC Bandst'nd NhL BanostndNtvL Manoauntl True Stor.v True Story Paul Harvry Jack Paar WISHING WELU P A Y y o H j I n 8 2 5 4 6 3 7 2 6 1 A ? 5" v " i i I i v a v 5 1 f I. I f 8 f 5 r- T 2 bi I' K V L S n E N A V P B n w I i i 2 5 T 5 WTDELAOJCET T r r J, i J 1 5 5 5 ? S" I 1 1 5 tOSRUATOO 8 3 ' 8 7 5 i i k ' i 1 a n j AT """' lrn nat win iivi you a message every - ", numerical puxle deslfned lo spell out your lortune. Count the letler in your first name. If the number of letter! is 6 or more subtract 4. If the number it less than . add 1. The result it your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner ef the rec. Jiad tV..r Jr?.!"' " ,Jour k',, mbn-" rich!. Then trad the messafe the letters under the checked (tpirei give you. C HM. Will,.. lw,. tH.lrrt.ue Vr Km Mm ,. I. Il-Jl derful bee right aw ay I O ... J...