I '-Page 12 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 26, 1956 Norstad Says NATO to Use Atomic Arms - WASHINGTON in -Gen. Lauris Norstad says the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces he heads coulc not defend Western Europe without using atomic weapons. "Our plans are based on the fiill and prompt ust- of atomic weapons in the event of a general war," Norstad said in a copy righted interview published Mon day by the magazine U.S. News and World Report. Norstad, who (va.t interviewed in Paris, added: ' "From a military standpoint, file' use of these weapons is con sidered essential in the event of a major attack or a general war. I am convinced that they should and would he used should it be come necessary to defend Western Europe and that t'ley would be used to the extent necessary to accomplish that vitni purpose.' In reply to a question whether the NATO forces could defend Western Europe if limited (o con vontia) weapons. Norstad replied, "No, not without the use - of atomic weapons. ' Juveniles Found Tampering With Collection Boxes Two youths caught tampering with parking ticket collection box es Saturday evening were cited to see the city juvenile officer today. Officers said the two boys, ages 13 and 15, were seen attempting to open collection boxes in the 300 and 400 blocks of North Commercial street. The boys were turned over to their parents. Sublimity Pastor Is in Providence Hos pi tal,Porlland SUBLIMITY -(Special) - Rev. Robert S. Neugcbauer, pastor of St. Boniface parish in Sublimity, entered Providence hospital in Portland Monday, where he will undergo major surgery Friday. Father Neugcbauer is a former pastor at St. Vincent dc Paul par ish, and came to Sublimity from Astoria, Iceland Lets Yank Troops Stay at Base NEW YORK I The New York Times said Monday in a dispatch from Reykjavik that Iceland has agreed to let U.S. forces retain their control of the strategic Keflavik Air Base but under a direct arrangement bypassing the North Atlantic Treaty Organize Uon (NATO). , The dispatch said that the U.S.' Icelandic understanding was reached in negotiations in Reyk javik last week and that James II. Douglas, U.S. air undersecre tary, had taken the agreement to Washington, It was emphasized that the agreement still must be approved at the highest level in Washington and that "nothing has been signed yet." The Times said that pro-NATO sources in and out of the Icelandic government were shocked at the apparent willingness oi tne u.b. negotiators to recommend accep tance of the agreement. These sources said that disclosure of the understanding would be met by official denials thai it exists. APT APPELATION KNOXVILLE Tenn. UR Two Knoxville doctors are named Payne and Akin. Fair Weather Will Be Back After Tuesday PORTLAND tn The Weather Bureau said Monday that the high pressure ridge which has given Oregon clear skies for a week, I was expected to weaken tempor arily, then build bacf up again. The weakening, the forecast said, would result in some Tues day morning fog in the Portland area, which has been free of it, and decreased easterly winds through the Cascade Mountain passes. The Seattle area was beset by fog both Sunday and Monday mornings and air transportation there was halted. Portland's air- Mrf UanAloA an vtrA Iliad as Seattle passengers arrived and lett oy dus, wiin me pianes awn ping here. After Tuesday, the high pressure ridge is expected to again send Pacific storms northward into Alaska and skies will be fair, nnthBhlu until lh rnlri nt the WPPk. Much of the Northwest may ex pect morning logs nowever. Gas Blast in N. M. Kills 2 SPRINGER, N.M. 11 Leaking butane gas exploded in the base ment of a cafe Sunday morning, spreading destruction through half of the town's main business block and killing two persons. ' The dead were T. A. (Turk) Griffith, 42, a widely known New Mexico peace officer here from his home at Los Alamos on pheasant hunting trip, and 16-year- old Pat Duran. Griffith was in the restaurant when the blast let go Young Duran was trapped whet an adjoining drug store collapsed, BUY THE APPLICATOR AT THE REGULAR PRICE OF 98c - GET A QUART OF FLOOR WAX Sergeant and IWife Held in 'Baby Killings 'ST. Paul, Minn. (UPI An Air Force sergeant was held today on suspicion of murder after his wife and daughter, whom he accused of murdering three illegitimate in fants, counter-charged he disposed of. 'the bodies. '"f-Sgt. Jack Ubcll; his wife, Vir ginia, 40, and daughter, Marlys, 20, were In jail awaiting possible extradition lo California, where Uhell said the killings took place. ' Ubell, stationed in Japan, wrote Bakcrsfield. Calif., authorities, (piling of Ihree children born to his daughter out nf marriage that wore murdered. Officials duj! up the 'body of a 7-monlh-old child, wrapped in a magazine called "Personal Romance" at Edwards Ar Base near Bakcrsfield. '-Ubell's letter also recalled offi cials to the records of 1952, when trie corpse of an 8-month old hoy ws found In the city dump. The airman said in his letter that his wife and daughter also were gull tj of that murder. -Chief Criminal Deputy T. H. TSgan said Marlys named her fa ther as parent of the last two babies, and both women said that Ubcll disposed of all three bodies. Wyoming Man Can't Explain ; Slaying of 2 . GILLETTE, Wyo. (UP) Man uel F. (Rocky) Schneldmillcr couldn't explain today whether it was liquor or something else that incensed him to walk into a cafe with his rifle blazing and kill his Wife and a stranger. Two other men woro wounded In the shooting spree in downtown Gillette early Sunday morning. ' "I don't know why I did it. 1 must have been out of my head," Sheriff Ted Iloldemnn of Camp bell County quoted the 38-year old Si'lineidmiller as saying. Ilolde mnn said Schneldmillcr "had been drinking steadily since Friday picht." ; Iloldemnn said Sehneidmiller limited the shootings. : Killed were Sclmeidmiller's wife, Shirley, 2.1, a waitress in the cafe, and Max Addison, 23, and oil tield winker. Two other oil field workers, T. A. Greene, 32, and Robert Cnnk, 27, .Mis. Srhiwidinil ler's brother-in-law, wcro wounded. . This is an important lime I for both you and the baby you're expecting. It's a lime when you'll . want to give yourself every care take every slep to make each V- day safest, smoothest avoiding "V m strain and discomfort. With a 7fflTttrM' ' Camp support designed to the III i M exacting standards of the edical J I i L a wise investment ior you both. jL-f . J$fJl Shop Early! Quantities Limited on Some Items! CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. Corner of Liberty We give Green Stomps Florida Offers I r? i .... i oi i. ; rwiu ami j-iiiciut MIAMI, Kin. Ml - In case It's any consolation to you when hunt ing a place lo sleep, Florida has 1.396 hotels, S.4I4 motels and II,. m, rooming houses which alto gether can house 07.676 persons. . Or, if you're hungry: i The stale has 14.5511 restaurants 13.100 In Miami's Dndc County); a cooking device Hint can "briinst" (broil-roast) a chicken in five min utes or a fish In three and a "radar range" than can cook a steak in 15 to 20 seconds. Harrison Jay Uilcs Tuesday FAI.I.S City (Special) - Funeral srrvirrs (or liarrisnn Jay. who rllMI fritUv hi Ihr 1'urlland Vol erans hospital. Mill he held Tuov flay at 2 p tn. Ironi lite tlnllmnti t-hflOCl in lllillut Kinnl rilxc will lie in Dallas ccmrtcry with Rev. SI. ,M. Mohr In rlmrge. New Norpe Dryer Only 1.00 See Our Ad on Page No. 5 Cherry City Electric jctrW-; Can't Do It Yourself? coH-t re c -S 1 For Someone Who Can For repairs, renovations or other jobs too difficult or too risky to tackle yourself, turn to the Classified. That's the simple way to locate someone who can do it riaht and right awayl MEN'S SOCKS 4 Pair for BBBBH"CHARGE IT" ON SRC, COTTON UNION SUITS Long or Short Sleeves Buy One Poir ot REG. 1.98, Get 2nd Poir for "CHARGE IT" ON SRC, RAYON PANTIES $ Cm (or "CHARGE IT" ON SRC, 2-Lighr BEDROOM $ FIXTURE Reg. 1.98 laaB"CHARGE IT" ON SRCM GREENLINE OIL FILTER Reg. 79c 2 FOR Ma'XHARGE IT" ON SRC PAINT ROLLER and TRAY $ $ 1.69 Value "CHARGE IT" ON SRC, POCKET WARMER Reg. 1.19 CHARGE IT" ON SRC $ v0 Check These DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS! Men's Hqndkerchiefs 1$ S 8 for LI STRETCH ANKLETS Reg 59c 2 pr. for 0 HAMPER -,r BAGS M 2 for U Reg. 88c , Jlcg. 49c GIRLS' RAYON PANTIES 4 for man c Handkerchiefs S I u Reg. 59c 3 for Assortment v I I Values to 1.98 LJ TABLE CLOTHS 52"xS2" BLACK STAIR TREADS 9"xl8" Sixe C Reg. 49c ? z SH SHOE RACKS Reg. 1.98 a Reg. 98c RAYON Xrrl PANELS 2 for U J ASST. COLORS , Vinyl Plastic S sr wide Reg 1.39 FLOUR SQUARES M; 5 for 0 MONDAY ONLY! ' SHOWER and WINDOW CURTAINS $ Values lo O 3.98 w for "CHARGE IT" ON SRC, BOYS' SOCKS Reg. O 49c w lot $ "CHARGE IT" ON SRCH DAVEY CROCKETT . T-SHIRT $ Reg. O 98c Cm for "CHARGE IT" ON SRC COTTON PANTIES $ U for ."CHARGE IT" ON SRC CHRISTMAS $ CARDS 3.50 Value Box of 50 i..."CHARGE IT" ON SRCM $ An TOWEL ENDS 9 tot "CHARGE ir' ON SRCM S-QUART OIL $ CHANGE 2.25 Value "CHARGE IT" ON SRCM 550 N. Capitol Ph. 39191 mm mm, mm mm mm m m m m OIF EN TONIGHT ti9 P VUorRtt PARKINu 1040 N. Cspllol Ph. 4-67(11 oil