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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 26, 1958 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page II Him I .'?r U-A'- MJrr .v-v'A- I I WASHINGTON President Eisenhower examines an idenlifl "cation pin on the lapel of Peter Krausz, one of nine Hungarian refugees who visited the White House this morning. His father, Gyula Krausz, in leather coat, and mother, Eva, In striped dress, stand behind him. Mrs. Krausz said this could not happen in Motorists Get Warning About Fog, Icy Spots The State Highway Department Way renewed warnings to driv ers to beware of ground fog patches and icy spots on major state routes as morning tempera tures rose slowly from overnight lows. Icy spots were reported at 8 am. on highways at Warm Springs junction, Wilson River summit, Sunset summit, Troutdale, Tilla mook, Salmon river, Detroit, Bend, Santiam pass, Mcacham. Austin and Seneca. Drivers were urged to carry chains. Ground fog was reported on highways at Corvaliis, Eugene, Koscburg, Grants Pass, Cave Roadside snow measurements Included 24 inches on Santiam pass, two inches at Mcacham, three at Austin and a half inch st Warm Springs junction. Burns' Appeal Opens Said to UN's Shipping PORT SAID, Egypt Wl-A British-French decision to let U. N. police force units enter the Suez Canal zone by sea as well as by air promised today to speed the buildup of the Middle East peace patrol. But there still was no agreement on plans to replace the invaders with U.N troops. The decision to throw open Port Said to ships bringing in additional U.N. units was made at the re quest of Maj. Gen E. L. M. Burns, commander of the police force. He conferred here with British and French officers during a flying trip irom Cairo. Thus far the troops have been flown in by Swiss airliners from the crowded staging base at Ca podichino, near Naples, Italy. They have been landing in small units at Abu Suweir near Ismailia on the Egyptian side of the cease fire line. The first seaborne units will be '00 Yugoslav troops, expected to land from three Yugoslav ships. U. Gen. Sif Hugh Stockwcll, commander of the British-French invasion force, told newsmen the Yugoslavs would not remain in the northern third of the canal zone held by' the British and French hut would cross the cease-fire line to the Egyptian side. Stockwell said Burns indicated he would attend later conferences here to discuss the U.N. buildup. The British general said n role for the U.N. troons in Port Said How only 190 Norwegians who came by train from Abu Suweir was discussed. Frees Heads Scout Council Norman Frees of Salem was re elected president of Cascade Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, during the annual meeting held in Albany Sunday afternoon. Others elected to office included Kenneth Shetterly, Dallas; Doug las Parkcs, Salem, and Jess Sav age, Albany, vice president; W, L. Phillips, W. W. McKlnney, Nor man Frees and E. T. Tweed, mem bers of the national council; Fred Jensen, Albany, scout commission ers and Gene Ellis, Sweet Home, council treasurer. Circuit Judge Joseph B. Felton of Salem, was the principal speak er. The council adopted a memorial in recognition of Gordon D. Gil nore, area scout executive who died a few weeks ago. N'o announcement was made as to who will succeed Gilmore. How ver, a committee to make a se lection is at work and it is expect i a report mill be made early la January, garian Refugees Meet President, Eden RoyLockling Dies While on Hunting Trip Roy I-ockling, 69, 2140 Mapic Ave., died from a heart attack Sunday while hunting ducks in the Grand Island area of Yamhill county 15 miles northeast of Sa lem. Companions said he suffered the attack at about 9:30 a.m. and was carried about three-quarters of a mile to where he could bo taken to a hospital by ambulance, but was dead before he could be taken to a hospital. Making up the party were Lock ling, his son-in-law, Stanley Gay lord, Alva Morris and Peter jmon, all from Salem. A resident of Salem for the past three years, he moved from Dallas where he had been nightwotch man at the Gerlinger carrier plant for many years. He was born Sept. 20. 1887, and married Caroline Draneseus Oct. 29. 1913. She survives. He also leaves a daughter, Mrs. Harriet Gaylord, Salem; a son, Harrison Lockling. Salem: brother, Walter Lockling, Spirit Lake, Ida ho, and sister, Mrs. Carrie Dct wiler, Phoenix, Ariz. Funeral services will be held from the Howell-F.dwards chapel at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday with the Rev. John Reedy officiating. Bur ial will be in St. Barbara's cemc ctery. SIBERIAN Sl'PKR DL'PER OMSK, Russia OB Tests of a new Soviet electric locomotive, J4 per cent more powerful than its predecessor, have begun on the trans-Siberian railway. The engine operates at a rated maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour. , PATIENTS I.IKE RUSSIA SACRAMENTO. Calif. '.Men tal patients in Russia have gov ernment pensions and appear better dressed than the average person on the streets, reported Dr. Ephraim C. Korol after a two month study tour of Russian and Scandanavian hospitals. Korol is a physician at the Napa, Calif. Stale Hospital. i it. Hungary. The chief executive drew the attention of year and a half old Tibor Kopjas, upper center in the arms of his father, Dr. T. Kopjas. Mrs. Kopjas stands to left of the boy. Others, in cluding officials of refugee sponsoring agencies, are unidenti fied.' (AP Wirephoto) Arrives in Jamaica W -.17 &.mM Prime Minister Eden and Lady Eden arrived in Montcgo Bay, Jamaica, and were met by Gov. Sir Hugh Foot and Lady Foot. Eden will begin a three-week rest cure in a seaside cottage called the "Golden Eye" near Orncabessa. Left to right: Sir Fool, Eden, Lady Foot and Lady Eden. (AP Wlrepholo) Birth BELLEVILLE, NJ. When Arnold Eiscnberf (sealed) (ot Ured of palntlnn Xi on newly Installed windows at Clara Mass Hospital here he decided to announce arrival of 7-pound boy at borne ot fellow (laiier, Robert B. Horace (Unci). (AP Wircphoto) Panes Commissioners' Court The following is the official publi cation of the record of claims before tti Mnrliui Count v Commissioners' Court for the September Term for wS; Vi h he Amount allowed, bills j iiinud etc.. according to the nrH. in the Office of the County i Clerk. Miscellaneous: Business Men's As surance Co. of America. RW. 250.0ti; Latld St Bush Salem Branch, U.S. Nat l Bank of Portland, Withholding, H.922.0U; Public Employes Retirement Board. Src. Sec. Revolving Bri Soc. Sec, 3.683.66; Public. Employes Re tirement System, Retirement, 4.289.13; State Industrial Accident Comm. Slate liid. Ace. 1.0:12.42: Statesmnn Journal Newspaper. Koier Wntcr Advt. 47.49; United Kund. United Fund. 7.00; Stale Highway De partment, Const. 18.908.00; August Otfeit, Shop Land Option. 5.00. Sitlnry paid Marion County em 2!K).0ti; David A. Terbarl 26MI; lleiirv Jungw lrllt 267.70; J, L. Sle mtind 271.54; Richard Nlcholsun 278.57: Pnul R. Taves 298.5V; Bar-1 Frnnk T. Stone ' 309.14; Howard J. Wood 283.H4; Ida glovees: 11. F. Domogjilln 3D3.22: Leo aUlie 226.58: Anabel Moon 237.14; 1 Helm M. Danskev 207.62; Nancy F. I Wilson 196.44: Doruthv DomoKalln I 160.91; Barbara Snvder 228.71: H. Hughes 332.40; B. D. Peyton 387.76; ! R. HoWf.-d 237.02; A. A. Richards, 328.30; L. M. Johnston 204.25: Dan j Poling 204.57; Wallace S. Whnrton , 346. 52; Muriel L. Pugh 202.80; H. C. 1 Mattson 425.31; A. M. Roclhhn :t03.62; ! M. Reznicsek 195.68; O. Hughes 2:13.631; H. P. Haley 232.00; C. Hurry 1(13.13; E. Taves 199.11; D. Gulned 199.98: II. Klcihege 227.96: D. M. Chance 226.15; W. Glfford 220.70: F. Cum tilings 207.49; M. Oldenburg! 224.60; Rex Hartley 382.95: Roy J. Rice 396.60: K. L. Rogers 401.88; M. Reznicsek 60.00: Joy B. LeCotnple 220.01; T. O. Hickman 347.30; Ed. I Booth 197.40; Ed. Kortzeborn 201,40: Richard Hooper 202.39; Jack Goldade 206.86: D. J. Jacobe 232.26: C. E. Waltnwin 202.39; R. L. Bair 190.43; A. Scott 135.00; Heinz Laclsch 212.35; Cecil Johnson 67.62; M. J. Morrison 134.61: Ruth Hutchins 183.98; Marie Sebcrn 181.88: Maggie Lacher 1 59.30; Kenneth E. Brown 103.61; Joseph P. Meier 204.60; Thomas W. Hansen 395.70; G. N. Gross 70.00; Doris De Vall 224.80; Tina Thomas 160.86: E. O. Stadter 539.93: L. Beal 202.06; B. Anderson 208.82: N. Berkley 219.72; D. Pearson 196.30; Earl Adams 362.72: John O. Lacey 249.46; Barbara L. Smith 209.34; H. W. Bar low 100.80: W. J. Stone 728.20; I. G. Lermon 320.70; John Ketchuin 319.R0; F, R. Coleman 310.30; W. G. Ileitis 305.80; Bernle Yeary 330.70; Etta Mae Setering 195.60; viola Elhcnbuch 296.90; Effie Cole 258.03; Ruth In gram 240.04; H. Maria Fissel 235.92; Marion Baker 226.52; Elizabeth Wll ripr 252. 7 Errin Berstecher 250.90: Muriel Sweringen 181 ,96; Mnrjorie Wills 232.57: Vera Wood 250.71; Ethel Lermon 85.89; Agnes Henderson 183.71: Eleanore Broxson zui.ui; isliir- lev Miller 153.93; Joann Stupfcl 145.98; Blanche Storer 296.90; Phyllis Leeper 140.40; Nora Wood 22.68; Wade Carter 252.20; Leslie R. Chand ler 294.64; Russell G. Day 244.30; Harold Fox 252.69; David Nelson 247.44; Harry A. Kocher 234.30; Ellen Good 192.99; Elsie M. Spencer 205.30; Maybelle B. McDonald 198.35; Mar vin A. Hutching 244.30; Martha T. Hutching 39.00; ueo. r. Armstrong ;R.dn- Jnsenh L. Fatilhaber 19.20: Quintln B. Estell 190.13; Barley H. DePeel 95.43; Florence Faith Cut- shall 46.80; h. Eicnsteaat aiz.w; Ane line Eichstendt 87.60; Cecil I. Omans 46.80; James H, Ashbaugh 345.78; Kirk Mulder 263.28; Delorcs Myers 254.28; Phillip Gallahcr 261.12; G. David Handy 251.12: Craig Dudley 254.93: John Talmndge 263.96; Billy, ette Conklin 208.10: David W. Baker 303 (U: Herman Wm. Lanke 379.68: trene jonnson zju.uj; i-nying 194.57; Inna Moon 42.57: Joan Lanke 195.49; Doris Kubler 181.20; Marilyn Goin 179.40; Janet Bates 102.32: Ul dys While 237.02: Naoma Kehluji 35.62: Agnes C. Booth 365.58; Betty J. Parrclt 283.75; George A. Gi l1; Cnristlne V. Motley 107.85; Gloria Jackson 180.67; Glen Robertson 110.13; Denver Young 398.74; A. l. Malstrom 287.44: Amos Shaw 312.08; B. R. Smith ?68.27; Richard Boeh rlnger 294.64; Frank J. Papentus 233.58; John Zabtnskl 204.64: Herman Dnnev 235.92: Rov Lamb 200.17: U, Everett Hansen 253.28; J. Wallace Gutzlcr 204.25; Ernest E. Clark. Jr. 202.74; James D. Painter 28,1.92; Mary E. Strayer 192, 09; II. T. Evans 299.40- Itnvmoiif K een 2 7.15: Phil lip Runner 214.60; Violette West 240.03; Marian Maas 211.47; Patricia Savage 209.28; Dolores-Monroe 212.21; Bernicc Harlan 210.32; Sidney Nelson 211.47; Mr. A. D. Graham 40(1.60; Sandra M. Graham 176.12; S. J. But ler 3B1.B8; Audrey H. Ewlng 233.13; Charlotte Walker 214.20; Rldfiley C. Miller 314.87; Charlene L. Foust 182.70: J. K. Neufeldt 268.27; Anna Tasto 116.24; Sandra L. Pearson 177.90; G. N. Gross 196.50; John A. i Anderson 547.48; Theo Kuenzl 354.39; I A. M. Presnall 237.52; Jeanne Hop. kins 185.60; fc. A. ward ii. w. Hnrlow 4.13; Irving 11. Johnson 370.70: Robt. Harl 327.90; Adriano 1 Artlano 277.13; Delberl J. Bair ! 335.28; Elmer T. Ideen 227.34; Don : Snelbrink 275.30; Robt. V. Stoops 276.31; Clifford D. Vohland 3:16.77; ' itobt. 'O. uye 3U8.70; js. a. iihdi 303.40; Jesse R. Carter 275.63; Mcnno , Unlke 237.13: Llovd Jcnnnn 239. 43; Arnold L. Kirk 254.63; Leo McCal- , lister 275.65: Henry iiasmussen 254.80; Tom Ritchey 250.52: Earl K. Shade 138.55: Krwin Viergutz 240.11; S. K. Elv MZ.Wf, 1'aui Arney 2bt.:ni: ' Paul Cody 204.63: Wm. M. Duehatcan ! 246.42; Arthur Thavcr 281.06; Kenneth Watts 2G0.42; C. G. Ross 2!2.25; Al- , bert L. Canoy 267.33; L. R. Cooper i 252.78; Wilmer Dahlberg 250.78: Fran-J Is B. iiccnt z.iH.tJo: taivin u. iou- than 268.64; Robt. Martin 283.43; A. B. Rostnd 257.37; Willie Templin 263.92; Jack Weeks 228.80; Ralph ! Wickham 227.35; Win. Nnftzger i 302.25: Martin Baughman 224..1.I; j Chas. O. Earls 238.08; Virgil H. ! Fahev 231.09; P. C. Hunt 258.51; Leo I Klcczyrtskl 273.44; Melvln Monnler nj'i n:t- Alhrrt K. WenBcnroth 244.78: John Clanfngna 280.82; Earl Vlcsko : 239.45: Frank Woelke 324.22; D. P. I Scharf 303.40; Kenneth Adams 240.80; i John Anderson Jr. 220.13; Leo A. Andreas 313.78; Ronald O. Bartruff 273. BH; O, D. Binegar 323.52; Law rence E. Bochslcr 288.30; Karl W. Hunch 220.17; Richard L. Bye 323.44; : Chas. W. Cherry 147.83; Clark W. 1 Cox 313.45; W. F. Cozad 318.81; Law- , rence Fahey 290.90; Wm. II. Fitke 241.92; John E. Finley 225.59; Robt. Fnssholm 228.80: Wlllmar Fossholin 366.67; Harvey M. Girod 320.63; John A. Hampton 234.33; Clair Harvey , 261.44; Rov Hatfield 223.98; Robt. L. Hinkle 338.41; Dick Hoover 315.62; ( To please Him at Select TieNeu -ty. Standard ' :' of Excellence HIS' COMPANION SET Three favorite ftrooming esuentiili After .Shave lion, Fine Hair Dresilnj and Cologne with distinctively maxculine fntrsnre. I.HI) fhl lfl Capital Drug Store 405 Stale .Street Corner of Liberty We Give H:C Green Stamps Sis! R. G. Kammler 158 05: Larry Kep winger 272. 88; Jas. B. Kuenzl 343.92; Laurel Lamb 293.41; Virgil Long; 384.41: Arthur R. Mack 309.15: H. A. Martin 342.2:1: W. R. Massey 304.45: John McAllister 331.11: Ralph MrAI- 288 47: Ray McCalhser 545 70: ! - est Pe .251.25; Umnlt Paje ! - : ." j:?r?n -I1 ."ry G. Peterson 195.11: J, HiBtfi 2U3.41 niemi ltBlrtson 339.15: w. ancney 26D.50; Kenneth Slyter 295.40: Hbt. Smith 28630; Earl u. Mancuey 234.76: Ted Stolle 339.62; Lloyd K. Taylor 2.(1.06; Willis J., Thayer 257.78; A. M. Theis 196.56: Gary Tokstad 21.55; VirRil Watsn 239.41; Huch Went) 320.81; Sam Wwse 231.95: Lile ; L. Wilt 271.06; Tonv WoelKe 353.98; Walter P. WnlM 214.30; Tom Bowden 314.49; Frank L. Heisiia 2:;i.3l; Em inetl O. Welling 262.61; Herbert It. Tolten 203.31: Nell C. Bnchmer 203 2H; Kslev J. Moon 273.28; Oscar Lmdahl 214.51; Hairv W. Snell 203.28; Mark J. McCarlv 278.57: Harvev Thurwell 240.70; Marvin H. Sax ton 130.03; Duisht C. Patsoiis 228.24: William 1 W. Cioodwin 223.92; Charles Roger 210. i8; Kenneth W. Hampton 232.74; Carl B. Alleman 264.60; Caroline J. 1 h,mui '; itanjona it. weennam Anabel Moon 186.47: Leo Qut'snel 306.70; Chiirlotte T. Gill 200.30: Wilda N. Greene 205.)'2; Kay Chambers 43.68; Lois KsI1;rb 6.53; Kslher Wnrd 75. 7C; Leston Howell 02.40; Donald M. Orange 96.00; Eleanor Fisher 24.00; W. 11. Bell 168,00; Gale Cuns ten sen 19.20; A. F. Avmong 28.80; Donna Flnlcy 6.53; Jean llnynes 15.60; Dorotnv H. French 1756; Kalherlne Jelderks 157.93; Nnomn H eh fuss 40.98; Flovd L. Slegmund 104.51; Allle Neufeldt 254.36; C. . A. Ltvvis 65.51; Lloyd Williams 29808; R. Johnson 174.67; Keith Austin 255.79; Gary Barker 46 80. Miscellaneous: H. F. Domoflalla, TE Assessor, 82.53: Harvey Franltnm. TE. 83.72; Henry JunRwirlh, TE, 61.53; Moore isusmess tornii, us, 17.40; David Terbell, TE, 23.14; wen Boehmer TE, 17.50; Bovvers, Davis & Hoffman. Reapp Exp, 1.900.00; W. W. Goodwin, do. 12.11: D. J, Jensen, do, 11.41: L. R. Johnson, Re-anpr Share. 175.00; J. A. Kelly, do, 135.00; Oscar Lindahl. Re-Apnr, TE. 13.79; Marchnnt Calculators. Re- appr .Share, iw.oo: m. j. mct-any, Re-Appr, TE, 24.29; Esley J. Moon. He-Appr. TE. 20.79; Richard S. Nich olson. TE, re-Appr. 25.20; Dwlght C. Parsons, do. 20.44; Charles Rogers, 13.72: Marvin K. sax ion. no. 10.22: Harrv W. Snell. do. 18.20; Standard Register Co.. Re-Appr, Non Share. 75.71: Paul Taves, TE, Re Appr 15.33; Harry Thurwell. do, 22.47: Herbert R. Totten, do. 21.07; E. O. Welling, do, 15,47; Richard It. Allen. Attv Fees, Clr Ct, 60.00; Hlgglns Vernon llrownfield. Spec Wit. 43.50: W. R. Elliott. Reporters Fee, 200.00; unnerwood uorp., tiiquip, xvi.ia; Mil dred Warrick. Reporter Fee, 200.00; Wallace Wharton, TE. OE. lvi5; Oregon State College, Extension Serv ice, uo Agent,; npuoi ut fice Equip Co., Sups Clerk. 3.25; The American Floor Surfacing Machine Company. Exp-Conrthouse, 21 .89; can a. Armpnesi, no.; r.vcr green Chemical & Soap Co, Suns, Courthouse, 12.80; Larmer Transfer & Storage, Fuel, 378.39; Salem Insur ance Agents, Ins, 10.97; Stevenson & Mefford, Sups, 1.67; Wcsllnghouse Electric Corp., Elevator Exp, 13B.50; Leston W. Howell, TE, 15.40; Kenneth E. Brown. TE. Dist Atly. 10.64; Thomas W. Hansen. TE, Dist Alty, 4.48; Earl Adams. TE, 328.44: Dr. Geo. Murscll, Exam, 7.50; Para mount Pest Control, Garb Disp, 25.00; Sllvcrton Sanitary Service, do, 50.00; John Schmid. do. 100.00: Dr. W. G. Burrows, Psy Serv, 25.00: Dr. Lucille Former, Med serv, ou.oo; A. u, Grace. Postmaster. Postace. 330.48: Dwight G ruber. Trans. 5.00: Hendrlc L.a Dcr, ian, aio.o; ur. nenn Lusted, Psy Serv, ' 150.00; Masonic Temple Assn, Rent, 345.00; Mental Health Assoc of Ore., Off Sups, ft. 00; Payless Drug Store. Med Sups, 2.94; Phvsiclans & Hospital Supply Co., Med Sups. 27.19; Quisenuerry Phar Mcd Serv 41.66; School Dist No. 4, 0f( Sups lti6- sharp and Dohme, Med Sups, 16.00; Silverton Drug Co., y, nicu ups,; saiem unic nance 8c Administration, Vector Con trol, 27.50; W. J. Stone. M.D., Off Sups, 8.69; T. P. Machine Shop, vec tor Lomrni, a.ou; ucrnice i enry, Trans, 10.00; N. Boe, Herd Inspec tion, 21.00; Austin W. Elvers, do, 167.50; John Hnnrahan, do, 106.00; E. L. Henkcl, do, 48.50; Melvln J, Morey, 1 Grnde-lnd,t B.00; Glen E Schwcnkc. Herd Inspection. 58.00: Tom Webb, 2 Grade-lnd. 16.00: Dr. Wm. Crothers. Insane Exam. 30.00: Dr. Dllacoml, do, 7.50; Dr. Rnlnh Purvine. do, 7.50; Dr. Weebcr, do, 15.00; Cordon W. 'Brewster, M.D., Jail Drs, 3.0(): Colgate Palmotlvc Co. Jail Sup, 32.93; J. C. Penny Co., Inc., Jail Sups, 3.00; Lovlnger Dis infectant Co., Jail Sups, 111). 00; Salem Hardware Co., Jail Equip, 6.75; Sani tnrv Service Co. Inc., Jail San Serv, 7.00; Dr. Bertram L. Trelslad, Jail Drs. 10.00; Denver Young, Jail Meals, 1. 287.71: Geo. F. Armslronc. TE. Jef-I ferson. JC, 7.67; Marvin A. Hutchins, Orange, Justice, rient-6 Sup Mil. An - item-sups, jl, .13.00 uonatn How to Turn Dusty Discords Into Shining Gifts Look around and you'll find all sorts of useful-but-unused articles Classified Ads can turn into ready cash for Christmas shopping. That outgrown bike, the movie camera and projector you never find time to use, the golf clubs that haven't hit a ball in years. They're all cashable QUICK-with Classified Ads. Look 'em out . . . then dial 4-681 1 gel JC, 48 90; Quint in B. Estell, do, Silverton JC, 43.72; Harlcy R. De Peel. TE-Bond, Silverton Conn, 3012; W. H. Bell, Rent, Stayton JP, 30.00; John Becker, Rent, Woodburn JP, ; H. Eichsteadt. OE. WoodbOrn Just. 7.83; Woodburn Independent, Sup-Woodburn Just, 36.65; Dr. James II. AshbauKb. Trani-Juv. 5 51; Craig Dudley. Trani Juv. 2.50; Phillip J. Gallaher, Tran -Juv, 1.25; W. T. Grant. Sups-Juv (Del. Qrs), 7.47; G. David Handy, Trani Juv. 2.25; Dr. Ruth Jens. Phvs Serv-Juv, 34.00; Mrs. W. J. Marsh. Det-Juv, 32.53; Deloret Myer, Trans-Juv, 6.00; The PttM-hulogical Corp.. OS i Exp-Juv, 71.30; Western Union. Tel Si Tel-Juv, .75; Wills Music store. Coin Mips (Det)-Juv, 13.95; Mrs. Charles Wvaut. Det-Juv. 21)6.22: Keep Oregon Green Assn.. Kceu Ore Green. 100.00: A. C. Gragg. Postmaster, OS & Exp-Plan- mug uomm, ju.uu; &mie j-umic wel fare Comm.. Care of Poor. 80.800.50: A. C, Gragg, Postmaster, Post ane Recorder, 10.0Q: Adi-essograph. Multi graph Corp., Sup-Reg bt Elect. 224.27; Louis 1'. Dow Co. Sups-Reg & Elect. 188.04; Agnes C. Booth, S Exp. 45.23; McEivnnd Photo Shop, Siius-Sherll'f, 33.03; Moll Motors, Trans-Sheriff. 4.00: The National Cash Register Co., O Exp St Sups Sheriff. 22.B2: The 1'nclilc Telephone Bt iciegrapn uo., Radio-SheriffV 13.75: State of Oreuon. Dept ol Motor Vehicles. Teletype Sheriff, 62.00: Stout's Garage, Trans Sheriff, 4.15; Sundin Taylors, Uni forms Sheriff, 1.00; Gene Teague Chevrolet, new uars Mienu. a.H.mui; Itemincton Rand. Macliine Equip Shfiif.. 762.60; Colgan Lumber Co., OS-Surv. 3.110; Meier St Frank Co., inc., jiups-vei uu. 11,13: itnigiey Miller. TE-Vet Off. 50.40; Floyd L. Siegmund. TE-Water Master, 65.31; J. K. Neufeldt. TE. 139.30; C. A. Lewis. TE, 5.81; Carter. Rice & Co, of Oregon. Sup-Multllith, 56.45; J. Y. Hollingsworlh Co., do. 13.05; The Haloid Co.. Sup-Photostat. 47.07; Western Aerial Contractors, Inc., Sups, 20.00; Abrams Skinner & Co., Bond-Dog Fund, 10.00; Mrs. Ella Given, 1 ewe-Dog Fund. 5.00; Mr. John Mickev, 3 Ews-3 Lams, 72.00; Ervin A. Ward, TE. 129.71; State Fair Commission. Millane Tax. 5.145.58; Bender-Moss Co., Law Libr, e.MK 'ine Lawyers cooperative run lishing Co., Law Libr, 31.00; The Bobbs-Merrill Co.. Inc., Law Ltbr, 17.00; The American Law Book Co.. Law Libr, 12.50; Acme Aulo & Truck Wreckers, Mlsc, 6.00; Betty Adams, Co Clerk Polk County, Misc., 1,225.51; Adolpbson's, Mlsc, 33.75; D. G. Al kirc. Misc., None: Geo. E. Allen Hardware. , Reps-Exp, 22.74; Allied Supply, Sups, 31.27; Leo A. Andreas, Trans, 18.00; Arrow Transportation Co., Oiling Oil Cost, 336.11; Asbury Transportation Co., do, 113.48; Bnl ton & W riff M, Misc.. 288.18; Bnlzcr Machinery Co., Rental, 373.75; Barn hardt Rcdl-Mlx, Inc., Grave), 116.55; Bearing Specialty Co., Reps,. 172.01; Blake, Moffitt St Towne, Sups, 487,23; G. R. Boatwright. Imp Const, 816.40; E, H. Burrcll, Reps, 327.15; Albert L. Canoy, Trans, 22,00; Capital Auto Paris. Misc., 243.37; Cnpitol Chevro let Cadillac, Inc., Mlsc, 5,9!)0.02; Capital Drug Store, Med Sups, 149.50; Capitol Lumber Co., Signs-Lbr, 3,949.20; Capllol Tractor & Equip ment Co., Reps, 329.15; Central Pav ing Co., Paving. 449.78: City of Salem, Misc.. 1B7.00; City Water Dept., Water, 145.86; H. Earl Clack. Inc., Trans, 2.56; Chns. E. Clark son, Rd Dist No. 40 Gas, 219.97; Columbia Equipment Co., New Equip, 8.173.68; Colyear Motor Sales, inc.. Misc., 75.92; The Commercial Book Store, Sups-Equip, 140.60; Commeclnl Sand & Gravel Supply Co., Oil v., 162.00; Cooke Stationery Co., OE-Sup Re-Appr.. 17.47: Cox St Bryant, Garage Rent, 25.00; Craftsman Press, Recorder Sup, 22.05; Dictaphone Corp, uu equip, iu).uu; uougmun nnrn ware. Misc., 14.38; G. A. Downs Glass ShOD. Misc.. 23.23: Eolf Elec tric Co.. Misc., 63.78; Evergreen uncmtcai & aoop to., wise, az.zo; lai. o; v eiring oenerai lire service, Inc.. Tires. 213 45: R. M. Fttzmnurice Bt Son. Misc.. 333.50: A. C. Ha off tt Co, Exn. 95.13: H niton Tractor Co.. imp ci news, ni.ou; nanx s i-urKing Lot, Trans St Parking, 157.00; J. E. Hnse line & Co.. Misc.. 181.79: How- ard Cooper Corp., Reps, 115.34; F. G. Hubert. Bent. 10.00: Industrial Sun- ply Co., of Salem, Reps, 15.84; The iiiK apoi, ao noiem survey, iti.uu; lmcrnaiionai ousineRB macnino lo,( Sups, 206.60; interstate Tractor EquId Co,. Rens. 13.71: Johnson Stewart, So Salem Survey-Printing, 70.80; Ira Jorgenscn Co., Reps, 159.57; T. L. Kuhns Co., Shop Equip, 646.70: LoBffers & Contractors Ma. chlnery Co., Reps, 373.24; Virgil Long, Trans, 25.00; ( Master Service stations, Inc., Tires-sups. 415.68; II. C. Mat (son. Felly Caxh, Misc. 33.40: Mill Suiiplv Corp.. Rens. 174.11 Montgomery Ward, Misc., 7.00; Vin cent C. Neal Excnvntlne Co.. OM. 95:i.70; Necdham's Equip St Off Sups HH2.12; Norris-Walkcr Paint Mfg. Co., Signs-Suns. 174.78; Oregon Gravel Company. Misc.. 4.323.JI0: Oregon Sin to Highway Dept., Reps, 17.45; Pacific Aula Supply. Shop Stores, 2.29; Pacific Intermounlaln Kxpreps ' Power & Light Co. 1. & P, . 1.00; Co., omng Oil cost, .107. nu; racinc Pacific Power & Light Co.. LAP. 2.64: Perry's Drug Store, Misc.. 1.35; ! Phlllppi Tire Service. Reps, 3.00; 1 Philippi Motor Co., Reps. 1.79; Port-1 land General Electric Co., L St P Wheatland Ferry, 74.64; C. E. Rob ertsun. Repairs, 679.00; RlctVield Oil Corp., Solvent, 16.34; Salem Auto Parts Co., Misc.. 101.97: Salem Con crete 1'ipe St Products Co., Imp, 124.80; Salem Diesel Service, Misc., 1.63: Salem Iron Works. Reps, 21.64; Saiem Laundry Co., Exp, 0.15; Salem Memorial Hospital, X Rav-Lab, 157.90; Salem Printing & Blue Print. Inc., Sups, 34.46: Salem Sand 8c Gravel Co., Imp, 731.33: Salem Steel & Supply Co., Exp, 615.89; Saiem Wed ling Supplv, Oxvgen. 6.67; Sears Roebuck & Co., Signs. 9.75; Shell OIL Co., Oiling Oil Cost. 16.466.67; L. S eifinnnd. TE. 28.21: Silver Oaale Co.. Oiling Oil Cost. 50.15: Square Deal Lumber Yard, Signs, 182.40; Fred W. Smith Lumber Co. Exp, 15.36; Rudolph Staaell, Imp, 230.10: Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Grease-Trans, 236.95; Statesman-Journal Newspaper, Adv., 267.83) States man Publishing Co., OE, 105.45; Stevens Equipment Co.. Shop Stores. 49.76; Stevenson: Ruck - Products Co., ip-Equli). 1 ReiHal-Misc. 13.277.63: Stceter-Ainet Co., Gen'l, 4.61; Lloyd K. Taylor. -Trans', 23.00; Tide Water Associated Oil Co., - Diebel, Gas Drums, 3.70.98; Transport Clearings, Reps. 8.99;. -Transport Service. Oil. Ini! Oil Cost. 47.67: Truck Sales & Service Co.( Reps, 6.90; Tscheu Pub lishing Co.. OE & Sups. 45.00; Union Oil Co. of Calif.. Dloscl-Trans. 279.21; Unruli-Knapp Printing Co., OS, 120.38; Valley Farmers' Coop; Imp. 317.05; vuncy Aiuiur uot, ttcpi iraits, -iui.i; 1 nuey weining supply wo.; misc., :0.37: Van Waters-" and Roaers. Inc:. Shop Stores, 185.22; Vleko Sand St Gravel Co., . Oil. . 1.725.20; Walling Sand Bt Gravel Co.. Oil. 1.317.15; Wll lamctte Valley. Transfer Co.. Freight. 4.00: Howard R. Williams. Oillns Oil CM Frt. 1.050.58; Lile L. Wilt, Trang. 23.00; Wood Tractor Co.. Repr. 56.75; Woodburn Aulo Parts, Reps, 1.64; woonoury company, -- misc..; W. Woo worth Co.:- 14.55: C. C. Wriglesworth. Repair Wheatland r erry, vi.mj; uenvcr xoung, sup. Postage Tram, 51.53; Zctlerhach opcr lo sups, zij.jj; waner iosei O.. Tires Trans. 445.89 Amxrlrnn Asphalt Paving Co.. OM. 9,819.09; Central Paving Co., Paving Peace St Vista Ave.. 601.80: Lvlle's Tire Mart St OK Rubber Welders, Tires, 888.70; Cecil I. Omans, TE. Woodburn Const, .u; Tiie rncmc Telephone St Tei raph Co., Tele St. 1,163.00; Warren lorthwest. Inc.. OM. 9.933.93: Shell Oil Co.. Exp Trans. 28.35: Oregon hysiciana Service, OPS, 1,158.26. Proceedings! Sent. 4. 1958 Order to enter Into Contract for Imp. of ucniiici j-.ii nc. tuiu i)nirnci; i-ipe line permit, Wallace Bonestcele; Per mit to haul logs, Biclcnberg Bros., 11. men-iiucrK, r rca a. moare, A. Fobcrt: Minutes. Board of Equalization: Order rancelllnir 7 vr. warrants. Sept. 5, Plat of Dentel Gardens; Notice of appointment of Graco Lcmm as School Supervisor; Pipe lino permit, Joseph W. Brown. Sept. 7, Beer license, Elizabeth A. Nlcss; Several affidavits of publica tion Call for bids on Improvement of Heather Lane, Call for bids on Self-propelled pneumatic roller; Call ior mas on Mcini Bridge flank; Hearing on chanae of name from Andcrson-Hennles Rd, to Rldgeway urivc; nomi, jr.rvin a. wara an Marlon County Animal Control Offi cer. Sept. II. Approval by County Court of projects selected by Slate nwy. comm. as cas projecis nexi 2 yrs. Sept. 13, Agreement with J. A. and Sena J. Knnnhnhn In lie; Rfirht. of-Way; Bargain and .Sale Deed, EACH NEW ARRIVAL In your family meant . , .added responsihility. Our Family Income Benefit li dettghed eipeclally to provide maximum protection at low colt . . .' ''& when the young family i I caserne IMI Earl A. Gooch Supervisor Saiem District , Telephone - Salem 3-33 1 4 Portland Gen. ElectHn Co. to Vartak 4 County; Warranty Deed from J, A. and Sena J. Kapphahn to MarroW"" 1 County. Plat of Los Banos Addition; . Pole line permit, Portland Gen. Elt. 1 Co.; Permit to haul logs. Westward J Hardwood CoM Brad Burkland Lo a Co. Sept. 17, Call for bids on car Tr 3 Juvenile Dept.; Copy of Speed Limit f nesol. No. 229. Sept. lfl. Permit to , ' " Order accepting several dedicatee! .' iimiiis a iuuiuy ruaa3. u. .. Bond for Issuance of duplicate War- . Ar rant to Sears, Roebuck and Co.: In.-.-.o k demnity claim of Lewis B. Shepherd, a- final hearing 10,1-56. Sept. 24. Permit 1 to move sawdust bunker; Permit -to, lay pipe line, Annen Brosj Permit ' I lo move garage. Rainbow Const. Co.'' JL Permit to haul logs, Joe KoenJt. Hnlley R. Smith. James W, Bethell, Jr., Petlvjohn Eng. Co. Sept. 26, Plat'' )lT of Shrako Addition: Plat of Foshav-- 1. Addition: Plat nt Htllstri ArtrtltlT " IB Contract with Armcn Drainae Ac Metal Products Inc.; Permit to mov llillllfl. Arthur Burff- Rlri nn Mtl " bridge plank: Dr. schwenke author ized as sud, nera inspector on r. L. r Zietlnskl herd; Warranty deed. from ( T Ralph D. Adams et ux to Marlon J no County; Warranty Deed from Jeroma J of MtlCl CI UA .til HiailUU V.UUIIIV. Sept. 27, Aff. of Pub. of Call for bids on cars for Juvenile Dept.; Per mil to haul logs, H. A. Russell; War ranty Deed from H. L. Fischer to Marlon County. Sept. 28, Permit to haul logs, Edwin and Albert Kroenfg, Lornn Golly, Fred Schwlndt; Trans fer Order. NORSE YOUTH SHUN REDS OSLO. Norway fl Fifty-nine Norwegian youth organizations including the Communists said "no" Monday to a Moscow pro posal for extensive measures of cooperation between Soviet, and Norwegian youth. The Norweg ians said events in Hungary reused the rejection, ; ' . GAS FURNACES ; Natural Gash Her:, CAll TODAY 3-8553 Eva. 4-8790 or 4-8821 Free Survey & Estimate Guaranletd Initallitlem 36 Mo's 1o Pay Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Bretdwiv need is greateit. for he . nd for- ity. on ., clc be $ H ' . !S . Iin clc ed OS on k 'tO ; Hit in. JP nd ill. ' !. ind on 99 ich ic se. en, rst ice ind the nly the Ihe for rst ent Uh 1 if e ) i IT I 14 ima Ills rla- , of ing nee sa) .10- 1 if