ecliori 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem,-Oregon, Tuesday, November 13, 1956 Edited by MARIAN Committees Named for New Yea r ' Committees for the year were announced at the meeting of Credit Women's Breakfast club Tuesday morning, at the Britc Spot. Committees are: Chaplain, Mrs. Tom Pickett; finance, Mrs. J. P. Schlrnbcrg, chairman, Mrs. Henry Kayer; program, Mrs. Forest Eckles, chairman. Mrs. Moyd My ers and Mrs. Darrol Walker; edu cation, Mrs. Chester Cushing, chairman, Mrs. Robert E. Jones and Mrs. Larry Fitzgerald; bulle tin, Miss Virginia Barton, chair- Mnn fi 1 .. atom finl Mr PirH .iipnrignpii Mi Pat 'Sebastian, ..Mrs. Jack Hayes, Mrs J. D. Schimbcrg; publicity, Mrs. E. H. Lappin, chairman; Mrs Merle Wilgers; year book. Miss Hila Smith chairman, and Miss Daphne Savage; hostess, Mies' Etta Sutter, chairman, and Miss, Daphne Savage; and Mrs. Robert Laudahl; membership, Mrs) Glenn Powers. , Mfes Savage gave a short his- torylof the club. Mrs. Wesley Hob erts reported on the recent ban quet'ln Eugene, and Mrs. Chester Cushing reported on the banquet in. Portland. The next meeting of the club will be November 20, ... i HOSTS at a dinner parly on Wednesday evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills, their guests to include Mr. and Mrs. Silas Gaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A, Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Justice and Mrs. George Rossman and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Scoy, Bridge will follow the dinner. PAST GUARDIAN ' Neighbors club: of Neighbors of Woodcraft is meeting Friday for a social at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Gomcr Edwards, 580 North 17th. , DAY meeting for Nebraska club is planned for. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Margaret Willis, MS North Sth, the no-host luncheon to be at 12:30 o'clock. DEGREE of Honor will meet Wednesday at 8 o'clock, at the Sa lem Woman's club. Mrs. Gertson, state organizer, will be present. HOSTESS for a luncheon and bridge party on Friday afternoon of this week will be Mrs. Edgar.j T. Pierce, entertaining at her South High street home. , - - - SALEM Federated Music club planS its monthly meeting Wodnes- day November 14 at 10 a.m. in Willi Music company auditorium. Business of the day will be final plains for the Christmas musicalc and . tea to be Sunday December i from 2 to 9 p.m. at the School lor me Blind, apnng resuvai plans also will be discussed. MACLEAY Mrs.' W. J. Noland will be hostess to members of the Macleay Woman's cluh Thursday, at her home for i o'clock dessert and .business session. Benefit Show LEBANON (Spccial)-Idcas for men to give as Christmas gifts will highlight the Junior Woman's club' "holiday style" show Novem ber J5 in the high school cafeteria. Commentators will be Hazel Myers and Jean Morris, charm chotil instructors from Salem. Mrs James Winn is in charge of holiday decorations, using ever greens with white. The show will open at 8 p.m., with', tickets available at the door or from cluh members. Mrs. John Bohlken will be in charge of ticket sales. Home made cake with eolfee and lea will he served. JEfFERSON (Specialt-District meeting of three chapters, Order of Eastern Star, St. Mary's chap ter $1 Corvallis, Barzillai chapter of Albany and Euclid chapter of Jefferson was at the high school, where 42 members and visitors at tended. Mrs. Bertha 0. Burlon, worlhy grand matron of Oregon and Walter R. Raily, worthy grand patren of Oregon and Rex Hartley, past ;grand patron and Mrs. Hart ley were present. Lalpr In the eveninc the group went to the lodge hall for the reg ular district meeting where degree work was put on by Rarzillni chan ter. Mrs. Anna Kelly and Mr and Mrs. Chester Miller were initialed. Euclid chapter members were in charge of opening and closing ceremonies. Today's Menu FAMILY SUPPER Nice combination of flavors. Pork' Chops Mashed Potatoes Caraway Brussels Sprouts Carrol Slaw Reverage Fruit and Cookies CARAWAY BRUSSELS SPnot TS Ingredients: 1 quart basket (about 2 pounds I Brussels sprouts, clear chicken stock, 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, salt, pepper, I teaspoons whole caraway seeds. Method: Wash Brussels sprouts in fold water; remove willed leaves and soak in salted water (bout 20 minutes. Rinse and place In saucepan with 1 inch of boiling chicken stock. Bring to boiling point; boil 3 minutes without cm- er. Cover and boil until tender crisp 10 to 20 minutes. Draift if necessary. Add butler, salt and pepper to taste and caraway srd. oToss. lightly. Serve at once Makes (vlngs, I I.OWRY FISCHER Theme Listed For JD Ball "Cinderella's Bnll" is announced as the- theme for the Job's Daugh ters formal dance to be Friday, November 23, at Crystal Gardens. Bill de Snuza's orchestra will play for dancing from 9 to 12. Commit tee heads include: Misses Linda Blcckcrt. decorations; Sharon For rest, refreshments; Nancy Baker, publicity; Marilyn Rcancy, tickets: Jody Bourne, programs, and Jani Baker, clean-up. Each chairman has a representative from one of the bethels on the committee. All bethels help with clean-up. To be honored with the bethel queens will be the following junior past honored queens: Misses Nan cy Weeks, Bethel 35: Jackie fish' ' B"nel 4: a"d Patricia Whe- i lan' mhcl 43; . . Past Officers Are W Honored by Group Past worthy matrons and pa Irons of Salem chapter, No. 162, . Order of Eastern Star, were honored at the group's meeting, Saturday night. Those escorted to the cast and presented with gifts wore Mr. and Mrs. William A Mcrriott, Mr. and Mrs. William Newmycr, John Miller, Robert Keudell, John Graybill, Mrs. Ar thur Wallace, Mrs. Harry Lucas, Mrs. 0. R. Eckcrslcy, Miss Helen Fletcher, Mrs. Ronald Rossncr, Mrs. Russel Beutler. Visitors were Miss Gretchen Kreamcr, Mrs. Doris Rutherford and Mrs. Braddic Moe Bruce. Thanksgiving theme was carried out in the decorations by the committee, Mrs. Ethel Marquiss, Mrs. Jesse Earlywinc, Mrs. Ev erett Hearing, Mrs. T. W. Lea- sure, Mrs. Gene Kennedy, Mrs. Robert Zemanek. On the refresh ments committee w e r e Mrs. James Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kotlock, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McMillan, Mrs. Erscl Mun dingcr, Mrs. Arthur W. Wood. HOSTESS to her study club to day for luncheon and the after noon was Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling. i r ifwt- w 't-v f - i ;?'( 1 . F " 'it;:: . 12 i fit '.o't A : '-, w -1. , . 1 !,., " 'rVr-'.V'--'-; :v v ' ' ; ""J,i" i-YBVi'riWi'iilrtifwAiiin'nf'-mMmii'hir Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nicholson (Mrs. Ray Colganl, above, were married recently, at the First Methodist church par sonage. iMcEwan studio picture) PSDAY, NOV. 15 nfe wilh informal modeling of art clothes -A "come as you are" ! n with eolfee And light snacks j?J i I ft: OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR jVJ fH 9 30 10 30 A. M. By FASHION MODELING OREGON ROOM, imtT HOOR IMS I iO P. M. Officers For GOP Club Listed New officers were named at the meeting of Salem unit of the Re publican Women's Federation of Oregon, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Paul Van de Vclde Is the new president, succeeding Mrs. John Cochran. Other officers serv ing with Mrs. Van de Veldc include .Mrs. W. G. Staeey, first vice pres ident; Mrs. Hillary Etzel, second vice president: Mrs. btanley Holts- ncss, treasurer; Mrs, Richard D. Slater, secretary; Mrs. 0. .K De- Witt, corresponding secretary; .Mrs. William L. Phillips. Mrs. Sir- frid B. Unandcr, Mrs. John Coch ran, trustees. The group made plans to give a lea lo honor the new officers at the December meeting. The unit now has a membership of 484, expecting to reach Its goal of 500 or more by December. Mrs. Harry Pallady of Portland, state president, was a visitor at the Monday meeting and reported on the Republican national con vention of the women's federation. Auxiliary Activities Discussed at Meeting Varied activities and projects were discussed at Ihc meeting of Salem Memorial Hospital auxil iary, Monday. New projects for the hospital were discussed but no action taken at this time. Reports were given on the benefit show, "Private Lives," also on the successful rum mage sale last week. Mrs. Thad Moreland and Mrs. Emery Hobbs hended the rummage sale. The membership drive also i: due to start soon, Mrs. Robert Schneider as chairman. The an nual silver tea comes in the spring. V w Dance Club . KD Dance club plans its party for next Saturday night at Four Corners Community hall. This is to be the group's Thanksgiving dance. On the committee arc Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pruitt and Air. and Mrs. Ray Woods. MRS. WALTER KIRK is to en tertain for her bridge club this evening for dinner and cards. i Plan tor Bazaar Women of the First Congregational church plan their annual bazaar for the coming Friday, at the church, starting at 10 a.m. Lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner will be served. Candles will be a special feature at the bazaar. In' the group above are, left to right: Mrs. Donald de . Lisle, chairman; Mrs. Gilbert Davis, co-chairman; and Mrs. George Raymond, in charge of the candle project. (Capital Journal picture) Monthly Recital of Group on Wednesday The second in the series of monthly recitals presented by the Salem Federated Music Teachers will be at Willamette Music hall' Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. On the program will be: Jona tha nWest. Kathic deVries, Camille Carlson, John Quiering, Michael Logan, Judy Robinson, Carol Brad- field, Polly Clark, Sally Roberts, Lorcne Roberts, Marcia Tory, Leah Church. Jan Branch, Lylc Grossman, Marjorie Wcnger, Su san Glecklcr, Manioc Watts, Kath erine Kolb, Donna Strauch, Judy Landreth, Mavis Wagner, Barbara Keudell. Counsellors arc Wallace Graham, Irene Bycrs, Vcnieva Shields, Alice Arnold, Ruth Bed ford, Genevieve Mickenham, Mrs. Ray Chumbley, Mrs. Carlisle Rob erts, Mary Johnson, Mrs. C. C. Gilbert, Frances Palmason, Dal bert Jepsen, Mrs. John Schmidt, Jr., Mrs. James N. Francis, Fred crick F. Wilson, Mrs. Harvey Gib- nens, Jean tlohsnn Rich, Elizabeth Jepson, Betty Stavencau, Sacred Heart Academy. INVITATIONS were received Monday for a tea for which Mrs. Albert C. Gragg is to be hostess on November 20 at her North Cap- Hoi street home. Guests are in vited between 3 and 5 o'clock. BEAUTY SALON ONLY OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M, they'll all do LBACX POPS . , . it's so bouncy-new ... a saucy bunch of curls buslled al the nape, scissored short in front. De signed for the new Edwardian look in fashions. 'Back Flip" cut from Permanent wave to your curls in place with or without BEAUTY SALON-SECOND 3-221 1, EXT. 271 I y, J'-' -jt y- . If HONORING Mrs. Clifton En field, who is leaving soon for Washington, D.C. to reside, an in formal coffee is planned for Wednesday morning by Mrs. Adam Deibert. Mrs. Philip Porter and Mrs. Fred Montgomery at the Deibert home. Neighborhood friends of the honorec have been invited to call between 10 a.m. and 12 o'clock noon. Group Cancelled YWCA discussion group for par ents of teen-agers has been dis continued due to inadequate at tendance. Resources arc available for family life education, includ ing discussion leaders, films, and speakers, the YWCA office re ports, and states the office will be glad to refer interested in dividuals and groups to these re sources. There are two places available in a Friday afternoon learn - to- drive class. If these arc not filled this week the class will be can celled. Instruction is in a dual control car, by Monroe Cheek. fe Christmas Personal Cards m, ready now at Is I EDWARD WILLIAMS t S Home of Hallmark Cards 5 I 357 Court Street f' $H.50 hold , , . from '8.50 appointment FLOOR i'.i ni.wm rfll , 3s Mrs. Benson Feted At Party, Shower Honoring Mrs. Steven Benson a bridge party was given last week by Mrs. John Erickscn, Mrs. Maurice Cohn and Airs.- Elmer Winegar, at the Ericksen home. A shower of gifts feted Airs. Ben son and her new baby daughter, Linda Sue. Attending the party were Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Robert Stevens, Airs. James C. Stone, Mrs. Ken neth Oliver, Mrs. Erwin Branch, Mrs. Howard Elvvood, Airs. James Stagies, Airs. James Humphrey, Jr., Airs. Robert Gordon, Mrs. William Ferguson, Mrs. Richard Tandy, Airs. Robert Seamster, Mrs. Wilson Wilt, Mrs. Douglas Heider, Airs. Richard Cole, Mrs. Norman Sergeant, Mrs. Ralph Hammock, Mrs. Linn Hamilton, .Mrs. Jack AlcConnville, Airs. Fer- rcl Covalt, Airs. Elwood Obert, Mrs. Floyd Bennett, Miss Billic Miller and the hostesses. lit - vj ! '.!! vrrui t 7 fioVelvre I)netfes Smart, colorful and easy a top value from one of America's best known manufacturers! Or Choose From Many Others! VS. , . JiJL (..MH 1 nuiv MM 4 .1 Allys shining bright Kith out gentle ipe. LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES NO DOWN PAYMENT en approved credit FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY Qfuai ffan. & Fri. Nightc 'HI t Au Revoir For Ring les , An au revoir party will be given in honor of Mr. and Airs. Philip H. Ringle, Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loring Gner. Friends have been invited between 3 and 7 p.m. Mr. and Airs. Ringle will soon be leaving for Arizona, to make their home. Assisting the hosts will he Air. and Airs. James Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnston, Air. and Airs. R. Sabin. Air. and Airs. Newell Hurst, Air. and Airs. George Brown. Leslie Methodist Women Plan Bazaar Women of Leslie Alethodist church are planning a bazaar, cooked food sale and ham dinner cial street, Wednesday. Lunch will at the church on South Commer be served at noon, the ham din ner between 5:30 and 8 o'clock. The bazaar is in charge of Mrs, H. F. Pemberton. Mrs. Anna Brown and Airs. J. L. Heidler. On the cooked food committee are Mrs. J. Murray. Mrs. Carl Bell and Airs. Lark Brown. On the dec orations committee are Airs. G. H. Templeton and Airs. C. Owing. In charge of plants is Mrs. L. Johnston.- Heading the dinner committee are Mrs. C. L. Blod- gett, Mrs. Ed Curtis, Airs. B. Groves, Mrs. Charles Vick, Mrs. R. R. Rasmussen, Airs. H. Sand ers. On the dining room commit tee are Airs. H. H. Boyes, Mrs. K. D. Asbury, Airs. J. Loveioy, Airs. T. Adams, Mrs. E. Strode. THE ACCENT club met last week at the home of Airs. Loren Hicks with Airs. Victor Simonton as co-hostess. Plans for the Christ mas meeting were discussed. Alembers made bean-bags for use at Baby Louise haven. Next meet ing will be at the home of Mrs. George Donohoe. SOUTH SALEM (SpeciaD-The candy sale for the Blue Birds and Camp Fire Girls is underway this week in the Salem Heights area. Fifty - six Blue Birds with six leaders and the Idaka Wiggata Camp Fire Torch group arc par ticipating. Leaders are Airs. J. J. Colton, Airs. J. L. Harter, Mrs. A. V. Jenson, Airs. A. C. Bat talion, Airs. B. R. Knox, and Airs. Barbara Thomas, who are Blue Bird leaders and Mrs. Gordon Tomlin leader of the Camp Fire group. to care for KComfortable 7 eyif v THi n b- "- MICALITE top is heat, cid nd stain resistant. Foam rubber cushi&ns the chair seats. WILLAMETTE VALLEY'S LEADING APPLIANCE 4 JW Club Donates to Home Alany activities were planned at the regular meeting of Salem Jun ior Woman's club Monday evening. The club voted to give about $800 to the Baby Louise Haven home, for immediate bills, and to continue with help for the home as the club's main project. The group voted to count tuber culosis bangle pins at the home of Airs. Donald Griswold. Airs. William Ferguson, a member of the club, was elected to serve as member of the board of directors for Willamette River days. Host at Dinner Hosts for the annual smorgas bord of Salem YWCA and Y.MCA on Wednesday night at the YW are being announced. The supper will be served between 5 and 8 o'clock. The group of hosts includes Air. and Airs. Roy Harland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Air. and Airs Stewart Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oilman. Air. and Airs. Arthur Bates, Colonel and Airs. Maylon E. Scott. EAST SALEM (Special) Air. and Airs. George Starr and daugh ter, Alaribel, were hosts at their home Saturday night for a surprise birthday dinner honoring his twin sisters, Airs. Ward Prescott and Mrs. Otis Compton. Guests were Air. and Airs. J. W. Sample and daughter, Violet, Jean, from Fall City; Mrs. Ronald Helmn and son, Bruce, from Lyons; Mr. and Mrs Noby Zeller, Air. and Airs. Ronald Zeller, Air. and Airs. Jerry Kleen and children, Carolyn and Jerry: Mrs. Dennis Prescott, Air. and Airs. Ward Prescott, Airs. Otis Compton and sons. James and David; Air. and Airs. Deibert Downey and daughter. Christie. Following the dinner hour an eve ning with "old fashioned" singing around the piano was enjoyed. LESLIE 8th grade Y-Teens are sponsoring a rummage sale next Saturday, starting at 10 a.m. at 741 Court street. Sandy Calaba is chairman of the committee in charge. LAFAYETTE (Special) The Banner club met last week with Airs. Arie Wiles. A business meet ing was conducted, during which plans were made for making cur tains for the Lodge hall. The American Legion auxiliary will furnish material for the curtains, and members of the club will make them. ces Nun Lt u Here is the answer to family holiday feasting and get-to-gethers. J l $0095 1 YOUR CHOICE OF: CHARCOAL, GREEN, YELLOW, GREY IMIU OREGOfI A member of the club is going to serve as an adviser of Y-Teen. A sum of $25 was voted to be given for Christmas on the high seas, sponsored by the Red Cross. The rummage sale was announced foi December 14 and 15, over Green baum's. Mrs. Bernard Grindle is chairman. Two representatives for the civil defense program on November 16, were announced. They are Mrs. Richard Allen and Airs. William Ferguson. Fete Newlyweds WOODBURN (Special)-AIr. and Airs. Elburn T. Sims, (Mabel Har. per) recent newlyweds, were honored by a group of neighbors and friends Thursday afternoon at their home in Woodburn. A gift was nrpspnleri frnm Iho arn,,n - , . 6,UUJ, d social afternoon enjoyed and re freshments served. Invited guests were Mrs. Lessie Schnles. Mrs. nilhprl Ruch xt. Sarah Williams, Airs. Max' Mur ray, Mrs. Sam Hoefer, Airs. Frank Wright, Airs. Ivan C. Beers, Mrs Fred Miller, Airs. E. C. Pcytonj Airs. Art Rehm. Mrs. Alfred Reil' ing, Airs. Fred Rogers, Mrs. H M. Austin, Airs. Alarshall Hicksi Airs. Homer Wadsworth. Airs. Wall tcr Wengenroth, Airs. Harris Nel son, Mrs. Lester Erickson, Airs Maude Hicks and Glenn Goulet. Mr. and Mrs. Sims are leaving Monday for a wedding trip to California, AI1SS WANDA COE was honor ed on the occasion of her birth- daV. Sntlirrinv whnn hn- , j, ........ u,i paitms, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coc, enter tained at dinner at their Scenic View drive home. Attending were Miss Cop. hpr cictpr Roll,, k,.tu cr Charles; Mr. and Airs. Alarvin Rasmussen and Sue; Wanda Blum, Judy Coe, and an aunt. Mrs. Doris M. Norris and sons, Phil and Bill, ana Mr. and Mrs. Coe. Supper Party Given LYONS (Special) Friends and neighbors honored Air. and Airs. Jim Phelps and family with a no host supper at the Catholic com munity hall Saturday evening. Father Bernard Neuman showed pictures taken while he was in Alabama. Air. and Airs. Phelps who have lived in Lyons for the last six years, moved last week to near Sacramento, Calif., where he will be employed. HOME PURWSS CITY A i iir