Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Tues., Nov. 13, 1956 DENNIS THE MENACE - By Ketcham mi i'm sick. I'm &CK of kindersartej?. JM SICK OF WMUlH', m sick of liver . . . . FARMERS II AVE FEWEST tieadaciiesriasue 60 Pel. of People By FRANK CARKV WASHINGTON lAV-Medlcal stu dents. survey shows, sro more apt lo have renirrlng headaches than any other ncciipnllnnnl group. And farmers arc the Irnsl susceptible. This was reporlcl today by a Louisiana doctor In drsrrihi'nn one of the most extensive surveys ever made ol the cause., and dis tribution of one nf mankind's most Rocket Escape Scat Developed For Jet Planes a RAX DIEGO, Calif, rock- of the With anniversary meeting of el -powered wenpe nonl lor pilot.; the Southern Assn. of sunorsonic jot iiirpliine was nr. Opden said freshman and described today bk promisinc pnmr mpriical school students inem chnnce in survive even in ! werp questioned tn got data on' prnunti.tevel elections. the headaches of college students.' Clonvnlr Division or General Dy- i and it was found that more than namics Corp, Trnorlr tests of the mo per cent of them were vie rnckel scat, as part ol a rnulti-1 tim&. topping even business ex milhoivdollar -nrojrran, hy thr- Air . ccutives. of whom 77 per cent, are Force and aircrall induct fv d-'milfrrtTK veiop n standard upward pilot es-j ,n fiUbspqiIPn( orr on the list: cap' system. professional people (70 per cent), The rnckr! -seal "for the first housewives Mr. clerks Mr, time Rives the pilot n good chance KnpKmen tt: manual la borers : of Ejecting safely from ground (55,; snd iarmcrs (50). level in caw nf on emergency en, takeoff nr iundin." siutl .form (,.' Kalnpentv Cnmiur :teat engineer. "T "T "11 The Irs! riwlumK were made ' l 2"V f A FlTTIm from a rocktu -profiled tiled mnv- mg 00 tract at .dvnrds Air Force Bsw. Calif. A Cfinrair TK1P2A trainer in cxetpn vui. used on ih? sled. Even et 5x miles an hour, the rocket carried the dummy pi'ot A rlar nf I ha trainni-V t-n4,.1 J. rJ and M feet above it. , to Al ?U1 milA an hmip clml niiu4 fpuv the seal was ejected 124 Icel inlo the air. It automatically aeparatcd from the dummy, which then was paraciaited undamaged lo earth. The rocket ejection seat was produced for Convair by Talco Engineering Co. Inc., Hamdcn, Conn. base. Students Prepare For $l)ellillr Hee rM 1 t'hrist Church Tuesday to McMur- MOLALL iSoeciali-Much in do terest is being shown by students and teachers in the annual spell at bee sponsored by Molalla VI'W auxiliary in the hall Thursday eve nm. Schools to take pari in this third annual spell-down are Dickey Prairie. Butte Creek. Colton, Kbv, Mola'.la. Hawthorne, Iturnl Deil, Voder. Maole Grove nd Kern. of nte wood, fash prize, will be awarded j?run"C;So'r.,,;,';u'- tA; and each contestant will receive Nnvrmtirr, imii. and thru win lie something, winner or not. puMh-iv opmhii and rmd 1r Wll ,1 . n. . Mlll Sprcltlfatlon. and Hid Konin tnnv Mrs. .cii Adams, Molalla t,. ,.i,iMird nom ih, countv Kmi teacher lor manv years, will pro. ,lrri oifu-e, coniiiiou.e. s.,icrn. nounre the words and judaes will h,'rf"S,H 'v'"1',1"11" 'l?,, "A'''n,"",n1,"1 n , . ,,J ,, nv n hid hnnd or errtlfled check (or he Hex Jones and Mrs. Ida B : ot the amount of hid. Davidson. Molalla. The public is Th '-'""mv reserve, me rimt in Int'lua in ihi. , ,..;.. rrlecl any or all hid and tn accciit intltetl to this lllh activity pro. ; il,B1 hid , the he,t Inlereit nf Mar. ject, held in conjunction each ycarllpn t'ount wllh national education week. I marion county county Noles on t J ' f PO T i SBHSH1N0 CO. ff C w T I . II II II- . .. . t "-rl I" II m I ' "H i elweyi like Ihli! Wt do loonrr get eu( a new atlai ihna OOM!" prcvnlrnt disorders. The Miidy .showed thai "over M per cent of the Rrnrral population have hrndnchM." And the survey, Involving nrnr ly R.onn persons, showed also that your chances of having recur ring hendnrhes are strongest If you nrc (l a woman; 2 under 20 years of ace; and (3) unmar ried. People who ore divorced or sep arated from Iheir spouses arc mora apt to have them than hap pily married folks. People wllh no eduention al all are least opt to be suffers i nmnng groups having varying de grees of education. Dr. Henry Ogden of Louisiana 'niversily School of Medi- "ftve results of the study in jioicntific exhibit at the opening J v So. Pole Base AVCKLA.VD, Jiw Zealand ' L". S. Navy co.iM ruction party ' frvr if im rNnl rMT uill flv the South Pole within the next rtaic In hiiilfl a npnlifir Eicht picked men commanded by U. R. A. Dowers will attempt a pole landing in a ski-rigged Da kota. U. J. Tuck will traverse the area with dog teams to fix a camp nncitinn u-illiin Vt vorH. nt ll,n H' .,. l i 1 LA!lf!E type Sli.llanrt mare e before hmlding begins. i ,,rcrt , 'rre, SMver dapple The first three of eight U. S. I ShrUand Mud. Ph. t-Mii. Air Force (tlohemaslers whiclrFoit' salk" nui-kakin mar. are to make 41 niriiron. of nmlo. i I"""1 Q"arterlinre. I sorrel '" hnae dl fly from Sound. The planes will dron 700 tons tan-din, materials a. the f within the next four weeks. LEGALS AIIVKHT1SKMKNT OK IllltS Sr.iled prnpoah for a "l.oailer-Traclnr-Raokline"' will he rprrlved by .Marion Lonntv Counl lie News Too Late to Classify LOST; Mil Peklnfi. hivri pjtch on nfrk. Upward. 3-714. LOST. Rltkl, fawn colored Box er pup, J'h. 2-417.1, l" HV. Hill "ftfBllili. will (Kit ht npfini;lrile tor bills olhr tVtan my own. ' WRINOHR wither, , g' 'conHi lion, cheap, J'h. 4-0JB2. ( (,'ONNHONATA lclronlp Off an, Vi prflol nolr, cxtknt inmll 1 lion. fM,Y l&ttltf ZOHtL'S, 61(1 , Cnurt PI. Ph. 4-S2A2. I WANTFI); inks nr nredy tviy. muil ha reaionahle, J'h. 2-1.1ML Ol.AHfl llnftl AO al, Kai walrr hrntf-r, Ilka nw, Aim urn nil Jon ftftor uriiacf, ('all T. ArnpMMi, ph. 4-ani, Kxl, Rift. ALM6T""naw'ifiiirifngth"huii. ulin Kfitilnrl fur tout, lira ID, 4-n:'ni allar &:3tl. ton 8AI,K, tmvd rlrclrli- tntitnral A 1i (K) 11 I',, nurd Kiwmill mv i-hlnt-iy, Ph. 4-llfi.m RKVFHA1. arc wrtdrto, vnviium pump, iwlng rmw, Hrt at 7UU Hlrwmt til, J'h. 47544. L'OtJI'I.K In fair fnr apt., in rKchmiRc fnr font, apl, .1-(141. KXTMA 1iI'p hdrtn, with itova. rrltlR. 1105 Ft. ifllh. It TNT it hilrin, oitllniit, walfr turn. I'll. 4I7.10, 3410 hloMom ron' PKNT, hrtr7n"rim7rirh" MLt ml. R, Hlver ntl.jl-Bliai. roil RENT "or !! 4 'bdrin" iKiine nrwly rlcmratrrt, all nar., 178 mo. Th. 3-P740. NEWI.y'VmIpp." .1 iiihm." hoina, 70. Cnllfa Dr. .VAM7. rXTRA nha I hdrm. wllh atove. reftlR. I'h. J-bph. WORKSHOP H'l' wlrfd fnr 110.220 A- 4(fl. Sutlnl)l for any Ivpp of oliop. Vninlrd bv rab hift maker. fM tnn. 31IS rulr Brntindi Itil. I'll. 3-;i0.1l nr OPPORTUNITY RKYONl) t'oinparhnn If nM ran qualify. Ph. 4-S1S1 fnr apnl. PPEF.I) Wufrn wrhtRer type washer with pump: In gnnrl rond 4100 Incailer Dr, Ph. 3-GTS1. WHY ilnn't you ulralafnipn up and hf a manf Puy a hnime to you ran hava laxen lltti Ihe reit nf tu and all Hie other heariarhM nf a Inmllnrd. Jluy 1ht ndrm. hnme and ynii ran have all nf tlifdf. Ph. 2-14M daya. 344341 eve. HOUSK WAN TIC D I WIM. pay around 120,000 or a home In tha Salem area. This home inuM of Early American nsljrn. mln. of A ndrmH., old nr new airiichire aallvfarlnry. Havr ralt avallablr, Con I art huyrr at mis Llveitley Jlldg., or Ph. 47702. M CtiEVnUincPi cnupP. flt)3. Arrept Irarie. 11441' iflSI KAISER 3 drTravcrrr", Knnd rond. Ph. 4-4714 or 4-S2A2. 11Y OWNER.-IPSA I'onitnc A dr. Chlrflan dlx. seel. $l,OH0. Termn pnfislhle. Call 3-1SH7 after 0 p.m. or S-1W72, At, OI.DS. pond tranNpnrlatlon. IPS. T.m Ilrnadway. rOR SALE; Lou truck, J'h. 2-1740 even I tin. IS FT. Trailer home. MB Draper. Ph. 4-fififinr 2-B424. 4fi '"cHEVi tfc'f'rickup. 5"78. Th. 4-tlU. 300 Personal 312 Lest ond Found FOIIND: rtlnnd rcklngoaft. Th. 4-.-H70- I-OST : made female Corker epsniel, 6 mm., j'h. 2-0G11. i-OST. Mart's Crotnn whttp sold wrist ivaich. reward, a-lefiii. LbSTTChlld'i: (ilaiineK nr. Wash Jncion achooi, lirward. I'ii. FOUND Black malr CnclttT rpanifl in vicinity or ngle uowJ ccJiool. Pn. 2-0.152. LOST r fi mu. blond C'ncker Spaniel, nr No Suleni rli. cniid pel Reward. J'h. 3-A773. 316 Pursonal TOO MANY BHLS? Dnn't Irt ynur bills pr1 you IB trnublf If you're Pehind in pp,'nit!ta. we ran heip rou rsD aecurtty or ro-ngnrr SS"p.V'fZ' afforfl! ip.ordrd ard licenced f.r r.uf pro'ertjon ! CREDIT CONSULTANTS dii 8Jem i tiU tor infom i vi. AI.COHOLJCS Anonrmoui. 9S6 S. Commrrcl.l. J-J108. 2-2SO '1-00 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sato ism'"."' "" i on rtnily i KihkI ahcep rh. : ''lns- t. """"- 5M0 ,rZ-ZZtt IS per ton In flelil, 1 banked i.ul. 1Mi.I-2047. SAI.IM" Heat Co, ioek.r beet. Cuitom klllln,, rutting and wrapplnf. trailer loaned free. 403 Livestock Wanted nuvrr. 47 St.te. E I. c II. Sliethrn 2-1.145. 2-43SI1 CA1 TI F. miver A. T Sommer, i:0 Harmony J)rph4-n67 TOV cflfsh pricn at ynur plnre Hay Cwel PhSiBajCollect. UVrsi'OCK buver C'laiida""M wanls. Hi i, Uox 8Bl)r. 4-1113 404 Poultry ond ftofebiH CtTSTOM Dress Ittivers of Hens Plain fl.tlO Crnler. Ph. X7:ifi0. l)ill()i.Jones'o.MaMnrket. it A It Chicks hatched yr. rnunflf Valley rarm Store. 4-4624. UAI1Y Chlckt for meat or exgs. Send for free folder. Wilton's Hatchery, Lvont, Ore. PH. ULrlck WII.O PUCKS k CJEKSR Dre!trd at Whit;' pmillrv Ai Habtltl. 3985 State. Ph. 4-3918 408 Pots Krnir PUPPY FARM jltM) feiitrr Ph -V'lHJ PupiMr all kiiuU Itnv A st-ll Alt noon K rvrs. No Sun. culls. COLLIE Shepherd Pupa 8 weeks. 1 YRr"oIdAKC"rierman shep herd Male. 7:5 S. Uth Apt. 3. FREE to good home, small bterd puppies. S 5tM. FREE "KITTENS' PH. 2-59M. GF it MAN shepherd female, Hri, ia mos. rn. .1 m'Ji. IXKl onrt le.irn to train your I . V.rxl ,:,','rn'' , ' f 'Vh ' u'n '"J iVl'l rune 2 0o H i'ii German short haired pointrii for or trade tor tuni or tnv kind of p.'rtnc fHiipmrnl ' P'v 4-.W-9. 849 t'nnnectirut Ar ROnnrR Collie pups W1e? Zntfl, Rt, 4. Rn 3.1. 1-0248. SELL" or trade GermatT Short Hairs. Th. 10'K lnde i kdenct. Gets Falcon For Deer Hunf.Wim Bet Via Want Ad k Al' ON Hgaiifti hirl thai kai i 4tt huAUfti tiftn at. II ft- 4 I libit, M rirv, i nttf. I ! i I I i ' I ' j '40 f ... Darauae ether mtmhet af the IJly Creek ifuntinjt Club acftffd at Mi claim theit aa a bird thai too Id bt ufd to hunt deer, jay B. Pri( plaerd a Claaalled Ad in the Tampa Tribune, thnttif received a call from man tio had a (rained falcon for tale. t ti Hi lft,ll 11-1 f()() Agrirtilliirc 408 Pats ni.ACK Lnbradnr retriever. nun. Call afler 0 p.m. 31)30 Slate. I'll. 2-200.1. , DALMATIAN PUPPIKS Registered. Ph. 3-3024 8IAMKSR Klltena; Seal point. very lovnuic, rn. .i-enoi. VOUNti paiaKetti. caxea feedtv MlokevV saas 8 Com. 1-276S I'AMAKrK'I'S, Imp, fish, aup piles, 3150 Llvlngiton. 21&42. 410 Seeti'i and Plants STKINKR'S Nursery. dwarf Irrcn, ahruhfl, btilhi, planU. (iardf-n Sup. 3m Market, 2-IP40. 412 Fruit t Farm Produce WE Buy walnut Ac filherig, we pay more compton Nut Co., Jn the heart of Dundee, Box 1, i'n. nut, iJunnce, ure. OTATOF.S nnrl Delicious Ap plrs. O. D. Norcn, 2630 Bios lim llr. Ph. 4 MB. LARGE No. I walnuts. Wayne Simmons. Ph. 2-4381. EASTERN Oroaon Alfalfa Hays 4 0432. Alter p.m. 2-2189. WALNUTS, 21c, delivered. Ph. eves. 2-7107. APPLES, Northern Spies. & Spitz. Walnuts. Ph. 2-5293. PASTEURIZED whole milk, 7.1c 1.11. iiomnirenizeo, wc, ,i Eai. or 40c. Clcary Dairy 2-3033. APPLES field run 1 BU. Lnbish Village Mkt. WE. WASIIKD CARROTS PHONE 4-3081 GOOD eating potatoes $2 per hundred. Ed Mueller. Rt. 1 P.O. 287A. InrtVp. t, ml. South Y Calc. Ph. 2 1.173. Bring aacks 413 Fertilizer ROTTED sawdust ft manure. Ph. 4-;iohi. Phillips Itrni. POULTRY ferllllzer. Extra good. i'h, a iiatcncry. m iisi IH OOM TEntTuzERT No weedi, tine for lawns tic mulch. We deliver. 2-0331. TEAT Mobs from chick trayt, 75c aacit. vaney rarm iore. FERTILIZER Acr-d manure, fined quality, at a) way vc del. any amount anywiicre. Th. 2-4077. 425 Auction Sales AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S A Zf Tlf ; J' 1 lUcniidliuiBC 51 Household Good, .$139.50 j NVthV jw? pTice evrSkn lowest nrice everl Gltn waoary, Jbio n. bummer. COM pXete aelec I "lonof unfiiv ihcrt furniture all xale priced, lifted Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-6371. MW oil circ, good cond. Wood heater, good, $15. 4-1302. MONTAGUE enameled wood range, new grates, good baker, 4 5nt5. SIMMONS single bed .springs, like new, also dhl. bed springs tn matt, very Rood. Ph. 4-5BW.. If YOU naed a single item or a complete household of new ot urd furniture or appliances buy now on our eaiy terms Woodry' Thrifty Used Furniture S15 So. Com'l St Ph. 4-3119 1 block So. of Pper Mill USED dining table with leaves. $12.50. Hogg Uroi., 248 Court St. NEW box spring & mattress set. .112 roll. 10 yr. guarantee. SPECIAL $5!).H5. Used Mdse. Marl. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371 CARLOAD New chairs Just arrived I Here's your chance for choice at the lowest prices everl All kinds, T.V., roto. foam runner, etc. Glen Woodry, IfiOS N. Sum mer, USED 5p(rirop leaf "dlnrtte M'l. $17 .50, Hogg Mr os., 248 Court St. FOR SA'l.ErRtoVeTrcfTrg.rTutol washrr, misc., household Itrms, hoses A- sprinklers, 1775 Grant. I'd. 2-BIHI7, Oil 1 (rater, a ilia 1 1 i it 7e7$i Tit. Hogg llros., 248 Court St. TAHLKlamps7$43rUseTl Mdse" Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-W71 $199.50 Reduced from $249.50 new 3-pe. sofasrctlonnls with large ot toman. You loo can aavt during Glen Woodrv'i Re modeling Saletl 1605 , Sum mer. 8 PC. mnh. Duncan Phvfe dble. pedestal t.ible $M 50. Glen WiMHliy, 1803 N. Summer. DAVENO JV" Like Tt"e.r Onlv JfiO !i5. Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-8CS71. t-SFO 3 iv. suite, tw. Court St. .limit bedroom Hon Bios.. 218 UOY 1 ! Are we loaded on used furniture, everything goes dur ing our last few daya I Remod eling Salei. Dining sets, elec tric ranges, refrigerator, dav enos or hat do vou need' S,i now. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 1$ sizFS-iinf,cheits","7M and up. Hogg Pros., 248 Court St. new" floor Camps hTm. Glen Woodry, 1605 N, Summer. ' DAVENO and chair, 29 75. Hogg iri tiros.. 248 (.'ourl St. BI THRIFTY- nu ud rurm- a 0 p 1 1 a n c e a. Till THRIFTY WAY Terms at WOODRY S THRIFTY USF.O URN $15 S Cwni 1 Ph 4-3311 f 1.C.F-. Estate HeatrolaVil heif er. 1 lee. Satea I Coleir-ufi ion Gat. stoxe oil tank. ph. 4IW USm rta enpo't. onlv $19 50. Hogg Bros, 246 Court St. ...hi -ill jaaar a V 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods KING SIZE New Simmon King Size Box nprtngs ana Mattreuea, ISD.50. Glen Woo dry, 1605 N. Sum mer. 4 PC. Bedroom let ffffi.SO. 5 pc. bedroom aet (large; Sft9.50. Tcrma-Tradea. Glen Woodry, j wo n. summer. UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture. 175 N. High. USED platform rocken, $9.75. Hogg Broi 248 Court St. . NEW Daveno Seta 11 IBM. men woodry. 1605 N. Summer. $39.50 New 5-pe. wrought Iron din ettes. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. SIEGLER oil St gas heatera Marshall wells store in Hoi lywood. Ph. 3-6877. NEW Simmons Hfdeabeds SlAft. ciKcn woodry. 1605 n. bummer. 5 PC. used chrome dinette, 128. Hogg "l0'-' z7aVPrl Sl; VACUUM CLEANER FLOOR POLISHERS Compact, Filtex, Kh-etrotux, Hoover, an maxes, aiz-iw up. Compact Vacuum Cleaners, ,U21 N. Capitol. 3-7067. USED cheit of drawers, extra large. 812.05. Hogg Broa., 248 Court St. 452 Appliances GUARANTEED Frigldalre table top hot water heater, 155. oien Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. OIL Spark stove, first class anape. usea not water neater. Ph. 2-2MJ. VERY good used Roper Gas range, a ourner, gona naum oven, naturalgai. Ph. 3 8600, "GUARANTEED Rernndllloned aiitomatio wash- en, dryers, ranges c raingti. 1,11.50 At up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 875 Chamaketa St. USED washers $15 h up, Mod ern Appliance uemer, uti ao. Com'l. Ph. 4-!t353. TRADE IN old furniture, or what nave you on a new auto matte washer, dryer, range or reingeraior. ouuu nuuaiv KEEPING INC. 467 Court St. USED Refrtg. $25 At up. Modern Appliance Center, 1141 South Com'l. 4-H:t53. COMPACT Vacuum Cleaner M. up. 1321 N. Capitol 3-7057 USED refrigerators. $1P 25 8t up. A1 VVf- App.. 2350 Stale St. FRIGIDAIRE range with wonder ovrn ma. nenaix raaio-pnono. Console tMt. Ph. 2-9608. DELUXE Automatic washer $125 Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer 454 Sewing Machines USED tarance WHOLESALE PRICES CABINET ELECT. REVERSE STITCH PORTABLE ELECT. $19.95 PORTABLE ELECT. LATE MODEL. PERFECT $17.20 SINGER PORT. CABINET COMB. SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT PERFECT MANY MORE HURRY FOR BEST SELECTION SEWING CENTER 130 N. Commercial Ph. 3-351$ Woodburn 2-79H Dallas MAfalr 3-3968 456 T V. & Radio CONSOLE radios. $14 W. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6.171, It C A, ConsoleTV. All channef S12:)95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 SLibty.Jh.4;7l. A t 17" T' with stand $89 50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Sununtr. NATIONAL receiver, NC-88. CaU 3-7068 alter 6 p m. THE Vest for less Hanson TV. Ph. 4-9644. 458 Musical Instrument! USKn Hammond organ Home , imvle Mih tone ral.met. Sev f ml otrtrr ued orgrin. Ever ett spim-t piano. Savt o er half new price. Lmeiv Knahe gr ind in fl-irrd Walnul M-,r-i-H Oram S.ilr A Service. 33 N Huh Strret. Organ Dept. Heirien SFI.L equttv in a new Iplntt epiano. Ph. 4-48M. PIANO STORAGE O Ph. 4-JWJ am,. 4-l f.rn. ! PlANa WANTED. Top rash paid. Taiwan's, 39$ & Uth. o 450 Merchanrlise 458 Musical Instruments OftOANS ntw and tiierf. Lai- aona. Rentala. Worrell 153 N. Hifh. 120 BASS Accordion A-l cond. almoat naw, will actl raaaon- abla prlca. Ph. A-71M. SPINET slylad piano. Strtkinf Zolotona Juiith. Bargain at ijia. aiont yiano kj. BALDWIN ACROSONIC SPIN ET. j prlca at Taiiman a bi. Piano Warahousa Sale! 39S 9 12th. near S.P, Depot. ".A Mile rrom Hlih Prtcei." KNABE SPINElTl'IANO. Save 1300. Tallman'a biff Piano Whae. aal. 2i S l.tti, near s.P. Depot. A Mila rrom Minn jTicaa." ACCORDIONS : Hohncr 925, Grand Vox 7S. Tallman'a, 3fr3 a. latin. WE Day too cam .trice pianos. Uied Mdse. Mart 770 a. L.ipeny. n. 4-6371. ACCORDION or Piano Laaiona. rree us oi an Accordion. Fn, z-azau uuana Jtunaaker. ' NEW THOMAS ORGAN $725 ' WILTSEY-WEATHERS MUSIC 470 N. CAPITOL ST. PIANO WAREHOUSE SALE! Prices alashedl Save dealer and mioaieman proms I jvew, used, all styles, finishes, fam ous makes, larae it lection. Bargains galore I Buy now for Xmaa and save! tZ terms. Open Frl. eves. Tallman Piano Store Whse., 39S S. 12th, near a.r. uepou PIANO-violln lessons. State ac credited teacher. Ph. 2-5013. 462 Wanted Hthld Goods CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN. CO. Ph. 1-7472 110.000 CASH Ta mend for III eh rrada Okorl Furnltur it Appliances. Ph. 3-5110. Paying Top Price for setter oraat. Glen Wo&dry, 1805 N. Summer MISC. furnltur wanted. Cour teous service, n. a-ouitB. TOP CASH PRICE - FURNI TURE, APPLIANCES, ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. LIBERTY PH. 4-8371 464 Sports Equipment 14 FT. boat, used only few times, car top mounting, oars x an chor, $65 cash. Ph. 4-5865. USED RIFLES 698 ILLINOIS, 3-8368 CASH paid for used (una, mod ern aina anuque. waseaa Mere 1230 Broadway. 465 Photography TWO fine B&H 8 MM. movia cameras, une wan a turret mount with three lenses. Mor rclls 363 N. High. Organ Dept. Heiders. THE perfect gift for Christmas a rimiiy rorirau oy KENNELL-ELLIS Open Mon. At Frl. Eves. 520 State St. Ph. 3-7830 466 Bicycles SELL: Girls 24 In. bicycle IIS. 4120 S. 12th. 4-5274. I" GIRLS'S bicycle, and large tricycle. Call after 5. Ph. 4-8531 BOY'S Bike $15. Call after 2 p.m. 468 For Hent, Mltc. TOR RENT or lease, ige. ware- nouit space cement tioor brick bldg,. downtown. In quire H L. Stiff Purn 3-9:83 470 Building Materials BLDG. MATERIALS Used common red brick 5iica Slate blackboard . 25c so. ft. No. z A- btr. lumb., $45-55 per M Fir flooring $45 per M Rustic siding .. $33 per M 37' bolted roof trusses. .. $43 ea. Doors wframes it hdware S3 up Windows & Sash XI un Used Cork Instil $1.25 bag Shelving, readymade. Low pricea. ALSO Plumbing At Electric Supplies E.S.RIJTER&CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-8311 4 ml North of Salem, i mi. North of Tntem Pole Open all day Saturday sob.rjoo-FEET New fresh-milled old At second growth lumber. 2x4 to 2x12 In 8 to 24-font lengths. Delivered prices Salem, $30 per thou., minimum Ted Muller 4-0523 GALVANIZED PIPE " k Fittings. Ph. 2-9596 10 (It's Winter "outslde"-HuhT) BUT, there's hundreds of Items "in nyar ai wah.mch bah GAINSI 1 PLYWOOD. PLYWOOD. PLY WOOD Int. or ext. 4x8 sheets or smaller sties (ridiculous amount). 1 at even smaller prices. HEY and WE'LL EVEN CUT IT "SMALLER" PR EE I 1 txR HARDBOARD 2 00. SDG. 59.50 up. PLC. 59.50 up, WALLBOARD, SHAKES. REJ. DOORS 395 (NOT BADtl 1x12 SHELVING 12,c JUST IM PORTED - 5000' P.IHCH FLC. (BEAUTIFUL COLOR) PE CAN At OAK TOO! I See our new PANELING DIS PLAY 20 different woods 7 tvpes A styles. MANY, MANY In stock LARGEST selection In Villav. WROUGHT" IRON LEGS, MOD ERN WOOD LEGS for those "DO - IT - YOURSELF" proj ects! I (Set theml) PICK A PROJECT our utmost service at your oitposai sc or $1500 order equally wl come. 38 MONTHS TO PAY NO POWS l A 1 M Btv l on ap proved credit, Portland Road Lumber ard 3545 Portland Road Ph. 4-4433 "OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY'" WE INSTALL plastlc'wall tile. Formic counter tops. Fir Birch cabinets. Let us give you a free estimate on your re modeling now. Montgomery W a rdjk Co.Ph.3-3 19 L STF.FL Garagt Doors, complete with hardware, $43 50. In stalled, $53 50. Metal saves trough, 13'iC, built-in 4 burn er range, $82.70. Toilet, $24.50. 6-ln. vent tan. ilS. FPPING LUMBER CO. S740Silver1on Rd. Ph. 4-8113 ""WHOLESALE Mulino Sash & Door Prehung door, wood windows. Dole Vnj-WT. 4-8?iu rP"TWKwall neatera. ". off 52 asil Ute wafer heater. 15 12-2 wire. 4"-(C ft. In rolls. lShl Oxtuw sfdrd. 3 pc bAtr, s 10 fcslt-sn hathsaj,iA0. fcis. K 4 burner um JOa- O", box.fs, J.V. l-2 wire, 4c t. in rltV Ape F3riffrtc A- PUf Ing. 1410 Broadway. Ph. M$. ' Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Dailyl ACCOUNTING SERVICE Lon A. FlSCU PH. 3-5285. 1509 4in btrtei. ADDING HAL'aUNII Buy as you rent. All makes nosn- iTPtwniera, vouri Ph. 387 7S. 4,1'PLlANtfel .WESTINGHOUSE woodry Furnltur Co. 474 So Coir'l Ph 4-2111 BKICK BLOCK MAI6N BRICK and block Work guar an teed. Ph, 4-6435. CARPENTER - CONTRACTOR New Homa Construction. Re modeling, Interior or exterior. Free estimate. Ph. 4-8285. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions retaining walls, cement or pumlct block. Fret eatl matea. 36 mos. to pay. 2-62BO. CERAMIC TILE Valley Art Tile Co. Bathrooms, arainrjoaros, iirepiacc. re est gladly. Pn. 4-9958, CORSETTIERE. CHARIS CORSETTIER'E 2380 Lansing Ph. 2-ft519 CKAKt WOftft 25-ton Lorain moto crana Sa lem Sand & Gravel Co 2-2461 FLOOR COVKKllNOS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor-covering, Division CJual Ity Installations. Linoleum, As phslt & Rubber Tile. Wall tile Fiee Estimates 4-2279 450 Merchandise 472 Plumbing I Heating OIL Circulators from $15. Glen wooary. 1605 N. bummer. OIL furnace, $20. 2 galv. drums, yip, -was sunnysiae Ha. Special: Glass Radiant Elect. ELECTRIC WALL HEATERS 14000 watt Electromode, $4!). 3000 watt Thermadors, $38 ta. 2000 watt Thrrmador. $29. 12000 Weslx, $29. 1035 BROADWAY PH. 2-8300 474 Floor Covering INLAID linoleum, $1.79 per sq Ia. it. I iuusirom uo., 200 iberty. VINYL floor tile, 10c each. R. L. Elf itrom Co. 260 S. Liberty 480 For Sale Miscellaneous OUR store Is In a mess from remodeling, ao you II find the lowest prices in town nl Glen Woodry, 1005 N. Summer. BEAUTIFUL IB pc, cutlery aet. excel, airbi gin, win sacri fice $75, Sharpener Included. 2461 Trade St. before 7 p.m. NEW 0x12 linoleums $4.98. Glen woodry, 1005 N. summer. i IN. drive socket set lk-2 in. Ratchet Flex-Box. Ph. 4-9734. NAVY LIFE JACKETS $2. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. LG. DUO-therm oil circ. with fan, 100 gal. tank, exc. cond., $40; Boy's English hike. Ph. 4-2565. 270 Holder Lane. NEW Modern Desks $32.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 6 YR. OLD coarse mulching saw- oust. nig pickup joaa 1 ,i yds.) de 1. $3.30. 2-3537, NEW Trouble Utes $1.29. Glen Woodry,1605 N. Summer Elemin Food Supplement Ph. 2-9646. NEW Modern Solid Maple Bunk or Trundle Beds with Mat tresses $79.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED tires, truck and passenger. Buy, sell, trade. Lytle's OK. KITCHEN trash burner $39.50. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer CIJRINET, with case. $50. Iron base floor lamp, $7. Red dra pery material. 20R5 N. 19th. Ph. 4-1896. NEW 9x12 Wool Axminster Rues $59.50; new 9x12 Rug pads $8.88 SAVE NOW t 1 Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. ROYAL portable typewriter, $40. Ph. 3-f819. WHOLESALE New Tires Ny lon 670-15. 16.36 plua tax. Lytlc'a OK, N. Com'l At Pine. SHOP smith, model E.R. like new. Extras. Ph. 3-8236. WESIX-wall beat eV; china lamps, metal Venetian blinds; b.Tsslneltc; baby buggy. Ph. 2-7fi67. GET your REST with a new 600 coil 10 yr. guaranteed with foam rubber box and Inner spring mattress set lor only $7H.50 was $1HJ.50. Glen Woodry lti03 N. Summer. FOR SALE: good 16 tt. hunting boat; Sp.irk oil heater; Mirro matic Pressure cooker; Rem ington dlx. razor, good as ne-.v; Used washing machines; Oil heaters; Wood heaters. Many other misc. Items. Just a good general 2nd hand store. Call Barkers Furn. 4-0444, 3794 Sil ver ton Rd. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE Royal portable, aulet. deluxe $50 Smith-Corona, Sterling, port able ... $43 Rnval Stnnriard Ivnewrttrr $75 Late models In good condition. Walt Odu. 883 N. Church Ph. 4-8194 CHRISTMAS TREES? Ph. 3-5284 between 5 7:30 p.m. $30.00 DN Delivers complete household n( furniture and appliances with easy terms. Hundreds of oth ers are getting the buy of their life at Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. MISC'L. hand crochet new it used davenport St chair sets $2 to $5. Ph. 2 R88.V 815 S. Lancas t er, also will haby Um y home Gravel & Top Soil PHONE 2-1575 FOR SALE CHEAP: 1 tractor, tvpt (Al Farmall: 1 disk, dou ble: 1 Sprtngtooth; 1 plow: 1 rifle: 1 horse plow; 1 cider press: 1 horse cultivator. For information see F. Pillman. Rt. 1. Rot 494. Woodburn. FORSaTk CHEAP: Hay fork k cable; 2 long handled pitch forks. 15 prong i; long hay rope; wood circulating heater, like neu ; used lumber, all lengths ft widths. For Infor mation see F. Dlllman, Rt. I. Box 4M. Woodburn. CEDAR ttnes post good quality. Treated or untreated. Toles. Ph. 4-3081. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 4-4747 RETREADS 800 870 $8 95 ft dD L,-K No Com ' ft Pine XMAS Card, anrors. gifts. Mrs. L. S. McClmtic,J349M.irlon. Ft prvVRP fRS iCcni ma chines rash regt"'s -luoh catn'-s flfki chairs Mm s.'O pl:se Re-en t. 434 Court 3-477$ 481 to tent tWiittoMtut KaVirs: ft RENTALS wwer Saws Poner Mower Oatn Tract av Currier's WeMir-f ft Feratr. $403 Fort Um Rd- 4-6558. Q O Save time - Save For the Best Professional Services FOUNDATION to WALLS Blue Panel Form Co. Free) Eiti matea. Ph. 4-3688. ORAOINO OOZINO nuu.noziNG. $5.50 oer nr. Ex cavatlng, trencnlng, tile lay ing, tepucs, cic. cnorn i. Maerz. Ph. 4-3517 after fl a.m. OOZING & LEVELING Pn $.M32 D PANTOVlCh BULLDOZING, grading it land clearing Elmo W Lochrr. owner At operator. Ph. 2-4613. BljZLDOZlNG. clearing roadi, Rondt. D-4, D-6 carryall V us Hey. Ph 2-3146. PAINTINO Interior & exterior L. C. Kl of 30 n. 3-7697 or 3-6857 eve. eve, . PHOTO EQUIPMENT Rent tape recorders, cameras. McEwan'S. 245 N. High. 3-5470. TREE pruning, topping, also shrub pruning. Free est. 4-9352. RECORDING STUDIOS ALL types of music or speech recorded py uonnepy. z-mi. REMODELING Sheet Rock expertly taped Ac textured. Ph. 3-8347. Interior or exterloi. family rm nuinin apui. "-"'V'M":"r planning. Free est. Ph. 3-3434. SAND it GRAVEL SALEM SAND at GRAVEL CO neaay mix, and round gravel, sand and top oil. 1405 N. Front St. 2-2481. 450 Merchandise 483 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED several thousand cords of wood, ail species- rn. j-m Nights 4-5633 484 Miscellaneous E-A-V-E-S T-R-O-U-G-H-S State Roofing Service Ph. 2-7829 nnuTii ri ATI REPAIR 2 -Ha SERVICE DN MOST CASES. OR. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolfch Bldg. sute at wm i su AiiiVri rn. 486 Machinery & Tools Used Welders For Sale 698 ILLINOIS, 3-8566 490 Fuel OLD FIR WOOD -Ph. 2-8773 afler 6. GOOD OAK WOOD PH. 4-2508 CAPITOL FUEL CO. Dry oak, ash At maple wood. Choice slab it block wood mixed, dry or green. Dry mill wood. 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 OREGON FUEL GREEN tt DRY WOOD S & H Green Stamps 3087 Broadway Ph. 3-5533 WttKT SAI.F.M FUEL Dry green wood T11 he or mi shout sawdust 1525 Edgewater Ph. 2-4031 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST St WOOD 3-6444 ANDERSON'S alnbwood, S-unlt load $25, Ph. 2-7731. WANTED : Several thousand cords of bark-free wood, fir or hemlock. Ph, 3-7721; nights 4-oejj. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get cash for shopping needs or other seasonal c.ppnic- in one visit to office ! Phone Beneficial, give a few facts, then coma in! Exclusive I Nationwide Credit Card nresented to everv cus tomer good at over 1,000 of fices! Beneficial likes to sav "Yes!" Phone for a 1-tnp loan, write or come in toaay LOANS UP TO $1,500 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. IPersonil Finance Co.) Pb. 2 H64 105 S. Hlsh $25 to 2500 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 113 S. Liberty Ph. 4-2203 COLONIAL Inv.atment Co Rc.l property contract. Purchased 61? Court. 4-22S3 Ph. 2-0184. WILL BUY Contracts A 2nd mortgages. Ph. 4-.1644. PRIVATE money to loan. 6 Interest. Ph. 2-07S4. PRIVATE money to loan, cash for nit pe. and contracts. B. M. Mason and W. B. Mtnler, Rlts. 341 Chcmeketa St. Installment Loans Consolidation Loam Or for any money problem come In .nd sr. Mel Bowcut. or Dick G.hlsdort at CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 1(1(1 9 Com'l. Ph. 4-1431 LOANS 150 Of) to IISUOM Buy tVh.t You Canii'ltd.t. trout bill.. tnro'jh WILLAMT1TF. CREDIT COMPANY 112 S Churrh Sl Pn I SU! Now A New Mon.y for .11 worth-while put- fotes ror rerson.i Lo.n, on.nlld.t. Bills New Pur ch.iem Home owned he operated 1PW Fatriroundi Road Salem. Ore.. Call 1-7032. Free Park Ing Lot TO PLACE AD THONE 4-6S11 N ;Iy- I SAND it GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGilchriit Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All size for roads, driveways and parking Jots. READY MIXED CONCRETE. Gar dan sand, hull-dozing, shovel and dragline work 3-0249. VALLEY SAND it GRAVEL i.'O. Crushed & round gravel sand it con. mix. 2-4002, SEPTIC SERVICE Frank - Harry's Power Ditching Insinuation Sewers Septic Tanks rtMi Tllln PH. HOiOo", Salem, Ore Hamcl's septic tanks Cleaned, line service Guaranteed work I'lione j-mui or j-auiat. HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, iewert, septic tanKS cieanea, j-aot. MIKE'S Septic se-nrice. Tanki cleaned O rooter cleans sewers drains Phont J-46ii SHARPENING it REPAIRING Ed's Sharpening A: Repair Scr. cim'. Walnli Rhnn 1717 Center, 2-0802, Aumsville 528. TELEVISION TV Service, $3.50 per call at home. No nx, no chg. z-uuit. Salem's oldest home owned Co. Hundreds or local reicrences, free inspection. Ph. 2-0781 . Prevention, treatment, repairs, free estimates, fn. z-piwj. TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 600 Employment 602 HelpWonred COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Sine. 1048 Specialist. In Office Placements 484 St.te St. (411 Or.. Bldf.) Phon. 4-3331 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT 354 N. Winter (Phone 2-0638 F Lmb. Bookkeeper, sharp on figures, adding machine. Calculator cxp 1.50 hr. F PBX Operator open M Advertising At Display exp. 55.00 WK. -Salesman Roofing , Comm. -Maintenance Exp. 1.50 hr. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel. Bldg. adj. Presbyterian Church 354 N. Winter Ph. 2-0636 Your future Is our Job. APPLICATIONS are now Doing taken for Statesman bicycle routes. Several routes wll) bs open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department of th Statesman Journal. 604 Help Wanted, Men NEW YORK CORP. Whose business In Northwest tripled in 1956 are planning on opening new branch offices throughout the Northwest. We have openings for 3 men In our new Salem office. STARTING SALARY $300 PER MONTH PLUS COMMISSION. FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ARE NECESSARY: 1. Neat appearance. 2. Between uses 23-40. 3. Car necessary. 4. Must be bondable. Will interview Tuesday only be tween 10 a.m. -12 and 4-6. Ask for Mr. C. E. McKay. Scnaior - Hold. No phone calls please. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS At 16 AIRPLANE COMPANY Here's an excellent opportunity lor auaiinea nremen. ion 11 work in Seattle, and receive good starting pay. You'll en joy the satisfaction of per forming an important Job for the builder of the Air Force's most relied - upon defense Weapon, the B-52 Interconti nental bomber. If you are between the ages of 4.1 mm 14, 4mu nitc iiau cae- rience as a city structural andor emergency truck fire fighter, it'll pay you lo look into these Boeing openings. To qualify, you must be able to pass a rigid physical exam ination and security invrstiea tlnn. Send your letter of ap plication and details of your experience to: Dept. S-12-C-46 Mr. Don Renarcl OFFICE Second & University Seattle 1, Wash. 606 Help Wonted, Lodyi WOMAN for general office work, operating National bookkeep. Ing machine, tvping. Phone Mr. Parke 4-4906 during busi ness hours. 6"0T"C "WoTT ommisnon MEN or women with car for light delivery work, must know city, both dav ft evening hr open See Mla Schad Rm. 226 Senator Hotel or call 2-6533. WOMAN for temporary work" Telephone survev for local business. No experience neces sary. Salary. Hours 5-B p m. Mon-Fn. 9 to 1 Sat. See Miss Schad Rm 22 Senator Hotel or call 2 6533. 612 Work Wtmted, WANTED: Man for permanent portion a sloe clerk and salesman. Must of past r"raft ace No evperienre see nrv. i Write mm 408, StHpn-J0.r. nal. TfrJCK Driver, 8 yrs. ex . Oct. dnt frtf, on tra-nvr h 4Mts)l sUm Dieiei. rt o 600 Employment 612 Work Wonted, Men PLUMRNG. Remodel & new construction lie, plumber 2-9508 HANDY man or small carpeav ter jobaPh4-2021.. Cement work, prompt service. Ernest Drake, Ph. 4-&mt, CARPENTER WORK, day ot contract. 2-1842. RING 4-1IJ52 for pruning trees, shrubs. At removing trees. freo Topping, Removal Trimming. Caudle 41461. CARPENTER work, new 8c re motlel Richard Has. Ph. 3-4718 HOUSE Painting In it out. t-narue orcenc. wiui.. Carpenter & RepairWork--. Ph. 2-1459 Want Janitor or Yard Work. Rcf. Ph. 4-1434. PLOWING, DISKING. ETC., Oli ver nu, Also rarmau, any where, Ph. 4-026X FREE estimates on floor ceui-r-o ings or driiinhoarns. R L Elf strom Co . 200 S LIbecty. PLOWING - rolo-vating-seed- lng. Lge. or small tracts. 2-1 343. PAINTING 25 yrs. in Salem. Good, cheap prices. 3-7552, CARPENTER work, repair or remodeling hy hour or con tract. No job too small. Ph. 3-4785. tOU'S tree servics Spray, top ping, prune, cabling 4-2666, 614 Work Wanted, Lady CHILD care my home. Morn ingslde Dist. Rcf. Ph. 4-371B. WANT work 2 or 3 hours dayP.L 4-8G12. RUFFLED curtains carefully laundered, quick return. Ph. 3-D610. CHILD care while you work or -shop (my home). 1540 Neb ra Vta. Ph4 -864L RELIABLE child care. On N. 34th off Sunnyview. Ph. 4-4688. PRACTICAL nursing. exper ienced, references. Ph. 3-4454, RELIABLE baby sitter my horns day or night. Rcf. Ph. 3-8836. CHILD care by week or month. Ph. 3-5677. CHILD care mv home, $1 'lay. 25c hr. 4 Co.-ners. Ph. 1-9572. CHILD care, my home, days, Keizer. Ph. 4-286!). WASHING, ironing, dons my home, $1 hr. Ph. 4-5360. IRONING! and mending wanted in my home. Ph. 3-3426. CHILD CARE ' MY HOME So. Salem Ph. 4-7168 CHILD care while you shop or work, my warm home by hr. or day. 440 MILL. 2-7490. CHILD care mv home 4 Corners Ph. 3-C349. 25c hr. day or night. 615 Situations Wanted HEMSTITCHING DONE AT -1551 MARKET ROOF Leak Rerooflng & Re pair. Will beat all competition, Ph. 4-3722 Any time. TD-18 Cat dozing, clearing, ft logging, Leslie Bogue owner ft operator. Ph. Turner 52. VET. Carpenter new or old reasonable. Ph. 4-7704. SCIIARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks, , Drain Fields, Power Ditching, Backfill. Ph. 2-5368 or 3-S072. LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling, grading. 3-7042 U Kurth CARPENTER work, any kind, reas. 4240 Macleay Rd. Ph. 4-51)61. SMALL carpenter Jobs, good work, reasonable. Ph. 4-1424. PAINTING ft PAPERHANGINQ Hi Eh est quality workmanship, free est., terms. Nelson 3-8493. 618 Education HIGH SCHOOL at Home Finish your Hi Srh'l. in your spBre time. No classes. Books furn. Low tuition. Free booklet. AMERICAN SCHOOL. BU -TftM 8343 N. Interstate, Portland 17. Ore PIANO lessons for beginners ft ady anccd Ph. 4-7571. SOUTH SIDE Kindergarten 4 At 5 yr. old. 2, 3, or 5 da. wk. 4-3S22 a.m. ft 4-7120 p.m. 620 Doy ond Controct 'i. ' yd shovel, crane, hoe, drg. line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D4, D7 cats, carry all clear ing blade Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL I4D1 N Front St Ph 2-2461 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board SLEEPING rm. (or 1 or 1. 190 N. Church. Ph. 3-4333. ATTRACTIVE Ire. clean rm.. reus, close in. Pvt. ent.. 4-7867. ROOM St Board In private horn 2252 Sim pson St. Ph. 4-0674. FURN. sleeping rm. garage, 1 block from M&F. Ph. 4-1712. WANTED - Man-is room and board. 1S80 Center. TV, clean," nicely furn. sleeplni rm.. mtn $3 wk. Ph. 2-7620. SLEEPING rmj. ladlesonTy, "67 Leslie. 3-44S2. MAN flpg. rm., TV. prlv. ent. IMS N. Cnpltol. 4-6134. CLEAN, comt. rms. T. V elos. Jn 5IS S Wlnt.r 2-1712. NICELY furn. room, also bimL cls" '" e3 N- W"'er. HOME away from home. Men. TV. Pack lunches. 1095 N, Sth. for Apartments for Rant $35. UtII. pd., clean 2 rms., com pletely private. 2 blks. from town. Ph. 3-8067, 3 FURN. rms. priv. bath, entr,, utll. rm. utilities, Range, frig, 0-- -P"' a' M407. 3 RM. nicely furn. apt., ground floor, priv. bath, $35. Ph. 4-4020 or 3-8841. L":2 'fl0" t0 Jr- 3 RM, furnished apt. 3 blks. No. Lipmans. Ph. 4-5936. 340 Di vision. COLONIAL Manor 3 rm. newly dec. stove ft refng. close in. 1225Chemeketa Ph. 3-7954. LARGE 4 room apt. unfurn. $50 mo, 1140 S. 13th. Ph. 3-7009 alter 6 p.m. 1 ft 3 rm. Apts. $20 ft $40. Cote mhjjTMOO. NICELY furn. bsm't. apt., llrMs, water, garbage. 1815 N. Sth, 2-2555. 3 RM. Furn. Apt. bath. pvt. ent., gar. near shop ctr. ft State Hse. Adults. Ph. 3-5639. LARGE 3 bdrms re-der. unfurn. I cloe in, heat ft water. Adults. 74o "yPhJ-Wlh THECENTURY, new larne ttlx. 2 bdrm. apts. 19S1 Center. DEVEREAUX arts: Nice 2MrTt unfurn.148$ State Ph. J-4. LA IGE 3RM. FVWS. APT, CLOg rVH, $.. 44U t'ft pv etwArTlsiiarfA i m a- cocking m. Utrny bc4$4sVlfM ctnur.