Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 13, 1956, Page 15, Image 15

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    .Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, November 13, 1956
: Section 2
College Dormitory in Flames
. iv i i r.f.'i . f i in i
OQO 09
FULTON, Mo. Smoke and names billow from South Jones Hall
I William Woods College as firemen aided by students pour water
an an adjoining building at right. No Injuries were reported in
the late night fire at the all-girl school. Men students from nearby
Westminster College Joined in aiding firemen. (AP Wlrephoto)
Co-eds Safe as Fire
Hits 3 College Units
FULTON, Mo. Ml Fire swept
through three buildings at Wil
liam Woods College late last
night but the shouts and screams
of house mothers roused about 160
girls and they scrambled out un
hurt. -
Robert Martin, public relations
director at , the girls' school, re-
Reunion Set
By Company M
Company M, Third Oregon In
fantry members, who served on
the Mexican border in 1916 and in
World War I will have their re
union at the Marion hotel Friday
night with dinner served at 7
The company, which was of vol
unteers, most of whom at the time
they joined were students at. Wil
lamette university or the Salem
high school, was commanded by
Capt. James Meer, now residing
in Oswego, who hopes to be here
for the reunion.
Members of the committee in
charge of the reunion are Earl
Headrick, Philip Ringle, Aubrey
Ttissing, Ferris Abbott and Willis
Arabs Blow Up
'Idle' Pipeline
AMMAN, Jordan (A A West
ern firm's idle pipeline from the
Iraq oil fields to Israel's Medi
terranean port of Haifa was blown
up in two places during the night,
Jordan announced Tuesday.
The government said it had or
dered an investigation to find out
why oil was running through the
pipeline supposedly out of use
since the 1948 Palestine war.
Arab nationalists wrecked an
other pipeline carrying Middle
East oil across Syria to the Medi
terranean following the British-
French invasion of Egypt.
ported all were accounted for. He
estimated damage at more than
$365,000 but said it will cost close
to a million to restore the lost
Students at nearby Westminster
College pitched into help remove
clothing and possessions from the
burning dormitories. Two were
overcome by smoke and two oth
ers were slightly hurt.
The fire apparently broke out
in the basement of South Jones
Hail and the three-story building
was destroyed. So was another
housing the dining room and kit
chen. North Jones Hall was heavi
ly damaged.
Investigators could not deter
mine the cause of the fireimmed
iately. V
Mrs. Reland Birmingham, head
hostess at South Jones, said she
heard what sounded like an ex
plosion in the basement directly
under her first-floor apartment. A
short time later she smelled
smoke. " ..' -
Smoke blocked her way to the
fire alarm button. Her screams
awakened two other house moth
ers and together they routed the
Fulton residents provided rooms
for some of the girls, others went
to the Missouri School for the
Deaf, also in Fulton.
Paris to Replace
111 UN Delegate
France is reported looking for
new permanent delegate at the
U.N. to replace Bernard Cornut-
Cornut-Gcntille came to the
U.N. after five years as high com
missioner of French West Africa
He presided over the Security
Council in October until he col
lapsed in the early stages of the
Middle East row, when the West
ern allies split over the British-
French moves against Egypt.
Schooners on
Way Out Along
Pacific Coast
steam schooner, a West Coast fix
ture for almost 40 years, apparent
ly is on the way out.
E. Whitney Olson, president of
the Oliver J. Olson Co. of San
Mateo, Calif., said Monday his
line was selling two of its five
schooners and turning to barges.
Harry Lundeberg, head of the
Sailors Union of the Pacific,
agreed to postpone negotiations
for a new labor contract with Ol
son. "The steam schooner operators
stated that they were in no posi
tion at the present time to raise
the wages or change the agree
ment due to the fact that they
lost pretty nearly half of their
business to the barges and at the
present time are in the process
of trying to recapture this busi
ness." Olson's last competitor in the
steam - schooner business is the
Chamberlin Co. of Portland, Ore,
which operates three vessels. ,
In the 1920s steam schooners
carried more than two-thirds of
all cargo landed in San Francis
co. They are 200-foot wooden ships
with engines and superstructures
astern and up forward long booms
for handling slinged lumber.
More than 200 were built on the
West Coast between 18B5 and 1923,
designed to get into shallow, rug
ged lumber ports in Northern Cal
ifornia, Washington and Oregon.
Their trade dropped off after
1935 as railroads and trucks beat
their prices. ,
Inspection Due
For Seabee Unit
Salem's Seabee reserve unit
will be inspected Friday night by
Cmdr. J. R. Cross, Jr., reserve
program officer for the Seabecs,
and Lt. (j.g.) D. R. McLain.
The Salem unit, commanded by
Lcdr. Wilhnont E. Vermillion,
meets every Friday night at the
The French delegation reported , U.S. Naval and Marine Corps He
Co r n u t Gentille was suffering : serve Training center, and trains
from malaria and liver trouble. ! men in every type of construction
He returned to France last week. I work. I
Red Strike in
Paris Fizzles
PARIS un A one-day strike
called by the Communist-dominated
General Labor Confedera
tion (CGTI appeared to he a flop
Tuesday. The Reds intended it "to
protest fascism."
The CGT picked this day be
cause non-Communist groups are
staging a rally Tuesday night for
Hungarian nationalists. Other un
ions instructed their membership
to ignore the CGT strike coll.
All public utilities functioned at
normal or near-normal levels.
Persons Cashing Checks
Thank You for Your Cooperation
Reclamation Red Cross Supplies Unloaded
Chiefs Chide
Justice Dept.
SALT LAKE CITY 11 Directors
of the National Reclamation Assn.
coupled criticism of the Justice
Department with reiteration of a
demand for "supremacy of state
water laws" In a report to come
before the NRA's Resolution's
Committee Tuesday.
The directors late Monday ap
proved a report of the Water Pol
icy Committee which said senti
ments expressed by the Justice
Department "toward state water
laws are inimical to the interests
of the 17 reclamation states."
They referred the report to the
Resolutions Committee with a
recommendation that the mem
bership be asked to record itself
as favoring the 25-page document
as a declaration of association
The Resolutions Committee will
send the proposal and others be
fore 17 separate state caucuses
Wednesday morning and will
make its report to the convention
Friday afternoon.
Delegates from throughout the
17 arid and semi-arid states rang
ing westward from North Dakota,
South Dakota, Nebraska and Ok
lahoma are expected to number
more than 600.
Bumper Plant
Strike Brings
Lines to Halt
KENOSHA, Wis. U) American
Motors Corp. halted production at
its Milwaukee and Kenosha auto
plants at midnight Monday be
cause of a strike at a North Chi
cago, III., firm which supplies
bumpers for autos.
American Motors had said the
shutdown would mean layoffs for
5,000 employes in Kenosha and
about 2,500 in Milwaukee.
The bumpers arc manufactured
by Houdaille Industries, Inc.,
where 400 workers went on strike
last Wednesday, reportedly over
production standards.
are looking for a stolen building.
James A. Tyler reported that a
frame building, .12 by 22 feet, was
missing from a South Side lot.
Tyler said he had raised the
building : on blocks to move it.
When he went back to the lot,
the building was gone.
Egyptian workers unload Red Cross supplies at airport near
Cairo, Egypt, today. The supplies are enroute to Port Said for
victims of war following British-French Invasion of the city on
Suet Canal, (AP Wlrephoto by radio irom Cairo) .
Supply Co-op
Ops Business
PORTLAND m Pacific Supply
Cooperative business increased
IV, million dollars in the first
quarter of this fiscal year and the
total for the year will go up to 30
million dollars, General Manager
Charles Baker, Walla Walla, re
ported Monday.
He told 500 delegates at the an
nual convention that patronage
refunds of $110,148 were paid last
year to 127 local associations In
Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash)
told the group that Britain and
France decided to move into the
Suez situation to cut Premier
Nasser's power and save Middle
East oil for the West.
"The Soviets aro behind Nasser
100 per-cent. They aro supporting
the man who can take over the
Diver to Try
To Bring Car
Out of River
THE DALLES Ifl Weather
permitting, a diver was to try
Tuesday to reach what is believed
to bo an automobile in the Colum
bia River near Mosier, west of
S, P. Murphy of Mosier said
he and a fishing companion not
iced tire tracks leading to the
river's edge from a parking area
beside the highway. A search was
started and a grappling hook
snagged an object Sunday.
The river at that point Is- 90 feet
deep so a diver was called. '
Nine Children
Watch Mother
Murder Huhhy
Jane Marie Spongier, 38, mother
of nine children, is charged with
staying her husband with a shot
gun before the eyes of their horri
fied youngsters.
Sheriff Roy Simonson said Mrs.
Spengler told him she tired the
shot Sunday night during an argu
ment, Simonson quoted the mother as
saying she loaded the 12-gaugc
gun and her husband Earl, 45, re
marked, "Go ahead and pull the
trigger, if you want to."
Mrs. Spengler told Simonson she
discharged the gun but "didn't
mean to shoot him."
Mrs. Spengler was held without
bond for a hearing Nov. 20 after
arraignment on ,' .flrst-qfi
murder charge, ' j', ?
Rneriit simonson said the nl
children, ranging from 6 mont
to 15 years, would be taken
Mrs. Spengler's parents;
Gale Storm hna nrMnri ftaimhl
to her family of three sons.
o-pounu, u-ounce , girl, Susant
was born yesterday. The father
Lee Bonncll, actor and now
insurance man.
Middle East oil for them, When
he owns it, they'll own him,"
Jackson said, '
mj - TT-i
- v SKAGIT LINE . . . LL
The SJ-4-RT, shown above, is typical of (he Skagit products designed for the logging
industry which Halton Tractor Co. will sell in Northwest Oregon and Southwest
HALTON TRACTOR CO., serving the loosing Induitry
In northweit Oregon and southwest Weihlngton has
added the now SKAGIT lint to better itrvo its logging
The SJ.4-RT Mobil, logger It typical of tha SKAOIT
Ignad exclusively for the logging industry, tha combtn
atlon Yardeploader glvat maximum production at low
cott with a imall craw,
Tho Mobile-logger hat i full-revolving, counterweight'
od upper unit equipped with a fait, live boom. It ll a ,
If propelled, rubber tired machine with duel tandem
rear axlei, Retractable hydraulic outrigger Lacks tot vp
quickly to give tho SJ-t-RT level operation and to re.
move atraln off the rubber.
Ideal for production job a self'conlalned unit, tho
IJ-4-RT can be used for reloggngf pr clogging, thinning,
salvage, selective logging or on any job where frequent
movet, easy handling and fait economical optreHorT b
HALTON TRACTOR carries complete line of SKAGIT
parti In all four store locations and offers complete
service of the SKAOIT lino of logging. conituretiori.
transportation and marino equipment,
143. N.W. l.ih Ava.
CApllel 3JU '
133 Sllvatlon Kd,
Phon. 1-4M1
Youngi Rlvar loop Rd.
Phon. 2630
longvlaw, Waih.
1105 lllmara Si.
HAmlllon 13740
Swept-Wing '57 Dodge Cuilom Royal 4-Door Sedan
For Your Shopping Pleasure and Convenience
III I. Hill"
Shop Price's for
Distinctive Gifts
For Women IwHwcfttM j
All &emtttully Uinstnras-H rapped treei
Step into the wonderful world of AUTODYNAMICS
It unleashes a hurricane of power
It breaks through the vibration barrier
It is swept-wing mastery of motion
Your eyes immediately Icll you that this new Swept
Wing Dodge is thing of real beauty: During in con
cept, low In silhouette, sleek and rakish of line I
And every promise of exhilarating performance you
sense in its low-slung, racy lines is brilliantly fulfilled
on the road. This Swept-Wing Pudge Is a spiijire In
action !
For this is the wonderful world of Aulodynamicj
created by Dodge ... a world where everything Is new
from road to roof to achieve complete mastery of
motion. Here's what it does:
ll unleashes a hurricane of power from a mighty new
aircraft-type V-8 engine, tamed by new Push
Button TorqueFlite that packs a 1-2 punch.
ll breaks through the vibration barrier with Dodge
Torsion-Airc a revolutionary new robber
mounted impension system that features race car
torsion-bar spK lging.
ll Is swept-wing mastery of motion in a sweetheart
of a car only 4V1 feet high that has no equal in
the way it corners, handles, and rides.
Aulodynamics offers thundering performance luch at
you have never experienced in any other car, Split
second getaway from the most convenient, most
responsive of all automatic drives. Freedom from
vibration, noise and road shock. Complete mastery
of every driving situation.
The wonderful world of Autidynamics Is waiting for
you at your nearby Dodge dealer's. See and dit'v
the Swept-Wing Dodge todayl
525 Chemeketa Street