Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 13, 1956, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10 Section 1
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, November 13, 1956
Four Rescued
As Boat Flips
At Hood River
sons were saved Monday from
possible drowning in the Columbia
River near hero afler their 21-foot
sailboat overturned in rough wa
ter. The rescuers saw the craft from
shore and went to their aid with
a boat from the Nichols boat
works. Names of the rescuers
were not learned.
-. Saved wore John Arens, a Hood
River accountant, his two young
daughters and Jean Maudlin, an
exchange student from h ranee
Attack Would Be Suicidal,
Gruenther Warns Russians
PARIS Ml Gen. Alfred M
Gruenther, the outgoing NATO
commander, today warned the
Soviet Union that any attack on
the West would be met with in
slant retaliation and that Russia
would be destroyed.
Answering what he called
"threats and blackmail," Gruenth
er told a farewell news conference
that rockets could not destroy the
Atlantic Alliance's ability to retal
iate. Although he did not mention
Cm.ioi Prnmini- Rnlonnin hv name.
They were in a sailboat owned byhc wn, clcBry rc(errinR t the
ne Lrag iiois, a mouniam ciui.u- ussinn.s impi(,d warn,ng to
ing group. I France and firitaln a week ago
Arens and Mnngtun, who is ,,.,( morc powcr(ul notions could
imijinh uiluciu miuiuui. uii.i... j. , )em w "rOCkCt tCCHO!
an exchange program, saw tnoy , ques.. un,css tncy cndcd tncir at.
Cipro nail u.o .... ....u .., . . KeVBl.
the current by treading water.
The girls were wearing life jack
Gruenther said:
"No nation is going lo press that
Bob Vaughn. Hood River port: (rocket) button if it means suicide
commissioner, salvaged the boat. and H docs mean jusi mai
Cleveland Without 3
Newspapers 13 Days
No Sclllcincnt of
Guild Slrike
In Sight
CLEVELAND W! For in days
Cleveland has been without its
three major daily newspapers.
Talks in the mayor's office be
tween representatives of the pub
lishers and the Cleveland News
paper Guild resume this after
noon. No settlement is in sight.,
' None of the papers the even
ing Press, the morning Plain
Dealer and the evening News
has printed since Nov. I. Their
'combined circulation was about
The Guild struck only the Press.
The 1 other" two papers discontin
ued, blaming a halt in production
on refusal of union drivers to
handle newspapers bearing the
name of the struck Press in addi
tion to that of the News and Plain
Dealer. A f..
For news, about a million and ' "
a half Greater Clevclandcrs must TV.. I Vn 1 ioWwl
turn lo radio and TV stntions and J- i-ui "Jioim
me Heponcr; a inmora-sreo w t.w, .ludson. nresidont of the
put out by the Newspaper l.uil.1 M , c . Historical socictv.
mcrce, says sales haven t been
affected much.
Out-of-town newspapers have
not moved inlo Cleveland In any
large quantity, and the ones avail
able are readily sold.
The Guild is on strike only
against the Scripps-llnward Press,
although lis contracts with all
three papers expired Oct. 31. The
News and the Plain Dealer are put
out by Forest City Publishing
On Nov. J, the News started
printing papers labelled at the top
with both trie names of the News
and the Press. Union delivery
drivers refused lo take them, and
the News discontinued publication.
That night the Plain Dealer
started printing its edition with
the names of all three pnpers at
the top. The drives again refused
lo accept them. The Plain Dealer
stopped publication.
History Society
since Nov. 5. The Guild claims n
circulation of about 140.000 and Is
announced his committee npnoint
newsstands lor 7 cents. I'"" """
Th hi di,. i The appointment list included
irn h,,0 m,i i,n .J..riiin ! T. Chester Knisor. Dr. O. W.
in Tlwi nrmnrlnr Th nninn nnnnr Frosl aild Martha RInri, research
carries alinut 40 nor cent oris in ! ""V Ohmait. library; Carl Smith,
its lfi pages mostly theaters,
employment agencies and auto
mobile firms.
The "Cleveland Shopping News"
has revived publication twice a
week, on Tuesday and Saturday.
J. E. Rorcliard. president of t tie
publication, said It is almost whol
ly owned by the largo downtown
department stores.
"The "Shopping News" printed
ads for 30 years until it suspended
publication in July 11154. Rorcliard
said the printing plant was kept
as "insurance for Just such a sit
uation as this."
W. H. Gray, president and sec
retary of the Retail Merchants
Hoard of the Chamber of Com-
Edward Payne and David Eyre,
historical markers: Murray Wade,
parsonage, and David Duniway,
E. V. McKcon, Salem member
of the society, was tho principal
speaker at (he meeting.
extremely sensitive automatic fire
alarm at factory here has the fire
brigade hot under the collar. Fire
men rushed lo the factory Friday
lo find a man had set off the
alarm when he lit his cigar. Later
Ihey answered another alarm set
off by a pipe smoker.
Special Only $89"
42 Gal. Size
Double Calrod
Buy Now
For As little
At $5.00 Por Mo,
Alto 40 4 50 Gal.
Table Top Modell
52-66-82- G.I.
Round Models
Available tol
Green Stamps
Open Mon. & Fri. Nite 'Til 9 P.M.
Stltm't Oldest X9& Frnchled He tier
Salfim'i Sargent wjptw Appliance Display
"Retaliation will take place as
day follows night, and the Soviet
Union will be destroyed.
Gruenther, who has commanded
tho NATO forces In Europe since
shortly after President Eisenhow
er look office, turns over his post
Nov. 20 to U.S. Gen. Louris Nor-
slad. He is to retire from the
Army Dec. 31 and become presi
dent of the American Red Cross
the following day.
The Allied supreme commander
said air defense developments I u
(luring tnc next live years couio.
change Ihc fear of retaliation that
at present prevents any nation
from launching rocket warfare.
"But today the offense still has
a tremendous advantage over the
defense and we have that offen
sive capability," he said.
Gruenther said the crises in
Hungary and Ihc Middle East
have not called for any change in
NATO's plans.
He said his headquarters always
has placed a big question mark on
the reliability of the Soviet satel
lite armies in event of war.
Ifc also indicated some doubts
about the existence pf Soviet rock-
Chevy Winner
Over Ford by
198,000 Cars
DETROIT tfl Chevrolet led
Ford by more than 198,000 units
in new car registrations for the
first nine months of 1956.
The figures, published Monday
by Automotive News, credited
for the first nine months of the
year were Oldsmobile 350,495;
Pontiac 282,559; Mercury 219,223;
Dodge 170,731; Cadillac 109,910.
In the same period of 1955 Olds
mobile had 454,973; Pontiac 407,
957; Mercury 281,286; Dodge 217.-
815: Cadillac 108,571.
The total of all American-made
cars registered during the Janu
ary-August period was 4,612,825
units. This compared witn 5.469,.
128 in the same 1955 period.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McDanlel,
Chevrolet with 1,209,036 and Ford; 1915 North 24th St., have received
with 1,010,736 r eg i s t r a t i on s word that their son, Sp-3 Morris
throughout the country. At the Milton McDaniel, placed third in
same point last year Chevrolet's ' the western area command vehicle
lead was 51.244 units. The figures roaded, sedan class, held last
Ceylon, an island about the size
of West Virginia, has been an in-
dependent country for eight years. Plymouth's 515,569. Other totals
were Chevrolet 1,220,094; Ford 1,
168,850.' .
Other figures show Buick lead
ing Plymouth 431,130 to 377,632.
At the same point last year Buiek
had 585,650 registrations against
month in Germany.
A 1954 graduate of the North Sa
lem high school, McDaniel enlisted
in the army in September, 1954,
and has been in Germany since
March, 1955. He is with the military
BR Calls Last
Bids for Year
DENVER UK Two November
bid calls on reclamation projects
are expected to be the final ones
in Oregon this year, Ihe Bureau
of Reclamation office here report
ed Tuesday.
One is for 'constructing 10.3
miles of open canal, 7.5 miles of
concrete lined canal and other
work connected with the Howard
Prairie delivery and feeder can
als of the Rogue River Basin
Project some 15 miles east of Ashland.
The other is for grading and
gravel surfacing 2.4 miles of re
located county road near Culver
in connection with the Haystack
Reservoir in the Deschutes Proj
ect. On an earlier call, bids will be
I opened at Mcdford Nov. 27 for
Auto Crashes
50-Ton Tank
collided head on with a 50-ton
Army tank on U. S. 33 yesterday.
Of course, the car got the worst
of the deal.
The sheriffs office said Miss
Nancy Boehm, 19, was charged
with failing to maintain a clear
distance ahead. Miss Boehm was
driving the car, deputies said, and
although its front end was demol
ished, she escaped injury.
The sheriff's office said Miss
Boehm's car collided with the rear
of a stopped auto, apparently
throwing it into the opposite lane,
into the path of the oncoming
tank. The tank, unscathed, con
tinued on to a Veterans Day pa
rade in downtown Columbus.
Howard Prairie
Campus YMCA
Slates Lectun
The, second in a series of lec
tures based on the general them
"Life Preparation" and sponsorei
by the Willamette universlt-
campus Y.M.C.A. will be given
7 p.m. Tuesday in Baxter hall.
Glen L. Weaver of Ihe stale de
partment of education in the fielt
of vocational education, will hi
the speaker. His subject will bi
"Choosing Your Job."
Dick White is president of Ih.
campus Y.
VALE, Ore. OB Michael Claset
of Harper was thrown lo his deaf
Monday from a pickup truck thi
plunged over an cmbankmen
near here.
ste you on
yowc way faster
wiffh Shis new Shell GreeHiff (Sard
, (7 f ( ' ' If '-
' ui -imI i
j'&m I
LjJX.. v. L. IJf I J V a
mm'mm-lmmi. iiititiaaia
Shell brings you the first credit card that makes charging easy as A-D-C!
The new Shell credit card is lightweight plastic
embossed with your name and credit card number.
There's no bulky metal plate attached it slips
into your billfold as easily as a business card.
SS '" ! "7'V"v ' "
rotr gaiolint ami motet oil Mrvl.
Your Shtll Dttlit uin tha eradit card un
pruttar loratrd riht by tha laaolua pumpa
10 romplfta roof "chart ta aminda.
.1.1. "X 'l ' M
Charga prKllag.i for lubrlcaNon, ernrV
frit, Nrta, bottatlai and otctnoHai.
You cio alao put theaa ittma "on tha cuff" all rhitrx at tha and of tha month.
Vp H tti months to pay for befHrit
Hrti and ocmooHm. Voa eto buy now
lad iprud out tht ptymoitt t peat roo
vmifnet H jtn need toy of thtM itmu.
A Your Shell Dealer runs your card through'
a special imprinter. B The imprinter records
most of the information automatically.
C You get a copy of the charge slip and
you're on your, way I
Don't miss Ihe convenience of
this new service for mofon'jfi
mode available first throughout
the West by Ihe Shell Oil Company