Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 05, 1956, Page 7, Image 7

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    Salem, Oregoff, Monday, November 5, 1956
' SeSSogi'ISifgej t
At Church
Wed Saturday evening at the
First Methodist church were Miss
Barbara Jocelyn Anderson, daugh
ter of Mrs. Lnrena C. Anderson,
Salem, and Homer Dclbert Mc
Kean, Yakima, Wash., son of Mrs.
Gertrude Boggic, Lebanon. Dr.
Brooks H. Moore performed the
Ceremony at 8 o'clock.
Baskets of gold and yellow chry
santhemums and two candcla
brums with yellow candles deco
rated the church. Josef Schnelker
was organist apd Dr. Paul True
blood sang. Lighting the tapers
were Misses Janet Shumway,
coiisin of the bride, and Judy
Haynes of Bend.
The three attendants and candle-
lighters all wore forest green
princess style, waltz length crysta
Iette dresses, with scoop neck
lines. They wore matching satin
shoes and ruffled headbands, and
their colonial bouquets were of
yellow and bronze chrysanthe
mums. Maid of honor was Miss Sharon
Shafer. Bridesmaids were Mrs.
Bill Mayes and Miss Ann Berger.
The bride wore an intermission
length dress of nylon tulle and
lace over taffeta, styled with low
scoop neckline and short sleeves-.
The bouffant skirt had two full
length panels of lace matching the
bodice in front and in back, with
pleated tulle in front. A pill box
of lace trimmed in sequins held
the nylon tulle fingertip length
veil. The bride carried a prayer
book topped with a white orchid
and white rosebuds. Emil M. Jass
mann gave his granddaughter in
Elmer McKean was best man
or his brother, and ushers were
Jack Trabont and Delbert Giebar.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Anderson chose a light brown
satin dress with matching h a t
trimmed, in sequins, dark brown
accessories and corsage of gold
chrysanthemums. The bride
groom's mother wore a two-piece
light blue dress with white trim,
dark blue accessories and corsage
of white chrysanthemums.
Baskets of yellow and bronze
chrysanthemums were also used
in decorating the Carrier room of
the church for the reception. Cut
ting the bride's cake were Mrs.
Milton Shumway, aunt of the bride,
and Miss Mavis Ricket. Pouring
coffee was Mrs. Woodrow Hayes,
sister of the bridegroom. Serving
punch was Mrs. James Delametcr,
Jr. In charge ot gifts were Misses
Molly Hanavan and Ellen Marsh.
Miss Janet Shumway and Miss
Judy Haynes passed the guest
When the couple left for a trip
to eastern Oregon, the bride was
wearing a brown tweed suit with
dark brown accessories and white
orchid corsage. After November 8,
they will be at home at 809 North
6th avenue, Yakima, wasn
Mrs. Corbett Is .
Honored at Party
Wed S5 Years Mr. and Mrs. C .P. Hasslcr, above, recently ob-
.served their 65th wedding anniversary at Lebanon.
65th Anniversary or
Mr., Mrs. Hassler
LEBANON (Special) The 65in
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. C. P. Hassler was celebrated
by relatives and close mends
quietly at their home at Milton
street Sunday. Both were born in
Linn county of early-day pioneer
Mr. Hassler and Miss Icy Charl
ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al
len Charlton, were married near
Crabtree November 1, 1891. They
lived near Lacomb until they re
tired from farming about 36 years
ago, and moved to Lebanon, where
Hassler served on the city coun
cil for eight years.
Their three children are Lloyd
C. Hassler of Spokane, Mrs. 0. J.
Downing of Salem and Van C.
Hassler of Lebanon. They have
three grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren.
STAYTON (Special) Mrs. Ar
thur C. Corbett was guest of honor
at a shower given by Mrs. Robert
Norton, Mrs. V. A. oooae, Airs,
Rodnev Jclaca. Miss Gail Mc-
Gowan and Miss Marian Hara in
the high school cafeteria last week.
Games were played. The table
was attractively decorated using
the umbrella motif.
Bidden to the affair were Mrs.
Don Rutledge, Mrs. Boyd Van San
ten, Mrs. Harmon Drushella, Mrs.
Raymond Bungard, Mrs. Ward In
rlis. Mrs. L. D. Emery, Mrs. Fer
nando Smith, Mrs. Stanley Bun
gard, Mrs. Ken Farwell, Miss
Nancv Rorden. Mrs. Wilmer Van
Vleet, Mrs. Roger Danielson, Mrs.
Clem Gentry. Mrs. Mayme Lavoy,
Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Avery
Mnrnhv. Mrs. James McDaniel
Mrs. Harrv Wray. Mrs. Walter
Frey, Mrs. Roger Dasch, Mrs
Robert Luce. Mrs. M. G. Cox, Mrs
Omev Lovell. Mrs. Angus Ware
Mrs. Fred Graham, Mrs. Merlin
Mnrcy, Mrs. Josephine Fitzgerald
Mrs. Joe Bovlo, Mrs. uauoe rnu
lips, Mrs. Wright Cowger, Mrs.
John Murphy. Mrs. Dwane Bur
gess, and Mrs. Kenneth Bocdig
heimer. Campaign Speeches at
Toastmistress Club
STAYTON (Special) Stayton
Toastmistress club met recently
with Mrs. Fred Hottinger, topic
mistress, presenting each member
wich a list of offices for which
campaign speeches were to bo
made. Mrs. Edward J. Bells
speech seeking the presidency of
Stayton Garden club won the
liiK'e email IrnnhV.
Guests were Mrs. Flossie Hill of
Vancouver; Mrs. Leo M. Lanson.
and Mrs. Roger Danielson. Mrs.
itnhxrt Vnrtnn oresided. The next
meeting will have daughters of
members as guests, Thursday,
November 8.
Mrs. Vincent Starr gave a report
of the fall council meeting in Red
mond, and Mrs. Claude Phillips
conducted a drill in breath con
trol. Mn. Ruth Riches, a new mem
ber, presented her autobiography.
millin? it "Down the Road ol
Life." The club voted her winner
of the traveling trophy.
Halloween decorations in the
..r.,..i. .i the theme for table
loiciciia o." .
decorations and dessert. Mrs. Les
lie J. Carson and Mrs. Ralph
Rychard were hostesses,
uoiiill (Snecisl)-Mr. Bill
-.iu.. Mm. Dennis Dunrud
with several assisting, were host.
.i . nartv for their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams Avenll . in
the Veterans of Foreign Marshall
last week. Friends were invited in
to visit with the Avenlls who are
ia Prarie City. The eve-
Mr., Mrs. Peek
Honored at Party
STAYTON (Special) The 25th
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Peek was the occa
sion for a party recently at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Relf.
Mrs. Gale Christensen arranged
a mock wedding. Mrs. Relf was
pianist. Others taking part were
Marc Landon as the preacher;
Harold Wodtly. mother ot the
bride: Carl Shower, flower girl;
Gale Christensen, bride; Mrs. Lan
don, the bridegroom.
A silver anniversary cake, Daneo
and decorated by Mrs. Gabe De
.lardin. mother of Mr. Peek, cen
tered the table. It was cut and
served by the guests of honor.
Present for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. De.Iardin, Mr. and
Mrs: Omey Lovell, Mr. and Mrs.
Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Shower,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phillips, Mr.
and Mrs. Landon, Mr. and Mrs.
Wodtly, Nancy Wodtly and Gloria
Peek. Mr. and Mrs. waiier nin
richs of McMinnvillc, former Stay-
ton residents, were also present,
Study Club Meets
SHERIDAN (Special)-The Sher
idan Study club met at the home
of Mrs. Dorothy Paine in Amity
when Mrs. John Funk became a
new member. Two guests, Mrs.
Frank Morrow and Mrs. Ruth
Jones, were present, with the 20
Famous Women of Oregon
was the topic presented by Mrs.
Ethelyn McKinley and Mrs. Frank
The November meeting will be
at the home ot Mrs. Otto Heider,
when the County Federation offi
cers will be special guests.
Brownies Register
SHERIDAN (Special)-A total of
42 girls in bheridan have regis
tered for the Brownie Scouts, and
62 have registered in Willamina,
according to Mrs. Fritz Lenaburg,
vouth chairman for the Veterans
of Foreign Wars auxiliary, spon
soring organization.
Sheridan leaders are Mrs. Don
Blackwell. Mrs. Glenn Hopson,
Mrs. Jerry Novak, Mrs. Cal Ship
ley, Mrs. Jeffrey Novak, Mrs.
Vance Elliott and Mrs. Lenaburg.
Leaders in Willamina are Mrs.
P. E. Davis, Mrs. William Bar
rett. Mrs. Curtis Benefiel, Mrs.
Walter Willis, Mrs. Gertrude
ThomDson. Mrs. Paul Bailey, Mrs,
Mrs. Paul Blackwell, Mrs. Ted
Faver and Mrs. Dave Reed
Pythian Sisters
Meet at Silverton
SILVERTON (Special) Home
temple No. 21, Pythian Sisters
met last week at the K. P. hall.
Re-obligated into the order was
Mrs. Steve Enloe, Sr.
The membership accepted an in
vitation to attend the meeting of
Salem Centralia temple, Wednes
day evening, November 7, when
reception by the guest lempic
will honor a recently elected grand
Junior, Miss Betty Jean Bergncr.
Mrs. E. Z. Kauiman, ways ana
means chairman, announced a
food sale and bazaar for Saturday,
November 17, beginning at 9:30
a.m. at the downtown business
home of the former Homeseekers'
Agency, at Water and Oak streets.
The Pythian club will meet tri-
day, November 9, for a 1:30 p.m.
no-host dessert at the KP hall.
A homecoming program follow
ed the regular session. There were
numbers by the Silvcrtone Har-
monites, Gerald Darby, BOD vet
ter. Pat Patton and Larry John
son; Miss Lynne Meyer played
two piano-accordion selections;
Hocer Paulson gave two piano
numbers; three young men played
in a cornet trio, accompanied at
the piano by Miss Alice Ferguson,
were Freddie Grant, Jerry Thomp
son and Wesley Cronk.
A specially decorated Dirinaay
table honored all present whose
anniversaries were from April
through the months including December.
Serving on the refreshment com
mittee were Mrs. Ted Lorenzen,
Mrs. Carl Herigstad, Mrs. Lizzie
Cooley and Mrs. Carl bpecht.
Mrs. Bishoprick
Heads Golf Group
WOODBURN (Special) Mrs. O
.T. A-tkmsun was elected chairman
of the women's division of the
Woodhurn Golf club at the annual
election Thursday at the clUD
houst. She succeeds Mrs. Clarence
Ahrei.s. Mrs. Ralph Pickering was
elected first vice president; Mrs.
Harold Palmer, second v.ce presi
dent; and Mrs. Dean Bishoprick
This was the last meeting at me
club house, beginning the first
Thursday in each month during
the winter, luncheons will be at tne
homes of members. The first
luncheon will be December 6, at
the home of Mrs. Dean Bishoprick
with the executive committee in
charge. There also will be an ex
change of Christmas gifts.
Next Thursday, the members
will attend a brunch at Meier &
Frank's Salem at 9:30 a.m. About
25 women are planning to go.
Small Fry Go Robin Hood
Business Women
Meet at Woodburn
WOODBURN (Speclal)-Monthly
business meeting of th Wood
burn Business and Professional
Women's club was last week at
the Elite Beauty salon with Mrs.
Betty Mesick, chariman of the
national security committee, as
hostess, assisted hy Mrs. R. C.
Equall and Mrs. Eleanor Vickers.
Twenty members were present.
The revised by-laws were given
tho second reading and accepted.
Right Out of Sherwood Forest This pint-size charmer wears a
Robin Hood cap, complete with feather, and authentic boots with
suedelike fabric tops and neoprene soles, (AP Newsfeatures)
Robin Hood and his merry men are setting the styles for small
fry once more, as' both boys and girls emulate the dashing archer in
new caps and boots with an adventurous air.
Popular with the kindergarten set this season are Robin Hood caps
and matching boots in soft suedelike fabric with flocked designs. The
boots mav be worn indoors or out. have long-wearing neoprene soles
and tops that resist scuffing. The caps are complete with rakish fea
ther. Caps and matching boots come in such color combinations as
green and red, gold and blue, mustard and green, budget priced.
Mrs. Frank Bentley, tht new fi
nance chairman, started a travel
ing basket which is to be returned
to her December 20. Mrs. Equall
received the mystery gift. Re
freshments were served by t h e
An open meeting will be Novem
ber 15 in the Washington school
auditorium at 8 p.m. Members
from the state civil defense and
from the Portland filter center will
speak and show a film. The public
is invited. The security committee
will be in charge.
Woman' Club fo Meet
AURORA All members and
friends are invited to the Novem
ber meeting of Aurora Womaifj
club Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the
Aurora Presbyterian church. Mov
ies and slides of the Aurora Cen
tennial will be shown. j
Hostesses for the afternoon are
Mrs. E. E. Bradtl, Mrs. Ray Yer
gen, Mrs. L. I, Snyder, .Mrs. Percy
Ottaway and Mrs. J. L. Groff.
Program chairman is Mrs. Ernest
Wright, Mrs. .Willis Yodcr is presi
dent. -;
v V I' J
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We Give S&H Green Stamps
it Open 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
it Free Drive-in Parking
Now Serving You
In Our Bright
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At Owtm St.
Phone 3-6403
AMITY (SDeciaD The Eastsidc
club met Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Ernest Loop with Mrs. Lee
Vasey as co-hostess. The group de
cided to meet December 13, at the
home of Mrs. Loyd Tresham to
exchange "mystery sister gilts ai
that time. Mrs. Margaret versieeg
won the oenny drill alter which
the remainder of the afternoon
was devoted to work on the club's
Members of the Mother's club ol
si Marv's Parochial school win
meet Tuesdav. at 2 0 clocu in tne
school club rooms. Annual elec
tion of ofheers will take place
and a social hour will follow the
business meeting.
(itM&t iV 1 reaiiY ?
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