Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 05, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 5, 1956
Belts Tell the Story in New Styles
' " " "
;New Tricks With BrUs The bulky tweed dress at left achieves the look of a suit with pcplum
panels and a black calf belt anchored through slots in the back panels. At right Is an ensemble
of gray tweed coat and green wool sheath dress with leather belt slotted through the dress.
Toastmistress Club
Reports Activities
A workshop on "word usage1
under the direction of Mrs. B. L.
Trclstad, a member of the educa
tion: committee, was the highlight
of 'the meeting of Chemeketa
Toastmistress club last week at
the i Golden Pheasant.
The tables were decorated with
fall flowers by the hostess, Mrs.
Jean Howe. Mrs. E. W. Hillstrom
gave the invocation. Table topics
were enjoyed under the direction
of Mrs. Lynn McCulley. Mrs. llel
ene Hansen was toastmistrcss, and
Mrs. A. S. Tusslng won the award
for the best speech on her topic
"There is Hope." Other speakers
were Mrs. Charles Low and Mrs.
T. R. Westfall. General cvaluator
was Mrs. B. L. Trelstad, and indi
vidual evaluators were Mrs.
Charles Wiglc, Mrs. A. B. Thomas
and Mrs. E. W. Hillstrom. Mrs.
J. A. Johnston was the timekeeper.
Guests present were Mrs. Fred
S. Bynon, Jr., Miss Catherine
Zorn, Mrs. Edward Shuholm and
Miss Ruth Havens.
Announcement was made that
the next council meeting will be In
January, at Albany,
'oday's Menu
INVITATIONS are in the mail
for the wedding of Miss Maxine
King and John H. Singer. The
ceremony will take place Sunday,
November 18, at the First Metho
dist church at 2 p.m. Dr. Brooks
II. Moore is to officiate.
Miss King Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. King, and
Mr. Singer Is the eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Singer, Sr.,
of Aurora.
Visitors Honored
At Shrine Meeting
Friendship shrine of White
Shrine of Jerusalem, Saturday
night, honored the following visitors:
Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Shrove, Mrs.
Miller B. Hayden, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs.
William Lessard, Mrs. Lucia hcyt,
all of Willamette shrine, Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cash of Ore
gon shrine, No. 1, Portland; Mr.
nnd Mrs. Karl Madison, Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Yost of Bethany
shrine, Vancouver; Mrs. Mildred
Lamberly, Mr, and Mrs. Gene
Caswell, Mrs. Vada Whetstone,
Cedars of Lebanon shrine, Leba
non. Also honored were Mrs. Carl
Anthony and Mrs. C. P. Davis of
Friendship shrine. Special recog
nition was given to Mrs. H. M.
Perry, Mrs. Milton Blnckmun and
Mrs. Walter King.
Mrs. Elmer Church was In
charge of decorations, and on the
refreshments committee are Mr,
and Mrs. lrvln Bryan, chairmen;
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Glenson, Mrs
Lloyd Hlli; Mrs. Dan Hughes, Mrs,
Jesse Enrlywine.
SALEM unit of the National
Parliamentarians will meet- next
Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock
in the fireplace room of the City
library. Mrs. Harry Sappenticld is
to Irad Ihe lesson on to commit
Flnvorsome this skillet beef!
Steamed Rico Salad Bowl
Hot Garlic Broad
Fruit and Chceso Beverage
Ingredients: Vi cup knife
shopped beef suet, 1 medium
sired onions (chopped), 1(4 pounds
beef round steak (cut in 1-Inch
squares and about V Inch thick),
3 medium - sized tomatoes (each
cup water, 1 clove garlic (minced and postpone lo set a lime." Mrs.
or crushed), 1W teaspoons chili Lo'd M'crs ' ,0 lcad tllc dnU
powder, 14 teaspoons wino vine
gar, l'i teaspoons dark brown
sugar, Hi teaspoons salt, pepper.
Method: Slowly heat suet in 10
Inch skillet until it molls: add
onions. Cook, stirring occasionally,
until onions are wilted. Push
onions to one side of pan; add
beef and brown, stirring often.
Add tomatoes, water, garliCj chili
powder, wino vinegar, sugar, salt
and pepper to taste; stir well.
Bring lo a boil; cover and sim
mer, stirring often, over low heat
until meat is tender about 1H
hours. Serve over rice. Makes 3
SILVERTON (Special) Com
mander Jack T. Bishoff and Mrs
Bishoff (Eleanor Dedrick) and
llieir two small sons, Mike and
John, have been house guests of
the mother of Mrs. Bishoff, Mrs.
Karl G. Dedrick, and Nat McGuire
for the week.
Commander Bishoff Is on loca
tion with the I) S. Navy at Falls
Church, Virginia.
The guests flew to S.m Fran
Cisco. Thursday, from Salem, for
a stopover visit with other rela
tives and from there to Washing
Ion, D.C.
(Wind j
4 m j
(Weather j
l o f i o n i
(torn hi no It
(" ' I
4 HiijSSSsll
Reg. 2 size now 1
Hand Cream.
Fame wonderful beiwflU.
Reg. $2
now only H
H" Tliit
Hospital Auxiliary
Plans Rummage Sale
Big event of the month for
Salem Memorial Hospital auxil
iary will be the annual rummage
sale this coming Thursday In the
hospital memorial chapel building.
All proceeds go to the auxiliary's
project to buy equipment for the
Mrs. Thad Morcland and Mrs.
Emery llobbs are co-chairmen
for the event. On the committee
with them are Mrs. Philip M. Haw-
ley, Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett, Mrs.
John McCullough, Mrs. Sam R.
Haley, Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins,
Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Mrs.
Samuel W. Robb, Mrs. John
Hughes, Mrs. E. W. Rector, Mrs.
James Smith, Mrs. Ralph Atwood,
Mrs. A. C. Haag. Mrs. Harold 0.
Schneider, Mrs. J. H. Jirak, Mrs.
E. F. Kirkwood, Mrs. J. J. Foster,
Mrs. A. M, Williams, Mrs. George
THE Beulah Faber Wcsleyan
Service guild of the First Metho
dist church will meet Wednesday
at 6:15 p.m. at the Golden Pheos
ant. Mrs. Lucille Wardle will give
a talk and show slides ol England
Mrs. Fern Moor will lead the de
votions. ,
All interested business and pro
fessional women are invited lo at
tend. For reservations, those inter
ested are asked to call Mrs. Grace
Shartel, 3-6492.
MILL CITY (Special) The Mi
City Garden club met at the home
of Mrs. William Sliuey with Mrs.
Curtis Clinc assisting.
Mrs. Walter Olinstcad presided
at the short business meeting.
Plans were discussed for a bazaar
to be later in the year.
It was agreed to give Ihe club's
annual Christmas parly at the
home of Mrs. Wendell Heller.
Following the business meeting
sirs. James Swan showed colored
Area Meet
Set for
Girl Scouts
Annual no-host dinner and coun
cil meeting for Santiam area Girl
Scouls will be Thursday, Novem
ber. 29, at the First Methodist
church in Silverton, at 7:30 p,m.
Mrs. Arthur Ruff, new director
will be welcomed. Mrs. Lauren
Gale of Salem will be mistress of
Miss Jo Ann Danlon, Albany and
Miss Joan Bodenweiser, Salem,
senior girl delegates to the
regional conference, Spokane, will
give reports.
Committee chairmen are as fol.
lows: Ceremony for presenting
ana retiring tne colors, Mrs. K. G.
Edick, Mrs. Emmet Earls. Al
bany; programs, Mrs. Walter
Kiger, Benton 'county; reception,
Mrs. Charles M. Power, Canyon;
organization, Mrs. David Reid,
Lebanon: exhibit. Mrs. M. W.
Reitman, Lincoln county; table
decorations, Mrs. R. P. Lankow;
serving and table arrangements,
Mrs. G. L. Collier. Silverton:
songs, Mrs. Dan Ashton.
Hostesses for the evening are
Mrs. Allen Abraham. Mrs. T. A.
McMinn, Mrs. C. W. Mills, Mrs.
C. M. Power, Mrs. Lynn Rice, of
ficial delegates to the regional con
Salem Night for
Chapters of OES
Salem night was the theme of
the meeting Friday when Trinity
chapter, Order of Eastern Star,
was host group to Ainsworth.
Chadwick and Salem chapters for
friendship night. Airs. Raymond
Hoffman, worthy matron, and
Clarence C. Field, worthy Datron.
conducted the affair.
Honored were Herman Johnston.
past grand patron of the grand
chapter of Oregon, Mrs. J. Edear
iteay, tsiari committee member
of grand chapter: Mrs. Harrv
Charlton, grand representative of
New Jersey; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Koken, worthy patron and worthy
matron of Ainsworth chapter; Mrs.
toward Williams, and Virgil T.
Golden, worthy matron and worthy
patron of Chadwick chapter; and
Mrs. Harry I. Hiday, worthy ma
tron of Salem chapter.
The worthy patron invited the
members and visitors to attend the
district meeting of Ainsworth and
Trinity chapters at the Scottish
Kite temple November 7, when
the worthy grand matron. Mrs.
Bertha 0. Burton will make her
Following the close of the meet
ing, refreshments were served by
Mrs. Orval Graham, Mrs. Donald
Itichey and Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Phillips. The decorations included
autumn flowers and a Halloween
Social ' club of Trinity chapter
will meet November 30. at the
home of Mrs. Raymond Hoffman,
with Mrs. Al Rasmussen and Mrs.
W. L. Lantis as co-hostesses.
Past matrons and past patrons
will be especially honored at the
meeting of Trinity chapter on
November 16.
Women 1!
slides of her trip to Alaska this
summer. Guest for Ihe evening was
Mrs. Leo Russell.
New Tussy
Wind and Weather Lotion
Now with rout new Ingredient.
MIMll Contatnt Allanloln to help
heal chapped, dry skin.
MOTICTII Confom Silicone! to
flght off effects of stabbing atlacla
f harsh soups and detergents.
Ioiiinii Contains Xmotllrnti to
help smooth and soften your skin.
efilorophent to check skin seinu,
reduc. risk of Infection through
Dftn t racks In the skin.
The Towne Shop
480 N. Capitol
so precious! cashmere
paired with wool
29.95 k
9 30 to V 00
Discover It In WEATHERBtES Empire influenced
nubby tweed coat. 90 wool with 10 cash
mere . . . more than enough to lend incompar
able loftnessl With draft-defying tabbed neck
line. Syl-Mer Silicone water-repelling finish.
Milium-injulated Earl-Glo Sanitized lining. Red,
turquoise, brown. Misses', juniors' sizes. Many
other Weatherbee styles.
all weather fashion
Birthday '
For DAR .
At the birthday party for Cheme
keta chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution, Saturday,
six new members were announced.
They include Mrs. C. L. Green'
wood, Mrs. Lcnora Anderson, Mrs,
Eloree Thomas, Mrs. Mary Boline,
Mrs. Webb Lewis, Mrs. M. M. Mill-key.
The gathering was a luncheon in
the Colonial room of the Marion
hotel. Announcement was made
that the DAR nationally now has a
membership of 184,000.
Mrs. Roy D. Armstrong of Port
land, state regent, was guest and
speaker for ithe luncheon. She dis
cussed the topic of national defense
and pointed out the importance of
teaching American history. Mrs.
Philip Bouffleur introduced the
speaker. For the music, Jim Da
venport gave instrumental num
bers. Mrs. H. M. Broadbent pre
sided at the meeting.
BUSINESS meeting for Salem
unit, No. 13fi, American Legion
auxiliary, will be next Thursday
at 8 p.m. at the West Salem Le
gion hall. I
Bethothal Told
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Singer of
Salem are announcing thp engage
ment of their daughter. Miss
Joanne Barbara Singer, to William
0. Mulvihill, son of Mrs. Eleanor
Mulvihill of Silverton.
No date has been set for the
Hostess to Club
BALLSTON (Special)-The Sew
and Social club met last week,
when new officers were elected.
President is Mrs. Jack Bissell;
Mrs. Hugh Shields, vice president;
secretary, Mrs. Jay Sechrist;
treasurer, Mrs. Ezra Kilmer.
The group decided to meet for
the annual Christinas pany m tue
Community hall December 15, with
a no-host dinner. A program will
be followed by exchange of gifts
and revealing of mystery friends.
The club voted to give the pro
ceeds from the turkey dinner
which was a joint affair at the
Community club, lor repairs on
the hall.
Visitors attending the meeting
were" Mrs. Charles Hostellater,
Mrs. William Koing, Mrs. C. Kroft
and Mrs. J. Bottner. Refreshments
were served by Mrs. Bert Keck
and Mrs. Harry Kaltenback, Ji
Camp Fire
Girls Plan
Candy Saje
Camp Fire Girls will take the
spotlight from November 10 to No
vember 21 when hundreds of girls
ring neighborhood doorbells and
offer candy for sale to procure
funds for summer camp mainten
ance. Although Camp Fire Girls is a
beneficiary of United Funds, the
budget docs not include camp
maintenance. This year the var
ious groups are hoping to. build a
play area at their summer camp
with the money earned from the
sale of the chocolate coated mints.
The young ladies, dressed in rod,
white and blue, will not only sell
candy from door to door, but also
will have booths at Lipman's,
Meier & Frank's-Salem, First Na
tional bank, Montgomery Ward.
Ladd and Bush, U.S. National
bank, Heider's and Miller's.
The candy containers were spe
cially designed by Brown and Ha
ley and company for the event
and sell for si a box. Selling si
multaneously with, girls from the
Salem area will be Camp Fire
Girls and Blue Birds from Marion,
Polk, Linn and Benton counties.
"Together We Make Tomorow"
is the theme for this year. Anv
girl between 7-18 Is eligible for
Homecoming for
Lodge This Friday
Annual homecoming for Silver
Bell circle, Neighbors of Wood
craft, will be Friday in the base
ment of the Woman's club house,
with no-host dinner at 6:30 p.m.
The refreshments committee in
cludes: Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell, chair
man, Mrs. John McCracken, Mrs.
Phillip Andric; decorations, Mrs.
Lloyd Mitchell, Mrs. Hallie Lynch,
Mrs. Gomer Edwards and Mrs.
Jacob Iglehart; welcoming com
mittee, Mrs. Nancy Ashcraft and
Al Roome.
Monthly meeting of the Thimble
club will be Thursday, at the home
of Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell, 1265 Nor
way, with no-host lunch at noon
.Mrs. Stella Blackerby is co-hos
tess. Plans will be made for the
Christmas party.
JUG drill team will meet for
practice Monday at 7:30 p.m. at
the Mayflower hall. Later the
group will, go to the home of Mrs.
Lloyd Mitchell .for refreshments
and program.
MEMBERS of Young Matrons
club met Thursday night at the
home of Mrs. Harold Hatzenbueh-
ler, with Mrs. John Stricklin serv
ing refreshments.
The group made placards for the
State Tuberculosis hospital for
Thanksgiving. The Christmas
party is planned for December 18.
at China City cafe. Mrs. Warren
Simpson was a guest at the meet
ing. '
Miss Cook
Feted at (
Honoring Miss Marcia Cook,
bride-elect of Gerald Wipper, Mrs!
W. G. Cadmus and Mrs. Cari
Booth were hostesses 'at a party
and miscellaneous shower last
week at the Cadmus home in Tur
ner. Guests present were Miss Cook,
her mother, Mrs. William M.
Cook, Mrs. Carl Wipper, Mrs. Dan
WinDer. Mrs. A. S. Draopr
Fred Schiffever, Mr. E. E. Ball'
Mrs. R. C. Hunsakcr. Mrs In-,,-
Newkirk, Mrs. John Petersen,
Mrs. Louis Hennier, Mrs. Olio
Spiva, Mrs. Eddie Ahrens, Mrs.
Arthur Kunke, Mrs. Walter W,
Miller, Mrs. E. M. Eyslone, Mrs,'
Henry Ahrens, Mrs. J. E. Fritz
Miss Hyder Engaged
SHERIDAN (Special )-Mr. and
Mrs. Luther Hvder of Shorirf.-
have annonced the pnD,mani -i
their daughter Miss Sharon Hyder
10 jioDeri w. HiDDert, son of Mr
and Mrs. W. H. Hihhert nf shi!
A November wedding is planned.
Miss Hvder trrAHiiaipH frnm ,l.
Sheridan high school, and is em
ployed at the Richmond sehnni in
Salem. ' Mr. Hibbert. a Sheridan
high school graduate, is attending
Oregon State college.
It pays to
lot Penn&fs!
Store Hours:
Mondays and Fridays
9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Other Days:
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
For Your Convenience
for your New Winter Coats ! ! Buy on Layaway
Tremendous Special Purchase! ! New Fall Coats . . .
Milium Lined or Wool Interlined . . .
Girls' sizes 3 to 6x . . 9.00 Sizes 7 to 1 4 .. 1 2.00
Every coat the season's newest!
Every coat the high in fashion!
Every coat an incomparable value!
Every coat Milium lined or wool interlined!
k Every size-misses or petite.
Manufacturer's Close-Out!
Women Better Shoes ....
288 388 488
Top quality women's flats, heels, wedgies now ottered at unheard ot
prices. Every shoe built (or comfortable fit, most all sizes and
colors. Narrow width, too. Buy now and save. Sizes 4lj to 10,
AAAA to C.
18 m.
FEATURE! Women's Rain
or Shine Raincoats ....
Weather-resistant rayon - acetate
flannel velverayed with match
stick flecking, lined with solid
rayon satin . . . clever matching
tap. Plus corduroy fashions
with matching hats,
10 TO 18
Toddler's 100
Wool Coats . . .
Fleeces ' Patterns
A soft spill of checks on Penney's all-wool
warmer . , . with a gentle collar curve . . .
rich velvet piping! Sanitized rayon twill
40 Stat ft.
Cornet of UtttrrW
wi fivBAttr mvmm