Page 4 Section 2 Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 5, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL State Employees Group Plans Important Meeting in Portland The Oregon Stale EmDlovees as sociation will hold its General Council in Portland November 8, B, 10 at the Multnomah Hotel. Due to the organizational structure cf the association the three-day meet ing 3s of prime importance since resolutions passed and actions taken will guide OSEA activities during the coming year. . Courses will be charted which will affect all state employees. The annual General Council, it is point ed out, is the policy-makine and pace-setting body of the state em ployee association. The coming conference launches the fourteenth year of the organization's exis tence. Nearly a hundred resolutions af fecting state workers arc to be con sidered. Among these are several affecting salaries and wages, re tirement benefits, insurance, income tax exemptions and deduc tions, payroll deduction of associa tion dues, grievance matters, overtime, Civil Service, working conditions and other benefits. . Delegates and alternate delegates representing all 79 OSEA chapters; i district directors: association mem- ners ana guests and Salem head' quarters staff will be in attendance. The General Council reflects a cross-section of OSEA membership providing a means of achieving co ordination between the slate, the public and state workers Portland Woman Grandmother at Tender Age of 30 PORTLAND W The latest entrant in the youngesl-grand-mother derby is Mrs. Howard Nusbaum, Portland. Now 31, she said she was 30 when she became a grandmother. She said she was married at 14 and a mother at 15. Her daughter. Mrs. Sue Eastman, duplicated this, the grandchild being born last November. Mrs. Nusbaum, who has lived in Portland since 1!)42, is a real estate saleswoman. Her husband works for a sugar company. They have two other children, MAKE OREGON'S TAX PROGRAM FAIR TO ALL. ELIMINATE 45 SURTAX THIS YEAR. VOTE BALLOT MEASURE NO. 1 YES Paid Adv. Committee for Proposition 1, W. W. Chadwick, Trees., Salem Marion County Polling Places Listed $100,000 Fire Hits I, nri halm Locations of Salem Precincts, Wards Shown PI,! Mill M. XJ IT UUU UM.M.1X All for Salem And its . Business & 11. ii x ' ? name inieresi IIAIIP4 nunui , EFFICIENT CAPABLE-- C.MnAAtm - v For Alderman brff WARD 3 Dr. A, Pd. Adv. A. D. Woodmansee D, Woodmansee WARDS PRECINCTS. ' ff 35 2 36 S 32 ''V SALEM OREGON T; J APMovto trf.yttflZn Mu ' J ,4 liiMM-d ,rtrt I 2- i l iSXA commit ; r. y J ,AI i ItLtH CI. KDjff, 13 mm 1 111 -VT tr lOO V.. - I Mi nil-1 . r . I I a . 1 I I yAfi""1 I """ill rvf. if " ujk' ,. ifsiir nl if - . WARD NUMBER ff S F '"W ' 6 '.M-lis S 202 25 PRECINCT NUMiER tcom ( .r ., t; l?4. ' tk,sr 34 - 40 0J ! ' I i ",rr- . i : -j "J L cirr ouoAr I -l i 1 H IK tlLCHUlST It v rT 208 " J .7 ' L' " JJ VI) Tt A. nounced today that a registered physio-therapist, Peggy Ann Campbell, trained at Medical Col lege in Virginia and has had ex perience in a District of Columbia hospital in Washington D.C. I LEAVES FOR NORTH SHKRIDAN (Special) Mrs. Alex Timmreck has gone to Da kota, Minn., after learning of the serious illness there of her sister, Mrs. Joe Pagel. GARIBALDI, Ore. MV-The big gest fire in years on this stretch of the northwest Oregon coast broke out late Saturday night, while firemen were at their annual ball. Not stopping to change clothes, they rushed from the dance floor to the Oregon-Washington Ply wood Co., but not in time to pre vent extensive damage to the mill. Company officials estimated the loss at $100,000. They said insurance covered it and the damage would be repaired as soon as possible. The plant, the major payroll In tnis area with some 200 men employed, is expected to be closed two or three weeks, Company officials said the fire started Irom an explosion dryer. Firemen from Nehalem. Rockaway and Tillamook helped in bringing the flames under control. Therapist Hired LEBANON (Special) Adminis trator of the Lebanon Community hospital, Bishop Allen H. Erb, an- How old should a county com missioner be? The commission ers office requires a younger, ac tive man . . ; one who ran move about throughout county. Lawrence Kinsey, Independent candidate for i'olk County com missioner is 46. His Republican opponent is in his seventies. Kin sey has road building experi ence, is a successful farmer and businessman. Kinsey will not spend all his time in an office but will get over the county to inspect and oversee all road work. Kinsey will insist all gaso line, tools and equipment be ac counted for. That competitive bids be offered on equipment purchases. Kinsey has the man agement . and operating experi ence needed to get most for the tax dollar. Vote Lawrence Kin sey, Independent, Polk County Commissioner. Kinsey for Comm. Comm. L. Kinsey, See. (Pd. Adv.) The 53 preclncti In Salem, SO In Marlon county and three In Polk county, are shown on the map above. These precincts, as all others In Oregon will be open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Tuesday. t, V?9 HHHMW CD SHE MANY PUBLISHIRS SUPPORT HIM Tht Ortfon Journal, Oct. 9t J9M said Ms of Mark Hatitld: Tbis board (Boird of Conlrd) ... it an essential pari of itale fovemment and one in which Hatfield is exceptionally quali fied. In his legislative career, Hatfield showed himself to be alert to state needs, mildly lib eral in his approach and above all, a man of personal and political integrity." t tftwiwiiuMMi'.giua w.a'ur HIS EXPERIENCE FITS THE OFFICE A larpe part of the Secretary of State's wort k with state institutions and with efficiency in government. Senator Hailicld'i administrative experience with the budgetary and personnel problems of Willamette Uni versny on boards, committees and in political scienc is invaluable. HE HAS ENTHUSIASM AND VISION Mark Hatfield does not view the office as simply a political post. His enthusiasm for bringing efficiency to bear and his understanding of the longrange beneficial effects of the office' will not be found m any othef candidate.. HE FIGHTS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Marl: Hatfield has no prejudices as regard race, creed or political party. He fought for civil rights and teacher's minimum pay standards. His fairness has brought him support from both political parties, HE IS A FINE INDIVIDUAL The personal background of a man h as much a qualifi cation for office as his official acts. Mark Hatfield has been a man dedicated to the service of other people in his community, his county, his state and the nation. His common sense, his honesty and his intentions have always been above reproach. Vi'c feel thi is the kind of a man everyone would want in public office. . DE PUBLIC All 1 1. H.lfH 11 e, . ni Miir t. omm 1 W m I. lUfc, SALEM 1. United Brethren Churrh, 11th and JXebraika. 2. Chrlit Lutheran Church, 1TI0 State. 3. Four Square Church, 19th and Breynian. A. Stale lieatlni- Plant. 12th and Ferry. Klrhntond school. Coca Cola bottllni slant. South 11th. Mayflower Milk plant. Jaion Lee Methodlit Church, (irant School. I. Ilaiement. Woman's Club. 460 North Cottage, . Senator Hotel. !. Salem Memorial floipltal, I, J. M. lie it residence, 1215 South 12th. I. nasemrnt. Friend! Church. Chnrrh and Highland. i. Hunt nrni. cannery, I. City Hall. . Marlon lintel. I. Leilte Methndl't Church. 8. Commercial and My en. i. North salrm Hi en. t. Oreron State Hospital Treat ment nulldlnjc, north side of Center. M, Residence at Mis North Fourtn. !2, ParrUh Junior Hl(h. !1. Courthouse. 'A. South Salem Friends Church. !S. En ( If wood School. !S. Highland School. !J. Church of tht Spirit, lth and Streets. !H. I. 1H0 Marlon. !9. Court Street Christian Church, Uth and Court. ). Church of God, 22nd and Shei- ton. 1. Calvary Baptist Church, 1230 South Liberty. !. llallon Tractor ana Kquipmeni, 23M Sllverton Road. I. MrKlntey School. I. South Salem H1(h. t. Srwate ItMposal Plant, 3015 North Ktver Road. I. Oreinn Srhool for the near. I. Knlents of Columhtu Hall, 123 Shlpplm. .m KMem srrvicp, j Hlch. IS. Olson residence, 1390 North I9ih. 40. Paiilui Bros. Cannery. 41. Safeway Store, 2315 South Commercial. 41. Kelly Farquhar plant, 1430 Tile Knad. 4.1. (I'olk County) West lilim SrhOOl. 44. (Polk County) West Salem City Hall, 43. (Polk County) West Salem Le gion Hall 101. KnlfM Memorial Church, 19th and Ferrv, ZOi. Hi f bill park. 203. First Kvanicltral V B. Church. Elect These Four Men Your Representatives to Legislature! EDDIE AHRENS W.W. CHADWICK R. L. ELFSTR0M WINT0N HUNT Ward boundaries are shown In the heavy lines. Only polling places changed since the primary election are In precincts 38 and 208. List of all polling places Is below. Cor Hall, Sublimity. Community Church, Mehama. Old furniture bide, Mill City. Gates Community House. Fire Hall and First Building, Rift North Summer. 204. Mormon Church, Fifth and Madison. 205. Salem General Hospital, new building. 208. Cole residence, 1130 Evergreen 201, State Surplus Property Office. 1963 Taft St. . Western Security Bank: Can- dalarla Shopping Center. MARION COUNTY residence. 10. m. 1X4. 186. Give Your Legislators the Right To Pass the Tax Laws Best For Oregon and You. VOTE BALLOT MEASURE NO. 1 YES Paid Adv. Committee for Proposition 1, W. W. Chadwick, Treas., Salem . V.. 1 l"f 111 5 k , ( Taxpayers . . . When you prepare to vote, remember that Jason Lee's opponent voied to gtve'Uway (he oil tldelnnds thal.cuuld have sub stantially reduced your tax bill. Jason Lee will work for tax re duction. Vote for Jason Lee. Pd. Pol. Ad. by Jason Lee for Congress Comm., M. Bowes, Sec., Masonic Bldg., Salem, Oregon. I''i.i'j VAJMV? V0TE F0R GUY JONAS No DOUBLETALK like Republican candidates who publicly promise tax cuts for farmers and home owners, and by pri vate letter promise tax cuts to special professional groups (by letter Oct. 1, 1956, to doctrrs, dentists and lawyers of Marion and Palk Counties, asking for $10.00 contribution! to support proposition No. 1 and stating "a favorable vote . . . will result in your saving many times this small dona tion In your annual income tax payment") IF YOU WANT IMPARTIAL REPRESENTATION ELECT GUY JONAS "A GUY YOU CAN TRUST" Jonaa for Rep. Comm., Glen Sorensen, Chr. ISZ5 .V , Tl y.' It K"V tW m ' f " us. Slavic A. A. Larsei Hutsey. 46. Salem Helfhti Srhool. 41. Randall' Churk Wait on. 4A. Salem Heights Community Hall 51. Trlngle School. 52. Falrvlew Home. 54. Four Corner Community Hall. 55. Four Corneri School. 5". Hoover Srhool. 58. Elmer's Blind Shop. 3S70 Cen ter. , Gear Lutheran Chnrrh. 33Afl Sunnyvlew. ! capnoi itraiinr. 3480 Sllverton ! Road, Auhurn Srhool, Sweitle School. Middle Grove Srhool. Boy Srout cabin. 4160 Fisher Road. I 72. llalhert Memorial BaptUt Church. Hnyesville. 15. Week' berry warehouse. 16. Aluminum plant, Cherry ATe nue. ! 71. Church In J00 block. Church- dale. : 1R. Kelzer Granite Hall. 19. Church of Christ, Dearborn , Avenue, Ketzer. HO. Rnval Nelchhnri Halt, Qulnabv. ! Si. Brltt Asplnwall jtaraie, W conda. X4. Fairfield nranjre. M. St. Taut Community Hall. SK. Champoer Memorial Bulldlnt;. 90. Buttevlllc Connrenatlonal Church. . nonald city Hall. 94. K nli hts of Tythlai Hall, Ate rora, M. lOOF Hall, llubhard, 98. Fire station, Hubbard. Ittfl. tlranie Hall, Newberg Road and Boone's Ferry. 102. Catholic grade school base ment, (lervalt. 1D4. (Jervals Union Hih Srhoot. 108, American Legion Hall, Wood burn. 108. Lutheran Churrh, Woodburn. 110. City Hall, Woodburn. 112. Cltv Llbrarv. Woodburn. 114. Methodist Church, Ymin( and B Streets. Woodburn. 111. IOOF Hall. Monitor. 118. Ctlv Hall. Mt. Anifl. 170. TravH Hullritnr. Mt. Angel. I?4. North Howell (iranie Hall. 128. CSym at Brooks school. 1?. Chemtwa Indian School, Af. Building. no. central Howell Srhool base ment. 1.12. Kvenreen School. 1.14. St. raul Catholic Srhool, Sll verton. US. Fvant Vallev School. 118. Knights of Tythlas Hall, Sll terton. 148. City Hall Council Chamber, Sllverton. 142. Bvherg Building, North Water Street, Sllverton. 144. Sllverton Armorv. 148. IOOF Bnlldln. Scotts Mills. Sllverton Hills, Community "Inrunihrnl, with sit Irrrm ft- :"tiuumbcnt. His work on hiah' pfrirnre In the House of Rcpre-.WM- IfpisUtifm tnintr(jit to ytw srnlalives." land Mnrtni) Citmty." 'For sound, sensible legislation." "H fleet for sincere and fallhfull ifrvlce to all as your rural repre-i lentatlve.'1 Vole REPUBLICAN tatuw and (oniinue Peace Progress. Prosperity t'nlon Hill Orante Hall. Marleay Cranie Hall. Roberts Orange Hall. Rosedale Srhool. Ankenr Orange Hll. Masonic Hall. Jefferson. New High Srhool. Jrfferson, Farmers t'nlon Hall. Marton. Masonic Hall. Turner, Turner tirade Srhool, l.lhertv School. ' Massers Hall. Shaw CUV Halt. Aumsvilie, West Stavton Srhool District Christian Churrh basement, Methodist Chnrrh basement. MRS. COIN 1U JKKFKRSON (Special! - Mrs. Vsrion fioin is recuperating at hnoif followini; an operation which srt Q1erwent at an Albany hov Marion County Veterans DOUG i n n w7 0 FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR WE, The Below-listed Veterans, Having Every Confidence in his Integrity Record in Public life over Many Years, Ask and URGt that you CAST Salem Cont'd. R. Breyman Beisa United States Senator: Woodburn, Oregon: Robert C. Hall Frink Bentley Walter Millar Walter Scarborough, Jr. Milton Coy Harold M. Autin Harold Liveiay Kenneth Hagg Philip Branson William A. Merriott John F. Lacey Silverton, Oregon: C. J. Towe Max Hubbs Elmer Lorence Leonard Kepphart Harry Canon, Jr. Alf O. Nelson Frank M. Powell Salem, Oregon; Charles E. Greene O. E. (Mose) Palmateer Jacob Fuhrer Roy Nelson Paul F. Burris Merrill D. Ohling Don Wade Bert G. Stevens Walter H. Zosel William C, Oyer, Jr. Conrad P. Paulsen William Bliven Clarence M. Byrd Roy Troult Leslie Wadsworth Ed Randle Ned Linden P. D. Quisenberry Homer H. Smith, Jr. Richard Grabenhorst Coburn Grabenhorst Ken Potts Andy Halvorsen William H. Hammond Thomas A. Roberts Robin D. Day Mrs. James (Ethel) Garvin Robert Schucking Ira O. Pilcher Alex Jones E. Carl Charlton Kelly Owens Braiier C. Small Phillip H. Ringle , Claude McKenney Vic MacKentie R. H. Bassott Arthur B. Bates Robert K. Powell Dick Gahlsdorf Dave Holtiman Bert A. Victor Fred Gahlsdorf F. Alfred Williams Henry J. Millie Ed R. Viesko Ellis F. Von Eschen Gene Laird and Ability, end Knowing his fine YOUR VOTt for DOUGLAS McKAY, for Salem Cont'd. James J. Walton Harriott Belcher I. V. (Speed) Benson Robert (Bob) Sleeves John F. Steelhammer Dave Hoss Arnold A. Krueger Dick Taggesell J. Ray Rhoten J. H. (Tommy) Thompson Lee Shinn, Jr. Clayton Gibb Harry Cox A. E. Robins I. I. Flalhers Bert Faltyn Bill Shriver Roy Gray Ray Tresidder Clifford R. Parker John A. Olson Mt. Angel: Harold J, Bourbonnais Stqyton: G. W. (Gabe) DeJardin St. Paul: ' Joe McKay Ray Cooke James Cooke Jefferson: Charles V. Johnson II a 1AO V l I IS 1 DoU9 McKav belongs to the Eisenhower YOle lUs) A UOUqlaS MCKay and, if elected, would loyally sup- port his program. M. M. Ad, Mult C. Vtlsraiii Cirw , Kilty Ow.m and Wm. C. Dy.r, Jr., C.-ih.irmn o 0' 0 o 1 . :' o 0