i; Page 2 Section 2 Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 5, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL .Let's Go Get Stanford' Chant Rises in Beaver Land OSC Takes 28-20 Win Over Huskies ptndians, Vandals, v, Dueks Remain f OnSIale 'f By GLENN CUS1IMAN Capital Journal City Editor I', OREGON STATE COLLEGE, ICorvallis (Special) Oregon State's eager grid Beavers were sched uled for only a light workout Mon day after Saturday's stuttering 2H-M.-wln over Washington in Port land, a win that added fuel lo the growing Rose Bowl fever in Cor lyallis. i The talk of a Beaver Rose Bowl ;trtp has heen huilding since last Ijveck's 21-7 win over UCLA. It Reached the crescendo stage Sat urday when the black-robed slaters with a timely assist from the Wash. OSC Jrirst Downa 16 IB Kushlnft Yardage .. 246 2H7 Passing Yardage B5 48 Passes V. 1-8 ' 3-4 Rasses Intercepted By 0 1 Punts 4-3 J-35.8 Kumhles Lost 3 2 Yards Penalized 40 lis vdigcful Bruins in the form of a l3jl3 win over Stanford, moved lo (tie top of Ihc Pacific Coast Con--fefence League stardings. ', Now the "Let's Get Stanford" chant the Beaver rooters shouted Saturday lakes on a new light. As a matter ol act, next Saturday's I clash with Stanford at Palo Alto is probably the Rose Bowl playoff. i Prnthrn Warns Fans ! And although Coach Tommy ; Prothro and his assistants well '! know this fact, a word of caution came out of a Sunday staff ses- sion. ' J "People get too high on us too ' quick . . , might be a little ahead ' of the team," Tommy said. But one gets the feeling that Prothro will try to have his charges moving in high gear for this one. ' "We'll take It easy for a couple of days (hen get ready for Stan i ford." he said. t If Ihc Beavers, and it's a mighty big if; can win over Stanford, it's just about sure Ihcy will be the Rose Bowl nominee lor they'll have v lowly Idaho and improving Oregon ; in lace in iinisn up. conceivably J they could lose one of the two linal games and slill he voted to the . Pasadena clnssic. J So this is the biggest one yet in the short but successful tenure of 1 the OSC boss man. ' Team Seemed 'Down1 J Of Saturday's game, some ob- servers thought the Corvallis club - might-havc been looking post JfWashinglon. Al limes they seemed ; lo lose the poise fans have come . to - associate with Prolhro teams land commuted high schoolish mis takes. V For example, they were pen alized a Inlal of 118 yards mostly vfor curable mistakes but mistakes V they hadn't made before this year. 'Penalties undoubtedly stymied two , jTeimessec Seeks i Unbeaten Season jVoIs.Georgia Tech ; Meet Saturday For Title ;'. By K.I) COltltlCAN I; The Associated Press Tennessee, which lias won more I football gnmes Uinn any school in ;;the country during the past qunr ;'ier ol a century, is back near Ihc tnp ol the heap scrambling lor Ihc South-eastern Conference chnmpi I ionship and a postseason bowl J plum. :rrhVni m-, ih i VT rcoach.ns in 19.2 th? VrU tmc ; hvuiB(hC.r lrb!. In the ;bSt thrte . Ur only 16 fames tod mz u. I But tharJU t la:! back i John Dr.,T..' Mf.iw as smpos- iR2 w! j.V ir.ti rlrjr.-s from 1 laU Mrt r4 tut Ithroojis i tw:i a;t;.w-t k far ia qwtii d Uiw wieJcai ed, uubfti Mttimui mm 3VW. fvn they the .mtUimiti titan-: p;n ship. . There'. . v;!:iUo ivkmt m the ' ahadimi. Umitn- w' Trw. . irnncssrei .o. j rnai sor mi- conferccf chrf.npirnh;p Tnf Kn fgineers alfo b'.r polisbed "fl half a dozen opponrnu, giving up t only four lourbdowns. ' ,."lr lwn mrn A"anl" , wits wecK, 10 ine vinnr no nnuni will go Ihe Southcastr-m rrnwn. 0 Tennessee wormed up to the lask JSaturdny wilh a rouune 200 vie-, lory over North Carolina, while J Georgia Tech, second rankrd be-. " hind Oklahoma In last week's As-; .' socialed Press poll, edgid Duke Neither, however, has any hopes of gelling past Oklahoma in Ihe (national rankings. The hulking ', Sooncrs won Iheir 30th game in a ; row, a eome-froiivbehind 27-19 de- clsion over Colorado. Oklahoma was down 19-6 al the i half, b.l Ihe Sooncrs woke up and! 5 acored three touchdowns in Ibe I tecond half lo wrap II up. ' Colorado, which can nail down ruernnd place in Ihe Big Seven if i If - past Mlsvntin inu-wrcr:, ' Is all but ccriajn In gel Ihe Orange PACIFIC COAST CONFKRKNCE W L Pet. Oreilon State 4 I .ROO UCLA - 1 .BOO USC ,1 1 .750 Stanford 3 1 .7S0 Orocon 2 3 .400 Vnshlnston 2 3 .400 California ......... 1 3 .230 WnBhintton State 1 4 .200 Idaho 0 3 .000 c;amks left to play Oregon State: At Stanford, Nov. 10. At Idaho. Nov. II. Vs. nrecon. Nov. 22. Stanford: Vi. OSC Nov. 10. V. Washington Nov. 17. At California Nov. 24. potential OSC marches-that might have gone for scores. They also looked somewhat dif ferent than the close-to-the-vest club that crushed UCLA the week prior, playing with what seemed to be less fervor. One observer said the Beavers were probably "down" to some degree after the UCLA Homecoming clash and awaiting the showdown with Stan ford. Durdan Leads WHy In spite of their troubles the forces of Prothro had enough. They scored twice on sustained marches of 83 and 75 yards, broke fleet Earnel Durdan loose for a 44 yard TD Jaunt and powered a fumble recovery across for their four scores. Washington, substituting by pla loons, flashed two sets of elusive backs and a big line, but couldn't get up enough steam for a win. Their final touchdown was a "gift" that occurred after a final min ute OSC fumble set them up on the 14-yard line or the score might have read 20-1.1. One Cheerful Note One cheerful nole lo Protho was the play of left halfback Joe Fran cis, who had his best day this sea son. The Hawaiian junior passed lo Durden for one score and pick ed up a total of 70 yards during tne ailernoon. He, Durden and powerhouse Tom Berry at fullback did most of the damage for the Beavers. Paul Lowe, the sophomore swifly, never got started. The Washington defenders played him wen ana no never had a chance for his slashing, hip spinning tvne of running on Ihc thin Multnomah stadium turf, which caused con tinual slips by backs on both sides all altcrnoon. All American candidate John Wlltc, playing alternately opposite Washington's "finest tackles," 240 pound Dick Day and 2.15 pound George Strugar, had one of his best days, He smothered every thing that came his way and blasted wide openings for the fleet OSC backs in all three yard age-eating drives. Washington .... .... 0 7 6 7 2r Oregon Stale 14 0 7 7 21 Washington scoring: Tourhriownj ny I nomas, n-vard run: Mrc uskev. BS-yard pass and run; Peysenn. 13- yaro run. conversions hv Oerhy, Struger. Oregon Slate scoring: Tonrh downs by Berry. 1-varri Dlunge: Dur. den t.1 on 16-yard pass. 4-yard run and 44-yard run. Conversions by Clarke 3, Franrls Ivla run). year and was barred by a con feren ; rule from competing two years running. Clcrmnn Lends Atlantic At the moment Olemson is lead ing Ihe Atlantic Const Conference, which supplies Ihe other loam. Duke still has an outside chance hul Maryland, Ihe perennial con lender, is just another has-been this year. The Terps, who have won just one game is seven, were cut down by Kentucky 140 Sat urday. Oklahoma, Georgia Tech and Tennessee, Incidentally, from inrec nuns ni me remaining nm ,r ..nhnAnn, Wyoming, which ' ' wrapped up thc SWmc title with n 2-0 victory over Utah State and Prnpct0 which "Ja Hrmvn .... ollirrs 1 ine nig tens nose Howl team aUo should be determined alter Saturday s clash between Minne sota a Iowa. The tlophers will be favored on the basis o( their 5-6 non conference triumph Over:', P;'t uhii. ih iinni-,.,,., -,. i. ire bounced from the unbeaten lost by Michigan. 17-14. :.T Cnllrum I nhratm ; . ,. Onlv T Wii,ir ',.,... fly T1IK ASSOCIATE) PRKSS The ranks of Ihe unbeaten, un- lied enllene looiball teams were thinned In js Momlnv with srv- enlhranked Iowa, benien by Mich ignn 17-14 Saturday, the most no- table alwnlre. The malor college unbeaten list stands al live, led by Oklahoma vhich made it 36 straight with n '.'7-19 win over Colorado. Tennes- Princeton. Georgia Tech, and Wyoming are Ihe others ( Kni'oiirtii'e Afii' 1 ntl nsl ill's 1 For Oregon If I Eliminate 45 Surtax I I I mis rear! f ir- VflTf RA1IOT MCACIIDE MCI 1 VSC I II Paid Adv, committee for Proposition No. 1. W. W. Chad tV JOE PALOOKA Reign Oregon College of Education's Homecoming festivities were ruled over by Lois Smith (third from left) of Albany. Miss Smith was queen of Homecoming tor OCE. She Is shown here with the members of her court at halttime of OCE-Oregon Tech football game at Memorial Stadium Saturday afternoon. Princesses are (left to right) sophomore. Janice Kcnlson, Monmouth, junior Karen Ashby Monmouth, and freshman Terry Qulnn, Redmond. (OCE Photo) OCE Clinches Tie For OCC Second OTI .Topped 21-7 In Finale of Season By BUSS BAGMEN Special lo The Capital Journal MEMORIAL STADIUM, Mon mouth Oregon College of Edu cation turned three pass Intercep tions into touchdowns here Satur day afternoon as, they defeated the Oregon To.h Owls, 24-7, lo clinch a tic for second place in the Ore gon Collegiate Conference before 2,01)0 Homecoming fans. The victory gave the Wolves a record of 2 wins and 2 losses in the OCC. Southern Oregon, 36-27 OTI Yards gainrd rushing 102 Yards gained passing PS Yards Inst rushing 7 Passe attempted 21 Passes completed fl Passes Intercepted by 0 is 'I ia tal tlrst downs it Average punt yardage 1-20 0 Ynrris penalised SS Fuinhles 0 loser to Eastern Oregon at Ash- lind u-niind tin in n sprnnri nlarc tie with the Wolves with an irien-) 0,1 1,10 ,hirri Pla-V from rim tical 2-2 record. The OTI battle ! mac tnihart took a pitchout ended OCE's conference and season football slnle. Overall, OCE finished the year with three wins and four losses. 9th Over Owls Bill McArthur's gridders set about early to record their ninth si might victory over the Owls, linvc ypl 1(1 Rain ,llcir ''rs gi mir tin vnmi uvrr uir nivr.s. Oil received the opening kickoff and drove lo the OCK 21) vard lhp Wolves, although this tune not line before Harry Santee inter-! h-v " P"ss interception. The Owls cepled a Hob Stov pass on his own ! S""'hled for a first down on their It) and relumed it to Ihe OCK 30. 1 mvn u ""ding three yards to get With Wvman Gernhart and Krv;"- hul thc Wolv''s Pushc1 tmn Garrison alternating un the hall : bi"'k t0 lh(,ir own w instead and larrving, the W olves marched 70 . l0"k m'r " downs. yards in H nlavs lo nunrli over a ' v.J - -, ... . . ; ! M"u" "'"i ' - 'en in i ii t ; first quarter. Santee. who completed II of 16 "I'1 miming pinys nouco 1 11 e j Seaside plavs at Wy'East Friday passes for IL'2 yards, notched the ! Wnv-s only two yards and it (ol. (hc ,i(slrjct 1 itlp. The dis Tl) by hilling end Glenson Enkin!1"0 1,RC lhe 0'l might hold ,rjct 2 championship is between in thc end ?.one from lour yards!""" wns: H,u Smin lvas rH,nl . Hocdsport and Coquille with Ihe out on a fourlh down situation, j 10 11,0 situation and connected possibility 1h.1l the two schools Gernhart failed lo convert, lo Rivc 1 ,h. unvr. , B.n ri,H mi Ihe i-nrf ol Ihe lirst quarter. tlrrnhnrt set up OCK's second lally when he hauled ill Sloy's ! pass on his own 43 and returned it In Ihe Tech 37. Seven plays later Carrisnn hulled his way into the end lone from the three vard hue lo send Ihe Wolves out in If""' 120. Gernhart again failed to convert. lies Hunsakcr's Owls bounced back n'trr that Tl) and moved to a first down on the IH'K 30 with at OCE Homecoming v r JnJt t J Oregon Collegiate Conference Final Standings W L Pet. PF PA F.ost'n Oregon 4 0 1.000 95 63 South'n Oregon 2 2 .500 72 76 OCR 2 2 .500 49 39 Portland Slate 1 3 ..250 5 1 47 Oregon Tech 1 3 .250 66 108 Saturday Results: Eastern Ore gon 3fir Southern Oregon 27; Ore gon College 24, Oregon Tech 7. one minute left in (he game. But Stoy again missed his target on a long pass and Gernhart picked it off in his own end zone and fancy footed his way all Ihe way lo Ihe OTI 30 before he was finally hauled down on a desperation tackle. A missed block by an OCE teammate on the Tech .15 is all that- prevented Gernhart from go ing all Ihe way. The Wolves were unnble to push over a score be fore the half ended. The Wolves got their third TD with 5:56 remaining in the third qunrter and again it was set up by a pass interception. This time il wns senior linphnckrr Jack Knudscn who inlorceplfd and anvc the Wolves a first down on their own 48. from S;intec and swept his own left end for 49 yards to a TD, outdistancing the OTI safety man lo reach the end zone just inches inside the out-of-bounds flng. San tee's pass to Garrison for the ex tra point failed to connect. Riving the Wolves an lfl-0 third-quarter lead. OCE's final touchdown was also set tip by the defensive play of !,ll"ll' mi reserve hallb.ick tii-nrt-P Mi-Croc- Willi a rv.ee Ini-! , , ' n on ine uwi 2,. dm """ 'u'"",,lR icn invens on n mm-n pass mat save I n e Wolves a lirst down on the visit- or 5 ,wo -V!,rn lu' Pla.vs lm,r Mnlre sneaked over from Ihe one lor tl ' touchdown. , bad pass ceiiirr pievenivii the conver-1 snm ""cnipi. n,u n I-. s 24-n mar- 'n """'' 'nan sale. 0TI nl 11 " lnnf 'ilh less 'i'" "nnutcs remaining in game. Ko.'owing Ol'K's fourth '""cbdown Ihcy marched 77 yards m 11 Pla5' n "arry .unit, ex- "All Kinds of INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS" VISIT US IN OUR 121 No. HIGH Salem prepper, going over from the five-yard line. Juul also added the extra point to personally ac count for all of OTPs scoring. McArthur. who praised his en tire team highly for their spirited play against the Owls, cleaned his entire bench against the Owls. Al though his gridders were consid ered a one-touchdown underdog at the outset of the game, McArthur himself felt that his club could handle the Owls if they played up to their potentiality. The outcome would tend to indicate that t h e Wolves were playing at their best. Statistically, OCE did not have a wide margin, except in the mat ter of pass interceptions. First downs were 18-17 in favor of Ihe Wolves. Total yardage gained favored OCE, 372 to 280. In Ihe passing department, OCE tried 18 and completed 13 for 148 yards and one touchdown. Santee, ex-Norlh Salem gridiron star, had by far his best day of the year, clicking on 11 of his 16 tosses. While the Wolves were gaining through the air almost at will, OTI was having all kinds of trouble with its passing attack. In ad dition to the three pass intercep tions that led to OCE's first three touchdowns the Wolves intercepted three other Owl passes that halted Tech scoring drives before they had a chance to snowball. Gernhart, whom the Wolves are booming for Little All - American honors, gained 144 yards in 15 carries for a 9.6 average. He finished Ihe season with a total of 647 , ;-ds gained from rushing, an ! T Z ' u 5 . P. I. in nuMiiiuii hi; iiiuiu'inni iwu OTI passes, made four unassisted tackles and had a 35 Jard run nullified by a holding penally. The OTI game was thc last for eight OCK seniors. End Gleason Enkin, tackle Wayne Osborn. guards John LaKoiintaine, .lack Knudscn and Ray Comstock. cen ter Pat McManus and fullback Krv Garrison wound up their collegiate football careers. 3 Berths Left In A-2 Playoffs To Open Nov. 17 n, tup AsnriATi-n pni-ua Only three berths are left to he tilled in the Oregon class A-2 high school football playoffs, which open Nov. 17 Vale will be host Friday to I.nkeview in a game that will . .... .. . . i oocicic tne district i tine, vaie is . defending A-2 champion will li.ive to piny off nn iinfinishc-d ; - ,. Her Ho I Thai game was hailed at halftone because play crs had suffered lime marker burns. Iteedspnrl led, 14-0. j The five which have cinched iteS are Silverton. Amity, Cen- iral rnion of Monmoulh-lndepend- raw, Eagle Point and Pleasant Hill, Amity and Central Vnion will meet in one first round playoff game, and Pleasant Hill will play I-.agle Point in another. 1 NtW QUARTtHS (MMome pu a ooo luiiPiNOi i n. H-OOOvJ -By Ham Fisher EOC Pockets 1st OCC Title SOC Defeated 36-26 In Loop Finale; OCE Second By THE ASSOCIATEO PRESS Eastern Oregon holds its first Oregon Collegiate Conference foot- ball title as a result of 36-26 rictory over Southern Oregon Ashland Saturday night. Elvin Daggett, 5-8 senior back, scored four touchdowns and gained 112 yards for the winners. Pass interceptions led to three elllnS. '. 'he wolves are to im Eastern Oregon scores. i Prtlvc upon last season's mark. Ron Oregon College of " Education ' Jones, who was second in individ gained a second-place tie with i ual scoring for the Wolves last sea Southern Oregon by beating Ore- ,son' is not Daclt tnis year and Liv" gon Tech. 24-7, at Monmouth. The'Sslon will have to groom a re winners scored in every period ' placement. and shut out Oregon Tech until) Lettermen who are expected lo the final quarter when Harry ' turn out today are guards Daryl Kuhl scored on a five-yard run. Girod, Cece Miller and Larry Buss, Portland State went out of the forwards Barry Adams, Doug Zi league to defeat Pacific of the . lek, Kally Hoy and Dale Andn'ch, Northwest Conference, 33-14, at and centers Wayne Young and Portland. ; Doug Rogers. The Saturday action completed Livingston says he probably will the conference schedule, but make his first souad cut the first three teams have non league of next week, dividing the candi games coming up. datcs into varsity and jayvec-frcsh- aomnern uregon piays at na- waii and Portland State at Lewis and Clark next Saturday. On Nov. 17 Southern Oregon plays at Linficld and Oregon Tech at Centralia Junior College. Bethea Bills Fight in N:Y. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wayne Bethea, young New York heavyweight who has beaten Ez zard Charles and Jimmy Sladc. and stopped Jamaica's Joe By grave.s in recent bouts, takes on Howie Turner, another newcomer, in Monday's 10-round match at St. Nicholas Arena in New York. Turner will be making his first main event start after 21 prelim outings just as Bethea graduated from the undercard ranks about a year ago. Bethea has won six straight in his career record of 12-4-2. Turner's record is 17-1-3. Du Mont will telecast at 10:30 p.m., EST. Miguel Berrios, a favorite with the TV fans, returns to work Fri day at Madison Square Garden against Gabriel (Flash! Elorde of the Philippines. Beriros, an earn est little Puerto Rican, won a split decision over Elorde Aug. 22 at San Francisco. Isaac Logart, Ihe husy Cuban welterweight, continues his cam paign with his second TV shot in three weeks when he boxes Duke Harris of Detroit Wednesday at Chicago Stadium. Hoop Officials To Get Exams Pnfpntial hinh crhnnl hacWolhnll officials in the Salem area will i "-"-LA scored 14 of bis 17 points get their annual examination Tues- j n the second period to lead thc dav in a session set for 7:30 p.m. Hawks to a 78-76 victory over the al North Salem high school. Room Ipreviousl.'-unbeaten Syracuse Na 10(1. jtionals Sunday night at Syracuse. The testing and clinic session is ; St. Louis was trailing 21-11 when conducted bv the Oreeon Schools i Naulls look charge and carried the Ac'l. ities association and Oden Hawos, OSAA secretary, will he in charge of the program. Films will be shown and a rules interpre - taiinn session will De given. j A" Prospective high school ofli- c'a's 'n tne area have been invited1 i 10 attend. Keep it under your helmet! OLDS FOR 57 has a new HI-LO BUMPER! Naw buuty . , , deubl duly, leol Oldimobilt'l handtomt. nw grillt Ii a ilMk, imarl, Iwln-proltclion bumper on el mony nw fMlum that make. Oldi Iht valuator ol I ha yxirl II IT FHIOAY. NOV. Q, AT OUK IMOWROOMI ei Bros. Co., Phon 90.CE.Vets Out for First Hoop Practice 50 Expected. Today to Start Rebuilding; Aide Named (Special lo The Capital Journal) OREGON COLLEGE OF EDU CATION, Monmouth A list of 50 candidates was expected to be on hand this afternoon for OCE's first basketball practice, with nine let' tcrmen heading thc list of pros' pects. Coach Bob Livingston, despite the nine lettermen, still faces a building job in the 1956-57 season. Unless the Wolves uncover a scor ing treat from among the newcom ers who are on hand, they will face an uphill grind in their 24-gamc schedule. The Wolves won only four games largely Dccause oi lacK ?f he,Snt .an scoring ability. So Kar', ,n0 8la.nts, ht bc, not : J""-"'" me,r neaa set mrougn at1"'! UL' a, u "'ssi"n wl" I C " . T i,- P I i.""j-" i . B' I Scoring ability will need strength- man units. R u s s Baglien, senior student from Woodbtirn, will assist Living ston with the varsity coaching chores and will tutor the jayvee frcshman team. QB Gels New Leg, Goes Back To Direct Win SAN MATEO, Calif. W Oak land Junior College quarterback i Earl Norwood was down to his last leg Saturday. Wooden leg, that is. Piloting nis team lo a 14-1.1 win over San Mateo JC, Norwood ; splintered his artificial leg in a third quarter drive. The foot flew off to one side. "Somebody get a doctor," yel led a startled official. "What I need is a carpenter," cracked the 6-foot, 185 pound ex Marine. Norwood went to the dressing room, got a spare leg, returned and in the last six minutes of play directed two touchdown drives. "He was all over Ihe backficld," said Coach Gil Callis. "He was . terrific." Naulls Making Splash in NBA By UNITED PRESS Willie (The Whale) Naulls of Ihe St. Louis Hawks is making quite a splash in thc National Basket ball Association. The ponderous rookie from Hawks to a 36-34 halftimc lead. ! Teammate Bob Pettit then scored i 1 13 points in the tnira period, nut : Syracuse closed the gap in the nnai minuies ana nisi missea sending the game into overtime when Joe Holup missed a lay-i p in the final seconds. 465 Center St. 4-2261 Ducks' Speed Wins With Bear Errors Oregon Hurries To 28-12 W Early ntfnKF.r.KV. Calif, im Soced and California errors helped Ore- gons light brigade to an upset Pacific Coast Conference football victory over the Golden Bears Saturday afternoon. Befdre the second quarter was six minutes old the Ducks had shocked a crowd of 32.000 in Cali fornia's Memorial Stadium by pil ing up a 21-0 lead over the fa- 1st of Seven U. S. Olympic Planes Goes LOS ANGELES W-Quietly and without fanfare the first group of U. S. Olympic team athletes waked down a concourse at Los Angeles International Airport last night and boarded a plane for Australia. x No bands played. No speeches were made. The only attempt at ceremony was when a stewardess broke a bdttle of champagne against -the sleek hull of the Pan American airliner .and that was for a publicity picture. Among the' group of 64 were members of the canoeing and wrestling teams, Tug Wilson, president of the U. S. Olympic Committee and other officials. At the airport a small knot of perhaps 25 friends and relatives visited with the athletes. Six other flights, carrying the remainder of the 450 team mem bers and officials are scheduled, to leave Los Angeles before next Sunday. The planes lay over some 30 hours in Honolulu before x contin uing on to Melbourne by way of the Fiji Islands. The games start Nov. 22, PLAYS ANYWHERE! Take It to Football . and Basketball Games Listen at Work to Election and World News . .." lrPl''' TTmvi EW I Batteries No Tubes to Replace fscft FITS IN P0CKET 0R PURSE VddC UNBREAKABLE IN NORMAL USE PRICE M,... 39 n vored Bears.' The first time halfback LeRoy Phelps carried the ball in Ihe first quarter he ran 38 yards for an Oregon touchdown. A 13-yard punt was grabbed by the Ducks on the Bears' 38 early 'n the sec ond period and six plays later Oregon scored. A few minutes later Oregon's Chuck Austin recovered a fumble by California's quarterback Joe Kapp on Ihe Bear Vt. California was set back 15 yards for holding and Fred Miklancic rammed over his right guard to score. California's only score came In the third period, an 85-yard march In 15 plays. But the Ducks came right back with a 67-yard march in 10 plays, the final a 28-yard dash around left end by halfback Jim Shanley. Vandals Upset Fresno State FRESNO, Calif, un The Uni versity of Idaho used a potent ground attack to upset Fresno State 24-12 in a non-conference football game Saturday. The Vandals were held tn t field goal in Ihe first half which ended with Fresno State leading 12-3. .Both ol thc home team's touchdowns came in the second period. End Darry, Rogers caught a pass from freshman Jim Kuhn on the Vandal. 20 and ran un touched into the end zone. The next time Fresno had the ball, it marched to the Idaho 28. From there fullback Dean Phil pott broke over center for the touchdown. Idaho's first period 15-yard field goal vos kicked by Jerry Kramer after an offensive march stalled. The Vandals' three second-half touchdowns all came on running plays. In the third period Larry Norby scampered 29 yards after taking a pitchout from Howard Willis lor Idaho's first TD. Willis scored the minute to play. ALL TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIO alMramistor portable radio A MIRACLE OF COMPACT POWER Sw it Io4t-G.E.'i lite ndm irhimmtnt. An il!.trn:itor prth: rtiit povtrti by nn ba, ifwiriw ltttrj- ihil il Uti fr Isnrtr (kit rj lUnd.rrl ron!. ri(!i. At with th m lr!i,tBr. (hfn trt po nhc te rpli(. So imaM it ftti m rithr pane or pseltt. Too rn Uk it mrrrhfre ym (rtv Anrl rmnk th handMUM plwtif ttt y tnbrteiaHi itvltr normil im. OWL DRUG In Ihe CAPIIOl SHOPPING CENTER LAST LONGER AND COST LESS (JUST 1.25) .88 imWUrn