Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 5, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL NewBuicksto Go on Display On November 9 All-new roomier bodies, new and more powerful V-B chassis with improved ride and handling are lealurcs of the 1957 Buick line, ac cording to company officials. The new Buicks so on displav Nov. 9 at Otto J. Wilson Co., 388 North Commercial St. -1 . All of the new cars have been reduced in height. Some models are as much as three and three eighths inches lower than last vcar. without any sacrifice in ground clearance. Headroom remains the same and lcgroom has been in creased in the four-door hardtops. "We have packed more engineer ing and styling improvements in the 1957 model than any previous Buick in history." said Edward T. Ragsdale, general manager of Buick and vice president of Gen eral Motors. "The new bodies, with their lower silhouette, plus the new enginneering changes that im prove ride and handling, make the 1!)57 line the greatest value we have ever offered the motoring public." A new estate wagon, designed in (he same racy, hardtop styling asj the other models in the line, is of-i fered in the Century and Special i scries. j A new 364-cubic inch V-8 engine, with 10 to-l compression ratio, gen-1 crates 300 horsepower in the Road master, Super and Century series. an increase of 45 horsepower over last year. The Special, ..which also has a 364-cubic inch engine, with 9:5-1 compression ratio, has a max imum horsepower rating of 250, compared to 220 last year. The variable pitch Dynaflow transmission is continued as stand ard equipment on 'the Headmaster, Super and Century, and optional on the Special. Buick's 1957 line comes in 20 body styles with a two-and four door hardtop and a convertible in each series.. A two- and four-door sedan are offered in the Special series only. . Three estate wagons are offered in the .Century and Special series. Special series estate wagons are offered in both the four-door hard top styling and the regular design which features a center pillar. The new Buicks come in two wheelbases,. 127'4 inches for the ; Roadmaster and Super, and 122 inches for the Century and Special. Nehru Assails Anglo-French, - Soviet Attacks ! NEW DELHI Uft Prime Min ister Nehru said Monday "super ior might" was being used to crush freedom movements in Hun gary and Egypt. Addressing the opening session of the general conference of UNESCO (the U. N. Economic, Social and Cultural Organization!, Nehru added "human dignity is being outraged" by events in these two countries. The Indian leader did not men tion Russia by name hut his words definitely were a rebuke to Mos cow as well as London and Paris. It was the first time Nehru had Section 1Page U New D ream Car Styling for Buick Violent Death Toll in Ore. 4 For Weekend By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Four persons died violently and a fifth was missing and feared drowned in Oregon over the week end. The presumed drowning victim was Carl Taylor of Grants Pass, who was thrown from a boat that capsized when it went over the Illinois River Falls, west of Grants Pass Sunday. Two others in the boat, Harry McFarland and Roger Taylor, both of Grants Pass, managed to grab ropes thrown from shore and were rescued. A 9-year-old boy drowned in a separate accident. He was Donald Dean Pocholec, who slipped from a log while at play on the Glustina Lumber Co. pond at Springfield Sunday. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnla Pocholec, who lived near the Fern Ridge Res ervoir west of Eugene. Ralph James Shnrtz, 59, Boring, died in a Portland hospital Sunday of head injuries police said was suffered in a fight with Leo Emerald Hendricks, 37, Boring, the previous day. Hendricks was arrested on an assault and battery charge. An automobile got out of control and crashed off Highway 99-W, three miles east of Newberg. Sat urday, throwing a 3-month-old boy. Samuel Thomson, to his death. His mother, Mrs. Charles Thomson, and his sister, Nancy, 8, of Newberg, were Injured. Medford recorded its first traffic fatality of the year Friday night Frank Augustus Greaser, 84, of Medford, was fatally injured by a truck as he hobbled across a dark street in mid-block. The anver was not cited. The classic design of Buick's new dream car styling for 1957 Is exemplified In the Super tour-dour hardtop with Its low silhouette ' and racy lines. Powered by a 300-hornepowcr V-8 engine, with 10-to-l compression ratio, the Super is one of the most agile ears on the highway. Bigger panoramic windshields, roomier hndics and a completely new chassis are featured on all new Buirks. Buick's variable pitch Dynaflow transmission and power steering arc standard on the Super. Otto J, Wilson Company are the Salem dealers. voiced any public criticism im-i plied or otherwise of Russia's j actions in Hungary. He has been bitterly critical of the British French attack on Egypt.. Lumber Mart Remains Firm EUGENE W ' The firmness that came to the lumber market when green fir output was cut back, has continued for three weeks, the lumber market letter Random Lengths, reported Mon day. Slackening demand and low production are about matched, the report said, indicating little like lihood of any marked increases in the next 30 days. Retailers, al though with low inventories, have been buying chiefly on a fill-in basis. The pine market continues lo show strength in commons, which are holding to a price increase made several weeks ago, but otherwise is spotty and slow. I There is agitation in the ply-1 wood industry to boost the gen eral $67 base for quarter inch', I good one side, to $72. This latter figure Is appearing on a few published lists. Girl, 14, Runs Car Into Store CORVALLIS (UP)-A car driv en by a 14-year-old girl from Se attle crashed into a highway store and restaurant about 10 miles south of here Saturday, demolish ing the interior of the building and sending the proprietor to the hos pital. The girl told officers the car slarted to skid and when she ap plied the brake she apparently hit Ihe accelerator' plunging the car into the side of Bob's Corner store. The car crashed through the wall and ended up in the middle of the shopping area. Bob Allison, about 42, proprietor of the store, was taken to the hos pital where his condition was de scribed as serious. A Burns. Ore., family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Clark and their 6-year-old daugh ter, Linda, were at the counter of the store but escaped injury. A 17-ycar-old youth, also of Se attle, was in the car wi'.h the girl. Nail AM For Healthier, Stronger,' More Beautiful Finger Nails Do you type . . . keep your fingers in water . . . do many chores around the house each day? It is not always the daily diet of hard work that may cause your nails to break, chip, or split easily. Frequently, it's a daily dietary deficiency that causes the (rouble. . H this is your problem . . . why continue to be embarrassed by unsightly nails when NAIL AID may help restore their natural loveliness? Medical research has. discovered this amazing new way to help prevent breaking, chipping, cracking, peeling, splitting and ridging of normally lovely nails. NAIL AID is a pure highly protein sugarless Gelatin product fortified with Calcium and Vitamin A in a convenient, easy-to-taki ' capsule form. Start now to grow healthier, stronger, more beautiful nails! Ask for NAIL AID .. start taking NAIL AID today! Packaged In smart plastic purse-size box large economy tlx i 4.95 The Best Place to Shop . . . After All Ill I' Poland Righting Church Wrongs, Prclalc Asserts WARSAW - Stefan Cardinal Wvszvnskl says Ihe wroncs done to' the Roman Catholic Church in Poland are being repaired. The Catholic prelate, just re-, leased by Poland's new national Communist regime from three years' detention, preached his first sermon since his release at Warsaw's Church of the Holy Cross Sunday. Thousands packed the church.. The cardinal announced that Tiiti hichnn. have been re-, leased from detention since his own release last Sunday. COPS CONGRATULATED TRENTON, N.J., IVP - Two policemen were surprised when the man they arrestrd for break ing into tin company congratu lated them. .loreph M. Edwards, r. ioio inr officers. "Congratulation!. I've j been stealing thing? for 27 yrars and this is the first time Ive been j caught red handed." I Happen BB Is poliomyelitis a disease thai always strikes somewhere else? No. Polio occurs in every section of the United States, It may strike here winter or summer. It may afflict you or a loved one at any time. No community or pert of th country is safe from polio. Now medi cal science has given us a safe, effective vaccine. Don't wait for an epidemic. Va immunized. Sec your family physician. CAPITAL DRUG STORE !;;;:; ;:! l::::si !::':ff jjijiii liilii !:i:i: ;Sr:l! mil; ; j;; ::: .V.I IS'.!! !!!! 405 State St. 617 Chemeketa Si. We C.ive ZC C.reen Stamps !!!!(! ii 1 liKtiijiii J i s:!!;ii:i:i;ii:Ui! : liiUfiillliliii ii H ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HiSliiiSil British Blame Oil Damage on Syrian Troops LONDON tfl The Foreign Of fice Monday blamed Syrian army units-for sabotage of an oil pipe line, cutting off the flow of oil from Iraq to the Mediterranean. "In view of this. Her Majesty's government must hold the Syrian government directly responsible for these acts of sabotage and for causing the flow of oil to cease," a Foreign Office spokes man said. The Rritish government called upon Syria which is allied mili tarily to Egypt to act immedi ately to repair the damage and "to insure Ihe continued operation of Ihe pipeline." i The flow of oil from Iraqi fields ! put back into operation immedi- stopped over the weekend. The oil, aiy. is pumped through overland lines which pass over Syrian territory to the Mediterranean coastline of Lebanon. ' The Rritisn snokesman did not say what action the British might take if Syria falls to comply with the demand that the pipeline be CEVLON FAVORS PARLEY COLOMRO, Ceylon -Ceylon's government has told Indonesian Premier Ali Sastroamidjojo it will tnke part in a meeting of the five Colombo powers on the Middle East crisis if one Is called, a re liable source said here. EVACUEES NAPLES-BOUND Crete early Monday for Naples ATHENS lft-The United Stales carrying some 1,800 American, troopship Gen. Patch sailed from 1 evacuees from the Middle East, WALNUTS! Klorfain Pocking Co. Now Buying Walnuts and Wolnut Meats HIGHEST PRICES PAID CASH ON DELIVERY Klorfein Packing Co. Buyers of Filberts and Walnuts and Nut Meals Stensland Bros., New Owners 4fi0 North Front St, It's A Big Wide Wonderful Shopping Day Today in . ' Downtown Salem SHOP UNTIL 10 Acrti of Exciting Merchandise P.M. Is fhis the man you want representing you? Wayne Morse is now national vice-chairman of the ; Left-Wing ADA CTSfe. WHAT IS ADA? ADA's full name is "Americans for Democratic Action." It has been accurately described as "the left-wing of the lcft;wing Democrats." In addition to ADA's planks pictured above, it has launched scores of other left-wing proposals, including U. S. Economic Aid for Red China, U. S, sponsorship of a World Government; Federal Administrations for all Major River Valleys (Columbia, Missouri, New England, Arkansas, Ohio, etc.) "with full authority to plan and carry through Federal programs for public power, reclamation" etc. And added to these astounding proposals, ADA demands that the Federal Government set up and financed vast net work of new functions, essentially local in character and now siipportcd and performed by the stares themselves. Under this program a new, all-powerful bureaucracy would be created and we would be governed in many of our most important local affairs by these Washington bureaucrats, at an increased cost of tens of billions of dollars to the nation's taxpayers. Leading Democrats & Union Reect ADA Frightened and disgusted with ADA's wild programs, even many Democrat Leaders and Unions are deserting and dis claiming any connection with ADA. Among them are Adlai Stevenson, Democrat candidate for President; Democrat Governor Averill Harriman, of New York; Democrat Gov ernor Monncn Williams, of Michigan; the giant Steel workers' Union, which withdrew its sympathy and financial support from ADA in 1954; President Hoffman, of the National Upholsterers' Union, who in 1950 resigned from the National Board of ADA, blasting them especially for their stand on Ked China; Foster Furcolo, Democrat Candi date for Governor of Massachusetts, who in 1953, at an ADA state convention said "I say to you that you are undermining programs that arc good for America." And great numbers of Democrats running for office this year are pleading with ADA not to endorse them for election because of political damage to them from any public an nouncement of ADA support. Morse Says Nothing To Oregon Voters About Hli ADA Connections and Financial Support Morse knows that it would he bad political medicine for him if Oregon voters learned that he wears the ADA collar, so he tries to keep that part of his lift a deep, dark secret out here in Oregon. As Neuberger says "The advan tage of having the breadth of a vast continent separating hit spheres makes it possible for a man as nimble witted at Morse to carry off this Jekyll and Hyde performance." Morse's Strange Loyalty to ADA During the past six years Morse has clung tightly to ADA; He is now National Vice-Chairman and Executive Com mittee member of ADA. He has held these high positions for more than three years, having been re-elected this year. And in 1956, m its official newspaper, ADA rated Mors 100 in his support of ADA legislation. Is Reuther Morse's Conscience? Morse will probably claim that this unusual loyalty to ADA is compelled by his "conscience." But this time the facts indicate that Walter Reuther is his "conscience." Reuther, president of the powerful C.I.O. Auto Workers' Union, is also the real power-bchind-the-throne in ADA. He and Morse have risen together to the same official ADA rank, but Reuther holds the dominating power. Reuther was reared in a Socialist family, and went to Communist Russia for part of his political education. The Reuther A Morse Political Partnership This partnership has existed for many years. Morse gets very important financial support from this source, In th form of campaign funds, and also fees for "lectures" under Rcuther's auspices. In fact Reuther and ADA have been carrying on a joint effort to finance Morse's Oregon cam paign, through direct contributions and through a so-called "bazaar and auction" to raise more money for him. What Will Morse's Next "Flop" Be? Morse's next flop will probably be to a new "Reuther-ADA political party." At an ADA dinner in Washington, D. C, Morse declared that he saw "no chance for liberalism in the Republican party and very little in the Democratic party" . . i "This is the time to fight in the streets and on the houss tops. The battle of liberalism against reaction is now on, whether you know it or not." DO OREGON VOTERS WANT TO BE REPRESENTED IN THE U. S. SENATE BY A MAN WHO FOLLOWS THE ADA PARTY LINE 100 AND IS THE PARTNER OF THE SOCIALISTIC REUTHER? Give Oregon its say - VOTE FOR NlcKAY rld A4t. Itpublkan Ctfttrol Ce"lt1 Oftf, Wind Wyatt Chamon, 404 Cfrol tufldifig, Portland, Ortgo '